翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 reforming the old city step by step, adjusting and matching installations in the outskirts, and making active development in remote outskirts 旧城逐步改建,近郊调整配套,远郊积极发展 vast stretches of construction area 成片建设地区 integrated planning 统一规划 satellite city 卫星城 overpass 立交桥 exploitation of real estate 房地产开发 the overall plan of urban construction and administration 城市建设和管理的总体规划 completed residential areas 竣工面积 matched public installations 配套的公共设施 provide citizens with conveniences 方便市民生活 the long-existing low-rent welfare housing system 长期的低租金福利性住房制度 to realize mercantile residences 实现住宅商品化 to set up housing accumulation funds 建立住房公积金 to set up housing accumulation funds on the working unit and government levels 建立单位、政府两级住房基金 to sell publicly-owned residences 出售公有住宅 to collect funds for cooperative house-building 集资合作建房 to raise the rent step by step 逐步提高房租 passengers transported by public traffic vehicles 公共交通客运量 newly completed postal corresponding pivot project 邮政通讯枢纽工程 popularizing rate 普及率 the network of program-controlled telephone 程控电话网 wireless paging station 无线寻呼台 movable telephone 移动电话 daily supplying capacity 日供水能力 central heating 集中供热 substation 变电站 power plant 发电厂 installed capacity 装机容量 transmission line 输电线路 generating equipment 发电设备 green screen 绿色屏障 voluntary tree-planting day 义务植树日 green necklace 绿色项链 outer shelter belt 外缘防护林带 Afforestation coverage in the city 城市绿化覆盖率 garden city 园林城市 boiler 锅炉 clean fuels such as gas, liquified petroleum gas and natural gas 煤气、液化石油气和天然气等清洁燃料 hermetic garbage cans, garbage towers and garbage bags 密闭式垃圾桶,垃圾楼,垃圾袋 standardized smoke-and-dust-controlling area 烟尘控制达标区 non-tourist area 非旅游区 the source of drinking water 饮用水源 waterworks 水厂 sewage treatment plant 污水处理厂 low-noise residential area 低噪声小区 public servants 国家公务员 streamline administration, institute decentralization 简政放权 delegate decision-making power to lower levels 权力下放 minimum institution, maximum service 小机构大服务 degrade social conduct 败坏社会风气 unhealthy tendency 不正之风 seek favor 拉关系 seek advantages through pull; back-door dealing 走后门 unreasonable service; go-as-you-pay 乱收费 pay-as-you-go 量入为出 arbitrary requisition of donations 乱摊派 put money above everything else 一切向钱看 give you an IOU 打白条 be done for show 搞形式主义 prostitution, gambling, drug taking and trafficking 嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒 grasp the two links at the same time; attach equal importance to both economic development and ideological and cultural advancement 坚持两手抓 ideological, intellectual, moral and civic education; ideological and cultural progress 精神文明 be culturally advanced 高度文明 inherit and carry forward one's fine traditions 继承和发扬优良传统 community spirit; team spirit 集体主义 cohesiveness 凝聚力 sense of belonging 归属感 anti-pornography drive 扫黄 building of and incorruptible government 廉政建设 combat corruption 反腐败 offer and accept bribes 行贿受贿 embezzle public property 贪赃枉法 tighten up the legal system 加强法制建设 an all-inclucive legal system 完备的法制 laws designed t standardize norms for the market 规范市场的法律 I've heard so much about you. 久仰 Long time no see. 好久不见了 You've had a long day.You've had a long flight. 辛苦了 distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends 尊敬的朋友们 Your Excellency 阁下多用于称呼大使 On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing. 我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京. On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. 对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。 How are you making out in Beijing? 在北京过得怎么样? I'll surely remember you and your invitation to him. 我一定向他转达您的问候和邀请. American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing. 欢迎美商来北京投资. Your valuable advice is most welcome. 欢迎多提宝贵意见. It's a rewarding trip. 不虚此行 As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time. 您的日程很紧,我们的会见是否就到此为止. please remember me to Mr. 请代我问候...先生 Thank you so much for coming. 感谢光临 Hope you'll come again. 欢迎再来 Hope you'll visit Beijing more often. 欢迎以后多来北京 I will see myself out, please. 请留步,不用送了. Take care. 多保重 Have a nice trip. 祝您一路平安. At your service. 愿为您效劳。 