翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 take to one's legs 溜之大吉  can not escape responsibility for the offence or crime 罪责难逃 leave bad conditions for a more favorable one 远走高飞 refuse to be contaminated by evil influences 洁身自好爱 not worth a penny 一文不值  be fully recounted in history 大书特书 be completely indifferent to another's welfare 无关痛痒 it goes without saying 不在话下 not worth mentioning 不足挂齿  be beneath one's notice  不屑一顾 not essential 可有可无 a matter of life and death 生死攸关 it is indeed no trivial matter 非同小可  minor details 细枝末节 of little importance 无足轻重 of little significance 无关大局 too trivial or insignificant to mention 微不足道  play a decisive role 举足轻重 trivialities 鸡毛蒜皮 of treaties, contracts, laws etc. become a piece of worthless paper 一纸空文  have nothing to recommend itself 一无可取  be unrealistic 不切实际 everyone has his strong and weak points 尺短寸长 draw on the strong points of others to offset one's own weakness | to make up for each other's deficiencies 取长补短 it doesn't help the situation 于事无补  an utterly inadequate amount 杯水车薪 make the best use of things 物尽其用 superfluous or useless appendages 附赘悬疣 labour in vain 徒劳无功益  can not do anything about it 无能为力 not enough by a far shot, of no effect 无济于事 would be glad to help but can not 爱莫能助 one should make use of what one has learned 学以致用 unattainable 高不可攀 feel powerless and frustrated 望洋兴叹 nobody can accomplish anything without the necessary means 无米之炊  due to a wrong approach success is impossible 缘木求鱼 beyond one's ability to help 鞭长莫及 beyond reach 不可企及 make futile efforts 水中捞月  a slight superiority 一日之长 just so so 不过尔尔 no comparison between past and present 今非昔比  feel ashamed of one's inferiority 自愧不如 surpass one's master or teacher in learning 青出于蓝 the new arrivals surpass the oldtimers 后来居上 prove inferior by comparison 相形见绌  just passable 差强人意 be slightly superior to others 略胜一筹 have both strong and weak points 瑕瑜互见 going too far is as bad as not going far enough 过犹不及  be outshone 黯然失色 be perfect in every way 十全十美 the one and only way 不二法门 unparalleled in the world 天下无双 perfect job 天衣无缝 stand out among one's fellows 出人头地 superb, incredible mastery of something 出神入化 in a class by himself 出类拔萃 come out first in the examinations 名列前茅 above everything else 至高无上 flawless 完美无缺 demand perfection 求全责备 stand head and shoulders above all others 卓尔不群 without parallel in history 空前绝后 be second to none 首屈一指 be richly endowed by nature said of a country rich in natural resources or of a gifted person 得天独厚  a more flagrant instance has yet to be found 莫此为甚 extremely 无以复加 second to none 无出其右 beyond comparison 无可比拟  without equal 无与伦比 of scholastic attainment or technical skill reach great heights 登峰造极 the only one of its kind 绝无仅有 incomparably superior  超群绝伦  acclaim a work of art etc. what perfection! nothing could be better! 叹为观止 the acme of perfection 尽善尽美 seek for greater perfection  精益求精 unrivalled 盖世无双  one of the best  数一数二 be unique 独一无二 head the list of successful candidates 独占鳌头 have no equal in one's time 独步一时 make something perfect even more perfect 锦上添花 be matchless 举世无双 reach a high degree of technical or professional proficiency 炉火纯青 stand head and shoulders above others 鹤立鸡群 only one party is willing 一相厢情愿 look forward to relief from distress 大旱望云霓 what one had hoped would happen come to pass 天从人愿 one's thoughts fly to a place or a person 心驰神往 yearn to be somebody or desire something greatly 心向往之 fire one's imagination 令人神往 exactly as one wishes or hopes for 正中下怀 consider it a pleasure to be among the first to read a poem, article, etc. or see a play, film, etc. 先睹为快 seek something eagerly 如饥似渴 indulge in wishful thinking 如意算盘 have one's wishes fulfilled 如愿以偿 just what one would wish for 求之不得 wait expectantly for something to happen 拭目以待 as long as the mountain is green, there will be firewood, as long as there is life their is hope 留得青山在不怕没柴烧 do as one wishes 从随心所欲 hope one's children will have a bright future 望子成龙 await with great expectation 望穿秋水 aspire earnestly 望眼欲穿 yearn day and night 朝思暮想 yearn for something day and night 梦寐以求 something after one's own heart 称心如意 one must take practical steps to achieve one's aim 临渊羡鱼 be greatly disappointed 大失所望 the game is as good as lost 大势已去 irremediable 不可收拾 