翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 政治行动 political writer 政治作家 political situation 政治局势 political harmony 政治和谐 political ideas 政治思想 statesman | politician 政治家 political ability 政治能力 political poverty 政治贫困 political intrigue 政治阴谋 political awareness 政治意识 political conference 政治会议 political communication 政治沟通 political funds 政治资金 political campaign | political movement 政治运动 political web 政治网路 power struggle | power scramble | struggle for power 政争 the political arena | political circles 政界 | 政治圈子 policy change | shift in policy 政策转变 political rival 政敌 political statements | political discussions 政论 political forum 政坛 party machine 政党组织 political power | regime 政权 change of power | change of government 政权输替 brainwashing 洗脑 faction 派系 factional struggle | factional squabble | factional war 派阀纠纷 Red Guard 红卫兵 to take disciplinary measures 纪律处分 Pax Americana 美式和平 military junta 军事执政团 period of military government 军政时期 persecution 迫害 revolution 革命 reformist government | renovationist government 革新政权 over throw a cabinet | topple a cabinet 倒阁 individual right 个人权利 revisionist line 修正主义路线 constitutional amendment 修宪 rigid constitution 刚性宪法 curfew 宵禁 terrorist 恐怖分子 reign of terror 恐怖统治 loyalty 效忠 power to grant amnesty 特赦权 placing on probation within the party 留党察看 clandestine activities 秘密活动 secret association | clandestine association 秘密结社 diplomatic offensive 笑脸攻势 libertarian 纯自由的保守派 paper tiger 纸老虎 period of political tutelage 训政时期 political camp 阵营 domino theory 骨牌理论 coercive action 高压手段 struggle 斗争 quasi-reorganization 假改组 right to participate in public affairs 参政权 the sole legal government 唯一合法政府 natural-born citizen 国内出生之国民 foreign-born nationals 国外出生之国民 identification card [ID card] 国民身分证 State entity 国家实体 national difficulties 国难 nationality 国籍 executive committee 执行委员会 party in office | ruling party 执政党 specialized agencies 专门机构 intelligence 情报 intelligence analysis 情报分析 rebus sic stantibus 情势变迁 transition team 接收小组 | 接收政权小组 to overthrow 推翻 the third world 第三世界 | 第三国际 the third force 第三势力 the fifth column 第五纵队 the fourth world 第四世界 unified country 统一国家 to rule | to govern 统治 ruling class 统治阶级 sovereign power 统治权 form a cabinet 组阁 expatriation 脱离国籍 decolonization 脱离殖民地位 give up one's party membership 脱离党籍 house arrest 软禁 freedom of correspondence 通信自由 collaborator 通敌者 conspirator 阴谋分子 most-favored nation 最惠国 lose power | leave power 丧失政权 denationalization 丧失国籍 single-party government 单独政权 brain trust | think tank 智囊团 colony 殖民地 state of anarchy 无政府状态 proletariat 无产阶级 | 普罗阶级 maverick 无党派人士 overseas Chinese 华侨 expulsion from the party 开除党籍 secret agent | spy 间谍 | 特务 espionage | spying 间谍活动 class conflict | class struggle 阶级斗争 collective farm 集体农场 collective leadership 集体领导 secret society 黑社会 leaflet 传单 cadre 干部 caucus 干部会议[美] new conservatives 新保守派 New Politics 新政论 secret sign 暗号 cant 暗语 mini state | microstate 极小国家 radical left 极左派分子 | 新左派分子 moderates 温和派 authorities 当局 liberation 解放 bourgeois 资产阶级 dual-party member 跨党分子 serf 农奴 march 游行 transition period 过渡时期 Reagan administration 雷根政权 to agitate 鼓动 Germanophobia 厌恶德国 | 恐德症 regain power 夺回政权 | 重掌政权 to seize power 夺权 pragmatist 