翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 图案生动 vivid shapes 造型活泼 vogue colour 时尚色彩 volume large, profit small 薄利多销 walk with a springy step 步履轻盈 warm and comfortable 温暖舒适 warm and windproof 保暖防风 warmth and fragrance doubled and redoubled 温馨倍至 wash well 耐洗 wash-resistant 耐洗 water of life 生命之水 water-resistant 防水 waterproof 防水 watertight 滴水不漏 We request the pleasure of your company. 恭候光临 We take customers as our gods. 顾客是我们的上帝 wear-resistant 耐穿耐磨 wearproof 耐磨耐穿 weed through the old and bring forth the new 推陈出新 weight-loss 减肥 weight-reducing 减肥 Welcome to pick and buy. 欢迎选购 welcome with open arms 不胜欢迎 well-balanced beauty 均衡美 well-known all over the world 举世闻名 well-known far and near 遐迩闻名 well known in the world 举世闻名 well-known both at home and abroad 名扬海内外 well-known for its fine quality 以质优闻名 well-known in great Shanghai 享誉大上海 well-known in the world 名扬海内外 well-known trademark 驰名商标 well-reputed 声誉良好 well-satisfied 称心如意 Western style 欧美风范 wide selection 各式俱全 wide-spread in China 风靡神州 wm a good reputation all over the world 誉满全球饮誉五洲 wm a reputation both at home and abroad 名扬海内外 wm glory for the motherland 为国争光 wm honour for the country 为国争光 wm popular praise 美名四扬 win sb.'s high favour 倍受青睐 wm universal praise 脍炙人口 Wine-smell spreads far. 酒香飘逸 winner's manner air 赢家风范 with a long standing reputation 久享盛名 with a thousand welcomes 不胜欢迎 with different scents 香型各异 with distinctive national and folk features 具有民族特色 with facility 得心应手 with good look and charm 千万姿韵 with high proficiency 得心应手 with inexhaustible fun 乐趣无穷 with many uses 用途广泛 with miraculous skill 其功若神 with net prices clearly marked 明码实价 redoubled effect 功效倍增 with the complement of the shop 本店奉送 with the sun of fortune smiling 万事大吉 with unmatched ideas 独有创意 with wonderful curative effect 治病有奇效 without a parallel in the world 举世无敌举世无双 without any fat and cholesterol 不含任何脂肪与胆固醇 without any side effect 无副作用 without grease 不含油腻 without parallel 空前未有 without parallel before or since 空前绝后 work at sth. with great care 精雕细刻 world renown 举世闻名 world-famous 国际驰名举世闻名 world-renowned 举世闻名名扬海内外 world-wide gold award 国际金奖 worth drinking a hundred times 百喝不厌 worth seeing a hundred times 百看不厌 worth using a hundred times 百用不厌 write smoothly 书写流利 year-end bargain sale 岁末大减价 yield marvelously quick results 收效神速疗效神速 Your patronage is welcome. 欢迎惠顾 Your presence is cordially requested. 敬请光临敬请惠临 youth remaining permanently 青春常驻 Accept No Tip 不收小费 At Your Service 请随便阅取请随意 Auto Not Permitted 禁止汽车 Away From Boilers And Engines 不可接近锅炉或机器 Be Careful When Crossing Street 过马路小心 Be Quiet Please, Meeting In Progress 里面正在开会,请安静 Beware Of Dog 谨防恶狗 Beware Of Electricity 小心有电 Beware Of Glass 小心玻璃 Beware Of Pickpockets 谨防扒手 Beware Of Sticky Fingers 谨防小偷 Beware Of Train 当心火车 Bikes For Rent 自行车出租 Bill Stickers Will Be Fined 不准张贴,违者罚款 Blocked 此路不通 Booth 电话间 Business As Usual 照常营业 Business Hours 营业时间 Business Temporarily Suspended 暂停营业 Cans Go Here Please 听罐扔放处 Cashier 收款处 Caution 注意小心 Caution: Door Swing Out 注意:门往外荡 Caution: Live Wire 小心有电 Caution: Neck-Breaking Section Ahead 当心,前方事故多发地段 Caution: Road Up 注意:马路翻修 Caution: Work Area 注意:施工地区 Center Of Gravity 重心 Clearway 禁止停车 Cloak Room 衣帽间 Close The Door After You 随手关门 Close The Door Behind You Please 