翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 比尔[衣索匹亚] colon 可隆[哥斯大黎加] colon 可隆[萨尔瓦多] gourde [G] 古德[海地] forint [Ft] 弗林[匈牙利] florin 弗洛林[荷兰] florin 弗罗林[荷兰] guarani 瓜尼拉[乌拉圭] vatu 瓦图[万那杜] shilling [Sh] 先令[坦尚尼亚] shilling [Sh] 先令[肯尼亚] shilling [Sh] 先令[乌干达] shilling [Sh] 先令[索马利亚] shilling [Sh] 先令[奥地利] lev [Lv] 列弗[保加利亚] leu [L] 列伊[罗马尼亚] lek | Lek 列克[阿尔巴尼亚] dobra 多布拉[普林西比] dobra 多布拉[圣多美] cedi 西地[迦纳] syli | Syli 西里[几内亚] kwancha [K] 克瓦查[尚比亚] kwancha [K] 克瓦查[马拉维] krona [Kr] 克朗[冰岛] koruna 克朗[捷克] krona [Kr] 克朗[瑞典] krona 克朗[瑞典等] cruzeiro 克鲁赛罗[巴西] krone [Kr] 克罗纳[丹麦] krone [Kr] 克罗纳[挪威] leone [Le] 利昂[塞拉利昂] riyal 利雅[沙岛地阿拉伯] riyal 利雅[阿曼] riyal 利雅[叶门] ngultrum 努扎姆[不丹] lira 里拉[土耳其] lira 里拉[义大利] lira 里拉[圣马利诺] rial 里奥[伊朗] riel 里尔[柬埔寨] riel 里尔[高棉] lilangeni 里兰吉尼[史瓦济兰] naira 奈拉[奈及利亚] pa'anga 帕安卡[东加] rufiyaa 拉菲亚[马尔地夫] peso 披索[古巴] peso 披索[多米尼克] peso 披索[阿根廷] peso 披索[玻利维亚] peso 披索[哥伦比亚] peso 披索[乌拉圭] peso 披索[几内亚披索] peso 披索[智利] peso 披索[菲律宾] peso 披索[墨西哥] EC dollar 东加勒比元[多明尼加等] franc 法朗[比利时] franc 法朗[多哥] franc 法朗[赤道几内亚] franc 法朗[法国] franc 法朗[查德] franc 法朗[刚果] franc 法朗[马利] franc 法朗[马达加斯加] franc 法朗[瑞士] franc 法朗[摩纳哥] franc 法朗[庐森堡] afghani 阿富汗尼[阿富汗] CFAF 非洲金融共同体法郎 South African rand 南非兰特[纳米比亚] loti 洛蒂[赖索托] dong 盾[越南] cordoba [C$] 科多瓦[尼加拉瓜] pound sterling 英镑[吉里巴斯] pound sterling 英镑[英国] pound sterling 英镑[基里巴斯] dirham [DH] 迪拉姆[摩洛哥] lempira [L] 伦皮拉[宏都拉斯] ekpuele 埃克普韦莱[赤道几内亚] escudo 埃斯库多[智利] escudo 埃斯库多[葡萄牙] quetzal [Q] 格查尔[瓜地马拉] Ouguiya [UM] 乌奎亚[茅利塔尼亚] sol [Sl] 索尔[秘鲁] zloty [Zl] 兹拉第[波兰] markka [Fmk] 马克[芬兰] mark [M] 马克[德国] kina 基那[巴布亚纽几内亚] kip [K] 基普[寮国] guilder | gulden 基尔德[荷兰] guilder 基尔德[苏利南] metical 梅蒂尔卡[莫三比克] dinar 第纳尔[巴林] dinar 第纳尔[伊拉克] dinar 第纳尔[利比亚] dinar 第纳尔[阿尔及利亚] dinar 第纳尔[南斯拉夫] dinar 第纳尔[科威特] dinar 第纳尔[突尼斯] dinar 第纳尔[约旦] bolivar 博利瓦[委内瑞拉] pula 普拉[波札那] won 圆[朝鲜、韩国] taka 塔卡[孟加拉国] tala 塔拉[西萨摩亚] new Cedi 新西地[迦纳] new Cruzeiro 新克鲁赛罗[巴西] Swiss franc 瑞士法郎[列支敦斯登] dalasi [DG] 达拉西[甘比亚] tugrik [Tug] 图格里克[蒙古] forint 福林[匈牙利] baht 铢[泰国] kwanza 宽札[安哥拉] drachma [Dr] 德拉克马[希腊] Euro | Eurodollar 欧元[欧共体] Kyat [K] 缅元[缅甸] rupee 卢比[巴基斯坦] rupee 卢比[尼泊尔] rupee 卢比[印度] rupee 卢比[孟加拉] rupee 卢比[马尔地夫] rupee 卢比[斯里兰卡] rupee 卢比[塞席尔] rupiah 卢比亚[印尼] Rouble [R] 卢布[亚美尼亚] Rouble [R] 卢布[俄罗斯] shekel 锡克尔[以色列] zaire [Z] 萨伊[萨伊] pound 镑[土耳其] pound 镑[埃及] pound 镑[马尔他] pound 镑[叙利亚] pound 镑[爱尔兰] pound 镑[黎巴嫩] pound 镑[赛普勒斯] pound 镑[苏丹] sucre [Sl] 苏克雷[厄瓜多尔] rand 兰特[奈米比亚] rand 兰特[南非] savings account 乙种户[储蓄存款户] to break down 大票换小票 figures written in long hand 大写数字 paid check 已付支票 nonconvertible | irredeemable 不兑现 non-acceptance 不承兑 bearer's check 不抬头支票 non-negotiable bill 不流动汇票 bank for medium-scale enterprises | business bank 中小企业银行 government treasury 公库 branch office 分行 account name | account title 户名 portable safe 手提保险箱 procedure fee | handling fee 手续费 expense 支出 check | [England] cheque 支票 check