翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 ammoxidation 氨氧化反应 amino-ethyl-isothiurone 氨乙基异硫脲 ammonia plant 氨植物 ammonia-soda process 氨制碱法 ammonia refrigeration system 氨制冷系统 ammonia clock 氨钟 dorsum sellae 鞍背 saddleback 鞍背鸟 saddle nose 鞍鼻 col 鞍点 saddle point 鞍点 saddle point approximation 鞍点逼近法 saddle point game 鞍点对策 method of saddle points 鞍点法 saddle point method 鞍点法 saddle point equation 鞍点方程 saddle point separatrix 鞍点分界线 saddle point theory 鞍点理论 saddling 鞍锻 diaphragma sellae 鞍膈 saddle function 鞍函数 saddle 鞍基 saddle graft 鞍接 saddle node bifurcation 鞍结分岔 tuberculum sellae 鞍结节 saddle leather 鞍具革 saddle reef 鞍状矿脉 warble 鞍瘤 anshan group 鞍山群 anshan series 鞍山统 saddle gall 鞍伤 saddle type grip 鞍式抱索器 clinoid 鞍突 saddle terminal 鞍形端子 saddle boiler 鞍形锅炉 saddle weld 鞍形焊 saddle jack 鞍形夹头起重器 saddle key 鞍形键 saddle scaffold 鞍形脚手架 saddle joint 鞍形接合 anticlastic surface 鞍形面 anticlastic 鞍形面的 col pressure field 鞍形气压场 col 鞍形区 saddle surface 鞍形曲面 saddle 鞍形山 saddleback 鞍形山 saddle flange 鞍形凸缘 saddle roof 鞍形屋顶 saddleback roof 鞍形屋顶 saddle coil 鞍形线圈 saddle fold 鞍形褶曲 saddle casting 鞍型铸件 articulatio sellaris 鞍状关节 saddle joint 鞍状关节 saddle region 鞍状区域 saddle block 鞍状阻滞麻醉 intermediate support 鞍座 saddle seat 鞍座 saddle type turret lathe 鞍座式转塔车床 ammonium 铵 ammonium alum 铵矾 ammonium fixation 铵固定 ammonium compound 铵化合物 ammoniojarosite 铵黄铁矾 kladnoite 铵基苯石 ammonium ion 铵离子 koktaite 铵石膏 ammonium nitrogen 铵态氮 ammonium fertilizer 铵态氮肥 ammonium tungsten bronze 铵钨青铜 kentite 铵硝、钾硝、三硝甲苯炸药 ammonium salt 铵盐 ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixture 铵油炸药 ammonium soap 铵皂 ammonpulver 铵炸药 bulkhead wall 岸壁 quay wall 岸壁 bank deposit 岸边沉积 shoreside 岸边的 quayside container crane 岸边集装箱起重机 longshore current 岸边流 ship unloader 岸边抓斗卸船机 shore ice 岸冰 bar 岸堤 abutment pier 岸墩 coastal defense missile 岸防导弹 shore-based aircraft 岸基飞机 off-shore dock 岸架式浮坞 fringing reef 岸礁 shore reef 岸礁 berm 岸径 shore current 岸流 bank-run gravel 岸流砂砾 riparian 岸栖的 ripicolous 岸栖的 shore bird 岸禽类 bank sand 岸沙 landed terms 岸上交货条件 shore tank 岸上贮罐 base station 岸台 beach plain 岸滩平原 beach profile 岸滩剖面 off-shore bar 岸外坝 embayment 岸湾 coast line survey 岸线测量 shoreline cycle 岸线循环 Tethinidae 岸蝇科 free on board liner terms 按班轮条件船上交货价 in proportion 按比例 pro rata 按比例 proportional change 按比例变化 proportional sampling 按比例采样 proportional sampling 按比例抽样 proportional subclass numbers 按比例的子类数目 develop in preportion 按比例发展 gains from proportionate stratified sampling 按比例分层抽样的得益 proportionate burden-sharing 按比例分担 proportional allocation 按比例分配 proportional distribution 按比例分配 proportionate distribution of labour time 按比例分配劳动时间 estimate by ratio 按比例估计 proportional weight method 按比例加权法 proportional reduction 按比例减低 proportionate reduction of property tax liability 按比例减征财产税 proportionate reduction of property tax liability 按比例减征物业税 proportional deduction 按比例扣除 scale expansion investment 按比例扩大投资 scale-down 按比例缩减 scale-down 按比例缩小 scaling down 按比例缩小 scale-up 按比例增加 scaling-up 按比例增加 gravity classification 按比重分级 marginal cost pricing 按边际成本定价 tag sort 按标记排序 tag sort 按标签排序 sale by standard 按标准出售 sale by type 按标准出售 multiple information retrieval by parallel