翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 said of air heavily polluted | said of air foul and rotten social conditions 乌烟瘴气 act with utter disregard for human life 草菅人命 power is in the hands of the cruel and the wicked 豺狼当道 not know in the morning what may happen in the evening in constant fear 朝不保夕 cannot plan for the immediate future 朝不谋虑夕 make frequent changes in policies or measures 朝令夕暮改 capable of committing every kind of crime 无恶不作 a distressing situation 愁云惨雾 said of a nation, locality etc. total absence of justice 暗无天日 political chaos and social turbulence 沧海横流 bring calamity to the country and people 祸国殃民 levy exorbitant taxes 横征暴敛 all sources of money and material are exhausted 罗掘俱穷 hide the truth from the people 一手遮天 insist on doing thing in one's own way 一意孤行 arrogate all authority to oneself 大权独揽 will not listen to reason 不可理喻 allow no explanation 不由容分说 brook no intervention 不容置喙 wield absolute power over somebody 生杀予夺 ride roughshod over people 作威作福 follow one's bigoted ideas 孤行己见 be arrogant and domineering 飞扬跋扈 insufferably arrogant 气焰嚣张 argue irrationally 强词夺理 run amuck 横行无忌 tyrannize 横行霸道 do what one thinks is right regardless of other's opinions 独行其是 act arbitrarily 独断独专行 the will of the people 人心向背 the popular sentiment 人心所向 lose all popular sympathy 人心丧尽 be universally condemned 千夫人所指 to the great satisfaction of the people 大快人心 not enjoy popular support 不得人心 yearn to be somebody else or desire something 心向往之 rebel 犯上作乱 be delivered from oppression or persecution 重见天日 often used by defectors for self-justification to renounce a bad cause and join the camp of justice 弃暗投明 sink deep into the hearts of the people 深入人心 enjoy popular support 深得人心 be utterly isolated 众叛亲离 it is dangerous to antagonize the masses 众怒难犯 command public respect and support 众望所归 rise in rebellion 揭竿而起 enjoy high prestige and command universal respect 德高望重 to cultivate popularity 笼络人心 too many leader in a country or organization 一国三公 self-depreciatory expression people of no importance carry little weight 人微权轻 hold power in one's hands 大权在握 let power pass into other hands 大权旁落 arrogate all authority to oneself 大权独揽 wield absolute power over somebody 生杀予夺 replace somebody 取而代之 fight with means both open and secret 明争暗斗 struggle for power and wealth 争权夺利 who will be the winner? 鹿死谁手 go beyond one's duties to meddle with another's affairs 越俎代庖 intrigue against each other 勾心斗角 a fierce struggle between two evenly matched 龙争虎斗 one person alone cannot save the situation 一木难支 a word which carries weight 一言九鼎 unable to do as much as one would like to 力不从心 be unequal to one's task 力不胜任 beyond one's reach or power to do something 力有未逮 make every effort to save a desperate situation 力挽狂澜 a mighty force 千军兵万马 overrate one's abilities 不自量力 overrate one's abilities 不知自量 be about the same 不相上下 spare no effort 不遗余力 one who stands firm amid adversities 中流砥柱 two of a kind, of equal match 半斤八两 spare no efforts 全力以赴 with added strength | greatly reinforced evil forces 如虎添翼 feeble or listless descriptive of a voice, a halfhearted performance etc. 有气无力 not to recognize one's own limited strength or resources 自不量力 overcome powerful adversaries 降龙伏虎 an overwhelming force 泰山压顶 a spent force 强弩之末 feel powerless and frustrated 望洋兴叹 unity is strength 众志成城 cooperation and unity make difficult things easy 众擎易举 be well-matched in a contest 棋逢敌对手 cannot do anything about it 无能为力 all-conquering 无坚不摧 evenly matched 势均力敌 would be glad to help but cannot 爱莫能助 pool the wisdom and efforts of everyone 群策群力 tremendous force 雷霆万钧 be well-matched in strength 旗鼓相当 do everything in one's power. 尽力而为 one person alone cannot save the situation 独木难支 a rash attempt to do what is far beyond one's ability 螳臂当车 beyond one's ability to help 鞭长莫及 attempt to do what is far beyond one's power 蚍蜉撼树 use every conceivable means 千方百计 get nothing for all one's pains 心劳日拙 give counsel 出谋献策 have given much thought to the matter 用心良苦 be resourceful and decisive 多谋善断 have a well-thought-out plan 成竹在胸 a project of vital and lasting importance 百年大计 be experienced and astute 老谋深算 strike out on a new path 改弦易辙 wise and resourceful 足智多谋 escape unnoticed 金蝉脱壳 cudgel one's brains for an ingenious device, etc. 挖空心思 stratagems so wonderful that they seem to be conceived by divine beings 神机妙算 have a thought-out plan to cope with whatever may arise 胸有成竹 the national economy and the people's livelihood 国计民生 beat somebody at his own game 将计就计 take one's time in reaching a decision 从长计议 think and plan far ahead 深谋远虑 be at a loss as to what to do 无计可施 rack one's brains 费尽心机 try by hook or by crook 想方设法 rack one's brains for fresh ideas, apt expressions etc. 