翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 probability of adapting strategy 可采用策略的概率 process address space 进程地址空间 process of adjustment 调整过程 processor address space 处理机地址空间 production adjustment 生产调整 productivity of added value 增值的生产能力 products that yield a high added value 附加值高 progeria in adult 成人性早老症 program address 程序地址 program address counter PAC 程序地址计数器 program address error 程序地址错误 program address register 程序地址寄存器 program addressable clock 程序可寻址时钟 program counter address 程序计数器地址 program counter addressing 程序计数器寻址 program order address 程序指令地址 programmed address modification 程序地址修改 programmed I-O address 程序输入输出地址 prop and adventitious roots 支撑根与不定根 propellant additive 推进剂添加物 propeller advance 螺旋桨进程 propylene oxide adduct 环氧丙烷加成物 prospective adaptation 前适应 protective adaptation 堡适应; 堡性适应 protein adhesive 蛋白质胶粘剂 provincially administered municipality 省辖市 pseudodystrophia adiposogenitalis 假性肥胖生殖无能 psychotechnic adaptability 心理技术适应性 public address 扩音 public address receiver 扩音机 public address set 扩音装置 public address system 扩声系统; 扩音系统 public-address amplifier 扩音机 public-address system 扩声装置 puffing advertising 口头广告 pull-rod adjusting nut 拉杆调整螺母 puller adapter 拆卸工具接头 pulmonary adenomatosis 绵羊肺腺瘤病 pulse advancing 脉冲提前 pulse bucking adder 脉冲补偿加法器 pulse response adaptive 脉冲响应自适应 pulse temperature adjusting control board 脉冲温度调节控制板 pulsed adsorption bed PAB 脉冲吸附床 pump adapter 泵的接合器; 泵接合器 pump adjustment 泵浦调节; 抽运调节 pumping adjuster 泵杆调整器 punch adapter 冲杆连接器; 凸模接头 punch advance 冲杆冲程 purchase in advance 预购 Purdue clerical adaptability test 珀杜文书工作适应性测验 Q address 传送数据地址 rature-adjust 正交调节 ruple address 四地址 rupole adsorption line 四极吸收谱线 quantity added to 加入量 quasi-adiabatic 准绝热 quasi-adiabatic convection 准绝热对流 quaternary adduct 四元加合物 quick spindle adjustment钻床 快速主轴调整 quick-adjusting 快速调整; 迅速调整; 迅速调整 quick-adjusting micrometer calliper 速调测微仪 quick-adjusting nut 自动销紧弹簧螺母 quick-change adapter 铣刀的 快速调换器 quick-setting additive 速凝剂; 速凝添加剂; 快凝掺合剂 quotas administered 配额管理 quotient address operand 商地址操作数 rabbit-adapted vaccine 兔化疫苗 Rabdosia adenantha 腺花香茶菜 rachitis adultorum 成人佝偻病 ar advisory 雷达报告 ial adjustment 径向调节; 径向调节 ial outward admission 离心进气 ial piston pump with exterior admission 外配流径向柱塞泵 ial piston pump with interior admission 内配流径向柱塞泵 ial-inward admission 向心进汽 iator core adapter 散热器心子接头 io adaptation 无线电操作 io advertising 无线电广播广告 io frequency adapter 高频适应器 ium-plaque adaptometer 镭板适应计 ius of addendum 齿顶圆半径 rail gap adjuster 轨缝调整器 advance warning sign 铁路道口预警标志 raise-bore advance 天井钻孔进尺 ram adaptor 滑块结合器 ram adjuster 滑块冲程调整器; 滑枕调节螺栓 ram adjustment device 滑枕调整装置 Rana adenopleura 弹琴蛙 randow addressing 随机寻址 range adjustment 距离调整; 距离调整; 距离修正; 距离修正; 范围调整; 量程调整 range of adjustment 调整范围 range of administered price 行政定价范围 rapid adjustment 快速调整 rapid cure adhesive 速定胶粘剂 rare earth addition 稀土添加剂 ratchet adjustment clutch 棘轮调整式离合器 rate adjustment 时差调整 rate of adsorption 吸附速率 ratio of value added to sales 附加价值对销售额百分比 raw metal additions 含铁添加物 re-adjustment of farm boundaries 补整田地 additionally 增听 real add 实数加 real address 实地址 real address area 实地址区; 实际地址区; 