stub 支票存根 check book 支票存款簿 photostatic check 支票影印本 be out of date 日久失效 daily interest rate 日息率 calendar year 日历年度 | 历年制 monthly interest rate 月息率 to stop payment | suspension of payment 止付 cardholder's copy 付帐人卡联 paying | payment 付款 payer | drawee 付款人 number of charges 付款张数 payment terms maturity | date of payment terms 付款条件到期 payment advice 付款通知 sales slip 付款联 clearing credit [paying & receiving banks are different] 他行支票 token 代用货币 collecting for another agency 代收 procuration endorsement 代理背书 purchaser's signature 卡户签名 for deposit only 只许存款 for collection only 只许收款 foreign exchange 外汇 exchange control 外汇管制 foreign currency deposit 外币存款 city bank 市银行 transfer credit [paying & receiving banks are the same] 本行支票 standard money 本位币 cashier's check 本票 outstanding check 未兑支票 stamp duty required 未贴印花 not yet negotiated 未经接洽 original bill 正本汇票 production loan 生产贷款 checking account 甲种户 application for foreign exchange 申请外汇 transaction 交易 exchange value | exchange rate 交换价值 business investment 企业投资 clean bills application 光票申请书 to re-issue 再发行 impression of legal seal 印鉴 signature card | seal card 印鉴卡 banker's deposit 同业存款 business relations within the same field 同业往来 banker's overdraft 同业透支 nominal rate 名义利率 | 票面利率 cooperative bank 合作金库 district bank 地方银行 deposit transmittal 存付款卡单 due-from-bank 存放同业 deposit | to deposit 存款 insufficient funds | not sufficient funds [NSF] 存款不足 deposit receipt 存款收据 deposit slip 存款单 deposit transfer 存款转帐 deposit passbook 存款簿 annual interest rate | per annum interest rate 年利率 | 年息率 annual interest | yearly interest 年息 teller's window 收付处 receiving | receipts 收款 payee 收款人 | 受款人 | 领款人 credit advice | debit advice 收款报单 with recourse 有追索权 marketable securities 有价证券[可供销售] E & OE [errors & omissions excepted] 有错当查 account closed 此户已取消 | 帐户已结清 payment stopped 此票已止付 mutilated check requires drawer's confirmation 此票破裂处须出票人证实 percentage 百分比 free cash 自由现金 bank staff | bank employee 行员 to void 作废 cancelled check 作废支票 | 被提后注销支票 check payable at sight 即期票 demand note 即期票据 sight bill | demand draft 即期汇票 to convert 折合 conversion rate 折合率 altered bill | amended bill 更改票据 signature of alteration irregular 更改处出票人签章有误 alteration requires drawer's signature 更改处须发票人签章证明 payment on demand 见票即付 matured check 到期支票 endorsement required 受票人须背书 assignee 受让人 endorsement for collection 委托收款书 time-deposit slip 定期存单 time deposit 定期存款 time draft 定期汇票 official discount rate 官定贴现率 official exchange rate 官价汇率 be postdated 尚未到期 to extend the date 延期 deferred payment check 延期支票 deferred payment 延迟付款 acceptance 承兑 acceptor 承兑人 dishonored note 拒付票据 protest 拒付证书 dishonored account 拒绝往来户 pledge | collateral 抵押品 secured loan | mortgage loan 抵押贷款 mortgage bond 抵押债券 title [of client to banker] 抬头 order check [no bearer] 抬头支票 | 记名支票 loan 放款 