翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 运动场[周围有看台] sportsmanship 运动精神 | 运动员风度 sports facility 运动器具 dribbling 运球 unsportsmanlike conduct 违反运动道德行为 electric scoreboard 电动记分板 love [tennis] 零分[网球] love-all [tennis] 零平[网球] pre-game ticket 预售票 spare ball 预备球 trial heat | preliminary heat 预赛 teamwork 团队工作 group championship | team championship 团体冠军 team competition 团体赛 close game 实力相近赛 be deadlocked 实力相等 worthy opponent | rival 实力相当之对手 | 劲敌 fiasco 惨败 to muff | blow 漏接 capacity crowd 满座 seeded team 种子队 end line 端线 administration 管理 free throw | penalty shot 罚球 miscount 误算 outside shot 远投 | 远射 expedition team 远征队 trophy 银杯 silver shield 银盾 silver medal 银牌 silver urn 银鼎 bronze medal 铜牌 advantage 领先 Jury of Appeal 审判委员会 announcer 广播员 consolation match 慰劳赛 time-out 暂停 charged time-out 暂停记录 warming-up exercise 热身运动 winner's platform 奖台 citation | honorable mention 奖状 | 荣誉奖 prize 奖品 medal 奖牌 stopwatch 码表 practice match 练习赛 championship fight 卫冕赛 semi-final 复赛 foot fault 踏线犯规 to leave the court without permission 擅自离场 contestant | player 选手 selection team 选手队 to choose sides 选边 pennant 锦旗 title holder 锦标保持者 tournament 锦标赛 narrow victory 险胜 champion cup 优胜杯 champion pennant 优胜旗 overwhelming victory 压倒性胜利 final score 总分 round-robin 总循环 leader 总领队 feint | to feint 声东击西 league game 联赛 counter-attack | return | to return 还击 invitation game 邀请赛 to make a shot 掷中 to throw the ball 掷球 interference 扰乱 | 干扰 professional team 职业队 professional player | pro 职业运动员 to turn defeat into victory 转败为胜 biathlon 双项运动 too many time-outs | excess time-outs 额外暂停 sideline 边线 close guarding 严守 flagrant foul 严重犯规 to put the ball into play 继续比赛 warning 警告 vital match 护级赛 wrist pad 护腕 bleachers 露天看台 counselor 顾问 be evicted | be evicted from the game 驱逐离场 to count the seconds 读秒 gym | gymnasium 体育馆 triple jump | hop, step & jump 三级跳远 hop 三级跳远第一跳 step 三级跳远第二跳 jump 三级跳远第三跳 to hop 单脚跳 ruler | tape | measuring tape 尺 standing broad jump 立定跳远 wire-safety cage 安全网 throwing circle 投掷圈 javelin throw 投掷标枪 broad jump pit 沙坑 sector zone 扇形地带 take-off 起跳 take-off board 起跳板 take-off line 起跳线 take-off point 起跳点 tape measure 基准线测量器 putting circle | putting ring 推球立足圈 shot put 推铅球 take-off box 插斗 planting the pole 插竿 surveyor 测量员 measure 量尺 knocking down the bar 碰倒横杆 trial 试掷 high jump 跳高 high jump standard 跳高架 high jumper 跳高选手 broad jump | long jump 跳远 broad jumper 跳远选手 shot 铅球 shot-putter 铅球选手 step | to step 垫步[三级跳跨步] vaulting pole 撑竿 pole-vault 撑竿跳 placement box 撑竿跳木盒 pole-vault | pole jump 撑竿跳高 pole-vaulter 撑竿跳选手 releasing the pole 撒竿 javelin 标枪 cord 标枪上之细绳 javelin thrower 标枪选手 crossbar 横竿 crossbar support 横竿钉 steel tape 钢尺 discus throw | hammer throw 掷铁饼 jump | to jump 双足跳[三级跳] hammer 链球[田径] hammer thrower | discus thrower 链球选手 discus 铁饼 steel wire 铁链 100-meter race 100米赛跑 | 100公尺赛跑 110-metre high hurdles 110米高栏 200-metre low hurdles 200米低栏 400-metre intermediate hurdles 400米中栏 middle distance race 中程跑 lane 分道 outside lane | outer lane 外道 | 外圈 all-weather track 全天候跑道 long distance race 长程跑 lap-counting apparatus 计圈器 marathon race 马拉松长跑 relay race 接力赛跑 last lap 最后一圈 dash | sprint | short distance race 短跑 cross-country race | point-to-point race 越野赛跑 synthetic surface track 塑胶跑道 inside lane | inner lane 