翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 I've just been to the library. 我去图书馆了。 I would advise you against purchasing shares of that company. 我劝你不要买那家公司的股票。 I wouldn't recommend the'Golden Duck'restaurant. 我劝你不要去金鸭饭店。 I wouldn't advise you to leave early. 我劝你不要太早就离开。 I would recommend you not to try those sleeping pills. 我劝你不要用那些安眠药片。 I would advise you to purchase stocks. 我劝你还是买股票好。 You would be well advised not to become involved. 我劝你最好不要牵扯进去。 I really must apologize. 我确实必须道歉。 I really must take issue with you there. 我确实不同意你的意见。 I really don't believe he's able to deal with this thorny problem. 我确实不相信他有能力处理这个棘手的问题。 I don't really think so, because the prices may come down. 我确实不这么想,因为价格也许会下跌。 I really don't know what to say. 我确实不知说什么。 I really don't know what to think about his suggestion. 我确实不知怎么考虑他的建议。 I really do have to correct you there. 我确实得纠正你错的地方。 I really haven't any views about it. 我确实对此没什么主张。 I'm really apprehensive for his safety. 我确实很担心他的安全。 I really fear for their health. 我确实很担心他们的健康。 I'm very well indeed, thank you. 我确实很好,谢谢您。 I should really love to become a ballet dancer. 我确实很想成为一名芭蕾舞演员。 I really desire to get a scholarship from that university. 我确实很想得到那所大学的奖学金。 I did realise many people would migrate to Australia. 我确实了解到许多人要移民去澳洲。 I don't really think you should go there alone. 我确实认为你不该独自去那儿。 I really think you ought to take his advice. 我确实认为你该接受他的劝告。 I really think you should eat less. 我确实认为你该少吃点。 I really think you'd do well to take the blue one. 我确实认为你还是买那个蓝色的好。 I really think it would be a pity if you didn't follow the doctor's advice. 我确实认为如果你不听从医生的劝告,会很可惜的。 I do think that he'll be forced to resign. 我确实认为他会被迫辞职的。 I do think he's a good boy. 我确实认为他是个好孩子。 I do think we'll have a marvelous time there. 我确实认为我们在那儿会玩得非常高兴。 I'm really very fond of collecting stamps. 我确实十分喜欢集邮。 I really love apples very much. 我确实十分喜欢苹果。 I really enjoy playing the piano. 我确实喜爱弹钢琴。 I really go for steak. 我确实喜欢吃牛排。 I really care for that dish. 我确实喜欢那道菜。 I do believe you'll get a promotion soon. 我确实相信你不久会晋升的。 I really believe that he'll be dismissed from school. 我确实相信他会被开除出校。 I do believe that I'll have the chance to go there. 我确实相信我会有机会去那儿的。 I really like your taste in music. 我确实赞赏你在音乐方面的品位。 I do know about the incident. 我确实知道这次事件。 I have no doubt that she's gone to Paris. 我确信她已去巴黎了。 I'm sure it's the cold-start device. 我确信毛病出在冷发动装置。 I'm quite sure that it'll rain tomorrow. 我确信明天会下雨。 That'll be great, I'm sure. 我确信那将非常好。 It'll be terrific, I believe. 我确信那将非常好。 That'll be splendid, I'm sure. 我确信那将很好。 I'm quite sure of your success. 我确信你会成功的。 You will get the position, I'm sure of it. 我确信你会得到这个职位的。 I'm sure you'll find the stolen money. 我确信你会找到被偷的钱的。 That is my conviction. 我确信如此。 I'm sure that he was once a soldier. 我确信他曾当过兵。 I feel quite confident that I will pass the exam. 我确信我会通过考试。 I do believe I'll enjoy myself at the dance party. 我确信我会在舞会上玩得十分愉快。 I'm sure it'll be all right. 我确信一切会好的。 I'm sure that you will succeed in your experiment one day. 我确信有一天你的实验会成功的。 You will go somewhere in the near future, I'm sure. 我确信在不久的将来你会有所发展。 I'm sure things will turn out all right in the end. 我确信最终一切都会好的。 I leave it up to you. 我让你自己决定。 I leave the decision in your hands. 我让您决定了。 I leave it to you to make the final decision, postpone the trip or cancel it? 我让您做最后的决定,旅行延期还是取消? I can't stand summer weather. 我忍受不了夏天的天气。 I was mistaken. 我认错人了。 I don't think so. 我认为不对。 I think the loan must be repaid within a three-year period. 我认为贷款必须在三年内偿还。 I think fishing is more relaxing than playing golf. 