selection 按并行选择的多路信息检索 calculated according to constant price 按不变价格计算 in constant value 按不变价值计算 in constant dollar value 按不变价值美元计算 stepwise extension 按步开拓 stepwise convergence 按步收敛 layout by product 按产品布置 classification by product 按产品分类 classification by product characteristics 按产品特征分类 regular sampling 按常规取样 method of fixed percentage on cost 按成本的固定百分比折旧法 GNP at factor costs 按成本要素计算的国民生产总值 contact area 按触面积 contactor-type control gear 按触器式控制机构 deep discount bonds 按大折扣发行的债券 unit limitation of liability 按单位责任限制 budget update 按当前情况修订预算 at current price 按当时价格 offer firm c.i.f.... 按到岸价格报实盘 class pricing practice 按等定价 in regular turn 按抵港顺序 pass by location 按地点传递 geographic stratification 按地区分层 classification by region 按地区分类 point transposition 按点换位 at revised rate 按订正费率计算 delivered to order 按定货单交货 per list price 按定价 provided by law 按法律规定 on non-concessional terms 按非优惠条件 tag along sort 按分类标识 interest based on each installment 按分期付款额计息 risk-adjusted discount rate 按风险调整的折现率 ability theory of taxation 按负担能力课税说 load factor pricing 按负荷因素定价 compounding 按复利计算终值 press cap 按盖 snap-on cap 按盖 form feed 按格式进纸 pay according to work 按工计酬 classification by industry group 按工业部门分类 layout by process 按工艺布置 arbitration in equity 按公平准则进行仲裁 formulary taxes 按公式计征的税收 gross domestic product in purchaser's value 按购买者价格计算的国内产品总值 dollar cost averaging 按购入证券的美元价格平均计算法 sharing profits according to contributions 按股分红 allotment 按股分配 osteopathy 按骨术 constant percentage growth 按固定百分比增长 fixed percentage of decreasing net value 按固定比例递减净值 constant growth model 按固定比例增长模型 GNP at constant price 按固定价格计算的国民生产总值 classification by customer 按顾客类别分类 key-sequenced data set 按关键字编序的数据集 balance on basis of official reserve transaction 按官方储备结算的国际收支差额 automatic programming by resolution 按归结的自动程序设计 mandatory increase 按规定必须增加数 bill drawn payable at a fixed date 按规定日期付款的汇票 sale by specification 按规格出售 at your limit 按贵方价格 breakdown by countries 按国别分类 by country and type of creditor 按国别和贷款人类别划分 commodity-by-country system 按国别列商品制度 establish companies along trade lines 按行业组织公司 by contract 按合同 on contract 按合同 guarantee money paid on contract 按合同付保证金 on agreement 按合约 disjunctive search 按“或”检索 on open account terms 按记帐方式交易 quarterly payment 按季付款 adjustment of seasonal variation 按季节变化调整 quarterage 按季收付的款项 method of moving average by seasons 按季移动平均法 ad valorem 按价 ad valorem duty 按价收税 pricing base on value 按价值订价 piece rate principle 按件计酬原理 priced work 按件计价的工作 agreement by piece 按件计资 key 按键 key program type function computer 按键程序式函数台式计算机 key pad telephone set 按键电话机 key switch 按键开关 push-key switch 按键开关 push-key switch group 按键开关组 key pulse 按键脉冲 touch tone telephone 按键式电话机 key pad 按键式号盘 touch tone data service 按键式数据服务 push-button tuner 按键式调谐装置 error rate of keying 按键误差率 error rate of keying 按键误码率 key information 按键信息 manipulation noise 按键噪声 key set 按键组 push-to-talk circuit 按讲电路 press-to-talk switch 按讲开关 footage rate payment 按进尺支付 classification by status 按经济地位分组 classification by kind of economic activity 按经济活动分类 gross domestic product by kind of economic activity 按经济活动种类分列的国内产品总值 classification by broad economic