里道 | 里圈 hurdles race 跨栏赛 obstacle race | steeple race 障碍赛 round-the-island walkathon 环岛竞走 race | to race 赛跑 heel-and-toe walking race | foot race 竞走 intermediate hurdle 中栏 inner lane 内圈 lane-dividing line 分道路线 acceleration 加速 cheer | to cheer 叫“加油" outer lane 外圈 track & field area 田径场 standing start 立姿起跑 "on your mark" 各就各位 early-start detector 早跑测定器 low hurdle 低栏 trail | to trail 尾随人后 turning mark 折回标志 decisive point 决胜点 straightaway 直线跑道 oval 径赛场 unfair start 起步不公 starting hole 起跑洞[助跑用] starting line 起跑线 spiked shoes 钉鞋 Marathon runner 马拉松选手 high hurdle 高栏 false start 偷步 | 犯规起步 International Field Athletic Federation 国际田径协会 baton 接力棒 baton pass 接棒 relay runner 接棒者 baton-passing area | hand-over zone 接棒区 first runner 第一棒运动员 goal 终点[田径] terminal post 终点柱 finish line 终点线 anchor man 最后一棒运动员 starting pistol 发令枪 track | course 跑道 one lap 跑道一圈 inner boundary of the track 跑道内边界 outer boundary of the track 跑道外边界 lane line 跑道线 turn 圆形跑道 hurdler 跨栏选手 to get set 预备 scriber 划线机 obstacle course 障碍跑道 impulse 冲力 to breast the tape 冲过终点线 rail 横栏 | 横木[田径] crouching start 蹲姿起跑 walker 竞走选手 hurdle 栏 water sprinkler 洒水器 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部 Protocol Department 礼宾司 Information Department 新闻司 embassy 大使馆 legation 公使馆 consulate 领事馆 office of the charge d'affaires | agency 代办处 military attache's office 武官处 commercial counsellor's office 商务处 press section | information service 新闻处 liaison office 联络处 consulate-general 总领事馆 diplomatic mission 外交代表机构 ambassador 大使 minister 公使 charge d'affaires 代办 military attache 武官 special representative | emissary | special envoy 特使 counselor 参事 emissary 密使 envoy 专使 consul 领事 attache 随员 diplomat | diplomatic officer 外交官 vice consul 副领事 consul general 总领事 first secretary 一等秘书 second secretary 二等秘书 third secretary 三等秘书 ambassadress | ambassador's wife 大使夫人 Sinologist | China-watcher 中国专家 cultural ambassador 文化使节 cultural counselor 文化参事 cultural secretary 文化参赞 cultural attache 文化专员 Japanologist | Japan-watcher 日本专家 acting consul 代理领事 diplomatic personnel 外交人员 diplomatic representative 外交代表 special diplomatic envoy 外交专使 ambassador plenipotentiary 全权大使 delegate plenipotentiary 全权代表 honorary consul 名誉领事 roving ambassador 巡回大使 governmental envoy 政府特使 political counselor 政治参事 chief delegate 首席代表 ambassador extraordinary 特派大使 commercial counselor 商务参事 commercial secretary 商务参赞 commercial attache 商务专员 nuncio 教廷大使 internuncio 教廷公使 legate 教皇使节 military attache 陆军武官 press counselor 新闻参事 economic counselor 经济参事 consul agent 领事代办 minister resident 驻办公使 presidential envoy 总统特使 charge d'affaires ad interim 临时代办 career diplomat 职业外交家 consular staff 领事馆职员 ambassador-at-large | roving ambassador 无任所大使 military mission 军事代表团 military advisory assistance group [MAAG] 军事顾问团 diplomatic body | diplomatic corps 外交使节团 peace delegation 和平代表团 Kremlinologist | Kremlin-watcher 前苏联专家 doyen of a diplomatic corps 外交使团团长 ambassador extraordinary & plenipotentiary 特命全权大使 envoy extraordinary & plenipotentiary 特命全权公使 mission 使节 | 使节团 member of the administrative and technical staff 行政技术人员 United Nations delegations 驻联合国代表团 doyen de corps [head of diplomatic corps] 外交使节团领袖 press attache 新闻参赞 | 新闻帮办 naval attach 海军武官[大使馆内的] commnique 公报 foreign affairs 外交 