搜索枯肠 make painstaking efforts 煞费苦心 pool the wisdom and efforts of everyone 群策群力 work out plans and strategies 运筹帷幄 make painstaking efforts 呕心沥血 study and weigh the situation 审时度势 stalling tactics 缓兵之计 have a secret master plan 锦囊妙计 manoeuvre among various states or political groupings 纵横捭阖 an expedient measure 权宜之计 rack one's brains 殚精竭虑 quick promotion 一日九迁 of a career etc. rapid advancement 一步登天 for people out of luck find a sheltering place or a small job 一枝一栖 overstaffed | more applicants than jobs available 人浮于事 be unequal to one's task 力不胜任 call on someone repeatedly to enlist his help, etc. 三顾茅草庐 give an able person a small job 大材小用 hold down a job without doing a stroke of work 尸位素餐 not capable enough to take on heavy responsibilities 不胜其任 to volunteer one's services 毛遂自荐 find someone better qualified than myself 另请聘高明 resign and land a better job 另谋高就 said of a career or social position a meteoric rise 平步青云 appoint people on their merits 任人唯贤 appoint people by favouritism 任人唯亲 to the satisfaction of one and all 各得其所 rapid promotion in one's official career 扶摇直上 said of people of talent occupy an insignificant position or one in name only 投闲置散 bureaucrats shield one another 官官相护卫 a rapid advancement in one's career 青云直上 act as a go-between 穿针引线 make a rapid advance in one's career 飞黄腾达踏 make oneself up and go on stage | embark on a political venture 粉墨登场 select the worthy and able for office 推贤让能 very competent at a job 胜任愉快 highly competent 游刃有余 opening up of job opportunities for the able 广开才门路 congratulate each other on the prospect of getting new appointments and honours 弹冠相庆 assign a job in accordance with qualifications and seniority 论资排辈 handle the situation with ease 应付裕如 said of incompetent people or inferior goods be there just to make up the number 滥竽充数 better be a dog's head than a lion's tail 鸡口牛后 unashamed nepotism 鸡犬升天得仙 self-deprecatory unequal to a given task 绠短汲深 issue orders repeatedly 三令五申 allow no explanation 不由容分说 must not disobey orders and cause any delayused in official documents 不得违误 willingly 心甘情意愿 to volunteer one's services 毛遂自荐 strict enforcement of order and bans 令行禁止 gladly endure hardship 甘之如饴 withdraw an order or decision 收回成命 volunteerto do something dangerous or something nobody wants to do 自告奋勇 terms accepted under duress 城下之盟 forced to do something against one's will 迫不得已 do whatever one is told to do 唯命是从听 force someone to do something against his will 强人所难 impose one's views etc. on others 强加于人 defilement of public opinion 强奸民意 make frequent changes in policies or measures 朝令夕暮改 don't know whose suggestion to follow 无所适从 order people about 发号施令 pretend to obey 阳奉阴违 forced to do something desperate 逼上梁山 return something intact to its owner 完璧归赵 aid the weak and curb the strong 扶弱抑强 engage in diplomatic negotiations 折冲樽俎 seeking common ground while accepting the existing differences 求同存异 be reconciled 言归于好 a policy of compromise and let everyone have peace 息事宁人 yield and withdraw so as to avoid a conflict 退避三舍 in action, strategy, argument etc. be diametrically opposed to 针锋相对 of opposing armies etc. stop fighting 偃旗息鼓 mediate disputes 排难解纷 reach an impasse 陷入僵局 after a quarrel make up and be friends again 握手言欢 wipe out the bullies and help the down-trodden 锄强扶弱 be one's own master 独立自主 maneuver among various states or political groupings 纵横捭阖 be the first to take the lead 一马当先 be engaged in hot battle 刀光剑影 do something single-handed 匹马单枪 be unarmed 手无寸铁 make determined and persistent efforts 再接再厉 a life and death struggle 你死我活 the turmoil and chaos of war 兵荒马乱 war-ridden 兵连祸结 fight it out 决一雌雄 unarmed 赤手空拳 go into battle stripped to the waist | come out into the open 赤膊上阵 in warfare lead the men in a charge 身先士卒 repulse a frontal attack 迎头痛击 said of a soldier's bravery one man falls, another steps into the breach 前仆赴后继 to campaign all across the country 南征北战 fight to the last ditch 背城借一 bear the brunt 首当其冲 yield and withdraw so as to avoid a conflict 退避三舍 the unexpected appearance of a new talent, factor, stratagem etc. that changes the old situation 异军突起 engage in hand-to-hand fighting or face-to-face argument 短兵相接 a fierce battle 枪林弹雨 militaristic and aggressive 穷兵黩武 charge and break through enemy lines 冲锋陷阵 run amuck, to push ones way by shoving and elbowing 横冲直撞 mobilize one's forces 兴师兵动众 a fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents 龙争虎斗 of an army move about freely and quickly 纵横驰骋 be inextricably involved in a dispute or locked in a struggle | be sentimentally attached to each other 难分解难解分 break up the whole into parts 化整为零 conserve strength while the enemy tires himself through a long march 以逸待劳 take someone unawares 出其不意 defeat one's