翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 效益成本分析 benign juvenile angioendothelioma 青年良性血管内皮瘤 bent antenna 曲折天线 benthic animal 底栖动物 benzoic anhydride 苯甲酸酐; 苯酸酐 benzophenone-anil 二苯酮苯胺 benzyl aniline 苄基苯胺 benzylidene aniline 苄叉苯胺 Bernoulli analysis 伯努里分析 berry aneurysm 脑底动脉瘤; 颅内小动脉动脉瘤 Besredka's antivirus 别兹列德卡氏细菌滤液 best climbing angle 最好上升角 d -within-plant 植株间的植株内 bevel angle 单边坡口角度; 坡口面角度; 板边角度; 边缘斜角 Beverage antenna 贝佛莱日天线 biaxial anisotropy 双轴各向异性 bichromatic analyser 血液化学分析仪 bichromatic analyser-yzer 双色分析仪 biconical antenna 双锥形天线 bid and asked 出价和讨价 bid and offered rates 出价和报价利率 Bier's local anesthesia 局部静脉麻醉; 局部静脉麻醉; 静脉麻醉; 静脉麻醉 Biermer's anemia 恶性贫血; 比尔默氏贫血 Bier's local anesthesia 比尔氏局部麻醉 bifurcation angle 分叉角 bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作 bilateral redeployment institution and fund 重新部署的双边机构和基金 sformation analysis 双线性变换分析 bill and charge system 开票记帐法; 发票记帐法 billet and bar shears 钢坯型钢剪切机 d remittance bought 贴现及买汇 binary-to analog converter 二进制-模拟变换器 binomial antenna array 双正交天线阵 binomial array antenna 二项阵列天线 d cytological change 生化与细胞变化 d cytological changes 生物化学和细胞学的变化 biological and chemical control 生物和化学防治 biological flocculation and precipitation 生物凝聚 biological oxidation and syntheses 生物氧化与合成 bipartition angle 对分角 bird and beast design 鸟兽纹 bird and beast pattern 鸟兽纹 birefringence anisotropy 双折射各向异性 birth and death process 增消过程; 生灭过程 bit cutting angle 钻冠的尖度 biting angle 侵彻度 bitter rot or anthracnose of grape 葡萄炭疽病 grene antitoxin 二价气性坏疽抗毒素 bivariate analysis 双变量分析 black and brown pigments 黑色和褐色色素 black and white image 黑白图像 black and white kinescope 黑白显像管 d white panchromatic roll 黑白全色照相胶卷 black and white photographic paper 黑白相纸 black and white picture 黑白图像 black and white positive film 黑白正片 black and white signal carrier 黑白信号载波 black and white signal generator 黑白信号发生器 black and white television picture tube 黑白显像管 black and white tube 黑白电视显像管 black and white work 木石构造 black annealed iron wire 黑退火钢丝 black annealed wire 黑退火钢丝 black annealing 黑色退火; 黑退火; 初退火 black anodizing 黑色阳极化 ned iron wire hasp and staple 黑漆铁丝锁牌 black mild steel carriage bolt and nut 黑铁马车螺丝闩 black mild steel fish bolt and nut 黑铁鱼尾螺丝闩 d-white channel 黑白通道 black-and-white receiver 黑白电视机 black-and-white system 黑白电视系统 black-and-white television 黑白电视 blacksmith's anvil 锻工铁砧 black/white and colour TV generator 黑白与彩色电视信号发生器 blade angle 托刀口角度; 刃口角; 桨叶角 blade outlet angle 叶片出口离角 k and pierce die 剪料穿孔模 k-and-cup die 落料模 king and embossing press 轧凹凸机 blaze angle 闪耀角 bleaching powder and liquor section 漂粉与漂液工段 blepharitis angularis 眦部睑炎; 眦帷赤烂 block analysis 