host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of … 为…举行宴会/宴请 welcome dinner 欢迎宴会 informal dinner 便宴 luncheon 午宴附有情况介绍或专题演讲等内容 light meal 便餐 working luncheon 工作午餐 buffet dinner/luncheon 自助餐 return dinner 答谢宴会 farewell dinner 告别宴会 glee feast 庆功宴 reception 招待会 Reception Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China 庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十五周年招待会 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 tea party 茶话会 table d'hote/a la carte 包餐/点餐 serve a courst 上菜 Here is your seat. 您的位置在这里 Please have a seat. 请入席 enjoy this happy get-together 欢聚一堂 Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself. 请随便 Help yourself please. 请各位随意用餐 what would you like to drink? 您喝点什么? At this point, I propose a toast: to the cooperation between … and … , to the health of Senator…, cheers! 现在我提议,为了…和…之间的合作,为了…参议员的健康,干杯! Lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, I propose a toast to … 最后,我借主人的酒,提议为…干杯! I'd ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here. 请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯! Here's to you. 敬您一杯。 To your health. 祝你健康 I'll drink to that! 我要为此干杯 Whatever you like. 随量 Excuse me for a minute. 我失陪一会儿 Hope you enjoy yourself. 菜不好,请多多包涵 Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The concert/show would start soon. Please get yourself seated. Thank you. 女士们先生们,欢迎各位光临,演出很快就要开始了,请尽快就坐。 The reception will now begin. 招待会现在开始。 All rise please. For the P.R.C.National Anthem. 全体起立,奏国歌。 The distinguished guests paarticipating the reception are 出席今天招待会的贵宾有 I have the honour to call upon… 现在请…讲话 This concludes the opening ceremony. 开幕式现在结束。 grand celebration 隆重庆祝 celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Establishment of … 庆祝成立…一周年 Hail the first FIFA of … 热烈祝贺第一届…锦标赛 On the occasion of the season, I would like to extend season's greetings. 值此节日之际致以节日的祝贺 Wish you the very best of luck in your job, every successin your future endeavours, good health and a happy family! 祝您工作顺利、事业成功、身体健康、家庭幸福! Hearty congratulations on your recent ecletion as … 衷心祝贺您当选… hold a meeting/seminar/conference /forum/symposium 举行会议/研讨会/大会/座谈会/学术报告会 patron/sponsor/organizer/co-organizer 赞助人/主办人/承办人/协办人 enter into negotiation 举行谈判 make representations with sb. on sth./deal with sb. 交涉 talks at working level 事物性会谈 counterpart talks 对口会谈 items on the agenda 议程项目 theme 主题 topic for discussion 议题 schedule mutually agreed upon 双方商定的议程 opening session 开幕会议 plenary session 全体会议 introduction 开场白 presentation 情况介绍 panel discussion 小组讨论 hold consultations with the organizations concerned 同有关单位磋商 one round of talks 一轮会谈 resolution 决议 memorandum of understanding 谅解备忘录 I declare the meeting open. 现在开会 I invite the representative of …to take the floor. 请…发言 Nnow I would like to give you a brief overview of Beijing's economy. 下面我给各位简要介绍一下北京的经济情况 That's all for my presentation.thank you. 我的介绍完了,谢谢。 So much for my remarks for now. 我先说这么多。 That's all for what I want to say. 我要说的就是这些。 I wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues? 您看是先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题? If you agree,With your permissionlet me start with one issue 让我先谈一个问题。 Before we trun to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation. 在谈那个问题之前我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。 I wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ What is your view on this matter?/ How do you see this matter? 您对此事怎么看呢? I propose a ten-minute break. 我提议休会十分钟。 I will pick up where we left off just now. 我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。 Sorry for the interruption but 对不起,我插一句。 By all means 当然可以。 Whatever you say. 怎么都行。 I have no objection 我没有异议。 We take exception to this question. 我方对这个问题有异议。 We note with pleasure that 我们高兴地看到 I wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you? 这个日期贵方觉得合适吗? I wonder how the meeting went this morning? 不知你们上午谈的怎样? We would greatlyl appreciate it if you could give us your favourable and prompt commitment as soonas possible. 我方很希望贵方能尽早给予肯定的答复。 You are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st August. 请你们务必在8月1日前提出意向书。 entangle this issue 纠缠这个问题 advocate/uphold thriftiness 提倡节约 for the sake of national property 为了国家的繁荣 The time-tested friendship leave me a deep impression. 经受了时间考验的友谊给我留下了很深的印象。 