翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 糖浆 ad lib [at pleasure] 随意 pulv. [powder] 药粉 tinct. [tincture] 药酒剂 | 酊剂 contin. [let to be continued] 继续使用 policy of population growth 人口政策 no-growth population policy 人口限制政策 human rights policy 人权政策 land policy 土地政策 policy of industrial development 工业政策 Labor Party [England] 工党[英] hands-off policy | policy of non-interference 不干涉政策 Chinese Democratic Socialist Party 中国民社党 Chinese Youth Party 中国青年党 Chinese Nationalist Party | Kuomintang | KMT 中国国民党 middle-of-the-road party | centrist party 中间政党 anti-trust policy 反托拉斯政策 anti-inflation policy 反通货膨胀政策 Japanese Komeito | Japanese Komeito Party 日本公明党 Japanese Democratic Socialist Party 日本民社党 Japanese Communist Party 日本共产党 Japanese Liberal Democratic Party 日本自民党 Japanese Socialist Party 日本社会党 Japanese Conservative Liberal Democratic Party 日本保守自民党 merit system 功绩制 diplomatic policy 外交政策 policy of enslavement through education 奴化教育政策 peacetime policy 平时政策 Democratic Party [USA] 民主党[美] policy of world-wide toxication 全球毒化政策 Republican Party [USA] 共和党[美] communist party 共产党 trust policy 托拉斯政策 diehard policy 死硬政策 | 极端保守政策 free trade policy 自由贸易政策 Liberal Party [England] 自由党[英] freedom from fear 免于恐惧之自由 freedom from want 免于匮乏之自由 freedom of religion 宗教自由 free enterprise policy 放任政策 | 自由企业政策 Fascist Party 法西斯党 socialist party 社会党 Finlandization 芬兰式外交政策 open-door policy 门户开放政策 freedom of worship 信仰自由 policy of aggression 侵略政策 Conservative Party [England] 保守党[英] royalist party 笔党 imperialist policy 帝国主义政策 radical socialist party 急进社会党 radical party 急进党 policy 政策 political party 政党 policy of agricultural development 重农政策 revolutionary party 革命党 reformist party 革新政党 hunger policy 饥饿政策 high pressure policy 高压政策 National Socialist Party | Nazis 国家社会党 anti-foreign policy 排外政策 containment policy 牵制政策 | 遏阻政策 immigration policy 移民政策 Monroe doctrine policy 闭关自守政策 final solution 最后解决 labour policy 劳工政策 labour-management policy 劳工管理政策 foreign aid policy 援外政策 policy of colonization 殖民化政策 colonial policy 殖民地政策 scorched-earth policy 焦土政策 Fabian Society [England] 费边社[英] trade policy 贸易政策 [Canada] Progressive Conservative Party 进步保守党 progressive party 进步党 dumping policy 倾销政策 policy of obscurantism 愚民政策 New Democratic Party 新民主党 economic blockade policy 经济封锁政策 aspeasement policy 绥靖政策 Modernist Party 维新党 territorial expansion 领土扩张 wartime policy 战时政策 Independent Party [USA] 独立党[美] dictatorship policy 独裁政策 ambiguous policy 暧昧政策 [America] Federal Party | Federalist Party 联邦党 policy of expansion 扩张政策 policy of monopoly 垄断政策 conciliatory policy 怀柔政策 tariff policy 关税政策 tariff-free policy 关税开放政策 unicameral system 一院制 one-party system 一党专政 duumvirate 二头政治 two-party system 二党专政 triumvirate 三头政治 grand duchy 大公国 British Commonwealth of Nations 大英国协 centralization | centralism 中央集权 cabinet system 内阁制 principality 公国 | 侯国 kingdom | monarchy 王国 sovereign country 主权国 representative government 代议政府 democracy 民主政制 nation-state 民族国家 republic 共和国 republic dictatorship 共和独裁制 communist dictatorship 共产独裁制 united states | confederacy union of states 合众国 decentralization 地方分权 majority rule 多数统治 polyarchy 多头统治 multi-party system 多党专政 multi-system nations 多体制国家 the haves 有产国 free nation 自由主义国 self-government | autonomous-government 自治政府 constitutional monarchy 君主立宪国 monarchy 君主政治 monarchical