翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 接收 approach formation 接敌队形 combat area 接战地区 to report victory 捷报 defiladed position 掩蔽位置 shelter 掩蔽部 | 掩体 to cover | mask | screen 掩护 covering fire 掩护射击 barrage 掩护炮火 covering force 掩护部队 screening formation 掩护队形 to cover retreat 掩护撤退 fire swept area 扫射地区 mine sweeper [CM] 扫雷舰 mopping up 扫荡 clean-up operation 扫荡战 body pocket 挂彩 to hang arms 挂枪 dog extractor 挂弹钩 to assume the defensive 采取守势 | 采取攻势 PLAT [platoon] 排 displacement tonnage 排水量 tristichous 排成三列 platoon commander 排长 platoon sergeant 排附 file leader 排头 life boat 救生舟 life preserver | life jacket 救生背心 life-saving ring 救生圈 survival equipment 救生设备 life raft 救生筏 AMB [ambulance] 救护车 training regiment 教导团 oblique movement 斜行运动 revolving gun 旋转炮[角度有限者] telescopic sight 望远瞄准镜 advance by echelon 梯次前进 barrel roll 桶式滚 anti-personnel mine 杀伤地雷 anti-personnel bomb 杀伤弹 composite sailing 混合航法 be deep in enemy's rear 深入敌后 depth bomb 深水炸弹 deep submergence rescue vehicle [DSRV] 深水救援艇 purifier 净油机 containment | diversion 牵制 holding action 牵制战 terrific bombardment 猛烈轰炸 assigned personnel 现有人员 SOP [standing operating procedure] 现行作业程序 active service 现役 schema | scheme | diagram 略图 dispersal 疏散 decentralization of population 疏散人口 dispersal area 疏散区 open formation 疏散队形 extended formation 疏开队形 strainer 粗滤器 microbe bomb 细菌炸弹 section 组 ASSY [assembly] 组合件 | 总承 T/O [table of organization] 组织表 organization-functional chart 组织职掌表 to remove the cap 脱帽 out of contact 脱离 coxswain 舵手 | 艇长 tiller 舵柄 helm 舵机 boardside fire 舷侧射击 scuttle | porthole 舷窗 exotic fuel 舶来燃料 | 高级燃料 dead reckoning navigation 船位推算航海 stern 船尾 astern firing 船尾射击 navicular cap 船形军帽 hull frame 船身架构 bilge 船底污水 bow 船首 head fast 船首缆 gangway 船梯口 | 舷门 bulwark | gunwale 船舷 marine diesel 船舶用柴油机 dock landing ship [LSD] 船坞登陆艇 wake 船迹 bulkhead 船隔板 hold 船舱 rated personnel 被考核人员 CLO [clothing] 被服 bed roll 被盖卷 pocket battleship 袖珍战舰 stripes | chevron 袖章 pocket position 袋形阵地 perforation 贯穿力 SHPMT [shipment] 货运 house arrest 软禁 safe-conduct 通行证 signal communication 通信 TFC [traffic] | COMM [communication] 交通 signal corps 通信兵团 ventilator 通风器 signal troops 通讯部队 despatch boat 通报舰 company 连 company commander 连长 continuous fire in bursts 连续点放 quick-firing gun 速射炮 STEN [stenographer] 速记员 successive movement 逐次运动 transparent chart 透明图 DEPT [department] 部 | 署 | 局 | 司 fractional bombardment system [FOBS] 部分轨道袭击系统 LDR [leader] 部队长 | 小部队长 unit designation 部队番号 allocation of force 部队调配 FLD [field] 野外[机场] field maneuvers 野外演习 field gun 野炮 field warfare | field operation 野战 field works 野战工事 FO [field order] 野战命令 FA [field artillery] 野战炮兵 FM [field manual] 野战教范 air-ground operation 陆空作战 the army [A] | the land force 陆军 army colonel 陆军上校 army captain 陆军上尉 army general 陆军上将 LT [lieutenant] 陆军中尉 army major 陆军少校 LT [lieutenant] | second lieutenant 陆军少尉 ARMA [army attache] 陆军武官 AR [army regulations] 陆军法规 army