opponent by a surprise move 出奇制胜 gain the initiative by striking the first blow 先发制人 try peaceful means before resorting to force 先礼后兵 rout the enemy forces one by one 各个击破 speed is everything in war 兵贵神速 advance gradually and dig in at every step 步步为营 estimate correctly one's own strength as well as that of one's opponent 知己知彼 slow in taking action | take no action 按兵不动 catch someone off guard 乘虚而入 usually said of guerillas appear and disappear mysteriously 神出鬼没 strengthen the bulwarks and leave no provisions outside 坚壁清野 a blitzkrieg strategy 速战速决 make a deceptive show of strength 虚张声势 of political followers cheer or encourage 摇旗呐喊 do one thing under cover of another | an illicit affair 暗渡陈仓 have better troops and a simpler administration 精兵简政 stalling tactics 缓兵之计 lure the enemy from his base 调虎离山 make a feint to the east but in the west 声东击西 stay clear of the enemy's main force and strike at his weakest point 避实就虚 in warfare advance steadily and strike sure blows | in administration run things in a reliable and sure way 稳扎稳打 collaborate from within with forces from without 里应外合 suffer a crushing defeat militarily 一败如水 a fiasco 一败涂地 collapse at the first encounter 一触即发 in total disintegration 土崩瓦解 collapse at the first blow 不堪一击 turn defeat into victory 反败为胜 wipe out the enemy to a man 片甲不留存 defeat one's opponent by a surprise move 出奇制胜 sell one's soul to the enemy etc. 出卖灵魂 flee helter-skelter 丢盔弃卸甲 be ever-victorious 百战百胜 win victory without firing a shot 兵不血刃 put up no fight and allow oneself to be caught 束手就缚擒 neither side gains 两败俱伤 of warfare carry all before one 所向披靡 break all enemy resistance 所向无敌 scamper off like a frightened rat 抱头鼠窜 escape unnoticed 金蝉脱壳 push deep in war 长驱直入 escape without leaving a trace behind 逃之夭夭 win speedy success 马到成功 a defeated general cannot claim to be brave 败军之将 of an army disperse at the mere sight of an oncoming force 望风披靡 who will be the winner? 鹿死谁手 before regaining one's breath 喘息未定 all-conquering 无坚不摧 said of a victorious army push forward with an overwhelming momentum 势如破竹 watery routed 落花流水 be hopelessly outnumbered 寡不敌众 sweep all obstacles in the way 摧枯拉朽 success comes speedily 旗开得胜 make a get-away on hearing the news 闻风远扬 throw in one's lot with the enemy 认贼作父 don't pursue a desperate enemy 穷寇勿莫追 barter away one's honour 卖身投靠 turn traitor for personal gain 卖国求荣 badly beaten up 头破血流 of an army move about freely and quickly 纵横驰骋 desert on the eve of battle | sneak away at a critical juncture 临阵脱逃 turn defeat into victory 转败为胜 of an army in headlong light 辙乱旗靡 an army puffed up with pride is doomed to defeat 骄兵必败 build up one's strength to avenge an insult 十年生聚 a mighty force 千军兵万马 conserve strength while the enemy tires himself through a long march 以逸待劳 strict enforcement of orders and bans 令行禁止 be on one's guard for possible dangers 如临大敌 of a student or intellectual give up civilian pursuits join the army 投笔从戎 usually in preparation for an insurrection raise an army 招兵买马 go forth to battle well prepared 披坚执锐 be battle-ready 枕戈待旦 of troops highly disciplined | honest 秋毫无犯 after a defeat rally one's forces 重整旗鼓 a just morale to the troops 师直为壮 be combat ready 秣马厉兵 have plenty of fight in one 斗志昂扬 violate the law and discipline 违法乱纪 deploy troops 调兵遣将 in preparation for a challenging task ahead nurse one's strength 养精蓄锐 be eager for a fight 摩拳擦掌 make preparations at the last moment 临阵磨枪 due to excellent army discipline, all is peace and quietincluding fowls and dogs 鸡犬不无惊 a closely guarded area 刁斗森严 be on one's guard for all possible dangers 如临大敌 firm as a rock 安如泰山 indestructible 牢不可破 deep-rooted 根深蒂固 indestructible 坚不可摧 strengthen the bulwarks and leave no provisions outside 坚壁清野 have no loopholes to exploit 无隙可乘 unassailable 无懈可击 strongfortress, defences etc. 铜墙铁壁 stable and secure 磬石之固 strongly fortified | with a clear-cut line of demarcation 壁垒森严 a strategically situated place 龙蟠盘虎踞 stand out majestically 巍然屹立 steadfastly stand one's ground 岿然不动 the dragnet of justice 天罗地网 so crowded | so heavily guarded that no water could seep through 水泄不通 facing hostility on all sides 四面楚歌 beasts at bay will fight back 困兽犹之斗 isolated and cut off from help 孤立无援 fight a lone battle 孤军奋作战 of an enemy or robber fight stubbornly with one's back to the wall 负隅顽抗 a great disparity in numerical strength 众寡悬殊 encircle a city or a post held by the enemy in order to annihilate the enemy relief force 围城打援 unable to escape even with wings 插翅难飞 be attacked front and rear 腹背受敌 be in very difficult circumstances 弹尽援绝 due to war, natural disasters etc. whole towns are deserted 十室九空 after plundering by robbers or enemy soldiers lay waste 寸草不留 of a nation after an upheaval recuperate