dictatorship 君主独裁制 confederation 邦联 bicameral system 两院制 mandated state 委托统治国 suzerain 宗主国 bureaucracy 官僚政治 power politics 武力政治 constitutional state 法治国 direct democracy 直接民主制 satellite state 附庸国 vassal state 附属国 protectorate 堡国 city-state 城市国家 | 卫星国家 feudalism 封建制度 empire 帝国 party government 政党政府 party politics 政党政治 political system 政体 government in exile 流亡政府 stratocracy | militarism 军人政治 sheikdom 酋长国 theocracy 神权政治 state ruled by divine right | state ruled by divine right of kings 神权国 plutocracy 财阀政治 bogus government 伪政府 national system 国体 despotic government | autocracy 专制政府 despotism 专制政治 | 暴政 despotic dictatorship 专制独裁 captive state 被奴役国家 protected state 被堡国 puppet government 傀儡政府 single state 单一国 tributary state 朝贡国 colonial empire 殖民帝国 anarchic state 无政府国 aristocracy 贵族政治 indirect democracy | representative democracy 间接民主制 collective leadership 集体领导 totalitarian state 极权主义国家 totalitarian system 极权制度 quasi-republican dictatorship 准共和独裁制 quasi-monarchical dictatorship 准君主独裁制 quasi-presidential democracy 准总统民主制 quasi-parliamentary democracy 准议会民主制 caretaker government 过渡时期政府 oligarchy 寡头政治 welfare state 福利国家 shadow cabinet 影子内阁 ochlocracy | mobocracy | mob rule 暴民政治 tyranny 暴虐政治 war-time cabinet 战时内阁 independent state 独立国 dictatorship 独裁政体 autocratic state | dictatorship 独裁国 presidential democracy 总统民主制 coalition cabinet 联合内阁 coalition government 联合政府 federation | commonwealth 联邦 federal state 联邦国 provisional government | interim government 临时政府 parliamentary democracy 议会民主制 parliamentary government 议会政体 interpreter 口译员 dignitary 大官 the grand justice 大法官 mayoress | madam mayor 女市长 gaycat | small potato 小喽罗 | 小人物 janitor 工友 Central Committee 中央委员 President of Academia Sinica 中央研究院长 Central Standing Committee 中央常务委员 Central Advisory Committee 中央评议委员 chief ruler 元首 Minister of Interior 内政部长 public worker | public servant 公务员 procurator 太守 head of house 户长 official 文官 clerk 文书 chief 主任 chief secretary 主任秘书 chief whip 主任干事 director of directorate 主计长 paymaster general 主计总监 chairman 主席 authorized officer 主管官员 acting chairman 代理主席 acting president 代总统 | 看守总统 convener 召集人 Minister of Judicial Administration 司法行政部长 President of Judicial Yuan 司法院长 Minister of Justice 司法部长 department chief 司长 foreign minister 外交部长 mayor 市长 city government office | city government hall 市政府 municipal councilman 市议员 typist 打字员 president-elect 未就职总统 tithing man 甲长 legislator [lawmaker] 立法委员 President of Legislative Yuan 立法院长 Minister of Communication 交通部长 comrade 同志 alliance member 同盟会员 vice president 各院副院长 local administration | local government 地方行政 local party committee 地方党委 governor 州长 President of Examination Yuan 考试院长 Minister of Examination Affairs 考选部长 President of Executive Yuan 行政院长 Vice President of Executive Yuan 行政院副院长 assistant whip 助理干事 copyist 抄写员 village master 村长 vice minister 事务次长 do-all 事务员 aide-de-camp 侍从 chief aide-de-camp 侍卫长 Chief of the Examination 典试委员长 delegated rank officer 委任官 prolonged diet session 延长国会 officer 武官 burgrave 知事 Minister of Social Affairs 社会部长 group leader 股长 doorkeeper 门房 Minister of Propaganda 宣传部长 government spokesman 政府发言人 Political Vice Minister | Parliamentary Vice Minister 政务次长 Minister without Portfolio 政务委员 provincial governor 省主席 provincial councilman 省议员 section chief 科长 department staff 科员 Military Tribunal 军法总监 