翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 雄蜂 male ant 雄蚁 centipede | chilopod 蜈蚣 queen bee 蜂王 flea 跳蚤 anopheles 疟蚊 fly | housefly 苍蝇 bee | honeybee 蜜蜂 replete 蜜蚁 dragonfly 蜻蜓 spider 蜘蛛 butterfly 蝴蝶 chrysalis 蝶蛹 ladybird | ladybug 瓢虫 ant 蚂蚁 cockroach | black-beetle 蟑螂 mantis 螳螂 cricket 蟋蟀 queen ant 蚁后 scorpion 蝎子 silkworm moth 蚕蛾 silverfish 蠹虫 stinkbug 椿象 dayfly | ephemera | mayfly 蜉蝣 swallowtail 金凤蝶 carabid 步行虫 sulphur butterfly 白蝴蝶 earwig 地蜈蚣 stick insect 竹节虫 coccid 介壳虫 bumble bee | hornet 大黄蜂 glowworm | firefly | firebug | fireworm 萤火虫 cabbage butterfly 纹白蝶 pale clouded yellow 纹黄蝶 teredo 蛀船虫 gravedigger 埋葬虫 tsetse fly 催催蝇 gamma 丫纹夜蛾 deathwatch beetle 红毛窃蠹 sandfly 蚋 | 白蛉 whirligig 鼓虫 | 鼓甲 Japanese beetle 日本金龟子 tiger-moth 虎蛾 | 灯蛾 louse | lice 虱子 | 白虱 wasp 黄蜂 | 马蜂 grasshopper | locust 蚱蜢 | 蝗虫 tarantula 乌蛛 | 狼蛛 dobsonfly 蛇蜻蜓 | 石蛉 beetle 甲虫 | 金龟子 slug 刺蛾 | 黏叶蜂 katydid 美洲大螽斯 | 树虫 tench 丁鳜 lamprey | lampern 七鳃鳗 | 八目鳗 forkbeard 叉状鳍鳕鱼 tarpon | tarpon fish 大海鲢 jewfish 大海鲈 chum salmon | dog salmon | salmon 大马哈鱼 bigeye 大眼海鱼 large yellow croaker 大黄鱼 devil fish 大鹞鱼 sheatfish 大鲶鱼 [of North Africa] namaycush 大鳟鱼 flounder | [Latin] Platichthys flesus 川鲽 bowfin 弓鳍鱼 discus | disci 五彩神仙鱼 sunfish | [Latin] Mola mola 太阳鱼 guppy 孔雀鱼 bass | [Latin] Dicentrarchus labrax 巴斯鱼 amphioxus 文昌鱼 moonfish 月亮鱼 lookdown 月鱼 brill | dab | flat fish | flatfish | flounder | turbot 比目鱼 piranha 水虎鱼 terrapin 水鱼 fire mouth 火口鱼 whiting 牙鳕 weakfish 犬牙石首鱼 kingfish 王鱼 bonefish 北梭鱼 croaker 叫鱼 | 白姑鱼 dragon-fish 巨口鱼 launce | sand eel 玉筋鱼 turtle 甲鱼 snapping-turtle | terrapin | mud-turtle 乌龟 culter 白鱼 white cloud mountain fish 白云山鱼 whitefish 白鲑 silver carp 白鲢 Chinese paddlefish 白鲟 sole 目鱼 marble hatchet 石斧鱼 drumfish | [Latin] Seiaena schlegeli 石首鱼 rockfish 石鱼 grouper 石斑 burbot | [Latin] Lota lota 江鳕 gurnard 竹麦鱼 sheepshead 羊首鱼 silverfish 衣鱼 shad | [Latin] Alosa sapidissima 西鲱 sardine | pilchard 沙丁鱼 stickleback 刺鱼 acanthopterygian 刺鳍鱼 sea bass | [Latin] Cynoscion nobilis 刺鲈 flatfish | dealfish | plaice | flounder 板鱼 loach 泥鳅 globe fish | globefish | swellfish 河豚 pike 狗鱼 bonito 狐鲣 rosy barb 玫瑰刺鱼 blindfish 盲鱼 hagfish | hag fish 盲鳗 lungfish | dipnoan 肺鱼 spotted danio 花点斑马鱼 big head | spotted silver carp 花鲢 milkfish 虱目鱼 goldfish | [Latin] Carassius auratus 金鱼 tuna | tunny 金枪鱼 red coat | golden thread 金线鱼 mackerel 青花鱼 black carp | mackerel 青鱼 toadflax | [Latin] Linaria japonica 柳穿鱼 mackerel pike 秋刀鱼 red sword tail 红尾鱼 rudd | [Latin] Scardinius erythrophthalmns 红眼鱼 gurnard | gurnet | snapper 红鱼 jewel fish 红宝石鱼 