实址区 real-time address 实时地址; 零级地址 real-time addressing 零级定址; 高速寻址; 实时定址; 实时寻址; 直接选址 real-time relative addressing 实时相对寻址 rear furrow wheel adjustment screw 尾轮调节螺钉 rear-wheel depth adjustment 尾轮深浅调节器 recent advance 新发展 recoil adapter 后坐力接合器 record address file 记录地址文件 recorder adjustment 自动记录仪校准 recovery period of added investment 附加投资回收年限 rectal adenocarcinoma 直肠腺癌 rectal adenoma polyposum 直肠息肉样腺瘤 rectal polypoid adenoma 直肠息肉样腺瘤 red cell adhesion test 红细胞粘连试验 reduced admittance 正规化导纳 reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤酸二核苷酸 reducer adapter 减压活门联接器 reducing finder adapter lens 简化深测器接合器透镜 reel adjuster 拨禾轮调节器 reel adjustment cylinder 拨禾轮调节油缸 reel fore-and-aft adjuster 拨禾轮前后位置调节器 reel height adjusting crank 拨禾轮高度调节曲柄 reel height adjustment lever 拨禾轮高度调节杆 reel height hydraulic adjuster lever 拨禾轮高度液压调节杆 reel horizontal adjustment lever 拨禾轮水平调节杆 reel speed adjusting lever 拨禾轮调速杆 reference address 基本地址; 参考地址; 转换地址; 地址常数 reference address zero point 基地址 reference adjustment 基准调整; 参考调整; 参考值调整 refining with adsorbents 吸附精制 reform of school administrative system 学校管理体制改革 refresh address 更新地址 regenerative adiabatic operation 蓄热式绝热操作 regional address 同区相邻地址; 区地址 regional addressing 分区访问 regional adjustments 地区审查 register apir address 寄生器对地址 regressive adaptability 退化适应 reinforcement for adjacent openings 邻近开孔的补强 reinforcement of additional elements 另附加元件的补强 reinforcing steel adjusting cutter 钢筋调直切断机 relative adaptability 相对适应性 relative address label 相对地址标号 relative addressing time-sharing 相对编址分时 relative advantage 相对利益 relative economic advantage 相对经济优势 relocatable address 可浮动地址; 可再定位地址; 可重定位地址; 浮动地址 relocatable entry address 可浮动入口地址; 可再定位入口地址 relocatable symbolic address 浮动符号地址; 可再定位符号地址 relocated address 置换地址 remedium adjuvans 佐药 remoistening adhesive 再湿性胶粘剂 remote adjustment 遥控 remote index value adjustment 远距离指标值调整 remote set point adjustment 远距离给定值调整 remote speed adjustment 远距转速调节 remotely adjustable collimator 远距离可调准直器 removal of adsorbed impurities 清除被吸附的杂草 renal adenocarcinoma 肾腺癌; 格腊维次氏瘤 repair of adult umbilical hernia 成年人脐疝修补术 repeat to address RA 重复编址; 重复地址 repeated addition 重复加法; 重复相加; 叠加 repeated admission 重复进气 repetitive addition 重复加; 重复相加 repetitive addressing 重复选址; 重复寻址 repetive addressing 重复定址 requiring additional reinforcement 需要附加补强 reserved addressing mode fault 保留寻址方式故障 reset adjustment 复位调整 reset and add 清加 resin adhesive 树脂胶粘剂 resorcinol adhesive 间苯二酚粘合剂 response adequacy 反应适当性 restart address 再启动地址 restricted adhesive 限用胶粘剂 result address 结果地址 resultant admittance 总导纳; 合成导纳 retarded admission 延迟进气 reticle adjusting ring 瞄准具调整环; 十字丝校正环 retinal adaptation 视网膜适应 retroactive adjustment 追溯调整 retroactive admission 追计加入 return address 返回地址 return address instruction 返回地址指令 return address link 返回地址连接 reversal of the Michael addition 反麦克尔加成反应 reverse trend adjustment 反向趋势调整 reversibility of adsorption 吸附可逆性 reversible addition reaction 可逆加成反应 reversible saturation-adiabatic process 可逆饱和绝热过程 rf adapter 射频适应器; 射频转接器 Rhabdonema adriaticum 亚得里亚海杆线藻 Rhododendron adenogynum 腺房杜鹃 rigging adjoint functor 右伴随函子 rigging adjoint linear