翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 All the passengers, I presume, have been notified of the delay. 我想所有的旅客都已被告知误点的消息。 I should guess his age at 30. 我想他的年龄在三十岁左右。 I think he understands what you feel. 我想他理解你的心情。 I think they must have left in the early morning. 我想他们肯定一大早就走了。 They should get to the cinema by now, I think. 我想他们现在已到达电影院了。 I assumed him able to read. 我想他能阅读。 I should judge him to be over 30. 我想他已过了三十岁。 I should like to make a suggestion. 我想提个建议。 I'd like to remind you that there's a meeting tomorrow. 我想提醒你明天有个会议。 I'd like to remind you about your appointment tomorrow morning. 我想提醒你明早你有个约会。 I'd like to remind you now we are talking about our opponents. 我想提醒你我们现在正在讨论我们的对手。 I'd like to remind you the rent is due. 我想提醒您房租已到期了。 I should like to propose a toast to your parents. 我想提议为您的父母干杯。 I'd like to dance till tomorrow morning. 我想跳个通宵。 I should like to ask for your advice. 我想听听你的忠告。 I can agree with you more, but we can't afford the money. 我想同意你的观点,但我们不能负担这笔钱。 I'd like to recommend a good doctor. 我想推荐一位好医生。 I would like to do some snorkeling. 我想玩一下有装备的潜水。 I want to buy a present for her birthday. 我想为她的生日买件礼物。 I'd like some advice on my article. 我想为我的论文征求一些意见。 I want to choose some books and reference material for my research work. 我想为我的研究工作选一些书和参考资料。 I was wondering if you were doing anything on Saturday afternoon? 我想问你周六下午有空吗? I was wondering if you'd have a room available for the four of us. 我想问问你们是否有供我们四人住的房间。 I wonder what has happened to the cable I sent to New York yesterday. 我想问一下昨天我发往纽约的电报是否出什么事啦。 I think I'll certainly pass the exam. 我想我必定会通过考试的。 I don't reckon I'll quit the job. 我想我不打算放弃这份工作。 I don't think I will, but thank you all the same. 我想我不会,不过还是要谢谢你。 I wouldn't say I was able to operate a computer. 我想我不会操作电脑。 I don't reckon I can play bridge. 我想我不会打桥牌。 I don't think I'll give up the experiment. 我想我不会放弃这个实验。 I don't think I'm going to take the job. 我想我不会接受这份工作的。 I don't think I'll let Mary do it. 我想我不会让玛莉这样做。 I don't think I can manage. 我想我不能办到。 I don't figure I'll apply for this position. 我想我不准备申请这个职位。 I don't think I've ever seen anything I dislike more. 我想我从来没见过比这更讨厌的了。 I think it's about time I made a move. 我想我得告辞了。 I suppose I've got to hand in the money now. 我想我得现在交钱。 I think I'm quite interested in secretarial job. 我想我对秘书工作很感兴趣。 I would find it difficult to accept your suggestion. 我想我很难接受您的建议。 I would find it difficult to recommend this program. 我想我很难推荐这个建议。 I don't think I've seen anything I like better. 我想我还没见过我更喜欢的东西呢。 I think I'll meet the writer. 我想我会见这位作家。 I don't think I'll pass the exam. 我想我考试不会及格。 I don't think I have the ability to edit a newspaper. 我想我没有能力编辑一份报纸。 I don't think we should tell Mike about the surprise party for George. 我想我们不该把为乔治举行惊喜聚会的事告诉迈克。 I don't think so. How do you do? 我想我们不认识。您好吗? I think we have met before, haven't we? 我想我们见过面,对吗? I think we have met before. 我想我们见过面。 I think we can get there on time if there are no hold-ups. 我想我们能按时赶到,如果没有交通阻塞的话。 I think we've made reservations. Have you fixed them? 我想我们已预定了房间,你们准备好了吧? I don't think we've met before. 我想我们以前没有见过面。 I think we ought to move on to the next item. 我想我们应该讨论下一议题。 I figure I'll go to the concert with my parents tomorrow night. 我想我明晚将和父母一起去听音乐会。 I think I can. 我想我能的。 I think I can manage. 我想我能设法办到的。 I reckon I can do it. 我想我能做这事。 I should think I heard some noise from above. 我想我听到楼上有些声音。 I think I am having a heart attack. 我想我心脏病发作了。 I think I'll wear my yellow dress to the party. 我想我要穿我那件黄色的衣服去参加聚会。 I reckon I'll clean my bedroom. 我想我要打扫我的卧室。 I think I'd accept your opinion. 我想我愿意接受你的意见。 