warrant officer 陆军准尉 Army Special Warfare School 陆军特种作战学校 Army Finance & Quartermaster School 陆军财经学校 Women's Army Corps Service Medal 陆军妇女工作队服务奖章 First Army NCO School 陆军第一士校 Army Signal School 陆军通讯兵学校 APO [army post office] 陆军邮局 army commander-in-chief 陆军总司令 Army, Navy and Air Force Medal 陆海空军奖章 gloom 阴膛线[炮的构造] sabotage 阴谋破坏 torpedo 鱼雷 motor torpedo boat [PT] 鱼雷快艇 torpedo attack 鱼雷攻击 torpedo wake 鱼雷航迹 torpedo bomber 鱼雷轰炸机 RES [reserve] 备用 | 预备 alternative plan 备用计划 MEMO [memorandum] 备忘录 paratrooper | parachutist 伞兵 paratroops | airborne troops 伞兵部队 | 空降部队 parachute missile 伞投飞弹 parachute flare 伞投照明弹 | 照明伞 maximum effective range 最大有效射程 final victory 最后胜利 triumph | to triumph 凯旋 entertainment for the troops 劳军 The Order of Victory 胜利纪念勋章 ELM [element] 单位[部队] BOQ [bachelor officers' quarters] 单身军官宿舍 telescope 单筒望远镜 monoplane 单翼机 single ship action 单舰战斗 message ending 报尾 to call off | to count off 报数 message heading 报头 routine message 寻常电文 call to quarters 就寝号 demobilization plan 复员计划 color-bearer 掌旗兵 to improve morale 提高士气 to change step 换步 to change arms 换肩 cartel ship 换俘船 shift 换班 | 轮班 to change the guard 换岗 Good Conduct Medal 敦品奖章 suicide squad member 敢死队员 foxhole | dugout 散兵坑 straggler 散兵游勇 fire trench 散兵壕 to extend 散开 dispersed formation 散开队形 radiator 散热器 GPVEH [general purpose vehicle] 普通车辆 | 通用车辆 clear air turbulence 晴空乱流 The Order of Brilliant Star 景星勋章 defense in woods 森林防御 hangar 棚厂 | 飞机库 hangar deck 棚厂甲板 to deceive 欺敌 disabled soldier 残废士兵 remnant enemy troops 残余敌军 HAR [harbor] 港口 harbor tugboat [YTB] 港口拖船 guerilla | guerrilla | ranger 游击队 | 游击队员 guerilla warfare 游击战 river crossing operation 渡河作战 river crossing formation 渡河队形 turbine engine 涡轮引擎 navigation by stars 测星航海 sounding lead 测深锤 surveying ship [AGS] 测量舰 roblitz 无人轰炸机的闪电轰炸 unconditional surrender 无条件投降 robot bomber 无线电操纵轰炸机 landing area 登陆地区 landing operations 登陆作战 landing ship tank 登陆坦克 landing assault 登陆突击 landing formation 登陆队形 landing craft 登陆艇 landing ramp 登陆跳板[斜坡] landing maneuver 登陆演习 landing pier 登陆码头 star shell 发光弹 launching base 发射基地 engine 发动机 | 引擎 transmitting station 发报台 short-range attack missile [SRAM] 短程攻击飞弹 short-range fighter 短程战斗机 S/T [short ton] 短吨 at ease 稍息 uniform speed 等速 CW [continuous wave] 等幅波 shako 筒形军帽 to respond to the password 答口令 capstan 绞索柱 winch 绞盘 Order of the Purple Heart 紫心勋章 T/A [table of allowance] 给予表 distilling ship [AW] 给水船 oiler [AO] 给油船 RAT [rations] | subsistence 给养 | 粮秣 to mop up 肃清残余 diamond formation 菱形队形 frogman 蛙人 disarmament 裁军 | 解除武装 visual communication 视号通信 registered tonnage 注册吨数 cross-ocean flight 越洋长途飞行 cross-country march 越野行军 supersonic plane 超音速飞机 supersonic transport [SST] 超音速运输机 supersonic jet fighter 超音速喷射战斗机 50-megaton superbomb 超级核子弹 supersubmarine 超级潜艇 by pass 超越 double time-march 跑步走 bursting bomb 开花炸弹 devastator bullet 开花弹[会爆炸具破坏性的] unlocking 开闩 blue peter 开航旗 to shoot down 开枪 | 击落 recoil | kick 开枪之座力 open terrain 开阔地形 indirect fire 间接射击 sporadic fighting 间歇性战斗 interval 间隔 EXO [executive officer] 队附 | 团附 | 营附 | 连附 guidon 队旗 ECH [echelon] 阶层 | 梯队 lands 阳膛线[炮的构造] concentrated attack 集中攻击 artillery concentration 集中炮火 to fall in 集合 assembly formation 集合队形 assembly call 集合号 rally point 集合点 assembly area | build-up area 集结地区 staging area 集结整备地区 army group 集团军 on-top-flight 云上飞行 The Order of Cloud and Banner 云麾勋章 Wampoa Military Academy 黄埔军官学校[今陆军官校之前身] mercenary 佣兵 messenger 传令兵 messenger car 传令车 casing 传爆管 tear gas bomb 催泪弹 casualties 伤亡 to suppress bandits 剿匪 SVC [service] 勤务 orderly | striker | steward 勤务兵 circular tail chase 圆圈追踪飞行 plastic submarine 塑胶潜艇 completion question | fill-in-the-blank question 填空法 cadre 干部 seasoned troops 干练部队 reconnaissance 搜索 emergency repair 抢修 to beach 抢滩 to present arms 敬礼[举枪] draftee | conscript 新兵 casemate 暗炮台 air sickness 晕机 rendezvous point 会合点 linkup 会师 CONF [conference] 会议 understudy 业务代理人 wedge formation 楔形队形 polar distance 极距 secret message 极机密电 rear ship 殿后舰 skidding 滑 taxiway | glide 滑行道 glider 滑翔机 lubricator 滑润器 smokestack | funnel 烟囱 smoke shell 烟幕弹 illuminating fire 照明射击 flare bomb 照明弹 PI [photo interpreter] 照相判读员 Regulus 狮座星 IG [inspector general] 督察长 SUPV [supervise] 督导 blockhouse 碉堡 | 木堡 restriction | confined to barracks 禁足 contraband 禁制品 restricted area 禁区 confinement 禁闭 guard house | guard room 禁闭室 bastion 棱堡 | 基地 | 堡垒 longitude 经度 quartermaster 经理官 | 后勤部队军官 [English history] yeomanry 义勇骑兵[英史] volley fire 群射 | 齐一射击 salvo 群弹齐射 | 一齐轰炸 appointed by invitation 聘任 boat gun 艇炮 flotilla 艇队 bugler 号兵 replacement 补充兵 | 补充部队 auxiliary gun 补助炮 supplementary position 补助阵地 auxiliary ocean tugboat [ATA] 补助远洋拖船 auxiliary ship 补助舰 | 辅助舰 SUP [supply] | supplies 补给 SB [supply bulletin] 补给通报 paster 补靶纸 | 贴笺纸 to load 装子弹 ARMD [armoured] 装甲 armored deck 装甲甲板 armored corps 装甲兵 armored vehicle 装甲车 armored cruiser 装甲巡洋舰 kit 装具 malinger 装病 EQUIP [equipment] 装备 embarkation area 装载地区 stowage diagram 装载图解 to feed a rifle with bullets 装弹 fall out | dismiss 解散 test hop | test flight 试飞 test pilot 试飞员 fire for adjustment | trial-shot 试射 IC [information center] 资料中心 road block 路障 | 道路阻绝 parachute jumping tower 跳伞塔 ricochet | ricochet shot 跳弹 ricochet fire 跳弹射击 on your knees | kneel down 跪下 fire-kneeling-ready 跪射预备 gun carrier 载炮车 sludge removal barge [RSR] 运泥驳船 ferry pilot 运送飞机驾驶员 maneuvering capacity 运动力 movement plan 运动计划 freighter 运货船 B/L [bill of lading] 运货单 collier 运煤船 cargo plane | air transporter | box-car | aerotransport | freighter | transporter 运输机 transport ship [AP] 运输舰 dumdum | dumdum bullet 达姆弹[在体内会扩散] RON [remain over night] 过夜 transition flight 过渡飞行 cobalt bomb 钴弹 pincer-attack | pincers-attack 钳形攻势 debouching march | defile march 隘路行军 radar 雷达 radar search destroyer [DDR] 雷达搜索驱逐舰 radar screen 雷达网 primer 雷管 electric-powered submarine 电力潜水艇 electronic navigation 电子仪器航海 