块分析; 分程序分析 block and falls 滑车 block and tackle 滑车; 滑车组 block anesthesia 阻滞麻醉 block angular system 方块角系统 block antenna 集合天线 blockade and embargo 封锁禁运; 封锁与禁运 blocking antibody 封闭抗体; 封闭性抗体; 遮断抗体 blocking anticyclone 阻塞高压 blocking antigen 阻滞抗原; 遮断抗原; 封闭性抗原 blocks world-scene analysis 积木世界景像分析 blood analysis 血液分析 blood gas analyser 血液气体分析器 blood gas analysis 血气分析 blood gas analyzer 血液气体分析器 blood gaseous analysis 血液气体分析 blood group antibody 血型抗体 blood group antigens 血型抗原 blood-group antigen 血族抗原 blow-and-blow machine 吹-吹法成形机 blow-and-blow machines 吹制机 blow-and-blow process 吹-吹成形法 Blow-Knox antenna 布洛-诺克斯天线 blowing angle 吹炼角 blown animal oil 吹制动物油 blowout of an engine 发动机灭火 blowpipe analysis 吹管反应分析 blowpipe reaction analysis 吹管反应分析 blue and white with copper red colours 青花五彩莲池鸳鸯图碗 blue and white with overglaze colours 青花斗彩 blue annealed wire 发蓝钢丝 blue annealing 软化退火 blue-and-green decorative painting 青绿彩画 blue-and-white 青花 blue-and-white porcelain 青花瓷器 blunt angle 钝角 board and batten 薄厚板镶接 board-and-brace work 镶接木板 board-and-lodging apartment 膳宿公寓 body-type antenna 弹力天线 d and supply system 虚假供需系统 boiler and pressure vessel 锅炉及压力容器 boiler antiscaling composition 锅炉防垢剂 boiler antiscaling compositions 锅炉防锈剂 boiling point analyser 沸点分析器 Boivin antigen 博伊文氏抗原 bolt and nut 带螺帽螺栓 bolt and nut making machine 制螺栓螺帽机 bolt and nut split machine 螺栓和螺帽拼合机 bolts and locks 小五金 Bolus for Clearing Heat and Phlegm 清气化痰丸 bond angle 键角 bond between concrete and steel 混凝土与钢筋间的结合力 bond-angle deformation 键角变形 bonds authorized and unissued 已批准发行但尚未实际发行的债券 bone rongeur with angled sideway for brain 脑侧角咬骨钳 bone screw and bolt outfit 骨螺钉螺栓器械包 bonnet of an engine 发动机盖 bonus and dividend fund 奖励分红基金 bony ankylosis 骨性关节强硬; 骨性强直 boom and bucket delivery 吊杆和戽斗输送; 吊杆与戽斗 boom and bust 经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环; 经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环; 经济萧条和经济繁荣的交替循环; 经济萧条和经济繁荣的交替循环 boom and slump 经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环; 经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环; 经济萧条和经济繁荣的交替循环; 经济萧条和经济繁荣的交替循环 boom angle 吊机臂转角; 翼缘角钢 boom-and-bust 一时性繁荣 Boophilus annulatus 具环牛蜱; 具环牛蜱 booster and sustainer 助推器与主发动机 borax anhydrous 无水硼砂 boric oxide anomaly 氧化硼的异常性 boring anchor 钻座 boring and facing machine 镗孔车面机床; 镗孔车面机床 boring and mortising machine 榫眼钻床; 榫眼钻床 boring and turning machine 镗孔车削机床; 镗孔车削机床 boring and turning mill 镗车两用机床; 镗车两用机床 Borrelia anserina 鹅包柔氏螺旋体; 鹅螺菌; 鹅螺旋体 omalous-transmission technique 博曼反常透射技术 d loan contract 借贷合同 bosh angle 炉腹角 d curly pubescent plants 无毛和卷曲茸毛的植株 both mature and young soils 成熟土和幼年土 both