Keep close watch on 密切注视 spur/promote intensive cooperation 促进密切合作 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 教育和培训 qualified people, talented people 人才 self-made man 自学成才 illiteracy 文盲 brain drain 人才外流 respect for learning 尊重知识 social climate of respect for teachers and education 尊师重教风尚 Teacher's Day 教师节 preschool education 学前教育 children of school age 学龄儿童 popularize Beijing pronunciation 推广普通话 make 9-year compulsory education universal 普及9年义务教育 receive an education to develop morally, intellectually, aesthetically and physically 发展德育智育美育体育 schools run with funds raised from different walks of life 社会集资办学 Hope Project 希望工程 liberal education 通才教育 post-secondary education 大专教育 higher education 高等教育 vocational and technical education 职业技术教育 adult education 成人教育 on-the-job training 在职培训 undergraduate 本科生 junior college student 专科生 academic diplomas 学历文凭 job qualification certificate 职业资格证书 TV university 电视大学 spare time university 业余大学 university for employees 职工大学 evening school 夜校 continuing study course 进修班 crash course 速成班 centralized examination 统考 university entrance examination 高考 exams for the self-taught 自学考试 institutions for higher learning 高等院校 key university 重点大学 normal university 师范大学 college 学院 secondary technical school 中等专科学校 secondary vocational school 中等职业学校 affiliated secondary school 附属中学 train teachers for other organizations 代培师资 boarder 住校生 day student 走读生 Education must be combined with production. 教育必须与生产相结合。 township and village enterpriseTVE 乡镇企业 gross output value of agriculture 农业总产值 improve the houshold contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output 完善家庭联产承包责任制 contract land 承包耕地 technology contract responsibility 技术承包制 promote agriculture by applying scientific and technological advances 科技兴农 compensated transfer of land-use rights 土地使用权有偿转让 intensive farming cultivation 集约经营 extensive cultivation 粗放经营 develpment-oriented agriculture 开发性农业 inherit contracts for management of explorative projects 继承开发性生产项目的承包经营权 high-yield, high-quality and high-return agriculture 三高农业高产、高质、高效 integrated operations of trade, industry and agriculture 贸工农一体化经营 family side-line business 家庭副业 leave the farmland but not one's hometown; shift from farming to other trades within the rural area 离土不离乡 system of storing food grain for unforeseen needs 粮食专项储备制度 irrigation and water conservancy projects 农田水利基本建设 water and soil conservation 水土保持 water and soil erosion 水土流失 develop shoals 开发滩涂 cash crop 经济作物 permanent population 常住人口 floating population 流动人口 the unemployed migrant people 盲流 labor force 劳动力 migrant worker 外来工 seasonal worker 临时工 census 人口普查 population base 人口基数 densely populated 人口稠密 sparsely populated 人口稀少 population explosion 人口爆炸 overpopulation 人口过剩 birth rate 出生率 mortality rate 死亡率 natural growth rate 自然增长率 aging of population 人口老化 legal age for marriage 合法婚龄 marriage boom 结婚高峰 baby boom period 生育高峰 family planning 计划生育 advocate healthy pregnancy and scientific nurture, and encourage late marriage and postponed child-bearing 提倡优生优育,鼓励晚婚晚育 change attitude of viewing sons as better than daughters 破除重男轻女习俗 the more sons, the more blessings 多子多福 Man is superior to woman 男尊女卑 carry on the family line 传宗接代 bring up sons to support parents in their old age 养儿防老 contraception 避孕 contraceptives 避孕用品 abortion 人工流产 birth control 节育 lying-in women 产妇 premarriage health checkings 婚前检查 maternal mortality rate 孕产妇死亡率 infant mortality rate 婴儿死亡率 contraceptive prevalence rate 节育率避孕率 total fertility ratetfr 总和生育率 life expectancy at birth 平均预期寿命 annual increment of the population 每年人口增加数 large population base 人口基数大 average annual increase 平均年增长数 average annual growth rate 平均年增长率 urbanization 城市化 movement of population 人口流动 floating population 流动人口 the aging of population 人口老龄化 population replacement level 更替水平 social security system 社会保障体系 the transfer of rural surplus labors 农村剩余劳力的转移 formal school education 正规的学校教育 By the end of last year, the Chinese population had reached 1,185 million, a net increase of 13.34 million from a year ago. 到去年年末,中国人口已达到11亿8千5百万,比上一年净增长1346万。 The family control policy suits China's basic conditions and serves the interests of the whole nation. 计划生育政策符合中国国情,符合整个国家的利益。 