MSG [message] 电文 ELC [electric] 电的 SWBD [switch board] 电话总机 electrified barbed wire 电网 isolated band 零星小股 bull's-eye 靶心 firing range 靶场 rehearsal 预行演习 predetermined target 预定目标 ETA [estimated time of arrival] 预计到达时间 ETD [estimated time of departure] 预计离开时间 reserve NCO [noncommissioed officer] 预备士官 Armed Forces Reserve Medal 预备役奖章 ROTC [reserve officers' training corps] 预备军官训练队 alternate position 预备阵地 first call 预备号 stubborn resistance 顽强抵抗 blower 鼓风器 wingman 僚机 war-weariness 厌战 REGT [regiment] 团 regimental commander 团长 group spirit | [France] esprit de corps 团队精神 regiment control district 团管区 team accuracy | team accuracy parachute 团体定点跳伞 mass jump | mass jump parachute 团体跳伞 map maneuver 图上作业 dunnage 垫料 trench fight 堑壕战 capture | to capture 夺取 live ammunition practice 实弹射击 LAB [laboratory] 实验室 on probation 察看 maneuver between two sides 对抗演习 aerial target position 对空射姿 to align | to aline 对齐 ultimate destruction 彻底歼灭 slow roll 慢滚 ruthless bombing 惨炸 withdrawal 撤退 route of withdrawal 撤退路线 flag pole | flag staff 旗竿 flagstaff 旗杆 flag semaphore 旗语 flagship 旗舰 Medal of Honor 荣誉勋章 HOW [howitzer] 榴弹炮 shrapnel 榴霰弹 gun stock 枪托 to withdraw arms 枪放下 | 礼毕 sling 枪背带 fusillade 枪炮齐射 cleaning rod 枪通条 pillbox 枪堡 rifle grenade 枪榴弹 lancer 枪骑兵 dry run 演习 floating mine 漂流水雷 China traitor [signifies a Chinese national] 汉奸 SAT [satisfactory] 满意的 infiltration 渗透 taps 熄灯号 largess 犒赏金 | 犒赏品 observation post 监视哨 surveillance of hostile movement 监视敌人行动 aimed fire 瞄准射击 sight 瞄准器 aiming point 瞄准点 MGT [management] 管理 precision fire 精密射击 crack troop 精锐部队 EMERG [emergency] 紧急 emergency landing 紧急降落 alarm assembly 紧急集合 urgent alert 紧急警报 MAINT [maintenance] 维护 | 保养 ACK [acknowledge] 认收 diversion 诱敌 | 牵制攻击 decoy 诱敌设施 supplementary commands 辅助口令 AUX [auxiliary] 辅助的 auxiliary troops 辅助部队 auxiliary parachute 辅助伞 | 副伞 LA [light arms] 轻兵器 chasseur | light infantry 轻步兵 light cruiser [CL] 轻型巡洋舰 light gun 轻炮 light cargo ship 轻货船 minor bombardment 轻微轰炸 hussar 轻骑兵 light bomber 轻轰炸机 seagoing dredge [AGO] 远洋挖泥船 ocean tug rescue [ATR] 远洋救助拖船 long-range fire 远程射击 distance fighter | long-range fighter 远程战斗机 Silver Lifesaving Medal 银色救生勋章 Silver Star Medal 银星勋章 Bronze Star Medal 铜星勋章 bit 衔铁 barrier 障碍物 RQMT [requirement] 需求 navigator 领航员 collar patch | gorget patch 领章 pilot flag 领港旗 Cravat 领绶级 simultaneous movement 齐一运动 forward march 齐步走 guard of honor 仪队 instrument flight 仪器飞行 jet engine 喷射发动机 | 喷射引擎 jet fighter 喷射战斗机 jet aircraft 喷射机 turbopropeller aircraft 喷射螺旋桨机 reinforcements 增援部队 crash | to crash 坠毁 SALV [salvage] 废料 | 打捞 shell hole 弹穴 cartridge clip 弹夹 artillery spotting 弹着点观测 ballistic missile 弹道飞弹 ballistic correction 弹道修正 bullet 弹头 AMMO [ammunition] 弹药 ammunition truck | caisson 弹药车 ammunition depot 弹药站 ammunition ship [AS] 弹药船 angary quartering 徵用民房 conscription 徵兵 presents for the troops 慰劳品 contaminated area 撒毒地区 Gratuity Department 抚恤处 enemy 敌兵 withdrawal