请随手关门 Closed 电梯门等关停业 Closed For Repair Temporarily 内部修理,暂不营业 Closed For Stock-Taking 今日盘点,暂停营业 Closed To Visitors 谢绝参观 Coin Kill 勿投硬币 Commit No Nuisance 禁止随地便溺 Construction Site, No Admittance For Pedestrians 施工重地,行人不得入内 Corrosives 易腐物品 Credit Cards Are Welcome 欢迎使用信用卡 Cul-De-Sac 此路不通 Cut Straps First And Remove Top 先切断封带,再打开顶部 Danger! Hi-voltage, Keep Away 高压危险,切勿靠近 Dangerous Cargo 危险品 Dead End 此路不通 Detour Ahead 前面绕行 Detour Please 请绕行 Do Not Crush 切勿压挤 Do Not Disturb 请勿打搅 Do Not Drop 切勿坠落 Do Not Feed Animals 不准喂动物 Do Not Load Near Inflammable, Oxidizers And Explosives 不要在靠近易燃物品、氧化物品和易爆物品的情况下装运 Do Not Pass 不准超车 Do Not Stack ON Top 请勿置于顶部 Do Not Stow In Damp Place 请勿受潮 Do Not Touch 请勿触摸 Do Not Turn Upside Down 切勿颠倒 Do Not Use Dog Hooks 请勿用钩 Don't Drop 不可掉落 Don't Pick The Flowers Please 请勿攀折花木 Don't Throw Anything In The Urinal 不准往便池内扔杂物 Don't Throw Objects To Animals 勿向动物投掷东西 Don't Trample On Grass 勿践踏草地 Don't Turn Over 不可滚转请勿倒置 Don't Turn Upside Down 请勿倒置 Drive At Moderate Speed 中速行驶 Drive Slowly 车辆慢行 Emergency Exit 紧急出口太平门 Employees Only 非本店厂公司等职工请勿入内 End Tour 游览终点 Entrance 入口 Even Number Only 双号 Exception For Loading 装卸货除外 Exit 出口 Explosive 易爆 Explosives 易爆物品 Fall In Line 请在此排队 Fire Exit 消防安全出口 Fire Faucet Here 消防栓在此 Flash Bulbs Prohibited 禁止使用闪光灯 Flush Water After Each Use 便后冲水 For Hire 招租 For Reference, Not To Be Taken Out Of This Room 书籍仅供参考,不准带走 For Rent 招租 For Sale 待售出售 For Show, Not For Sale 陈列品概不出售 Foreign Exchange 外币兑换 Form Line This Side Of Rail Please 请在栏杆这边排队 Fragile 易碎 Fragile With Care 小心易碎 Full House 客满 Gentlemen; Gentlemen's 男厕所 Give Way 车辆礼让 Glass With Care 小心玻璃 Glass Attention 小心玻璃 Guard Against Damp 防止潮湿 Guard Against Fire 注意防火 Handle With Care 小心轻放小心搬运 Hands Off 请勿动手 Hazardous Goods 危险品 Height Limit 4 Meters 限高4米 Help Yourself 请随便阅取请随意 In 入口 Inflammable 易燃 Inflammable Compressed Gas 易燃压缩气体 Information Desk 问讯处 Invalid After The Specified Date 过期作废 Keep Away From Feed Or Food 切勿接近饲料和食品 Keep Away From Heat 勿靠近热源 Keep Cool 置于阴凉处 Keep Dry 严防受潮保持干燥 Keep Flat 不可横置 Keep From Heat 置于阴凉处 Keep In A Cool Place 保持冷冻不可近热 Keep In Dark Place 置于暗处 Keep In Dry Place 置于干燥处 Keep In Hold 装于舱内 Keep Left 靠左行不准右行 Keep Off The Grass 请勿践踏草地 Keep Right 靠右行不准左行 Keep This Doorway Free Of Bikes 门前禁放自行车 Keep Upright 请勿倒置 Kitchen, Authorized Personnel Only 厨房重地,未经许可不得入内 Ladies 女厕所 Lavatory; Lay. 厕所 Leaking Package Must Be Removed To A Safe Place 破损物件须移至安全地点 Lift Here 此处起吊 Liquid 易流物品 Littering Subject To 5 Yuan Fine 乱扔杂物,罚款五元 Look Out 注意小心 Made In China 中国制造 Men Working 有人施工 Men; Men's 男厕所 Mind The Wet Paint 小心油漆 Mind Your Head 小心碰头 Never Lay Flat 不可平放 No Admission 请勿入内 No Admission Except On Business 非公莫入 No Admittance 清勿入内闲人免进 No Billing 不准张贴 No Cigarette Disposal 不准乱扔烟头 No Coasting 禁止空挡溜车 No Credit 恕不赊欠 No Cycling 禁止自行车行驶 No Driving After Drinking 禁止酒后开车 No Dropping 勿抛下 No Dumping 禁止倒垃圾勿投掷 No Entry 禁止入内 No Entry For Unauthorized Vehicles 车辆未经许可不得入内 No Fishing 禁止垂钓 No Food Or Drinks Allowed Inside This Room 食品饮料不得带入室内 No Gambling 严禁睹博 No Goods Vehicles Over Maximum Gross Weight Shown 禁止总重量超过所显示的货车驶入 No Graffiti 禁止涂画 No Hawkers 禁止叫卖 No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 No Hooks 请勿用钩 No Horn 禁止鸣喇叭禁止鸣笛 No Hunting 禁止狩猎 No Jaywalking 禁止乱穿马路 No Layaways 恕不赊欠 No Left