翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 That's terrible. 这真糟糕。 It's really worth seeing. 这真值得一看。 That's precisely my own opinion. 这正好是我自己的观点。 That's just my cup of tea. 这正合我的胃口。 It is just what I wanted. 这正合我意。 It's just my cup of tea. 这正合我意。 That's exactly my opinion. 这正是我的意见。 It was as much of a success as most of us hoped. 这正是我们大多数人所期望的那种成功。 That's what I had in mind. 这正是我所想的。 That's just what I was thinking. 这正是我想的。 This is just what I had in mind. 这正是我想要的。 That's just what I'm getting at. 这正是我要说的意思。 It's exactly what I have been wanting. 这正是我一直想要的。 This pencil is longer than that one. 这支铅笔比那支长些。 This piece of music is suitable for tango. 这支曲子适合跳探戈舞。 I'll carry this bag by myself. 这只包我随身携带。 This vase is incomparably more valuable than that one. 这只花瓶要远远比那只有价值。 This ring costs more than 200 dollars and so it's dutiable. 这只戒指的价值超过二百美元,所以应该付税。 That's what you say. 这只是你自己说的。 It's only hearsay that the girl has many boyfriends. 这只是听说,那个女孩有许多男友。 It's the least I could do. 这只是我所能尽的一点微薄之力。 This is just an informal party. 这只是一次随便的聚会。 This camera is valued less than 80 dollars. 这只相机的价值低于八十美元。 This material feels soft. 这种材料感觉很柔软。 The cream base can help to cover up the freckles. 这种底霜能掩盖雀斑。 Is this kind of telephone made in Taipei? 这种电话是台北生产的吗? Such goods cannot pass free of duty. 这种东西不纳税不能通过的。 This dry-cleaning detergent is suitable for leather jackets. 这种干洗剂适用于皮夹克。 The tonic can prevent dandruff. 这种护发素能去头皮屑。 The Splendid Style will match an evening gown. 这种华丽发型很配晚礼服。 This wig will be perfect for ladies your age. 这种假发对您这样年龄的女士很合适。 This capsule is to be taken every four hours. 这种胶囊每隔四小时服一次。 This cold cream will help to remove the wrinkles. 这种冷霜能去皱纹。 This spray will keep your hair in style for a long time. 这种喷发胶能使您的发型保持很久。 This cleaning cream is good for the removal of a light make-up. 这种清洁霜对清除淡装很有用。 This conditioning shampoo is good for the scalp. 这种润丝洗发液对头皮有益。 This syrup is good for your cough. 这种糖浆对你的咳嗽很有效。 This kind of dance is out of date now. 这种舞现在已经不流行了。 This kind of tobacco has a high tar content. 这种香烟焦油含量很高。 This kind of exercise often fatigues me. 这种训练常使我感到疲倦。 The color becomes you. 这种颜色很配你。 This color is quite in fashion this year. 这种颜色今年很流行。 The eye drops will help to improve your eyesight. 这种眼药水能改善你的视力。 This ointment should clear up the trouble. 这种药膏保你会好。 The medicine will subdue the inflammation quickly. 这种药能迅速消炎。 Will this medicine have any side effects? 这种药有副作用吗? How to use this oil? 这种油液如何使用? This pearl powder will keep the swelling down. 这种珍珠粉会消肿。 We're having a party this weekend. 这周末我们准备开一次宴会。 It seems nice. 这主意不错。 That's not a bad idea. 这主意不坏。 I'd like that! 这主意好! That sounds a good idea. 这主意听起来不错。 What's the variety show like? 这综艺节目怎么样? The whole statue is a precious art work. 这尊像是一件珍贵的艺术品。 This museum is the largest one of its kind in the world today. 这座博物馆是目前世界最大的。 This statue is so tall that I can't see the top of its head. 这座塑像很高,我都看不到它的头顶。 Are there many reading rooms in this library? 这座图书馆有许多阅览室吗? Is this seat vacant? 这座位空着吗? The Sleeping Buddha is a giant copper statue of Sakyamuni. 这座卧佛是一尊巨大的释迦牟尼铜像。 That statue is sculpted out of clay. 这座像是泥塑的。 What's the use of this? 这做什么用? Take care! 珍重! Look after yourself. Bye! 珍重,再见! I'm really sorry, I didn't make it to your birthday party. 真抱歉,我没能去参加你的生日聚会。 That's a bit naughty. 真不应该这样做。 What a nerve! 真不知耻! What a fool! 真蠢啊! Good grief! 真倒霉! Just my luck! 真倒霉! Bad luck! 真倒霉! What luck! 真倒霉! It's not my day! 真倒霉! What rotten luck! 真倒霉! Just our luck! 真倒霉! What rotten luck! 真倒霉。 Just our luck to have lost the wallet. 真倒霉把钱包丢了。 Really! 真的! Really! I've just about had enough! 真的!我受够了! Really! I've just about had enough of your unpunctuality. 真的!我受够了你的不守时。 