categories 按经济类分类 principle of taxation based on economic substance 按经济实益课税原则 assessed according to net tonnage 按净吨位计征 tax on net basis 按净额征税 tax on net profit basis 按净利润额征税 in comparable prices 按可比价格计算 snap 按扣 snap fastener 按扣 net of tax method 按扣除税款后净额计算法 reporting stockholders equity by source 按来源列报股东权益 exchange of products in accordance with labour values 按劳动耗费量交换产品 payment according to labour contributions 按劳分红 column-adding routine 按列相加程序 flow-proportioned sample 按流量比例取样 price fixed in buyer's currency 按买方货币所定价格 price fixed in seller's currency 按卖方货币所定价格 tax on gross basis 按毛额征税 distribution on gross profit 按毛利分配 tax on gross profit basis 按毛利润额征税 on gross weight 按毛重计算 interest based on equal periodic payment 按每期等额付款计息 interest based on each installment 按每期付款额计息 poundage 按每一英镑征收的税额 discount bond 按面值折扣发行的债券 pass by name 按名传递 assignment by name 按名赋值 massage 按摩 chiropractor 按摩技士 chiropractic 按摩疗法 massager 按摩器 cushion attachment for massager 按摩器软垫 massagist 按摩师 massage manipulation 按摩手法 target-rate-of-return pricing 按目标利润率定价 content accessable memory 按内容存取存储器 content-based access method 按内容存取法 tax by ability 按能力课税 per annum 按年 per year 按年 annalistic 按年代编辑的 chronologize 按年代排列 yearly installments 按年分期付款 yearly taxation 按年计税 annualize 按年计算 chronology 按年月次序排列 chronological 按年月顺序的 annualize 按年折算 button 按钮 key 按钮 knob 按钮 press-button 按钮 press-knob 按钮 push button 按钮 snap button 按钮 push contact 按钮触点 push-button dialing 按钮拨号 push-button contact 按钮触点 push-button timer 按钮定时器 button spindle 按钮杆 push-button cord rewinder 按钮卷线器 button switch 按钮开关 push-button switch 按钮开关 operation of push-button switch 按钮开关操作 basic cell of push-button switch 按钮开关基本单元 push-button starter 按钮开关启动器 position of push-button switch 按钮开关位置 push-button array 按钮开关阵列 knob-operated control 按钮式控制 dash control 按钮控制 finger-tip control 按钮控制 knob control 按钮控制 push-button control 按钮控制 push-button mining 按钮控制开采 push-button control panel 按钮控制盘 push-button yard 按钮控制式调车场 push-button control system 按钮控制系统 push-button drilling 按钮控制凿岩 push-to-talk operation 按钮启动传话操作 push-button actuator 按钮起动器 push-button semiautomatic system 按钮式半自动系统 push-button dialing pad 按钮式拨号盘 push-button socket 按钮式插座 push-button door handle 按钮式车门把手 push-button station 按钮式控制站 automatic push-button control lift 按钮式自动控制电梯 push-button tuning 按钮调谐 button device 按钮型设备 touch tone dialing 按钮选号 trust under decree 按判决信托 load shedding equipment according to frequency 按频率减载装置 double sampling plan by attributes 按品质的双重抽样方案 division in ratio of capitals at begining of period 按期初比例分配 division in ratio of capitals at end of period 按期末比例分配 reasoning by cases 按情况推理 per-interval 按区间的 block-oriented random access memory 按区随机存取存储器 region-dependent segmentation 按区域分割 personal distribution 按人分配 per capita 按人计算的 export purchasing power per capital 按人口计算的出口购买力 per capita gross product 按人口计算的总产量 per capita output 按人口平均产量 per capita production level 按人口平均产量 per capita GNP 按人口平均的国民生产总值 per capita national income 按人口平均的国民收入 per capita production level 按人口平均的生产水平 per head 按人口平均计算 per capita output 按人口平均计算产量 crop yield per capita 按人口平均收获量 per capita income 