翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 owing 应付的 mortgage payable 应付抵押贷款 mortgages payable account 应付抵押款帐户 mortgage bond payable 应付抵押债券 telegraphic transfer payable 应付电汇款 expenses payable 应付费用 outstanding expenses 应付费用 payable by installment 应付分期付款 installment account payable 应付分期帐款 accounts payable to subsidiary company 应付附属公司帐款 damages payable to the injured 应付给受害人的损害赔偿金 accrued factory payroll account 应付工厂工资帐户 wages payable 应付工资 liability for payroll tax 应付工资税 corporate profits tax liability 应付公司利润税 premium on bond payable 应付公司债券溢价 accounts payable supplies 应付购货款 dividend declared 应付股利 dividend payable 应付股利 dividend payable 应付股息 account due to customers 应付顾主的款项 liable to customs duty 应付关税 partner's notes payable 应付合伙人票据 currencies payable 应付货币 trade payable 应付贸易帐项 trade payable turnover period 应付货款周转期 payable to consignor 应付寄销人款 due to consignor 应付寄销帐款 loan payable 应付借款 sum payable 应付金额 import bill payable a/c 应付进口汇票科目 import bill payable a/c 应付进口汇票帐户 accrued expenditure 应付开支 account payable 应付款 account payable register 应付款登记簿 account payable ledger account 应付款分类帐 account payable ledger 应付款明细帐 turnover of payable 应付款项周转率 profit sharing bonus payable 应付利润分红 accrued interest 应付利息 interest in red 应付利息 interest payable 应付利息 interest payable reserve 应付利息准备 accounts payable trade 应付贸易帐款 annuity payable 应付年金 bill payable 应付票据 bills payable 应付票据 notes payable 应付票据 notes receivable 应付票据 audit of notes payable 应付票据审计 notes receivable discounted 应付票据贴现 discount on notes payable 应付票据折价 voucher 应付凭单 vouchers payable 应付凭单 voucher payable register 应付凭单登记簿 voucher register 应付凭单登记簿 voucher payable register 应付凭单登记簿 voucher register 应付凭单帐 voucher payable account 应付凭单帐户 voucher system 应付凭单制度 due to other funds 应付其它基金款 unemployment compensation payable 应付失业补助金 liable to duty 应付税 tax payable 应付税金 dues 应付税款 tax payable 应付税款 tax payable account 应付税款科目 tax payable account 应付税款帐户 income tax payable 应付所得税 payable to order 应付抬头人或其指定人 foreign currency bill payable 应付外币票据 foreign bill payable 应付外国汇票 foreign bill payable 应付外国票据 paying quotation 应付外汇汇价 accrued cumulative dividends 应付未付股利 accrued interest 应付未付利息 accrued interest payable 应付未付利息 accrued bond interest 应付未付债券利息 accounts payable 应付未付帐 coupons payable 应付息票 sales tax payable 应付销售税 mortgage payable 应付押款 benefit payable 应付养恤金 endorsed notes payable account 应付已背书票据帐户 due to banks 应付银行款 payable balance 应付余额 employee withholding payable 应付预扣职工所得税 persons subject to withholding 应付预提税款的人 bonds payable 应付债券 discount on bonds payable 应付债券发行折扣 schedule of bonds payable 应付债券明细表 coupons payable 应付债券息票 premium on bond payable 应付债券溢价 debt service requirement 应付债务本息数 account payable 应付帐款 debit balances in suppliers' account 应付帐款 payable account 应付帐款 account payable division 应付帐款部门 ratio of trade account payable to purchases 应付帐款对购货的比率 account payable account 应付帐款科目 schedule of account payable 应付帐款明细表 account payable subsidiary ledger 应付帐款明细帐 statement from creditor 应付帐款清单 audit of account payable 