mapping 右伴随线性映射 right adjoint 右伴随 right-hand adder 右侧数加法器 righthand adder 低位加法器 ring of admission ports 进气口圈 ring-type adder 环式加法器; 环形加法器 ringing switch trunk address 振铃接续中继线地址 ripen in advance 提前成熟 ripple adder 逐位进位加法器 ripple carry adder 行波进位加法器; 脉动进位加法器 risk adjusted discount rate 风险调整折现率 risk-adjusted discont rate 调整风险后贴现率 river adjustment 河道调整 sign adhesive 道路标志胶 roll on-off adjustable platform 滚装可调平台 roll-adjusting gears 轧辊调整机构 room-temperature setting adhesive 室温固化胶粘剂 root segment addressable area 根段可寻址区 rotary erase adjustment 旋转消磁调整 rotary phase advancer 旋转相位超前补偿器 rotatable phase-adjusting transformer 调相器; 旋转相位调整变压器 rough adjustment 粗调整 route of administration 给药途径 routine adjustment 定期调整; 例行调整 row address 行地址 rubber adhesive 橡胶粘合剂 rubber adhesive plaster 橡皮膏 rubber-based adhesive 橡胶胶粘剂 rudder pedal adjuster 舵板调节器 running adjuster 运转调整器 runtime administration routine 运行时管理程序 runtime storage administration 运行时存储器管理 rust-inhibiting additive 防锈添加剂 safety forest administration 安全森林管理 sag adjustment 挠度调节; 垂度调节 salary administration 薪金管理 e in advance of delivery 超过供应量的销售 sampling inspection with adjustment 调整型抽样检验 sand additions 型砂加入剂 satisfying and adaptively rational decision 满足化与适应性的合理决策 saturated-adiabatic lapse rate 饱和绝热直减率 saturation adiabat 饱和绝热线 saturation adiabatic process 饱和绝热过程 saturation-adiabatic lapse rate 湿绝热直减率 saturation-adiabatic process 湿绝热过程 scan address 扫描地址 scan address generator 扫描地址生成程序 scanning-size adjustment 扫描尺寸调整 scatter admittance 泄漏电导 Scherbius advancer 西尔毕斯进相机 schillerization Aduralia 闪光冰长石 school of business administration 商业管理学院 school of industrial administration 工业管理学院 scientific advance 科学进展 sclerema adultorum 硬皮病 scleroderma adultorum 成人硬皮病 sclerosing adenomatosis 硬化性腺瘤病 screen slope adjusting shaft 筛网倾斜调节轴 screw adjusting double caliper 螺钉调整内外卡尺 screw adjusting inside caliper 螺钉调整内卡尺 screw adjusting outside caliper 螺钉调整外卡尺 screw adjustment 螺钉调整 screw support for adjusting regulator 调整快慢针的螺钉座 sea advance 海进; 海侵 seasonal adjustments 季节调整 seasonally adjusted data 调整季节变动后的数据 seasonally adjusted figure 调整季节变动后的数字 seat adjuster 座位调节装置 sebaceous adenoma 皮脂腺腺癌 sebaceous adenoma of scrotum 阴囊皮脂腺瘤 seborrhea adiposa 油性皮脂溢 second addition time 二次加法时间 second address 第二地址 second level address 二次地址 second wheel additional lock 秒轮附加锁杆 second-level address 二级地址 second-level addressing 二级编址; 二级寻址 secondary adaptation 次级适应 secondary address vector table SAVT 辅助地址向量表 secondary adhesion 继发性粘连 secondary-level address 二级地址 sector address 扇面地址 sector address register 扇面地址寄存器; 扇区地址寄存器 sector address system 区段地址方式 sector shaft thrust adjustment 扇形轴限制器调整 secure an adequate supply 保障供应 secure voice adaptor 话密适配机 seeding and adult 苗株和成株 seedling with adhering soil 秧苗带土 segment address 段地址 segment addressing 段编址 segment base address 区段基地址; 段基地址 segment offset address 区段偏移量地址 selected address 被选地址; 被选择的地址 selecting address technique 选址术 selective addressing 选择寻址 selective administration 选择参入 selective adsorbent 选择性吸附剂 selective adsorption 选择吸附 selective advance 选择增效 selective advantage 选择优势; 选择有利性 self adapting 自适应 self adaptive