翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 engage in malpractices 营私舞弊 jobbery 营私舞弊 disharmony between Ying and Wei 营卫不和 nutrient 营养 nutrition 营养 vegetative DNA 营养DNA nutritive ratio 营养比 nutritive ratio 营养比率 dystrophy 营养不良 kakotrophy 营养不良 malnutrition 营养不良 dystrophic 营养不良的 malnutritional amenorrhea 营养不良性闭经 athrepsia 营养不足 athrepsy 营养不足 hypotrophy 营养不足 inanition 营养不足 oligotrophy 营养不足 undernutrition 营养不足 nutritive layer 营养层 trophic level 营养层次 nutritive enrichment 营养处理 nutritive treatment 营养处理 alimentary 营养的 alimentative 营养的 nutrient 营养的 trophic 营养的 vegetative 营养的 trophodynamics 营养动力学 trophogenic 营养发生的 vegetative propagation 营养体繁殖 vegetative multiplication 营养繁殖 planting stock 营养繁殖苗 planting stock by vegetative propagation 营养繁殖苗 tropholytic 营养分解层的 gastrozooid 营养个员 trophozooid 营养个员 nutritive root 营养根 trophobiosis 营养共生 oligotrophy 营养过少 nutrient depletion 营养盐耗竭 vegetative nucleus 营养核 nutrient chemistry 营养化学 nutritional chemistry 营养化学 sitological chemistry 营养化学 trophic level 营养级 nutritional agents 营养剂 trophic value 营养价值 vegetative grafting 营养嫁接 trophallaxis 营养交换 vegetative phase 营养阶段 trophic structure 营养结构 vegetative mycelium 营养菌丝体 nutrition science 营养科学 nutritional science 营养科学 nutritive cube 营养块 trophotaeniae 营养联系带 critical period of nutrition 营养临界期 nutritive ratio 营养率 container for plant growth 营养苗钵 gastroblast 营养胚 nutritional quality 营养品质 vegetative phage 营养期噬菌体 vegetative organ 营养器官 nutrient agar 营养琼脂 nutrient agar 营养琼脂培养基 nutrition deficiency 营养缺乏 deficiency disease 营养缺乏病 auxotroph 营养缺陷生物 auxotroph 营养缺陷体 auxotrophy 营养缺陷现象 nutrient broth 营养肉汤 trophoneurosis 营养神经官能病 nutritional physiology 营养生理学 physiology of nutrition 营养生理学 biochemistry of nutrition 营养生物化学 nutritional biochemistry 营养生物化学 vegetative period 营养生长期 vegetative reproduction 营养生殖 nutritional disordor 营养失调 restorative 营养食品 nutritive chamber 营养室 nutrition level 营养水平 nutrients 营养素 vegetative state 营养态 trophosome 营养体 vegetative replication 营养体复制 vegetation 营养体 vegetative 营养体生殖的 nutrition statistics 营养统计 auxotrophic mutant 营养突变体 auxotrophic mutant 营养突变型 vegetative map 营养图谱 nutritious cup nursery 营养土杯育苗 nutrition hygiene 营养卫生 nutrition hygienics 营养卫生学 nutrition 营养物 nutrition substance 营养物质 nurse cell 营养细胞 nutrient cell 营养细胞 trophocyte 营养细胞 vegetative cell 营养细胞 trophotropism 营养向性 alimentary castration 营养性不育 nutritial castration 营养性不育 nutritional hypochromic anemia 营养性低色性贫血 alimentary anemia 营养性贫血 nutritional anemia 营养性贫血 nutritional edema 营养性水肿 nutritive additive 营养性添加剂 alimentology 营养学 nutriology 营养学 trophology 营养学 nutrient vessel 营养血管 vasa vasorum 营养血管 nutrient salt 营养盐 foliage leaf 营养叶 trophophyll 营养叶 trophyll 营养叶 nutrient solution 营养液 hydroponics 营养液栽培法 trophogeny 营养异级 foliage pinna 营养羽片 vegetative hybrid 营养体杂交 nutrient hybrid 营养杂种 vegetative reproduction 营养增殖 dystrophy 营养障碍 athrepsology 营养障碍学 nutrition diagnosis 营养诊断 vegetative shoot 营养枝 nutritious paper bag nursery 营养纸袋育苗 trophonemata 营养指 nutritive index 营养指标 trophoplast 营养质体 trophozoite 营养子 maximum efficiency stage of nutrition 营养最大效应期 business operation 营业 security of business 营业保证金 operating report 营业报表 operating report 营业报告 business instincts 营业本能 operating ratio 营业比率 operational standard cost 营业标准成本 operating statement 营业表 statement of business operation 营业表 statement of operations 营业表 trading statement 营业表 business ailment 营业病态 bad business 营业不利 business department 营业部 division of business 营业部 operating section 营业部 sales department 营业部门 sales division 营业部门 sales office 营业部门 operating section 营业部分 business property relief 营业财产出售减免税 cost of operation 营业成本 operating