legal interest 法定利息 legal reserve 法定准备金 volume index 物量指数 price index 物价指数 organization deposit 社团存款 blank endorsement 空白背书 balance on account 轧平头寸 gold bullion standard 金块本位 words & figures discrepancy 金额不符 amount incorrectly spelled 金额有误 long-term loan 长期贷款 digit 阿拉伯数字 credit cooperative 信用合作社 loan on credit 信用贷款 credit squeeze 信用紧缩 trust deposit 信托存款 trust fund 信托资金 trust bank 信托银行 mail transfer | to remit by letter 信汇 | 邮汇 certified check 保付支票 safety-deposit box 保险箱[银行用以存私人贵重品] to forge a signature on a check 冒签支票 monthly installments 按月摊付 yearly installments 按年摊付 bearer 持票人 signature of holder 持票人印鉴 government deposit 政府存款 demand-deposit slip 活期存单 demand deposit | current deposit 活期存款 demand passbook 活期存摺 demand loan 活期贷款 demand savings 活期储蓄 provincial treasury 省库 provincial bank 省银行 counterpart fund 相对基金 perforated check 穿孔字支票 fire-proof safe 耐火保险箱 endorsement | to endorse a check 背书 endorser 背书人 endorsement irregular 背书有误不明 endorsee 背书受让人 negotiable endorsement 背书转让 restricted endorsement 限制背书 par value [p.v.] 面值 | 面额 personal credit information 个人徵信书 blocked account | frozen account 冻结帐户 arbitrage 套汇 cash-in-vault 库存现金 traveller's check 旅行支票 consumptive loan 消费贷款 floating rate 浮动汇率 special cross check | special crossed check 特别划线 paper money 纸币 deficit 缺头寸 full endorsement 记名背书 collection for others 托收 in-trust deposit | deposit held in custody 托管存款 consortium 财团 date of value 起息期 returned check | bounced check 退票 reasons for check returning 退票理由 notice of returned check 退票理由单 to ration 配给 counterfeit check | forged check 假支票 duplicate bill 副本汇票 countersignature | to countersign 副署 | 会签 chattel mortgage 动产抵押 seller's copy 商人收帐联 business deposit 商业存款 trade acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票 commercial loan 商业贷款 commercial bank 商业银行 domestic exchange 国内汇兑 required over 国外银行本票逾额另须请求字句 national bank 国家银行 exchequer | national treasury 国库 treasury check 国库支票 public debt 国债 international exchange 国际汇兑 account 帐户 account number 帐号 to hang chart of current exchange rates 挂牌 conditional endorsement 条件背书 cash balance 现金结存 cash slip | cash voucher 现金传票 cash reserve 现金准备 No stub, please come again. 票根未到请下次来 unmatured note 票期未到 bills 票据 clearance | clearing 票据交换 clearing house 票据交换所 note rediscount 票据再贴现 note discount 票据贴现 clearing house broker 票据经纪人 cargo loan | loan on cargo 船货放款 monetary value 货币价值 deposit-at-notice | to call deposit 通知存款 to co-sign | to countersign 连署 | 连名 interest on an overdraft 透支利息 overdraft 透支款项 residual material 剩余物资 simple interest 单利 sole bill | sole draft 单张汇票 runaway inflation 恶性通货膨胀 to withdraw 提款 withdrawal slip 提款单 cash dispenser | cash machine 提款机 to change chop | to change seal 换印鉴 promissory note 期票 unstable prices | floating prices 游值 be unclaimed 无人提取 non-interest bearing