flight control system 自适应飞行控制系统 self adhesive material 自粘合材料 self-adaptation 自体适应 self-adaptation autopilot 自适应自动驾驶仪; 自适应自动驾驶仪 self-adaptation command receiving technique 自适应指令接收技术 self-adaptation control 自适应控制 self-adaptation system 自适应系统 self-adapting filter 自适应滤波器 self-adapting system 自适应系统 self-adaption 自适应调节 self-adaptive 自适应控制 self-adaptive autopilot 自适应式自动驾驶仪 self-adaptive control system 自适应控制系统 self-adaptive controller 自适应控制器 self-adaptive damping 自适应性阻尼; 自适应阻尼 self-adaptive system 自适应系统 aptive-adjusting autopilot 自适应式自动驾驶仪 self-adaptive-correcting autopilot 自适应式自动驾驶仪 self-adhering film 伸缩薄膜 self-adhesion 自粘作用 self-adhesive 自粘的 self-adhesive laminate 自粘层压板 self-adhesive tape 自粘带 self-adjoint 自伴的 self-adjoint boundary value problem 自伴边值问题 self-adjoint differential equation 自伴微分方程 self-adjoint differential operator 自伴微分算子 self-adjoint elliptic differential operator 自伴椭圆型微分算子 self-adjoint elliptic operator 自伴椭圆型算子 self-adjoint equation 自伴方程式 self-adjoint extension 自伴扩张 self-adjoint linear differential equation 自伴线性微分方程 self-adjoint operator 自伴算子 self-adjoint partial differential operators 自伴偏微分算子 self-adjoint spectral measure 自伴谱测度 self-adjoint system 自伴随系统 self-adjoint transformation 自伴变换 self-adjointness 自共轭性 self-adjustable 自调的; 可自动调节的 self-adjustable bearing 自动调节轴承座; 自动调整轴承 self-adjustable drill chuck 自校钻夹; 自调式钻卡 self-adjustable shock absorber 自调式减振器; 自动调整减震器 self-adjustable sliding bearing 自调整滑动轴承 self-adjusting 自动调整; 自动调整的 self-adjusting arc welding 自动调节电弧焊; 自调电弧焊 self-adjusting automaton 自动调节自动机 self-adjusting balance 自调平衡 self-adjusting bearing 自动调整式轴承 self-adjusting brake 自动调整的制动器; 自动调整制动器 justing brake head 自动调整闸瓦托 self-adjusting control 自调整控制 self-adjusting jaw vice 自调口虎钳 self-adjusting line of sight 自调整照准线 self-adjusting magazine 自调胶卷盒 self-adjusting model 自调整模型 self-adjusting seal 自紧密封 self-adjusting stop 自动调整限动器 self-adjusting system 自调整系统 self-adjusting tappet 自调式挺杆; 自动调隙挺杆 self-adjusting type nozzle 自动调整型喷管 self-adjusting weigher 自动秤量器 self-adjustment 自动调节; 自动调整; 自调整 self-admittance 自导纳; 固有导纳 self-advancing prop system 自进式支柱系统 self-advancing support 自移式支架 self-advancing supports 自进式支架 self-excited phase advancer 自激式进相机 self-relative address 自相对地址 self-relative addressing 自相对寻址 selling and administrative cost 销售及管理成本 selling and administrative expenses 销货与管理费用; 销售及管理费用 semi-durable adhesive 半耐久性粘合剂 semiautomatic advance 半自动提前 sensitive adjustment 精调; 精确调整 sensory adaptation 感觉适应 separate adjustment 分别调整; 分部平差 separate carry adder 分离进位加法电路 separate-application adhesive 分施胶粘剂 separated addressing 分隔导址 separated-application adhesive 分敷粘合剂 separately-excited phase advancer 分激式进相机 separation of spinal cord and arachnoid adhesions 脊髓蛛网膜粘连松解术 sequence-controlling advance 顺序控制移动 sequential addressing 按序编址; 顺序寻址 serial adder 串行加法器 serial adder and subtracter 串行加减电路 serial addition 串行加法 serial digital adder 串行数字加法器 serial full adder 串行全加器 serial half adder 串行半加器 dress SIO address 串行输入输出地址 serial-parallel addition 串并行加法 serial-type adder 串联式加法器 series type adder 串联加法器 series-type phase advancer 串联式相位补偿器; 串联式相位超前补偿机 service adapter 服务连接器 