翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 乞哀告怜 fellow sufferers sympathize with each other 同病相怜 sympathy with one of its kind 兔死狐悲 all begins grieve for their fellow beings 物伤其类 plead for justice on behalf of the people 为民请命 feel compassion for the state of the world and its people 悲天悯人 to fawn and obsequious 摇尾乞怜 brag unblushingly 大言不惭 consider something as shameful 引以为耻 have peace of mind 心安理得 be servile 奴颜婢膝媚骨 self - examination reveals a clear conscience 仰不愧天 be shamed into anger 老羞成怒 feel ashamed of one's inferiority 自愧不如 have a feeling of inferiority or inadequacy 自惭形秽 suffer disgrace and insults in order to accomplish a task 忍辱负重 behave servilely or obsequiously 卑躬屈节膝 a great insult or humiliation 奇耻大辱 brazen and shameless 厚颜无耻 devoid of any sense of shame 恬不知耻 be flushed with shame or anger 面红耳赤 shameless dissipation 荒淫无耻 have a clear conscience 问心无愧 bashful 羞人答答 ashamed to associate with somebody 羞与为伍 fly into a rage from shame 恼羞成怒 extremely embarrassed or ashamed 无地自容 utterly shameful 无耻之尤 fully deserve an honor, a title etc. 当之无愧 be shameless 寡廉鲜耻 work shame facedly with one's enemies 靦颜事敌仇 seethe with anger 七窍生烟 arouse public indignation 大动公惯 be in a towering rage 大发雷霆 add fuel to the flames 火上加浇油 make one bristle with anger 令人发指 blazing with anger | be far-sighted 目光如炬 share the same hatred for common enemy 同仇敌忾 be shamed into anger 老羞成怒 be in a towering rage 怒不可遏 burn with anger or wrath 怒火中烧 look daggers at 怒目切齿 with an angry look 怒形于色 boil with rage 怒气冲冲冲天 bristle with anger 怒发冲冠 let loose a torrent of abuse 破口大骂 look askance at somebody with fear or indignation 侧目而视 it is dangerous to antagonize the masses 众怒难犯 be subject to changing moods 喜怒无常 fly into a rage from shame 恼羞成怒 feel indignant at the injustice 义愤填膺胸 fly into a rage 暴跳如雷 with fierce looks of hatred and anger 横眉怒目 be universally condemned 千夫人所指 one who stands condemned through the ages 千古罪人 condemn in both speech and writing 口诛笔伐 usually used when taking an oathbe damned by heaven and earth 天诛地灭 take the blame 引咎自责 make one sick 令人作呕 do something without complaint despite hardships and criticism 任劳任怨 have only oneself to blame 自取其咎 have only oneself to blame 咎由自取 let loose a stream of abuse against sb. 狗血喷淋头 make oblique abuse. 指桑骂槐 let bygones be bygones 既往不咎 really outrageous 岂有此理 be blamed for whatever one does 动辄得咎 there are complaints from everybody 啧有烦言 mobilize troops for a punitive expedition 兴师问罪 an irreconcilable enemy 不共戴天 unresolved hatred 不解之仇 abuse public power to retaliate against a personal enemy 公报私仇 gnash one's teeth in hatred 切齿痛仇恨 repay injustice with justice 以直抱怨 flight fire with fire 以毒攻毒 repay injury with kindness 以德报怨 utterly detestable 令人切齿 make one sick 令人作呕 seething popular discontentment 民怨沸腾 share the same hatred for a common enemy 同仇敌忾 die with a grievance or everlasting regret 死不瞑目 have an intense and deep-seated hatred 血海深仇 make sarcastic comments 冷言冷语 with biting sarcasm 冷嘲热讽 death to these scoundrels 投畀豺虎 be cynical 玩世不恭 gnash the teeth in anger or hatred 咬牙切齿 impute all faults and wrongs on others 怨天尤人 said of bad administration etc. complaints can be heard everywhere 怨声载道 hate bitterly 恨之入骨 hate an enemy deeply 食肉寝皮 repay kindness with ingratitude 恩将仇报 deep animosity or hatred 深仇大恨 hate bitterly 深恶痛绝 avenge oneself 报仇雪恨 no grudge against God or man 无尤无怨 hate deeply 痛心疾首 abhor evil as a deadly foe 嫉疾恶如仇 of persons or things know precisely whom or what to love or hate 爱憎分明 detest the world and his ways 愤世嫉俗 give somebody a dose of his own medicine 请君入瓮 new hatred piled on the old 旧恨新仇 become famous overnight 一鸣惊人 make a fuss about trifles 大惊小怪 turn pale with fright 大惊失色 not at all surprising 不足为奇 tremble with fear 不寒而栗 lingering fear persists 心有余悸 be frightened out of one's wits 心胆俱裂 have the jitters 心惊肉跳 tremble with fear 心惊胆战 terrifying,hair-raising 毛骨悚然 be stunned and speechless 目瞪口呆 of writings, opinions etc. remarkably original and forceful 石破天惊 as news headlines, reporting etc. resort to sensationalism 危言耸听 refuse to do what one should for fear of running a risk 因噎废食 there is no fear when has something to fall back upon 有恃无恐 soaked with sweat 汗流浃背 cause consternation amongst each other 自相惊扰 with fear or amazement be rooted to the spot 呆若木鸡 be frightened