and rebuild itself 休养生息 be scarred and battered 百孔千疮 many tasks remain to be undertaken 百端待举 breaking up or scattering of one's family 妻离子散 with the family broken up and decimated 家破人亡 in deep distress 创钜痛深 a scene of devastation meets the eye everywhere 满目疮痍 devastationof palaces as a result of war 铜驼荆棘 of war and natural calamities everywhere a scene of devastation meets the eye 疮痍满目 a scene of devastation 断井颓垣 be faced with troubles at home and aggression from abroad 内忧外患 the weak falling victim to the strong 弱肉强食 militaristic and aggressive 穷兵黩武 illegal occupation of another's place 鹊巢鸠占 a force revived 死灰复燃 stage a comeback 东山再起 slip back into one's old ways 故态复萌 take up one's old job once more 重作冯妇 after a defeat rally one's forces 重整旗鼓 of something evil revive in a new guise 借尸还魂 of a divorced or separated couple reunion and reconciliation 破镜重圆 stage a comeback 卷土重来 doomed eternally 万劫不复 especially said of brothers engage in internal strife 同室操戈 of persons within a group, party etc. kill each other 自相残杀 bodies strewn in all directions - a carnage or a battle scene 血肉横飞 full of blood and tears 血泪斑斑 fratricidal or internecine strife 相煎太急 do harm to somebody through the hands of another 借刀杀人 capture and summarily execute 格杀勿不论 act with utter disregard for human life 草菅人命 kill people like flies 杀人如麻 kill and rob 杀人越货 silence a witness of crime by killing him off 杀人灭口 be blood-thirsty 嗜杀成性 kill all, spare none 赶尽杀绝 general turmoil 鸡犬不宁 strict enforcement of orders and bans 令行禁止 law-abiding | content with one's lot 安分守己 law-abiding 奉公守法 an infallible law 金科玉律 terms accepted under duress 城下之盟 of a promise, an agreement etc. abide strictly by 恪守不渝 make a few simple rules to be observed by all concerned 约法三章 the regulations, commandments for Buddhists or Taoists | restrictions and fetters in general 清规戒律 behave correctly and cautiously | stick to established practices 规行矩步 standards, norms or criteria 规矩准绳 observe all rules and regulations 循规蹈矩 draconian laws 严刑峻法 wicked to the extreme 十恶不赦 one who stands condemned through the ages 千古罪人 before the ink is dry, the agreement is broken 口血未干 a monstrous crime 大逆不道 defy the law 以身试法 to show contempt for the law 目无法纪 death will not expiate all his crimes 死有余辜 have a guilty conscience 作做贼心虚 violate the law and commit crime 作奸犯科 have only oneself to blame 咎由自取 deliberately do something one knows is wrong 明知故犯 break the law knowingly 知法犯法 abuse the law and practise favouritism 徇私情枉法 practice favouritism and commit irregularities 徇私舞弊 atone for a crime by doing good deeds 将功抵赎罪 pervert justice for a bribe 贪赃枉法 remain at large 逍遥法外 guilty of terrible crimes 恶贯满盈 totally devoid of conscience and respect for the law 无法无天 heinous crimes 滔天大罪 a heinous crime 罪大恶极 the crime is so serious that no punishment is adequate for it 罪不容诛 the punishment is well deserved 罪有应得 cannot escape responsibility for the offence or rime 罪责难逃 commit a flagrant crime 罪恶昭彰 be guilty of a crime for which even death cannot atone 罪该万死 violate the law and discipline 违法乱纪 before the ink is dry, the agreement is broken 墨汁迹未干 a heinous crime 弥天大罪 practise graft while holding public office 营私舞弊 of crimes committed too numerous to be recorded 罄竹难书 said of the integrity of public servants take nothing for oneself which is not rightful 一介不取 immaculate | pure-hearted 一尘不染 be in league 上下其手 ill-gotten wealth 不义之财 get somebody's belongings, rights etc. by force or trickery 巧取豪夺 raid and plunder 打家劫舍 be out-and-out scoundrels 男盗女娼 have underhand dealings 私相授受 of an official have clean hands 两袖清风 said of government officials abuse one's powers and take bribes 招权纳贿 abuse the law and practise favouritism 徇私情枉法 of troops highly disciplined | honest 秋毫无犯 turn in every cent of public money 涓滴归公 kill and rob 杀人越货 degeneration and corruption 贪污腐化 pervert justice for a bribe 贪赃枉法 win popularity by hoodwinking the public 欺世盗名 stir up trouble to serve one's ends or fish in troubled waters 趁火打劫 steal something in passing 顺手牵羊 ransack boxes and chests 倾箱筐倒箧 be honest and clean in performing one's official duties 廉洁奉公 make incessant and exorbitant demands on 诛求无已 with corrupt practices out of the way, a healthy atmosphere prevails 弊绝风清 blackmail and extort 敲诈勒索 a burglar | a person divorced from reality 梁上君子 practise graft while holding public office 营私舞弊 ransack boxes and chests 翻箱倒箧柜 verbal statements are no guarantee 口说无凭 confess without being pressed 不打自招 cannot be taken as evidence 不足为凭 what is right now was wrong before-finally come to realize past mistakes 今是昨非 deny flatly 矢口狡抵赖 on record 有案可稽查 repent one's errors 自怨自艾 regret past doings 何必当初 turn a new leaf 改邪归正 mend one's ways 改过自新 refuse to come to