cost 营业成本 operation cost 营业成本 operational cost 营业成本 operation cost system 营业成本制度 operating result 营业成果 operating result 营业成绩 operating stock level 营业储备水平 net revenue 营业纯收入 business agent 营业代理人 business paper 营业单据 business registration 营业登记 business registration fee 营业登记费 location of business 营业地点 place of business 营业地点 business district 营业地区 business volume 营业额 turnover 营业额 volume of business 营业额 sales estimate 营业额估计 business law 营业法 business scope 营业范围 line of business 营业范围 sphere of business 营业范围 business methods 营业方法 type of operation 营业方式 business policy 营业方针 operation policy 营业方针 marketing cost 营业费 operating expense 营业费 trade expense 营业费 working cost 营业费 expenses book 营业费分类帐 operating expense ledger 营业费分类帐 marketing cost management 营业费管理 operating expense 营业费用 statement of operating expenses 营业费用表 register of operating expenses 营业费用登记簿 statement of operating expenses 营业费用明细表 ratio of operating expenses to sales 营业费用与销货比率 operating expense budget 营业费用预算 business analysis 营业分析 working liabilities 营业负债 business peak 营业高峰 business entity theory 营业个体理论 working kilometrage 营业公里数 business corporation 营业公司 operating company 营业公司 business assessment 营业估计 business consultant 营业顾问 business connection 营业关系 business relationship 营业关系 operating management 营业管理 business practice 营业惯例 business opportunity 营业机会 service fund 营业基金 operating plan 营业计划 business in brief 营业简报 operating transaction 营业交易 business structure 营业结构 operating income 营业进款 ratio of net operating profits to net sales 营业净利对销售净额比率 net operating profit 营业净利润 net revenue 营业净收入 net income from operations 营业净收益 net operating earnings 营业净收益 business rivalry 营业竞争 business decision 营业决策 operating decision making 营业决策 holding company for business 营业控股公司 sales control 营业控制 failed in business 营业亏本 business losses 营业亏损 operating deficit 营业亏损 revenue kilometres 营业里程 business profit tax 营业利得税 earned profit 营业利润 operating profit 营业利润 profit on operation 营业利润 trading profit 营业利润 business profit tax 营业利润税 business profit tax return 营业利润税申报表 operating profit 营业利益 continuity concept 营业连续性概念 flow of operation 营业流程 operating rate 营业率 gross operating spread 营业毛利 trade secret 营业秘密 business guide book 营业目录 business ability 营业能力 business year 营业年度 business duration 营业年限 business assessment 营业评定 business climate 营业气候 business district 营业区 trade right 营业权 transfer of business 营业让渡 business day 营业日 open day 营业日 working day 营业日 business diary 营业日记 business equipment 营业设备 business hours 营业时间 shop hours 营业时间 operating performance 营业实绩 operating-performance income statement 营业实绩收益表 failed in business 营业蚀本 business affairs 营业事务 business receipt 营业收入 income from business 营业收入 operating income 营业收入 operating revenue 营业收入 primary income 营业收入 proceeds of business 营业收入 statement of operating revenues 营业收入表 accrual method of revenue recognition 营业收入的权责发生确定法 production basis of revenue recognition 营业收入的生产确定法 operating revenue deductions 营业收入减除数 statement of operating revenues 营业收入明细表 business receipts tax 营业收入税 revenue account 营业收入帐户 depreciation-revenue method 营业收入折旧法 fund from operations 营业收入资金 business earnings 营业收益 earned income 营业收益 operating earnings 营业收益 operating income 营业收益 primary income 营业收益 sales income 营业收益 statement of operating earnings 营业收益表 business profit tax 营业收益税 operating expenditure and receipt 营业收支 business methods 营业手段 business profit tax 营业税 business tax 营业税 excise tax 营业税 shifting of business tax 营业税的转嫁 act of business tax 营业税法 business tariff 营业税率 business profit tax return 营业税申报书 operating loss 营业损失 trading profit and loss statement 