out of one's wits 屁滚尿流 be overwhelmed by an unexpected favor 受宠若惊 what absurdity 咄咄怪事 be jittery with imaginary fears 杯弓蛇影 filled with misgivings and fear 畏首畏尾 hesitate to press forward 畏缩不前 to frighten each other for no reason 相惊伯有 look at each other in consternation 面面相觑 be extremely scared and jittery 风声鹤唳 be in a state of extreme nervousness 草木皆兵 look askance at somebody with fear or indignation 侧目而视 much ado about nothing 庸人自扰 panic-stricken 张皇失措 cowardice 贪生怕死 an outcast | crestfallen appearance 丧家之狗犬 be on tenterhooks 惶恐不安 bully the weak and fear the strong 欺软怕硬 be afraid to undertake something 视为畏途 be unscrupulous 肆无忌惮 be scared out of one's wits 魂不附体 be half dead with fright 魂飞魄散 turn pale when something horrible is mentioned 谈虎色变 a loud noise rent the air | powerful and dynamic 震天动地 trembling with fear 战战兢兢 be dumb-founded 瞠目结舌 shocking news 骇人听闻 often said of news-reporting etc. be sensational 耸人听闻 be terror-stricken 胆战心惊 face danger fearlessly 临危不惧 not be moved by official honor or disgrace 宠辱不惊 a ghastly sight 触目惊心 a badly frightened person 惊弓之鸟 soul stirring 惊心动魄 to shock society 惊世骇俗 be struck with panic 惊恐万状 be frightened out of one's wits 惊惶慌失措 disown all one's relatives and friends 六亲不认 fire and water have no mercy 水火无情 bite the hand that feeds one 以怨报德 be ungrateful 忘恩负义 dismiss a person as soon as his job is done 卸磨杀驴 repay kindness with ingratitude 恩将仇报 forget the means by which the end is attained 得鱼忘筌 kick out somebody after his services are no longer needed 鸟尽弓藏 abandon one's benefactor once his help is not needed 过河拆桥 forget one's origins | be ignorant of the history of one's motherland 数典忘祖 be so happy as to forget home and duty 乐不思蜀 in a serious manner 一本正经 be reserved 不苟言笑 a serious manner 正颜言厉色 sit properly with a serious mien, sit respectfully 正襟危坐 have an icy manner 冷若冰霜 suave and sly 油腔滑调 frivolous and tricky 油头滑脑 to be brusque with someone 疾言厉色 treat something serious in an irresponsible manner 视同儿戏 speak sternly and forcefully for the cause of justice 义正辞严 be prim and proper 道貌岸然 have a forbidding manner 凛若冰霜 grinning mischievously 嬉皮笑脸 in earnest 郑重其事 harsh in tone and severe in expression 声色俱厉 a pure and noble character 一片冰心 be wily and eccentric 刁钻古怪 of a child innocent and carefree 天真烂漫 calm and reasonable 心平气和 frank and outspoken 心直口快 amiable and easy to approach 平易近人 it is hard to change one's nature 本性难移 open to persuasion but not to coercion 吃软不吃硬 be sentimental 多愁善感 have an icy manner 冷若冰霜 uncommunicative 沉默寡言 amiable manner 和颜悦色 stubborn and unruly 桀骜不驯 independent thinking and actions of a principled 特立独行 habit becomes second nature 习与性成 full of ambition 野心勃勃 hold oneself aloof from the world 超然物外 refined and cultured 温文尔雅 be gentle and kind 温柔敦厚 bold and uninhibited 豪放不羁 have a forbidding manner 凛若冰霜 refuse to be contaminated by evil influences | mind one's own business in order to keep out of trouble 洁身自好爱 to preserve one's own purity and integrity and pay no attention to others 独善其身 speak or behave as others do without views of one's own, swim with the tickle 随波逐流 full of charm and wit 饶有风趣 cold hearted 铁石心肠 sever relations with one stroke 一刀两断 whole-heartedly 一心一意 miss loved ones or close friends very much 一日三秋 love at first sight 一见倾心  fall in love at first sight 一见钟情 by very much devoted to 一往情深 only one party is willing 一相厢情愿 a complete meeting of minds 心心相印 a close rapport 心有灵犀一点通 have a tacit understanding 心照不宣 one's thoughts fly to a place or a person 心驰神往 know or understand something without being told 心领神会 yield with show of reluctance 半推半就 the pleasure can be sensed but not expressed in words 只可意会,不可言传 ask for a snub 自讨没趣 deep love between man and woman 儿女情长 so near and yet so far 咫尺天涯 strong-willed and determined often suggesting everlasting love 海枯石烂 make a solemn pledge of eternal love 海誓山盟 be fickle in one's affections 喜新厌旧故 yearn day and night 朝思暮想 cast flirtatious looks at somebody | make secret overtures 暗送秋波 be full of tender affection for somebody 温含情脉脉 meet with a rebuff 碰钉子 unrequited love 落花有意,流水无情 be faithful till death 誓死不二 of lovers etc. separated but still in each other's thoughts 藕断丝连 poverty stifles ambition 人穷志短 ambitious for great achievements 好大喜功 reach for what is beyond one's grasp 好高鹜远 where