big head | spotted silver carp 胖头鱼 paradise fish 舢舨鱼 coolie loach 苦泥鳅 rainbow trout 虹鳟 | 虹鳟鱼 flying fish | skipper 飞鱼 smelt 香鱼 | 鲨钻鱼 archerfish 射水鱼 mandarin fish 桂鱼 Japanese sea perch 海鲫 sea pen | sea feather 海鳃 conger pike | conger eel 海鳗 moray | moray eel 海鳝 sea catfish 海鲶 sea trout 海鳟 squid | cuttlefish | inkfish 乌贼 | 墨鱼 sepia | squid 乌贼鱼 pollack 狭鳕 angel fish | angelfish 神仙鱼 grass carp 草鱼 marlin 马林鱼 Spanish mackerel | mackerel 马鲛鱼 ribbonfish | scabbardfish | [Latin] Lepidopusc audatus 带鱼 halibut | [Latin] Hippoglossus hippoglossus 庸鲽 | 大比目鱼 Chinese herring 曹白鱼 pike 梭子鱼 barracuda 梭鱼 striped sole 条鳎 pout 条鳕 fresh-water fish 淡水鱼 deep-sea fish 深海鱼 schoolmaster 笛鲷 octopus 章鱼 clingfish 喉盘鱼 zebra danio 斑马鱼 hake 无须鳕 angler fish 琵琶鱼 | 华脐鱼 ganoid 硬鳞鱼 | 光鳞鱼 wrasse | labroid 隆头鱼 dace | [Latin] Leuciscus leuciscus 雅罗鱼 yellow croaker 黄花鱼 finless eel 黄鳝 wag sword tail 黑尾鱼 chub | [Latin] Leuciscus cephalus 圆鳍雅罗鱼 cichlid 慈鲷鱼 wolf-fish 雷公鱼 glow light tetra 电光管鱼 electric eel | gymnotus | numbfish 电鳗 char 嘉鱼 | 岩鱼 sailfish | [Latin] Istiophorus platypterus 旗鱼 silverfish | whitebait 银鱼 pomfret 银鲳 long tailed anchovy 凤尾鱼 swordfish | [Latin] Ziphias gladius 剑鱼 mudskipper 弹涂鱼 paddlefish 桨吻鲟 tropic fish | tropical fish 热带鱼 butterflyfish 蝴蝶鱼 goby 虾虎鱼 sea robin 猪叫鱼 squid 鱿鱼 Spanish mackerel 燕鱼 head & tail light fish 头尾灯 abalone 鲍鱼 Bombay duck | [Latin] Harpadon nehereus 龙头鱼 roach | [Latin] Rutilus rutilus 拟鲤 hag 丑鱼 shark 鲛 | 鲨 salmon 鲑 | 萨门鱼 | 狗头鱼 salmon | [Latin] Salmo salar 鲑鱼 ocean sunfish 翻车鱼 shark 鲨鱼 carp | common carp 鲤鱼 crucian | crucian carp 鲫鱼 silver carp | Prussian carp 银鲤 pomfret 鲳鱼 mackerel | [Latin] Scomber Scombrus 鲭 | 鲭鱼 bream 鲷鱼 saltwater fish 咸水鱼 discus | disci 铁饼鱼 dogfish 鳍鱼 ray 鹞鱼 eel | sea eel | water eel 鳗鱼 eel 鳗鳄 eel 鳝鱼 perch | bass 鲈鱼 parrotfish 鹦鹉鱼 sole 箬鳎鱼 crucian carp 鲋 tench 鲩鱼 dace | [Latin] Leuciscus leuciscus 鲮鱼 pangolin 鲮鲤 catfish 鲶鱼 mullet 鲻 | 鲻鱼 herring 鲱鱼 plaice 欧鲽 sole | flatfish | right-eyed flounder 鲽鱼 brill 鲽类鱼 Reeves herring 鲥 shad 鲥鱼 sole 鳎 ray | skate 鳐 skate 鳐鱼 cod | codfish 鳕鱼 skipjack | [Latin] Katsuwonus pelamis 鲣 minnow | [Latin] Phoxinus phoxinus 鲦鲤 trout 鳟鱼 sturgeon 鲟 | 鲟鱼 | 鲟鳇 needlefish 腭针鱼 | 颌针鱼 eel 鲡鱼 BS [body suit] BS装 T-shirt T恤衫 3-piece suit [jacket, trousers and vest] 三件套西装 briefs | panties 三角裤 bottomless 下空装 topless 上空装 overcoat | overgarment 大衣 formal dress | ceremonial dress | full dress 大礼服 overalls 工作服 work pants 工作裤 overalls | coveralls | dungarees 工装裤 Sun Yat Sen suit | Chinese tunic suit 中山服 | 中山装 mid length shorts 中短裤 underwear 