实用主义派 wirepulling 幕后操纵 infiltration 渗透 infiltrated political system 渗透的政治体系 instigation 煽动 demagogue 煽动政治家 | 在野党领袖 control power 监察权 jurisdiction 管辖权 state of emergency 紧急状态 summary | outline 纲领 to identify with the people 认同 concession speech 认输演说 territorial sovereignty 领土主权 territorial integrity 领土完整 territorial ambition 领土野心 conscription 徵兵 antagonism | to oppose 敌对 atrocity | violence 暴行 insurgent 暴徒 riot | insurgency 暴动 covert activities 潜伏活动 party man | party pro 热衷党务的政治家 buffer area | buffer zone 缓冲地区 petition 请愿 Abscam 猪仔议员 traitor | quisling 卖国贼 constitutional draft 宪法草案 constitutional period 宪政时期 warmonger 战争贩子 radical 激进分子 right to independence 独立权 supremacy 独占性 usurpation 篡夺 pro-communist 亲共分子 conspiracy | to plot a revolt 谋反 audience 谒见 | 觐见 pressure group 压力集团 gang 帮会 lodge 帮会分会 general programme 总纲 coalition government 联合政权 rumor 谣言 argot 隐语 dove [one who adopts a conciliatory attitude] 鸽派 sedition 扰乱治安 naturalization 归化 suppression 镇压 dual nationality 双重国籍 visa 签证 refugee 难民 subversion 颠覆 to persuade someone to withdraw from the party 劝告退党 serious warning 严重警告 Pax Sovietica 苏式和平 warning 警告 tumult | upheaval 骚动 convention 党大会 senior member | old guard 党元老 intraparty faction 党内派阀 local chapter of the party 党分部 | 地方党部 split a party | breakup of a party 党分裂 party backing 党支持 party chairman 党主席 party congress 党代表大会 protege 党羽 party regulation 党则 party line 党派路线 party discipline 党纪 party member 党员 constitution of the party 党章 party organ 党报 party leaders | senior party members 党干部 platform | party platform 党纲 party campaign emblem 党徽 party headquarters 党总部 | 中央党部 party membership | party affiliation 党籍 regent 摄政 passport 护照 iron curtain 铁幕 hegemony 霸权 power politics 权力政治 tact | technique 权术 Machiavellian 权谋家 | 策士 confirmation hearings 听证 bugging | eavesdropping 窃听 hawk [one who adopts a militant attitude] 鹰派 clove tree | [Latin] Syzygium aromati-cum 丁香树 buckeye 七叶树 sagebrush 山艾树 laurel | bay tree | sweet bay 月桂树 papaw 木瓜树 silk cotton tree | kapok tree 木棉树 magnolia 木兰 umbrella tree 木兰树 sequoia | redwood 水杉 | 红树 | 红木 holly | yaupon 冬青树 poplar | aspen 白杨 white birch 白桦 pomegranate evergreen 石榴树 tulip-tree 百合树 plum tree 李树 | 梅树 apricot 杏树 juniper 杜松 osier | [Latin] Salix viminalis 杞柳 alder 赤杨 locust tree 刺槐 Banyan | [Latin] Ficus benghalensis 孟加拉榕树 | 榕树 loquat 枇杷树 linden 林登树 pine 松树 | 洋松 plane-tree 法国梧桐 butternut | [Latin] Juglans cinerea 油胡桃 golden wattle | golden acacia 金合欢 sponge tree 金合欢树 umbrella pine 金松 cinchona tree 金鸡纳树 weeping willow 垂柳 persimmon | persimmon tree 柿树 teak 柚木树 shaddock 柚树 cypress tree 柏树 lauan 柳安 Cryptomeria 柳杉 willow 柳树 | 杨柳 acacia 相思树 mahogany | redwood 红木 red oak 红楝 redwood | mangrove 红树 pecan 美洲山胡桃 black birch 美国黑桦 basswood | [Latin] Tilia americana 美国椴树 hickory | walnut 胡桃木 walnut 胡桃树 cassia tree 桂树 chestnut tree 栗树 mulberry 桑树 mahogany 桃花心木 peach tree 桃树 coniferous forest 针叶林 conifer | needle evergreen 针叶树 butcher's broom | [Latin] Ruscus aculeatus 假叶树 dwarf mountain pine 岗松 evergreen forest 常绿林 evergreen 常绿树 Chinese parasol tree | phoenix tree 梧桐 pear tree 梨树 cork tree 软木树 cedar 雪松 | 西洋杉 palm 棕榈 jujube | jujube tree 枣树 cotton tree 棉树 fig tree 无花果树 