one's senses 沉迷不悟 extort confessions under torture 屈打成招 something that gives away a person's real character or evil intentions 狐狸尾巴 investigation reveals no evidence against the suspect 查无实据 offer a humble apology 负荆请罪 return of the prodigal son 浪子回头 indisputable proof 真凭实据 too late to repent 追后悔莫及 hold on obstinately to errors or wrong beliefs 执迷不悟 examine one's conscience 扪心自问 often used by defectors for self-justification to renounce a bad cause and join the camp of justice 弃暗投明 silence a witness of crime by killing him off 杀人灭口 have a complete change of heart 脱胎换骨 repent past mistakes 痛改前非 learn a lesson from a painful experience 痛定思痛 bent on evil-doing 贼心不死 refuse to mend one's way despite repeated admonition 屡教不改 see the error of one's ways and repent 幡然悔悟改 examine one's conscience 反躬自问省 a conviction based on a mountain of conclusive evidence 铁案如山 supported by irrefutable evidence 凿凿有据 remain impenitent 怙恶不悛 nonexistent and imaginary 子虚乌有 make up something out of one's head 向壁虚造构 spread rumours and malicious gossip 飞蜚短流长 speak or act on hearsay evidence 捕风捉影 fabricate 无中生有 of criminals, rebels or other undesirable elements round up the whole lot 一网打尽 usually used when taking an oath be damned by heaven and earth 天诛地灭 nobody escapes the judgement of heaven 天网恢恢 from flogging bruised and lacerated 皮开肉绽 of crying, beating etc. half dead 死去活来 extort confessions under torture 屈打成招 give rewards or punishment strictly and impartially 信赏必罚 let bygones be bygones 既往不咎 offer a humble apology 负荆请罪 atone for a crime by doing good deeds 将功抵赎罪 the punishment is well deserved 罪有应得 cannot escape responsibility for the offence or crime 罪责难逃 be beaten black and blue 遍体鳞伤 give somebody a dose of his own medicine 请君入瓮 dispense rewards or honours according to merit 论功行赏 be impartial in the dispensation of reward and punishment 奖罚分明 make an example of someone 惩一儆警百 learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones 惩前毖后 punish with utmost severity 严惩不贷 life behind bars 铁窗风味 injured all over the body | be thoroughly refuted or exposed of a theory etc. 体无完肤 a one-sided statement 一面之词 with no discrimination in treating people 一视同仁 be selfless | be impartial 大公无私 one is just as important as the other 不可偏废 injustice provokes an outcry 不平则鸣 unredressed injustice 不白之冤 be impartial 不偏不倚 disown all one's relatives and friends 六亲不认 speak out from a sense of justice 仗义执直言 champion the cause of the weak 打抱不平 grievous wrongs that can never be redressed 沉冤莫白 extort confessions under torture 屈打成招 favour one and discriminate against the other 厚此薄彼 an unbiased view 持平之论 make impartial comments or statements 持论公允 plead for justice on behalf of the people 为民请命 listen to only one side 偏听偏信 be narrowly partisan 党同伐异 cold hearted 铁石心肠 just and fair 铁面无私 not to be taken as a precedent 下不为例 help in every way humanly possible 仁至义尽 execute one person as a warning to others 以一警百 act rashly and alert the enemy 打草惊蛇 bitter pills have a wholesome effect | unpalatable advice benefit one's conduct 良药苦口 truth seldom sounds pleasant 忠言逆耳 reject criticism and whitewash one's mistakes 拒谏饰非 invaluable advice 金玉良之言 a lesson drawn from another's mistake 前车之鉴戒 remonstrate earnestly and kindly 苦口婆心 execute one person as a warning to others 杀一儆百 punish one person as a warning to others 杀鸡儆猴 of speech or writing give a timely warning 当头棒喝 be sincere and earnest 语重心长 the loneliness of monastic life | exhortations to virtue and purity 暮鼓晨钟 caution someone earnestly not to... 谆谆告诫 make an example of someone 惩一儆警百 learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones 惩前毖后 get to the root of a matter 追本穷溯源 go into the why and wherefores of it 追根究底 trace the origins 推本溯源 get to the bottom of things 寻根究底 clues or traces 蛛丝马迹 track down somebody or something by following clues 顺藤摸瓜 make a thorough inquiry into something 穷源竟委溯流 bring in a troublemaker 引狼入室 bear the ill consequence of one's own doings 自作自受 have only oneself to blame 自取其咎 suffer the consequence of one's own doing 自食其果 ask for a snub 自讨没趣 ask for trouble 自讨苦吃 worry over for nothing 自寻烦恼 a scheme that boomerangs 作法自毙 get caught in one's own trap 作茧自缚 have only oneself to blame 咎由自取 open the door to thieves-court disaster 开门揖盗 court disaster 惹火烧身 appeasement brings disaster 养虎为遗患 leave evil unchecked spells ruin 养痈成贻患 sow seeds of danger for the future 纵虎归山 ill-gotten wealth 不义之财 the "people's fat" to be squeezed by taxes 民脂民膏 given the facilities success is assured 多财善贾 money can work miracles 有钱能使鬼推磨 the rich are excessively wealthy while the poor suffer stark poverty 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨 rich but immoral 为富不仁 be heavily in debt 债台高筑 more than enough to spare 绰绰有余 live in clover 养尊处优 money makes the mare go 钱可能通神 not worth a penny 一文钱不值 out-and-out, downright 不折不扣 an empty promise 空头支票 genuine goods at fair prices | out-and-out 货真价实 a priceless treasure 无价之宝 be priceless 价值连城 of a commodity cheap and good 价廉物美 gain enormous profit out of a small capital investment 一本万利 make big deductions 七折八扣 concoct various pretexts 巧立名目 given the facilities success is assured 多财善贾 hoard and profiteer 囤积居奇 speculate and manipulate for self-interest 投机取巧 something aware or precious that can be hoarded for a high price 奇货可居 clinch a deal 拍板成交 act as a go-between 穿针引线 work exclusively for profit 唯利是图 speculate in stocks etc. 