from battle 敌前撤退 devastation 敌产破坏 QTY [quantity] 数量 exposed position 暴露位置 European-African Middle-Eastern Campaign Medal 欧非中东作战奖章 SUB [submarine] 潜水艇 submarine torpedo craft 潜航水雷艇 submarine mother-ship 潜艇母舰 submarine attack 潜艇攻击 submarine tender 潜艇补给舰 submarine warfare 潜艇战 familiarization flight | proficiency flight 熟悉飞行 award 奖品 latitude 纬度 consolidation 编并 authorized personnel 编制人员 T/O&E [table of organization & equipment] 编装表 surplus personnel 编余人员 deferment | recall | recall service 缓召 | 缓役 deferred message 缓发电文 buffer zone 缓冲地带 premature burst 膛炸 stalemate 胶着状态 guard 卫兵 guard mount 卫兵交接礼 GDHSE [guard house] 卫兵室 guard roster 卫兵值勤名簿 bugle call for the charge 冲锋号 machine carbine 冲锋枪 indorsing officer 复考官 refresher training 复训 sophisticated missile 复杂飞弹 commendation & citation 褒奖状 RQST [request] 请求 promotion transfer 调升 INVES [investigate] 调查 transfer | to transfer 调差 governor 调速器 to mark time 踏步 | 原地踏步 mark time march 踏步走 chief engineer 轮机长 TN [train] 辎重 impedimenta troops 辎重队 encounter | to encounter 遭遇 meeting engagement | military encounter 遭遇战 review | to review 阅兵 | 校阅 reviewing platform 阅兵台 naval review 阅舰式 saddle 鞍 consolidation of position 巩固阵地 LOC [location] 驻地 pilot 驾驶员 control stick 驾驶杆 ASAP [as soon as possible] 尽快 contrail 凝结尾 | 飞行云 ribbon 勋表 decorations and medals 勋章和奖章 decoration 勋奖 tonnage 吨位 porthole | embrasure 枪眼 | 炮眼 SCH [school] 学校 primer line 导火线 GM [guided missile] 导向飞弹 military police [MP] | gendarme 宪兵 provost marshal 宪兵司令 trophy 战利品 landing craft tank [LCT] | landing ship-tanks [LST] 战车登陆艇 antitank mine 战防地雷 anti-tank artillery 战防炮兵 operation map 战况图 mobilization war-plan 战争动员计划 warmonger 战争贩子 | 好战者 combatant 战斗人员 | 战斗兵 fighting strength 战斗力 battle front 战斗正面 zone of action 战斗地区 order of battle 战斗序列 battle cruiser 战斗巡洋舰 battle formation | combat formation 战斗队形 fighting flag 战斗旗 battleship action 战斗舰的战斗 fighter bomber 战斗轰炸机 combat zone 战区 strategic guidance 战略方针 strategic material 战略物资 STRAT [strategic] 战略的 strategic blockade 战略封锁 strategic withdrawal 战略撤退 tactical march 战术行军 tactical air navigation [TACAN] | [Tacan] 战术空军导航系统 TAC [tactical air command] 战术空运司令部 tactical signal 战术信号 tactical formation 战术队形 tactical movement 战术运动 tactical organization 战术编组 battle line 战线 warship 战舰 AWOL [absent without leave] 擅离职守 | 不假外出 drill manual 操典 drill ground 操练场 stretcher 担架 army bearer corps 担架队 rehabilitation 整顿 | 复原 side step 横步 line abreast 横队 tree mask 树木掩护 OD [olive drab] 橄榄色 olive drab [OD] 橄榄色冬季制服 landing craft rubber [LCR] 橡皮登陆艇 Medal of Oak Leaf Cluster 橡叶勋章 BRG [bridge] 桥 BRGHD [bridge head] 桥头堡 crew members 机上工作人员 crew chief 机工长 fuselage 机身 maneuverability 机动力 mobile defense 机动防御 SS20 mobile nuclear missile 机动核子飞弹 mobile force 机动部队 confidential message 机密电 landing craft mechanized [LCM] 机械化登陆艇 mechanized cavalry 机械化骑兵 engine room 机械室 airfield elevation 机场标高 belly landing 机腹降落 machine gun fire 