principal and interest 本利合计 d immediate command 常规和立即命令 both sugar and starch in parts 植株中的糖和淀粉 both upper and lower epidermal layers 上下表皮层 bothriocephalus anemia 裂头绦虫性贫血 bothrops antitoxin 竹叶青蛇抗毒素 bottleneck analysis 隘路分析; 瓶颈分析 bottom angle 齿根角; 齿夹角 bottom anvil 底砧 bottom sediment settling and water 底部残渣与水 bottommounted wave recorder analyzer 海底波浪自动记录分析仪 botulinum antitoxin 肉毒抗毒素 botulinus antitoxin 肉毒抗毒素 botulism antitoxin BAT 肉毒抗毒素 bought and sold notes 经纪人所作的买卖契约; 经纪人所作的买卖契约 bought without any restriction 敞开供应 Bouguer anomaly 布格异常 bow anchor 船首锚 bow-tie antenna 蝴蝶结天线 bower anchor 船头锚; 大锚 box annealed sheet 装箱退火的薄钢板 box annealing 装箱退火; 密闭退火; 闭箱退火 box annealing furnace 箱式退火窑 box antenna 箱形天线 box-and-arrow notation 方盒-箭头表示法 brace and bit 手摇曲柄钻; 弓形钻 brace angle 撑杆角铁 brace bolt and nut 拉条螺栓及螺母 braced and stayed surface 支持和支撑面 braced and stayed surfaces 有拉撑和支撑的表面 brachial plexus anesthesial 臂丛麻醉 brachy-anticlinal fold 短背斜褶皱 bracket angle 托架角铁 bracky anticline trap 短轴背斜圈闭 Bragg angle 布拉格角 Bragg reflection angle 布拉格反射角 braised crisp chicken and sea weed 海带酥鸡 braised mushrooms and shrimps 海棠冬菇 d pancreas 肝胰扒海参 brake anchor 闸瓦支持销 brake anchor pin 制动块支撑 brake anchor pin bushing 锚定螺杆衬套 brake anchor plate 制动块支撑板 brake anchorage 制动块支座 d anchor clip 制动带支座 brake drum anvil 制动鼓钻 brake hose and coupling 闸软管及接头 brake plate anchor 闸瓦固定板 brake-shoe anchor pin 闸瓦固定销 and middlings 米糠 ch and bound 分枝界限法 ch and bound algorithm 分支定界法 ch and bound method 分支定界法; 分支限界法 ch and bound model 分店模式 ch angle 分叉角 ch profit and loss account 分店损益表 ch-and-bound search 分枝限界搜索; 分支限界搜索 ch-and-bound solution strategy 分支限界解法 ch-and-bound technique 分枝和限界法 ched cage antenna 分支笼形天线 brass-plated iron hasp and staple 镀黄铜铁锁牌 brass-plated iron hooks and eye 镀黄铜铁窗钩 express guarantee 违反明确的担保 breach of obligation to pay an instalment 违反分期付款的义务 breached anticline 裂口背斜 breadth-and-depth-first search 宽度与深度优先搜索 break off an engagement 解约 break-even analysis 保本点分析 breakeven analysis 得失相当分析; 盈亏分析 breaking of muscle and tendon 筋断 breast anchor 船舷锚 breath alcohol analyzer 呼吸含醇量分杆仪 bred gilts and sows 妊娠母猪 breed in and in 同种繁殖 breeding hybrid animals 繁育杂交动物 Bressay and Noss Series 布雷塞与诺斯系 Brewer anaerobic jar 布鲁尔厌氧罐 Brewster angle 极化角; 偏振角 Brewster angle surface 布儒斯特角表面 Brewster angle window 布儒斯特角窗 Brewster angled rod 布儒斯特角棒 Brewster's angle 布儒斯特角 brick and-stud work 砖木墙壁 brick-and-a-half wall 一砖半墙 bridled anemometer 制动风速表 bright and black mild steel flat head tinmen rivet 号头铆钉 bright annealed wire 光亮退火钢丝 bright annealing 光亮退火; 非氧化退火 bright-annealing line 光亮退火作业线 British anti-lewisite 抗路易士药剂 British anti-lewisite BAL 