mass organizations 群众组织 neighborhood committees 居委会 to ensure the works of state organizations be put under social supervision 保证将国家机关的工作置于社会的监督下 to deepen the anticorruption campaign 深入开展反腐败斗争 the construction of honest administering 廉正建设 to investigate and punish the activities violating the law and discipline 查处违法违纪案件 law-enforcing departments 执法部门 The lifelong official system has been abolished. 废除领导干部终身制 IOU 白条 shake off ideological and structural shackles 摆脱许多思想上和体体制上的禁锢 put up an impressive front 摆门面 let a hundred fflowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend 百花齐放,百家争鸣 much remains to be done 百业待举 money worship 拜金主义 tarnish the reputation of the Party and degrade social conduct 败坏党的名声和社会风气 drawbacks, irregularities and problems 弊端、矛盾、问题 avoid economic downturn 避免经济滑坡 Once a law is put into force, it must be observed and strictly enforced and violators must be brought to justice. 有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 the only way leading to 必由之路 regional barriers 地区壁垒 non-tariff barriers 非关税壁垒 higher marginal productive forces 边际生产力较高 rontier branches of science 边缘学科 doctor final reports of revenues and expenditures 编假预算 falsification of account 编造假帐 raise prices in a disguised form 变相涨价 attach equal importance to 并重 put wrongs to rights 拨乱反正 bottleneck industries 薄弱工业 impose unreasonable service charges and collect money for countless purposes 不合理收费、集资和摊派 rush into action in disregard of objective conditions 不顾条件一哄而起 a kind of bague concept of ownership 不够明确的产权 unhealthy ways and customs 不良风气 unhealthy tendency 不正之风 take a bolder approach to reform and opening-up 步子迈得更大一些 to be dilatory 办事拖拉 see to it that our basic line, principles and policies are continued and kept stable 保证基本路线和方针的连续性和稳定性 selfish departmentalism 本位主义 refer to the next session of the NPC for confirmation 报请下届人大确认 NATIONAL ECONOMY, FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS AND TRADE 国民经济、对外经济贸易 economic indicators 经济指标 total product of society 社会总产值 GNP Gross Domestic Product 国民生产总值 GDP Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 GDP per capita 人均国内生产总值 gross output value of industry and agriculture 工农业总产值 national income 国民收入 purchasing power parity 购买力平价法 state revenue 财政收入 total volume of retail sales 社会商品零售总额 general retail price index 社会零售物价总指数 percentage points 百分点 the 8th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development "八五"划划 planned economy 计划经济 state monopoly over purchase and marketing 统购统销 market economy 市场经济 mandatory plan 指令性计划 guidance plan 指导性计划 market regulation 市场调节 establish operational mechanisms of market economy, rule by law, democratic supervision and incorruptible government 建立市场经济、法制、民主监督和廉政"三个机制" stress priorities over agriculture, transportation and energy supply, education and science and technology 抓好农业、交通能源、教育科技"三个基础" optimize industrial structure, ecological environment and the quality of population 实现产业结构、生态环境和人口素质"三个优化" primary, secondary and tertiary industries 第一、二、三产业 export-oriented economy 外向型经济 foreign exchange-earning enterprise 创汇型企业 labor intensive 劳动密集型 technology, knowledge or capital intensive 技术、智力、资本密集型 down-stream processing with high added-value 高附加值的深加工 optimize allocation of resources 优化资源配置 productive forces 生产力 capital goods 生产资料 industrialization of research findings 科研成果产业化 Torch Plan 火炬计划 technology appraised as capital stock 技术入股 venture investment/capital 风险投资 investment in fixed assets 固定资产投资 depreciation cost 折旧费 products vital to the people's livelihood 关系民生的产品 oversupply 供大于求 short supply 供不应求 overheated economy 经济过热 stem frenzied and speculative trading in the property market 抑制炒房地产热 macro-economic control 宏观调控 economic levers 经济杠杆 industrial policy 产业政策 public financing, taxation, credit, interest rate, exchange rate 财政, 税收, 信贷,利率, 汇率 enhance economic performance/returns 提高经济效益 social effect/returns 社会效益 bring about sustained, stable and coordinated development 实现持续、稳定、协调的发展 budget deficitsurplus 财政赤字盈余 gross foreign export value 外贸出口总额 contracted foreign direct investment 外商直接投资协议金额 foreign investment in actual use 实际利用外资 three kinds of enterprises with foreign investment: sino-foreign joint venture, contractual joint venture 三资企业中外合资合作、外商独资经营 allow full foreign equity operation 允许外商独资经营 confessional terms; favorable