prime minister | premier 首相 reserve committee | alternate committee 候补委员 recorder 书记 special rank officer 特任官 special diet session 特别国会 special commissioner 特派员 secretary general 秘书长 finance minister 财政部长 yuan 院[中国] member of Academia Sinica 院士 ranking official 高级官员 sub-governor 副州长 deputy prime minister 副首相 assistant secretary general 副秘书长 Deputy Secretary | Under Secretary 副国务卿[美] solicitor-general 副检察长 vice-president 副总统 vice speaker 副议长 deputy director 副厅长 | 副局长 ward chief 区长 counselor 参事 presidential chief of staff 参军长 senator [America] | member [England | Japan] 参议员 house of councilors | the upper house 参议院 the President of the House of Councilors | the Upper House President 参议院议长 member of the House of Councilors | councilor 参议院议员 Secretary-General of the Assembly 国大秘书长 Founding Father 国父 national assembly delegate 国民大会代表 national diet library 国立国会图书馆 defense minister 国防部长 head of state 国家元首 Secretary 国务卿[美] department of state 国务院 national policy advisor 国策顾问 congress [in American countries] | parliament [in England, Canada, etc.] | the National Diet [in Denmark, Japan, etc.] 国会 executive secretary 执行秘书 senior officer 专员 | 专门委员 administrative vice minister 常务次长 standing committee 常务委员 Minister of Education 教育部长 congressman | congresswoman | Dietman [Japan] 众议员 house of representatives | the lower house 众议院 the Speaker of the House of Representatives | the Lower House Speaker 众议院议长 member of the House of Representatives | representatives 众议院议员 chief clerk 组长 Minister of Organization 组织部长 commissioner 处长 stenographer 速记员 ministry 部 minister | secretary 部长 | 大臣 the high authority 最高当局 Minister of Labor 劳工部长 maverick 无党派人士 translator 笔译员 rural councilman 乡民代表 rural master 乡长 employe 雇员 whip 干事 director of information office 新闻局长 economic minister 经济部长 [America] agency 署 | 局 presidential political advisor 资政 Minister of Agriculture 农林部长 intendant of circuit 道尹 Chairman of Overseas Affairs Commission 侨务委员会委员长 honorary chief aide-de-camp 荣誉侍卫长 member of Control Yuan 监察委员 President of Control Yuan 监察院长 cabinet officer | cabinet member [America] | cabinet 阁员 Minister of Audit 审计部长 Minister of Public Health 卫生部长 strategy advisor 战略顾问 confidential secretary 机要秘书 governor | prefectural governor | magistrate 县长 prefectural government office 县政府 district councilman 县议员 scribe 录事 aide | pigtail 随员 picked cadre 优秀干部 sub-officer 帮办 filing clerk 档案管理员 attorney-general 检察总长 general secretary 总书记[前俄] Chief of General Affairs 总务主任 presidential adviser 总统顾问 general whip 总干事 rat 临危背叛者 extraordinary diet session | extraordinary diet 临时国会 the President Pro Tem 临时总统 selected rank officer 简任官 Minister of Food 粮食部长 recommend rank officer 荐任官 town councilman 镇民代表 town master 镇长 office boy 杂差 assembly speaker 议长 councilman [America] | assemblyman [England] | councillor 议员 adherent 党员 party secretary general 党秘书长 deputy party president 党副总裁 Chief Recorder of Party Office 党部书记长 party executive 党干部 party leader 党魁 party president 党总裁 Minister of Railway 铁道部长 commissionaire 听差 director 厅长 | 局长 lead [in vote count] 票数差距 one-man election | uncontested election 一人竞选 unanimously adopted 一致通过 second reading 二读 party enrollment 入党登记 two-thirds majority 三分之二多数 final reading 三读 verbal advice 口头建议 verbal answer 口头答覆 assembly hall 大会堂 general election 大选 | 总选 the major constituency 