营业损益表 trade profit and loss account 营业损益帐户 trading profit and loss account 营业损益帐户 period of contraction 营业缩减期 seat of business 营业所 service office 营业所 place of business 营业所 earning of undertaking 营业所得 sales system 营业体系 business hall 营业厅 business communication 营业通讯 non-operating expenses 营业外费用 other charges 营业外费用 other expenses 营业外费用 other expenses budget 营业外费用预算 outside ventures 营业外经营 non-operating profit 营业外利润 ratio of non-operating profit to net sales 营业外利润对销售总额的比率 non-operating revenue 营业外收入 audit of non-operating income 营业外收入审计 non-operating earnings 营业外收益 non-operating income 营业外收益 non-operating income and expense accounts 营业外收益及费用帐户 non-operating profit and loss 营业外损益 planned statement of non-operating profit and loss 营业外损益计划表 non-operating item 营业外项目 other budget 营业外预算 non-operating book 营业外帐簿 non-operating account 营业外帐户 audit of non-operating expenses 营业外支出审计 other assets 营业外资产 sales network 营业网点 business dip 营业下降 cash flow from operation 营业现金流量 cash flow from operation 营业现金流转 operating cash balance 营业现金余额 business terms 营业项目 item of business 营业项目 iterm of business 营业项目 business mentality 营业心理倾向 business correspondence 营业信件 business reputation 营业信誉 business prospering 营业兴隆 commercial vehicle 营业性车辆 commercial transportation 营业性运输 cycle of operation 营业循环 business bank account 营业银行户口 earned surplus 营业盈余 trading surplus 营业盈余 appropriation of earned surplus 营业盈余的拨用 net earned surplus 营业盈余净额 earned surplus reserve 营业盈余准备 building used in operation building 营业用房屋 operating supplies 营业用品 working balance 营业周转余额 business forecasting 营业预测 operating budget 营业预算 salesman 营业员 salespeople 营业员 trade assistant 营业员 business principles 营业原则 operating account 营业帐 operating book 营业帐簿 operating account 营业帐户 trading account 营业帐户 charge against revenue 营业支出 revenue charges 营业支出 revenue expenditure 营业支出 revenue expenditure and receipts 营业支出与收入 trading cheque 营业支票 sales knowledge 营业知识 charter 营业执照 franchise fee 营业执照捐 business franchise fee 营业执照税 tax on licenses 营业执照税 business guide 营业指南 interruption of business 营业中断 business interruption insurance 营业中断保险 business center 营业中心 business condition 营业状况 sales status 营业状况 operating reservation 营业准备 business capital 营业资本 operation capacity 营业资本 operating earning rate 营业资本收益率 business assets 营业资产 operating assets 营业资产 administrative balance sheet 营业资产负债表 operation fund 营业资金 cash flow from operation 营业资金流动 business automation 营业自动化 business sales 营业总额 gross revenue 营业总收入 operating lease 营业租赁 operating 营运 operation sign 营运标志 operating leverage 营运杠杆 commercial car 营运汽车 operating speed 营运速度 operation route 营运线路 map of operational lines 营运线路图 analysis of changes in working capital accounts 营运用资金帐户变化分析 operating rules 营运章程 operation certificate 营运证 operating officer 营运主管人 over cost 营运资本 profit ratio of operating capital 营运资本利润率 turnover of working capital 营运资本周转率 working assets 营运资产 turnover of total operating assets 营运资产总额周转率 working capital 营运资金 working capital analysis 营运资金分析 working capital source 营运资金来源 battalion group 营战斗队 battalion combat train 营战斗辎重队 couplets on pillar 楹联 fly 蝇 muscid 蝇 muscidian 蝇的 coumaphos 蝇毒磷 fly disease 蝇蛆病 Muscidae 蝇科 flies 蝇类 fly-blows 蝇卵 myiophilous plants 蝇媒植物 fly-blown 蝇蛆病 myiasis 蝇蛆病 muscarine 蝇蕈碱 muscarinism 蝇蕈碱中毒 α-amanitin 蝇蕈素 fly lens 蝇眼透镜 - 全息照相用 dipterocecidium 蝇瘿 earnings 赢利额 earning rate 赢利率 analysis of profitability 赢利能力分析 earnings performance 赢利实绩 glume 颖片 caryopsis 颖果 Glumales 颖花科 top sieve 颖糠筛 glumaceous 颖片状的 umbra 影 shadow band 影带 tone 影调 scale 影调范围 tone reproduction 影调摹演 tone separation 影调析离 ghost 影痕 aphose 影幻视 moving