翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Driving on the highway for hours has tired me out. 在高速公路上连续开数小时把我累坏了。 It'll be fun swimming in the lake. 在湖里游泳一定会很有趣。 You can carry a reasonable amount of personal belongings in cabin. 在机舱里,您可以携带数量适中的个人所有物品。 It is quieter in the classroom than in the office. 在教室里比在办公室里安静。 It's on the right side of the road. 在街的右边。 At today's meeting, we'll cover a wide range of topics. 在今天的会议上,我们将要涉及多方面的话题。 It's bleeding. You'd better go to see a doctor about that cut. 在流血了。你最好找医生看看那个伤口。 Where can I take the bus No. 21? 在哪儿坐 21 路? Where are they going to have the meeting? 在哪里举行会议? It is over there. 在那边。 It's over there on the desk. 在那边桌上。 Can I rent everything I need there? 在那里我可以租到需要的一切用品吗? It's amazing that sculpture had attained such a high artistic level by that time. 在那样的时代能达到这样的雕塑水准,实在让人惊叹。 What should I say in that position? 在那种地位我该说什么呢? You'll have to leave these paintings here until you come back. 在你回来之前,你得把画留在这儿。 Is it possible to find a job in your factory? 在你们工厂有可能找到工作吗? What are good manners in your country? 在你们国家什么是好习惯? Why don't you think twice before you do it? 在你行事之前为什么不再考虑一下呢? Would you like something else while you are waiting? 在您等侯时您还需要点什么? How do novels and poems compare, in your opinion? 在您看来,小说和诗歌相比怎么样? We should try not to light up during the Great Smokeout. 在全国戒烟日里我们应设法不抽烟。 In no circumstances must you forget to lock the door. 在任何情况下你都不能忘记锁门。 It is wonderful to camp in the mountain. 在山上野营很妙。 You can use the flashlight when you take a photo indoors. 在室内拍照时可用闪光灯。 I have to go without a new dress at her wedding ceremony. 在他的结婚典礼上,我只好不穿新衣了。 On his left is the Buddha of Medicine. 在他左面是药师佛。 Would you like a sit on the deck-chair? 在躺椅上坐一会儿好吗? Hurry and get home before it gets dark. 在天黑之前赶紧回家。 I feel washed out after working in the fields for a whole day. 在田野里工作了一整天之后我感到累极了。 Shall we chat a while over a glass of wine before dinner? 在晚餐前我们喝杯酒交谈一下如何? I had no idea it was so late. 在我不知不觉中天色已经这么晚了。 The way I see it, you should break off with Jim. 在我看来,你该和吉姆断交。 In my opinion, essay is more readable than poem. 在我看来,散文比诗歌更具可读性。 As far as I can see, he'll not win the game. 在我看来,他不会赢的。 It seems to me that we'll again fail in the exam. 在我看来,我们会再次考试不及格的。 In my opinion, reading is more enjoyable than fishing. 在我看来,阅读比钓鱼更令人愉快。 In my opinion, the proposal is quite unacceptable. 在我看来,这建议是很难接受的。 In the gallery of western art, you'll have the chance to appreciate the works of Monet, Renoir, Gauguin, Van Gogh, etc. 在西方艺术画廊里,您有机会欣赏到莫奈、雷诺阿、高更和梵高等人的作品。 Is it drizzling? 在下毛毛雨吗? It'll do you good to spend some holidays in the countryside. 在乡村度几天假会对你有好处的。 It's fairly cool for this time of the year. 在一年的这个时节这样的天气应该说是比较凉快的。 I felt tired and drained after visiting him in the hospital. 在医院里探望他之后,我感到又累又乏。 Should I make an appointment with you for the next two days? 在以后两天中,我要不要与你约定个时间见面? Is it true that traffic in Britain keeps left? 在英国车辆都靠左行驶,对吗? Movement would be less fatiguing on the moon. 在月球上行动不会太令人疲惫不堪。 You really must tell me if condolences at this time of bereavement. 在这悲伤的时刻,请接受我这真诚的哀悼。 You have my sincere condolences at this time of bereavement. 在这悲伤的时刻,请接受我最深切的同情。 What are the game fish here? 在这儿,什么鱼是钓起来最刺激的? Can I put some personal messages in this press cable? 在这份新闻电报中我可以添加一些个人的信息吗? You have my deepest sympathy at this difficult time. 在这困难的时刻请你接受我最深切的同情。 There's so much to be seen here. 在这里有许多东西可看。 There is a pagoda near the temple. 在这庙的附近有一座宝塔。 I can't find the book I want in this library. 在这图书馆里我找不到我要的书。 Opinion was sharply divided on this motion. 在这项动议上意见极其不统一。 It'll be exciting skating on real ice. 在真正的冰上滑冰一定很令人兴奋。 