大选区 chairlady 女主席 minisummit conference | minisummit talks 小型高阶层会议 sub-committee 小组委员会 panel | group discussion 小组讨论 the minor constituency 小选区 working conference 工作会报 election interference | campaign interference 干涉选举 unfair election 不公平选举 insufficient quorum 不足法定人数 non-confidence resolution 不信任案 vote of censure | vote of non-confidence 不信任票 secret vote | anonymous ballot 不记名投票 dissident 不赞成者 off year election 中间选举 the middle constituency 中选区 fifth plenary session 五中全会 plebiscite 公民投票 | 民选 open voting 公开投票 | 记名投票 public debate 公开演说 open session | open hearing 公开听证 opposition 反对 opposition faction 反对派 representation of minority 少数代表制 minority leader 少数党领袖 public exposure 引人注目 controversial 引起争辩 to jump on the bandwagon | to jump aboard the bandwagon 支持候选人 votes cast in support | support 支持票 support and solidarity 支持与合作 proportional representation 比例代表制 plurality 比较多数 the main motion 主要动议 subject matter 主要问题 dais | podium | platform 主席台 | 讲演台 presidium 主席团 theme 主题 attorney 代言人 acting chairman 代理主席 voting by proxy 代理投票 presence 出席 attendance fee 出席费 convener 召集人 toast-master | master of ceremonies 司仪 election of a mayor | mayoral election 市长选举 get one's name known | become known 打知名度 pros & cons 正反两面 initiation 正式入会 initiation fee 正式入会费 mass meeting | rally 民众大会 test of public opinion | poll 民意测验 permanent member 永久会员 to commune 交换意见 adjournment 休会 arbitration board 仲裁会议 prerequisite question 先决问题 advance man 先遣人员[美] unanimous vote 全部拥护票 full attendance 全体出席 unanimous consent | unanimous approval 全体同意 the membership 全体会员 | 会员人数 renomination 再度提名 re-elected 再当选 re-election 再选举 to attend a meeting 列席 underdog candidate 劣势候选人 sympathy votes 同情票 same party members 同党 celebrity candidate 名人候选人 honorary chairman 名誉主席 honorary member 名誉会员 legal procedure 合法手续 local election 地方选举 geographical representation 地区代表制 electoral turf | electoral power base 地盘 representation of majority 多数代表制 majority leader 多数党领袖 annual meeting 年会 breakfast meeting | leadership breakfast meeting 早餐会 be eligible 有被选资格 votes of the old people 老人票 noncompulsory voting 自由投票 voting machine 自动投票计算机 automatic recess | automatic adjournment 自然休会 verbal dispute 舌战 cabinet meeting 行政院院会 | 阁议 to take the stump 作选举演说 unknown elected nominee | dark horse 冷门当选者 | 黑马 campaign worker 助选员 campaign committee 助选团 to reject 否决 veto power 否决权 valediction | valedictory 告别词 campaign obstruction 妨害选举 protest 抗议 criticism 批评 to black ball 投反对票 to vote | [England] to cast a ballot 投票 election day | voting day 投票日 polling station | poll 投票所 vote for ... 投票给... polling booth 投票间 ballot box 投票箱 silent majority 沈默多数 decisive vote 决定性票 final election | general election | run-off election 决选 runoff vote 决选投票 resolution 决议 chairperson 男女主席统称 regular cabinet meeting 例行阁议 regular meeting 例会 speech by guest speaker 来宾致词 to harmonize 协调 solid votes 固定票 trail | be behind 居下风 be the runner-up | end up as runner up 居次 to postpone 延期 to solicit votes 拉票 denunciation 抨击 irrelevant question 枝节问题 due course of law 法定程序 to compete for vote 争取选票 squabble 争论 direct suffrage 直接选举 blank ballot 空白票 early return 初步开票的结果 primary election 初选 first reading 初读 bankrolled election | moneyed election 金权选举 harangue 长篇大论 to second a motion 附议 votes of the young people 青年票 vote of confidence 信任票 oath-taking ceremony 宣誓典礼 pending