内衣 quilted car coat 太空装 cloak 斗篷大衣 terry cloth shirt 毛巾布汗衫 pelisse 毛皮披风 sweater | woolen sweater | cardigan 毛衣 frayed cutoff shorts 毛边短裤 wool lined robe 毛衬夹克 sailor pants 水手裤 jeans 牛仔衣裤 cowboy suit 牛仔装 jeans | blue jeans 牛仔裤 | 粗斜纹棉布裤 rib-knit sweater 凸纹织衫 dinner jacket | tuxedo 半正式礼服 khaki dress uniform 卡其军常服 coat | overcoat | outer coat | parka 外套 | 外衣 Nehru jacket | Nehru coat 尼赫鲁式上衣 flat knit T-shirt 平纹汗衫 fur topcoat 皮大衣 leather jacket 皮夹克 fur lined robe 皮袍 fur lined jacket 皮短袄 fur collar jacket 皮领夹克 casual jacket 休闲夹克 decal shirt 印花衬衫 duffel coat 有厚毛之粗毛外衣 inverness [overcoat with a long, detachable cape] 有活动披肩的外衣 caftan 有带长袖服 adjustable slipover | pullover with buttons 有钮套衫 undervest 汗背心 T-shirt | tee shirt | undershirt 汗衫 drawers | underpants 汗裤 | 衬裤 ragged clothes 百纳衣 woolly undercoat 羊毛外衣 cardigan 羊毛背心 chamois skin jacket 羊皮夹克 down-filled coat | down jacket 羽绒衣 Eisenhower jacket 艾森豪夹克 Western-style clothes 西装 | 西服 waistcoat 西装背心 lined dress 夹衣 jacket 夹克 lined trousers 夹裤 pajamas with drawing waistband 束带睡衣 unisex 男女两用装 kilt 男用短裙 jockey shorts 男用紧身短裤 [England] singlet 男汗衫 | 衬衣 cotton drawer 男汗裤 bulletproof vest 防弹背心 reversible jacket 两用衫 reversible topcoat | reversible overcoat 两面大衣 reversible wool sweater 两面毛衣 reversible jacket 两面夹克 kimono 和服 kimono jacket 和服式夹克 raglan-sleeved jacket 拉格兰外套 zipper-front pullover 拉链套衫 zipper-front sport shirt 拉链运动衫 tabard 武士装 surplice 牧师白袍 canonicals 牧师礼服 straight bottomed shirt 直边衬衫 jumper that buckles at the shoulder 肩扣外衣 button shoulder sweater 肩钮毛衫 checkered shirt 花格衬衫 colored-spots shirt 花点衬衫 railroad trousers 金线条裤 bathing gown 长浴衣 long gown | robe 长袍 nightgown | nightdress | nightie 长睡衣 pants | trousers 长裤 robe with curved hemline 长礼服 young person's jacket 青年服 bushjacket 非洲工作便服 leisure wear | casual wear | leisure suit 便服 | 便装 ordinary trousers | casual pants 便裤 resort wear | cruise wear 度假服 tank | vest 背心 regular uniform 军便服 dress uniform 军礼服 disco 迪斯可装 car coat 风衣 trench coat 风雨衣 parka 风雪大衣 flying suit 飞行衣 aviator jacket 飞行夹克 Hong Kong shirt 香港衫 Cossack jacket 哥萨克夹克 summer working suit 夏季工作服 summer uniform 夏服 aloha shirt | hawaii shirt | Hawaiian shirt 夏威夷衫 jumper 套衫 two-piece 套装 twin sweater set 套装毛衣 bundle pajamas 套装睡衣 leggings 套裤 pullover | jersey 套头毛衣 pullover shirt 套头汗衫 slipover vest 套头背心 boxer shorts 拳击短裤 plaid shirt 格子花呢上衣 checked jacket 格布夹克 embossed sweater 浮花毛衣 bathing suit | bathrobe | bathing gown 浴衣 hose bottom trousers 狭管裤 hospital dress 病服 suede collar jacket 羔皮领夹克 maxi 迷嬉装 knitting wear 针织衣服 Chinese