买空卖空 said of incompetent people or inferior goods be there just to make up the number 滥竽充数 of a business, factory etc. close down or go bankrupt 关门大吉 one reaps no more than what one has sown 一分耕耘,一分收获 gain enormous profit out of a small capital investment 一本万利 just an occasional, small achievement 一得之功 return empty-handed 一无所获 cannot make both ends meet 入不敷出 even the wise are not free from error even the wise make mistakes 千虑一失 even a fool occasionally hits on a good idea 千虑一得 nothing venture, nothing gain 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 spare no expense 不惜工本 unable to cover expenses 左支右绌 gain both fame and wealth 名利双收 the fetters of fame and wealth 名缰利锁索 get what one has wished or desired for a long time 如获至宝 said of material profit profitable 有利可图 advantages are accompanied by disadvantages 有利有弊 selfish 自私自利 binged by the lust for gain 利令智昏 be blinded by greed 利欲熏心 hoard and profiteer 囤积居奇 speculate and manipulate for self-interest 投机取巧 forget one's integrity when tempted by personal gain 见利忘义 something rare or precious that can be hoarded for a high price 奇货可居 a man of talent or thing of value going unrecognized | a good man fallen among bad company 明珠暗投 struggle for power and wealth 争权夺利 advantages of being in a favourable position 近水楼台先得月 couple threats with bribes 威迫胁利诱 vested interests 既得利益 be heavily in debt 负债累累 to swallow anything and everything uncritically 兼收并蓄 ill-gotten, ill-spent 悖入悖出 work exclusively for profit 唯利是图 unable to make both ends meet 寅吃卯粮 the loss outweighs the gain 得不偿失 the swift-footed arrive first 捷足先登得 forgo what is within reach and seek after something unreachable 舍近求图远 give somebody line enough 欲取姑予 consumption exceeds production | an unwieldy and overstaffed organization 鱼大水小 fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼 seize every chance for personal gain | of odours, ideas all-pervasive 无孔不入 live within one's means 量入为出 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 竭泽而渔 calculate carefully and budget strictly 精打细算 promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful 兴利除弊害 petty profits 蝇头小微利 a quarrel which benefits only a third party 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 very busy 一馈十起 spare no effort 不遗余力 be full occupied every day 日不暇给 spare no effort 全力以赴 make concerted efforts 同心协合力 rush about or around 东奔西跑 cudgel one's brains for an ingenious device 挖空心思 make extraordinary painstaking efforts 苦心孤诣 work at something with utmost concentration 埋头苦干 be constantly on the go 席不暇暖 weighed down with work 疲于奔命 rock one's brains 费尽心机 make painstaking efforts 呕心沥血 keep an enterprise etc. going by pains talking effort 惨淡经营 do everything in one's power 尽力而为 put one's heart and soul into something 尽心竭力 unite in a concerted effort 戮力同心 have more visitors, business etc. than one can attend to 应接不暇 endure great hardships in pioneer work 筚路褴褛 reach a binding agreement verbally 一言为定 a promise that can be counted on 一诺千金 go back on one's word 出尔反尔 go back on one's word 自食其言 go back on one's word 言而无信 live up to one's pledge 信守不渝 of a promise, an agreement etc. abide strictly by 恪守不渝 break faith with somebody 背信弃义 keep a promise 说一不二 make a promise lightly and break it easily 轻诺寡信 well stocked with all kinds of things 一应俱全 provide against a rainy day 不时之需 unable to say not to seekers of help 有求必应 self-sufficiency 自给自足 hoard and profiteer 囤积居奇 demands exceed supplies 求过于供 supply falls shout of demand 供不应求 something aware or precious that can be hoarded for a high price 奇货可居 a temporary shortage or scarcity 青黄不接 not enough for circulation or distribution 粥少僧多 nothing is wanting 应有尽有 spend money recklessly 一掷千金 extravagant or wasteful 大手大脚 give an able person a small job 大材小用 make an extravagant show of 大事铺张 even a great fortune can be depleted by idleness 坐吃山空 waste money and manpower 劳民伤财 spend money like water 挥金如土 be reduced to poverty and ruin 倾家荡产 a reckless waste of things 暴殄天物 extremely extravagant 穷奢极欲侈 extravagant and wasteful 铺张浪费 indulge in