there is will there is a way 有志竟成 an old hero still cherishes high aspirations 老骥伏枥 usually said of a martyr, hero, etc. die before realizing his ambitions or aspirations 壮志未酬 with soaring aspirations 壮志凌云 ambitious but lacking ability 志大才疏 of a group of people share the same ambitions and purposes 志同道合 excessive preoccupation with trivia saps the will 玩物丧志 independent thinking and actions of a principled person 特立独行 show high ideals by frugal living 淡泊明志 criticize the performance of others which one cannot equal or better oneself, have high aspirations but low abilities 眼高手低 full of ambition 野心勃勃 have great ideals and assertions 雄心壮志 proud words 豪言壮语 lofty sentiments and high aspirations 豪情壮志 great ambitions 鸿鹄之志 with great fortitude 不屈不挠 be undaunted by repeated setbacks 百折不挠 mastery comes from long training 百炼成钢 remain unyielding in the face of brutal force 威武不屈 burn one's boats 破釜沉舟 persistent and dauntless 坚韧不拔屈 firm and steadfast 坚定不移 showing utmost fortitude 艰苦卓绝 remain faithful and unyielding 坚贞不屈 of indomitable spirit 顶天立地 absolutely incorruptible 富贵不能淫 where there is a will, there is a way 愚公移山 rather die than submit or surrender 宁死不屈 death before dishonour 宁死不辱 better to die in glory than live in dishonour 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 have a dogged determination to achieve one's purpose 精卫填海 be faithful till death 誓死不二 without the least hesitation 毅然决然 long, to be in somebody else's boots | strong desire to acquire something 心心念念 persistent efforts can solve any problem 水滴石穿 make determined and persistent efforts 再接再厉 carry something through to the end 有始头有终尾 steadfastly 始终不渝 never slacken from beginning to end 始终不懈 be consistent 始终如一 persevere 持之以恒 perseveringly 坚持不渝 persistently 坚持不懈 slow and steady wins the race 跛行千里 perseverance spells success 磨杵作针 work with perseverance 锲而不舍 have plenty of guts 一身是胆 go ahead bravely without looking backs 一往无前 be the first to take the lead 一马当先 of a challenge, difficult task etc. brace oneself 一鼓作气 foolhardiness 匹夫之勇 foolhardy 有勇无谋 volunteerto do something 自告奋勇 never hesitate to do what is right 见义勇为 in warfare lead the men in a charge 身先士卒 said of a soldier's bravery one man falls, another steps into the breach 前仆赴后继 march fearlessly onward 勇往直前 put oneself forwardwhen challenged 挺身而出 act with courage and determination 敢作敢为 both brave and intelligent 智勇双全 pursue justice with no turning back 义无反顾 heroism and audacity of the masses 群威群胆 be foolhardy 暴虎冯河 charge and break through enemy lines 冲锋陷阵 dash ahead regardless of one's safety 奋不顾身 be bold but cautious 胆大心细 threatening in manner but cowardly at heart 色厉内荏 withdraw or quit after learning of the difficulties, hardships, etc. involved 知难而退 filled with misgiving and fear 畏首畏尾 hesitate to press forward 畏缩不前 timid to act 缩手缩脚 be timid as a mouse 胆小如鼠 think thrice before you act 三思而行 very cautiously 小心翼翼 stable and safe 四平八稳 fear the repercussions of certain actions 投鼠忌器 advance gradually and dig in at every step 步步为营 behave correctly and cautiously | stick to established practices 规行矩步 be cautious and conscientious 兢兢业业 trembling with fear 战战兢兢 be bold but cautious 胆大心细 with caution and care 临深履薄 be overcautious and indecisive 瞻前顾后 overcautious in small 谨小慎微 be discreet in word and deed 谨言慎行 clumsy-handed or careless handling things 毛手毛脚 be careless 粗心大意 be sloppy in doing things 粗枝大叶 be careless and indifferent 漫不经心 act recklessly 轻举妄动 stay calm and collected 不动声色 not be conceited or rash 不骄不躁 calm and reasonable 心平气和 think calmly in detachment 平心静气 with perfect composure 若无其事 composed 泰然自若 look calm and stable 神色不惊动 look unperturbed 神色自若 calm and unflustered 从容不迫 take things coolly 淡然处置之 take things as they come 处之泰然 unhurriedly 慢条斯理 not be moved by official honour or disgrace 宠辱不惊 hold one's ground despite pressure or opposition 稳坐钓鱼船台 be extremely nervous and flustered 心慌意乱 be in a flurry 手忙脚乱 be at a loss as to what to do 手足无措 extremely anxious | the situation is critical 急不可待 too impatient to wait 迫不及待 panic-stricken 张慌失措 act rashly, too quickly 造次行事 said of progress, development skill etc. fast progress or improvement 一日千里 said of prestige, fortune, etc. suffer a drastic decline 一落千丈 strive for first place 力争上游 be tired and tested | of literary works be