I'd like to have a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first. 我想先点一个虾仁杯和一个番茄红肠汤。 I think I'll leave now. 我想现在该走了。 I'd like to sit out for a while. 我想歇一会儿。 I'd like to invite you to attend our graduation ceremony. 我想邀请你参加我们的毕业典礼。 I want to have a few people over for a dinner party to celebrate finishing my dissertation. 我想邀请一些朋友过来聚聚,庆祝我完成了学位论文。 I think I'll have a cup of tea. 我想要杯茶。 I'd like to check the present balance in my check account. 我想要查查看目前我支票存款的余额。 I'd like to take the first available flight. 我想要搭第一个有座位的班次。 I would like a short-sleeved cotton shirt. 我想要件短袖的棉衬衫。 I'd like to open a check account. 我想要开一个支票存款帐户。 I think I'll take the seat near the window. 我想要靠近窗边的坐位。 I'd like to have two double rooms, please. 我想要两个双人房间。 I'd like it around 300 dollars. 我想要三百美元左右。 I'd like 500 dollars' worth of traveler's checks. 我想要五百美金金额的旅行支票。 I'd like some traveler's checks, please. 我想要些旅行支票。 I'd love some. 我想要一点。 I want a job in a primary school. 我想要一份小学里的工作。 I'd like to have a single room with a private bath. 我想要一间附个人浴室的单人房。 I would prefer a car with an automatic transmission. 我想要一辆自动换档的车。 I want to get a carton of "Camel". 我想要一条"骆驼"牌。 I want a first-class open return. 我想要一张回程不定期的头等往返票。 I'd like a full refund or new checks for the lost checks. 我想要遗失支票的全部退款或新支票。 I mean to support him. 我想要支持他。 I want something for athlete's foot. 我想要治香港脚的药。 I think I ought to apologize, not you. 我想应该是我向你道歉,而不是你。 I would have thought so. 我想应该是这样。 I guess I'd say I can deal with all kinds of people. 我想应该说我可以和各种各样的人打交道。 There ought to be enough textbook, I think. 我想应该有足够的教科书。 I want to have message sent in the cheapest way. 我想用最便宜的方法拍发我的电报。 We want to see all the places of interest around here. 我想游览这儿所有的名胜。 I think so. It's by the basin. 我想有的,在洗脸盆边。 I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. 我想与各位道别了。 I would like to make reservations for three to Chicago. 我想预订到芝加哥的三个位子。 I'd like to reserve two seats for the movie tonight. 我想预订两张今晚的电影票。 I'd like to make a reservation to Hong Kong on the 3rd. 我想预订三号到香港的航班。 I want to make an airline reservation. 我想预订一张机票。 I wish to reserve a court. 我想预定网球场。 I'd like to make an appointment with the Dean. 我想约见教务长。 I'd like to reconfirm my reservation to Geneva. 我想再次确认到日内瓦的订位。 I'd like to venture one more point. 我想再提一点。 I want to learn another foreign language, and a... a musical instrument. 我想再学一门外语,还有......要再学一种乐器。 I'd prefer it a bit earlier. 我想再早一点。 I think it very unpleasant having to take a bus during the peak hour. 我想在高峰时间坐公共汽车是很不愉快的。 I would like to reserve a roomette on this train. 我想在火车上预订一间套房。 I think there's one opposite the police station. 我想在警察局对面就有一家。 I don't think you can buy one in that shop. 我想在那家商店你买不到这件东西。 I want to pay 500 dollars into my current account. 我想在我的活期存款中存入五百美元。 I'd like to deposit 500 dollars in my account. 我想在我的帐户存五百美元。 I'd like to work as a nurse in a modern hospital. 我想在一家现代化医院中做一名护士。 May I send a telegram here? 我想在这里发份电报,行吗? It's a good idea, I think, but it may not be feasible. 我想这倒是个好主意。不过也许行不通。 I don't think that's a bad idea at all. 我想这根本不是个坏主意。 I suppose it depends on your point of view. 我想这要看你的观点了。 I'd like to know some more about it. 我想知道更多这方面的情况。 I'd like to know the rate for the US dollars. 我想知道美元的兑换率。 I'd like to know if you need a part-time secretary. 我想知道你们是不是需要兼职的秘书。 I want to know which is the quickest way of getting to Singapore. 我想知道去新加坡的最快路线。 I want to know the schedule. 我想知道日程的安排。 I'd like to know something about computers. 我想知道一些电脑的知识。 I'd like to know how to operate this machine. 我想知道怎么使用这机器。 I'd like to know something about it. 我想知道这件事的一些情况。 I should be interested to know the truth. 我想知道真相。 