Right Turn 禁止左右转弯 No Lingering In The Doorway 请勿在门口停留 No Littering 禁止丢弃废物 No Loitering 禁止逗留 No Loud Talking 禁止大声喧哗 No Merchandiser Beyond This Point 顾客止步 No Overtaking 严禁超车 No Parking Here 此处不准停车禁止停放车辆 No Pedestrians 禁止行人入内 No Personal Checks 不收个人支票 No Photographing 请勿拍照 No Prostituting 严禁卖淫 No Refunds 概不退货 No Removing 不准移动此物 No Rough Handling 禁止野蛮装卸 No Scaling 禁止攀登 No Scribbling 禁止涂写 No Shoot 请勿抛掷 No Skinny Dip 禁止裸体游泳 No Smoking 请勿吸烟 No Smoking In Bed Please 禁止请勿在床上吸烟 No Spitting 不准随地吐痰 No Stops 不准停留 No Thoroughfare 此路不通 No Through Traffic 停禁止通行 No Tips 不收小费 No Trucks And Tractors 卡车禁止入内 No Turns 不准转弯 No U-Turn 不准调头禁止调头 No Vacancy 客满 No Vehicles Or Combination Of Vehicles Over Length Shown 禁止长度超过所显示的车辆驶入 No Vehicles Over Height Shown 禁止高度超过所显示的车辆驶入 No Vehicles Over Width Shown 禁止宽度超过所显示的车辆驶入 No Venders 小贩禁入 No Visitors 谢绝参观 Non-Smoking Floor; Non Smoking Floor 无烟楼层 Non- Stop 直驶 Not To Be Dropped 不可掉落 Not To Be Laid Flat 不可平放 Not To Be Packed Under Heavy Cargo 不可重压 Not To Be Stowed Below Another Cargo 不可重叠 Not To Be Stowed Under Heavy Cargo 勿置于重物下 Not To Be Thrown Down 不可抛掷 Now Open 现在营业 Odd Number Only 单号 Off 电源等关 Off Please 请勿靠近 Off With Your Hat 脱帽 Off With Your Shoes 请脱鞋 On 电源等开 One Way Only 单行线 One Way Traffic 单行线 OOO 已坏 Open 电梯、门等开营业 Open Here 此处打开 Open In Dark Room 请在暗室打开 Open Time 营业时间 Out 出口 Out Of Bounds For Foreigners Without Special Permits 外国人未经许可不得超越 Out Of Order 已坏 Out Of Use 停止使用 Overload 超员 P 停车场处 Parking Lot 停车场 Pay The Full Price For Anything Damaged 如有损坏,照价赔偿 Pay Toilet 收费厕所 Perishable 易腐 Perishable Goods 易腐物品 Permit Holders Only 仅供获准者停放 Phone 电话间 Photos Permitted Only In Areas Designated By Tour Guide 非导游指定区不得拍照 Photos Prohibited 严禁拍照 Please Keep It In The Room 请勿带走 Please Pay Here 请在此付款 Please Queue Here 请在此排队 Please Take Seat According To The Ticket Number 对号入座 Poison 有毒有毒物品 Post No Bill 禁止张贴 Private 闲人免进 Private Parking 内部停车场 Protect Against Cold 注意防冷 Protect Against Heat 注意防热 Pull 拉门 Push 推门 Quiet Area 宁静区域 Radioactive Substance 放射性物质 Reception 总服务台 Reduced Speed 减速 Reserved 座位保留 Return Empty Bottle Here 空瓶退还处 Return To Rack After Reading Please 阅毕归架 Return To Rack After Use Please 用毕归架 Road Blocked 此路不通 Safety Exit 安全出口 Safety First 安全第一 Safety Passage 安全通道 Seats Reserved 座位保留 Show Your ID Please 请出示证件 Show Your Pass Please 请出示通行证 Shower Room 淋浴室 Silent Area 宁静区域 Sling Here 此处吊起 Slippery 小心路滑 Slow Down 减速 Smoking Prohibited 严禁吸烟 Smoking Strictly Banned 严禁吸烟 Soft Open 试营业软开业 Sound Horn 鸣笛 Staff only 非本店厂、公司等职工请勿入内 Staff Parking 内部停车场 Stand On End 保持直立直立放置 Sterilized 已消毒 Stow Away From Boiler 请勿靠近锅炉 Stow Cool 置于阴凉处 Stow In A Cool Place 保持冷冻不可近热 Stow In Cool Place 宜冷藏 Stow Level 不可横置 Take Care Of Public Property 爱护公物 Tap Water Safe To Drink 自来水可饮用 Taxi 租车处 Taxi Loading 出租车停车处 Taxi Station 出租车站 Telephone Box 电话间 The Ticket Is Valid For Three Days 此票有效期三日 This Date Only 当日有效 This End Up 此端向上 This Side Up 此端向上 Ticket Holders Only 凭票入内 Tickets Cannot Be Exchanged Nor Money Refunded 票已售出,概不退还 To Be Kept Upright 保持直立 To Let 招租 Toilet 卫生间盥洗室厕所 Toll Station 收费站 Transaction Completed 银货两清 Turn Left 左转弯 Turn Right 右转弯 Unloading Goods 装卸货除外 Use No Hooks 切勿使用钩子切勿钩挂 Use Roller 请用滚子搬运 Use The Revolving Door Please 请使用转门 Use The Side Door Please 请走边门 Visit Postponed And Tickets Remain Valid 参观改期,门票有效 W.C. 