二硫氢基丙醇; 二巯基丙醇 d antenna 宽带天线 broad-spectrum antibiotic 广谱抗菌素 broadcast-tower antenna 铁塔广播天线 broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure 开源节流 broadside directional antenna 同相天线 broadside antenna 边射天线 broadside array antenna 边射阵天线 broadside directiona antenna 垂射天线 broderie anglaise 马德拉刺绣 broken and damaged cargo list 货物残损单 broken-line analysis 线段近似法 d dealer loans 经纪人和交易员贷款; 经纪人和交易员贷款; 经理商及代理商贷款; 经理商及代理商贷款 bronchus segmentalis anterior BⅧ 前段支气管BⅧ bronchus segmentalis basalis anterior 前低段支气管 bronzing and dusting machine 擦金粉机 brook anemone 虎掌草 Brown and Sharpe taper 布朗沙普锥度 Brown and Sharpe wire gauge 布朗沙普线规 Brown antenna 布朗天线 Bruce antenna 倒V形天线 brucellar angiitis 布鲁氏杆菌性血管炎 brush and slotless motor 无电刷槽电动机 brush angle 电刷倾斜角 brush surface analyser 电刷表面分析器 brushing and finishing machine 烫绒机 brushing and steaming 刷蒸机 bubble annihilation 磁泡消除 bubble annihilator 磁泡消除器 buccal smear analysis 颊涂片分析 d boost transformer 加减电压变压器 buck-and-boost regulator 升降电压调节器; 电压升降调节器 bucket spindle stud and nut 斗轴柱螺栓及螺母 bucket-and-belt elevator 斗带式升运器 budget for annual expenditure 岁出预算 budget for annual receipts 岁入预算 budget liberally and spend sparingly 宽打窄用 buffer and draw gear 缓冲与牵引装置 building and equipment 房屋和设备 d workmanship 低劣房屋 building the nation with science and technology 科技兴国 bulb angle 球缘角钢; 圆趾角钢 bulb angle bar 圆头角料 bulbospinal animal 延髓动物 bulging and deflection 凸鼓变形 bulk analysis 总分析 bulk and general cargo loading 散装杂货运载 bulk solid loader and unloader 散料装卸机 bull and ram circle 种牛羊巡回配制 d-flange joint 插销带翼接合 bullion and foreign currencies 金银及外币 bumper angle 缓冲角铁 bunch-map analysis 聚束图分析; 聚束图分析 bunching angle 聚束角; 聚束角 bunk bed with ladder and guard rail 带床梯及护拦的双层床 burble angle 泡流分离角; 失速角 burden analysis 炉料分析 bureau of census and statistics 人口普查统计局 cient planation surface 埋藏古夷平面 buried anomaly 埋藏异常 buried antenna 埋地天线; 地下天线 burning off and edge-melting machine 爆口烘口机 burnup analysis 燃耗分析 d chip clearance 排毛刺与碎屑的后角 bursa anserina 鹅趾囊 business analysis 经营分析; 经营分析; 商情分析 business analyst 商业分析员; 经营分析人员; 经营分析人员 business and engineering enriched 业务及工程充实公式翻译程序 business cycle analysis 经济循环分析; 经济循环分析; 经济周期分析; 经济周期分析; 商业循环分析 business result analysis 经营成果分析; 经营成果分析 business routine of import and export 进出口贸易例行业务手续 d cycle analysis 景气趋势及循环分析; 景气趋势及循环分析; 商情趋势及循环分析 business-system analyst 商业系统分析员 bustle main anchor 环风管吊挂锚栓 edioic anhydride 琥珀酰酐 butt and butt 两头对接 butt and strap hinge 丁字铰链 butter shaping and packing machine 黄油形成和包装机 butting angle 平接角钢 butyl hydroxy anisol 丁基羟基茴香醚 butylated hydroxy anisole BHA 丁基化羟基茴香醚 butylphenyl anisate 大茴香酸对丁基苯酯 butyric anhydride 丁酸酐 d change