机枪射击 gun sight 机枪瞄准器 to nose down 机头朝下降落 wings 机翼 machine-gun 机关枪 machine gun shelter 机关枪掩体 burning train 烧引线 LGTS [lights] 灯 light ship [AL] 灯船 propellant 燃料 | 发射火药 IB [incendiary bomb] 燃烧弹 pinpoint target 独立目标 detached post 独立哨 rolled cloak 御寒外衣 active air defense 积极防空 rebellion 谋反 espionage 谍报 | 间谍行为 fallout | radioactive dust 辐射尘 transportation troops 输送部队 bereaved family 遗族 side-arms 随身武器 sutler 随军小贩 military correspondent 随军记者 retainer 随军商人[雇用] retinue | entourage 随从 flying radio operator 随机通讯员 flying engineer 随机机务员 static firing 静止发射 visor 头盔遮光板 | 帽舌 first-class cabin 头等舱 sternpost 龙尾骨 keel 龙骨 keel block review 龙骨盘木 message priority 优先电 oil storage barge [YOS] 储油驳船 to overcome 压倒 ballast 压舱物 insignia | emblem | badge 徽章 Atlas 擎天神 firing 击 to repel 击退 to ground 搁浅 EXAM [examine] | INSP [inspect] 检查 | 考试 BN [battalion] 营 BKS [barracks] 营房 battalion commander 营长 lookout post 了望哨 Scholarship Medal 绩学奖章 CINC [commander-in-chief] 总司令 GHQ [general headquarters] 总司令部 total mobilization 总动员 gross tonnage 总吨数 general warfare | total warfare 总体战 end-on fire 纵向射击 defense in depth 纵深防御 CLM [column] 纵队 column cover 纵队掩护 JOC [joint operation center] 联合作战中心 JCS [joint chiefs of staff] 联合参谋首长 United Nations Service Medal 联合国服务奖章 joint maneuver 联合演习 combined fleet 联合舰队 liaison officer 联络官 combined service force 联勤 commander-in-chief of combined service forces 联勤总司令 brassard 臂章 temporary line of resistance 临时抵抗线 TEMP [temporary] 临时的 to port arms 举枪 to lift the rifle to sight 举枪瞄准 spin | to spin 螺旋下降 propeller fighter 螺旋桨战斗机 propeller aircraft 螺旋桨机 to avoid decisive action 避免决定性战斗 bomb proof 避弹室 bullet proof jacket 避弹马甲 prevention of collision 避撞 to return a salute 还礼 | 答礼 anchor 锚 cable 锚链 boiler room 锅炉室 invisible weapon 隐形武器 stealth plane 隐形飞机 stealth bomber 隐形轰炸机 close terrain 隐蔽地形 Korean Service Medal 韩战服役奖章 jungle warfare 丛林战 widening the gap 扩大突破口 exploit success | exploitation 扩张战果 augmentation 扩编 grenade discharger 掷弹筒 attack to disturb 扰乱性攻击 harassing fire 扰乱射击 homeward-bound pennant 归国旒旗 tattoo 归营号 filter 滤毒罐 Falcon 猎鹰 saluting gun 礼炮 directly appointed 简任 hasty work 简单工事 sketch map 简图 provisions 粮食 | 军粮 store ship [AF] 粮食补给船 hayloft | silo 粮秣仓 OVHL [overhaul] 翻修 | 大修 loop | to loop 翻筋斗 DY [duty] 职务 duty status 职务身分 AUTH [authority] 职权 appointed on recommendation 荐任 retrograde movement 转进运动 transshipment area 转载地区 MO [medical officer] 医官 HOSP [hospital] 医院 hospital ship [AH] 医院船 key area 锁钥地区 key terrain feature 锁钥地貌 key position 锁钥阵地 Mace B 锤矛B miscellaneous ship 杂务船 irregular army 杂牌军 binoculars 双筒望远镜 double-barreled pistol 双管手枪 biplane 双翼机 additional personnel | non T/O personnel 额外人员 CAV [cavalry] 骑兵 mounted sentinel 骑兵斥候 cavalry charge 骑兵突击 cavalry search 骑兵搜索 cavalry search team 骑兵搜索队 squadron | cavalry squadron 骑兵营 column of troopers 骑兵纵队 [France] vedette 骑哨 Horsemanship Medal 骑术奖章 on the brink of total collapse 