jacket 马褂 | 中式夹衣 jodhpurs | riding breeches 马裤 The Unisex Look 情侣装 life-jacket 救生衣 life vest 救生背心 clerical 教士服 cassock 教士袍 twill jacket 斜纹织夹克 dinner jacket | tuxedo | [colloq] black tie 晚会男服 evening dress 晚礼服 dressing gown | morning gown 晨衣 morning coat 晨礼服 stripe shirt 条子衬衫 corduroy jacket 条绒夹克 kasaya | cassock 袈裟 overalls 通用工作服 burnoose 连帽斗篷 alb 麻布僧衣 bell-bottom trousers | bell-bottoms | wild leg pants 喇叭裤 single layer | unlined clothes 单衣 brocade sweater 提花毛衣 all-weather coat 晴雨两用外衣 cotton-padded overcoat 棉大衣 cotton jersey 棉毛衫 cotton underpants | cotton panties 棉汗裤 | 棉衬裤 cotton dress | cotton-padded clothes 棉衣 cotton-padded waistcoat 棉背心 cotton wadded trousers | quilted cotton trousers | cotton-padded trousers 棉裤 cotton wadded jacket | quilted cotton jacket | cotton-padded clothes 棉袄 swimming trunks 游泳裤 chasuble 无袖外衣 tank top 无袖衫 anorak 登山夹克 windbreaker 短上衣 mackinaw 短大衣 short sleeve shirt 短袖衬衫 shirt blouse 短罩衫 short gowns 短褂 shorts 短裤 jams 短裤睡衣 lined short gown 短袄 wedding dress 结婚礼服 lush topcoat 绒大衣 silk refuse wadded jacket 丝棉袄 plush trousers 丝绒裤 bolero sweater 开胸毛衫 tailed shirt 圆边衬衫 skiwear 滑雪服装 ski pants 溜冰裤 rib knit T-shirt 棱纹汗衫 over robe 罩袍 patch pants 补花布长裤 track suit 运动外衣 crazy shirt 运动汗衫 athletic suit | jogging suit 运动衣 blazer | sports jacket 运动夹克 sport shirt 运动衫 | 波恤 trunks 运动短裤 priest frock 道袍 suede leather jacket 麂皮夹克 pyjamas | pajamas | sleepwear | nightclothes 睡衣 doublet 紧身上衣 bodysuit 紧身衣 covert topcoat | overcoat for casual use 轻便大衣 topcoat 轻便外套 baptismal dress | Christening gown 领洗服装 wrap topper | wraparound topcoat | wraparound overcoat 宽短大衣 [America] slacks 宽裤 | 运动裤 slacks 宽松长裤 crepe shirt 皱纱衬衫 knitted woolen garment 编织毛衣 tails | swallow-tailed coat | tail coat 燕尾服 surplice front gown 瓢领长衫 [England] catsuit 猫装 imperial robe 龙袍 costume 戏装 baseball uniform 垒球服 safari suit 猎装 hunting breeches | hunting pants 猎装裤 full dress 礼服 dinner jacket 礼服夹克 dress waistcoat | formal vest | waistcoat 礼服背心 dress shirt 礼服衬衫 cocktail dress 酒会服 fancy knit sweater 织花毛衣 notch collar pajamas 翻领睡衣 dungarees | blue jeans 蓝牛仔裤 double-breasted suit 双排扣西服 kilt 苏格兰短裙 shirt 衬衫 wool lined jacket 衬绒袄 tapered pants AB裤 A-line skirt A字裙 T-shirt T恤衫 V-neck sweater V领毛衫 V-neck blouse V领罩衫 halter top 三角背心 stomacher 三角胸衣 bottomless 下空装 monokini 上空游泳衣 topless | topless outfit 上空装 dolman 土耳其长外套 overcoat | overgarment 大衣 expansion skirt 大摆裙 full dress | formal dress | ceremonial dress 大礼服 cotton-padded jacket with buttons on the right 大襟儿棉袄 habit | riding habit 骑马装 overalls | work clothes 