翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 今天下午你读的什么书? The driving instructor told me to pull up at the post office. 驾驶教练让我在邮局停车。 During the past 20 years, a great number of power stations have been set up. 在过去的二十年间, 兴建了许多电站。 I prefer fish to meat. 我较喜欢吃鱼。 I have prepared everything for the trip. 我做好了旅行的所有准备。 We'll present a gold watch to Smith. 我们将赠送给史密斯一块金表。 He presented me with a book. 他赠我一本书。 I wanted to attend the press conference. 我想参加这个记者招待会。 This problem presses for solution. 这个问题急待解决。 I have prevailed on him to go with me. 我已经劝说他跟我一起去。 I was prevented from going by urgent business. 我因急事不能去。 Hawks prey on small birds. 鹰捕食小鸟。 He prides himself on his handwriting. 他以他的书法为自豪。 The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor he had planned to resign. 首相拒绝对他准备隐退的谣传做任何评论。 It happened prior to my arrival. 这件事是在我到以前发生的。 An umbrella will protect you from the rain. 雨伞可以堡你不致雨淋。 We are busy providing for the feast. 我们忙于准备宴席。 I have a big family to provide for. 我要供养一个大家庭。 We are well provided with food and clothing. 我们衣食无缺。 We shall go provided that the weather is fine. 只要天晴, 我们就去。 They pulled down his house. 他们拆掉了他的房子。 Two youths loitering near a supermarket were pulled in on suspicion. 在一家超级市场附近闲逛的两个年轻人涉嫌被捕。 John pulled out the company. 约翰离开了公司。 He will pull through his illness soon. 他很快就会恢复健康的。 We don't know how to pull the business through. 我们不知道该如何使公司度过难关。 We ought to find some way to put a stop to that matter. 我们得想个办法终止这件事情。 Can you put an end to that kind of gossip? 你能不能别再说那种闲话? He put aside his book and began to listen to me. 他把书放在一边, 开始听我讲话。 She has put aside some money. 她存了一些钱。 Please put all those things away when you finish drawing. 画完后请把东西都放回原处。 It's time to put away those foolish ideas and become serious. 是打消那些愚蠢想法, 认真对待的时候了。 The judge put the criminal away for ten years. 法官判这个罪犯监禁十年。 He put down the book and went to answer the call. 他放下书去接电话。 The government has just put down a rebellion. 这个国家刚刚镇压了一场叛乱。 Make sure that you put down every word she says. 切实要记下她说的每一个字。 The trees put forth buds and leaves in spring. 春天树木抽芽生叶。 He put forward a new theory. 他提出了一种新理论。 He will be put in prison. 他将被监禁狱中。 Put more effort into your work. 你要更加努力地工作。 It is one thing to have theories, and another thing to put them into practice. 理论是一回事, 能否将它们付诸实施, 则又是另一回事。 Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. 今日事, 今日毕。 She put on her best clothes on her birthday. 生日那天她穿上了自己最好的衣服。 Her modesty is all put on. 她的谦虚全是假装的。 My neighbour is always putting on airs. 我的邻居总是装腔作势。 He's putting on weight. 他的体重在增加。 He put his heart into learning English. 他专心学英语。 The fire was put out soon. 火很快就被熄灭了。 The government put out a warning against flood. 政府发出了预防水灾的警告。 I must put the papers right. 我必须把这些文件整理好。 We followed the directions but could not put the machine together. 我们虽然依照说明书去做, 但是还不能将这机器装配起来。 The pupils all put up their hands when the teacher asks them questions. 当老师提问题时学生们都举起了手。 A new skyscraper has been put up downtown. 市中心又建起了一座摩天大厦。 We have to put up with her bad temper. 我们只得忍受她的坏脾气。 He's not qualified for this job. 他不能胜任这项工作。 