厕所 Washroom 卫生间盥洗室 Watch The Stairs 注意台阶 Watch Your Steps 注意脚下 Wet Floor 地板未干 Wet Paint 油漆未干 With Care 小心搬运 With The Complements Of The Shop Restaurant 本店奉送 Women; Women's 女厕所 U turn 原地掉头 To Do List 任务清单; 工作安排; 任务列表 monotheism 一神教 Bahaism 大同教 Catholicism 天主教 White Lotus Society 白莲教 Islamism 伊斯兰教 Hinduism 印度教 Natural Religion 自然教 Buddhism 佛教 Vedaism 吠陀教 voodooism 巫毒教 | 伏都教 Greek Orthodox Church 希腊正教 Shamanism 沙门教 | 黄教 Orthodox Eastern Church 东正教 Fetishism | fetishism 拜物教 Zoroastrianism 祆教 | 拜火教 Mongolian Lamaism 红教 Protestantism 耶稣教 Shintoism 神道教 Caodaism 高台教 Christianity 基督教 Brahmanism 婆罗门教 Esoteric Buddhism | Tantrism 密教 | 密宗 Islam 清真教 Puritanism 清教 Molinism 莫利那教 Lamaism 喇嘛教 Nestorianism 景教 Judaism 犹太教 Protestantism 新教 Taoism 道教 Manicheism 摩尼教 Mormonism 摩门教 Confucianism 儒教 Sikhism 锡克教 Roman Catholic Church | Church of Rome 罗马公教 the eight immortals 八仙 The Fasts of the Eight Seasons | The Fasts of the Lunar Periods 八节斋 the ten good deeds 十善 lots [used in divination] 卜卦用签 wayside shrine 土地庙 The Hua Hu Classic 化胡经 The T`ai P`ing Classic 太平经 purifying the heart 心斋 Taoist immortal 仙人 Taoist paradise 仙境 demigod 半仙 be dazed [from loss of hun] 失魂 The Natural Fast 自然斋 Ho Hsien-ku 何仙姑 planchette 扶乩字板 Li T`ieh-kuai 李铁拐 God of the Hearth 灶君 barefoot immortal [reference to Emperor Sen Tsung of the Sung Dynasty] 赤脚大仙 to offer a vegetarian meal 供斋 incantation 咒文 chanting | casting a spell 念咒 necromancy 招魂术 | 关亡 The Ming Chen Fast 明真斋 supernatural feat 法术 fox spirit | fox fairy 狐仙 rejuvenescence | renewing one's youth 返老还童 agelessness | everlasting life 长生不老 Door God 门神 City God 城隍 the practice of offering sacrifices in hope of obtaining the god's presence 降神术 cultivating one's mind [inner cultivation] 修心 martyrdom 殉道 pure man | Taoist holy man 真人 God of Wealth 财神 invoking the soul 念咒招魂 Chang Kuo-lao 张果老 hierarch [Taoist high priest] 教尊 Ts`ao Kuo-chiu 曹国舅 charm | curse 符 | 咒语 mediumism [communication with spirits] 通灵术 The Huang Lu Fast 黄录斋 oneiromancy [divination through dreams] 圆梦 | 梦卜 The T`u T`an Fast 涂炭斋 alchemy 炼丹 God of Fame | God of Reputation 禄神 Taoist 道士 | 道教 God of Longevity 寿神 checking lots 对签号 God of Fortune | God of Blessedings 福神 be in a trance 魂不附体 God of Happiness | God of Joyousness 禧神 phylactery [a charm to drive away demon influences] 避邪符 hermit 隐者 | 逸士 recluse 隐遁 Han Hsiang-tzu 韩湘子 fast [abstinence from meat and certain other thing as a religious practice] 斋戒 Lan Ts`ai-ho 蓝采和 amulet [a protective charm against evil influences] 护符 sortilege [divination by lots] 签卜 bamboo tube containing lots for divination 签筒 oracle 签语 oracle book 签语簿 efficacious charm 灵符 Vinaya Pitaka 一切戒律 sarvadharma | all things 一切法 Buddha-wisdom 一切智 Sutra Pitaka 一切经 Abhidharma Pitaka 一切论议 one more birth [the second fruit] 一来果 seven-storied stupa | seven-storied pagoda 七级浮图 the seven emotions: pleasure, anger, sorrow, joy, love, hate, desire 七情 complete enlightenment 了悟 revelation of the whole meaning 了义 entering the door of nonduality 入不二门 descending into hell 入地狱 entering meditation [by tranquillizing the body, mouth, and mind] 入定 The Sutra of Eightfold Enlightenment 八大人觉经 the "eightfold noble paths" 八正道 An Explanation of the Song on the Rules of the Eighth