baobab 猴面包 wisteria 紫藤树 peepul | bo-tree | [Latin] Ficus religiosa 菩提树 spruce 云杉 box | boxtree 黄杨 ebony 黑檀树 coconut palm | [Latin] Cocos nucifera 椰子树 maple tree | maple 枫树 elm tree | elm 榆树 cashew | [Latin] Anacardium occidentale 腰果树 deciduous forest 落叶林 larch 落叶松 screw pine 荣兰 | 露兜树 pagoda tree 槐树 lacquer tree | [Latin] Rhus verniciflera 漆树 ginkgo | [Latin] Ginkgo biloba 银杏 lamboyant tree | flame tree | [Latin] Delonix regia 凤凰木 camphor tree 樟树 fir 枞树 maple 槭树 sycamore | [Latin] Acer pseudoplatanus 欧亚槭 birch 桦树 | 桦木 olive tree | [Latin] Olea europaea 橄榄树 rubber tree 橡胶树 oak 橡树 dove tree 鸽子树 betel palm | [Latin] Areca catechu 槟榔树 apple tree 苹果树 breadfruit | [Latin] Artocarpus altilis 面包树 cherry-tree 樱桃树 cherry tree 樱树 hemlock 铁杉 discus | disci 铁饼鱼 sago cycad 铁树 eucalyptus | gum tree | blood-bark 桉树 lime 椴树 clove | syringa 丁香 hydrangea | mop-head | [Latin] Hydrangea hortensia 八仙花 pansy | heartsease 三色堇 globe amaranth 千日红 dahlia 大丽花 rhododendron 山杜鹃 camellia 山茶 | 茶花 plum blossom 中国梅花 forget-me-not 勿忘我 dahlia 天竺牡丹 geranium 天竺葵 maidenhair 孔雀草 | 石长生 monthly rose | [Latin] Lochnera rosea 日日春 asphodel 日光兰 evening primrose | [Latin] Oenothera biennis 月见草 Chinese rose 月季 daphne | laurel 月桂 orange jasmine | orange jessamine 月橘 daffodil | narcissus 水仙 cactus | [Latin] cactaceae 仙人掌 cyclamen 仙客来 magnolia 玉兰 magnolia | [Latin] Magnolia conspicua 玉兰花 cineraria | [Latin] Senecio cruentus 瓜叶菊 madonna lily 白色百合花 feverfew 白菊花 gardenia | [Latin] Michelia longifolia 白兰花 | 银厚朴 cornflower | bluebottle | bachelor's button | [Latin] Centaurea cyanus 矢车菊 heath bell 石南花 pomegranate blossom 石榴花 wandering Jew | [Latin] Tradescantia fluminensis 吊竹草 asphodel | [Latin] Chlorophytum comosum Baker 吊兰 sunflower | [Latin] Helianthus annuns 向日葵 [Latin] Actinostemma racemosum 合子草 alkanet 朱草 Zinnia elegans 百日草 lily | [Latin] Lilium japonicum 百合花 thyme 百里香 pomegranate 西班牙石榴 [Latin] Sedum lineare 佛甲草 mimosa | sensitive plant 含羞草 oleander 夹竹桃 olive 希腊橄榄花 apricot blossom 杏花 rhododendron | azalea | [Latin] Rhododendron indicum 杜鹃花 peony 牡丹 | 芍药 plantain 车前草 clover 车轴草 evening primrose | tube rose 夜来香 [France] marguerite 延命菊 wake-robin 延龄草 green bristlegrass | dog's-tail 狗尾草 foxtail 狐尾草 rose 玫瑰 [Latin] Eragrostis ferruginea 知风草 cotton rose | Confederate rose 芙蓉 yellow jessamine | winter jasmine 迎春花 | 素馨 [Latin] Dryopteris sophoroides 金星草 globe-flower 金梅草 broom | [Latin] Cytisus scoparius 金雀花 buntal fiber 金丝草 canary-creeper 金丝雀蔓草 pot marigold | [Latin] Calendula of ficinalis 金盏花 marigold 金盏草花 canary-bird flower | nasturtium | [Latin] Tropaeolum majus 金莲花 jonquil | [Latin] Kalanchoe blossfeldiana var. 长寿花 Easter lily 春莲 cattleya 洋兰 anemone | garden anemone 秋牡丹 begonia | [Latin] Begonia evansiana 秋海棠 red rose 红玫瑰 red daisy 红菊花 jasmine | jessamine | [Latin] Jasminum sambac 茉莉 leek 韭菜花 hyacinth | [Latin] Hyacinthus orientalis 风信子 canterbury-bell | [Latin] Campanula medium 风铃草 | 吊钟花 larkspur | [Latin] Delphinium ornatum 飞燕草 Venus's flytrap 捕蝇草 osmanthus 桂花 balloon flower 桔龚 peach blossom 桃花 seaweed 海草 hyssop 神香草 adonis 侧金盏花 hop | [Latin] Humulus lupulus 啤酒花 carnation | [Latin] Dianthus caryophyllus 康乃馨 | 香石竹 | 荷兰石竹 tuberose | [Latin] Perguluris ordoratissima 晚香玉 plum blossom 梅花 gardenia 栀子花 morning glory | [Latin] Ipomoea hederacca 牵浓 water lily 荷花 nasturtium 荷叶莲 tulip 荷兰郁金香 campion 雪轮花 petunia | [Latin] Hippeastrum sp. 