Really, I'm fed up with fried eggs. 真的,我吃腻了炒蛋。 Indeed? 真的? Are you really? 真的? Really? 真的? Really? 真的?! Really? Thanks a lot. How wonderful! 真的?多谢。真是太棒了。 Is that so? We're lucky to be in time. 真的?我们来得及时,真幸运。 No, really. I'm not in a mood for it. 真的不行。我不想那样。 Really? 真的吗? Did you really? 真的吗? Really? 真的吗? There's no hope left really. 真的没有希望了。 How boring! 真乏味! How unexciting! 真乏味! That's a total bore! 真烦死了! Nice bumping into you. 真高兴能意外地遇见你。 Glad it's all over. 真高兴一切结束了。 How nice to meet you again. 真高兴又见到了你。 How nice to see you here. 真高兴在这里见到你。 Good! 真好! What a relief! 真叫人安慰! Isn't that infuriating! 真叫人发火! How infuriating! 真叫人发火! Isn't that maddening! 真叫人恼火! How maddening! 真叫人恼火! What a pity! 真可惜! What a shame! 真可惜! It's a sin that the volleyball match has been cancelled. 真可惜,排球赛取消了。 It's a shame that we lost the game. 真可惜,我们比赛输了。 What a strain! 真累人! How disappointing! 真令人失望! It's disappointing! 真令人失望! That's a relief. 真令人欣慰。 What a pleasant surprise! 真没想到会遇见你! This is a pleasant surprise. 真没想到会遇见你。 Fancy running into you here. 真没想到会在这儿遇见你。 How irritating! 真恼火! What a coincidence! 真巧! That's a great relief. 真让人安慰。 That's super! 真神! It's a sad thing. 真是不幸的事。 How extraordinarily rude! 真是粗鲁得出奇! What luck! 真是倒霉! Just my luck! 真是倒霉! Just one of those days! 真是倒霉的日子! Just one of those days. 真是倒霉的日子! Just one of those days that I should have lost my key. 真是倒霉的日子,我竟丢了我的钥匙。 It's just been one of those days. 真是倒霉的日子。 That's really very kind of you. 真是多谢您的好意。 It was a bit of a bore, wasn't it? 真是烦死了,不是吗? Thank you very much indeed for your help. 真是非常感谢你给我的帮助。 What an idiot! 真是个白痴! What a good idea! 真是个好主意! That's a good idea. 真是个好主意。 What a delightful idea! 真是个令人高兴的主意! How is that for impudence! 真是厚颜无耻! What a resplendent and stately hall! 真是金壁辉煌、庄严绚丽的大殿! What a picturesque scene! 真是景致如画! They're really a feast for the eyes. 真是琳琅满目。 It's too difficult to handle. 真是没办法把这事处理好。 This is a fantastic sight! Don't you agree? 真是美妙的风景!你同意吗? It's marvelous. 真是美妙极了。 That's fantastic! 真是妙极了! That's the limit! 真是忍无可忍了! That's wonderful! 真是太好了! What a great pity! 真是太可惜了! That's a real shame. 真是太可惜了。 This is extremely irritating. 真是太令人恼火了。 It's a real drag! 真是讨厌。 That's really a perfect goal! 真是一个漂亮的进球! It's really a pity. 真是遗憾。 That is a bore! 真讨厌! What a bore! 真讨厌! What a nuisance! 真讨厌! What a drag! 真讨厌! Isn't that a bother! 真讨厌! What a drag! 真讨厌! Fancy that! 真想不到! Well, I'll be blowed! 真想不到! Well, I'm blest! 真想不到! Just fancy! 真想不到! It's unthinkable that the company went bankrupt. 真想不到那家公司会倒闭。 How lucky to meet you here. 真幸运能在这里见到你。 Pity really! 真遗憾! What a pity! 真遗憾! A crying shame, isn't it? 真遗憾,是吗? It's a pity that he can't swim. 真遗憾,他不会游泳。 How interesting! 真有趣! Cheer up! 振作起来! Cheer up! You'll have a second chance, I'm sure. 振作起来!我肯定你还会有第二次机会的。 Cheer up, boy! 振作起来,伙计! Cheer up, boy! 振作起来,伙计! Steady on. 镇定些。 Pull yourself together. 镇定些吧。 You want it very short over all, right? 整个都要很短,是吗? Shall I cut it short all around? 整个都要剪短? It's been cloudy all morning. 整个早晨都是阴天。 I haven't got a good hand the whole rubber. 整局中我没拿过一手好牌。 On the while, the project is feasible. 整体而言,这方案是可行的。 It's just under the allowance limit. 正好没超过限额。 My own view exactly. 正好是我的观点。 Are there anything in the front stalls? 正厅前排有票吗? That's the way it should be. 正应该是这样。 Can secret language be used in government telegrams? 政务电报可以用暗语吗? Know anything about the air pollution? 知道空气污染吗? I'm sorry to know that you didn't pass the exam. 知道你没有通过考试,我很遗憾。 I can't say how delighted I am about your promotion. 知道你升迁的消息我有说不出的高兴。 Know his wife has left him? 知道他的妻子已离开他了吗? A trip to the ancient city is worthwhile. 值得对古城作一次旅游。 Only a bit more than the first-class ship fare. 只比头等舱贵一点儿。 Just a minute, please. It won't be long. 