question 待决问题 supporters' association 后援会 to resume negotiation 恢复谈判 keynote speech | keynote address 政策演说 administrative report 施政报告 difficult campaign 苦战 tally clerk 计算选票者 to review 重新研讨 individual voting 个人投票 alternate candidate | alternate nominee 候补者 alternate member 候补会员 candidate 候选人 slate 候选人名单 amendment 修正案 seats 席位 symposium 座谈会 door-to-door canvassing [for voters] 挨户访问 public seats 旁听席 written advice 书面建议 written answer 书面答覆 special committee 特别委员会 privileged motion 特种动议 closed-door meeting | conclave 秘密会议 secret session | closed hearing 秘密听证 absentee voting 缺席投票 to have a silver tongue | be eloquent 能言善辩 draft 草案 tea party 茶会 forum 讨论会 exhortation 训词 summit meeting | summit conference 高峰会议 top-level talks | summit talks 高阶层会议 | 首长会议 vocal protest 高声抗议 straw vote 假投票 monthly implementation meeting | monthly mobilization meeting 动员月会 motion | proposal 动议 | 提议 recording of ballots 唱票 national assembly 国民大会 women's suffrage 妇女参政权 women's votes 妇女票 technical committee 专门委员会 ordinary meeting | regular session 翅 major candidate | hopeful 强有力的候选人 compulsory vote 强制投票 obligatory referendum 强制复决 poll | win votes 得票 the King's Council 御前会议 testimonial dinner 推荐餐会 abstention 弃权 treaty | compact | pact 条约 trustee council 理事会 incumbent | incumbent candidate 现任候选人 objection | dissent 异议 House of Representatives election | Lower House election 众议院选举 split the votes 票分散 organized votes 组织票 closure of debate 终止讨论 nominee 被提名者 voting by mail 通信投票 to pass 通过 verbatim note-taking 逐字照录 also-ran | minor candidate 陪衬候选人 final returns 最后结果 initiative 创制权 labor votes 劳工票 punctuated applause 插入掌声 field a candidate | ticket a candidate 提出候选人 nomination 提名 nominator 提名者 proposition 提案 handshake tactic 握手作战 to unveil 揭幕 to adjourn 散会 universal suffrage | popular election 普选 brain trust 智囊团 undecided vote | floating votes | shifting votes 游离票 ineligibility 无被选资格 [Latin] sine die 无期延展 unopposed 无对手 nonpartisan | non-affiliated 无党无派 speech from the floor 发言权 to state one's political views 发表政见 declare an election victory | make a victory statement 发表当选声明 promoter 发起人 response 答词 reply 答辩 closing session 结束会议 conclusion 结论 absolute majority 绝对多数 put up a good fight 善战 spending beyond the legal limit of campaign expenditure 超过法定选举费用 weekly assembly 周会 counting of votes | vote counting | to open the ballots 开票 up-to-the-minute returns 开票快报 election returns 开票结果 to hold a meeting 开会 opening address | opening remarks 开会词 opening ceremony 开幕仪式 indirect suffrage 间接选举 to assemble 集会 campaign literature 传单 balance of power 势均力敌 round-table conference 圆桌会议 caucus 干部会议[政党] upset victory 意外的胜利 new recruit | new member 新会员 member 会员 to parley 会商 meeting-place 会场 dues | subscription 会费 conference room | meeting room 会议室 conference miscarriage 会议流产 minutes | minutes of the meeting 会议记录 business conference 业务会议 conceptual agreement 概念上的协议 moderate 温和派 to preside over 当主席 | 充任主席 be elected | win an election | win a seat 当选 to lose an election | fall by the way 落选 defeated candidate 落选人 board of directors 董事会 [America] supplementary election | [America] special election | [England] by-election 补缺选举 dissolution 解散国会 committee for membership qualification 资格审查委员会 vote buying 贿选 | 买票 farm votes 农民票 to reach an agreement 达成协议 election violation | election offense | violation of the