喇叭花 | 孤挺花 crocus 番红花 lilac 紫丁香 wisteria 紫藤花 violet 紫萝兰 chrysanthemum 菊花 camomile 黄金菊 | 甘菊 marigold 万寿菊 daisy 义大利雏菊 poinsettia 圣诞红 pond lily | water lily 睡莲 dandelion 蒲公英 gladiolus 苍兰 balsam | busy Lizzie | impatiens 凤仙花 gladiolus 剑兰 bluebottle 德国矢车菊 lotus 莲花 regular flower 整齐花 epiphyllum | night-blooming cereus 昙花 weigela 锦带花 edelweiss 薄雪草 rose 蔷薇 hydrangea | mop-head | [Latin] Hydrangea hortensia 绣球花 marguerite 雏菊 cockscomb 鸡冠花 rare flower 琼花 wisteria 藤萝 poppy 罂粟 cherry blossom 莹 primrose 樱草花 orchid | orchis 兰花 | 胡姬花 tulip 郁金香 excellent | A | 5 优 good | B | 4 良 pass | C | 3 中 failure | D | 2 差 to get out of class | to dismiss class 下课 to attend class | to go to class 上课 oral test | oral examination 口试 class grouping 分级 mark | grade | score 分数 to go up | to go up one grade in school 升班 to go to a school of a higher grade | to enter a higher school 升学 passing | to pass 及格 monthly examination 月考 to suspend one's schooling without losing one's status as a student | [for a student] an approved temporary suspension of schooling 休学 deduction 扣分 excluded from the examination 扣考 attendance record 考勤 examination | exam | test | quiz 考试 examination questions | examination paper 考题 to study by oneself in scheduled time or free time | individual study 自习 exemption from examination | to be excused from an examination 免试 criticism | to criticize 批评 spot test | test given to a group of randomly chosen students 抽考 announcement of examination result | to post the result of an examination 放榜 initial examination | initial test 初试 to praise | to commend 表扬 spring vacation 春假 sectional examination 段考 military training 军训 to approve a leave of absence 准假 money spent on books 书费 prevailing morals of a school 校风 school motto 校训 school regulations 校规 special examination 特考 to repeat the year's work | to stay down 留级 sick leave 病假 to miss a class 缺课 to record a demerit 记过 to leave school | to discontinue one's schooling 退学 National Higher Examination [NHE] 高考 holiday | vacation 假期 to punish | to take disciplinary action against 处分 winter vacation 寒假 to resume one's interrupted studies 复学 to transfer into the school 插班 National Ordinary Examination [NOE] 普考 summer vacation 暑假 term examination 期考 written test | written examination 笔试 comment | remark 评语 be expelled from school 开除 confinement | punishment 禁闭 social culture 群育 make-up examination | [America] make-up test 补考 supplementary education 补习 to make up a missed lesson | to make up for missed classes 补课 to skip a grade 跳级 to proctor | to proctor an examination 监考 certificate of merit [award] 奖状 to award | to reword | reward | prize 奖励 second examination | second test 复试 to ask for leave 请假 to transfer into a class 调班 to quit school | to discontinue schooling | to drop out 辍学 credit | credit point 学分 school year | academic year 学年 educational system | school system 学制 class hour | period 学时 school term | term | semester 学期 tuition fee | tuition | school expenses 学费 record of formal