incorrigible 不可救药 go up in smoke 化为泡影 previous efforts are wasted or all hopes come to nothing 付诸之东流 things do not turn out as one wishes 事与愿违 see through the emptiness of the material world 看破红尘 feel lost 惘然若失 return in low spirits 败兴而归 heave a deep sigh 摇头叹息 extremely pessimistic 万念俱灰 produce exactly the opposite results 适得其反 become famous overnight 一鸣惊人 become famous overnight 一举成名 not authoritative; unknown 不见经传 take it as an honor 引以为荣 remembered forever by posterity 永垂不朽 be respected in life and mourned in death 生荣死哀 gain both fame and wealth 名利双收 ambitious for great achievements 好大喜功 reach for what is beyond one's grasp 好高鹜远 die a worthy death 死得其所 after acquiring wealth and honor return to one's old hometown in full glory 衣锦还乡 enhancement of one's status or prestige 身价百倍 fish for fame and compliments 沽名钓誉 leave a good name to posterity 流芳百世 win popularity by hoodwinking the public 欺世盗名 a nobody 无名小卒 be known far and near 遐尔闻名 enjoy high prestige and command universal respect 德高望重 be unknown and unsung 默默无闻 be world famous 举世闻名 please the public with claptrap 哗众取宠 just an occasional, small achievement 一得之功 retire after winning merit 功成身退 ambitious for great achievements 好大喜功 claim credit for oneself only 居功自傲 turn all the previous labor to nothing 前功尽废弃 atone for a crime by doing good deeds 将功抵赎罪 take credit for what has been done by others 贪天之功 work fruitlessly 劳而无功 of an eulogy have worked hard and performed valuable services 劳苦功高 sing the praises of somebody 歌功颂德 dispense rewards or honors according to merit 论功行赏 a great achievement 丰功伟绩 change one's old ways 一改故辙 have bright prospects 大有可为 each going his own way 分道扬镳 in a desperate position 日暮途穷 each goes his own way 各奔前程 at a loss what to do 何去何从 in a tight corner 走投无路 have brilliant prospects 前程万里 run in the opposite direction 背道而驰 soar to great heights 展翅高飞 a broad road 康庄大道 often used by defectors for self-justification to renounce a bad cause and join the camp of justice 弃暗投明 arrive at the same end by different means or roads 殊途同归 go astray 误入歧途 be at the end of the rope, driven into an impasse 穷途末路 a bright future 锦绣前程 have a bright future 鹏程万里 a living hell 人间地狱 find it unbearable to recall 不堪回首 one's heart rent with grief 五内如焚 keenly felt pain 切肤身之痛 deem it regrettable 引以为憾 grief-stricken 心如刀割 with a heavy heart 心事重重 complain bitterly 叫苦连天 plan and worry ahead of the people and enjoy the fruits after the people 先忧后乐 bewail one's fate and weep in a corner 向隅而泣 be sentimental 多愁善感 of crying, beating etc. half dead 死去活来 full of blood and tears 血泪斑斑 have groundless worries or anxieties 杞人忧天 all beings grieve for their fellow beings 物伤其类 moan and groan 长吁短叹 fear of trouble in the rear 后顾之忧 tears give way to smiles 破涕为笑 let loose cries and scream 鬼哭狼嚎 worry about personal gains and losses 患得患失 be deeply concerned 牵肠掛肚 the vicissitudes of life 悲欢离合 be in low spirits 闷闷不乐 cautious and anxious 提心吊胆 learn a lesson from a painful experience 痛定思痛 shed tears of anguish 痛哭流涕 said of one who bears agonizing suffering silently weep silent tears 饮泣吞声 with knitted brows 愁眉不展 pull a long face 愁眉苦脸 be dreadfully worried 忧心如焚 care-laden 忧心忡忡 extreme joy begets sorrow 乐极生悲 speak in a tearful voice 声泪俱下 look at one's reflection and admire one's beauty or lament one's lot 顾影自怜 be full of misgivings 顾虑重重 an unsettled state of mind 七上八下落 everyone feels insecure 人人自危 head off a disaster 化险为夷 have peace of mind 心安理得 be on tenterhooks 如坐针毡 feel greatly relieved after discharging a duty 如释重负 be mindful of possible danger in times of peace 安不忘危 escape unscathed 安然无恙 fidgety or restless 坐立不安 be on tenterhooks 坐卧不安 feel nervous and uneasy 芒刺在背 feel ill at ease 局促不安 content with temporary case and comfort 苟且偷安 eke out meagre life 苟延残喘 sit back and relax 高枕无忧 just to console oneself 聊以自慰 be anxious and fearful 惴惴不安 be on tenterhooks 惶恐不安 cautious and anxious 提心吊胆 absolutely safe or sure 万无一失 toss and turn restlessly in bed 辗转反侧 apprehensive 忐忑不安 everyone feels insecure 人人自危 be faced with imminent disaster 大难临头 an incurable disease 不治之症 too dreadful to contemplate 不堪设想 head off a disaster 化险为夷 natural and man-made calamities 天灾人祸 bring trouble to oneself 引火烧焚身 of an organization, nation etc. a threat from within 心腹之患 brave