翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 新闻杂志记者 treasurer 会计 accounting supervisor 会计主管 accounting assistant 会计助理 accountant 会计师 accounting staff 会计部职员 business controller 业务主任 collier 煤矿工人 gaffer 照明电工 emcee 节目主持人 agent | broker | press agent 经纪人 dealer 经销商 economic research assistant 经济研究助理 cobbler 补鞋匠 tinker 补锅匠 trooper 装甲兵 lumper 装卸工人 bookbinder 装订工 fabricator 装配工 millwright | rigger 装配工人 lorder 装货工人 assembler 装置工人 pipe fitter 装管工人 boxer 装箱工 test pilot 试飞员 countryman | farmer 农夫 farm hand | producer 农场工人 athlete | player | sportsman 运动员 prop man 道具管理员 fitter 钳工 plumber 铅管工 disk jockey [ D.J.] 电台节目广播员 electrician 电气工 telecommunication executive 电讯员 lift attendant 电梯服务员 welder 电焊工 telegrapher 电报员 TV announcer 电视广播员 programmer 电脑程式员 programmer 电脑程式设计师 key puncher 电脑操作员 telephonist | operator 电话接线员 | 话务员 movie star 电影明星 distributor 电影发行人 galvanizer 电镀工 cable man 电缆管理员 retailer | tradesman 零售商 feeder 饲养员 beast trainer 驯兽师 drummer 鼓手 errand-boy 僮仆 librarian 图书管理员 curator 图书馆馆长 interne 实习医生 practice nurse 实习护士 folder 摺纸工人 bulbul 歌手 pop singer | singer 歌星 executant 演奏者 decorator | painter 漆工 fisherman 渔夫 warder 狱吏 overseer | supervisor 监工 scrutineer 监票人 resident supervisor 监察人 gaoler 监狱看守 supervisor 监管员 producer 监制人 florist 种花人 planter 种植园主 management consultant 管理顾问 fortune-teller | fortuneteller 算命者 analyst 精神分析医生 dancing girl 舞女 stage carpenter 舞台木匠 stage manager 舞台管理 dancing master 舞蹈师 producer 制作人 justifier 制版工人 distiller 制酒人 hatter 制帽工人 silversmith 银匠 bank teller | teller 银行出纳员 trust banking executive 银行高级职员 coppersmith 铜匠 milling work 铣工 consul 领事 captain 领班 con 领航人 pilot 领航员 pilot 领港员 | 飞机师 billionaire 亿万富翁 judge 审判员 general auditor 审计长 auditor 审计员 inquisitor 审问官 taster 审稿员 ad-writer 写美术字者 junkman 废旧品商 scullion 厨房男佣 cook 厨师 copywriter 广告撰稿员 | 广告文字撰稿人 advertisement solicitor | huckster 广告员 advertising staff 广告从业人员 advertising agent 广告经纪人 ad solicitor 广告掮客 broadcaster 广播员 plant [or factory] manager 厂长 film man | projectionist 影片放映师 movie critic 影评人 contributor | scriptwriter 撰稿员 announcer 播音员 rodman 标杆员 model 模特儿 bandmaster 乐队指挥 bandsman 乐队队员 impresario 乐团演出主办人 docker | longshoreman | lumper | roustabout 码头工人 script editor 稿件编辑 producer director 编导 editor 编辑 weaver 编织工 compiler 编纂者 lineman 线务员 copier 复写员 tuner 调音师 harper | harpist 竖琴师 wheelwright 轮匠 marketing executive | sales executive 销售主管 marketing representative | sales representative 销售代表 marketing assistant | sales assistant 销售助理 sales coordinator 销售协调人 sales and planning staff 销售计画员 salesperson 销售员 sales supervisor 销售总监 shoe-maker | shoemaker 鞋匠 apiarist 养蜂人 surface man 养路工人 scholar | scholar 学者 | 学士 apprentice 学徒 tourist guide 导游 director 导演 gendarme 宪兵 war correspondent 战地记者 troubleshooter 机械维修工 lighting engineer 灯光控制员 brick-layer 砖工 tiler 砖瓦匠 office assistant 办公室助理 teller 选举点票员 sawyer 锯木工人 tinsmith 锡匠 E.T. man | record operator 录音操作员 attendant 随从 carver 雕刻匠 hostess 餐厅女侍 call girl 应召女郎 conscript 应征士兵 boot black | shoe-shine 擦鞋匠 copywriter 拟稿员 archivist 档案管理员 inspector 检查人员 master builder 营造商 haberdasher 缝纫用品商 hemmer 缝边者 president 总统 temporary job 临时工人 baby-sit | baby sitter 临时保姆 explainer 讲解员 turf accountant 赛马赌注登记经纪人 forger 锻工 funeral director | mortician 殡葬业者 hunter | woodsman 猎人 founder 翻砂工人 translator 翻译员 translation checker 翻译核对员 clerk | office clerk 职员 carrier woman 职业妇女 professional player 