bonds 无利息公债 check not stating bearer's name 无记名支票 without recourse 无追索权 to issue 发行 invoice 发票 check drawer | maker 发票人 drawn against uncontrolled items 发票人托收款项尚未收到 date incomplete or illegible 发票日期不全或不明 floating government bond 短期公债 short term loan 短期贷款 short term advance 短期垫款 to close an account 结清 gap in check sequence 结单所列跳号支票 settlement of exchange 结汇 liquidation | to clear account 结算 agio | premium on money 贴水 discount 贴现 discount rate 贴现率 vault 贵重品保管库[银行等] devalued currency 贬值钞票 lending rate | rate on loan 贷款利率 export-import bank 进出口银行 entry 进帐 postal money order 邮政汇票 to open an account 开户 bank for reconstruction & development 开发银行 local exchange control permit required 须取财务许可证 black market exchange 黑市汇兑 remittance charge 汇水 | 汇费 remittance memo 汇水单 to exchange 汇兑 exchange rate 汇率 bill of exchange 汇票 usance 汇票支付限期 remittance stub 汇票票根 remittance advice 汇票通知 remittance 汇款 method of remittance 汇款方式 remittance permit 汇款核准书 do not cash if altered | without validity if altered 涂改无效 new seal 新印鉴 premium 溢价 be non-negotiable | be non-transferable 禁止转让 to transfer funds 解款 information desk 询问处 funds 资金 financing 资金周转 agricultural loan 农贷 cash-in-transit 运送中现金 stale check | old check 过期支票 remittance by cable | telegraphic money | telegraphic transfer 电汇 to remit money to seller's account in payment for goods bought 划拨 cross check | crossed check 划线支票 confirmation of balance | cross-check bill 对帐单 to deflate money supply | to tighten money supply 紧缩银根 payable-to-bearer 认票不认人 postdated check 远期支票 time bill 远期汇票 bank 银行 bank handling charge | bank procedure charge 银行手续费 bank copy 银行付帐联 monthly statement 银行每月结单 banker's acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票 bank loan 银行放款 credit card 银行信用卡 bank failure | bank bankruptcy 银行倒闭 authorization number | approved code 银行核准付款编号 bank discount 银行票据贴现 bank draft 银行汇票 banking 银行业务 banking hours 银行营业时间 words and figures are inconsistent 数码不符 compound interest 复利 compound discount 复贴现 Refer to drawer. 请与出票人接洽 banker's clearing chop required 请盖银行交换所印 confirmation of endorsement required 请担保背书 annuity method 养老金法 Pay to the order of..., please. 凭票指示付款 only | even 整[票额尾字] short-term loan for use as a revolving fund | accommodating fund 融资 money-exchange shop [old Chinese bank] 钱庄 sinking fund 偿债基金 savings deposit 储蓄存款 savings bank 储蓄银行 inter-bank relations 联行往来 currency counting machine 点数钞票机 teller 柜台出纳员 to tamper with 窜改 third party check 转手支票 to transfer debit to side 转帐支出 excess issuance 额外发行 signature incomplete 签章不全 signature irregular 签章有误不明 securities draft 证券汇票 to verify a check's use 鉴定支票效用 fluctuation in exchange rate 变动汇率 assignor 让与人 [slang] a wad of bills | a wad of lettuce 一叠钞票 excess of imports | surplus of imports 入超 land money 土地货币 mite | small denomination 