extravagance and ostentation 铺张扬厉 idle one's time away 蹉跎岁月 make do with what is available 因陋就简 be hardworking and thrifty 克勤克俭 economize and avoid running short | go about something little by little without a let up 细水长流 increase income and decrease expenditure 开源节流 live frugally 节衣缩食 calculate carefully and budget strictly 精打细算 hard work and simple living 艰苦朴素 poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 not have a thing to one's name 一无所有 poverty stifles ambition 人穷志短 be penniless 不名一钱文 impoverishment of the people and exhaustion of the nation's resources 民穷财尽 happy to lead a simple and virtuous life 安贫乐道 the rich are excessively wealthy while the poor suffer stark poverty 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨 be impoverished 床头金尽 die without leaving much property behind 身后萧条 be quite penniless 身无分文 have no savings but the necessities for living 身无长物 unable to make both ends meet 寅吃卯粮 be reduced to poverty and ruin 倾家荡产 be penniless and frustrated 贫困潦倒 an impasse is followed by change | poverty makes people think of change 穷则思变 all sources of money and material are exhausted 罗掘俱穷 be penniless 囊空如洗 the doings of superiors are imitated by their inferiors 上行下效 when those high up do not set a good example, the subordinates cannot be expected to behave well 上梁不正下梁歪 be impervious to persuation 不屑教诲 set an example by one's own action, said of people holding responsible positions or the head of a family 以身作则 those in the dark are in no position to light the way for others 以其昏昏,使人昭昭 teach according to the student's ability 因材施教 give judicious guidance according to circumstances 因势利导 like to lecture to people 好为人师 provide education for all people without discrimination 有教无类 personal, daily instruction 耳提面命 be unconsciously influenced by what one constantly hears or sees 耳濡目染 teach by personal example and verbal instruction 言传身教带 he who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 teaching benefits both teacher and pupil alike 教学相长 explain in everyday language results of a profound study, research etc. 深入浅出 warn people by taking oneself as an example 现身说法 the evil influence lingers on 阴魂不散 of a teacher lead the young astray 误人子弟 teach with tireless zeal 诲人不倦 be imperceptibly influenced by 潜移默化 teach untiringly 谆谆教导 the youth is worth educating 孺子可教 the ability to read quickly 一目十行 a student's long years of academic studies 十载年寒窗 an expression to show one's open-mindedness there is always someone to learn from 三人行,必有我师 be tried and tested | of literary works be revised and rewritten over and over again 千锤百炼 learn from each other by an exchange of views 切磋琢磨 absent-minded 心不在焉 go from the easy to the difficult and complicated 由浅入深 pay undivided attention to something 全神贯注 mastery comes from training 百炼成钢 one must start with the easy or basic things before one proceeds to deal with the difficult or profound subjects 行远自迩 lap up information without digesting it 囫囵吞枣 be a good teacher and a helpful friend 良师益友 draw the strong points of others to offset one's own weakness 取长补短 surpass one's master or teacher in learning 青出于蓝 read old classics without real comprehension 食古不化 read without understanding its meaning 食而不化 concentrate one's attention, thoughts, or efforts on something 专心致一志 teaching benefits both teacher and pupil alike 教学相长 dip into or make a cursory study of something 浅尝辄止 go and ask somebody for his advice 移樽就教 respect the teacher and his teachings 尊师重道 burn the midnight oil 焚膏继晷 reading is always profitable 开卷有益 listen carefully 倾耳细听 excellence in work is possible only with diligence 业精于勤 concentrate one's attention 聚精会神 one should make use of what one has learned 学以致用 have a thirst for learning 学而不厌 knowledge has no limit 学无止境 a polite expression referring to oneself have little talent and little learning 才疏学浅 be content with a superficial understanding 不求甚解 less seen, more strange 少见多怪 switch to a job one was not trained for 半路出家 very learned 宏儒硕学 well-read and will-informed 见多识广 ignorant and ill-informed 孤陋寡闻 truly learned and genuinely talented 真才实学 correct and profound insight 真知灼见 dip into or make a cursory study of something 浅尝辄止 be sloppy in doing things 粗枝大叶 be out of one's depth 莫测高深 be erudite and informed 博古通今 have encyclopaedia knowledge 博闻强记 be learned and accomplished 博学多才 gain new insights through restudying old material | understand the present by reviewing the past 温故而知新 be ill-informed and ignorant 寡见少闻 very talented 满腹珠玑 be learned and clever 满腹经纶 foresight and sagacity 远见卓识 be learned 学识渊博 reach a high degree of technical or professional proficiency 炉火纯青 know nothing about 一无所知 quite stupid, lack the slightest knowledge 一窍不通 a man of great wisdom often seems slow witted 大巧若拙 a man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted 大智若愚 be ignorant of the fact 不辨菽麦 be completely illiterate 不识一丁 be completely illiterate 目不识丁 uninformed 耳目闭塞 try to be smart by acting on one's won etc. 