Consciousness 八识规矩颂释论 eighteen arhats [disciples of the Buddha] 十八尊罗汉 dasabala | the ten powers of a buddha twelve aspects of the ultimate 十力 the ten prohibitions 十戒 The Buddhabhasita Dasabhadra Karmamarga Sutra 十善业道经 the three incarnated bodies of a Buddha 三色身 the three asankhyeya kalpas | the three countless aeons 三劫 the threefold body of a buddha 三身 the three types of character: good, bad, and undefinable 三性 putting together the mind | composing the mind 三昧 Triloka | the three realms 三界 the three vehicles 三乘 sambodhi | perfect universal awareness 三菩提 The School of The Three Sastras | The School of The Three Treatises 三论宗 the three refuges 三归 Tripitaka | the Buddhist Canon 三藏 Triratna | the Three Precious Ones: the Buddha, the Law, the Order 三宝 The Triratna Sutra 三宝经 kneeling 下跪 The Sutra of The Huge Treasure Chest 大方广宝箧经 the Great Vehicle 大乘 | 上乘 The Mahayana Sutra of the Great Assembly of Ti-tsang's Ten Wheels 大乘大集地藏十轮经 The Mahayana Sutra of Mental Contemplation During Earlier Births 大乘本生心地观经 The Mahayana Sutra of Elephant's Head Summit 大乘伽耶山顶经 The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana 大乘起信论 great pity 大悲 The Sutra of Great Mercy 大悲经 The Sutra Foretelling Mahasatya-nirgrantha's Buddhahood 大萨遮尼乾子受记经 The Assembly for the Three Precepts from the Ratnakuta Sutra 大宝积经三律仪会 supreme bodhi | supreme enlightenment 大觉 demoness 女鬼 young monk | novice 小和尚 the Little Vehicle 小乘 | 下乘 nix 小鬼 no false speaking 不妄语 uddhacca | unfixed 不定 no eating flesh 不食肉 no stealing 不偷盗 no killing 不杀生 no lewd conduct 不淫欲 no drinking 不饮酒 neither adding nor subtracting 不增不减 no return [the third fruit] 不还果 The Medium Works of Hinayana Sutra 中阿含经 the intermediate existence between death and reincarnation 中阴 majjhima patipada | the middle path | "the mean" 中道 the first five of the ten precepts 五戒法 the five skandhas [aggre gates] 五阴 | 五温 The Sutra Where the Benevolent King Protects the Country 仁王护国经 this life 今世 penetralia 内殿 the six entrances [organs of sense] 六入 the six indriyas: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind 六根 the six patriarchs of the Ch`an School 六祖 The Sutra Spoken by the Sixth Patriarch 六祖大师法宝坛经 the six gunas [sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought] 六尘 the six sexual attractions 六欲 Vibhanga 分别论 Buddha's metamorphic body 化身 The T`ien-t`ai School 天台宗 Goddess of Heaven 天后 deva-ear | celestial ear 天耳 Vimana Vatthu Sutra 天宫事经 heaven 天堂 divyacaksus | the deva-eye 天眼 the functioning mind as a whole 心王 The Heart Sutra 心经 Buddha of Wisdom 文殊师利 abbot 方丈 | 住持 monk's apartment | monk's cell 方丈室 bhiksu | monk 比丘 bhiksuni | nun 比丘尼 udakacandra | the moon reflected in the water 水月 knowledge of others' minds 他心 intercession 代求 pravraj | leaving home [to become a monk or nun] 出家 ascetic 出家人 benevolence | merit 功德 The Sutra Foretelling the Consequences of Good and Evil Karma 占察善恶业报经 ancient monastery 古刹 The Sutra of Forty-two Sections 四十二章经 the four elements [earth, water, fire, wind] 四大 the four deva-kings or tl guardians of the world 四金刚 the four miseries: birth, age, disorder, and death 四苦 the four noble truths 四谛 nun 尼姑 nunnery 尼姑庵 abbess 尼庵住持 alms giving 布施 life-long vow 平生宿愿 sitting in meditation 打坐 Jataka Sutra | Birth Tales Sutra 本生经 primal