election law 违反选举 majority 过半数 TV debate | televised debate 电视演说 primary | primary election 预选[美] uproar | clamour 鼓噪 collective vote 团体投票 rigging | fixing | stuffing the ballot box 弊端 speech 演说 platitudes | trite speech 演讲八股 entertainerturned 演艺人员候选人 board of supervisors 监事会 ballot examiner 监票员 official observer at a polling station 监察员 urgent motion 紧急动议 urgent meeting 紧急会议 to confute | to overwhelm by argument 驳倒 invalid vote | voided ballot 废票 celebration 庆揍 ovation 热烈鼓掌 call a winner | declare a winner 确定当选 to recall 罢免 referendum 复决权 reelection 复选 inter-pellation 质询 voting their pocketbooks 凭“腰包"投票 to champion | to advocate 拥护 advisory committee 谘询委员会 voter | elector 选民 | 选举人 popular vote 选民票 exit poll 选后测验 precinct | constituency 选区 vote | ballot 选票 election 选举 pollbook 选举人名册 [America] electoral vote 选举人票 electoral office | electoral board 选举事务所 elective system | election system 选举制度 campaign | election campaign | electioneering 选举活动 campaign poster 选举海报 campaign strategist 选举参谋 campaign mail 选举邮件 [America] electoral college | electorate 选举团 election referee 选举监察员 electoral rigging 选举舞弊 campaign strategy 选举战略 franchise 选举权 | 参政权 landslide victory 压倒性大胜 overwhelming majority 压倒性多数 to table | to pigeonhole 搁置 discussion | debate 检讨 review seminar 检讨会 canvasser 检票人 to canvass 检点票数 presidential nominee 总统候选人 joint chiefs-of-staff meeting 联合参谋会议 federal convention 联邦会议 joint defense meeting 联防会议 joint meeting 联席会议 social gathering 联谊会 extraordinary general meeting 临时大会 incidental motion 临时动议 extraordinary cabinet meeting 临时阁议 show of hands 举手赞成 hold an election | call an election | go to the polls 举行选举 seminar 讲习会 address of acknowledgement 谢词 briefing 简报 town council 镇民代表会 bilateral talks 双边会议 | 双边会谈 fence-sitter | fence-straddler 骑墙派 to be in favor of | approve of 赞成 aye and nay 赞成与反对 candidacy [America] | candidature [England] 竞选 | 候选 deposit for filing candidacy 竞选保证金 campaign bandwagon 竞选宣传车 election campaign 竞选活动 campaign rhetoric 竞选高调 campaign fund | campaign spending | campaign cost 竞选经费 running-mate 竞选伙伴 preliminary meeting 筹备会议 bill | draft 议案 | 法案 lobbyist 议案通过活动者 agenda 议程 beat ... in an election | win election over ... 赢过... general party membership meeting 党代表大会 refutation 辩驳 salutatory oration 欢迎词 reception 欢迎会 farewell party 欢送会 public hearing 听证会 overwhelming majority | lopsided political alignment 一面倒 rank-and-file members | the rank and file | general membership 一般党员 people's commune 人民公社 popular front 人民阵线 the will of the people 人民愿望 rule of man [through virtuous leaders] 人治 human wave tactics | horde tactics 人海战术 human rights 人权 entrance permit 入境证 application form for party membership 入党志愿书 power-assets 力量资产 transfer | to the countryside 下放 password 口令 slogan | watchword 口号 wall posters | posters written in bold print 大字报 [America] guns and butter 大炮与牛油 big power 大国 massacre 大屠杀 minor power 小国 cell 小组织 handbill | flyer 小传单 unwritten constitution 不成文宪法 bloodless revolution 不流血革命 non-aligned nation 不结盟国家 Chinese craze | Chinese fad 中国热 centrist government 中庸政权 bourgeois 中产阶级 middle of the road 中间路线 Five-power constitution 五权宪法 cabinet crisis 内阁晰 citizen 公民 citizenship 公民资格 public opinion 公意 division 分化 divided country 分裂国家 spoils system 分赃制 anti-mainstreamer 反主流派人士 anti-rightist 反右派 counterrevolution 反革命 counterespionage 