They often quarrel with each other about trifles. 他们经常为小事吵架。 It's raining cats and dogs outside. 外面正下着倾盆大雨。 With the production going up, an increasing supply of raw materials is needed. 随着生产量的增长, 需要原材料的供应也不断增长。 The invalid reached for the glass but could not get it. 病人伸手去拿水杯, 但是够不着。 We have but to reach forth to it, and we'll succeed. 只要去做, 我们就会成功的。 Reading between the lines of her letter, I learned she had driven him out. 从她那封信的字里行间我得知, 她把他赶了出去。 Let us read over this article. 让我们把这篇文章通读一遍。 He had to read the passage through several times before he could understand it. 他把文章读过好几遍后才能读懂。 We had reckoned on your help. 我们依赖于你的帮助。 I hadn't reckoned with the possibility of his turning up so soon. 我没有考虑到他这么快就会到达。 She's still recovering from a bout of flu. 她这次患流行性感冒还没有完全恢复。 He frequently referred to the notes during the course of the talk. 讲话时他经常参考笔记。 The likely reactions of the market would need to be reflected on before we act. 我们采取行动之前必须充分考虑市场可能产生的效应。 I wish he would refrain from scattering his ash all over the carpet. 我希望他不要将烟灰往地毯上乱弹。 We regard him as a real friend of us. 我们把他看作一位真正的朋友。 He was relieved of his post because of his carelessness. 他因疏忽被解除了职务。 You can't rely on his assistance. 你不能指望他能帮助你。 I rely on my brother's words absolutely. 我绝对相信我哥哥的话。 The way he behaves when he is angry reminds me of his father. 他生气时的样子让我想起了他的父亲。 Terrorists resorted to bombing streets as a means of achieving their aims. 恐怖分子通过炸毁街道来达到他们的目的。 He responded to our speech of welcome. 他对我们的欢迎词做了答词。 All our hopes rested upon this venture. 我们所有的希望都寄托在这次冒险上了。 It rests with you to settle your differences as best as you can. 你负责尽最大努力来解决你们之间的分歧。 The talks have resulted in a lessening of suspicion. 谈话消减了彼此的怀疑。 Hamlet revenged his father's death on his uncle. 哈姆雷特向他叔叔报了杀父之仇。 I will set off right away. 我将立刻出发。 I cannot give you our quotation right now. 现在我不能给你我们的报价。 I have to ring off now. I have a train to catch. 现在得挂断电话了, 我要去赶火车。 I'll ring you up some time during the week. 本周的某个时候我给你打电话。 He robbed her of all her money. 他抢走了她所有的钱。 They stripped her of all her property. 他们夺去了她所有的财产。 The rock bands are usually very popular among young people. 通常摇滚乐队在青年人中十分受欢迎。 Every time Tom rolled over he pulled more of the bedclothes to his side. 汤姆每次转身都把被子往他那边再拉一些。 The police rounded up those rogues. 警察逮捕了那些恶棍。 As I came by them, he was rubbing it in your brother. 我在他们旁边经过的时候, 他正在臭骂你的兄弟。 Rub those words off the board before the teacher sees them. 在老师没看见之前, 赶紧把黑板上那些字擦掉。 He rubbed out the mark on his book. 他把他书上的记号擦掉了。 The weather conditions ruled out any chance of hunting that day. 那样的天气情况打消了任何打猎的念头。 This morning I ran across my old friend on my way home. 今晨在回家的途中我碰见了我的老朋友。 He runs after fame rather than wealth. 他追求名而不追求利。 He ran against a lamp post in the dark. 在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。 That thief ran away as soon as he saw the policeman. 那个小偷一看见警察立刻就逃走了。 He used to run errands for his boss. 他过去时常为老板跑腿。 He ran for the doctor. 他立即去叫医生。 He'll run for the Presidency. 他将参加总统竞选。 I ran into him in the park yesterday. 昨天在公园里我偶然碰到了他。 Please run off the water from the tank. 请把桶里的水放出。 