我认为钓鱼比打高尔夫球更使人放松舒坦。 I don't think there can be any doubt as to its occurrence. 我认为毫无疑问它会发生的。 I assume she is innocent. 我认为她是无辜的。 I think it ridiculous to lend them so much money. 我认为借这么多钱给他们是荒唐可笑的。 I don't think the heat will be relieved before September. 我认为九月之前暑热不会缓解。 In my opinion, air pollution is unavoidable in modern cities. 我认为空气污染在现代城市是不可避免的。 I think there're too many social problems nowadays. 我认为目前存在着太多的社会问题。 I think South Island has the edge over North Island. 我认为南岛比北岛好一点。 I feel capable. 我认为能行。 I think you must keep up your courage. 我认为你必须鼓足勇气。 I don't think you ought to do it. 我认为你不该做这件事。 I don't think you should lose your heart. 我认为你不应失去信心。 I think it's shocking the way you handle the affair. 我认为你处理那件事的方式令人震惊。 I think the way you deal with the matter is absolutely marvelous. 我认为你处理这件事的方法非常绝妙。 I think you have very attractive children. 我认为你的孩子们很逗人喜欢。 I think the information you have must be incorrect. 我认为你的信息一定是错了。 I think you should see a doctor. 我认为你该去看医生。 I don't think you'll fail in the exam. 我认为你考试不会不及格的。 I take it you are not opposed to it. 我认为你是不会反对的。 I think what you said is true. 我认为你说的全是实话。 I think you deserve the highest praise. 我认为你应该得到最高的赞扬。 I think you should keep up your courage. 我认为你应该鼓足自己的勇气。 I don't think it's proper for you to behave so. 我认为你这种举止不合体统。 I think your suggestion is acceptable. 我认为您的建议是可取的。 I don't find snakes very interesting, actually. 我认为蛇的确不太有趣。 I think the experiment will turn out successful. 我认为实验会取得成功的。 I don't consider his new novel to be more exciting than his first one. 我认为他的新小说比不上他的第一部小说精彩。 I expect he will pass the exam. 我认为他会通过考试。 I think that he'll lose the campaign. 我认为他竞选要失败的。 I don't think he'll fail in the exam. 我认为他考试不会不及格。 I doubt what he said is true. 我认为他说的未必是真的。 Am I right in thinking he is guiltless? 我认为他无罪,对吗? I think he's a good dancer. 我认为他舞跳得不错。 I feel capable of repairing this motorcycle. 我认为我会修这辆摩托车。 I think I have the necessary qualifications. 我认为我具有必需的条件。 I don't think we should do so. 我认为我们不应这么做。 I think we can rule out the possibility of objection to us. 我认为我们可以排除有人反对我们的可能性。 I think we can give it our complete approval. 我认为我们可以完成赞同。 I think we should arm airline crew. 我认为我们应该把飞机机组人员武装起来。 I think we should invoke the penalty clause in the contract. 我认为我们应该在合同中加进罚款一条。 I think we should deal with this problem as soon as possible. 我认为我们应尽快处理这个问题。 I feel it is necessary for us to cancel the meeting. 我认为我们有必要取消会议。 I think the film we saw last night is very interesting. 我认为我们昨晚看的那场电影十分有趣。 I'd say I was capable of doing that. 我认为我能做这件事。 I'd say I was capable. 我认为我行。 I think I should point out that is not correct. 我认为我应该指出那是不对的。 I think I should point out it is incorrect. 我认为我应该指出这是错的。 I think I have the experience of running a factory. 我认为我有管理工厂的经验。 I'd say I was able to deal with this situation. 我认为我有能力应付这种局面。 I thought the actress who played the role of Tess was super. 我认为演苔丝的那位演员棒极了。 I think compulsory education is obligatory. 我认为义务教育制是必须履行的。 I think we're very much in agreement on this. 我认为在这一点上我们的意见很一致。 I think baby-sitting is really awful. 我认为照顾孩子实在讨厌。 I don't think it's very nice. 我认为这并不太好。 I don't think that's right. 我认为这不对。 I don't think it's right. 我认为这不对。 I think it's incredible. 我认为这不可信。 I think that's unbelievable. 我认为这不可信。 I think it'd be a fantastic idea to have a spring outing this weekend. 我认为这个周末出去春游真是个绝妙的主意。 I find it hard to believe. 我认为这很难让人相信。 I think it's hard to believe. 我认为这很难让人相信。 I don't expect that shop will close at such an early time. 我认为这家商店不会这么早就关门。 I think it fits nicely. 我认为这件很合身。 