工作服 work pants 工作裤 mandarin topcoat 中式大衣 midriff outfit | midriff costume 中空装 Bermuda shorts | Bermudas 中短裤 fly-front skirt 中间折裙 step-in | underwear | underclothes 内衣 fancy dress 化妆服 inverted pleat skirt 反盒褶裙 quilted car coat 太空装 sundress 太阳裙 training bra 少女胸罩 cloak 斗篷 poncho 斗篷装 sanitary panties 月经裤 bikini panties 比基尼内裤 bikini 比基尼泳装 terrycloth shirt 毛巾布汗衫 pelisse 毛皮披风 woolen sweater | sweater | cardigan 毛衣 wool knit coat 毛线衣 sweater 毛线衫 woollen underpants 毛裤 jersey 毛织运动衫 frayed cut-off shorts | cutoff 毛边短裤 wool lined robe 毛衬夹克 jeans 牛仔衣裤 white winter underwear 冬季白衬衣 winter uniform 冬服 four-panel girdle 四节腰带 coat | surcoat | outer coat 外套 | 外衣 maternity dress 孕妇裙 maternity clothes 孕妇装 sack | sacque 布袋装 panties 平脚女裤 tucked-front suit blouse 打褶上衣 white cotton underwear 白运动衣 fur coat | fur topcoat | fur-trimmed outer garment 皮上衣 | 皮大衣 leather jacket 皮夹克 fur lined robe 皮袍 fur lined jacket | lined fur jacket 皮短袄 fur collar jacket 皮领夹克 floral print skirt | printed skirt 印花布裙 print shirt 印花衬衫 shoulder-strapped bra 吊带胸罩 button-front sweater 扣钮毛衫 button-front vest 扣钮背心 cup 托乳罩 eyelet bra 有孔胸罩 caftan 有带长袖服 adjustable slipover | pullover with buttons 有钮套衫 crinoline | hoop skirt 有箍衬裙 undervest 汗背心 undershirt 汗衫 Bermuda shorts | Bermudas 百慕达式短裤 skirt with accordion pleats 百褶裙 woolly undercoat 羊毛外衣 cardigan 羊毛背心 chamois skin jacket 羊皮夹克 dress 衣服 costume 西式套裙 Western style clothes 西服 skirt suit 西服裙 [America] vest | [England] waistcoat 西装背心 low dress | low-cut dress 低胸衣 hip-huggers 低腰紧身长裤 lined dress | jacket 夹衣 tight-fitting lined undergarment 夹紧身衣 lined trousers 夹裤 pajamas with drawing waistband 束带睡衣 belted corset | belted girdle 束带紧身衣 girdle | panty girdle 束腰内裤 tunic | wraparound coat 束腰外衣 belted topcoat | belted overcoat 束腰短大衣 girdle | corset 束腹 unisex suit 男女通用装 pin-tucked blouse 车缝褶衬衫 waterproof coat 防水外衣 corselette | all-in-one girdle 乳罩腰带 reversible jacket 两用衫 two-piece suit 两件套装 reversible topcoat 两面大衣 reversible wool sweater 两面毛衣 reversible jacket 两面夹克 uniform 制服 kimono 和服 padded bra 定型胸罩 housedress 居家便衣 poplin shorts 府绸短裤 raglan-sleeved jacket 拉格兰外套 wrapper | zipper-front pullover 拉链套衫 zipper-front sport shirt 拉链运动衫 cape collar sweater 披肩领毛衣 cloak 披风 evening gown 拖地女礼服 flannel shirt 法兰绒上衣 surplice 牧师白袍 [America] skimmer 直身服装 straight-bottomed shirt 直边衬衫 button shoulder sweater 肩钮毛衫 WAC summer uniform 花木兰夏服 lace bra 花边胸罩 lace-collared blouse 花边领罩衫 railroad trousers 金线条裤 maxi 长大衣 long underwear 长内衣 long underpants 长内裤 Angora sweater 长毛绒衣 long dress 长衣 coat sweater 长衣式毛衣 