职业运动员 junkmen 旧货商 blue-collar worker 蓝领工人 doctor 医师 handyman 杂工 acrobat 杂技演员 juggler 杂耍艺人 grocer 杂货商 miscellanist 杂集编者 farrier | veterinarian | veterinary surgeon 兽医 veterinarian 兽医师 bookkeeper 簿记员 draftsman | draughtsman | tracer 绘图员 artiste 艺人 apothecary | dispenser | dispensing chemist | pharmacist 药剂师 dealer 证券商 miner 矿工 basketballer 篮球队员 lord High Chancellor | speaker 议长 member of House of Commons | member of the House of Lords 议员 constable | cop | policeman 警察 sergeant 警卫 baker 面包师傅 cameraman 摄影师 press photographer 摄影记者 nurse 护士 headnurse | matron 护士长 advocate | defence 辩护律师 blacksmith 铁匠 signalman 铁路信号员 lineman 铁路养路工 consultant | counsellor 顾问 famulus 魔术助手 illusion | magician 魔术师 founder 铸工 stereotyper 铸版工 ticket inspector 验票员 searcher 验关人员 sporting editor 体育编辑 dressed masonry 凿光石工 broker 掮客 hooper 箍桶匠 pavior 铺石工 personnel system 人事制度 personnel background 人事背景 personnel management 人事管理 overcrowded profession 人浮于事的职业 eight-hour shift 八小时工作制 afternoon session 下午班 leave the office 下班 | 收工 lower level employees 下级人员 morning session 上午班 higher-up 上司 go to the office 上班 | 上工 oral examination 口试 grand merit 大功 night shift 大夜班 evening shift 小夜班 job classification 工作分类 work day 工作日 work hour 工作时间 time card 工作时间记录卡 time book 工作时间记录簿 working conditions 工作环境 employee's card 工作证 wages 工资 take French leave 不告而退 | 不告而出 non-salaried 不受薪 not permitted to hold concurrent posts 不准兼职 day off 休息日[不当班的日子] be unassuming 不摆架子 line one's pocket | be on the take 中饱私囊 inter-office rotation 互调 unofficial decision 内定 by-law | bylaw 公司法规 public relations 公共关系 official business 公事 official trip 公差 public affairs 公务 public servant 公职 maternity leave 分娩假 promotion examination 升级考试 day shift 日班 traveling allowance [for official trip] 出差费 investigation trip abroad 出国考察 time and a half 加五成的加班津贴 work overtime 加班 overtime pay 加班费 brevet | nominal rank 加衔 salary raise 加薪 achievement 功绩 give audience to 召见 leave out 外出许可 windfall 外快 be unemployed | be jobless 失业的 neglect one's duty 失职 punch the clock 打卡 time recorder 打卡钟 withdraw a resignation 打消辞意 installation of office 正式就职 career woman 正规职业妇女 dishonorable discharge 永不录用 maternity benefit 生产津贴 reprimand 申诫 white-collar worker 白领阶级 | 公司职员 hand over office 交卸 be off 休息 take a rest | take a break 休息一下 sick leave 休养许可 | 病假 nepotism 任用私人 | 族阀主义 investiture 任官 term | term of office 任期 expiration of the term of office 任期届满 same work same pay 同工同酬 colleague 同事 equivalent scholarship 同等学历 title 名衔 be incumbent 在职 offices of profit 好差事 be dutiful 守职的 annual pension 年俸 New-Year vacation 年假 year-end bonus 年终奖金 length of service 年资 take-home pay 实得薪水 | 扣去税捐后之净薪 dock pay 扣薪 gray-collar 灰领阶级的[美] evaluation 考核 standard examination 考格 inspection 考察 evaluation of employee 考绩 employee evaluation form 考绩表 enrich oneself | fatten oneself 自肥 voluntary withdrawal | quit 自动离职 self-appointment 自荐 letter of self-recommendation 自荐书 bribery 行贿 briber 行贿者 collusion 串通舞弊 commission 佣金 My experience is as follows... 