I'd like to point out this problem requires immediate attention. 我想指出这个问题必须马上处理。 I think the local team is going to lose. 我想主队要输了。 I'd like to introduce myself. 我想自我介绍一下。 I would like to rent a compact car for five days. 我想租辆小型轿车,租五天。 I want to go first class, and I'd prefer the night. 我想坐头等舱,最好是夜班轮。 I give you my words for it. 我向你保证。 I offer you my deepest sympathy. 我向你表示最深切的同情。 I've got a bit of apology to make, you see I spilled coffee on the table-cloth. 我向你道歉,我把咖啡洒到桌布上了。 I do sympathize, I assure you. 我向您保证,我确实很同情。 I assure you that your son will come back safe. 我向您保证您的儿子会安全回来的。 I'm full of the joys of spring. 我心理充满了青春的欢乐。 I quite enjoy Cindy's acting. 我欣赏辛迪的表演。 I'm capable. 我行的。 I need a better lens. 我需要个好一点的镜头。 I need to know more about it, then I can decide. 我需要了解更多的情况,然后我才能决定。 I need to buy a wetsuit. 我需要买一件潜水衣。 I need to buy a small transistor radio. 我需要买一台小的半导体收音机。 I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。 I need a pair of comfortable walking shoes. 我需要双舒服的休闲鞋。 Do I need a reservation? 我需要先订位吗? Do I need to reserve a hotel room now? 我需要现在预订一间旅馆房间吗? I need a needle and some thread to mend this shirt with. 我需要一根针和一些线缝补这件衬衫。 Need I go there alone? 我需要一人去那儿吗? I need a tennis outfit and tennis shoes. 我需要一套网球装和网球鞋。 I need medical attention, now! 我需要医护,现在就要! I need some scented deodorant. 我需要有香味的除体臭剂。 I declare the motion was carried by a majority of eight to one. 我宣布此项动议以八比一的多数获得通过。 I need to change my reservation to the same flight next week. 我要把订位改到一星期后的同一班飞机。 Am I obliged to work out a project? 我要不要制定出一个方案来? I would like to have this roll of film developed. 我要冲洗这卷底片。 I'd like a martini very dry. 我要纯的马丁尼酒。 I'll have Scotch straight up. 我要纯苏格兰威士忌酒。 What shall I bring? 我要带点什么东西吗? Where can I rent a surfboard? 我要到哪里去租冲浪板? How long shall I wait for it? 我要等多久呢? I'll tell you something, but don't let it on to anybody that I tell you. 我要告诉你一些事,不过别让别人知道是我告诉你的。 I'll tell you something, but it's just between you and me. 我要告诉你一些事,但是只能你我知道。 Shall I buy tickets for my children? 我要给小孩买票吗? I'll teach you to make a fool of me. 我要好好教训你,看你还敢愚弄我。 I will trim the back, but leave it long on the sides, OK? 我要后面修一修,两边留长一些,好吗? Do I have to change buses? 我要换车吗? I'm going home. 我要回家。 I need to borrow some money. 我要借些钱。 I'll make an effort to stop smoking. 我要尽力戒烟。 I want to fly economy class. 我要经济舱。 I'll see if I can keep it as hand baggage. 我要看看能否把它作为手提行李带在身边。 I'll be a bit late. 我要来得晚一些。 I want two tickets for today's matinee. 我要两张今天日场的票。 I'd like to purchase a round-trip ticket to Paris. 我要买一张到巴黎的来回票。 I want you to redo this exercise. 我要你把这练习重做。 I want you to write the entire text on a sheet of paper and hand it in at the end of class. 我要你把整篇课文写在一张纸上并在上课结束时交上来。 I want you to come early. 我要你早点来。 I want to take six inches. 我要拍六寸的。 I wish to complain in the strongest terms about the service in this hotel. 我要强烈抗议这家饭店的服务品质。 I want to go to Park Street. 我要去派克大街。 I want to go to the Hilton Hotel. 我要去希尔顿饭店。 I'll have sandwich and lemon tea. 我要三明治和柠檬茶。 I wish I didn't come to see the movie. 我要是不来看这场电影就好了。 I wish I had gone to Paris with her. 我要是和他一起去了巴黎就好了。 I wish I had gone there with him. 我要是和他一起去那里就好了。 I wish I hadn't come here. 我要是没来过这儿该多好。 If only I hadn't left there so early. 我要是没那么早地离开那儿有多好。 It would be better if I knew it. 我要是知道它就好了。 Let me get off. 我要下车。 I'm getting off. You can have my seat. 我要下车了。你可以坐我的座位。 I will have to wet your hair first. 我要先把您的头发弄湿。 I want to apologize. Is there anything I can do? 我要向你道歉,有什么事我能做的? Should I request a transfer from the bus driver? 我要向司机要换车证吗? I want to pack of "Lucky". 我要一包"幸运"牌。 I'd like to have a pack of cigarettes. 我要一包香烟。 I want a bottle of cod liver oil. 