schooling 学历 accommodation 学额 one's status as a student 学籍 be late for class 迟到 honors | outstanding | excellent | perfect 优异 joint entrance 联考 course of lectures | lecture course | lecture class 讲座 lecture note | handout 讲义 roll call | to call the roll 点名 to skip school | to play truant 翘课 to transfer to another school 转学 to cut school | to skip class 旷课 to hand in the test paper 缴卷 appraisal [of a person's strong and weak points] | to appraise | to identify 鉴定 failure | to fail 不及格 impertinence | irrelevance 不对题 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade 升学率 to set an examination paper | to compose an examination 出考题 flunk 未录取 money spent on meals | board expenses 伙食费 sabbatical leave | sabbatical year 休假年 school report | report card 成绩单 commendatory letter 表扬信 admission card for entrance examination 准考证 summer camp 夏令营 graduation examination 毕业考 register | registry 登记簿 athletic meeting | athletic meet | sports meet 运动会 scholarship 奖学金 credit system 学分制 student's identity card 学生证 [England] tutor system 导师制 roll-call book 点名簿 to turn in a blank paper 缴白卷 admission age | school age 入学年龄 entrance examination 入学考试 admission qualification | admission matriculation 入学资格 entrance requirements | entrance standards 入学标准 trimester system 三学期制 class period 上课时间 campus autonomy 大学自治 preparatory course 大学预科 college and university joint entrance examination 大学联考 flag-raising ceremony 升旗典礼 psychological test 心理测验 average mark 平均分数 food allowance 伙食补助 to leave school owing to bad health 因病退学 to fail an examination 考试失败 credit system 学分制 student's identity card 学生证 [England] tutor system 导师制 roll-call book 点名簿 to turn in a blank paper 缴白卷 admission age | school age 入学年龄 entrance examination 入学考试 admission qualification | admission matriculation 入学资格 entrance requirements | entrance standards 入学标准 trimester system 三学期制 class period 上课时间 campus autonomy 大学自治 preparatory course 大学预科 college and university joint entrance examination 大学联考 flag-raising ceremony 升旗典礼 psychological test 心理测验 average mark 平均分数 food allowance 伙食补助 to leave school owing to bad health 因病退学 to fail an examination 考试失败 mid-term exam | mid-term examination 期中考试 end-or-term examination | final examination 期末考试 open-book examination 开卷考试 inauguration ceremony | opening ceremony 开学典礼 orientation 新生训练 save on water | economize on water 节约用水 save on electricity | economize on electricity 节约用电 voluntary labour 义务劳动 achievement test 学力测验 year-end examination 学年考试 school discipline 学校纪律 period of schooling 学习年限 academic record | school record | academic achievement 学习成绩 qualification examination 检定考试 certified teacher 检定教员 to cut a class 旷一堂课 sundry expense | miscellaneous expense 什费 | 杂费 system of promoting or holding back students 升留级制度 daily schedule | timetable 作息时间表 homecoming 校友返嗅 quiz 测验 | 小考 college entrance examination | college board examination 大学入学考试 matriculation 大学入学注册 to praise good people and good deeds 表扬好人好事 common entrance examination 统一入学考试 to give somebody a disciplinary warning 给予警告处分 open admission | open enrollment 大学免试入学制 examination for promotion and qualification 升等级检定考试 accredited 学校被认定合格 examination for