to resume charge of the office | to return to one's post 返任 declaration | manifesto 宣扬 to proceed to take up one's post 赴任 letter of credence | credentials 国书 to assume one's post 就任 note 照会 statement 声明 letter of introduction 介绍书 identification card 身分证 letter of appointment 委任书 memorandum | aide-memoire 备忘录 to exchange ambassadors 互派大使 mutual recognition 互相承认 letter of recall 召回公文 diplomatic courier 外交信使 diplomatic privilege 外交特权 diplomatic bag | diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋 diplomatic practice 外交惯例 diplomatic immunities 外交豁免 formal note 正式照会 to make representations to | to take up a the matter with 向…交涉 certificate of appointment 委任证书 de jure recognition 法律承认 to express regret 表示遗憾 exequatur 许可证书 circular note 通知照会 to take exception to | to object to 提出异议 verbal note 普通照会 to present one's credentials 递交国书 during one's absence 离任期间 de facto recognition 事实上承认 diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权 persona grata 受欢迎的人 announcement 公告 | 通告 to request the consent of... 征求…的同意 persona non-grat 不受欢迎的人 to suspend diplomatic relations 中断外交关系 to upgrade diplomatic relations 外交关系升格 to lodge a protest with 向…提出抗议 establishment of diplomatic relations 建立外交关系 to establish consular relations 建立领事关系 to resume diplomatic relations 恢复外交关系 to sever diplomatic relations 断绝外交关系 be appointed ambassador to ... 被任命为驻…大使 to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level 建立大使级外交关系 tea party 茶会 | 茶话会 atmosphere of cordiality and friendship 诚挚友好的气氛 reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会 delegation 代表团 head of the delegation | leader of the delegation 团长 deputy head of the delegation | deputy leader of the delegation 副团长 member of the delegation 代表团成员 memorial speech 悼词 to develop the relations offriendship and cooperation 发展友好合作关系 prosperity and strength 繁荣富强 visit 访问 friendly visit | goodwill visit 友好访问 informal visit 非正式访问 official visit 正式访问 private visit 私人访问 state visit 国事访问 obituary 讣告 questions of common interest | questions of common concern 共同关心的问题 state banquet 国宴 message of greeting | message of congratulation 贺电 speech of welcome 欢迎词 welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 good health and a long life 健康长寿 profound condolence 深切哀悼 cordial hospitality 盛情接待 the two sides | the two parties 双方 luncheon 午宴 message of condolence | telegram of condolence 唁电 reception 招待会 toast 祝酒词 memorial meeting 追悼会 to convey one's sympathy 表示慰问 to meet with 会见 to review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队 to exchange views 交换意见 to receive 接见 to be shocked to learn ... 惊悉… be of the opinion | to hold | to consider | to maintain 认为 to propose a toast to ... 提议为…干杯 on the happy occasion of 欣逢… on learning with great joy 欣悉… to give a banquet in honour of ... 宴请… on invitation | upon invitation 应邀 at the invitation of ... 应…邀请 in the company of ... | accompanied by ... 在…陪同下 to express one's sincere congratulations and best wishes 致以衷心的祝贺和最良好的愿望 to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people 祝国家繁荣民众福祉 to take note of... 