自作聪明 blinded by the lust for gain 利令智昏 outsmart oneself 弄巧成拙 wise and resourceful 足智多谋 young and inexperienced 乳臭未干 exquisitely carved | of a person very bright 玲珑剔透 quite uneducated 胸无点墨 both brave and intelligent 智勇双全 ignorant 愚昧无知 be out of one's bearings 晕头转向 due to ignorance or inexperience comment excitedly on a common-place thing 蜀犬吠日 clever at deduction and association 闻一知十 be childishly ignorant 蒙昧无知 intelligence and wisdom 聪明才智 filled with wisdom | feel refreshed 醍醐灌顶 be able and efficient 精明能干 have no special skill of any kind 一无所长能 talented people are produced by each generation 人才辈出 have many, many talented people 人才济济 a gathering of talented people or a large collection of cultural objects in one place 人文荟萃 a man of great wisdom often seems slow witted 大巧若拙 give an able person a small job 大材小用 great talent takes time to mature 大器晚成 give a good account of oneself 大显身手 to show only a part of one's talent 小试锋芒 extremely talented 才高八斗 a polite expression referring to oneself have little talent and little learning 才疏学浅 very gifted 才华盖世 said of women talented and good-looking 才貌双全 be ignorant and incompetent 不学无术 switch to a job one was not trained for 半路出家 each has strong points 各有千秋 be gifted in many ways 多才多艺 one's creative powers have been exhausted 江郎才尽 it takes a hundred years to educate people 百年树人 ambitious but lacking in ability 志大才疏 said of people of talent occupy an insignificant position or one in name only 投闲置散 to attain an insignificant goal by costly means 明珠弹雀 display one's ability for the first time 初露锋芒 be in the prime of life 风华正茂 soar to great heights 展翅高飞 something in which one is an expert 拿手好戏 the abler a person, the busier he is a compliment to a busy person 能者多劳 criticize the performance of others which one cannot equal or better oneself, have high aspirations but low abilities 眼高手低 pale others by showing one's ability and talent 脱颖而出 be learned and accomplished 博学多才 at one's wit's end 智穷才尽 a person of great ability and tremendous potential 栋梁之才 full into obscurity 湮没无闻 undiscovered talent 沧海遗珠 incompetency 碌碌无能 of a young person display remarkable ability and talent 崭露头角 be learned and clever 满腹经纶 have both a good character and professional competence 德才兼备 lack virtue and ability 德薄才鲜 the youth is worth educating 孺子可教 undiscovered talent 藏龙卧虎 flaunt one's abilities 露才扬己 praise or criticize with a single word 一字褒贬 said of a literary piece, painting etc. complete in one go so that there is coherence in thought and unity in style. 一气呵成 of treaties, contracts, laws etc. become a piece of worthless paper 一纸空文 of writing or painting finish very quickly 一挥而就 of a river rushing along | of a calligrapher a bold and flowing style 一泻千里 have literary acumen 下笔成章 be superficial 不痛不痒 go into minute details 不厌其详 verbose 冗词赘句 to support one's argument quote the classics 引经据典 have a facile pen 文不加点 the content of writing is inconsistent with the title, irrelevant 文不对题 one's tongue is the pen of a ready writer 出口成章 write or speak in dull, flat style 平铺直叙 weigh one's words 字斟句酌 read between the lines 字里行间 describe something very expressively 曲尽奇妙 true to life 有血有肉 vivid and dramatic said of a description or performance 有声有色 a natural and flowing style of writing etc. 行云流水 write sentimental verses 吟风弄月 speak about something profound in plain language 言近旨远 brief and to the point 言简意赅 portray or depict most realistically 刻画入微 of writing, conversation etc. insipid 味同如嚼蜡 portray vividly figures in pictures or characters in novels 呼之欲出 be sloppy or slovenly in speaking or doing things 拖泥带水 a wretched sequel to a fine work, incongruous. 狗尾续貂 a lengthy speech or article 长篇大论 of writinghave the words at hand 信手拈来 being pedantic 咬文嚼字 fragments of ancient texts 断简编残编简 of writingcopious and fluent 洋洋洒洒 lifelike 活龙灵活现 brief and to the point 要言不烦 expound on theories or writings of one's predecessors without producing anything original oneself 述而不作 a writer's ability to write an article very fast 倚马可待 speak in a roundabout way 旁敲侧击 use well-documented and extensive evidence 旁征博引 lifelike 栩栩如生 through contrastprovide a foil for a character or incident in a literary of artistic work 烘云托月 of writing etc. flat and uninteresting 索然无寡味 so skillfully imitated as to be indistinguishable from the real 惟肖惟妙 explain in everyday language results of a profound study, research etc. 深入浅出 lengthy and tedious 连篇累牍 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司