untold dangers 出生入死 be flooded | be swamped with 泛滥成灾 of a city under enemy attackmay fall at any moment | of a critically ill patient may die at any moment 危在旦夕 crisis-ridden 晰四伏 there is no escape from fate 在劫难逃 be a survivor of a disaster 劫后余生 in a precarious situation 岌岌可危 disaster-ridden 灾难深重 risk everything on a single venture 孤注一掷 rejoice in the calamity of others 幸灾乐祸 a cornered beast will do something desperate 狗急跳墙 rush headlong into disaster 盲人瞎马 throngs of famished and homeless people roam the countryside 哀鸿遍野 great scourges 洪水猛兽 defy all difficulties and dangers 赴汤蹈火 wet and windy weather | disaster after disaster 风雨交加 with the family broken up and decimated 家破人亡 not know in the morning what may happen in the evening in constant fear 朝不保夕 unexpected misfortune 无妄之灾 meet with disaster because of wealth 象齿焚身 put the blame on somebody else 嫁祸于人 court disaster 惹火烧身 be drowned | a great calamity 灭顶之灾 it never rains but it pours 祸不单行 disaster emanates from careless talk 祸从口生出 with no end of troubles in sight 后患无穷 cope with a crisis without difficulty 履险如夷 be foolhardy 暴虎冯河 appeasement brings disaster 养虎为遗患 leave evil unchecked spells ruin 养痈成贻患 sow seeds of danger for the future 纵虎归山 face danger fearlessly 临危不惧 jump out of the frying-pan into the fire 避坑落井 pull through 转危为安 turn bad fortune into good 转祸为福 pull back before it is too late 悬崖勒马 terrifying waves | a situation or life full of perils 惊涛骇浪 make a reckless move 铤而走险 kick the bucket 一命呜呼 as long as one is alive often followed by a vow to do something 一息尚存 to die 一瞑不视 have a narrow escape from death 九死一生 cherish the memory of a person on seeing his old belongings 人亡物在 life is short 人生如寄 life is ephemeral 人生朝露 man dies but his name lives on 人死留名 unforeseen disasters or accidentsusually refers to death 三长两短 unforeseen disasters or accidentsusually refers to death 山高水低 in a desperate position 日暮途穷 nearing one's enddeath 日薄西山 fight a hopeless battle 以卵投石 remembered forever by posterity 永垂不朽 hard to tell whether the person will live or die, be uncertain of one's fate 生死未卜 a very critical point 生死存亡 go through thick and thin together 生死与共 be respected in life and mourned in death 生荣死哀 have a foothold 立足之地 both sides end in death or ruin 同归于尽 die with a grievance or everlasting regret 死不瞑目 die an unnatural or violent death 死于非命 die a worthy death 死得其所 have a close shave with death 死里逃生 walk right into a trap 自投罗网 court or invite self-destruction 自取灭亡 dig one's own grave 自掘坟墓 have one foot in the grave 行将就木 be a survivor of a disaster 劫后余生 resign oneself to death or do not try to overcome difficulties or dangers 坐以待毙 be at a loss what to do, at wit's end 束手无策 at death's door 奄奄一息 made to pay for one's evil doings 玩火自焚 be snatched from the jaws of death 虎口余生 put up a last ditch or death-bed struggle 垂死挣扎 depend on each other for survival 相依为命 eke out a meagre life 苟延残喘 bring destruction upon oneself 飞蛾投扑火 with the family broken up and decimated 家破人亡 at death's door 气息奄奄 sacrifice one's life to do something 粉身碎骨 a sudden spurt of activity before collapsing 回光返照 a person whose fate is sealed 釜底游鱼 cowardice 贪生怕死 the evil influence lingers on 阴魂不散 life is fleeting 朝露溘至 be rescued unexpectedly from a desperate situation 绝处路逢生 be fearless and dauntless in the face of death 视死如归 meet with disaster because of wealth 象齿焚身 dead and gone or all is lost 呜呼哀哉 court disaster 惹火烧身 be drowned | a great calamity 灭顶之灾 die a sudden death 溘然长逝 die a natural death often used mockingly 寿终正寝 a rare survival 硕果仅存 to die 与世长辞 a man's merits or demerits can be finally judged only after his death 盖棺论定 a survivor of many disasters 忧患余生 a suicidal act 灯蛾扑火 a family of comfortable means 小康之家 not attend to one's proper duties or business 不务正业 be in extreme misery 水深火热 dire poverty 牛衣对泣 retire after winning merit 功成身退 unable to cover expenses 左支右绌 the masses live in dire poverty 民不聊生 the people live in plenty and the country is strong 民富国强 love ease and detest work 好逸恶劳 said of people living under a good government live and work in peace and contentment 安居乐业 a secure and easy life | take things as they come 安常处顺 bored to death 百无聊赖 abandon oneself to wanton ways 自甘堕落 earn one's own living 自食其力 self-sufficiency 自给自足 even a great fortune