professionals and technicians 专门技术人员考试 streaming 性向分组制 | 分流学制 enriched ore 人造富矿 face 工作面 shaft station 井底车场 slice mining method 分层开采法 support 支架 hydraulic mining 水力采矿 hydraulic mining method 水力开采法 hydraulic nozzle 水枪喷嘴 main shaft 主井 adit | tunnel | gallery 平峒 | 横坑道 drift 平巷 boring blastholes 打眼 belt conveyer | belt conveyor 皮带运输机 vertical shaft 立井 | 竖井 rate of recovery 回采率 underground mine 地下开采矿 geological prospecting 地质勘探 geological prospecting party 地质勘探队 multi-stage oreconcentration 多段选矿法 raise 自下向上开掘的暗井 winze 自上向下开掘的暗井 derrick truck 自动装载机 pit 坑 service-life 使用年限 rock 岩石 rock pressure 岩石压力 room-and-pillar mining method 房柱式开采法 mining with movable-filling 放顶充填开采法 shot-firing 空心爆炸法 metal post 金属支柱 metal mine 金属矿 longwall mining method 长壁式开采法 retreating mining method 后退式开采法 excavator 挖掘机 overhead cableway 架空索道 survey | reconnaissance 查勘 | 普查 ore dressing by washing 洗选 explosives 炸药 gravity separation | gravity concentration 重力选矿法 air shaft 风井 pneumatic pick 风镐 pneumatic drill 风钻 submarine mine 海底矿 flotation process 浮游选矿法 crushing 破碎 narrow-gauge railway 窄轨铁道 auxiliary shaft 副井 power-hoist 动力吊车 power shovel 动力铲 hoisting machine 卷扬机 drifting 掘进 stope 采场 mining 采矿 mining industry 采矿工业 methods of extraction | mining methods 采矿方法 drainage 排水 pumping shaft 排水井 inclined shaft 斜井 slope mine 斜井开采矿 roughing flotation 粗浮选 low-grade ore 贫矿石 ventilation 通风 roof control 顶板管理 high-grade ore 富矿石 hoisting | winding 提升 board and pillar mining method 残柱式开采法 endless chain conveyer | endless chain conveyor 无极链运输机 hoister | winder 绞车 exploitation losses 开采损失 to open a mine 开矿 cave-in 塌落 wet magnetic separation | wet magnetic dressing 湿法磁选法 coal mine 煤矿 lighting 照明 battery locomotive 电池机车 electric locomotive 电机车 electric drill 电钻 magnetic separation | magnetic dressing 磁力选矿法 magnetic plant | ore-dressing plant 磁选厂 skip 箕斗 dressing 精选 bedded deposit 层状矿床 caterpillar excavator 履带式挖掘机 waste-fill mining method 废石充填开采法 shaft mine 竖井开采矿 ore-sintering plant 烧结厂 grinding 磨碎 ore dressing by screening 筛洗 ore dressing 选矿 ore dressing plant 选矿厂 electrostatic separation process 静电选矿法 reserves 储藏量 walking excavator 迈步式挖掘机 pick 镐 blasting 爆破 mine 矿 workings 矿内工作区 ore 矿石 tub | mine car 矿车 sludge 矿泥 mineral 矿物 mine lamp 矿灯 orebody 矿体 open pit | opencast pit 露天矿 borer 钻孔机 drill machine 钻眼机 rock drill 凿岩机 main road haulage 大巷运输 underground hauling of coal 井下运煤 pit head 井口 shaft bottom 井底 electric portable lamp with a battery 手提电池安全灯 prop setting 支柱 moisture 水分 hydraulic giant 水采水枪 methane | firedamp 甲烷 | 沼气 recovery of pit prop 回柱 stopping 回采 rate of extraction 回采率 ash content 灰分 coal plough 刨煤机 blasting down the roof 放顶 peat 泥煤 explosion of firedamp 沼气爆炸 safety pillar 保全煤柱 | 保全煤矿柱 thick seam 厚煤层 coal-washing plant 洗煤厂 lining 砌井壁 gasification 气化 tunnelling 掘进 coal face 采煤工作面 discharge of mine water 排水 sulphur content 硫分 roof 顶板 roof fall | roof caving 顶板陷落 | 冒顶 undercutting 割进 volatile matter 挥发分 coking coal 焦煤 anthracite 无烟煤 opening up 开拓 lump coal 块煤 bituminous coal 烟煤 coal field 煤田 coal pit 煤坑 | 竖井 coal industry 煤炭工业 coal seam 煤层 coal deposits | coal reserves 煤藏 colliery | coal mine 煤矿 coke dross 碎焦煤 loading coal 装煤 loader 装载机 