注意到… His [Her | Your] Majesty 陛下 His [Her | Your] Royal Highness 殿下 His [Her | Your] Excellency 阁下 His excellency Mr. President and Mme... …总统先生阁下和夫人 hostage 人质 interference | intervention | meddling 干涉 neutrality 中立 to raise status 升格 friendly country | friendly power 友邦 extradition 引渡 sovereignty 主权 to recall | call back | call home | call in 召回 alien 外侨 cessation of arms 休战 appoint | name 任命 alliance | union | league | association | block 同盟 follow the treaty 守约 the Cold War 冷战 compromise 妥协 to protest | to demur 抗议 ratification 批准 breakdown | rupture 决裂 agreement | convention 协定 peace talks 和谈 message 咨文 declaration 宣言 to violate the treaty 背约 to reiterate | to make a reiteration 重申 to debase status | to lower status 降格 concession 租界 trusteeship 托管 treaty | compact | pact 条约 provision 条款 pact 规约 cession 割让 prisoner of war [POW] exchange 换俘 colonist 殖民 adjudication 裁定 to negotiate peace | [colloq] to take the olive branch 媾和 recall | evacuate 撤回 cancellation 撤销 to use one's influence to settle a dispute 斡旋 charter 宪章 good will 亲善 diplomatic cessation | to sever diplomatic relations 断交 visa 签证 national border | national boundary 边境 hegemony 霸权 non-interference | non-intervention 不干涉 uncompromising 不妥协 neutralization 中立化 neutral country | neutral power | neutral state 中立国 normalization 正朝 white papers 白皮书 decision-makers 决策者 leased territory 租借地 mandatary | mandatory power 托管国 dominating power 统治国 be betrayed 被出卖 memorandum | note 备忘录 donor country | aid 援助国 colony 殖民地 yellow book 黄皮书 territorial rights 领土权 consulate 领事馆 high contracting powers 缔约国 personal message 亲笔函 turning point 转折点 signatory powers 签约国 verbal agreement 口头协定 non-belligerency guaranty 不战保障 neutral pact 中立公约 neutralism 中立主义 neutral diplomacy 中立外交 neutral zone 中立地带 neutral power | neutral country 中立强国 mutual aid agreement 互助协定 foreign intervention in domestic affairs 内政干涉 open diplomacy 公开外交 divide-and-rule 分割统治 friendship treaty 友好条约 cultural agreement 文化协定 cultural aid 文化援助 Japanese model 日本模式 unilateral denunciation 片面废约 diplomatic offensive 外交攻势 foreign affairs 外交事务 foreign policy | diplomacy 外交政策 diplomatic setbacks 外交挫折 diplomatic channel 外交途径 diplomatic relations | diplomatic ties | foreign relations 外交关系 council of foreign ministers 外长会议 foreign rule 外国统治 personal diplomacy 巨头外交 treaty of equality 平等条约 oil weapon | weaponized oil 石油武器 wavering stand 立场不稳 unwavering stand 立场坚定 prior condition 先决条件 joint communique | joint declaration | joint statement 共同声明 crisis bargaining 晰交涉 simultaneous announcement | simultaneous release 同时发表 agreement 同意表示 alliance pact 同盟公约 to suspend passport 吊销护照 multilateral agreement 多边协定 safety pact 安全公约 [France] dossier 有关文件 thaw in cold war 冷战解冻 to present credentials 呈递国书 technical assistance 技术援助 offensive & defensive alliance 攻守同盟 defence pact 防御公约 use of force 使用武力 credentials 到任国书 peaceful diplomacy | peace offensive 和平外交 peaceful coexistence 和平共存 peace offensive 和平攻势 appeasement | appeasement policy 姑息政策 sister cities 姊妹城市 isolationism 孤立主义 state visit 官式访问 humiliating diplomacy 屈辱外交 denial of justice 拒绝谈判 armed peace 武装和平 a bill becomes a law | a bill passes the Diet 法案成立 a bill is aborted | a bill is killed 法案流产 pigeonhole a bill | table a bill | shelve a bill 法案搁置 extraterritorial rights 治外法权 preliminary negotiation 初步谈判 additional provision | annex 附加条款 non-aligned country 非同盟国 anti-war pact 非战公约 