小钱币 wage-price spiral 工资售价节节升高之现象 wage-push inflation 工资推动通货膨胀 depression | economic slump 不景气 | 萧条 domestic debt 内债 corporation bond 公司公债 public utility 公用事业 government bond 公债 bond maturity 公债到期 refunding bond 公债换新 state enterprise | government enterprise 公营企业 distribution 分配 increment 升值 | 增值 payment in specie 付现 excess of exports | surplus of exports 出超 disposable income 可支配所得 foreign market 外市场 foreign aid 外援 foreign debt 外债 foreign currency 外币 peacetime economy | normal economy 平时经济 monetary standard 本位制度 private enterprise 民营企业 entrepreneur 企业家 local finance 地方财政 cost efficiency | cost effectiveness 成本效率 cost-push | cost inflation 成本增加引起的通货膨胀 growth rate 成长率 special consolation prize 百位附奖 free economy 自由经济 stagnancy | dullness 呆滞 | 停滞 income equilibrium 均衡所得 each part 每联 use value 使用价值 law of supply & demand 供求律 specie [coin designated for circulation] 制钱 income 所得 distribution of income 所得分配 income schedule 所得表列 variance in income 所得差异 income effect 所得效果 income bracket 所得级距 lawful money | legal tender 法定货币 long-range economic development project 长期经济发展计划 consolation prize 附奖 credit money 信用货币 dollar area 美元地区 sterling area 英镑地区 planned economy 计划经济 debt ratio 负债比 | 负债比率 personal income | private income 个人所得 private wealth 个人财富 utility 效用 law of diminishing utility 效用递减律 consumption 消费 bankruptcy 破产 Wall Street 纽约华尔街[美金融中心] paper currency | paper money 纸币 subsidiary note 纸辅币 finance 财政 financial deficit 财政赤字 financier 财政家 treasure and finance 财政与金融 consortium as a juridical person 财团法人 unfavorable balance | unfavorable trade balance | trade deficit 逆差 hyperinflation 高度通货膨胀 counterfeit money 伪币 stagflation 停滞性膨胀 commodity money 商品货币 foreign loan 国外贷款 national income 国民所得 national economy 国民经济 nationalization 国有 national wealth 国家财富 treasury bond 国库券 National Gross Reserved Currency Fund [NGRC Fund] 国款 national debt 国债 national currency 国币 international currency 国际货币 International Monetary Parity System 国际货币平价制度 strong currency 强势货币 symmetalism 混合本位 net income 净所得 net cash flow 净现金流量 cash effect 现金效果 controlled economy 统制经济 monetary crisis 货币晰 monetary unit 货币单位 reinflation 通货再膨胀 deflation 通货紧缩 inflation 通货膨胀 maximum limit system 最高发行限额 single note 单钞 financial insolvency 无力偿还债务 short-term bond 短期公债 coin | coinage 硬币 obverse side 硬币正面 reverse side 硬币背面 subsidiary coin 硬辅币 Phillips curve 菲利普斯曲线 devaluation 贬值 bank note 钞票 favorable balance | favorable balance of trade 顺差 gold flow 黄金流量 credit standing 债信良好 liberty bond 爱国公债 liberty lottery 爱国奖券 economy 经济 economic vitality 经济生机 economic crisis 经济晰 economic growth 经济成长 economic system 经济制度 economic construction project 经济建设计划 economic planning 经济计划 economic take-off 经济起飞 economic cycle 经济循环 economic recession 经济萎缩 economic impact 经济冲击 economic prosperity | economic