can be depleted by idleness 坐吃山空 enjoy the fruits of others without having toiled 坐享其成 refuse to see visitors 杜门谢客 lead a life of debauchery 花天酒地 because of anxiety or worries days drag on for years 度日如年 retire at the height of one's official career 急流勇退 be utterly destitute 家徒四壁 everyone lives in plenty 家给人足 dressed in tatters and live miserably on | have too many difficulties to cope with 捉襟见肘 a life of luxury and dissipation 纸醉金迷 withdraw from public life 寄迹山林 live a secluded life 深居简出 just to tide over the year 聊以卒岁 be plagued by poverty and ill health 贫病交迫加 as poor as a church mouse 贫无立锥 join in the spirit of the occasion 逢场作戏兴 wail with hunger and cold 啼饥号寒 play a practical joke on someone 恶作剧 of an actor etc. make impromptu comic gestures and remarks 插科打诨 loafing 游手好闲 give no serious thought to anything 无所用心 not enterprising 无所作为 loaf about, idle away one's time 无所事事 ivory tower 象牙之塔 be in a leisurely and carefree mood 闲情逸致 be waited on hand and foot 饭来张口 of a person stout and fleshy 肠肥脑满 be sated with food and lead an idle life 饱食终日 more than enough to spare 绰绰有余 extremely extravagant 穷奢极欲侈 lead a befuddled life 醉生梦死 live in clover 养尊处优 extravagant feasting and revelry 灯红酒绿 idle one's time away 蹉跎岁月 live incognito 隐姓埋名 be well-off beautiful clothes and good food 鲜衣美食 be well-fed and well-clothed 丰衣足食 live all alone 离群索居 withdraw from society, conceal one's abilities and bide one's time 韬光养晦 be destitute and homeless 颠沛流离 poverty-stricken 饥寒交迫 tease without hurting 谑而不虐 tired out 人困马乏 be tired out 力尽筋疲 Undergo all conceivable hardships to accomplish something 千辛万苦 spare no effort 不辞劳辛苦 feel mentally and physically exhausted 心力交瘁 be very studious 手不释卷 do something without complaint despite hardships and criticism 任劳任怨 endure hardship and work hard 吃苦耐劳 work hard from early in the morning till late at night 夙兴夜寐 soaked with sweat 汗流浃背 be hardworking and thrifty 克勤克俭 endure suffering and hardship 含辛茹苦 work diligently and tirelessly 孜孜不倦 around the clock 夜以继日 subject oneself to hardship of all kinds in order to strengthen one's resolution to wipe out a national humiliation or to attain an ambition. 卧薪尝胆 work at something with utmost concentration 埋头苦干 labor in vain 徒劳无功益 weighed down with work 疲于奔命 the abler a person, the busier he is a compliment to a busy person 能者多劳 burn the midnight oil 焚膏继晷 be so immersed in one's work as to forget to eat 发愤忘食 excellence in work is possible only with diligence 业精于勤 be worn out 精疲力竭 be so absorbed as to forget food and sleep 废寝忘食 in order to help others to wear oneself out 摩顶放踵 perseverance spells success 磨杵作针 fall ill from overwork 积劳成疾 traveler work despite adversities 栉风沐雨 hard work and simple living 艰苦朴素 make a great effort to accomplish something once and for all to save future trouble 一劳永逸 feel carefree when one is relieved of official duties 无官一身轻 be in a leisurely and carefree mood 闲情逸致 be stark-naked 一丝不挂 to disregard one's appearance 不衫不履 be slovenly 不修边幅 be immaculately dressed 衣冠楚楚 a gentleman in appearance but a beast in conduct 衣冠禽兽 of women be gorgeously dressed 花枝招展 live frugally 节衣缩食 be in rags 鹑衣百结 endure great hardships in pioneer work 筚路褴褛 a sumptuous feast dainties of every kind 山珍海错味 refuse to do what one should for fear of running a risk 因噎废食 inexhaustibly interesting or meaningful 其味无穷 after a feast cups and dishes strewn everywhere 杯盘狼藉 to do something with keen pleasure 津津有味 homely food | a common occurrence 家常便饭 to wolf down one's food 狼吞虎咽 of primitive man eat birds and animals uncooked 茹毛饮血 at one's leisure 茶余饭酒后 it's difficult to make everyone feel satisfied 众口难调 get drunk and rowdy 酗酒滋事 dinner leftovers 残羹杯冷炙 a moment's relief or pleasure can bring endless suffering to come 饮鸩止渴 food handed out in a contemptuous manner 嗟来之食 be dead drunk 酩酊大醉 a hungry person is not picky or choosy 饥不择食 drooling with greed or to make one's mouth water 馋涎欲滴 in one's wanderings make one's home wherever one may be 四海为家 be so poor as to not have enough land to stick an awl in 立锥之地 hate to leave one's native land 安土重迁 become destitute and homeless 流离失所 be utterly destitute 家徒四壁 cramped living quarters 容膝之地 as poor as a church mouse 贫无立锥 homeless 无家可归 a light scene of a city or town a myriad of twinkling lights 