picture 影片 film preservation 影片保存 film storage 影片保存 film waxer 影片堡层涂布机 film editing machine 影片剪辑机 film library 影片库 photographic sound recorder 影片录音机 film density 影片密度 film abrasion 影片磨损 film lubricant 影片润滑剂 film humidifier 影片润湿箱 film scanning 影片扫描 film waxer 影片上蜡机 film noise 影片噪声 automatic film developper 影片自动显影器 shadow zone 影区 impact 影响 influence 影响 impact multiplier 影响乘数 area of influence 影响范围 influence function 影响函数 influence quantity 影响量 influencing quantity 影响量 - 对继电器的 reference value of influencing quantity 影响量的基准值 - 继电器 extreme range of influencing quantity 影响量的极限范围 - 继电器 influence surface 影响面 affected zone 影响区 range of influence 影响区域 influence number 影响数 influence coefficient 影响系数 - 影响量的 method of influence coefficient 影响系数法 influence line 影响线 influencing factor 影响因素 - 继电器 reference value of influencing factor 影响因素的基准值 - 继电器 extreme range of influencing factor 影响因素的极限范围 - 继电器 domain of influence 影响域 range of influence 影响域 influent 影响者 imagery 影像 video 影像 image-retaining panel 影像保留幕板 shadow table 影像表 image parameter 影像参数 image sensor 影像传感器 video 影像的 gray resolution of image 影像的灰度分辨率 image map 影像地图 photomap 影像地图 photo-cartography 影像地图制图学 geological photomap 影像地质图 photogeologic map 影像地质图 image current 影像电流 image resolution 影像分辨力 image resolution 影像分辨率 resolving power of image 影像分辨率 image analysis 影像分析 image refresh database 影像更新数据库 image greyscale 影像灰度 image restoration 影像恢复 image reception area 影像接受面 image receptor plane 影像接受器平面 image matrix 影像矩阵 singular value decomposition of inage matrix 影像矩阵的奇异值分解 vision control room 影像控制室 silhouette target 影像目标 image interpretation 影像判读 image matching 影像匹配 blinking method of image 影像闪闭观察法 image attenuation 影像衰减 image attenuation constant 影像衰减常数 correlation of images 影像相关 image correlation 影像相关 image phase constant 影像相位常数 image original 影像原图 image enhanced microscopy 影像增强显微术 image quality 影像质量 image transfer material 影像转移材料 - 照相 image transfer constant 影像转移常数 apograph 影写本 process block 影印版 photocopy 影印件 replica plating 影印培养 replica plating 影印培养法 autotype 影印术 complete sound reproduction system 影院整个还音系统 shadow cone 影锥 shadow price 影子价格 shadow exchange rate 影子外汇率 cecidium 瘿 gall 瘿 colonici 瘿虫发育 gall wasp 瘿蜂 Cynipidae 瘿蜂科 Cynipoidea 瘿蜂总科 gall flower 瘿花 gallnut 瘿坚果 gall 瘿瘤 goiter and tumor 瘿瘤 ova gallata 瘿卵 Eriophyidae 瘿螨科 Eriophyes 瘿螨属 gallicolous 瘿栖的 Cecidomyiidae 瘿蚊科 strain 应变 strain invariant 应变不变量 strain measurement 应变测量 strain measuring instrument 应变测量仪器 strain impulse 应变冲量 strain transducer 应变传感器 strain seismograph 应变地震仪 strain seismometer 应变地震仪 strain point 应变点 - 玻璃的 range of strain 应变范围 strain range 应变范围 strain amplifier 应变放大器 component of strain 应变分量 strain analysis 应变分析 escalation 应变浮升 strain amplitude 应变幅 strain-induced precipitation 应变感生析出 strain-induced ordering 应变感生有序化 strain-induced transformation 应变感生转变 contingent duty 应变关税 strain viewer 应变观测器 strain-optic sensitivity 应变光学灵敏度 strain gauge 应变规 strain rosette 应变花 strain-slip 应变滑动 strain-slip cleavage 应变滑劈理 strain accumulation 应变积累 deformeter 应变计 extensimeter 应变计 strain gauge 应变计 strain meter 应变计 strainometer 应变计 strain gauge transducer 应变计传感器 contingency plan 应变计划 strain rosette 玫瑰形应变计阵 strain step 应变阶跃 contingent import duty 应变进口关税 strain localization 应变局部化 strain space 应变空间 dependent variable 应变量 strain sensitivity 应变灵敏度 rate of strain 应变率 strain rate 应变率 strain rate sensitivity 应变率敏感性 strain energy 应变能 strain-energy method 应变-能量法 strain-energy function 应变-能量函数 strain energy density 应变能密度 strain disk 应变盘 strain fatigue 应变疲劳 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司