应付帐款审计 account payable account 应付帐款帐户 turnover of payment 应付帐款周转率 turnover ratio of account payable 应付帐款周转率 liability for light and power 应付照明和动力费用 warrant payable 应付支付命令 accrued expenses for using government funds 应付资金占用费 rent payable 应付租金 rent payable account 应付租金帐户 lease account payable 应付租赁款 responsible 应负责任的 should cost 应该成本 rateable property 应该纳税的产业 challengeable 应回避的 accuracy wages 应计报酬 accrued real estate tax 应计不动产税 accrued 应计的 accrual postulate 应计的假定 accrued interest on mortgage 应计抵押债券息 accrual method 应计方法 accrued charge 应计费用 accrued expenses 应计费用 accrued liability 应计负债 audit of accrued liability 应计负债审计 accrued tax estimated 应计概算税款 accrued personal property tax 应计个人动产税 accrued payroll 应计工资 accuracy wages 应计工资 accrued tax estimated 应计估计税款 accrued dividend 应计股利 accrued dividend 应计股息 accrual concept 应计观念 accrued and deferred account 应计和递延帐户 accrued cumulative dividends 应计累积股息 accrued cumulative dividends 应计累计股利 accrued interest 应计利息 interest accrued 应计利息 federal income tax accrued 应计联邦所得税 accrued interest on notes payable 应计期票息 accrued revenue 应计收入 accrued income 应计收益 tax accrual 应计税金 accrued tax 应计税捐 tax accrued 应计税捐 accrued tax 应计税款 tax accrued 应计税款 accrued tax on income 应计所得税款 accrued interest on investment 应计投资利息 accrued real estate tax 应计未付不动产税 accrued interest on mortgage 应计未付抵押债务利息 accrued expenses payable 应计未付费用 accrued personal property tax 应计未付个人动产税 accrued payroll 应计未付工薪 accrued interest on loan 应计未付借款利息 accrued interest on notes payable 应计未付期票利息 accrued interest on bond sold 应计未付售出债券利息 accrued tax 应计未付税捐 accrued tax payable 应计未付税款 accrued income tax 应计未付所得税款 accrued payable 应计未付项目 accrued salaries payable 应计未付薪金 accrued interest on bonds 应计未付债券息 accrued profits 应计未收利润 accrued interest receivable 应计未收利息 accrued income receivable 应计未收收益 accrued commission receivable 应计未收手续费 accrued receivable 应计未收项目 accrued bond interest receivable 应计未收债券利息 questions of accrual 应计问题 accrued items 应计项目 accuracy salaries 应计薪水 traveller accrued 应计行商税捐 pensionable amount 应计养恤金数额 pensionable amount 应计养恤金薪资 accrued bond interest 应计债券利息 accrued account 应计帐户 accrued account 应计帐户项 accrued depreciation 应计折旧 depreciable cost 应计折旧成本 depreciable 应计折旧的 depreciable life 应计折旧年限 depreciable assets 应计折旧资产 disposal of depreciable assets 应计折旧资产的出售 accounting on the accrual basis 应计制 accrued assets 应计资产 accrued rent 应计租金 successional portion 应继份 dutiable goods 应交关税的货物 excisable 应交纳货物税的 excisable 应交纳执照税的 income tax payable 应交所得税额 depreciation fund payable 应交折旧基金 dues 应缴款 project tax liability 应缴纳项目税 petroleum revenue tax payable 应缴石油收益税 taxability 应缴税 balance of the tax payable 应缴税金的未缴余额 tax accrued 应缴税款 tax due 应缴税款 tax-accrual trust account 应缴税款信托帐户 total tax payable 应缴税款总额 due day 应缴税日期 chargeable income 应缴税入息 chargeable income 应缴税收入 chargeable income 应缴税所得 dutiable stores 应缴税物料 chargeable profit 应缴税之利润 income tax payable 应缴所得税 net value of all property liable to estate duty 应缴遗产税财产之净值 draft and telegraphic transfer payable 应解票汇及电汇 bona notabilia 