I think that's quite pretty, don't you think? 我认为这件很漂亮,你说呢? I consider that quite out of the question. 我认为这绝不可能。 I don't think the boy's stupid. 我认为这男孩不笨。 I think it is compulsory. 我认为这是非做不可的。 I think it is a love story or something like that. 我认为这是个爱情故事或是这一类的故事。 I think it's meant to be hard to understand. 我认为这是故意说得难一点,让我们听不懂。 I think it is believable. 我认为这是可信的。 I think that's the proper course to take. 我认为这是应采取的正当步骤。 It seems very boring, I think. 我认为这似乎很令人讨厌。 I think the settings for this musical comedy are good. 我认为这些布景对于这出音乐喜剧来说是好的。 I consider it to be greatly inferior to that of the eighteenth century. 我认为这要比十八世纪的大大落后。 I do think that's marvelous. 我认为这真是美极了。 I think the business has been going down all winter. 我认为整个冬天生意一直在走下坡路。 I still have an element of doubt about its feasibility. 我仍然不能肯定其可行性。 How can I tell which fish are the best? 我如何辨别哪些鱼是最好的呢? Mustn't I be late for class? 我上课不准迟到吗? I'm out of breath. 我上气不接下气。 I imagine I'll do some work instead of going to the movies. 我设想我将做点什么事而不去看电影。 I do apologize. 我十分抱歉。 I'm quite sure of the fact that you will carry off the First Prize. 我十分肯定你会获得一等奖的。 I'm quite sure that they'll turn down our plan. 我十分确信他们会否定我们的计划的。 I'm absolutely sure I'll get some tickets for the concert. 我十分确信我会弄到一些音乐会的票。 You will certainly get a promotion, I am confident about it. 我十分确信这一点,你一定会被提升的。 I'm very fond of pop music. 我十分喜欢流行音乐。 I like this piece of music very much. 我十分喜欢这支舞曲。 When shall I come again? 我什么时候再来? Nothing for me is turning out right. 我什么事都不顺利。 I have alternately been shivering with cold and burning with heat. 我时而冷得发抖,时而又热得像火烧。 I can't possibly let you do it. 我实在不能让你这么做。 There's really nothing I can do to help you. 我实在是没办法帮你。 I really hate being kept waiting. 我实在讨厌让我等着。 I felt so ashamed of you. 我实在为你感到羞耻。 Should I take a bus? 我是不是该乘车去? Am I supposed to have dinner with her? 我是不是要和她一起吃午饭? Am I under any obligation to fill in this form? 我是不是有义务填这张表格? I'm from out of town. 我是从城外来的。 David. 我是大卫。 I'd love to very much, but honestly, I can't. 我是非常想的,不过说实话,我没法去。 Do I have to rewrite it? 我是否得重写一遍? Should I hand in my exercise book tomorrow? 我是否该明天交作业? May I be of any assistance? 我是否可以帮点忙? Am I allowed to help you? 我是否可以帮助您? Can I get one thing clear? 我是否可以申明一件事? Could I ask for your reaction to the project? 我是否可以问一下你对该工程的意见? I wonder if I can change my itinerary. 我是否能改变行程? I wonder if I could have a dance with you. 我是否能和您跳一支舞。 Have I made a mess of them? 我是否弄得一团糟了? I'm a film fan. 我是个电影迷。 What an unfortunate man I am! 我是个多么不幸的人啊! I'm a partygoer. 我是个聚会迷。 I am an engineer. 我是工程师。 I am a transit passenger. 我是过境旅客。 I've come to pick a bone with you. 我是来和你评理的。 I am here for sightseeing. 我是来这观光的。 I just arrived two days ago. 我是两天前才到的。 I'd have done just the same in your position. 我是你的话,我也会做过这种事的。 I'm Mary from housekeeping. 我是清洁部的玛莉。 I'm Mr Smith's next door neighbor. 我是史密斯先生的邻居。 I'm an American by birth. 我是土生的美国人。 I'm a chain smoker. 我是烟鬼。 I'm a student. 我是一个学生。 I am married. 我是已婚的。 I'd like to, but I can't afford the money. 我是愿意的,但我没钱。 Where am I on this city map? 我是在这地图上的哪里? I suspect so. 我是这样怀疑的。 So I hear. 我是这样听说的。 I am Chinese. 我是中国人。 I'm the youngest. 我是最小的。 I can't stand his rude behavior. 我受不了他的无礼行为。 I can't stick the TV program. 我受不了这些电视节目。 I said, "Do you want some tickets for the Folk Art Festival?" 我说,"你是否想要民间艺术节的票?" I say, do you know, David, why Peter quitted his new job? 我说,大卫,你是否知道彼得为什么辞掉了他的新工作? I say, waiter, the soup is too salty. 我说,服务员,这汤太咸了。 I say, I like your brooch. 我说,我真喜欢你的胸针。 What I said was, it's a terrific view. 我说,这里的风景真美。 