north-south confrontation 南北对抗 north-south dialogue 南北对话 warmongering | saber-rattling 威吓外交 to resume diplomatic relations 恢复邦交 to resume trade relations 恢复通商 government bill 政府法案 political asylum 政治庇护 political posture 政治姿态 interdependence 相互依存 shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交 military aid 军事援助 war indemnity 军费赔偿 strategic arms limitation treaty [SALT] 限武条约 revised treaty 修订条约 special mission 特种使节 gunboat diplomacy 炮舰外交 secret diplomacy 秘密外交 secret agreement 秘密协定 secret meeting 秘密会议 lend-lease act 租借法案 smiling diplomacy 笑脸外交 write a bill | draft a bill 起草法案 forged passport 伪造护照 commercial agreement 商务协定 people-to-people diplomacy 国民外交 national interest 国家利益 national system 国家体系 international control 国际共管 international crisis 国际晰 international affairs 国际事务 International Court of Justice 国际法庭 international society 国际社会 international integration 国际统合 international practice 国际惯例 international conflict 国际冲突 international system 国际体系 to execute the treaty 执行条约 treaty document 条约文件 text of treaty 条约全文 treaty ratification 条约批准 treaty commitment | treaty obligation 条约义务 dominated power 被统治国 recipient country | aid recipient 被援助国 treaty of amity & commerce 通商条约 puppet government 傀儡政权 ultimatum 最后通牒 unilateral treaty 单边条约 present a bill | introduce a bill 提出法案 equidistant diplomacy 等距外交 trade agreement 贸易协定 superpower 超级强国 collective security 集体安全 collective treaty 集体条约 balance of power | power balance 势力均衡 economic diplomacy 经济外交 economic pact 经济协定 economic blockade | economic sanction 经济封锁 economic retaliation 经济报复 economic aid 经济援助 break off economic relations 经济断交 supplementary provision 补充条款 violate a treaty 违反条约 external policy | foreign policy | foreign relations 对外政策 foreign aid 对外援助 derecognition 撤销承认 fishing agreement 渔业协定 detente | relaxation of tension 紧张缓和 repatriation 遣送回国 declaration of territoriality 领土宣言 ceding of territory | cession of territory 领土让与 debate a bill | take up a bill | deliberate on a bill 审议法案 observe a treaty 履行条约 denunciation 废约通知 terminate a treaty | break off a treaty 废弃条约 German formula 德国模式 conclude a treaty 缔结条约 negotiate a treaty 谈判条约 global system 环球体系 joint communique 联合公报 joint declaration 联合宣言 mutual defence pact 联防公约 temporary provision 临时条款 bilateral agreement 双边协定 bilateral meeting 双边会议 to endorse a passport | to issue a passport 签发护照 sign a treaty 签署条约 tariff treaty 关税条约 strict neutrality 严守中立 deportation 驱逐出境 systems theory 体系理论 disgraceful act 不友好行动 treaty of inequality 不平等条约 notorious demand | dishonorable demand 不名誉要求 imperfect neutrality 不完全中立 non-aligned nation 不结盟国家 claim territorial rights 主张领土权 [France] dementi 外交上否认 diplomatic recognition 外交上承认 alien residence certificate | "black book" 外侨居留证 permanently neutral country | permanently neutral nation 永久中立国 certificate of permanent residence 永久居留证 ping-pong diplomacy 乒乓球外交 exchange the instruments of ratification 交换批准书 de jure recognition 合法的承认 multistate system 多国家体系 Big Two meeting 两大国会议 bilateral talks 两国间交涉 bilateral treaty 两国间条约 nuclear deterrent 核子遏阻力 international community 国际共同体 non-observance of a treaty 条约不履行 domination | dominance 统治 | 支配 most-favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇 most-favored nation clause 