The thief has run off. 小偷已逃跑了。 He has run out all his money. 他已把他的钱浪费光了。 She has run out her course. 她完了。 He has run out of red ink. 他的红墨水用完了。 The bus ran over a dog. 公共汽车辗过一只狗。 Their food is running short. 他们的食物不够了。 He ran the risk of losing his own life in saving the boy from drowning. 他冒着生命危险把孩子从水里救了出来。 That knight ran his sword through his opponent. 那个骑士用刀刺穿他的对手。 I have run through his book. 我已把他的书匆忙读完。 He ran through the street. 他很快穿过了马路。 He ran to the bookshelf. 他奔向书架。 The book will run to nearly 2,000 pages. 这本书将厚达两千页之多。 This author runs to sentiment. 这个作家流于伤感。 They ran up their national flag. 他们升起了国旗。 The dog is rushing at him. 那只狗正向他扑过去。 I don't like to go out during the rush hour. 我不愿意在交通高峰时间出去。 These bicycles have been rushed out and not up to our usual standard. 匆匆忙忙地大批量生产的自行车无法达到我们的一般标准。 She refused to sit in the car till her husband promised to wear his safety belt. 她拒绝上车, 除非她丈夫答应系好安全带。 We had scarcely stepped into the room before it began to rain. 我们刚一进屋, 就开始下雨了。 I had scarcely finished my homework when Tom came . 汤姆来时, 我刚刚做完家庭作业。 His dog scared that naughty boy away. 他的狗把那个顽皮的孩子吓走了。 His dog scared that naughty boy off the garden. 他的狗把那个顽皮的孩子从花园里吓走了。 I could hardly scare up ten shillings. 我连十个先令也得不到。 Anna was reading a piece of science fiction and completely lost in the book. 安娜在读一部科幻小说, 完全沉浸在书中。 This mountain is 1,400 meters above sea level. 这座山海拔 1,400 米。 What is he searching for? 他在找什么? I'll see about it. 我要把这事考虑一下。 You had better see about rooms for us. 你最好替我们去问问有没有房间。 The cook went to see after the cake left in the oven. 炊事员去照看炉子里的蛋糕了。 Please see into this matter without delay. 请立即调查这件事情。 He saw her off to London this morning. 今天早晨他送她去伦敦了。 My father asked me to see the customer to the door. 我父亲要我送顾客到门口。 Please see that this must be properly done. 请注意这件事必须做得得当。 Please pay attention to the difference between the two words. 请注意这两个词之间的区别。 I saw through his plot. 我看穿了他的阴谋。 See to the fire. 当心炉子。 I will see to the sick classmate. 我会照顾那个生病的同学。 This is just what I have long sought after. 这就是我找寻了很久的东西。 Nobody looks after the invalid. 没人照顾这个病人。 This edition of the dictionary is sold out. 这个版本的字典已售完了。 Since she is seriously ill, we have to send for a doctor at once. 既然她病得厉害, 我们要马上去请医生。 She sent him off in high spirits. 她兴高采烈地为他送行。 Please see that these parcels are sent off at once. 请务必把这些包裹立即寄出。 The sun sends out light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。 The trees send out new shoots in spring. 春天绿树发新芽。 They have sent up several spaceships this year. 今年, 他们已发射了数艘宇宙飞船。 Any increase in production costs is bound to send up prices. 生产成本的增加必定使价格上涨。 Jack sent us word that he was coming next week. 杰克通知我们他下星期来。 It serves him right. 他罪有应得。 He served his time in the army. 他服满了兵役。 You must set about your work at once. 你必须立即开始工作。 He sets aside part of his salary. 他把工资的一部份存起来。 I haven't set eyes on her for a long time. 从那以后, 我再也没见过她。 They set fire to the house. 他们放火烧了房子。 She said she would never set foot in that house again. 她说她再也不愿进入那所房子了。 Columbus set foot on the shores of America just before daybreak. 哥伦布刚巧在天亮前踏上美洲海岸。 