In the discus events, Lewis scored 67.52m at the final throw. 在掷铁饼的项目中,刘易斯最后一次试掷的成绩是 67.52 米。 In China the Yellow River is next in length to the Yangtze. 在中国黄河的长度仅次于长江。 It is next to the main hall. 在主厅的隔壁。 There used to be a grocery store on the corner. 在转角地方一向有一家杂货店。 It's on the left. 在左边。 You'd better think it over before you make a decision. 在作出决定前,你最好要考虑周全。 It's time we made tracks! 咱们该走了! Let's go in and find our seats. 咱们进去找座位吧。 Let's have a party! 咱们来聚会吧! Let's go to the reptile house. 咱们去看爬虫动物馆吧。 Let's take a look at the bear pit. 咱们去熊坑看一下。 Let's go out and see that new movie at the Center Cinema. 咱们去中央电影院看那部新影片吧。 Let's have a walk in the park. 咱们在公园里散步吧。 Let's have a rest under the arbor. 咱们在凉亭下休憩一下吧。 Let's take a boat to enjoy the cool breeze on the lake. 咱们坐船去湖上兜风吧。 What's the use of saving money for others to steal? 攒了钱让别人来偷,这有什么意思呢? Just to change the subject for a moment, have we got any coffee in the house? 暂时改变一下话题,家里有没有咖啡? Not at the moment, thank you. 暂时还用不着,谢谢你。 They're very lousy. 糟糕透了。 Lousy! 糟透了! Awful! 糟透了! How dreadful! 糟透了! Couldn't be worse. 糟透了。 Morning! 早安! Good morning! 早安! Good morning, can I help you? 早安,您要洗什么东西? After breakfast he went to the zoo by bus. 早餐之后他乘公共汽车去动物园。 After breakfast, I'll get ready to go to work. 早饭以后,我要准备去上班。 Any time in the morning will do. 早上任何时间都行。 What's the fuss? 怎么回事? How do I get down to the train? 怎么下去乘车? Where shall I part your hair? 怎样分你的发线? How shall I go about sending a telegram to Chicago? 怎样给芝加哥打电报? How do you charge it? 怎样计费呢? Fired mandarin fish would be good. 炸桂鱼很不错。 Could you put forward your comments now, Mr James? 詹姆士先生,请您谈谈好吗? Mr. James is ill, well, actually, he's dying. 詹姆士先生病了,嗯,实际上,他已经奄奄一息了。 There're sculptures and woodblock prints in the exhibition. 展出的有雕塑和木刻。 The paintings on display are not for sale. 展览的绘画作品是不出售的。 The exhibition is divided into six parts. 展览分六个部分。 They're displayed in five halls. 展览品陈列于五个大厅。 Exhibits are placed in different halls. 展览品分别陈列于不同的大厅。 The exhibits are a feast for eyes. 展览品琳琅满目,美不胜收。 The exhibits are chronologically displayed. 展览品是按年月顺序陈列的。 It exhibits archaeological findings in the field of ancient mining and metallurgy. 展览展出了古代采矿、冶金领域里的考古发现。 Halt, or we'll shoot! 站住,否则我们要开枪了! Open your mouth and say 'Ah'. 张大嘴,说"啊"。 Find the particular item you're looking for. 找到你要借的那本书的目录卡。 What's the sense of having the United Nations meetings? 召开联合国会议有什么意义? Is it really necessary to have the meeting? 召开这次会议真的有必要吗? It is by Mr. Zhao, who is skillful in painting landscape. 赵先生的,他很擅长画风景画。 It's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this noon. 照理今天中午应该又是多云刮风的。 Only one part of the building appears in the photo. 照片里只拍出了那座大楼的一部分。 When will the prints be ready? 照片什么时候可以洗好? Part of the picture is obstructed by something. 照片有一部分被什么东西遮住了。 In the photographer's, they use studio cameras. 照相馆里用的是专用相机。 Where is your camera department? 照相机器材部门在哪儿? The lens hood is used to cover up the lens. 遮光罩是用来遮盖镜头的。 It's sold by the yard. 这按码出售。 This knife is dirty. Would you bring me a clean one, please? 这把刀脏了。请给我一把干净的好吗? Can this lock be repaired here? 这把锁这里能修吗? Will this bus pass anywhere near a No. 65 bus stop? 这班车路过 65 路车站附近吗? How long is this flight going to be delayed? 这班飞机还会延迟多久? Will there be a movie shown on this flight? 这班飞机上会放电影吗? Will you be selling duty-free goods on this flight? 这班飞机上卖免税商品吗? It's out of the question. 这办不到。 What's in this parcel? 这包裹里是什么? What's in the bag? 这包里是什么? How much do I owe you for the pack and the matches? 这包香烟和火柴总共多少钱? This reference book has a large circulation. 这本参考书发行量很大。 De Luxe editions of this biography are available now. 这本传记的精装本现在有售。 This historical book is thread-bound. 