万家灯火 of houses etc. row upon row 鳞次栉比 have a pleasant journey 一路平安顺风 may a lucky star follow you on you journey 一路福星 on arrival in a new place, learn about their local customs 入国乡问俗 on arrival in strange place, ask about the local taboos of the people 入境问禁 far, far away 千里迢迢 stumble at every step | unable to do anything 寸步难行移 to meet by chance 不期而遇 content to go on foot rather than ride in a vehicle 安步当车 walk with difficulty | meet with difficulties in one's work 步履维艰 traces of a person's movements 来踪去迹 work or travel day and night 披星戴月 go ahead as planned regardless of the weather 风雨无阻 be travel-worn and weary 风尘仆仆 endure the hardships of traveling 风餐露宿 enemies often cross each other's path 冤家路窄 of strangers meet by chance 萍水相逢 an arduous trip over land and water 跋山涉水 a long and arduous journey 万水千山 proceed without hindrance 畅行通无阻 travel light with few attendants 轻车装简减从 to flee faraway | leave bad conditions for a more favorable one 远走高飞 make an extremely arduous journey 餐风饮露 traveler work despite adversities 栉风沐雨 meet by chance 邂逅相遇逢 tramp over hill and dale 翻山越岭 revisit a once familiar place 旧地重游 a long distance apart 关山迢递 miss loved ones or close friends very much 一日三秋 leave for good 一去不复返 disperse or break up in a hubbub 一哄而散 the people enjoy a good life-health and plenty of food 人寿年丰 meet again after a long separation 久别重逢 incorrigible 不可救药 an incurable disease | an irremediable calamity 不治之症 be in a coma | be ignorant of the ways of the world 不省人事 part with ill feelings 不欢而散 keenly felt pain 切肤身之痛 of family and friends live far apart from each other 天各一方 difficult to keep someone against his will 心去难留 tribute to a good doctor | do a good job and solve matters quickly 手到病除 become senile before one's time 未老先衰 full of vitality 生气勃勃 man's bitterest sorrows are separation and death 生离死别 from flogging bruised and lacerated 皮开肉绽 be born congenitally deficient | have a weak basis 先天不足 of a city under enemy attack may fall at any moment | of a critically ill patient may die at any moment 危在旦夕 fellow sufferers sympathize with each other 同病相怜 be in the prime of life 年富力强 of crying, beating etc. half dead 死去活来 old but vigorous 老当益壮 bleed profusely 血流如注 after acquiring wealth and honor return to one's old home town in full glory 衣锦还乡 of a doctor the magic hand that restores health 妙手回春 walk with difficulty | meet with difficulties in one's work 步履维艰 a serious chronic ailment 沉疴难起 bitter pills have wholesome effect | unpalatable advice benefits one's conduct 良药苦口 be physically sick and mentally depressed 身心交病 unwilling to part with loved ones 依依不难舍 breaking up or scattering of one's family 妻离子散 of tonics etc. lengthen one's life 延年益寿 be gone forever 杳如黄鹤 superfluous or useless appendages 附赘悬疣 become destitute and homeless 流离失所 of old companions to be separated far and near 风流云散 resort to stopgap measure detrimental to one's long-term interest 剜肉补医疮 one's face glowing with health 容光焕发 extremely fragile and weak 弱不胜衣 extremely delicate health, weak 弱不禁风 of illness be beyond cure 病入膏肓 illness finds its way in by the mouth 病从口入 of a divorced or separated couple reunion and reconciliation 破镜重圆 healthy and energetic 神采奕奕 of a doctor's skill bring the dying back to life 起死回生 walk fast and vigorously 健步如飞 of husband and wife, lovers etc. part from each other 劳燕分飞 the vicissitudes of life 悲欢离合 full of vigor and vitality 朝气蓬勃 grateful for favors received or not to forget one's origins 饮水思源 a cure-all 万应灵丹 in one's old age, one wants to return to one's home 落叶归根 be beaten black and blue 遍体鳞伤 birthday greetings - live as the Southern Mountain 寿比南山 find apt and specific ways to solve problems 对症下药 to flee faraway | leave bad conditions for a more favorable one 远走高飞 fall ill from overwork 积劳成疾 conceal one's faults for fear of criticism 讳疾忌医 badly beaten up 头破血流 impatient to get back home 归心似箭 leave one's native place 离乡背井 cannot bear to see somebody leave 恋恋不舍 injured all over the body | be thoroughly refuted or exposed of a theory etc. 