revised and rewritten over and over again 千锤百炼 refuse to admit being inferior 不甘示弱 cannot bear playing second fiddle 不甘后人 make determined and persistent efforts 再接再厉 go from bad to worse 江河日下 abandon oneself to wanton ways 自甘堕落 exert and strive hard without any let up 自强不息 have no ambition at all 自暴自弃 follow in somebody's footsteps 步人后尘 go from bad to worse 每况愈下 vie with each other in doing something 争先恐后 withdraw or quit after learning of the difficulties, hardships, etc. involved 知难而退 do one's utmost to catch up 急起直追 see through the emptiness of the material world 看破红尘 make phenomenal progress 突飞猛进 go against the tide of history 倒行逆施 be slack in one's work 消极怠工 battle against the current 逆水行舟 come to a standstill 停滞不前 muddle along 得过且过 unable to compare with another's accomplishments etc. 望尘莫及 follow in proper sequence 循序渐进 not enterprising 无所作为 for a nation work with a will for progress 发愤图强 seek for greater perfection 精益求精 do all one can to catch up 奋起直追 despair of ever catching up 瞠乎其后 submit to providence 听天由命 brag unblushingly 大言不惭 be neither overbearing nor servile 不亢卑不卑亢 consider oneself a world above others 不可一世 not be conceited or rash 不骄不躁 proud and arrogant 心高气傲 make impertinent remarks 出言不逊 with one's nose in the air 目中无人 look down on everyone or everything 目空一切 be self important 妄自尊大 like to lecture to people 好为人师 blow one's own trumpet 自吹自擂 blow one's own trumpet 自我吹嘘 have a high opinion of oneself 自命不凡 have a high opinion of oneself 自高自大 be aggressive 咄咄逼人 ignorant and boastful 夜郎自大 claim credit for oneself only put on airs 居功自傲 stride proudly ahead 昂首阔步 be arrogant because of one's talent or ability 恃才傲物 self-assured or supercilious 旁若无人 insufferably arrogant 气焰嚣张 be far removed from the masses and reality 高高在上 egoistic 唯我独尊 put on airs and bully others 盛气凌人 swagger about and give oneself airs 趾高气扬 proud and contemptuous of the world and its ways 轻世傲物 be insufferably arrogant and bossy 颐指气使 show off one's strength or power 耀武扬威 swagger 大摇大摆 in an ostentatious manner 大模大样 imagine oneself to be better than one really is 自我陶醉 find joy in one's own way no matter what others may think 自得其乐 smug 自鸣得意 get carried away 忘乎其所以 indulge in self-admiration, narcissism 孤芳自赏 smug and complacent 沾沾自喜 carry oneself proudly 高视阔步 forget oneself in one's excitement 得意忘形 be very pleased with oneself 得意洋洋扬扬 carefree and content 悠然自得 feel proud and elated 扬眉吐气 assume an air of self-approbation or self-satisfaction 摇头晃脑 assume an air of complacency or levity 摇头摆尾 puffed up with pride 踌躇满志 look at one's reflection and admire one's beauty or lament one's lot 顾影自怜 make an extravagant show of 大事铺张 be very much in the public eye 出头露面 try to be smart by acting on one's own etc. 自作聪明 swagger around town 招摇过市 flaunt one's age or seniority by ignoring manners, regulations etc. 倚老卖老 show off one's skill or talent before an expert 班门弄斧 an ostentatious display of ability 锋芒毕露 show off one's strength or power 耀武扬威 flaunt one's abilities 露才扬己 be worldly-wise and play safe 明哲保身 selfish 自私自利 enjoy the fruits of others without having toiled 坐享其成 speculate and manipulate for self-interest 投机取巧 have selfish motives and interests 私心杂念 forget one's integrity when tempted by personal gain 见利忘义 abuse the law and practise favouritism 徇私情枉法 practice favouritism and commit irregularities 徇私舞弊 pick and choose, especially something to one's advantage 挑肥拣瘦 use public office for private gain 假公济私 take credit for what has been done by others 贪天之功 band together for selfish interests 结党营私 play one's cards well 善自为谋 profit oneself at the expense of others 损人利己 appropriate for oneself 据为己有 practice graft while holding public office 营私舞弊 involuntarily 不由自主 not bother about trifles 不拘小节 to disregard one's appearance 不衫不履 be slovenly 不修边幅 leave things to take their own course 任其自流 let things go their own way with no restraint 自由放任 cannot help laughing 忍俊不禁 in spite of oneself 身不由己主 let things slide or drift 放任自流 abandon oneself to Bohemianism 放浪形骸 be unconventional and uninhibited 放荡不羁 usually used derogatorily do or act as one wishes or pleases 为所欲为 cannot help laughing 哑然失笑 cannot control oneself 情不自禁 wild and unconventional 脱缰之马 be carefree and enjoy life 逍遥自在 be unconventional and uninhibited 落拓不羁 a laissez faire attitude 