boom 经济繁荣 economic stability 经济稳定 capitalist 资本家 industrialist 实业家 subscription to government bond 认购公债 silver currency 银洋 brass coin | copper coin 铜元 demand-pull | demand inflation 需求性通货膨胀 standard coinage 标准铸币 war bond 战时公债 war economy | war time economy 战时经济 slumpflation 萧胀 | 萧条通胀 exergue | date of issue 钱币上年月等刻记 legend 钱币上的刻字 to redeem bonds 偿还公债 temporary currency 临时通货 loan rising 举债 marginal utility 边际效用 mintage 铸币 aa channel 块熔岩通道 AA conductor 铝镁合金导线 Aaa-rated 票面等级; 票面额 aabomycin 阿博霉素 Aalenian 阿连阶 Aallibalis 阿拉巴蒂斯布 aardwolf Proteles cristatus 土狼 Aatrex 阿特拉津 Aatrex 4L+ Lasso 4EC 阿草混剂一号 Aatrex 4L+Paraquat CL 阿快混剂一号 Aatrex 4L+Princep 4L 阿西混剂 Aatrex 80w+Lasso 4EC 阿草混剂二号 Aatrex 80W+Paraquat CL 阿快混剂二号 Rokitansky-Aachoff sinuses 罗阿二氏窦 ab initio wave-function 初始波函数 abac scale 列线图标度线 abandonment of water rights 放弃水权 abandonment value 废弃价值 abaominal myomectomy 剖腹肌瘤切除术 abapertural 离螺口的 abaptiston 安全开颅圆锯 abarognosis 辨重障碍 abarthrosis 动关节 abarticular 关节外的 abarticulation 动关节 abas 列线图 abasia 步行不能 abasic 步行不能的 2000 metres above sea level 海拔高达二千米 abat-jour 斜片百叶窗 abate 倒钝; 削弱; 双硫磷; 减少 abate a price 降价 abatement 减低; 减轻; 减退; 中断; 除却; 免赔; 折扣; 刨花; 抑制; 压低; 废料 abatement and exemption from penalty 免除刑罚 abatement cost 消除有害事物的成本 abatement of debts 废除债务 abatement of smoke and dust 消烟除尘 abatement order 废除令 abatic 步行不能的 abattoir 屠宰场 abatvoix 吸音板 abaxial 离开轴心 abaxial astigmatism 轴外像散 abaxial parenchyma 远轴薄壁组织 Abbe 阿贝 Abbe aperto meter 阿贝数值孔径计 Abbe apertometer 阿贝孔径计; 阿贝数值孔径计 Abbe apparatus 阿贝折射计 Abbe autocollimation measuring 阿贝自准直量度法 Abbe autocollimation measuring method 阿贝自动对准测量方法 Abbe camera lucida 阿培化显微镜描图器 Abbe comparator 阿贝比长仪 Abbe condenser 阿贝聚光镜 Abbe constant 阿贝常数 Abbe criterion 阿贝判据; 阿贝准则 Abbe doublediffraction principle 阿贝双衍射原理 Abbe eyepiece 阿贝目镜 Abbe illuminator 阿贝照明器 Abbe invariant 阿贝不变式 Abbe number 阿贝数; 阿贝值; 色散系数 Abbe photometric law 阿贝光度定律 Abbe prism 阿贝棱镜 Abbe radiance law 阿贝辐射率定律 Abbe refractomecer 阿贝折射率计 Abbe refractometer 阿贝折射计 Abbe resolution criterion 阿贝分辨率判据 Abbe spherometer 阿贝球径计 Abbe treatment 阿贝处理 Abbe's formula 阿贝公式 Abbe's principle 阿贝原理 abbe's refractometer 阿贝折光仪 Abbe's sine condition 阿贝正弦条件 Abbe's sine law 阿贝正弦定律 Abbe's sine rule 阿贝正弦定则 Abbe's string method 线扩张疗法 Abbe's theory 阿贝理论 Abbe's theory of image formation 阿贝成像理论 abbertite 黑沥青 abbey 寺院 Abbott's bearing curve 艾卜特支承曲线 Abbot's cloth 粗厚方平织物 abbreviate 缩写; 简略 abbreviated address 短缩地址 abbreviated address call 短缩地址调用 abbreviated address calling 简缩寻址访问 abbreviated addressing 短缩编址; 短缩寻址; 缩短寻址; 缩写寻址 abbreviated analysis 简略分析 abbreviated dialling 缩位拨号 abbreviated equation 简化方程 abbreviated signal code 缩写信码; 传输电码 abbreviation 节略; 缩略字; 缩写; 简略符号; 省略 abbreviation of keyword 关键字的缩写 ABC analysis 分类管理法; 分类控制法 ABC control 分级存货管理 ABC system 机载控制测量系统 ABC universal commercial telegraphic