反间谍 | 反间谍活动 opposition party 反对党 anti-party activity 反党活动 anti-hegemony 反霸权 minority party 少数党 minority leader 少数党领袖 household 户口 household identification book | domiciliary register 户口名簿 census 户口调查 domiciliary transfer 户口迁移 household transcript 户口誊本 census administration 户政 household office 户政所 domicile 户籍 domiciliary registration | household registration 户籍登记 great proletarian cultural revolution 文化大革命 monarchical power 王权 global village 世界村 | 地球村 mainstream | mainstream faction 主流派 mainstreamer 主流派人士 major power 主要国 place of birth 出生地 date of birth 出生年月日 order of birth 出生别 birth registration 出生登记 birth certificate 出生证 freedom of the press 出版自由 exit permit 出境证 treason | to betray one's country 出卖国家 semicolony 半殖民地 right wing 右翼 | 右派 judicial power 司法权 gang of four 四人帮 four modernization programs 四大现代化计划 left wing 左翼 | 左派 residents of a city 市民 bourgeois 布尔乔亚治 commoner 平民 native place 本籍 LDC [less developed country] 未充分开发的国家 of the people, by the people, for the people 民有、民治、民享 civil administration 民政 public opinion poll 民意测验 applicant for party membership 申请入党者 legislative initiation [of laws] 立法创制 legislative power 立法权 heyday 全盛期 concurrent power 共有权 communists' united front intrigues 共党统战阴谋 communist bloc 共党集团 ally 同盟者 | 同盟国 fellow traveler 同路人 counter culture 地下文化 | 对抗文化 landlord class 地主阶级 party out of office 在野党 majority party 多数党 majority leader 多数党领袖 guile 奸策 safety inspections 安全调查 written constitution 成文宪法 sub-colony 次殖民地 death registration 死亡登记 death certificate 死亡证 gerontocracy 老人政治 check-ups 考核 civil-service examination 考试权 right to self-government 自主权 liberty | freedom 自由 autonomy 自治 self-governing territory | autonomous territory 自治领土 executive power 行政权 mutiny 兵变 veto power 否决权 balance of power 均势 martial law 戒严令 defection 投诚变节 registration of name change 改名登记 reshuffle: reorganize 改组 reshuffle a cabinet 改组内阁 police clearance letter 良民证 freedom of speech 言论自由 capitalist-roaders 走资派 post-mortem 事后检讨之盖棺论定 incident 事变 Asia and World Forum 亚洲与世界论坛 principle of checks & balances 制衡原理 come into power | take power | gain power 取得政权 peace offensive 和平攻势 compromise | reconciliation 和解 | 妥协 peace talks 和谈 original nationality 固有国籍 premier-designate 奉命组阁 name registration 姓名登记 officialdom 官场 rank | official rank 官阶 title | official title 官衔 | 官职 boycott | to boycott 抵制 detention 拘留 deportation | exile 放逐 | 流亡 armed neutrality 武装中立 rule of law 法治 peace | security 治安 governmental power 治权 copyright registration 版权登记 transition | interregnum 空白时间 | 过渡时间 disputes areas 纠纷地区 faction-ridden party 纠纷剧烈的党 confrontation states 近邻敌对国 golden rule 金科玉律 permanent residence 长期居留 unofficial instrumentality 非正式机构 non-autonomous territory 非自治领土 conservative government 保守政权 right of protecting nationals 堡国民权 rebellion | revolt | insurgency | uprising 叛乱 | 叛变 | 造反 rebel party 叛党 blockade 封锁 freedom of thought 思想自由 resumption of nationality 恢复国籍 political dissident 持异政见者 fingerprint card 指纹卡 political view 政见 polity 政制 government instruction 政府训令 inter-governmental organization 政府间组织 government-to-government basis 政府对政府之基础 political upheaval 政治大变动 statesmanship 政治手腕 political culture 政治文化 political offender 政治犯 political crisis 政治晰 political liberty 政治自由 political complexion 政治色彩 political action 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司