awareness 本觉 The Sutra of The Unprecedented Cause and Condition 未曾有因缘经 manah | the active mind 末那 right livelihood | right occupation 正行 samyakdrsti | right views 正见 samyaksmrti | right remembrance 正念 samyakbodhi | the perfect universal wisdom of a buddha 正等觉 right effort 正精进 right speech 正语 sambodhi | the wisdom or omniscience of a buddha 正觉 the deep meaning 玄义 birth and death 生死 lust for existence 生欲 the White Horse Temple 白马寺 reincarnation 再投胎 The Sutra of Good Fortune 吉祥经 name 名 the science of cause | the example 因明 karma | cause and effect 因果 hetupratyaya | cause and condition 因缘 hell | inferno 地狱 guardian of the earth 地藏王 The Sutra of Ti-tsang Bodhisattva's Vows 地藏菩萨本愿经 layman 在家人 tathagata | Buddha-to-be 如来佛 Iti Vuttaka Sutra 如是语经 temple 寺庙 The Satyasiddhi School 成实宗 mendicant monk 托钵僧 | 募化僧 jivanmukti | bodily emancipation 有身解脱 sattva | sentient being 有情 monk's robe of patches 百衲衣 mortal body 肉身 one's own nature | having its own nature 自性 form | color | matter | thing 色 the physical body 色身 material world | world of form 色界 patipatti | practice | cultivation 行 wandering monk 行脚僧 | 云游僧 action and vow | to act out one's vows 行愿 cassock and almsbowl 衣钵 the mind of the Buddha 佛心 the Buddha-nature 佛性 Buddhadharma | the Law preached by the Buddha | 佛法 the Buddha and the Patriarchs 佛祖 baldachin 佛堂 Buddhism 佛教 Schools of Buddhism 佛教宗派 Buddhist 佛教徒 Buddhist scriptures | Buddhist sutras 佛经 buddha image 佛像 nimbus 佛像光轮 Buddhavansa Sutra 佛种姓经 The Amita Sutra | The Sutra of the Infinite 佛说阿弥陀经 Rhadamanthus | Judge of Hell 判官 kalpa | aeon | translit 劫 Veda 吠陀 The Lotus Sutra 妙法莲华经 The Sutra of the Wanderfully Wise Boys and Girls 妙慧童女经 demon | goblin 妖怪 sila | command | discipline 戒 discipline | meditation | and wisdom 戒定慧 holding to the concept of the ego 我执 egotism 我慢 sramana | Buddhist monks 沙门 male religious novice 沙弥 the stage of insight | the stage of discernment of reality 见地 future world | rebirth 来世 be ordained | to take priestly vows 受戒 Buddhist monk [honorific] 和尚[敬语] hantu songkei 和常鬼 deification 奉为神 bridge over the abyss 奈河桥 proposition, reason, example, the three parts of a syllogism 宗因喻 sects | sects of Buddhism 宗派 meditation | trance 定 the power of abstraction 定力 kulapati | secular devotee 居士 counting beads | fingering beads 念珠 the enlightened mind 明心 Brahmin 波罗门 aid to crossing over from this shore of births and deaths to the other shore 波罗密多 Dharma | law | truth 法 Buddha-truth likened to water able to wash away the stains of illusion 法水 Dhamrmapada Sutra 法句经 embodiment of Truth and Law 法身 religious rites 法事 | 法仪 the doctrines or wisdom of Buddha regarded as the door to enlightenment 法门 the rain of Buddha-truth [which fertilizes all beings] 法雨 the aspects of things | the characteristics of things 法相 Buddhist priest [honorific] 法师[敬语] the bodhisattva dharma-eye [able to penetrate all things] 法眼 Dharma Sangani 法集论 Dharma-cakra | the Wheel of the Law 法轮 knowing | knowing by seeing 知见 reception room 知客寮 sunyata | emptiness 空 unreal and real | non-exitence and existence | negative and positive 空有 The immaterial is the material 空即是色 reclining Buddha 卧佛 stupa for a relic of a buddha 舍利塔 vajra | diamond 金刚 The Diamond Samadhi Sutra 金刚三昧经 the diamond indestructible body | the