听之任之 let nature take its course 听其自然 the virtues of a great man of lasting influence | deep affection 山高水长 open and upright 光明正大 open and above board 光明磊落 a light breeze and clear moon | benign and prosperity 光风霁月 plan and worry aheadof the people and enjoy the fruits afterthe people 先忧后乐 be pure and noble 冰清玉洁 be of venerable age and have eminent virtue 年高德劭 excel in moral as academic performances 品学兼优 true loyalty can stand test of adversity 真金不怕火炼 frank and honest 胸怀磊落 noble character and sterling integrity 高风亮节 dignified and imposing | open and above-board 堂堂正正 absolutely incorruptible 富贵不能淫 adversity reveals fortitude and uprightness 岁寒知松柏 have both a good character and professional competence 德才兼备 enjoy high prestige and command universal respect 德高望重 refuse to be contaminated by evil influences | mind one's own business in order to keep out of trouble 洁身自好爱 staunch loyalty 一片丹心 serve somebody faithfully 犬马之劳 whole-heartedly 全心全意 sacrifice oneself for others, the nation etc. 自我牺牲 in fighting for one's sovereign lay down one's life 肝脑涂地 be ready to die for one's country when it is in danger 见危授命 dedicated whole-heartedly 赤胆忠心 loyal, faithful and true 忠心耿耿 a person of loyalty and righteousness 忠肝义胆 unswervingly loyal 忠贞不渝 talk without reserve 披肝沥胆 sacrifice one's life for the fatherland 为国捐躯 remain faithful and unyielding 坚贞不屈 die for one's country 舍身为国 be fearless and dauntless in the face of death 视死如归 to serve one's country devotedly until death 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 call on someone repeatedly to enlist his help, etc. 三顾茅草庐 speak one's mind frankly 心口如一 frank and outspoken 心直口快 sincere words 由衷之言 of friends be devoted to each other 肝胆相照 talk without reserve 披肝沥胆 call a spade a spade 直言不讳 tell the truth and tell the whole truth 知无不言,言无不尽 words from the bottom of one's heart 肺腑之言 return to the owner what one has picked up 拾金不昧 be genuine and sincere 真心实诚意 candid and unscheming 胸无城府 treat other with utmost sincerity 推心置腹 treat somebody with sincerity 推诚相见 be frank and sincere 开心见诚 be frank and sincere 开诚布公 pour out one's heart 倾心吐胆 with heart and soul 诚心诚意 be honest and straightforward 襟怀坦白 be selfless | be impartial 大公无私 be selfless 公而忘私 the world is for all 天下为公 die on duty 以身殉职 work selflessly for the public interest 克己奉公 be public spirited 急公好义 turn in every cent of public money 涓滴归公 be honest and clean in performing one's official duties 廉洁奉公 help in every way humanly possible 仁至义尽 give liberally to poor in the cause of social justice 仗义疏财 an unjust cause finds little support 失道寡助 give mutual help assistance 左提右挈 give mutual help and protection 守望相助 help somebody to achieve success 成人之美 unable to say no to seekers of help 有求必应 sacrifice oneself for others, the nation etc. 自我牺牲 happiness lies in giving help to others 助人为乐 help those in danger and aid these in distress 扶危济困 aid the weak and curb the strong 扶弱抑强 draw one's sword and come to the rescue 拔刀相助 be public spirited 急公好义 sacrifice one's interests for others 舍己为人 give timely assistance 雪中送炭 would be glad to help but cannot 爱莫能助 of one's money to give generously 慷慨解囊 help others 与人为善 wipe out the bullies and help the down-trodden 锄强扶弱 put righteousness above family loyalty 大义灭亲 regardless of the cost or sacrifice the expression is preceded by the specific sacrifice one is prepared to make 在所不惜 die for a just cause 成仁取义 die a martyr's death 从容就义 risk one's life 舍生忘死 lay down one's life for a just cause 舍生取义 die for a just cause 杀身成仁 rather die than submit or surrender 宁死不屈 death before dishonour 宁死不辱 be of one heart and one mind 一心一德 ready to go into action in their hundreds 一呼百应 disunity 一盘散沙 in total disintegration 土崩瓦解 share out the work and help one another 分工合作 be rent by disunity 分崩离析 quit disintegrated 支离破碎 rent by disunity 四分五裂 be of one mind 同心同德 make concerted efforts 同心协合力 pull together in times of trouble 同舟共济 make strange bedfellows 同床异梦 each does things in his own way 各自为政 each does what he thinks is right 各行其是 each sticks to his own viewpoint 各持执己见 sow discord 挑拨离间 bring out the best in each other 相得益彰 unity is strength 众志成城 pool the wisdom and efforts of everyone 群策群力 unite with faith and dedication 精诚团结 of two persons or parties seemingly in harmony but actually at