terms 优惠条件 tax reduction and exemption 减免税收 approaches to cooperation 合作方式 means of contributing investment 出资方式 contract term of a joint venture 合营期限 processing and compensation tradesprocessing with materials or given samples, assembling supplied components 三来一补 来料加工,来件装配,来样加工 trade partner 贸易伙伴 transit trade 转口贸易 foreign trade surplus 外贸顺差 actively introduce capital, technology, competent professionals and managerial expertise form outside 积极引进外来资金、技术、人才和管理经验 turn-key project 交钥匙工程 bidding invitation contract system 招标承包制 bids for technology 招标出售技术 call for bid; tenders 公开招标 invitation for bid IFB 招标单 bidding document 标书 competitive bidding 竟标 bid for a project 投标 bid proposals 投标报价书 bid proposal evaluation 评标 bid opening 开标 win a bid; be awarded a tender 中标 auction 拍卖 leasing 租赁 bonded area; free trade area 保税区 practice multi-directional opening 实行全方位开放 unified policy, liberalized operation, and equal competition 统一政策、放开经营、平等竞争、 responsibility for one's own profits and losses, the integration of industry and foreign trade, and the promotion of agent system 自负盈亏、工贸结合、推行代理制 intellectual property rights 知识产权 technology transfer 技术转让 feasibility study 可行性研究 letter of intent 意向书 investment environment 投资环境 transnational coorporation 跨国公司 infrastructure 基础设施 basically achieve modernization in 20 years 20年基本实现现代化 serve as a medium for introducing advanced technologies, managerial expertise and qualified professionals from outside. 发挥技术窗口管理窗口和人才窗口的作用 attract investment 招商 project proposals for investment 招商项目 follow the international codes of practice; bring … in line with the international usage 同国际惯例接轨 intensify reforms 加大改革力度 one package service 一条龙服务 one-chop approval 一支笔审批 To a great extent, the economies between out two cities are complementary to each other. 我们两市的经济互补性很强。 equality and mutual benefit, and trading of needed goods 平等互利,互通有无 act as an intermediary for introducing foreign capital and establishing domestic connections 外引内联 bring about a sustainable development; sustain momentum of development 保持发展后劲 economic capabilities 经济实力 pacemaker; leading role 龙头 "three connections and one leveling" assuring that a construction site is connected to water and electric power supplies and roads, and that the ground is leveled before a project is begun. 三通一平水通、电通、路通、施工场地平 bottleneck 瓶颈 use industrial income to finance agriculture 以工养农 use tolls to repay investment in road projects 以路养路 delegate the authority to examine and approve to lower levels 下放审批权 ensure a flexible control 统而不死,活而不乱 positive cycle 良性循环 mainstay of the national economy 国民经济的支柱 Pattern has taken initial shape. 格局初步形成 rationalize the property rights relationships of enterprises 理顺企业的产权关系 policy-related loss 政策性亏损 chain debts 三角债 set no ceiling limit and give no minimum guarantee 上不封顶,下不保底 link total payroll with the performance of an enterprise 企业“工效挂钩” Business is booming/sluggish 生意兴隆/冷淡 quality trustworthy organization 质量信得过单位 mass production 批量生产 limit production to market ability 以销定产 inland associated enterprises 内联企业 shipping basket project 菜篮子工程 percentage of home-made parts 国产化 coordinated reforms 配套改革 supporting measures 配套措施 auxiliary project 配套工程 domestic funds 国内配套资金 policy in favor of basic industry 向基础工业倾斜的政策 upgrading and updating 升级换代 think highly of economic growth 看好经济增长 Favorable price/market can be expected. 行情看好 anticipate lower market price/rising price 行情看涨/跌 fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市 seek an unduly high growth rate 片面追求发展速度 in a period of transition 在过渡时期 extensive/intensive operation 粗放/集约经营 leading position 基础地位 covering extensive fields 门类齐全 the balance of deposits/loans 存款/贷款余额 foreign exchange reserves 外汇储备 trade surplus 贸易顺差 well-established market and sophisticated financial system 完善的市场和发达的金融体制 wipe out unemployment 消灭失业 cool down the over-heated future market and restore financial order 降低过热的期货市场,恢复金融秩序 tighten the money supply 紧缩银根 one digit level 一位数水平 balance the two-way trade 保持双边贸易的平衡 This meeting laid a sound foundation for the two countries to forge enduring/lasting and constant/continuous economic ties. 这次会议为两国进一步加强持续的经济联系奠定了坚实的基础。 