应经法庭认定的遗产 chargeable with a duty 应课税 chargeable 应课税的 summary of taxable factory wages 应课税的工厂工资汇总表 taxable payroll emoluments 应课税工薪总额 assessable income 应课税入息 net chargeable income 应课税入息实额 assessable income 应课税收入 net chargeable income 应课税收入净额 total assessable income 应课税收入总额 taxable income 应课税收益 net chargeable income 应课税收益实额 assessable income 应课税所得 total assessable income 应课税所得总额 taxable payroll emoluments 应课税薪俸总额 assessable profit 应课税溢利 property assessable to tax 应课税之财产 property assessable to tax 应课税之物业 taxable bracket 应课税组别 freight to be deducted 应扣代付运费 subscription of shares 应募股本 liable to tax 应纳税 taxability 应纳税 reteable property 应纳税财产 reteable property 应纳税产业 taxable entity 应纳税单位 taxable unit 应纳税单位 assessable to tax 应纳税 taxable on dividend income 应纳税的股利收益 taxable profit 应纳税的利润 taxable earnings 应纳税的收入 tax amount payable 应纳税额 taxable salary 应纳税工资额 taxable year 应纳税年度 taxable person 应纳税人 tax articles 应纳税商品 entry for dutiable goods 应纳税商品报单 taxable income 应纳税收入 taxable income 应纳税收益 taxable income 应纳税所得 taxable salary 应纳税薪俸额 taxable estate 应纳税遗产 assessed income tax 应纳所得税额 goods liable to excise 应纳消费税的货物 assessable value 应评税价值 net assessable value 应评税净值 assessible profit 应评税利润 assessible profit 应评税溢利 dutiable articles 应上税的物品 due from 应收 home currency bills receivables 应收本币票据 long-term notes receivable 应收长期票据 traffic balance receivable 应收车务费余额 acceptance receivable 应收承兑汇票 account receivable financing 应收筹资帐款 export bills receivable a/c 应收出口汇票科目 export bills receivable a/c 应收出口汇票帐户 due from correspondent 应收代理商店欠款 collections receivable for customers 应收代收客户款 loan receivable 应收贷款 tax receivable current 应收当期税款 receivable 应收的 loan receivable in securities 应收抵押贷款 mortgage receivable 应收抵押贷款 mortgage owned 应收抵押款 mortgage receivable 应收抵押款 discount on installment contracts receivable 应收分期偿还票据折价 installment receivable 应收分期款项 installment accounts receivable 应收分期帐款 accounts receivable from subsidiary company 应收附属公司帐款 subscription receivable 应收股款 dividend receivable 应收股利 dividend receivable 应收股息 trade receivable 应收货款 accounts due on consignmentout 应收寄销商品帐户款 accounts receivable trade 应收客帐 customer's credit balance 应收客帐贷差 customer's account discounted 应收客帐贴现 accounts due 应收款 discounting of accounts receivable 应收款的短期贴现信贷 account receivable ledger 应收款分类帐 accrued debit account 应收款科目 account receivable leger 应收款明细帐 accounts receivable discounted 应收款贴现 receivables 应收款项 factoring of receivables 应收款项的因素分类 ratio of receivable to inventories 应收款项对存货的比率 turnover of receivable ratio 应收款项周转比率 accrued debit account 应收款帐户 receivable account 应收款帐户 receivable turnover 应收款周转率 account receivable assigned 应收款转让 interest accrued 应收利息 interest in black 应收利息 accounts due from affiliated company 应收联营公司帐款 accounts receivable from affiliated company 应收联营公司帐款 bill receivable 应收票据 note receivable 应收票据 receivables 应收票据 note receivable register 应收票据登证簿 bills receivable account 应收票据科目 deferred payment of interests on notes receivable 应收票据上的延期利息收入 gain from discounting notes receivable 