I can't tell you how sorry I am. 我说不出我有多么抱歉。 I can't say how pleased I am. 我说不出有多高兴。 I can't say drinking appeals to me very much. 我说不上喝酒使我很感兴趣。 I can't say I find the book fascinating. 我说不上这书有什么吸引力。 I can't say the news concerns me a great deal. 我说不上这消息与我有多大关系。 I couldn't decide whether she was joking or not. 我说不准她是不是在开玩笑。 Am I right? 我说得对吗? That's clear, isn't it? 我说得是否明白? I'd say you're about twenty-three. 我说你大概二十三岁。 May I say how elegant you look! 我说你看上去真是幽雅极了。 He'll be thrilled, I say. 我说呀,他会兴奋的。 A most rewarding experience, I must say. 我说真是值得。 I don't believe a bit that they'll pass the exam. 我丝毫不相信他们会通过考试。 I seem to feel an intense fear of my father's falling health. 我似乎很为我父亲日渐衰弱的身体担心。 I seem to remember I lent him my dictionary. 我似乎记得我把字典借给他了。 I can't seem to bring to mind her address. 我似乎想不起她的地址了。 I seem to have forgotten the date. 我似乎已忘记了那个日期。 I seem to have forgotten. 我似乎已忘了。 I can't work out how much time it'll take me. 我算不出这会花去我多少时间。 I'm not much of an athlete, but I enjoy watching sports show. 我算不得一个运动员,但我喜欢观看表演。 Much as I should like to, I'm afraid I won't be free this weekend. 我虽然很想去,但恐怕这周么我没有空。 I'm prepared to submit to your decision. 我随时准备听从您的决定。 I'm ready to submit to your order. 我随时准备听从您的命令。 What I can remember is three boys entered the room at that time. 我所记得的是那时有三个男孩进屋了。 All I'm trying to say is, I love you. 我所说的这一切就是,我爱你。 That's what I've heard. 我所听说的就是这样。 What I need is a job. 我所需要的是工作。 All my suits are dirty. I don't have anything to wear. 我所有的西装都是脏的。我没有什么可穿的了。 How clumsy of me to step on your foot. 我太笨拙了,踩着你的脚。 I was very much disappointed. 我太失望了。 I'm mad about ice-cream. 我太喜欢吃冰淇淋了。 I especially dislike jazz music. 我特别不喜欢爵士音乐。 I have a particular dislike of milk. 我特别不喜欢牛奶。 I have a particular fondness for reading. 我特别喜爱看书。 I have a particular fondness for sweets. 我特别喜欢吃甜食。 I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular. 我特别喜欢雏菊和矢车菊。 Shall I propose a toast to the health of our teacher? 我提议为我们老师的健康干杯好吗? I move that we accept these terms. 我提议我们接受这些条件。 I am paying for everybody. 我替大家付帐。 I hear the local brew is good, do you have any? 我听说本地酿制的酒好,你们有吗? I was told it leaves at 12:00. Is that right, please? 我听说车子 12:00 开,对吗? I've heard a strong earthquake hit the island at 11:23 local time. 我听说当地时间 11:23 岛屿遭到了强烈地震。 I hear she's been dismissed. 我听说她被解雇了。 I hear that your sweet and sour pork is very good. 我听说你们的糖醋肉很好。 I hear it's going to be a new play. 我听说是一出新戏。 I've heard that he was involved in a scandal with his secretary at his office. 我听说他和他办公室的秘书牵扯进一件丑闻中。 I heard that they lost 300 dollars on their way to the bank. 我听说他们在去银行的路上丢了 300 美元。 I was resigned to my fate. 我听天由命了。 I'm listening! 我听着呢! I'm pretty good at playing chess. 我挺擅长下棋的。 I feel generally run-down, tired all the time. 我通常感到乏力,并且总是感到累。 I usually watch the news program. 我通常看新闻节目。 I would usually choose apples in preference to pears. 我通常愿意选择苹果,其次才是梨。 I would usually choose living in a small town in preference to living in a big city. 我通常愿意选择生活在小城镇,其次才是大城市。 All right to talk to the manager? 我同经理谈话行吗? I'm with you there. 我同意。 I agree. 我同意。 I'd go along with most of that, but who will carry it out? 我同意大部分内容,但谁来执行呢? I'll take you up on that. 我同意接受你的邀请。 I am on! 我同意了! I'd like to endorse your opinion. 我同意你的观点。 I agree with much of what you said. 我同意你说的大部分内容。 I'd go along with you with that. 我同意你这观点。 I would like to endorse his application. 我同意他的申请。 I gather everyone has passed the exam. 我推测人人都通过考试了。 I have no recollection at all of my school days. 我完全记不起我的学生时代了。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司