濒于总崩溃 moored mine 系留水雷 ratlins | ratlings 绳梯 disarmed 缴械 powder bag 药包 wing flap 襟翼 squatting position 蹲姿 commander of frontier defense 边防司令 locking 关锁 The Order of Precious Tripod 宝鼎勋章 intercepter 拦截机 column of ships 舰列 poop deck 舰尾楼 sea captain | captain 舰长 captain's cabin | commanding officer's cabin 舰长室 bow fire 舰首射击 bow gun 舰首炮 forecastle 舰首楼 dingey | [Hindi] dinghy 舰旁小艇 fleet action 舰队的战斗 fleet ocean tug [ATF] 舰队远洋拖船 fleet ballistic missile [FBM] 舰队弹道导弹 ship to ship action 舰对舰的战斗 bridge 舰桥 contact mine 触发水雷 | 触发地雷 stranding 触礁 admonishment 警告 security area 警戒地区 alarm gun 警戒炮 war cruising 警戒航行 | 战略航行 commander-in-chief of garrison command 警备总司令 air-raid siren | signal alarm 警报器 annihilation 歼灭 war of extermination 歼灭战 dogfight 缠斗 | 混战 | 近距离激战 escort aircraft carrier [CVE] 护航航空母舰 escort rescue craft [PCER] 护航救助艇 escort vessel [DE] 护航舰 destroyer escort [DE] 护航驱逐舰 bombardier 轰炸员 bomb sight 轰炸瞄准器 BL [bombline] 轰炸线 wire entanglements 铁丝网 open cargo lighter [YCK] 露天货驳 open lighter [YC] 露天驳船 to eject 驱逐 destroyer tender [AD] 驱逐母舰 pursuit plane 驱逐机 destroyer [DD] 驱逐舰 destroyer flotilla 驱逐舰队 submarine chaser [SC] 驱潜艇 BH [beachhead] 滩头堡 beach obstacle 滩头障碍 beach marker 滩头标志 listening post 听音哨 interception 窃听 displacement position 变换[转移]阵地 to change formation 变换队形 turncoat 变节者 | 叛徒 conspicuous object 显着目标 corporal punishment 体罚 observed fire 观测射击 observation car 观察车 pennant 旒旗[勤务舰] | 细长三角旗 formation at anchor 碇泊队形 population 人口 migrant 移民 head of household 户长 variable 变数 demography 人口学 life table 生命表 age group 年龄组 sex ratio 性比率 satellite city 卫星城 questionnaire 调查表 migration rate 迁移率 urbanization 城市化 underpopulation 人口不足 population distribution 人口分布 aging of population 人口老化 population replacement 人口更替 population studies 人口研究 characteristics of the population 人口特性 population base 人口基数 population density 人口密度 population theory 人口理论 population statistics 人口统计 population planning 人口规划 population census 人口普查 population decline | population decrease 人口减少 overpopulation 人口过剩 population projection 人口预测 population growth | population increase 人口增长 demographic data 人口数据 population quality 人口质量 demographer 人口学家 metropolitan area 大都会区 household register | household record 户口名簿 household registration system 户口制度 date of birth 出生日期 place of birth 出生地点 vital index 生命指数 vital statistics 生命统计 annual rate of growth 年增长率 age structure 年龄结构 purposive sampling 有意抽样 macro approach 宏观方法 qualitative research 定性研究 quantitative research 定量研究 sampling distribution 抽样分布 sampling unit 抽样单位 sampling interval 抽样间隔 sampling error 抽样误差 sampling survey 抽样调查 aimlessly drifting population 盲流人口 urban population 城市人口 closed population 封闭人口 transient population 流动人口 drifting population 流散人口 internal migration 国内迁移 international migration 国际迁移 resident population | permanent population 常住人口 dependent population 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司