按人口平均收入 level of average per capita consumption 按人口平均消费水平 per day 按日 day-to-day loan 按日放款 sales on day instalment 按日分期付款销售 per diem 按日给薪 per day premium 按日计算的保险费 impose surcharge for overdue payment for every day in arrears 按日加收滞纳金 day-to-day money 按日借款 measurement ton method 按容积吨计算运费法 catalog sale 按商品目录零售 catalogue sale 按商品目录零售 tale quale 按商品现状 tel quel 按商品现状 inquire by unit 按设备询问 conversion at current price 按时价兑换 time-proportioned sample 按时间比例取样 time derivative 按时间导数 progressive in time 按时间累进 on-time departure 按时刻表飞走 historical-cost statement 按实际成本计算的报表 freight per net weight delivered 按实交净重量计算运费 concurrent with discharge 按实卸货物支付运费 GNP at market price 按市场价格计算的国民生产总值 at market price 按市价 conversion at market price 按市价兑换 debenture convertible at current price 按市价兑换的债券 depreciation on market price 按市价折旧 distribution on selling price 按售价分配 estimated loss from sales valuation of merchandise inventory 按售价估计商品库存损失 purchasing by specification 按说明书采购 sale by description 按说明书出售 cost-of-service principle 按所提供的劳务成本课税的原则 classification by type of ownership 按所有制形式分类 property sort 按特性分类 measurement ton method 按体积吨计算运费法 measurement freight 按体积计算的运费 payment on terms 按条件支付 offer on same terms and condition 按同样条件报盘 chart buying 按图示购买 site-value rating 按土地价值征税 interest based on uncollected balance 按未收余额计息 bit compare 按位比较 encoding by bit 按位编码 bit-oriented organization 按位编排 bit test 按位测试 bit processing 按位处理 serial-by-bit 按位串行 serial-by-bit processing 按位串行处理 bit-oriented memory 按位存取存储器 bit-oriented 按位的 bit-by-bit optical memory 按位光存储器 positional record aggregate 按位记录聚集 positional number 按位记数 positional notation 按位记数法 positional number system 按位记数系统 add-without-carry gate 按位加门 bit switch 按位开关 bit-by-bit control 按位控制 bit clear 按位清除 fetch bit 按位取数 inquire by file 按文件询问 anopheles 按蚊 Anopheles 按蚊属 conversion at current price 按现价兑换 in current price 按现价计算 at current cost 按现时费率计算 at current price 按现行价格 GNP at current price 按现行价格计算的国民生产总值 calculated according to current wholesale price 按现行批发价格计算 at market price 按现行市场价格 time-adjusted investment 按现值计算的投资 similarity-rule estimation method 按相似律计算法 according to administrative system 按行政系统 illiterates percentage by sex 按性别分列的文盲百分比 property sort 按性能分类 demand assignment 按需分配 demand assignment multiple access 按需分配多路存取 demand assignment system 按需分配制 in-sequence 按序 sequential access 按序存取 sequential mass storage file 按序大容量存储器文件 sequential definition 按序定义 sequential mode 按序方式 sequential carry 按序进位 sequenced acknowledge 按序确认 sequential algorithm 按序算法 sequential option 按序选择 sequential collation 按序整理 press button sprinkling system 按压喷水器 computation by deduction 按演绎计算 adjust the L/C as requested 按要求修改信用证 according to requirement of service 按业务需要 paged-direct addressing 按页直接寻址 distribution of social labour in definite proportion 按一定比例分配社会劳动 trust under will 按遗嘱信托 classification by use 按用途分类 economic assistance given on favorable terms 按优惠条件提供经济援助 conjunctive search 按“与”检索 branch-on switch setting 按预置开关转移 monthly 按月 monthly allotments 按月分配数 monthly installment 按月分期付款 sales on monthly instalment 按月分期付款销售 monthly installment 按月付款 monthly payment 