最惠国条款 Singapore model 新加坡模式 consular jurisdiction 领事裁判权 territory 领域 | 领土 abolition 废除 | 废止 deadlock 胶着 | 僵局 talks | conferences | negotiation 谈判 | 交涉 the Charter of Organization of United Nations 联合国宪章 conciliation 怀柔 | 和解 neutral friendship treaty 中立友好条约 principle of mutual non-interference 互不干涉原则 non-aggression pact 互不侵犯条约 foreign policy objectives 外交政策目标 treaty of alliance and mutual aid 同盟互助条约 security arrangement 安全保障措施 de facto recognition 事实上的承认 flexible foreign policy | soft foreign policy 柔软对外政策 tough foreign policy 强硬对外政策 effective date of a treaty 条约生效日期 allied nations | ally 盟国 | 同盟国 honor the treaty commitment 遵守条约义务 initial a treaty 临时签署条约 bill presented by a Diet member 议员提出法案 diplomacy 外交手腕 | 权谋 council on foreign relations 外交关系理事会 condominium 共同统治 | 共管 dominion 自治领 | 统治权 preamble 序文[条约序文] foreign interference 来自外国的干涉 immigrants 移民[他国移入] emigrants 移民[本国移出] exchange of notes 换文[交换官函] explanation of a bill | rationalization of a bill 说明法案的主旨 hot line 热线 | 直达专线 signatory | contracting member 条约[协定]签约国 arbitration 仲裁 | 公断 | 调停 protocol 外交礼节 | 条约草案 mandatory administration | mandatory rule 委任统治 | 委托管理 trust territory 委任统治权 | 托管区 power diplomacy 武力外交 | 权力外交 informal composite negotiating text 非正式综合谈判草约 communist international 第三国际 | 共产国际 war reparations 损失赔偿[含金钱等] pourparler 预备会议 | 非正式会谈 green card 绿卡[美国永久居留证] international stratification 国际层化 | 国际分岐化 multilateral treaty 多边条约 | 多国间条约 negotiations 折冲 | 协商 | 谈判 | 磋商 parley 非正式谈判[在战场上的] brush pen 毛笔 slate 石板 stone chop 石章 slate pencil 石笔 schoolbag 书包 book end 书夹 paper weight 书镇 spread pen 排笔 paintbrush 画笔 ink-slab 砚台 penholder | pen rack 笔架 pen case 笔筒 pen tray 笔盘 blackboard 黑板 pencil 铅笔 adhesive tape 胶带 pen 钢笔 crayon 蜡笔 pin 大头针 file | guard book 文件夹 stamp pad 打印台 puncher 打洞机 seal pool 印色盒 bamboo pen socket 竹笔套 blotter 吸墨具 grease pencil 油彩笔 penknife 削笔刀 pencil sharpener 削笔机 calculator 计算机 ball pen 原子笔 soft crayon | pastel 粉蜡笔 marking crayon 记号笔 clip 回纹针 staple 钉书针 stapler 钉书机 ink-slab box 砚台盒 notebook 笔记本 paper knife 裁纸刀 ivory chop 象牙章 plastic chop 塑胶章 pencil lead 铅笔芯 pencil box 铅笔盒 pen stand 钢笔座 graver 雕刻刀 paint box 颜料盒 quill 鹅毛笔 drafting board 绘图板 remover 去书钉机 pushpin 安全图钉 colored pencil 有色铅笔 fountain pen 自来水笔 mechanical pencil 自动铅笔 drawing pen 画图铅笔 letter opener 开信封器 rubber stamp 橡皮图章 vacuum fountain pen 真空墨水笔 index of authors' names 人名索引 character 人物 characterization 人物描写 primer 入门书 heroine 女主人翁 extemporaneous composition 下笔成章 be relevant to the point 切题 pseudonym | pen-name 化名 | 笔名 to reflect present-day life 反映现代生活 to reflect real life 反映现实生活 negative character | villain 反面人物 to perfect through by repeated revising 反覆修改,力求完美 to quote from the classics | documentation 引经据典 handbook 手册 | 便览 manner 手法 cultural heritage 文化遗产 malapropism 文字之滑稽误用 literary style | classical style 文言体 literary and art criticism 文艺批评 literary and art activities 文艺活动 literary and artistic creation 文艺创作 dialect 方言 main character 主要人物 theme 主题 classical literature 古典文学 potboiler 只为赚钱的粗陋作品 to intensify the impact of the art 加深艺术感染力 conceit | one's fancies 巧思 positive character 正面人物 national legacy 民族遗产 to use words inappropriately 用字欠妥 collaboration | literary collaboration 合着 memoirs | reminiscences 回忆录 minor character 次要人物 