体无完肤 a remedy for all ills 灵丹圣妙药 be a stranger in an unfamiliar place 人地生疏 a living hell 人间地狱 count oneself most fortunate to get to know so-and-so 三生有幸 head off a disaster 化险为夷 be born at an unlucky hour 生不逢辰 crisis-ridden 晰四伏 there is no escape from fate 在劫难逃 a secure and easy life | take things as they come 安常处顺 after rain comes the sunshine 否极去泰来 the sky clears after the rain | when the incident or confusion is over, things become normal again 雨过天晴青 hard time change into better time 柳暗花明 bitterness ends and happiness begins 苦尽甘甜来 be delivered from oppression or persecution 重见天日 be down on one's luck 时运不济 be in a sorry plight 狼狈不堪 tears give way to smiles 破涕为笑 be richly endowed by nature said of a country rich in natural resources or of a gifted person 得天独厚 vile weather | wretched circumstances 凄风苦雨 one disaster after another 雪上加霜 the vicissitudes of life 悲欢离合 be rescued unexpectedly from a desperate situation 绝处路逢生 all is well with everything 万事大吉 everything goes off without a hitch 万事亨通 it never rains but it pours 祸不单行 be in very difficult circumstance 弹尽援绝 happen to be present the right moment or occasion 适逢其会 feel at ease under all circumstance 随遇而安 have a narrow escape 险遭不测 be a stranger in foreign 举目无亲 jump out of the frying-pan into the fire 避坑落井 pull through 转危为安 turn defeat into victory 转败为胜 turn bad fortune into good 转祸为福 submit providence 听天由命 terrifying waves | a situation or life full of perils 惊涛骇浪 all alone in the world 孑然一身 do something single-handed 匹马单枪 be all alone 形单影双 inseparable usually said of lovers or devoted couples 形影不离 isolated and cut off from help 孤立无援 alone and uncared for 孤苦伶仃 fight a lone battle 孤军奋作战 be utterly isolated 众叛亲离 the loneliness of monastic life | exhortations to virtue and purity 暮鼓晨钟 be a stranger in a foreign land 举目无亲 live all alone 离群索居 a great hero of his time 一世之雄 a beast in human form 人面兽心 people of all walks of life 三教九流 the ordinary people 凡夫俗子 a desperado 亡命之徒 be born and brought up in one area said of people who have never traveled outside of their native heath 土生土长 evil and powerful elements in a community 土豪劣绅 dubious-looking 不三不四 not in good taste 不能登大雅之堂 a desperado 不逞之徒 a good-for-nothing 不稂不莠 one who stands firm amid adversities 中流砥柱 noble-minded and good people 仁人君子 a person specially favored by heaven 天之骄子 evil people of all kinds 牛鬼蛇神 a just and upright man 正人君子 a hopeless person 朽木粪土 mastery comes from long training 百炼成钢 an utterly useless person 行尸走肉 a gentleman in appearance but a beast in conduct 衣冠禽兽 a good-for-nothing 衣架饭囊 a man of principle and virtue 志士仁人 beautiful clothes cannot hide the ugliness inside 沐猴而冠 be out-and-out scoundrels 男盗女娼 the good and bad are intermingled 稂莠不齐 the originator of a bad practice, etc. 始作俑者 a gang of scoundrels 狐群狗党 corrupt officials and gentry who prey on the common people 城狐社鼠 an outstanding personage | a romantic person 风流人物 a man of the hour 风云人物 individual who brings disgrace to his group 害群之马 a literary family 书香门第 a good-for-nothing 酒囊饭袋 the devil incarnate 混世魔王 an outcast | crestfallen appearance 丧家之狗犬 a person of great ability and tremendous potential 栋梁之才 founder of a religious sect or a school of thought 开山祖师 an arch-criminal 罪魁祸首 a clumsy mischief-doer 跳梁小丑 a rear survival 硕果仅存 be able and efficient 精明能干 good-for-nothing sons of the idle rich 膏粱子弟 a burglar | a person divorced from reality 梁上君子 ineffective and worthless troops 虾兵蟹将 a good wife and loving mother 贤妻良母 be pure minded, beautiful without ostentation 璞玉浑金 a modest gentleman 谦谦君子 up to cunning or petty ruses 鸡鸣狗盗 a good-for-nothing from a wealthy family 纨绔子弟 be in the prime of life 风华正茂 young and inexperienced 少不更事 young but mature | young in age but lacking in drive 少年老成 laziness while young spells regret when old 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 become senile before one's time 未老先衰 be in the prime of life 年富力强 the sun is rising | display of vigor and vitality 旭日东升 be young and inexperienced 羽毛未丰 said of young full of vigor and vitality and easily excited 血气方刚 quite inexperienced in society 初出茅庐 surpass one's master or teacher in learning 青出于蓝 the younger generation deserves to be treated with respect 后生可畏 the new arrivals surpass the old-timers 后来居上 a promising young person 后起之秀 no lack of successors to carry on 后继有人 full of vigor and vitality 朝气蓬勃 a handsome beau 翩翩年少 of a young person outstandingly brilliant 头角峥嵘 the young is worth educating 孺子可教 because of aging no longer held in esteem 人老珠黄 the people enjoy a good life-health and plenty of food 人寿年丰 be of venerable age and have eminent virtue 年高德勋 lacking in youthful vigor | arrogant on account of one's seniority 老气横秋 old but vigorous 老当益壮 be senile 老态龙钟 an old hero still cherishes high aspirations 老骥伏枥 walk with difficulty | meet with difficulties in one's work 步履维艰 of tonics etc. lengthen one's life 延年益寿 feel rejuvenated 返老还童 old and ailing with little time left 风烛残年 flaunt one's age or seniority by ignoring manners, regulations etc. 