bathing gown 长浴衣 evening gown 长晚礼服 long-sleeved blouse 长袖衬衫 gown | long robe | long gown 长袍 long skirt 长裙 [America] pants | trousers | slacks 长裤 [England] pantsuit | pants suit | [America] trouser suit 长裤套装 slip | full slip 长衬裙 raincoat 雨衣 poncho 雨披 safari 青年装 negligee | leisure suit | leisure wear | casual wear 便服 negligee | leisure suit | leisure wear | casual wear 便装 mackinaw 厚短衣 [America] sweater | [England] jumper 厚运动衫 little-girl style clothes 娃娃装 gored skirt 拼接裙 breezy outfit 洞洞装 laced corset 穿绳紧身衣 vest 背心 support bra 背心胸罩 pinafore dress | sundress 背心裙 combination | jump suit 衫裤连衣 trench coat 军用雨衣 disco 迪斯可装 sweater knit from recycled yarn 重织毛衣 car coat 短外套 windcheater | windbreaker 风衣 summer trio 夏季用三角形上衣 moomoo 夏威夷女长装 jumper 套衫 pantsuit | suit | three-piece skirt set 套装 twin sweater set | twinset 套装毛衣 leggings 套裤 pullover | jersey 套头毛衣 pullover shirt 套头汗衫 slipover vest 套头背心 hose bottom trousers 容管裤 plaid shirt 格子花呢上衣 embossed sweater 浮花毛衣 bathing suit 浴衣 bathrobe 浴袍 maxicoat 特长上衣 maxidress 特长女服 maxicoat 特长外套 maxi-shorts 特长短裤 bead embroidery cheongsam | beaded and embroidered gown 珠花旗袍 hospital dress 病服 granny dress 祖母装 straight skirt 窄裙 narrow-legged trousers 窄管裤 suede collar jacket 羔皮领夹克 stay 胸衫 bra | brassiere 胸罩 grass skirt 草裙 midiskirt | midi 迷地裙 midi dress 迷地装 minicoat 迷你上衣 minisuit 迷你套装 minishort 迷你短裤 mini | miniskirt 迷你裙 minidress 迷你装 minikilt 迷你褶裙 maxi 迷嬉装 cocktail dress 酒会服 knitwear 针织装 jersey 针织紧身内衣 polo shirt 马球运动衣 breeches | jodhpurs 马裤 turtleneck 高领毛衣 panty corselette 健美衣 long cloak with hood 兜帽斗篷 [America] Capri pants | Capris | toreadore 紧身长裤 | 卡布里裤 bridal veil 婚纱 | 薄纱 wedding dress | wedding gown 婚礼服 Unisex Look 情侣装 multicolored gown 接色旗袍 bib overalls 挂肩工作装 built-up shoulder slip 挂肩套裙 twill jacket 斜纹夹克 evening dress | dinner suit 晚礼服 morning gown | dressing gown 晨衣 morning coat 晨礼服 corduroy jacket | pinwale corduroy jacket 条绒夹克 box pleat skirt 盒褶裙 | 对褶裙 knickers 扎口短裤 peplum suit 细腰狭裙 close-knit sweater 细织毛衣 flounced skirt 荷叶边裙 breezy outfit 通风装 dress 连衣裙 bra slip 连胸罩衬裙 capuchin 连帽斗篷 three-piece suit [skirt, vest, jacket] 连裙三件套装 three-piece slack set [jacket and two pair of slacks] 连裤三件套装 [America] union suit 连裤内衣[美] body stocking 连袜内衣 see-through 透明装 linen undergarment 麻纱底衫 full skirt | umbrella skirt 伞裙 mourning apparel 丧服 flared skirt 喇叭裙 bell-bottom trousers | bell-bottoms | wild leg pants | flared trousers | flares 喇叭裤 single layer | unlined dress 单衣 windcheater 单薄短夹克 apron covering front and back | holder 围兜裙 wraparound skirt 围带裙 brocade