research 考据 to verify | textual research 考证 alias 别名 to erase and alter 删改 to delete 删掉 to improvise a poem 即席赋诗 epilogue 尾声 prologue 序幕 form 形式 transcription 抄写 to plagiarize | crib 抄袭 plagiarism 抄袭作风 | 剽窃作风 technique | skill 技巧 hero 男主人翁 be imbued with a strong smack of everyday life 具有强烈的生活气息 be infused with rich Chinese national colour 具有浓厚中国民族特色 red-tapism | stereotyped official writing | red-tapery 官样文章 simile 明喻 literal translation 直译 pedantic 咬文嚼字 slang 俚语 works completed by a later author 后人续文 impromptu | impromptu writing 急就章 guide 指引 | 指南 festschrift | year book | school year book 纪念专集 kill fee 约稿未登之补偿稿费 background 背景 flashback 倒叙 archetype 原型 manuscript 原稿 motto 座右铭 soul-stirring 振奋人心的 to collate | check 校阅 proverb 格言 joke book 笑话集 rough draft 草稿 rejection slip 退稿通知卡 climax 高潮 professional and amateur art and literary workers 专业和业余文艺作者 textbook 专辑 plot | story 情节 phraseology 措辞 | 文体 obscurantism 晦涩文字 to revise and make additions 添改 to adapt | adaptation 改编 | 移植 author's maiden work 处女作 pocketbook 袖珍本 comic strips 连环图画 comic book 连环图画集 moment of revealed truth 顷刻间显示之真相 magnum opus 杰作 | 钜着 ideas guiding creation in literature and art 创作思想 fountain-head of literary and artistic creation 创作源泉 comedy 喜剧 tragic flaw 悲剧缺陷 to pick up a skill without being taught 无师自通 collection of nursery rhymes 童谣集 remuneration for writing | pen payment 笔润 verbal battle [waged in the newspaper] 笔战 end 结尾 footnotes 注脚 | 附注 commentary 评介 | 注释 lyrics 词 | 长短句 to collect and research materials 搜集材料 imagist poem 意象派诗 free translation 意译 deeply moving | touching 感人肺腑 metaphor 暗譬 | 隐喻 amateur writers 业余作家 to spring from the life of the people 源于人民的生活 a line of poetry 一行诗 stanza | verse 诗的一节 schematic pamphlet 图解手册 crib text 对照译本 dialogue 对话 refined 精炼的 selected scenes 精选戏 close-knit 紧凑的 to mistranslate 误译 librettist 剧作家[以写作对话为主] to write | to compose 撰写 | 着作 to embellish 润饰 compilation 编纂 ode | prose-poetry 赋[短诗] academese 学院文章 selected writings | selected works | anthology 选本 to select a subject 选题目 cryptonym 隐名 to translate | translation 翻译 rich expressive power 丰富的表现能力 digression 离题 miscellanea 杂着 subject | topic 题目 subject matter 题材 literary genre 体材 to experience life 体验生活 special feature 专载 scoop 独家消息 seven-character "old style" verse 七言古诗 seven-character "regulated" verse 七言律诗 seven-character "cutshorts" 七言绝句 seven-character verse written for music 七言乐府 popular literature 大众文学 mini-novel 小小说 fiction 小说[总称] sonnet 十四行诗 novelette 中篇小说 five-character "old style" verse 五言古诗 five-character "regulated" verse 五言律诗 five-character "cut shorts" 五言绝句 five-character verse written for music 五言乐府 antinovel 反小说 diary 日记 epic 史诗 quatrain 四行诗 doggerel 打油诗 | 歪诗 folk literature | folklore 民间文学 folk tale 民间故事 regionalism | literary regionalism 地方文学 general biography | individual biography 列传 saga novel 家世小说 times to remember 回忆录 autobiography 自传 privately compiled biography 别传 extemporaneous poem | improvised poem | impromptu verse 即兴诗 war-resistance literature 抗战文学 lyric | lyric poem 抒情诗 Asian-American literature 亚美文学 children's literature 儿童文学 ghost story | mystery story 怪诞小说 | 神怪小说 knight errant novel | knights-errant novel 武侠小说 novel 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司