只稍等一回儿,不会久的。 Just a slight infection. 只是轻微的感染。 It's only printed matter; ordinary mail will do. 只是一些印刷品,就按普通邮件寄吧。 It's simply a matter of attack being weakened. 只是因为进攻被削弱了的缘故。 It'll only take five minutes, so perhaps you'll wait. 只需要五分钟就配好,所以也许你能等一等。 Just wait till I receive the award. 只要等到我获奖。 You just wait till I get the money. 只要等到我拿到钱。 Just aim the camera and press here. 只要拿准相机然后按这里就好了。 You may borrow the book so long as you keep it clean. 只要你保持这书清洁,你就可以借它。 Just you make a noise again, I'll shoot you! 只要你再弄出声响来,我就毙了你! Just follow this road four blocks. 只要顺着这条路过去四个街区就是。 The machine might work if we operate it very carefully. 只要我们小心操作,这台机器可能会运转。 Just imagine how exciting it will be to meet that great football player. 只要想想能见到那位著名的足球运动员,是多么令人兴奋啊。 Just think of all the things we're going to see! 只要想想我们就会看到的那些东西吧! Some small denominations will do. 只要一些小票面的就可以了。 As long as a language lives, it will surely grow and develop. 只要一种语言存在,它必定会成长发展。 I won't go out as long as there is heavy smog. 只要有浓重烟雾,我就不外出。 As long as there is life, there is hope. 只要有生命,就有希望。 Just leave the shoes outside the door before going to bed. 只要在睡觉前把皮鞋放在门外。 I don't see why not, as long as it's within the budget. 只要在预算之内,我看没有什么不可以的。 It's only one block away. 只有一个街区远。 Any particular brands? 指定要什么牌子的吗? The sign says it is open from 5 to 5 on weekdays. 指示牌上说公园周一至周无从早上 5 时开放到下午 5 时。 About fresh water, where did you get it? 至于淡水,你是从哪儿去弄来的? As to the plan, I think it's quite good. 至于这个计划,我认为很不错的。 Chinese stitchery is beautifully patterned. 中国刺绣图案漂亮。 There are a lot of similarities in culture and tradition between China and Japan. 中国和日本在文化和传统方面有许多共同点。 Could you possibly finish the project by noon? 中午前你有可能完成这个计划吗? At noon I had lunch with a friend of mine. 中午我和一个朋友一同吃中饭。 Before noon. 中午以前。 Is the Chinese medicine bitter? 中药苦吗? How long is Jones Boulevard? 钟士林荫大道有多长? Care for an outing with me to the cinema Saturday evening? 周六晚上跟我一起去看电影好吗? How many days will it take me to tour Paris? 周游巴黎要多少天? It'll be nice travelling all over the world. 周游世界一定会很愉快。 Judith will have to get 7 more points to take lead. 朱迪丝必须再得 7 分才能领先。 And for your main course? 主菜呢? Mr Chairman, may I? 主席,我可以发言吗? Mr Chairman, may I attempt a suggestion? 主席先生,我可以提一个建议吗? Shut up! 住口! Stop it! I've had enough of it. 住口!我受够了。 Cut it out! 住嘴! Shut up! 住嘴! Shut up telling me what to do! 住嘴,不要告诉我该做什么! Shut up! How dare you swear at me like that! 住嘴,你竟敢那样咒骂我! Mind now, I want you home by ten. 注意,我要你在十点之前回家。 Make sure you don't lose the key to the safe. 注意别丢了保险柜的钥匙。 Be sure not to put your hand in front of the lens. 注意不要把手放在镜头前面。 Watch your tongue and act like a lady. 注意你的措辞,行为检点一点。 Make sure you keep it a secret! 注意你一定要保守秘密! Pay attention to the amount of sugar you put into the soup. 注意往汤里面所加的糖的量。 Mind my words. 注意我的话。 Be careful of your diet. 注意饮食。 Congratulations on your prawn curry. 祝贺你咖喱明虾烧得好。 May you succeed. 祝你成功。 May I wish you a happy Easter! 祝你复活节快乐! To your promotion! 祝你高升! All the best with your work. 祝你工作一切顺利。 Good luck to you! 祝你好运! Good luck! 祝你好运! The best of luck! 祝你好运! Good luck! 祝你好运! Your good luck, Jane! 祝你好运,简! Good luck with you. 祝你好运。 I wish you good luck. 祝你好运。 Here's to a happy marriage. 祝你婚姻美满。 Here's to your health. 祝你健康。 I wish you a smooth trip. 祝你旅途顺利。 Good luck in the interview. 祝你面试好运。 Good luck with your family. 祝你全家好运。 Here's how! 祝你身体健康! May I wish you many happy returns of the day! 祝你生日快乐! Merry Christmas to you. 祝你圣诞快乐。 Here's to a successful career. 祝你事业成功。 All the best in your career. 祝你事业一切顺利。 The very best of luck with you. 祝你顺利。 Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心! All the best! 祝你万事如意! 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司