transporting coal 运煤 haulage machinery 运输机械 conveyer 电溜子 | 运煤机 cutter 截煤机 drum cutter 滚筒式截煤机 carbon content 碳分 calorific value 热值 lignite 褐煤 coal-dressing plant 选煤厂 combine 联合采煤机 thin seam 薄煤层 miner's lamp 矿灯 opencast coal mining 露天采煤法 kilowatt 千瓦 | 千瓦特 kwh | kilowatt hour 千瓦时 | 千瓦特小时 fractional horse power induction motor 分马力感应电动机 tapping switch 分接开关 hydro-electric power generating equipment 水力发电设备 hydro-electric power station 水电站 radiator guard 水箱护罩 flame cutting 火焰切钢 thermal power station 火电站 main shaft | perch 主轴 charge motor set 充电电动机组 alternating current | AC 交流电 alternating current motor 交流电动机 synchronous motor 同步电动机 on-load tapping changing switch 有载分接开关 organic silicon resin 有机矽树脂 neon lamp 氖管 | 霓虹灯 automatic voltage regulation 自动调压 low-voltage switchgear works 低压开关厂 cooling system pipe 冷却系统管道 mercury vapour lamp 汞气灯 | 水银灯 turbo generator shop 汽轮发电机车间 steam turbine plant 汽轮机厂 opal lamp 乳白色灯 supply line 供电线路 stator 定子 oil-cooled transformer 油浸自冷式变压器 direct current | DC 直流电 direct current motor 直流电动机 silicon rectifier 矽整流器 fuse 保险丝 brush holder 炭刷架 load 负荷 fan assembly 风扇组件 diesel generating set 柴油发电机组 hot moulding 烘压 oven 烘炉 vacuum inpregnation 真空浸渍 switchboard 配电盘 distribution line 配电线站 high frequency 高频率 high-voltage switchgear works 高压开关厂 high tension current inductor 高压电流感应器 high tension apparatus 高压仪器 high voltage wire | high tension wire 高压线 power machinery 动力机器 moving-coil regulator 动圈调压器 live-wire operation | live-wire work 带电作业 live part 带电部分 control panel 控制屏 | 开关屏 terminal 接线柱 rotating motor 旋转电动机 sphere gap for high voltage measurement 球隙测压器 asynchronous motor 异步电动机 on-off switch 通断开关 cathode 阴极 coil laying 嵌线 push-in fuse 插入熔断器 radiator 散热器 shock absorber 减震器 power station 发电站 generating equipment 发电设备 porcelain insulator 绝缘瓷瓶 insulator 绝缘体 ultraviolet lamp 紫外线灯 silk-covered wire 丝包线 switch 开关 control panel support 开关屏架 switchboard house 开关站 anode 阳极 current collector 集流环 contact ring 汇电环 varnishing machine 涂漆机 induction motor 感应电动机 induction regulator 感应调压器 installing capacity 装机容量 power industry 电力工业 power condenser 电力电容器 power grid | electric mains | transmission network 电力网 traction motor 电引电动机 bakelite 电木 | 胶木 reactance 电抗 arc welding 电弧焊接 resistance 电阻 transformer for resistance furnace 电阻炉变压器 ammeter 电流计 | 安培计 capacitance | capacity 电容 condenser bushing 电容绝缘套 electrical life 电气寿命 electric welding 电焊 voltameter 电量计 | 库仑计 electrode 电极 power transformer 电源变压器 circuit 电路 armature 电枢 armature coil 电枢绕组 preheating plug 电热塞 electric wire and cable factory 电线电缆厂 electric appliances 电器 conductance 电导 electric machinery plant 电机厂 electrical instruments and apparatus 电表仪器 voltmeter 电压表 | 伏特计 electroplating machine 电镀机 furnace transformer 电炉变压器 enamelled wire 漆包线 magnetic circuit 磁路 magnet 磁铁 storage battery case 蓄电池箱 remote-control substation 遥控变电所 copper wire 铜线 heat and power station 热电站 coil 线圈 brush 整流电刷 commutator 整流器 whole sets of thermo-power generating equipment 整套火力发电设备 rubber insulated wire 橡皮绝缘线 engine oil radiator 机油散热箱 baseframe 机座 mechanical life 机械寿命 lamp socket 灯口 | 灯座 electric bulb 灯泡 fuel tank 燃油箱 fuel pump 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司