code 爱皮西世界商业密码 abcoulomb 绝对库仑; 绝对库仑 abcoulomb centimeter aCcm 电磁库厘米 abcoulomb per cubic centimeter aC/cm 3 电磁库/厘米 3 abcoulomb per square centimeter aC/cm 2 电磁库/厘米 2 Abcrcrombie & Fitch 阿伯克龙比和菲奇公司 Abde's zero in variant 阿贝零不变量 Abderhalden reaction 阿布德哈尔德反应 Abderhalden's reaction 阿布德豪登氏反应; 血清酶反应 abdomen 腹; 腹部 abdomen spatula 压肠板 abdominal 腹部的 abdominal actinomycosis 腹放线菌病 abdominal allergic purpura 腹型过敏性紫癜 abdominal amniocentesis 经腹壁羊膜穿刺术; 经腹壁羊膜穿刺术 abdominal aorta 腹主动脉 abdominal apoplexy 腹部卒中 abdominal aspirator 腹腔内液体吸引器 abdominal asthma 腹性气喘 abdominal ballottement 腹部冲击触诊法; 间接冲击触诊 abdominal bandage 肚带 abdominal belt 腹带 abdominal binder 腹带 abdominal breathig 腹式呼吸 abdominal cavity 腹腔 abdominal cesarean section 腹式剖腹产术 abdominal cleft 介壳虫臀裂 abdominal configuration 腹部外形 abdominal contents 腹部下水 abdominal depth 腹厚 abdominal distension 胀病; 中满 abdominal distention 腹膨胀; 腹部膨隆 abdominal dropsy 腹水 abdominal external hernia 腹外疝 abdominal external ring 腹外环 abdominal gestation 腹腔妊娠 abdominal gill 腹鳃 abdominal heart 腹位心 abdominal hernia 腹壁疝 abdominal hysterectomy 剖腹子宫截除术; 剖腹子宫切除术 abdominal hysterotomy 腹式剖宫取胎术 abdominal inguinal ring 腹股沟管腹环 abdominal internal hernia 腹内疝 abdominal leg 腹足 abdominal limb 腹肢 abdominal marking 腹部花纹 abdominal mass 腹部包块; 腹部肿块; 积聚 abdominal migraine 腹型偏头痛 abdominal muscles 腹肌 abdominal muscular relaxation 腹壁松弛 abdominal nephrotomy 经腹肾切开术; 经腹肾切开术 abdominal operation 腹部手术 abdominal pad 腹垫 abdominal pain 腹痛 abdominal pain due to blood stasis 血瘀腹痛 abdominal pain due to stagnation of blood 血滞腹痛 abdominal pain with cold limbs 厥疝; 厥疝 abdominal paracentesis 腹腔穿刺术 abdominal perimeter 腹围 abdominal plain film examination 腹部平片检查 abdominal pregnancy 腹腔妊娠 abdominal pressure 腹压 abdominal protector 护腹具 abdominal pulse 腹部主动脉脉搏 abdominal reflex 腹壁反射 abdominal region 腹部分区 abdominal respiration 腹式呼吸 abdominal retractor 腹壁拉钩; 腹部拉钩; 大腹壁钩 abdominal rib 腹肋 abdominal scale 腹鳞 abdominal segment 腹节 abdominal selective angiography 腹部选择性血管造影术 abdominal self-retaining retractor 腹壁保留牵开器 abdominal self-retaining retractors 腹壁自固定牵开器 abdominal spatula 压肠板 abdominal subcutaneous veins 腹皮下静脉 abdominal suction tube 腹腔吸管 abdominal surgery instruments 腹部外科手术器械 abdominal tenderness 腹部压痛 abdominal total hysterectomy 经腹子宫全切除术; 经腹子宫全切除术 abdominal vascular murmur 腹部血管杂音 abdominal version 外倒转术 abdominal wall 腹壁 abdominal wall retainer 腹壁固定器 abdominal water transferring machine 腹水转流机 abdominal watersheds 腹腔分水岭 abdominal white 稻米 腹白 abdominal-mass type 腹块型 abdominalgia 腹痛 abdomino-anterior 腹前位 abdominocardiac reflex 腹心反射 abdominocentesis 腹腔穿刺术 abdominohysterectomy 腹式子宫切除术 abdominoperineal incision 腹腔会阴切口 abdominoscrotal 腹阴囊的 abdominothoracic incision 胸腹联合切口 abdominouterectomy 腹式子宫切除术 abdominouterotomy 剖腹子宫切开术 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司