a market slump 市场疲软 overstocked products 库存积压 state mandatory planning 国家指令性计划 unified price setting 统一定价 materials allocated by state 国家统配物资 the issue of currency 货币发放 standardize the price order 规范价格秩序 simplify circulation and add more random checks 简化流通环节,增加随机检查 The market mechanisms are beginning to play their regulatory role. 市场机制开始发挥调节作用。 Grains are purchased and sold by the same price because covered allowances are turned into open allowance. 由于该暗补为明补,粮食购销同价。 An important factor contributing to/resulting in substantial price hikes lies in the gradual lifting of prices control and the structural adjustment of prices. 导致价格持续增长的一个重要因素在于物价的逐步放开及价格结构调整。 President/Vice President, the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People's Congress 全国人大委员长/副委员长 Secretary-General 秘书长 Chairman 主任委员 Member 委员 Chairman, Local People's Congress 地方人大主任 Deputy to the People's Congress 人大代表 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION 政府机构 Premier, State Council 国务院总理 State Councilor 国务委员 Secretary-General 秘书长 Minister in Charge of Commission for 国务院各委员会主任 Minister 国务院各部部长 Assistant Minister 部长助理 Director 司长 Director 局长 Governor 省长 Executive Vice Governor 常务副省长 Chairman, Autonomous Regional People's Government 自治区人民政府主席 Commissioner, prefecture 地区专员 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区行政长官 Mayor/Vice Mayor 市长/副市长 Chief Executive, District Government 区长 Chief Executive, County Government 县长 Chief Executive, Township Government 乡镇长 Secretary-General 秘书长 Director, General Office 办公厅主任 Director 部委办主任 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief 处长/副处长 Section Chief 科长/股长 Clerk/Officer 科员 Spokesman 发言人 Adviser 顾问 Counselor 参事 Inspector/Monitor 巡视员 Commissioner 特派员 DIPLOMATIC RANK 外交官衔 Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全权大使 Minister 公使 Charge d'Affaires 代办 Charge d'Affaires ad Interim 临时代办 Counselor 参赞 Political Counselor 政务参赞 Commercial Counselor 商务参赞 Economic Counselor 经济参赞 Press and Cultural Counselor 新闻文化参赞 Minister-Counselor 公使衔参赞 Commercial Attaché 商务专员 Economic Attaché 经济专员 Cultural Attaché 文化专员 Trade Representative 商务代表 First Secretary 一等秘书 Military Attaché 武官 Secretary-Archivist 档案秘书 Attaché 专员/随员 Consul General 总领事 Consul 领事 JUDICIARY,NOTARY AND PUBLIC SECURITY 司法、公证、公安 President, People's Courts 人民法院院长 Chief Judge, People's Tribunals 人民法庭庭长 Chief Judge 审判长 Judge 审判员 Clerk of the Court 书记 Legal Medical Expert 法医 Judicial Policeman 法警 Procurator-General, People's procuratorates 人民检察院检察长 Warden 监狱长 Lawyer 律师 Notary Public 公证员 Commissioner General 总警监 Commissioner 警监 Supervisor 警督 Superintendent 警司 Constable 警员 POLITICAL PARTY 政党 General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee 中共中央总书记 Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee 政治局常委 Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee 政治局委员 Member, secretariat of the CPC Central Committee 书记处书记 Member, Central Committee 中央委员 Alternate Member 候补委员 Secretary, Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC 省委/市委书记 secretary, Party Leadership Group 党组书记 NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION 社会团体 President 会长 Chairman 主席 Honorary Adviser 名誉顾问 President 理事长 Trustee/Council Member 理事 Director-General 总干事 Director 总监 INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND BANKING COMMUNITIES 工商金融 Honorary Chairman 名誉董事长 Chairman 董事长 Executive Director 执行董事 President 总裁 General Manager; C.E.OChief Executive Officer 总经理 Manager 经理 Controller 财务主管 PR Manager 公关部经理 Business Manager 营业部经理 Sales Manager 销售部经理 Salesman 推销员 Purchaser 采购员 Sales Clerk 售货员 Captain 领班 Broker 经纪人 Senior Economist 高级经济师 Senior Accountant 高级会计师 Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师 Cashier 出纳员 Auditor-General, Auditing Administration 审计署审计长 Senior Auditor 审计师 Auditing Clerk 审计员 Statistician 统计师 Statistical Clerk 统计员 Factory Managing Director 厂长 Workshop Manager 车间主任 Section Chief 工段长 Foreman 作业班长 Storekeeper 仓库管理员 Professor of Engineering 教授级高级工程师 Senior Engineer 高级工程师 Technician 技师 Architect 建筑师 Designer 设计师 Mechanic 机械师 Chemical Analyst 化验员 Quality Inspector 质检员 PROFESSIONAL OF AGRICULTURE 农业技术人员 Senior Agronomist 高级农业师 Agronomist 农业师 Assistant Agronomist 助理农业师 Agricultural Technician 农业技术员 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT 教育科研 President, Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院院长 