倚老卖老 birthday greetings-live as long as the Southern Mountain 寿比南山 old and feeble 蓬头厉齿 advanced in age 鸡皮鹤发 meddling women 三姑六婆 the three obediences and four virtues Confucian ethics imposed on women 三从四德 a pretty young lady of humble birth 小家碧玉 some one very bright as a child but is bright no more contemptuous 小时了了 of a woman or child behave in a sweet and helpless way 小鸟依人 a great woman 巾帼丈夫英雄 of a child innocent and carefree 天真烂漫 nobody can accomplish anything without the necessary means 巧妇难为无米之炊 young and inexperienced 乳臭未干 grow up strong and sturdy 茁壮成长 a beloved daughter 掌上明珠 be petite and dainty 娇小玲珑 be pampered and spoiled 娇生惯养 an indissoluble bond 不解之缘 used as a marriage congratulatory message a marriage made in heaven 天作之合 of a couple ideally matched | of a beautiful place nature's creation 天造地设 marital harmony 夫唱妇随 dire poverty 牛衣对泣 remain happily married to a ripe old age 白头偕老 conjugal felicity 百年好合 be henpecked 季常之癖 lioness's roar describing the fear of a hen-pecked husband 河东狮吼 perfect conjugal bliss 花好月圆 of husband and wife treat each other with respect 相敬如宾 an excellent match especially referring to marriage 珠联璧合 of a divorced or separated couple reunion and reconciliation 破镜重圆 a person who has lost his spouse 单鹄寡凫 a good wife and loving mother 贤妻良母 the wife one married when one was poorshould not be discarded in one's affluence 糟糠之妻 husband and wife treat each other with respect 举案齐眉 in Chinese romances a handsome scholar and a pretty girl 才子佳人 have no more sexual desire 古井无波 get married and start one's career 成家立业 of marriage be well-marched in social and economic status 门当户对 act as a go-between 穿针引线 said of match-making a perfect match 郎才女貌 unable to achieve one's heart's desire but unwilling to accept less | unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one 高不成低不就 a great event affecting one's whole life especially in reference to marriage 终身大事 nobody wants or shows any interest in 无人问津 for a woman to remarry 琵琶别抱 what is done cannot be undone 覆水难收 eventual breakup of a marriage 兰因絮果 people of the same ilk 一丘之貉 hold identical opinions 一鼻孔出气 birds of a feather flock together 人以群分 evil people are bad the world over 天下乌鸦一般黑 follow the bad example of others 同流合污 like attracts like 同声相应,同气相求 act in collusion with 沆瀣一气 sympathy with one of its kind 兔死狐悲 birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚 all beings grieve for their fellow beings 物伤其类 be two of a kind 气味相投 a disorderly band of people 乌合之众 a meeting of minds 臭味相投 not unique but has a double 无独有偶 have the same temperament 意气相投 a prosperous business man | a pregnant woman 大腹便便 said of woman talented and good-looking 才貌双全 judge people solely by their appearance 以貌取人 blazing with anger | be far-sighted 目光如炬 threatening in manner but cowardly at heart 色厉内荏 have an icy manner 冷若冰霜 of woman extremely beautiful 沉鱼落雁 an unattractive appearance 其貌不扬 amiable manner 和颜悦色 usually of a woman have beautiful features 明眸皓齿 of a woman fair, slim and graceful | of a tree tall and erect 亭亭玉立 high-sounding | elegant 冠冕堂皇 of eyes bright and piercing 炯炯有神 have beautiful delicate eyes 眉清目秀 of a woman be graceful 风姿绰约 be handsome and suave 风度翩翩 dignified and distinguished-looking 气器宇轩昂 healthy and energetic 神采奕奕 be in high spirits 神采飞扬 dignified and imposing 堂堂正正 make threatening gestures like a beast of prey 张牙舞爪 fierce looking features, ugly face 狰狞面目 of a woman beauty which outshines the moon and shames the flowers 闭月羞花 not of imposing stature but is strong and capable 短小精悍 of woman exceedingly beautiful 倾城倾国 of a person stout and fleshy 肠肥脑满 shifty-eyed 贼眉鼠眼 be prim and proper 道貌岸然 repulsively ugly and sly-looking 獐头鼠目 of a woman be graceful 绰约多姿 have a forbidding manner 凛若冰霜 of a