余之经历如下 tender a resignation 呈请辞职 carp | split hairs 吹毛求疵 statement of service 役历表 reassignment 改派 reshuffle 改组 reorganization 改编 work in three shifts of eight hours 每日八小时分三班轮流工作 job hunter | job seeker 求职者 application letter 求职信 power of decision 决定权 prevention of fraud 防止舞弊 office work 事务 mission 使命 routine work 例行公事 causal leave 例假 | 事假 take office 到差 get training | receive training 受训 bribee 受贿者 be law-abiding 奉公守法 appointment | commission 委任状 panjandrum 官架子 officialdom 官场 bureaucrat 官僚 bureaucracy 官僚作风 | 官僚政治 base pay 底薪 vacancy 空额 picket 纠察[监视工人等] rich post 肥缺 misappropriation 侵占 reserve the position 保留底缺 guarantor 保证人 predecessor 前任人员 oath 宣誓 affidavit 宣誓书 swearing in ceremony 宣誓就职 stand by 待命 courier 急差 | 送快信者 reinstatement 恢复旧职 allowance 津贴 activist 活动分子 assignment 派令 bribery money 红包 | 臭包 dossier 背景资料文件表 timed work 计时工作 furlough 休假 commissioned officer 军官 demotion 降级 interview 面试 | 面谈 expectant to fill a vacancy 候补 candidacy 候补额 additional post 兼任 concurrent post 兼职 unpaid leave 准假停薪 strength of staff | number of stall 员额 family allowance 家族津贴 statement of repentance 悔过书 sinecure 拿乾薪 promotion 晋升 advancement 晋级 core time 核心时间 ad referendum 留待复核 | 容再考虑 retain job and forfeit salary 留职停薪 ability 能力 merit 记功 demerit 记过 retirement 退休 retirement pay 退休金 retirement certificate 退休证 senior staff 高级人员 lock-out 停工[雇主为抵制工人要求而休业] termination notice 停职通知 jobbery 假公济私 [America slang] squealer 密告者[美俚] forced withdrawal | [slang] get the boot 强迫离职 take over an office 接收 titular 挂名的 | 挂名者 recommendation letter 推荐书 supplantation 排挤后取而代之 degree of education 教育程度 assigned personnel 现有人员 relegation 移交 taking-over ceremony 移交典礼 remuneration for life 终身俸 life annuity 终身养老金 life employment | life position 终身职 graft | corruption 贪污 linger abroad 逗留国外 advance three ranks 连升三级 subordinate 部属 higher authorities 最高当局 coffee break | coffee time 喝咖啡休息时间 unified salary system 单一薪给制 treadmill 单调的工作 inaugural address 就任辞 | 就任演说 inauguration ceremony 就职典礼 be elevated 提拔 odd job 散工 clerk 普通职员 payday 发薪日 embezzle 盗用公款 purge of corruption 肃清贪污 resignation under instruction 着令免职 discharge 裁员 abolish 裁撤 rank 阶级 collective bargaining 集体交涉 citation 传令嘉奖 suggestion box 意见箱 newcomer 新来人员 sneak out 溜出 authorities 当局 be on duty 当班 agreement of employment 聘书 malinger | fake illness 装病 dismiss 解散 fire 解雇 be on probation 试用 probational staff 试用人员 placement certificate of qualification 资格证明书 senior 资深 seniority 资历 bribe | bribery 贿赂 deprive of office | [slang] go down 跨台 transition 过渡时期 staff 幕僚 be dismissed then tried by court action 撤职查办 be dismissed from position temporarily 撤职留用 benefit | welfare 福利 management 管理 salary deduction 罚薪 fraud 舞弊 release | release | discharge | discharge 遣散 release pay | discharge pay 遣散费 money power 银弹攻势 curriculum vitae 履历书 resumption 履职 friction | clash 摩擦 [slang] lubrication job 捞钱工作 consolation money 抚恤金 flexible working time 欧洲自由上下班制 bonus 奖金 trophy | prize 奖品 make a living 糊口 consolidation 编并 organization 编制 organize personnel 编制人员 surplus personnel 编余人员 go on strike 罢工 commendation 褒奖 be on leave 请假中 transfer 调动 barratry | sell an office 卖官缺 shift | work shift 轮班 | 换班 rotation 轮调 annuity 养老金 office hours 办公时间 promotion by seniority 选拔进级 | 选拔年资进级 be late 迟到 latecomer 迟到者 late book 迟到簿 hire 录用 | 雇用 apply 应徵 impeachment 检举 report corruption 检举贪污 misuse one's powers | abuse one's authority 滥用职权 retrenchment 缩减 temporary personnel 临时雇员 | 冗员 contingent annuity 临时养老金 pay envelope 薪水袋 salary 薪金 supplement 薪金的追加 salary commensurate with experience 薪金视经历而定 scandal 丑闻 augmentation 扩增 snobbery 摆架子 misconduct 渎职 resume 简历 position classification 职位分类 official power 职权 quit 离去 double pay 双薪 be absent from the office 旷职 sign in 签到 attendance