variance 貌合神心离 coordinate one's efforts from afar 遥相呼应 make concerted efforts 齐心协合力 unite in a concerted effort 戮力同心 pain one's friends and please one's enemies 亲痛仇快 divided loyalty torn by dissension and discord 离心离德 self-depreciatory expression words of the lowly carry little weight 人微言轻 a man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted 大智若愚 a polite expression referring to oneself have little talent and little learning 才疏学浅 not worth mentioning 不足挂齿 not feel ashamed to ask for advice from one's subordinates 不耻下问 not be conceited or rash 不骄不躁 claim no credit for one's services 功成不居 bow to somebody's superiority 甘拜下风 of writing, opinions etc. a hope that my crude remarks may draw forth by abler people 抛砖引玉 seek advice from one can offer none 问道于盲 author's apologetic phrase I may have left out many important facts 挂一漏万 very reserved and humble 深藏若虚 too trivial or insignificant to mention 微不足道 in my humble opinion 管见所及 glad to have one's errors pointed out 闻过则喜 lack virtue and ability 德薄才鲜 said of incompetent people or inferior goods be there just to make up the number 滥竽充数 to forgive and forget 不念旧恶 show leniency or mercy 手下留情 to tolerate evil is to abet it 姑息养奸 let bygones be bygones 既往不咎 excusable or understandable 情有可原 be lenient with offenders 网开三一面 with an offender be magnanimous or lenient 宽大为怀 be magnanimous 宽宏大量 do something in fits and starts 一曝十寒 fair and reasonable 入情入理 will not listen to reason 不可理喻 allow no explanation 不由容分说 of rumours, gossip etc. collapse by itself 不攻自破 be unreasonable 不近人情 not feel ashamed to ask for advice from one's subordinates 不耻下问 be pestered beyond endurance 不胜其烦 spare no pains 不厌其烦 the doctrine of the meanConfucian 中庸之道 the world is for all 天下为公 what is right and proper 天经地义 have peace of mind 心安理得 convince people by sound reasoning 以理服人 do things by halves, give up halfway 半途而废 each airs his own view 各抒己见 perfectly justified 名正言顺 be fair and reasonable 合情合理 endure hardship and work hard 吃苦耐劳 refuse to do what one should for fear of running a risk 因噎废食 leave a job incomplete or unfinished 有头无尾 it goes without saying 自不待言 a golden saying 至理名言 swallow an insult 忍气吞声 suffer disgrace and insults in order to accomplish a task 忍辱负重 have one's patience or forbearance tested too far 忍无可忍 seeking common ground while accepting the existing differences 求同存异 speak in a rational way 言之有理 follow on one's bigoted ideas 孤行己见 too much zeal spoils all 拔苗助长 state one's views frankly or straight forwardly 直抒己见 a fine start but a poor finish 虎头蛇尾 be unbearably vulgar 俗不可耐 a well-founded view or opinion 持之有故 remonstrate earnestly and kindly 苦口婆心 make extraordinary painstaking efforts 苦心孤诣 fight a war without a just cause 师出无名 in self-justification speak plausibly and volubly 振振有词 be adaptable to the situation 能屈能伸 really outrageous 岂有此理 resign oneself to adversity 逆来顺受 argue irrationally 强词夺理 have nothing more to say on realizing one's shaky stand 理屈词穷 it's only right and proper 理所当然 being self-confident on the strength of one's being right 理直气壮 listen to advice with an open mind 虚己以听 pool the wisdom of the masses 集思广益 of a statement, argument etc. be logical 顺理成章 speak sternly and forcefully for the cause of justice 义正辞严 speak out freely 畅所欲言 teach with tireless zeal 诲人不倦 opening up of job 广开才门路 encourage the free airing of views 广开言路 caution someone earnestly not to ... 谆谆告诫 argue on the basis of reason 据理力争 act arbitrarily 独断独专行 dupe a person and then pull the ladder from under him 上树拔梯 by hook or by crook 不择手段 get nothing for all one's pains 心劳日拙 have ulterior motives 心怀叵测 shift one's troubles or difficulties on to others 以邻为壑 have ulterior motives 别有用心 put the blame on somebody else 委过于人 have ulterior motives 居心叵测 assemble a coterie of undesirable elements 招降纳叛 sow discord 挑拨离间 see through somebody's tricks 洞烛其奸 make unfounded | counter-charges 倒打一耙 premeditate for evil ends 处心积虑 dark schemes and tricks 阴谋诡计 fall into the enemy's trap 陷落计中 put the blame on somebody else 嫁祸于人 full of tricks 诡计多端 intrigue against each other 勾心斗角 ready to make trouble 蠢蠢欲动 a beast in human form 人面兽心 after plundering by robbers or enemy soldiers to lay waste 寸草不留 heartless and cruel 心狠手辣 with added strength | greatly reinforced of evil forces 如虎添翼 be heartless and cruel 