service advantages 操作优点 service-routine address 服务程序地址 session address space 对话地址空间 set point adjuster 给定值调节器; 定值调节器 set-value adjuster 设定值调整器 sextant adjustment 六分仪调准 e-adapted 适荫性 ing adjustment 噪声电平调整 shared address 共享地址 sheep pulmonary adenomatosis 羊肺腺瘤样病 shipment advice 装船通知 shipping advice 装运通知 short address 短地址 short adductor muscle 短收肌 short offset addressing 短偏移量寻址; 小偏差量寻址 short wave adapter 短波转换器 short-circuit admittance 短路导纳 short-circuit input admittance 短路输入导纳 short-circuit transfer admittance 短路转移导纳 shoulder joint adhesion 肩关节粘连 shunt admittance 并联导纳 shutter adjuster 进风门调节器 shuttle-adjusting machine 梭子校正器 sialo-adenitis 涎腺炎 side adjustment 边平差 side lay adjuster 侧安排调整器; 侧面定位调整器 side-to-side adjustment 横向调节 sieve aperture adjuster 鱼鳞筛筛孔调节器 sight adjustment 瞄准具装定 signal adapter 信号转换器 signal strength adjustment 信号强度调整 silica adjuvants 硅佐剂 silicone adhesive agent 硅酮粘合剂 simultaneous adaptation 同时适应 speed-adjustment 速率调整 speedometer two-speed adapter 速度计双速接头 spending on administration and management 行政管理费 spline adapter 键槽接头 split adapter sleeve 剖分式紧定套 split adjusting collar 开口调整环 sports administration 体育管理学 sports advertisement 体育广告 spot adjustment 光点调整 spout-adjusting lever 滑槽调节杆 advance experience 推广先进经验 ing machine for adhesive plaster 橡皮膏涂料机 spring additional buffer 弹簧副缓冲块 spring adjuster 弹簧调整器 spring adjusting collar 弹簧调整环 spring adjusting screw 弹簧调整螺钉 spring adjustment 弹簧调节; 弹簧调整 spring compression adjustment 弹簧压紧调整装置 spring seat bearing adjusting nut 弹簧座轴承调整螺母 spring tension adjusting screw 弹簧压力调节螺钉 stabilizing adjustment 稳定度调整; 稳定线路调整 stable but adjustable par value 稳定但可调整的平价 stack address 栈地址 stack address control 栈地址控制 stack addressing 栈访问 ia addition constant 视距加常数 stage adapter 级转接器 stage addition 分批加入 stage agent addition 分段加药 stage between the egg and adult butterfly 蝶卵和蝶虫之间阶变 staggering advantage 参差效益 staging adapter 阶梯转接器; 升级适配器 standard addition method 标准加入法; 标准添加法 standard adjustable wrench 标准活扳手 standard adjustment 标准调整 standard advanced base units 标准前进基地分队 starch adhesive 淀粉胶粘剂 starting address decoder 起始地址译码器 starting data address 起始数据地址 static advertising 静态广告; 静态广告 station adjustment 测站平差 stay adjuster 撑条调整器 steam admission 进汽 steam admission side 进汽侧; 进蒸汽侧 steam admitted below the piston 活塞下面进汽 steel adhesive 钢铁粘合胶 steering arm adjusting screw wrench 转向臂调节螺钉扳手 steering clutch adjusting screw 转向离合器调整螺钉 steering gear adjusting nut 转向齿轮调整螺母 steering gear adjusting nut lock 转向齿轮调整螺母保险 steering gear adjustment 转向机构调整 steering worm eccentric adjusting sleeve 转向蜗杆偏心调整套 stepless speed adjusting gear 无级调速器 stepped addressing 逐步寻址 sterile adhesive plaster 无菌绊创膏; 无菌橡皮膏 still ADJ 静止图像调整; 静止图像调整 still adjust lever 静止图像调整杆; 静止图像调整杆 still adjust SW 静止图像调整开关; 静止图像调整开关 still adjustment 静像调整; 静像调整 still ADV 静止图像步进钮; 静止图像步进钮 still image adjustment switch 静像调整开关 still image adjustment switch S ADJ SW 静像调整开关 stock adjustment 库存调整 stop adjustment 停止调节 stop-adjusting screw 止动挡块 storage address 存储器地址 storage address display light 存储器地址显示灯 storage administration 存储管理 store adjustment 库存调整 stores adjustment 材料调整 straight advancing