book 签到簿 sign out 签退 resignation 辞职 successor 继任人员 extension of leave 续假 triplicate 一式三份 duplicate 一式两份 verbal report 口头报告 be indifferent 不加可否 without formality | informal 不拘形式 disapproval 不准 document 公文 disposition form 公文处理单 notice 公告 communique 公报 project 方案 date 日期 be needless to say 毋庸赘述 without delay 毋得延误 compare | compare with 比拟 in order to avoid 以免 facilitate 以利 in order to 以求 enable 以便 feasible | workable | practical 可行的 tear-off section 可撕下之页[回条用] to be announced 另行通告 to settle in separate action 另案办理 be unfavorable 未便照准 original copy 正本 official record 正式记录 official statement 正式声明 be under study | be under study for action 正研究中 effective | to be in effect 生效的 issued by 由…核发 due to 由于 application 申请书 throw away 丢弃 furthermore 再者 specify 列举 ditto | same as above 同上 be underway 在办理中 as follows 如下 as mentioned above 如上述 as indicated 如文 be kept for reference 存查 annual report 年报 precedent 成例 | 先例 incoming message 收文 countermand 收回成命 receiving and despatching 收发室 intend to 旨在 pending 有待 period of validity 有效期间 be relevant to 有关 relevant document 有关文件 the proper authorities 有关当局 in view of 有鉴于 publish | announce 布告 | 公布 bulletin board 布告栏 submit 呈递 | 提交 proclamation 告示 mailed telegraph 快邮代电 transcribe 抄写 rescript 批令 bulletin of decision 批示 approve 批准 perusal 批阅 official authorization 批谕 ID Card [ Identity Card] 身分证 enumerate 例举 consolidated action taken together 并案办理 tome | volume 卷 | 册 file number 卷号 order | to order 命令 receive an order 奉令 warrant 委任状 to be accredited 委派 | 委任 official reply 官批 extension 延长 instance 往例 transition | to succeed to 承上接下 formality 拘泥形式 substantive enactment 明文规定 herewith 附上 | 兹 annex note | proviso | appendix 附文 enclosure 附件 postscript [PS] 附笔 appendix 附录 consult 咨询 | 洽办 announcement 宣布 urgent 急件的 | 紧急的 [America] directive 指令 | 训令 fussy | [colloq] picky 挑剔的 inquiry 查明 | 查问 abrupt announcement 突然宣布 cause 致使 reread 重阅 submit ... personally to ... 面呈 master copy 原件 manuscript 原稿 expiration 效期截止 written authorization 书面批准 written report 书面报告 authorized version 核定稿 date of issue 核发日期 institute of issuance 核发机关 check 核对 act accordingly 核办 pass on after being checked | convey after being approved 核转 subject matter 案由 case 案件 archives 案卷 case number 案号 form 格式 cannot be condoned 殊属不当 It is recommended that action be taken. 兹建议采取行动 It is recommended that... 兹随文检附… rough draft 草稿 chit book 送达簿 | 信件回单簿 follow up 追踪 besides 除外 copy 副本 countersign | to countersign 副署 | 确认 national archives 国家档案 execution 执行 secret order 密令 special project 专案 turn the page 接下页 replace 接替 authorize 授权 ordination 排列 | 整顿 ordinance 条例 | 法令 handle 处理 mismanagement 处理失当 circulation 通令 notification 通知书 bulletin | to bulletin 通报 serial number 连续编号 expedite 速办 verbatim report 逐字报告 statement 陈述 petition 陈情书 prepare a despatch 备文 submit for investigation 备呈 prepare a despatch for submitting 备具呈文 keep on record 备案 report | to report 报告 routine 日常工作 | 例行公事 thorny problem | [colloq] sticky problem 棘手问题 null and void 无效的[法] no record to... 无案可稽 message | to message 发文 initiation | originate 发端 closed file 结案 comment 注释 consultation 评议 submit ... over the head of the direct superior 越级呈 convey 传达 hereafter 嗣后 be appreciated 感荷 reserve | reserve for consideration 斟酌 Post No Bills 禁止招贴 injunction 禁令 imperial order | imperial edict 圣旨 tentative plan 腹案 remedial measure 补救办法 the said 该文 | 该条例 | 该… specification 详加说明 | 逐一登记 material | data 资料 promulgation 颁布 stringent effort 紧急措施 turn down 驳回 rescind | abolish 废止 | 撤销 replicate 摹写 | 复制 tear up 撕毁 certificate of merit 奖状 defer 缓发 postpone 缓办 bring to the attention of 请查照 disposal of old records 销毁旧卷 It has come to my knowledge that... 