Executive Chairman 主席团执行主席 PresidentAcademies 科学院院长 Division Chairman 学部主任 Academician 院士 President, University 大学校长 Principal, Secondary School 中学校长 Headmaster, Primary School 小学校长 Dean of College 学院院长 Trustee, Board of Trustees 校董事会董事 Dean of Studies 教务主任 Dean of General Affairs 总务长 Registrar 注册主管 Director of Department/Dean of the Faculty 系主任 Visiting Professor 客座教授 Exchange Professor 交换教授 Honorary Professor 名誉教授 Class Adviser 班主任 Teacher of Special Grade 特级教师 Director, Research Institute 研究所所长 Professor 研究员 Associate Professor 副研究员 Research Associate 助理研究员 Research Assistant 研究实习员 Senior Experimentalist 高级实验师 Experimentalist 实验师 Assistant Experimentalist 助理实验师 Laboratory Technician 实验员 Professor 教授 Associate Professor 副教授 Instructor/Lecturer 讲师 Assistant 助教 Senior Lecturer 高级讲师 Lecturer 讲师 Assistant Lecturer 助理讲师 Teacher 教员 Instructor 指导教师 HEALTH AND MEDICAL COMMUNITY 医疗卫生 Professor of Medicine 主任医师讲课 Professor of Treatment 主任医师医疗 Professor of Paediatrics 儿科主任医师 Doctor-in-charge 主治医师 Surgeon-in-charge 外科主治医师 Physician-in-charge 内科主治医师 Oculist-in-charge 眼科主治医师 Gynaecologist-in-charge 妇科主治医师 Dentist-in-charge 牙科主治医师 Doctor 医师 Assistant Doctor 医士 Professor of Pharmacy 主任药师 Pharmacist-in-charge 主管药师 Pharmacist 药师 Assistant Pharmacist 药士 Professor of Nursing 主任护师 Nurse-in-charge 主管护师 Nurse Practitioner 护师 Nurse 护士 Senior Technologist 主任技师 Technologist-in-charge 主管技师 Technologist 技师 Technician 技士 NEWS MEDIA 新闻出版 Editor-in-chief 总编辑 Full Senior Editor 高级编辑 Associate Senior Editor 主任编辑 Editor 编辑 Assistant Editor 助理编辑 Full Senior Reporter 高级记者 Associate Senior Reporter 主任记者 Reporter 记者 Assistant Reporter 助理记者 Professor of Editorship 编审 Editor 编辑 Assistant Editor 助理编辑 Technical Editor 技术编辑 Technical Designer 技术设计员 Proofreader 校对 Professor of Translation 译审 Assistant Translator/Interpreter 助理翻译 RADIO AND TELEVISION 广播电视 Radio/TV Station Controller 电台/电视台台长 Director of Announcing 播音指导 Chief Announcer 主任播音员 Announcer 播音员 TV Presenter 电视主持人 Disk Jockey 电台节目主持人 ARTS,CRAFTS AND MOVIES 工艺、美术、电影 Director 导演 Actor 演员 Painter 画师 Conductor 指挥 Scenarist 编导 Sound Engineer 录音师 Choreographer 舞蹈编剧 Artist 美术师 Producer 制片人 Montage Director 剪辑导演 Dubber 配音演员 Cameraman 摄影师 Make-up Artist 化装师 Stage Manager 舞台监督 a [accepted ] 承兑 [abbr.] AA [Auditing Administration ] 中国审计署 [abbr.] AAA 最佳等级 [abbr.] abs. [abstract ] 摘要 [abbr.] a/c, A/C [account ] 帐户、帐目 [abbr.] a/c, A/C [account current ] 往来帐户、活期存款帐户 [abbr.] A&C [addenda and corrigenda ] 补遗和勘误 [abbr.] Acc. [acceptance or accepted ] 承兑 [abbr.] Accrd.Int [accrued interest ] 应计利息 [abbr.] Acct. [account ] 帐户、帐目 [abbr.] Acct. [accountant ] 会计师、会计员 [abbr.] Acct. [accounting ] 会计、会计学 [abbr.] Acct.No. [account number ] 帐户编号、帐号 [abbr.] Acct.Tit. [account title ] 帐户名称、会计科目 [abbr.] ACN [air consignment ] 航空托运单 [abbr.] a/c no. [account number ] 帐户编号、帐号 [abbr.] Acpt. [acceptance or accepted ] 承兑 [abbr.] A/CS Pay. [accounts payable ] 应付帐款 [abbr.] A/CS Rec. [accounts receivable ] 应收帐款 [abbr.] ACT [advance corporation tax ] 预扣公司税 [abbr.] ACU [Asia Currency Unit ] 亚洲货币单位 [abbr.] A.C.V [actual cash value ] 实际现金价值 [abbr.] a.d., a/d [after date ] 开票后、出票后 [abbr.] ADRS [asset depreciation range system ] 固定资产分组折旧法 [abbr.] Adv. [advance ] 预付款 [abbr.] ad.val.,A/V [ad valorem to according value ] 从价 [abbr.] Agt. [agent ] 代理人 [abbr.] Agt. [agreement ] 协议、契约 [abbr.] AJE [adjusting journal entries ] 调整分录 [abbr.] Amt. [amount ] 金额、总数 [abbr.] Ann. [annuity ] 年金 [abbr.] A/P [account paid ] 已付账款 [abbr.] A/P [account payable ] 应付帐款 [abbr.] A/P [accounting period ] 会计期间 [abbr.] A/P [advise and pay ] 付款通知 [abbr.] A/R [account receivable ] 应收帐款 [abbr.] A/R [at the rate of ] 以……比例 [abbr.] a/r [all risks ] 保险全险 [abbr.] Arr. [arrivals, arrived ] 到货、到船 [abbr.] A/S, a/s [after sight ] 见票即付 [abbr.] A/S,acc/s [account sales ] 承销帐、承销清单,售货清单 [abbr.] ASAP [as soon as possible ] 尽快 [abbr.] ASR [acceptance summary report ] 验收总结报告 [abbr.] ass. [assessment ] 估征、征税 [abbr.] assimt. [assignment ] 转让、让与 [abbr.] ATC [average total cost ] 平均总成本 [abbr.] ATM [at the money ] 仅付成本钱 [abbr.] ATM [Automatic Teller Machine ] 自动取款机柜员机 [abbr.] ATS [automated trade system ] 自动交易系统 [abbr.] ATS [automatic transfer service ] 自动转移服务 [abbr.] Attn. [attention ] 注意 [abbr.] Atty. [attorney ] 代理人 [abbr.] auct. [auction ] 拍卖 [abbr.] Aud. [auditor ] 审计员、审计师 [abbr.] Av. [average ] 平均值 [abbr.] a.w. [all wool ] 纯羊毛 [abbr.] A/W [air waybill ] 空运提单 [abbr.] A/W [actual weight ] 实际重量 [abbr.] BA [bank acceptance ] 银行承兑汇票 [abbr.] bal. [balance ] 余额、差额 [abbr.] banky. [bankruptcy ] 破产、倒闭 [abbr.] Bat [battery ] 电池 [abbr.] b.b. [bearer bond ] 不记名债券 [abbr.] B.B., B/B [bill book ] 出纳簿 [abbr.] B/B [bill bought ] 买入票据、买入汇票 [abbr.] b&b [bed & breakfast ] 住宿费和早餐费 [abbr.] b.c. [blind copy ] 密送的副本 [abbr.] BC [buyer credit ] 买方信贷 [abbr.] B/C [bills for collection ] 托收汇票 [abbr.] B.C. [bank clearing ] 银行清算 [abbr.] b/d [brought down ] 转下页 [abbr.] Bd. [bond ] 债券 [abbr.] B/D [bills discounted ] 已贴现票据 [abbr.] B/D [bank draft ] 银行汇票 [abbr.] b.d.i. [both dates inclusive, both days inclusive ] 包括头尾两天 [abbr.] B/E [bill of entry ] 报关单 [abbr.] b.e., B/E [bill of exchange ] 汇票 [abbr.] BEP [breakeven point ] 保本点、盈亏临界点 [abbr.] b/f [brought forward ] 承前 [abbr.] BF [bonded factory ] 保税工厂 [abbr.] Bfcy. [Beneficiary ] 受益人 [abbr.] B/G, b/g [bonded goods ] 保税货物 [abbr.] BHC [Bank Holding Company ] 银行控股公司 [abbr.] BIS [Bank of International Settlements ] 国际清算银行 [abbr.] bit [binary digit ] 两位数 [abbr.] Bk. [bank ] 银行 [abbr.] Bk. [book ] 帐册 [abbr.] b.l., B/L [bill of lading ] 提货单 [abbr.] B/L original [bill of lading original ] 提货单正本 [abbr.] bldg. [building ] 大厦 [abbr.] BMP [bank master policy ] 银行统一保险 [abbr.] BN [bank note ] 钞票 [abbr.] BO [branch office ] 分支营业处 [abbr.] BO [buyer's option ] 买者选择交割期的远期合同 [abbr.] BOM [beginning of month ] 月初 [abbr.] b.o.m. [bill of materials ] 用料清单 [abbr.] BOO [build-operate-own ] 建造—运营—拥有 [abbr.] BOOM [build-operate-own-maintain ] 建造—运营—拥有—维护 [abbr.] BOOT [build-operate-own- transfer ] 建造—运营—拥有—转让 [abbr.] b.o.p. [balance of payments ] 收支差额 [abbr.] BOT [balance of trade ] 贸易余额 [abbr.] BOY [beginning of year ] 年初 [abbr.] b.p., B/P [bills payable ] 应付票据 [abbr.] Br. [branch ] 分支机构 [abbr.] BR [bank rate ] 银行贴现率 [abbr.] b.r., B/R [bills receivable ] 应收票据 [abbr.] Brok. [broker or brokerage ] 经纪人或经纪人佣金 [abbr.] b.s., BS, B/S [balance sheet ] 资产负债表 [abbr.] B/S [bill of sales ] 卖据、出货单 [abbr.] B share [B share ] B 股 [abbr.] B.T.T. [bank telegraphic transfer ] 银行电汇 [abbr.] BV [book value ] 票面价值 [abbr.] c. [cents] 分[abbr.] C [cash; coupon; currency] 现金、息票、通货[abbr.] C [centigrade] 摄氏温度[abbr.] C. A. [chartered accountant; chief accountant ] 特许会计师、主任主管会计师[abbr.] C. A. [commercial agent] 商业代理、代理商[abbr.] C. A. [consumers' association] 消费者协会[abbr.] C/A [capital account ] 资本帐户[abbr.] C/A [current account] 往来帐[abbr.] C/A [current assets] 流动资产[abbr.] C. A. D [cash against documnet ] 交单付款[abbr.] can. [cancelled] 注销[abbr.] cap. [capital] 资本[abbr.] CAPM [capital asset pricing model] 固定资产计价模式[abbr.] C. A. S. [cost accounting standards] 成本会计标准[abbr.] c. b., C. B. [cash book ] 现金簿[abbr.] CBD [cash before delivery] 先付款后交货[abbr.] C. C. [cashier's check] 银行本票[abbr.] C. C [contra credit] 贷方对销[abbr.] c/d [carried down ] 过次页、结转下期[abbr.] CD [certificate of deposit] 存单[abbr.] c/f [carry forward ] 过次页、结转[abbr.] CG [capital gain] 资本利得[abbr.] CG [capital goods ] 生产资料、资本货物[abbr.] C. H. [custom house] 海关[abbr.] C. H. [clearing house] 票据交换所[abbr.] Chgs [charges] 费用[abbr.] Chq. [cheque ] 支票[abbr.] C/I [certificate of insurance] 保险凭证[abbr.] CIA [certified internal auditor] 注册内部审计员[abbr.] c. i. f. , C. I. F. [cost, insurance and freight] 到岸价,货价+保险+运费[abbr.] C. I. T. [comprehensive income tax ] 综合所得税[abbr.] Ck. [check] 支票[abbr.] C. L. [call loan ] 短期拆放[abbr.] C / L [current liabilities] 流动负债[abbr.] C. M. A. [certificed management accountant] 注册管理会计师[abbr.] CMEA, Comecon [Council for Mutual Economic Assistance] 经济互助委员会[abbr.] CML [capital market line ] 资本市场线性[abbr.] CMO [Collateralised Mortgage Obligations] 担保抵押贷款债务[abbr.] CMV [current market value] 现时市场价值[abbr.] CN [consignment note] 铁路运单[abbr.] CN [credit note] 贷方通知书[abbr.] c/o [carried over] 结转后期[abbr.] C. O., C/O [cash order] 现金汇票、现金订货[abbr.] C. O. [certificate of origin] 产地证明书[abbr.] Co. [company] 公司[abbr.] COBOL [Common Business Oriented Language] 通用商业语言[abbr.] CoCom [Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls ] 多边出口控制协调委员会[abbr.] c. o. d, C. O. D. [cash on delivery] 货到付款[abbr.] 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司