应收票据贴现收益 discounting notes and acceptances receivable 应收票据与应收承兑汇票的贴现 bills receivable account 应收票据帐户 subscription receivable common 应收普通股认股款 due from other fund 应收其它基金欠款 due from other 应收其它欠款 interest and penalties receivable on taxes 应收欠税利息及罚款 stock subscription receivable 应收认购股款 Pomatiasidae 圆口螺科 Cyclostomata 圆口亚纲 parenthesis 圆括号 round brackets 圆括号 parenthesis 圆括弧 round brackets 圆括弧 round broach 圆拉刀 circular extension table 圆拉桌 circular horn 圆喇叭 wane 圆棱 pillar type column 圆立柱 bort 圆粒金刚石 brachyfacial 圆脸型 circle-chain method 圆链法 Cyclorhagae 圆裂亚目 circular neighbourhood 圆形邻域 cycloid scale 圆鳞 brachycranial 圆颅型 round nut 圆螺母 round screw die 圆螺丝板牙 knuckle screw thread 圆螺纹 knuckle thread 圆螺纹 circular coal 圆煤 circular mil 圆密耳 - 面积单位 disk 圆面 round-face bit 圆面刀头 tondino 圆模制片 circuit membrane 圆膜 fillet 圆抹角 log 圆木 round log 圆木 round timber 圆木 log-crib 圆木叠框 saw carriage 圆木锯架 rock saw 圆木清扫锯 top diameter 圆木梢径 timber jack 圆木提升杆 pencil 圆木芯 quarter-girth measurement 圆木折合立方数量 brachycerebral 圆脑型 inscribed in a circle 圆内接 hypocycloid 圆内旋轮线 Georyssidae 圆泥甲科 circular nomogram 圆诺谟图 circular disc 圆盘 disk 圆盘 disk colorimeter 圆盘比色计 disk coder 圆盘编码器 disk huller 圆盘剥壳机 disk barker 圆盘剥树皮机 disk memory 圆盘存储器 disk storage 圆盘存储器 circular cutter 圆盘刀具 discoid 圆盘的 disk electrode 圆盘电极 disk electrophoresis 圆盘电泳 disk valve 圆盘阀 Gyrocotyloidea 圆盘纲 disk filter 圆盘过滤机 disk filter 圆盘过滤器 bezant 圆盘花饰 patera 圆盘花饰 disk mixer 圆盘混料机 disk feeder 圆盘给料机 disk slide rule 圆盘计算尺 disk recorder 圆盘记录仪 disk spacing 圆盘间距 circle shear 圆盘剪 circular saw 圆盘锯 circular sawing machine 圆盘锯床 disk furrower 圆盘开沟机 disk coulter 圆盘开沟器 disk plough 圆盘犁 disk plow 圆盘犁 disk plough body 圆盘犁体 disk friction 圆盘摩阻力 disk grinder 圆盘磨床 disk sander 圆盘磨光机 disk grinding 圆盘磨 disk mill 圆盘碾磨机 disk gel electrophoresis 圆盘凝胶电泳 disk harrow 圆盘耙 disk gang 圆盘耙组 disk diflection angle 圆盘偏角 disk plane 圆盘平面 disk tilt angle 圆盘倾角 nutating-disk meter 圆盘容积流量计 disk scanner 圆盘扫描器 disk sintering machine 圆盘烧结机 disk-type wave generator 圆盘式波发生器 disk ruling 圆盘式划线 metal-slitting machine 圆盘式剪切机 disk construction 圆盘式结构 - 器件外形 disk-blade cutter 圆盘式切割器 disk winding 圆盘式绕组 disk sander 圆盘式砂光机 nutating-disk meter 圆盘式旋转流量计 round-about chair 圆盘式椅 disk-type filter 圆盘式真空过滤机 disk signal 圆盘信号机 rotary disk bit 圆盘形扁钻 circular disk diffraction 圆盘衍射 disk-and-doughnut 圆盘-圆环 disk pelletizing 圆盘制粒 disk cultivator 圆盘中耕机 discoid 圆盘状的 disk 圆盘字模板 disk bit 圆盘钻 circular conoid 圆劈锥面 circular polarization 圆偏振 circular intensity differential scattering 圆偏振差散射 circularly polarized radiation 圆偏振辐射 circularly polarized light 圆偏振光 circular polarized loop vee 圆偏振环形V天线 allogyric birefringence 圆偏振双折射 disk 圆片 wafer 圆片 Orbitoididae 圆片虫科 wafer scriber 圆片划线器 wafer level 圆片级 wafer process 圆片加工 wafer prober 圆片检测器 wafer matrix 圆片矩阵 disk tea cutter 圆片切茶机 wafer cleaning 圆片清洗 alcatron 圆片式场效应晶体管 disk ceramic capacitor 圆片式瓷介电容器 disk thermistor 圆片式热敏电阻器 wafer test 圆片试验 wafer package 圆片组件 circular frequency 圆频率 disk 圆平面 astragal 圆剖面小线脚 Cyclopteridae 圆鳍鱼科 circular polarizer 圆启偏器 round pliers 圆钳 rib