据悉… It has been reported that... 据报… burn up 烧毁 accumulated document 积压的公文 instruction 谕告 as per 遵奉 priority 优先 | 优先权 should be deferred 应予缓议 contemplate | propose to 拟 | 拟办 | 打算… prepare a document 拟公文 drafter | draftsman 拟稿人 request approval 拟请照准 shelve 搁置 file 档案 red tape 繁文褥节 | 官样文章 enunciation 声明 | 宣言 joint communique 联合公报 make a clean copy 誊清 file away 归档 power and responsibility 职掌 signature 签名 informal petition 签呈 label 签条 sign 签署 recommendation with accompanying letter draft 签稿并呈 visa 签证 certificate 证明书 regarding 关于 in this regard 关于此点 passport 护照 verify 验实 | 证实 [England] Lord Chancellor 大法官[英] [Japan] Minister of Finance 大藏大臣[日] [England] Viscount 子爵[英] [England] Minister without Portfolio 不管部大臣[英] [England] Head of State 元首[英] [America] Secretary of the Interior 内政部长[美] [America] Desk Officer 内勤官员[多用于警局内][美] [England] Cabinet Minister 内阁大臣[英] [Japan] Director-General of Cabinet Secretariat 内阁官房长官[日] [England] Duke 公爵[英] [England] Civil Lord 文官委员[英] [Japan] Minister of Education 文部大臣[日] [England] Peer of the Royal Blood 王族议员[英] [America] Attorney General 司法部长[美] [England] Deputy Secretary 司长[英] [England] Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 外交部大臣[英] [Japan] Minister of Foreign Affairs 外务大臣[日] [America] White House Fellow 白宫学者[美] [America] Secretary of Transportation 交通部长[美] [America] Governor 州长[美] [Japan] Minister of Home Affairs 自治大臣[日] [England] Earl 伯爵[英] [England] Baron 男爵[英] [England] Lord Spiritual 宗教议员[贵族院,上院][英] [England] Law Lord 法官议员[贵族院,上院][英] [Japan] Justice Minister 法务大臣[日] [America] Secretary of the Air Force 空军部长[美] [England] Marquis 侯爵[英] [Japan] Minister of Health and Welfare 厚生大臣[日] [Japan] Minister of Construction 建设大臣[日] [England] Parliamentary Under-Secretary 政务次官[英] [England] Political Official 政务官[英] [England] Prime Minister 首相 | 总理大臣[英] [England] Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury 首相兼财政大臣[英] [Japan] Director-General of Prime Minister's Office 首相办公处长官[日] [England] First Lord of the Admiralty 海军部大臣[英] [America] Secretary of the Navy 海军部长[美] [England] Chancellor of the Exchequer 财政部大臣[英] [America] Secretary of the Treasury 财政部长[美] [America] Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare 健康教育福利部长[美] [Japan] Vice-Premier 副首相[日] [America] Assistant Comptroller General 副审计长[美] [America] Senator 参议员[美] [America] President of the Senate 参议院院长[美] [America] Secretary of Commerce 商务部长[美] [America] Secretary of Defence 国防部长[美] [America] Secretary of State 国务卿[美] [America] Congressman 国会议员[美] [England] Head of Civil Service 常务次长 | 文官长[英] [England] President of the Board of Education 教育部大臣[英] [America] Representative 众议员[美] [America] Speaker of the House 众议院院长[美] [Japan] International Trade-Industry Minister 通产大臣[日] [America] Secretary of the Army 陆军部长[美] [England] Lord Chief Justice 最高法院院长[英] [England] Minister of Labor 劳工部大臣[英] [America] Secretary of Labor 劳工部长[美] [Japan] Minister of Labor 劳动大臣[日] [England] Lord Privy Seal 掌玺大臣[英] [England] Non-Department Minister 无部务大臣[英] [England] Peer Lord 