如狼似虎 be brutal and cold-blooded 狼心狗肺 act with utter disregard for human life 草菅人命 make threatening gestures like a beast of prey 张牙舞爪 out to kill 杀气腾腾 out of one's right mind, unscrupulous, perverse 丧心病狂 have no conscience 丧尽天良 take mean advantage of someone when he is down 落井投下石 too horrible to look at 惨不忍睹 inhuman cruelty 惨无人道 kill all, spare none 赶尽杀绝 be extremely violent and wicked 穷凶极恶 follow the bad example of others 同流合污 violate the law and commit crime 作奸犯科 carry out activities openly 明火执仗 usually used derogatorily do or act as one wishes or pleases 为所欲为 do evil 为非作歹 count on one's powerful connections 倚官仗势 go against the tide of history 倒行逆施 act without regard for authority 恣意妄为 work in collusion with each other 狼狈为奸 no act is considered too evil 无所不为 totally devoid of conscience and respect for the law 无法无天 capable of committing every kind of crime 无恶不作 crooks of all kinds running wild 群魔乱舞 be unscrupulous 肆无忌惮 run amuck 横行无忌 be bold and reckless 胆大妄为 a beast in human form 人面兽心 say one thing and mean another 口是心非 honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted 口蜜腹剑 double dealings 两面三刀 have ulterior motives 居心叵测 a crafty person has more than one hideout 狡兔三窟 with murderous intent behind one's smiles 笑里藏刀 pretend to obey 阳奉阴违 cover up one's misdeeds by shifting the blame on to others 贼喊捉贼 given to playing tricks | change one's mind constantly 翻云覆雨 people of the same ilk 一丘之貉 be in league 上下其手 follow the bad example of others 同流合污 collusion between evildoers 同恶相济求 help the wicked perpetuate wicked deeds 助纣桀为虐 have overt and covert contacts with somebody 明来暗往 act in collusion 朋比为奸 a gang of scoundrels 狐群狗党 to promise high posts and rewards 封官许愿 act as the paws of an evil person 为虎作伥 help a villain do evil 为虎添傅翼 work in collusion with each other 狼狈为奸 cast flirtatious looks at somebody | make secret overtures 暗送秋波 coordinate one's efforts from afar 遥相呼应 be narrowly partisan 党同伐异 add fuel to the flames 火上加浇油 control the forces of nature | stir up trouble 呼风唤雨 add fuel to the flames 推波助澜 egg somebody on and incite others 推涛作浪 stir up trouble by rumour-mongering 造谣生事 get drunk and rowdy 酗酒滋事 stir up or make trouble 寻事生非 make trouble out of nothing 无事生非 be deliberately provocative 无风起浪 make trouble out of nothing 无理取闹 stir up trouble 惹是生非 instigate by loose talk 摇唇鼓舌 crooks of all kinds running wild 群魔乱舞 stir up trouble 煽风点火 tittle tattle and stir up ill-feelings 调嘴学舌 stir up trouble and unrest 兴风作浪 ready to make trouble 蠢蠢欲动 there's more to this than meets the eye 大有文章 conceal one's feelings and intentions 不露声色 conceal faults and gloss over wrongs 文过饰非 harbour evil intentions 包藏祸心 the designs of the villain are all too clear 司马昭之心,路人皆知 crisis-ridden 晰四伏 refuse to talk 守口如瓶 make one's story sound plausible 自圆其说 hem and haw 吞吞吐吐 pretend that peace and prosperity prevails 粉饰太平 stealthily 鬼鬼祟祟 the more one tries to cover up a secret, etc. the more it will be known 欲盖弥彰 mislead one's superiors and hoodwink one's subordinates 欺上瞒下 doll up, whitewash 涂脂抹粉 keep silent and lie low 销消声匿迹 guard a secret closely 讳莫高深 cover up another's faults and praise his good points 隐恶扬善 shelter evil people and countenance evil practices 藏垢纳污 tell part of the truth but not all of it 藏头露尾 secrets or problems one doesn't want to reveal 难言之隐 mislead one's superiors and hoodwink one's subordinates 欺上瞒下 win popularity by hoodwinking the public 欺世盗名 deceive each other 尔虞诈我诈虞 get by under false pretense 蒙混过关 cheat by selling inferior or false things 炫玉贾石 bully others because one has power or powerful connection 仗势欺人 as news headlines, reporting etc. resort to sensationalism 危言耸听 be a bully with the backing of a powerful person 狗仗人势 bully others by flaunting one's powerful connections 狐假虎威 couple threats with bribes 危迫利诱 put on airs and bully others 盛气凌人 that's really going too far! 