Buddha 金刚不坏身 The Long Works of Hinayana Sutra 长阿含经 abode | resting-place 阿赖耶 the receptacle, intellect, or consciousness 阿赖耶识 boundless light 阿弥佛 | 阿弥陀佛 believing action | faith and practice 信行 tonsure 剃度 pre-existence [former life or lives] 前世 The Darmagupta School 南山宗 Namo Amita Buddha [homage to the Buddha, Amita] 南无阿弥陀佛 The Golden Discipline Sutra 南传三经 disciplines 律 The Vinaya School 律宗 illusion of thought 思惑 benefactor | donor 施主 living buddha 活佛 dukkha | all is suffering 皆苦 The Sutra of Turning to the Three Treasures 皈依三宝经 conversion to Buddhism 皈依佛门 mundane world 红尘 undergoing difficulties 苦行 the physical and mental suffering resulting from evil conduct 苦果 mortification 苦修 the ocean of misery [its limitlessness] 苦海 worshipper 香客 The Abhidharma or Pitaka School 俱舍宗 conduct | observing and doing 修行 patigha | illusion of practice 修惑 Tartarus 冥府 Styx River 冥河 to awaken to | apprehend | perceive 悟 sense 根 natural capacity of an organ or being 根器 festival of bathing the Buddha [the Buddha's birthday] 浴佛节 be blown out | extinguished | liberated from existence 涅盘 eternal | impersonal 真如 true words | words of truth 真言 The True-word or Tantric [Shingon] School 真言宗 ruined temple 破庙 shrine 神社 ubiquitous supernatural power | especially of a buddha 神通 | 神通力 idol 神像 sacred palanquin 神舆 idol niche | shrine 神龛 paper joss 纸神 knowing | understanding 般若 the acme of wisdom 般若波罗密 vegetarian 茹素者 superstition 迷信 River of Forgetfulness 迷魂河 ghost 鬼 deity of literature 鬼斗星 phosphorescence 鬼火 gate of death 鬼门关 pandemonium 鬼域 The Dharmalaksana School 唯识宗 chanting sutras 念经 graha | seizing | grasping 执 tranquil extinction 寂灭 adoration 崇拜 | 礼拜 temple | nunnery 庵堂 sacrifice 舍身 the fundamental principles of a religion 教理 precepts 教规 Brahma voice | singing in praise of the Buddha 梵音 The Brahmajala Sutra | The Sutra of Indra's Net 梵网经 The Bodhisattva Precept Section of the Indra's Net Sutra 梵网经菩萨戒 temple bell | monastery bell 梵钟 Buddhist chants | Buddhist mantras 梵呗 the fire of desire 欲火 the realm of desire [for food, sleep and sex] 欲界 the ocean of desire [so called because of its extent and depth] 欲海 the Pure Land | Paradise of the West 净土 The Pure-land School 净土宗 the hindrance caused by incorrect views of Truth 理障 present-life reward [for good or evil done in the present life] 现报 partyaksa | reasoning from what is manifest 现量 all the living | all beings 众生 offering | sacrificial articles 祭品 cult 祭礼 | 敬拜 the supreme reality, i.e. enlightenment 第一义 The Sutra of Glorifying the Enlightened Mind 庄严菩提心经 buddhist robe 袈裟 votive 许愿 | 奉献 The Sutra of Measurements for The Construction of Statues 造像量度经 hidden merit 阴功 manes 阴魂 Lamaism | Tantric Buddhism 喇嘛教 evil fruit [from evil deeds] 恶果 recompense for ill | punishment 恶报 demon enemies of Buddhism 恶魔 knowledge and discernment [knowledge of things and realization of truth] 智慧 saddha | consciousness 智识 pilgrimage 朝山进香 nirvikalpa | be non-discriminating 无分别 gandhabba | be non-existent 无有 Anicca | be impermanent 无住 no ego | no soul | no soul of an independent and self-contained character 无我 ajivanmukti | non-body emancipation 无身解脱 ignorance 无明 The Nonsectarian, Ch`an or Meditative School 无门宗 vimala | amala | be undefiled | stainless 无垢 non-active | passive | laissez-faire | be spontaneous 无为 animitta | without form or sign 无相 anitya | be impermanent 无常 ghost of Anitya | ghost of impermanence 无常鬼 The Sutra of the Infinite Truth 无量义经 The Sukhavativyuha Sutra | The Amitayus Sutra 无量寿经 without drip, leak, or flow 无漏 be causeless | without immediate causal connection 无缘 forming a connection, e.g. for future salvation 结缘 The Sujata Sutra 善生经 good roots | good qualities 善根 bodhi | knowledge | understanding 菩提 the mind for or of bodhi | the awakened mind 菩提心 A Summary of the Stages of Enlightenment 菩提道次第略论 Bodhidharma | Ta-mo | reputed founder of the Ch'an School 菩提达摩 Bodhidruma | Bodhivrksa | the wisdom-tree 菩提树 bodhisattva | enlightened being who seeks to enlighten others 菩萨 avatamsa | garland | ringshaped ornament 华严 The Hua-yen [Kegon] School 华严宗 The Hua-yen Sutra 华严经 releasing souls from suffering 超度 pilgrim's bag 进香袋 Introducing the Light 开光 unveiling ceremony 开光典礼 awakening | arousing | opening up the intelligence and bringing enlightenment 开悟 breaking one's fast 开斋 perfect rest [i.e. parinirvana] 圆寂 complete enlightenment [potentially present in each being] 圆觉 The Sutra of Complete Enlightenment | The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圆觉经 Goddess Matsu of the Sea 妈祖 indriya | the mind-sense | the sixth of the senses 意根 the fire of love 爱火 lust 爱欲 karma | action | moral duty 业 the power of karma [to produce good and evil fruit] 业力 karma-reward | the retribution of karma 业报 the screen, or hindrance of karma | hindering the attainment of bodhi 业障 the Pure Land of Amitabha in the West | the world of utmost joy 极乐净土 Lanka 楞伽 extinguishing desires 灭欲 Niddesa Sutra 义释经 relic niche 圣骨龛 pariyatti | to unloosen | explain 解 The Sandhi-nirmocana Sutra | The Sutra of Explaining the Profound 解深密经 bodhimandala | circle | place of enlightenment 道场 Dharma | Law 达摩 srotapanna | entering the stream [the first fruit] 预流果 Sangha 僧 the assembly of monks and nuns 僧伽 monastery 僧院 reality | absolute fundamental reality | the reality 实相 pennant | banners and flags 旗幡 foil 箔 hassock 蒲团 The Sutra Explaining Undefiled Praise 说无垢称经 The Arranged Works of Hinayana Sutra 增一阿含经 wisdom | discernment | understanding 慧 the root, i.e. the organ of wisdom 慧根 the great conveyance 摩诃衍 The Kalama Sutra 羯腊摩经 prostration 膜拜 treatises 论 transmigration 轮回 Petavatthu Sutra 饿鬼事经 The Sastra on Arranging the Regulations of the Monks 整顿僧伽制度论 to burn joss-sticks 烧香 Lethe 遗忘河 The Sutra of Buddha's Bequeathed Teaching 遗教经 Uppada | handing down | bequeathing 遗传 Yama | Pluto 阎罗王 buddhist recluse 头陀[隐修者] wallet [monk's bag] 头陀袋 Buddhist lay-woman 优婆夷 Buddhist layman 优婆塞 The Sutra of an Upasaka's Precepts 优婆塞戒经 The Sutra of Maitreya's Ascension 弥勒上生经 The Sutra of Maitreya's Buddhahood 弥勒成佛经 Maitreya | the fat laughing Buddha | buddhist Messiah 弥勒佛 candle 烛 The Ch`an School | The Zen School 禅宗 meditation 禅定 meditation room 禅房 meditation hall 禅室 to return to lay life | to leave the monastic order 还俗 fast day 斋日 fasting 斋戒 fast period 斋期 Gautama 瞿昙 sutra depository 藏经阁 turning the dharma-cakra | turning the dharma wheel 转法轮 to fetch 离魂 The General Works of Hinayana Sutra 杂阿含经 Yamaka 双论 The Sutra of the Master of Healing 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司