of dome 圆穹顶肋 ball flower 圆球饰 spherosome 圆球体 circular curve location 圆曲线测设 orbit point 圆圈飞行中心 segmental meter 圆缺测流器 circle group 圆群 round ligament 圆韧带 shortening of round ligament 圆韧带缩短术 circular scanning 圆扫描 circular sweep generation 圆扫描发生 circular trace indicator 圆扫描指示器 gutta 圆色斑 gutta 圆色点 rotary strainer 圆筛 Cosinodiscus 圆筛藻属 circular sector 圆扇形 circular jet 圆射流 pencil of circles 圆束 fastigiate 圆束状的 round knot 圆树节 glessite 圆树脂石 circle-hyperbolic system 圆-双曲线系统 circular birefringence 圆双折射 circular level 圆水准器 circular velocity 圆速度 circular nomogram 圆算图 round tenon 圆榫 dowel construction 圆榫结构 dowel hole 圆榫孔 dowel hole borer 圆榫孔钻床 dowel hole drilling machine 圆榫孔钻床 rotary table milling machines 圆台铣床 conical indent 圆台形窝眼 sphericity 圆体 Sminthuridae 圆跳虫科 rod iron 圆铁 round iron 圆铁 barrel saw 圆桶锯 barrel 圆筒 cylinder caisson 圆筒沉井 fill coefficient of drum 圆筒充满系数 hull beater 圆筒打筛 drum-belt magnetic separator 圆筒带式磁选机 round leg elevator 圆筒斗式提升机 cylindrical valve 圆筒阀 cylinder process 圆筒法 rotary drum dryer 圆筒烘干机 cylinder mixing dryer 圆筒混合干燥器 cylindrical mixer 圆筒混料机 Stenokalyx cylindrica 圆筒酒坛藻 cylinder saw 圆筒锯 drum winder 圆筒络筒机 cylinder screen 圆筒筛 drum sieve 圆筒筛 revolving screen 圆筒筛 cylinder screen separator 圆筒筛清选机 cylinder pressure degreasing machine 圆筒式挤油机 cylindrical layer winding 圆筒式线圈 barrel hopper 圆筒式装料斗 barrel elevator 圆筒提升机 cylindrical 圆筒形 terete 圆筒形的 throatless chamber 圆筒形燃烧室 solenoid 圆筒形线圈 drum polletizing 圆筒制粒 loading well 圆筒状装料器 head 圆头 - 肱骨等的 umbo 圆头 ball end mill 圆头槽铣刀 ball peen hammer 圆头锤 rounded hammer 圆头锤 Pleidae 圆头蝽科 rounded nose missile 圆头导弹 knobbed 圆头的 bull-headed rail 圆头钢轨 bulb angle 圆头角钢 pilot whale 圆头鲸 round head screw 圆头螺钉 round screw 圆头螺钉 round head bolt 圆头螺栓 bead tool 圆头墁刀 button head rivet 圆头铆钉 full head rivet 圆头铆钉 snap head rivet 圆头铆钉 snapped rivet 圆头铆钉 round flatter 圆头平面锤 round nose pliers 圆头钳 round pointed shovel 圆头锹 Artemisia spharocephala 圆头沙蒿 roundheaded borer 圆头天牛幼虫 bulb iron 圆头铁 round headed window 圆头形窗 brachycephalic 圆头型 Dryomyzidae 圆头蝇科 tylostyle 圆头针 round head buttress dam 圆头支墩坝 brachycephaly 圆头状 sphaerocepharous 圆头状的 torus 圆凸 bead joint 圆凸勾缝 thumb 圆凸形线脚装饰 circle diagram 圆图 circle vector diagram 圆图 circular chart 圆图 circular-chart recorder 圆图记录器 circular chart recorder 圆图记录仪 epicycloid 圆外旋轮线 cylinder forming 圆网成型 cylinder type former 圆网成型机 rotary screen printing machine 圆网丝网印刷机 cylinder mould machine 圆网造纸机 cylinder papermaking machine 圆网造纸机 paradise fish 圆尾斗鱼 diphycercal 圆尾鳍的 circular vortex 圆涡旋 dome 圆屋顶 dished-out 圆屋顶构架托座 interdome 圆屋顶间 round dance 圆舞 circular error 圆误差 astragal plane 圆线刨 bead plane 圆线刨 complex of circle 圆线丛 bead-and-batten work 圆线脚板条操作 Strongyloidea 圆线类 circular coil 圆线圈 bead molding 圆线条 gadroon 圆线条装饰 Strongyloidea 圆线总科 circular correlation 圆相关 circle vector diagram 圆向量图 circular diagram 圆图 pin 圆销 center of a circle 圆心 centre of a circle 圆心 centre point 圆心点 horn centre 圆心垫 angle at the centre 圆心角 central angle 圆心角 centre-point curve 圆心点曲线 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司