按月付款 monthly revolving credit 按月循环信用证 assessed according to dead weight tonnage 按载重吨位计征 as per list 按照表列 on cost 按照成本 sailed as per list 按照单列日期开航 according to usual practice 按照惯例 as customary 按照惯例 as contracted 按照合同 by contract 按照合同 according to different categories of taxes 按照税种划分 as per advice 按照通知 [汇票用语] according to schedule 按照预定计划 as arranged 按照约定 as contracted 按照约定 coefficient conversion 按折算率换算 conversion with the coefficient 按折算率换算 feeling 按诊 on weight of fabric 按织物重量计算 pass by value 按值传递 call by quantity 按值调用 branch on indicator 按指示符转移 indexed loan 按指数偿付的贷款 indexed bond 按指数偿付的债券 table of exponential random number 按指数分布的随机数表 indexation of price 按指数调整价格 distribution on manufacturing cost 按制造成本分配 organization by stage of manufacture 按制造阶段组织 fixing price according to quality 按质定价 pricing by quality 按质论价 grade by weight 按重量分级 classification by special function 按专门作用分类 classification by special function 按专业分类 character by character 按字符 serial-by-character 按字符串行 serial-by-character processing 按字符串行处理 byte-addressable storage 按字节编址存储器 byte-oriented operation 按字节操作 byte-oriented operand 按字节操作数 byte-oriented commercial instruction 按字节商用指令 byte-oriented operation 按字节运算 block-oriented organization 按字块编排 alphabet sequeuce 按字母顺序排列 alphabetic 按字母顺序的 alphabetical 按字母顺序的 alphabetic information 按字母顺序排列的信息 proportion of total value methods of weighting 按总值比例加权法 block wise coding 按组编码 group averaged 按组平均的 block wise decoding 按组译码 freight on final outturn 按最后卸量计算运费 amine 胺 spasmium 胺苄喹酮 prothiocarb 胺丙威 amic 胺的 amination 胺化 amination 胺化作用 carbaryl 胺甲萘 Sevin 胺甲萘 tetramethrin 胺菊酯 amine antioxidants 胺类防老剂 amine curing agents 胺类硫化剂 aminergic neuron 胺能神经元 benzadox 胺酸杀 amiton 胺吸磷 amine absorption process 胺吸收法 trichorad 胺硝噻唑 tritheon 胺硝噻唑 amine oxidase 胺氧化酶 symphocal 胺乙恶唑 APUD system 胺与胺前体摄取和脱羧细胞系统 [APUD细胞系统] table roll 案辊 case 案件 legal case 案件 dossier 案卷 record 案卷 abstract of record 案卷摘录 case 案例 example of case 案例 case work 案例调查 case study 案例研究 case study method 案例研究法 digest of case 案例摘要 case 案情 details of a case 案情 fact of a case 案情 cause of action 案由 dark 暗 dim 暗 dull 暗 batukite 暗白榴玄武岩 nemite 暗白榴岩 dark companion 暗伴星 faint companion 暗伴星 dark limb 暗边缘 melaphyre 暗玢岩 shade 暗部 shadow 暗部 invisible 暗藏的 mortise bolt 暗插销 flush socket-outlet 暗插座 abortion within the first month of pregnancy 暗产 scotochromogen 暗产色菌 dark field 暗场 dark-field microscope 暗场显微镜 dark-field illumination 暗场照明 dark reactivation 暗重激活作用 hidden drawer 暗抽屉 dematioid 暗丛梗孢形的 A band 暗带 dark band 暗带 dark lane 暗带 dusky belt 暗带 dull coal 暗淡煤 splint coal 暗淡煤 obscure 暗的 black scope 暗底显示管 dim spot 暗点 scotoma 暗点 scotometer 暗点计 scotodinia 暗点性眩晕 dark current 暗电流 equivalent dark-current irradiation 暗电流等效辐照 dark-current pulse 暗电流脉冲 black level 暗电平 dark resistance 暗电阻 low key 暗调 blind nail 暗钉 concealed nail 暗钉 secret nail 暗钉 dowel pin 暗定位销 opacity 暗度 opacimeter 暗度计 submerged pier 暗墩 dull emitter 暗发射体 kentsmithite 暗钒砂岩 dark reaction 暗反应 dark discharge 暗放电 dark separating 暗分选 Steles 暗蜂属 slip stitch 暗缝线迹 concealed joint 暗缝 submerged joint 暗缝 blind-stitch machine 暗缝缝纫机 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司