这本历史书是线装的。 This volume of selected works by Shakespeare is in English. 这本莎士比亚的精选作品是英文版。 This selection of poems is sold with 4 beautiful bookmarkers. 这本诗集随书附赠四张漂亮的书签。 The book is, how shall I put it, very boring. 这本书,我该怎么说呢,非常乏味。 This book is more difficult than any other one here. 这本书比这里其他任何的都要难。 There's a list of corrigenda at the beginning of the book. 这本书的开头部分有一张勘误表。 The book's title is..., I've nearly got it, Thorn Bird. 这本书的名字是......,我差一点忘了,是《荆棘鸟》。 The revised edition of the book is now out of print. 这本书的修订本已售完。 Pocket editions of the book sell well. 这本书的袖珍本很好销。 The book is very very clumsy. 这本书非常粗俗。 It's very much in demand. 这本书很热门。 This book bores me stiff, I'm afraid. 这本书恐怕让我厌烦得要死。 This book is less interesting than that one. 这本书没有那本有趣。 Is this book his? 这本书是他的吗? The publisher of the book is Thompson Publishing House. 这本书由汤臣氏出版社出版。 Is this book interesting? 这本书有趣吗? All copies of the new book are sold out. 这本新书已全部售完。 This new magazine is now for trial sale here. 这本新杂志现在在这里试销。 This journal has a supplementary issue this week. 这本杂志本星期有一增刊。 The current issue of the periodical is not available now. 这本杂志的现期刊现在没货。 This journal is bimonthly, and that one quarterly. 这本杂志是双月刊,那本是季刊。 This dictionary has an entirely new type-setting. 这本字典排版很新。 It's shorter than the 6-hour movie we saw last month. 这比我们上个月看过的那部 6 小时长的电影短。 It was much worse than I'd thought. 这比我原来想的要糟得多。 That's better than I could do. 这比我做得好。 How did you like it? 这笔钱您要多少面值的现金? How do you want it? 这笔钱您要多少面值的现金? How much does this one over here cost? 这边的一个多少钱? That's a smashing performance! 这表演妙极了! That isn't very nice. 这并不好。 It's not so hopeless as you imagined. 这并不如你想像的那么没有希望。 It isn't very pleasant. 这并不太好。 That isn't too bad. 这并不太坏。 It's not as bad as you thought. 这并不像你想的那么糟。 It's well-known for its collection of bronzeware, the oldest dating from the Shang dynasty. 这博物馆以收藏青铜器出名,最古的青铜器是商朝的。 The museum is holding an exhibition on the Yin dynasty ruins and their history. 这博物馆正举办一次有关殷墟及其历史的展览。 That isn't any of your business! 这不关你的事! It's none of your business. 这不关你的事。 It can't be wrong. 这不会错的。 It can't be! 这不可能! It can't be true. 这不可能是真的。 It's not difficult. You fill the teapot with boiling water. 这不难。你往茶壶里注满沸水。 It's nothing hard. All you do is to close the circuit. 这不难。你只要闭合电路就行了。 It's not easy to answer. There are a lot of them. 这不容易回答。有许多呢。 It wasn't as good as I'd thought. 这不如我原本想的那么好。 Isn't this topsy-turvy? 这不是乱七八糟吗? It's not as bad as all that. 这不是那么糟糕嘛。 This is not what I ordered. 这不是我点的东西。 That's not the way I see. 这不是我看问题的方法。 That's more than what I can say. 这不是我能说的。 This is not the drink I want. 这不是我要的饮料。 It's not very nice. 这不太好。 The color won't fade. 这不退色。 What's the TV series called? 这部电视连续剧叫什么? The movie is outrageous! 这部电影棒极了! The film shattered all previous box office records. 这部电影打破了以往所有的票房纪录。 Was the film as good as you expected? 这部电影是否与你预料的一样好? That was such an interesting movie! 这部电影真是非常有意思! This part was so difficult that nobody could understand it. 这部分这么难以至没人能看懂它。 The new play is incredibly boring. 这部新上演的话剧乏味得令人难以置信。 The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it. 这部新戏很好,每个人都欣赏。 That's more like it. 这才像话嘛。 The game exhausted me - I must have a rest now. 这场比赛可把我累坏了--现在我一定得休息一下。 The game ended with a score of 3-1. 这场比赛以 3 比 1 结束。 That was a close game, wasn't it? 这场球打得很激烈,不是吗? How long does the concert last? 这场音乐会有多长? The car hasn't been running smoothly, has it? 这车近来跑起来不大平稳,是吗? Does this bus go straight to the station? 这车直达火车站吗? There's too much pollution in this city to use a light color. 这城市里污染太严重而不能用浅颜色。 The play is written by a well-known playwriter. 这出戏是由一名著名的剧作者写的。 