欺人太甚 bully the weak and fear the strong 欺软怕硬 fawn on those above and bully those below 谄上欺下 often said of news-reporting etc. be sensational 耸人听闻 make slanderous charges 血口喷人 make slanderous accusations 含血喷人 to insinuate 含沙射影 spread rumours and malicious gossip 飞蜚短流长 a target of public attack 众矢之的 spread slanderous rumours 造谣中伤 calumniate 恶语中伤 prominent or famous people are more open to attack 树大招风 flatter one's superiors and show contempt for one's subordinates 上谄下渎 adept in currying favour with the all-powerful 手眼通天 be servile 奴颜婢膝媚骨 sweet words and an insinuating manner 巧言令色 attracted to something rank like flies 如蚁附膻 take precautions before it is too late 曲突徙薪 cater to another's pleasure 投其所好 behave servilely or obsequiously 卑躬屈节膝 curry favour 阿谀逢迎 to fawn and be obsequious 摇尾乞怜 fawn on those above and bully those below 谄上欺下 curry favour with the powerful 趋炎附势 play up to people of power and influence 攀龙附凤 blinded by the lust for gain 利令智昏 be blinded by greed 利欲熏心 drool with envy 垂涎三尺 work exclusively for profit 唯利是图 reach one for a yard after taking an inch 得寸进尺 kill the goose that lays the golden egg - a foolish act 杀鸡取卵蛋 tempted by small gains and suffer big losses 贪小失大 have an unlimited desire for more 贪得无厌 full of ambition 野心勃勃 very stingy 视财如命 greed is hard to satisfy 欲壑难填 very stingy 一毛不拔 haggle over every ounce 斤斤计较 be parsimonious | in straitened circumstances 数米而炊 be particular even about a trifling amount 锱铢必计较 sweet words and an insinuating manner 巧言令色 resort to deception 弄虚作假 dish up the same old stuff in a new form 改头换面 not speak one's mind 言不由衷 speak flowery and deceiving words 花言巧语 masquerade under a false name 冒名顶替 pretend that peace and prosperity prevails 粉饰太平 hypocrisy 假仁假意 disguise oneself 乔装改扮 make a fuss about nothing | affected sentimentality said of writing 无病呻吟 make a deceptive show of strength 虚张声势 put on airs 装腔作势 pretend to be crazy and stupid 装疯卖傻 act with affected manners 装模作样 pretend ignorance 装聋作哑 hypocritical utterance, comments etc. 违心之论 be affected 矫揉造作 make a spectacle of oneself 出乖露丑 lose both fortune and honour 身败名裂 suffer a drastic fall in one's prestige 威风信扫地 of ill repute 臭名昭著 be notorious 臭名远扬 leave a bad name which will long be remembered 遗臭万年 a notorious reputation 声名狼藉 act like a fool; cut a contemptible figure 丑态百出 the people enjoy a good life-health and plenty of food 人寿年丰 build up one's strength to avenge an insult 十年生聚 a bumper grain harvest 五谷丰登 everyone has a share of responsibility 匹夫有责 the people live in plenty and the country is strong 民富国强 a light breeze and clear moon | benign and openhearted | peace and prosperity 光风霁月 get rid of the stale and take in the fresh 吐故纳新 much distress regenerates a nation 多难兴邦 said of people living under a good government live and work in peace and contentment 安居乐业 stand on one's own feet 自力更生 exert and strive hard without any let up 自强不息 law and order prevail 夜不闭户 said of flowers in spring blossoming or said of business, financial situation etc. flourishing 欣欣向荣 goods are plentiful and the people happy 物阜民丰安 subject oneself to hardship of all kinds in order to strength one's resolution to wipe out a national humiliation or to attain an ambition. 卧薪尝胆 a long and peaceful reign 长治久安 seasonable weather for crop raising 风调雨顺 work at something with utmost concentration 埋头苦干 everyone lives in plenty 家给人足 replace the old with the new 除旧布更新 showing utmost fortitude 艰苦卓绝 turn a new leaf 弃旧图新 for a nation work with a will for progress 发愤图强 live frugally 节衣缩食 honesty prevails throughout society 道路不拾遗 with corrupt practices out of the way, a healthy atmosphere prevails 弊绝风清 peace and prosperity | put on a show of peace and prosperity 歌舞升平 have better troops and simpler administration 精兵简政 unite with faith and dedication 精诚团结 bring order out of chaos 拨乱反正 do all one can to catch up 奋起直追 promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful 兴利除弊害 make every effort to make the country prosperous 励精图治 thrive and be prosperous 繁荣昌盛 be well-fed and well-clothed 丰衣足食 the joys of spring | prosperity reigns 莺歌燕舞 a living hell 人间地狱 a world of darkness | total absence of justice 不见天日 be faced with troubles at home and aggression from abroad 内忧外患 see thing popular discontentment 民怨沸腾 impoverishment of the people and exhaustion of the nation's resources 民穷财尽 never will there be days of peace 永无宁日 troubled times 多事之秋 the turmoil and chaos of war 兵荒马乱 war-ridden 兵连祸结 assemble a coterie of undesirable elements 招降纳叛 pitch-dark | feel dizzy-a black out | dark rule and social disorder 昏天黑地 long years of oppression 长夜难明 turbulent times 风雨飘摇 go against the tide of history 倒行逆施 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司