我要一瓶鱼肝油。 Can I have a first class berth on special express to Paris? 我要一张到巴黎的特快列车头等卧铺票。 Shall I countersign this traveler's check? 我要在这张旅行支票做第二次签字吗? I want to have my photograph taken. 我要照一张相片。 I like one taking from sitting, half-length. 我要照一张坐着的半身像。 I wish I knew. 我要知道就好了。 Chinese food, please. 我要中餐。 I want the quietest and most private corner. 我要最安静,最不受干扰的角落。 I'd like something challenging. 我要做些有挑战性的工作。 I would like a casual hairdo for sightseeing. 我要做一个适于观光的临时发型。 I don't have a phonograph, either. 我也没有唱机。 I so move. 我也如此提议。 I wish you the same! 我也同样祝福你! I like the color, too. It matches your hat. 我也喜欢这颜色,它很配你的帽子。 I also would like some hair oil, but not too greasy. 我也想买些发油,但不要太油的。 I also would like an air tank, please. 我也要个氧气桶。 So do I. 我也一样。 I felt the same way about it. 我也有同感。 So I'm told. 我也这样听说了。 So I gather. 我也这样推测。 I have a pain in my side. 我腋下痛。 How many books can I borrow at a time? 我一次能借多少本书? I don't believe a bit of it that you'll lose the game. 我一点儿都不相信你会输掉这场比赛。 I have got no idea. 我一点儿都不知道。 I don't in the least have the ability to do the job well. 我一点儿也不具备做好这项工作的能力。 I haven't the least faith in what she said. 我一点儿也不相信她说的话。 I haven't the foggiest idea. 我一点儿也不知道。 I haven't got a clue about computers. 我一点儿也不知道电脑。 I haven't got the faintest idea about her divorce. 我一点儿也不知道她离婚的事。 I haven't got a clue how to operate the machine. 我一点儿也不知道如何使用这部机器。 I haven't a clue about who did it. 我一点儿也不知道是谁做的。 I don't feel a bit happy. 我一点也不觉得快乐。 I'm not at all satisfied. 我一点也不满意。 I don't believe a word of it. 我一点也不相信。 I'm not at all convinced about his honesty. 我一点也不相信他是诚实的。 I'm no good. 我一点也不行。 I don't mind at all, just as you like. 我一点也不在乎,随你的便。 I must express my admiration for your cooking skills. 我一定得表达我对你烹调技术的敬慕。 I must just remind you to close the door. 我一定得提醒您把门关上。 Have I got to? 我一定得这样吗? I'm sure I will. 我一定会的。 I'm bound to lose the game. 我一定会输的。 I must have tired myself out. 我一定是过于劳累了。 I must have overworked myself. 我一定是过于劳累了。 I must be getting old. 我一定是老了。 I must congratulate you on your Yorkshire puddings. 我一定要祝贺你做的这道约克郡布丁。 I was strong once, but now I'm very feeble. 我一度很健壮,不过现在我很虚弱。 I'm hopeless. 我一窍不通。 I've spoken English all my life. 我一生都讲英文。 I've always liked hunting. 我一向都喜欢打猎。 I've always enjoyed playing the piano. 我一向喜爱弹钢琴。 I've always liked hunting. 我一向喜欢打猎。 I've been looking forward to seeing the movie. 我一直都在盼望看这场电影。 I've been longing to go to the concert. 我一直都在盼望去听这场音乐会。 I've been anticipating an exciting Christmas. 我一直盼望着过一个令人兴奋的圣诞节。 I always doubt so. 我一直是这么怀疑的。 I've been hoping to find a job concerning public relationships. 我一直希望找一份公共关系方面的工作。 I've given up my job there. 我已辞去那儿的工作了。 I haven't heard from my parents for a long time. 我已好久没收到父母的来信了。 I haven't gone to the English Corner for some time. 我已很久没有去英语角了。 I've already read that book. 我已经读过那本书了。 It has been a long time since I last saw my good friend. 我已经好久没见到我的好朋友了。 I've already developed the photos for you. 我已经替你冲洗出照片了。 I'm tired of it, the same old story. 我已经听腻了,老套。 I've forgotten what he said his address was. 我已经忘记他所说他的住址是什么了。 I've decided not to tell her the bad news. 我已决定不告诉她这个坏消息。 I've decided against buying this villa. 我已决定不买这幢别墅了。 I've made a decision to take part in the discussion. 我已决定参加这次讨论。 I'm fixed on going abroad for further study. 我已决定出国深造。 I've made a decision to resign. 我已决定辞职。 I've made up my mind to change my plan. 我已决定改变我的计划。 I've made a decision that I'll join them. 我已决定和他们一起去。 I've made up my mind to leave him. 我已决定离开他。 I've set my mind on the plan. 我已决定了这一计划。 I've determined on spending my holiday in the States. 我已决定去美国度假。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司