klystron 直进式速调管; 直射式速调管 Strategic Air Command addressee designator 战略空军司令部收电地址指标 stream adjustment 河道调整; 河流调节 stress adjustment 应力调整 stroke adjuster 冲程调节器 stroke adjusting shaft 行程调整轴 stroke adjustment 行程调整 stromal adenomyasis 基质性子宫内膜异位 strong adhesive 大力胶 structural adhesive 结构粘结剂 structural adjustment lending 结构调整贷款 student recommended for admission 保送生 subchannel address 分通道地址 subentry address 分入口地址 subroutine address stack 子程序地址栈 subroutine entry address 子程序入口地址 substantia adamantina dentis 牙釉质 successor address 后继指令地址 summer adonis 夏侧金盏花 ing gastric adenocarcinoma 表浅扩散性胃腺癌 supervision in advance 事先监督 supported adhesive 载体胶粘剂 supraeconomic administrative measures 超经济的行政手段 surface active agent ad uvants 表面活性剂佐剂 surface adhesion 表面附着 surge admittance 特性导纳; 浪涌导纳 susceptor phase advancer 感受器相位超前补偿器 suspension additive 悬浮添加剂 switch adjustment 开关调整 swivel adjustment 旋转调整器 symbol instruction address 符号指令地址 symbolic address 符号地址; 符号地址 symbolic addressing 符号编址; 符号地址法; 符号选址 symbolic addressing mode 符号寻址方式 symbolic memory addressing 符号存储定址 symbolic virtual address 符号虚拟地址 symmetrical adjustment 对称调正 synchronization adjustment 同步调整 synchronous advancer 同步进相机 synchronous disperse address beacon system 同步离散地址信标系统 synchronous phase advancer 同步进相机 synchronous serial data adapter 同步串行数据转接器 syndrome of inapropriate ADH 抗利尿激素分泌异常综合征 synthetic address 合成地址; 生成地址 synthetic adhesive 合成胶粘剂 synthetic resin adhesive 合成树脂粘合剂 system advisory board 系统咨询部 systematic self-adjustment 系统的自我调节 table address operand 表地址操作数 table addressing 表编址; 表寻址 tablet weight adjuster 片重调节器 tachometer adapter 转速表传感器 take measures to prevent losses in advance 事先防止损失 talipes adductus 内收畸形足; 内收足 tangential admission 切向进给; 切向进汽 tap adjuster 分接头调整器 tape-supported adhesive 带式载体粘合剂 taper-shank self-adjustable drill-chuck 锥柄自调钻夹头 tapered adapter-sleeve 紧定套 tapered adaptersleeve 锥形接头套筒 tapioca adjuvant 木薯淀粉佐剂 tappet adjusting device 挺杆调节装置 tappet adjusting screw 阀间隙调整螺钉 tappet adjustment 挺杆调整 target address space 目标地址空间 tax adjustment 税收调整 tax administration 税收管理 tax to be paid in advance in quarterly instalments 分季预缴税额 technical administration 技术管理 technical advisory work 技术咨询 telegram with multiple addresses TM 同文电报 telemotor adjustment 油压操舵机调整 telex service advice 用户电报业务公电 temperature adaptation 温度适应 temperature adjustment 温度调节 temperature indicator adapter 温度指示器接头 temperature-adjusting device 温度调节装置 temporal adaptation 时间适应 temporary adaptation 暂时适应 temporary adhesion 暂时粘合 temporary ADI 暂行每日容许摄入量 temporary admission 免税进口; 海关临时免税进口 temporary advance 暂记预支 temporary advance and sundry debtor 暂记欠款 tenotomy of adductor 内收肌腱切断术 tension adjuster 张力调节器 tension-adjusting gear 张力调节装置 teratoid adenocystoma 中肾瘤 terminal administration 终端主管部门 ternary addition 三进制加法 terrestrial adjustment 陆上调整 test adapter 试验附加装置 test address 测试地址 the adaxial suface 近轴面上 theater administrative zone 战区行政区 theorem on addition of probabilities 概率相加定律 theory of adaptation 适应理论 theory of comparative advantage 比较成本理论; 比较利益理论; 比较有利条件论 theory of general adaption syndrome 一般适合综合学说 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司