I shall set forth tomorrow. 我明天就出发。 When will the wet season set in? 雨季何时开始? He set off for New York early that morning. 那天他一早就动身去纽约了。 I'll set out soon. 我立刻就出发。 They set up a tent near the seashore. 他们在海滨附近搭起了一个帐篷。 He set up for a man of learning. 他自认为是个有学问的人。 He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid. 只要交了罚款, 他就会被释放。 They have settled down on a farm. 他们已经在一个农场里定居下来。 He settled down to read a new novel. 他静下心来读一本小说。 They have settled on a plan. 他们已定了一个计划。 They shook hands with each other and then sat down. 他们握了握手, 然后坐了下来。 He shook off the snow on his coat when he stepped into the house. 进了屋后, 他抖掉了大衣上的雪花。 The plants are shooting up after the rain. 雨后草木长起来了。 How can I get to the shopping centre from here. 从这儿去购物中心怎么走? We walked in the street shoulder to shoulder. 我们肩并肩走在街上。 They fought for their motherland shoulder to shoulder. 他们齐心协力为祖国战斗。 Don't shout at me. 别冲我嚷嚷。 Please show him in. 请把他带进来。 She likes to show off her fine clothes. 她喜欢炫耀她的精美衣服。 After the play they called for the author to show himself. 演完戏之后, 他们要求作者出来和大家见面。 He often shows up at balls. 他经常出入于舞会。 While I was waiting for her, I killed time by looking in the show window. 我等她的时候, 以浏览陈列窗而消磨时间。 I shall be delighted to show you around the place. 我很高兴领你到处转转。 Tell him to shut off the motor. 告诉他把发动机关掉。 The general manager and the chairman are sitting behind the desk side by side. 总经理和董事长并列坐在桌子后面。 The American players then voted not to accept the silver medals. 美国选手投票决定不接受银质奖章。 I haven't seen him since then. 从那时候起我就再没见过他。 He sat down in the sofa and lit a cigar. 他坐在沙发上, 点燃了一只香烟。 He sat up all night writing the novel. 他整夜都在写小说, 没有阖眼。 This is more of a sitting room than a kitchen. 与其说这是一个厨房还不如说这是一个起居室。 The carpenter ran his ruler over the shed and sized it up at once. 木匠量了一下棚屋的尺寸, 立刻估计出它的大小。 Time slips away so fast! 时间过得太快了! He slipped away without being noticed. 他神不知鬼不觉地溜走了。 He slipped into the house without being seen. 他没有被人看见就溜入了那间屋子。 When he said Tuesday, he really meant Thursday. It was a slip of the tongue. 当他说星期二时, 他实际是说星期四。 那只是个口误。 You must slow down your car. 你必须把车子开慢。 When the baby sees me, he smiles at me. 那个婴儿一看到我就朝我笑。 He sat in an armchair smiling upon me. 他坐在沙发里朝我微笑。 Fortune smiles upon us. 我们命运一向很好。 Don't stay too long at the snack bar. 别在快餐馆耽误太长时间。 They sneered at his speech. 他们讥嘲他的演说。 Please check the list carefully so as to avoid mistakes. 请仔细核对单子以避免发生错误。 The scientist is doing experiments no one has so far attempted. 科学家们正在作一项迄今为止没人做过的实验。 So far as I know, our football team is more advanced than theirs. 就我所知, 我们的足球队比他们的有实力。 The bus route goes so far as that, so you'll need to take a taxi. 汽车路线到此为止了, 你得叫辆的士。 We can arrange everything so long as we have enough time. 只要有足够的时间, 我们就能安排一切。 I get up early so that I can do some exercises. 我早起为的是能锻炼一下身体。 He is a person of important social status. 他是一个有重要社会地位的人。 Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。 I can come back to my hometown some day. 总有一天我会回到家乡。 Somehow or other, the baby burst into tears. 那个婴儿不知为什么大哭起来。 You will leave your parents sooner or later. 你迟早会离开父母的。 