It didn't seem to have any meaning. 这出戏似乎没什么意思。 The window won't wind up and down. 这窗子摇不上也摇不下。 Not this time, thank you. 这次不想跳,谢了。 Not this time, but thanks all the same. 这次不要,但还是要谢谢你。 Is this business trip obligatory? 这次出差是不是规定的? This time, hearts are trumps. 这次红心是王牌。 Does the tour include the town's historic center? 这次旅游包括本市的历史中心吗? Does the tour depart from here? 这次旅游是从这儿出发吗? The murder gives me the creeps. 这次谋杀使我毛骨悚然。 Won't you make it a pint this time? 这次你不要一品脱吗? It's your lead this time. 这次你出牌。 This time, it's jump bid. 这次是跳叫。 The picnic's going to turn out very exciting. 这次野餐将会令人十分兴奋的。 It's wrong, but not all that serious. 这错了,但还没那么严重。 That would be very pleasant, but I may not have enough money. 这大概是很愉快的,不过我可能没有足够的钱。 It would surely matter a lot. 这当然大有关系。 What on earth is this? 这到底是什么啊? The dish just isn't to my taste. 这道菜就是不合我的口味。 How would you like it prepared? 这道菜您喜欢怎么做? That seems to be tantamount to saying there's too much traffic in modern cities. 这等于说,现代大城市里交通太繁忙。 The place is both crowded and noisy. 这地方又挤又吵。 This TV set is not duty-free. 这电视机不能免税。 The film wasn't as good as I thought it would be. 这电影不如我原先想得那么好。 The movie is sort of boring. 这电影有点儿乏味。 This article is not allowed to be imported duty-free. 这东西不允许免税进口。 This is something dutiable that you're unaware of. 这东西要付税,而你却不知道。 What's all this about! 这都是干什么呢! That's right? 这对吗? That's OK? 这对吗? It suits you very well. 这对你很合适。 It must have been quite a blow to you, for I know how deeply you love your mother. 这对你一定是个相当大的打击,因为我知道你是多么爱你的母亲。 It would just suit me. 这对我很合适。 It makes no odds to me. 这对我没什么要紧。 Suits me fine. 这对我太合适了。 That suits me all right. 这对我正合适。 It is cooler here than in the bedroom. 这儿比卧室里凉快。 The periodicals here are 20% to 40% off. 这儿的期刊减价 20% 到 40%。 The books and magazines are classified according to subjects. 这儿的书和杂志都是按照科目分类的。 Is there a taxi stand near here? 这儿附近有出租车行吗? There's a parking lot near here. 这儿附近有一个停车场。 Did you have any pains here before? 这儿你以前觉得痛吗? Here're original editions of imported books. 这儿是进口的原版书。 Here're non-print media. 这儿是视听资料。 Here's the Foreigner Check Post. 这儿是外国人检查站。 Here's the surgical department. 这儿是外科。 Here is a collection of bronze sculpture. 这儿收藏的是青铜雕塑。 Here's a list of the articles that are allowed to be exported free of duty. 这儿所列的物品都可以免税出口。 All the articles listed here are dutiable. 这儿所列的物品都要缴税。 All the book stacks are open here. 这儿所有的书都是开架的。 Does it hurt here? 这儿痛吗? Is there anything interesting to see around here? 这儿有什么好看的东西吗? Here is the program. They are having a new piece. 这儿有戏目。他们正在上演一出新戏。 The project can't go wrong. 这方案不可能出毛病。 The project should be carried out as follows:... 这方案应以下列步骤进行:...... The room looks a bit run-down. Can I get another one? 这房间看上去有点年久失修,我可以换一间吗? This room only became available a few minutes ago. 这房间是几分钟前才空出来的。 The house needs painting. It's in bad condition. 这房子需要油漆。它的情况很坏。 That's very good. 这非常好。 How true that is! 这非常正确! There's a special issue for this morning paper next Monday. 这份晨报下周一有特刊。 The evening paper has an extra today. 这份晚报今天有号外。 I would like to send this letter by airmail. 这封信我想寄航空。 How many days will it take for this letter to reach New York? 这封信要多少天才会到纽约? What is the postage for this letter? Will you kindly weigh it? 这封信邮资多少?请称一下好吗? This traditional Chinese painting is just a copy, not original. 这幅国画只是一副摹本,不是真迹。 Is it for sale? 这幅画出售吗? This seems to be Picasso's work. 这幅似乎是毕加索的画。 This portrait is painted to the life. 这幅肖像画十分逼真。 This picture is really well drawn. 这幅真是画得不错。 I'm impressed by this composition. 这幅作品给我留下深刻印象。 Is there a shopping mall in the vicinity? 这附近有没有购物中心? 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司