sweater 提花毛衣 flared panties 敞口短裤 padded cotton overcoat 棉大衣 cotton jersey 棉毛衫 cotton trousers 棉毛裤 cotton dress 棉衣 cotton wadded robe 棉袍 cotton wadded trousers | quilted cotton trousers | cotton-padded trousers 棉裤 cotton wadded jacket | quilted cotton jacket | cotton-padded jacket 棉袄 swimsuit 游泳衣裤 strapless bra 无带胸罩 unbelted corset 无带紧身衣 seamless bra 无接缝胸罩 sleeveless underwear 无袖内衣 sleeveless undershirt 无袖汗背心 jumper 无袖背心裙 shell 无袖无领短外衣 chemise 无袖宽松内衣 long collarless vest 无领长背心 anorak 登山夹克 blouse | windbreaker 短上衣 mackinaw 短大衣 bedjacket 短外衫 sport coat 短外套 blouse | shirt 短衫 camisole 短袖衬衣 short-sleeved blouse 短袖衬衫 shirt blouse 短罩衫 tutu 短裙 jumper 短褂 shorts 短裤 lined short coat | lined jacket | lined short gown 短袄 half slip | waist slip 短衬裙 wedding dress 结婚礼服 plush topcoat 绒大衣 sweatshirt 绒衣 sweat pants 绒裤 padded silk jacket | silk refuse wadded jacket 丝棉袄 plush coat 丝绒大衣 plush trousers 丝绒裤 mink coat 貂皮大衣 appliqued skirt 贴布花裙 lingerie 贴身内衣裤 drawers 贴身长裤 short shorts | hot-pants 贴身短裤 microminiskirt | microskirt 超迷你裙 micro 超迷你装 bolero sweater | [Spain] bolero 开胸毛衫 summer hospital suit 伤患夏服 robe with curved hemline 圆下摆长礼服 round neckline slip | slip with a round neckline 圆领套裙 shirt with tails | tailed shirt 圆边衬衫 treated-fabric raincoat 涂胶雨衣 bridal veil 新娘披纱 bridal gown | wedding dress 新娘礼服 skiwear 滑雪服装 ski pantalets | ski pants 溜冰裤 gored skirt 碎布拼裙 rib knit T-shirt 棱纹汗衫 dustcoat 罩衣 dustcoat | overall | smock 罩衫 over robe 罩袍 skirt 裙子 long culottes 裙状长裤 culotte | pantskirt 裙裤 | 裤裙 pantdress 裙裤装 patched pants 补片长裤 patch pants 补花布长裤 blazer 运动夹克 sport shirt 运动衫 trunks 运动短裤 [America] slacks 运动裤 suede leather jacket 麂皮夹克 cotton-padded jacket with button down the front 对襟儿棉袄 cheongsam | ch'i p'ao 旗袍 Chinese style close-fitting skirt | Chinese style straight skirt 旗袍裙 underrobe 旗袍衬裙 pajamas | nightclothes | night attire 睡衣 pajamas | sleepwear 睡衣裤 nightgown | nightdress | nightie 睡袍 ready-made women's clothes of fine quality 精制成品女服 tights 紧身下装 bodysuit | camisole 紧身衣 bodice 紧身胸衣 bodice 紧身马甲 tunic 紧身短上衣 briefs 紧身短内裤 tights | ballet tight | leotard 紧身舞衣 panty girdle 紧身裤 corset 紧身褡 chemisette 紧胸衫 silk garment 绸衣 dancing dress 舞衣 | 舞服 tights | ballet tight | leotard 舞袜连裤 coir raincoat 蓑衣 covert topcoat 轻便大衣 negligee | [France] peignor 宽便服 zipper front sport shirt 宽袍 wrap topper | wraparound topcoat | wraparound overcoat 宽短大衣 [America] slacks 宽裤 [America] tank top | happi-coat | happy-coat 宽松外衣 slacks 宽松长裤 sacque 宽松短外衣 wetsuit 潜水衣 scooter | demi-mi-ni 热裙 short shorts | hot-pants 热裤 knitted