Any new source of energy will be welcome, as there is a shortage of petroleum. 由于石油短缺, 任何一种新能源都会受欢迎。 The U.S. made the first space shuttle in the world. 美国制造了世界上第一架航天飞机。 I spent all my spare time reading poetry. 我所有的业余时间都用在诗歌阅读上。 What are you speaking about? 你们在说什么? She is a gossip and often speaks evil of others. 她是个长舌妇, 经常说别人的坏话。 He's speaking for the government. 他在代表政府发言。 Speaking of his lover, his eyes sparkled. 谈到他的情人时, 他的双眼闪烁着光芒。 Nobody speaks to him. 没人理睬他。 Would you please speak up? 请讲大声点好吗? He always speaks well of his daughter. 他总是称赞他的女儿。 He specializes in diseases of the hearts. 他是心脏病方面的专家。 He didn't spend much time on his homework. 他很快就完成了作业。 We spread white covers over the bowls to keep flies away. 我们在碗上铺了白的覆盖物防止苍蝇。 The soldier sprang at the enemy. 士兵猛扑向敌人。 He sprang from the diving-board into the water. 他从跳板上跳入水里。 He suddenly sprang to his feet when he learnt the news. 当他得知这消息时, 他突然间跳了起来。 He is paid by the police to spy on other students. 警察收买他去监视其他学生。 His conduct does not square with his words. 他言行不一致。 We have stamped out the epidemic. 我们已经把那种流行病根绝了。 He stood against our proposal. 他反对我们的建议。 I won't stand for his insults any longer. 我再不能容忍他的污辱了。 What does "ESL" stand for? "ESL" 代表什么? He stands for me. 他拥护我。 The students all stand in line to get their new books. 学生们排队取新书。 Corruption stands in the way of the development of the society. 贪污腐败妨碍社会的发展。 He always stands his ground. 他总是坚持自己的立场。 His work stands out from those of others. 他的作品比别人杰出。 I'll stand to my duty. 我要忠于职责。 He stood to his offer of $100 and would not withdraw. 他坚持要付100美元, 不肯做丝毫让步。 It stands to reason that he does not attend the meeting. 他不出席会议是合理的。 We stand up for the cause of liberty and justice. 我们拥护自由和正义。 He stares at the beggar with sympathy. 他同情地凝视着那个乞丐。 He will start for London this afternoon. 今天下午他就要动身去伦敦了。 They will soon start off. 他们很快就要动身了。 We have only six members to start with. 我们开始只有六个会员。 Why did you stay away from school? 你为什么缺课? We stayed in all day because of the rain. 因为下雨, 我们整天都待在家里。 He stayed out late last night. 昨晚他很晚才回家。 Nobody can stay out of law. 没有人能够凌驾于法律之上。 Do you always stay up? 你经常熬夜吗? He stole into the cinema without being caught. 他偷偷溜进了电影院而没有被人逮着。 He will be promoted step by step. 他将被逐步提升。 He will stick at his books till midnight. 他要读书到深夜。 Don't stick at trifles. 不要为小事犹豫不决。 A young man is sticking around waiting for the daughter of our neighbor. 一个年轻人正在附近逗留, 等待我们邻居的女儿。 We must stick to our task till it is finished. 我们必须继续工作, 直至做好为止。 His words stirred up my hatred. 他的话激起了我的仇恨。 Is he stopping at the hotel? 他是住在这个旅馆里吗? He stopped off at Beijing. 他在北京下了车。 They have straightened out a very complicated problem. 他们已经把一个非常复杂的问题搞清楚了。 You'd better straighten up your house. 你最好把屋子搞整洁。 They stroke at their enemy. 他们攻击了敌人。 He was struck dumb by her sharp question. 他被她那尖锐的问题弄得哑口无言。 Strike his name off the list. 把他的名字从名单上划去。 The criminal's head was struck off. 罪犯的头被砍去。 The boss struck off 100 dollars from the salary of the employee as fine. 老板从这个雇员的工资里扣除100美元作为罚款。 He strives for the truth. 他努力追求真理。 He stumbled against a stone. 他被一块石头绊倒了。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司