woman, dancergraceful movements 翩若惊鸿 old and feeble 蓬头厉齿 of a woman possess the secret of looking young 驻颜有术 every movement and every action-one's behavior 一举一动 affected coquetry 一颦一笑 present a magnificent appearance 八面威风 swagger 大摇大摆 have a strong sense of righteousness 大义凛然 not bother about trifles 不拘小节 elegant and refined in manner 文质彬彬 glance to the left and to the right 左顾右盼 sit properly with a serious mien, sit respectfully 正襟危坐 come late and keep others waiting 姗姗来迟 stride proudly ahead 昂首阔步 be as wooden as a dummy 泥塑木雕 frivolous and tricky 油头滑脑 awe-inspiring 威风凛凛 bold and brave 英姿飒爽 put on a grand air 神气十足 be all smiles 笑容可掬 beam with smiles 笑逐颜开 refined and cultured 温文尔雅 be natural and at ease 落落大方 have a forbidding manner 凛若冰霜 grinning mischievously 嬉皮笑脸 talk in a light-hearted and interesting way 谈笑风生 scramble and push to get to the fore 一拥而上 many people bustling about 七手八脚 everyone talking at the same time 七嘴八舌 a large crowd 人山人海 densely populated 人烟稠密 a babel of voices 人声鼎沸 small knots of people 三三两两 before a large crowd 大庭广众 in a crowd jostle each other 比肩接踵 so crowded | so heavily guarded that no water could seep through 水泄不通 attracted to something rank like files 如蚁附膻 in crowds 成群结队 heavy traffic 车水马龙 the multitudes 芸芸众生 a much visited house 门庭若市 a disorderly band of people 乌合之众 an exceptionally grand or festive occasion 盛况空前 to watch a spectacle, welcome a hero etc. everyone in a city turns out 万人空巷 a large crowd audience 稠人广众 to swarm like bees 蜂拥而来上 bustling with activity 熙来攘往 a hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘 jostle each other in a crowd 摩肩擦踵 mobilize one's forces 兴师兵动众 gather together 济济一堂 scramble for something 趋之若鹜 speak in praise of; pay compliments 口角春风 be highly praised by all 口碑载道 by fully recounted in history 大书特书 live up to one's reputation 名不虚传 praised by all 有口皆碑 be praised by all 有目共赏 too wonderful for words 妙不可言 a performance etc. applaud madly 拍案叫绝 to acclaim a work of art etc. What perfection! Nothing could be better! 叹为观止 sing the praises of somebody 歌功颂德 glorify somebody by singing his praises 树碑立传 of music and poetry etc. greatly admire 击节称叹赏 of a piece of good writing etc. enjoy great popularity 脍炙人口 of an achievement, action etc. commendable 难能可贵 full of praise 赞不绝口 reward a benefactor handsomely for past help or favor 一饭千金 fire one's imagination 令人神往 heroic and moving 可歌可泣 be deeply moving 扣人心弦 be eternally grateful 没齿不忘 be remembered with deep gratitude 刻骨铭心 full of gratitude 知恩报德 of music, poems etc. inspiring and soul-stirring 回肠荡气 be deeply moving 动人心弦 touch the chords of one's heart 感人肺腑 shall be grateful as a personal favor 感同身受 be deeply grateful 感恩戴德 shed grateful tears 感激涕零 have a great impact on 震撼人心 thank heaven 谢天谢地 choked up with emotions 心潮澎湃 full of vitality 生气勃勃 lively and rich in variety 生动活泼 full of vigor and vitality 生龙活虎 make determined and persistent efforts 再接再厉 said of youth full of vigor and vitality and easily excited 血气方刚 stride proudly ahead 昂首阔步 one's face glowing with health 容光焕发 inspire people 振奋人心 healthy and energetic 神采奕奕 be in high spirits 神采飞扬 have plenty of fight in one 斗志昂扬 being self-confident on the strength of one's being right 理直气壮 full of vigor and vitality 朝气蓬勃 on one's mettle 意气风发 high-spirited 意气高昂 be impassioned 慷慨激昂 full of warmth and enthusiasm 满腔热忱 be in high spirits 精神焕发 full of enthusiasm 兴致勃勃 in high spirits 兴高采烈 be elated 欢欣鼓舞 be at peace with oneself 心如止水 feel pessimistic and discouraged 心灰意懒 lose heart 灰心丧气志 bored to death 百无聊赖 look crest-fallen 垂头丧气 be in low spirits 闷闷不乐 in low spirits 无精打采 dispirited and lethargic 萎糜不振 with knitted brows 愁眉不展 pull a long face 愁眉苦脸 extremely pessimistic 万念俱灰 hold oneself aloof from worldly success 与世无争 have a defeatist attitude 暮气沉沉 dampen the spirits or enthusiasm of somebody 泼冷水 be penniless and frustrated 穷困潦倒 be bored stiff 兴味索然 be in the dumps 郁郁寡不欢 an unsettled state of mind 七上八下落 with a heavy heart 心事重重 be uneasy 心神不定 utterly confused and disconcerted 心乱如麻 be extremely nervous and flustered 心慌意乱 be annoyed and confused 心烦意乱 indecisive or restless 心猿意马 be despondent 失魂落魄 look distracted 若有所失 be distracted 神思恍惚 man in sentimental creature 人非木石 beg for mercy 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司