woolen garment 编织毛衣 knitted shirt 编织衫 knee warmer 膝裤 plastic-lined sanitary panties 胶月经裤 blouse with butterfly sleeves 蝴蝶装 [America] knitted undershirt | [England] knitted singlet | jersey cloth 卫生衫 combat merit stripe 战绩绩分条 posture aid corset 整形紧身装 ensemble 整套女装 one-piece swim suit 整体女泳装 one-piece bathing suit 整体女浴装 elastic bra | stretch bra 橡筋胸罩 knickers 灯笼型短裤 bloomer | knickers 灯笼裤 surplice front gown 瓢领长衫 gathered skirt 绉褶裙 jump-suit | pantsuit 裤装 turtleneck sweater 龟领毛衫 costume 戏装 shroud 殓衣 sheer bodice 薄纱上衣 pleated skirt 褶裙 [England] dust coat 避尘外衣 hunting breeches 猎装裤 fancy knit sweater 织花毛衣 figured skirt | skirt with woven design 织花布裙 embroidered skirt 绣花裙 embroidered pajamas 绣花睡衣 sweater made from used wool 翻新毛衣 notch collar pajamas 翻领睡衣 coat of arms 锁子甲 elastic underwear | stretch underwear 松紧内衣 panty hose 袜裤 bare-shouldered gown | strapless gown 露肩长衣 halter dress 露背衣连裙 backless | backless dress | bare-back dress 露背装 clothes with plunging neckline 露胸衣 midriff outfit | midriff costume 露腰装 blouse | shirt 衬衫 wool-lined robe 衬绒袍 wool lined jacket 衬绒袄 bra slip | underskirt | petticoat | slip 衬裙 underpants 衬裤 padded bra 镶垫胸罩 frillies | frilly skirt 镶褶边裙 girl's suit 女童套装 girls' clothes 女童装 overalls | dungarees 工装裤 cape 斗篷 gown with a belt 毛衫儿 toddler's smock 幼儿罩衣 snap pants | rubber pants 扣针短裤 jacket 夹克 diaper cover | nappy 尿布围裤 boys' clothes 男童装 zip-up coat 拉链衫 cape overcoat 披风 toddler's dress 松身裙衣 pinafore skirt 背带裙 trousers with braces 背带裤 navy suit 海军服 undergarment covering the chest and abdomen 兜兜 dress 连衣裙 bib 围嘴儿 hooded cotton-padded coat 棉猴儿 sleeveless dress 无袖连衣裙 open-seat pants 开裆裤 school dress 学生裙 trousers with an elasticated waist 松紧裤 bib skirt 护胸裙 rompers 短袖连衫裤 herring twill 人字布 herring bone stripes 人字形条子 herringbone woollen 人字呢 herringbone twill 人字斜纹布 man-made leather 人造皮 rayon 人造丝 rayon gabardine 人造丝轧别丁 man-made fiber 人造纤维 matting cloth 十字布 valitine 凡力丁 nankeen 土棉布 | 南京棉布 | 紫花布 marmot [fur] 土拨鼠皮 block plaid 大方格 elk skin 大角鹿皮 glen plaid 大格嵌细格 coin dots 大圆点花 kidskin 小山羊皮 lattice check 小方格 calfskin 小牛皮 pin dots 小圆点花 kitten [fur] 小猫皮 goatskin 山羊皮 shrink-resistant cloth 不缩水布 chalk stripes 中条子 polka dots 中圆点花 natural fabric 天然纤维 velvet 天鹅绒 | 丝绒 toweling | towelling 毛巾布 terry pile 毛巾绒 fur 毛皮 wool 毛料 | 羊毛 mohair 毛海 | 仿毛衣料 tufts 毛绒 poplin 毛葛 woollen serge 毛哔叽 wool sharkskin 毛鲨皮布 buffalo hide 水牛皮 leather | cowhide 牛皮 imitation leather 充皮 astrakhan | Persian lamb 充羔皮 | 充波斯羔皮 cotton serge 充哔叽 beaverteen 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司