贵族议员[英] [America] Postmaster General 邮政署长[美] [England] [Royal] Treasurer of the Household 会计主任[皇室][英] [England] Payment General 会计长[英] [Japan] Minister of Agriculture and Forestry 农林大臣[日] [America] Secretary of Agriculture 农务部长[美] [Japan] Minister of Transport 运输大臣[日] [America] Official Family | Cabinet Member 阁员[指国务部各首长][美] [England] Comptroller 审计大臣[英] [America] Comptroller General 审计长[美] [England] Lord President of the Council 枢密院长[英] [England] Privy Councilor | Privy Councillor 枢密顾问官[英] [England] Minister of Health 卫生部大臣[英] [England] Sergeant-at-Arms 警卫官[英] secondary clarifier 二次澄清池 "three wastes" [waste gas, waste water and waste residue] 三废 sewer 下水道 industrial waste water 工业废水 disposal of industrial wastes 工业废物处理 industrial waste liquid 工业废液 to eliminate black smoke 不冒黑烟 neutralization 中和 to turn the harmful into the beneficial 化害为利 to change wastes into valuables 化腐朽为有用 septic tank 化粪池 biochemical oxygen demand [B.O.D.] 生化需氧量 trickling filter 生物滤池 | 滴滤池 bio-disk 生物转盘 domestic sewage 生活污水 ecological distribution 生态分布 bioecology 生态生物学 ecotype 生态型 ecology 生态学 to recover useful materials 回收有用材料 recovery tower 回收塔 sewage 污水 sewage treatment plant 污水处理场 sludge digestion 污泥消化 sludge bulking 污泥膨胀 pollutant 污染物质 to pollute the air 污染空气 to pollute the environment 污染环境 chromatographic analysis 色谱分析 condensation 冷凝 absorber 吸收器 to renovate furnaces and kilns 改造炉窑 grit chamber 沈沙池 settling tank 沈淀池 automobile emissions 汽车排气 air tap 空气栓 air monitoring station 空气监测站 primary settling tank | primary clarifier 初次沈清池 to poison the rivers 毒化河水 scrubber 洗涤器 activated sludge 活性污泥 activated carbon 活性碳 lee-ward 背风的 lee side 背风面 loading 负荷 anemograph | anemometer 风力计 bar screen 格栅 oxidation pond 氧化塘 disinfection 消毒 to eliminate pollution 消除污染 to eliminate soot 消除烟尘 to eliminate smoke and reduce dust 消烟除尘 vacuum filtration 真空过滤 reverse osmosis 逆渗透 soot-eliminating devices | dust removal installations 除尘设施 retention period 停留时间 emission monitoring 排放监测 coagulation 混凝 coagulant 混凝剂 purification 净化 aluminium sulphate 硫酸铝 disposal 处置 chlorination 氯化 ferric chloride 氯化铁 aneroid barometer 无液气压计 dilution 稀释 dust collector 集尘器 microorganism 微生物 chimney | chimney stack 烟囱 flue gas | stack gas 烟道气 smog 烟雾 electrodialysis 电渗析 convection 对流 multiple-purpose use | comprehensive utilization 综合利用 evaporation 蒸发 biological treatment of waste water 废水生物处理 membrane method 膜法 sanitary engineering 卫生工程 noise 噪声 electrostatic precipitator 静电沈淀器 environment protection 环境堡 environmental protection department 环境堡机构 environmental science 环境科学 environmental monitoring 环境监测 particulate matter 颗粒物质 diffusion 扩散 ion exchange 离子交换 aeration tank 曝气池 suspended solids 悬浮固体 | 悬游物 to love at first sight 一见锺情 girl friend 女朋友 lovers' vows 山盟海誓 mutual attraction 互相吸引 to know each other's mind 心心相印 to lose one's love | be jilted 失恋 to pull one's heartstrings 打动心弦 to moon over | to moon over someone 如胶似漆的相爱 inseparable love 如胶似漆的爱情 be a couple [man and woman | married or unmarried] 成双成对 free love 自由恋爱 look of love 含情脉脉 to propose 求婚 to get the mitten | be refused 求婚被拒 to court | to woo 求爱 suitor | wooer 求爱者 | 求婚者 love triangle 三角恋爱 to date 男女间之约会 boy friend 男朋友 secret love 私恋 both parties are willing | both parties consent 两厢情愿 first love 初恋 softness & sentiment 柔情似水 lovesickness 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司