gold 收兑金银外币 buy wholesale and sell retail 整买零卖 by-product and scrap 副产品及废料 byak-angelicin 白当归素; 比克白芷素 cable picking and laying machine 电缆收放机 cable-and-trunk schematic 电缆和干线简图 cadmium antimonide 锑化镉 caffeine and sodium benzoate 安钠咖 cage antenna 鼠笼天线; 笼形天线 calcium antimonate 锑酸钙 calculation of cutting and filling 土方计算 calculous anuria 结石性无尿 calendar day and date watch 双历手表 calf and maternity quarters 小牛栏及产房 alyser analyzer 呼叫分析仪 call announcer 呼叫指示器 calming wind and eliminating phlegm 治风化痰 cam and ratchet drive 凸轮和棘轮传动装置 cam angle 凸轮包角; 凸轮分度角 cam forming and profiling machine 凸轮仿形机床 d-lever mechanism 凸轮杠杆机构 camber angle 中心线弯曲角; 外倾角 camera angle 摄像机物镜视角; 摄影角度; 照相镜头视角 camera anterior bulbi 眼前房; 眼球前房 camp and field hygiene 野营卫生 camphoric anhydride 樟脑酸酐 camshaft chain and sprocket drive 偏心轴链条传动 and container making machinery 罐头和容器制造机 -annular combustion chamber 环管式燃烧室 alis analis 肛管 alis semicircularis anterior 前骨半规管 cel an order 取消定货 cel from an account 销帐 e-and-white ware 藤色釉白坯陶瓷 onical answer 规范回答 onical correlation analysis 典范相关分析 vas suitcase and bag 帆布箱包 cap-and-fuse blasting 明火放炮 cap-and-pin insulator 球型连接盘式绝缘子; 帽盖装脚式绝缘子; 帽销式绝缘子 capacitively loaded antenna 加容天线 capacitor analyser 电容器分析仪 capacitor analyzer 电容器试验器 capacitor antenna 电容器天线 capacitor in series and parallel 电容器的串联和并联 capacitor start and run motor 电容起动行驶式电动机 capacitor-start-and-run motor 电容式启动和运转的电动机 capacity antenna 电容性天线 Capejasmine and Magnolia Decoction 栀子厚朴汤 capillary analysis 毛细管分析法 capillary analytical method 毛细分析法 capillary angioma 血管瘤 capital and interest 本利和 capital gains and losses 资本的利得与损失 capital investment analysis 基金投资分析 capric anhydride 癸酸酐 caproic anhydride 己酸酐 capsicum annum fasciculatum 朝天椒 Capsicum annuum 甜椒 capsular antibody 荚膜抗体 capsular antigen 荚膜抗原 capsule aneroid 无液气压机 capture and recapture experiment 标识放流 capture angle 俘获角 car sickness and sea sickness 注车注船 carbide annealing 碳化物退火 carbon analyser 定碳仪 carbon dioxide analyser 二氧化碳分析器 d cleaner 除积碳清洗剂 carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶 carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 碳酸酐酶抑制剂 carbonic anhydride 碳酸酐 carburetor anti-icer 汽化器的防冰器 carcass type animal 瘦肉型家畜 carcinoembryonic antigen 癌胚抗原 card insertion and extraction tool 插件插拔工具 cardiac anencephalohemia 心原性脑缺血 cardiac hemolytic anemia 心原性溶血性贫血 cardiac luminal anastomose 心腔吻合 cardio-angiology 心血管学 cardio-diaphragmatic angle 心膈角 cardio-phrenic angle 心膈角 care and regeneration of forest 森林抚育更新 careful and intensive cultivation 精耕细作 cargo and passenger steamer 客货船 cargoes loaded and unloaded 货物吞吐; 货物吞吐量; 货物装卸量 and Pacitic states 非加太国家 carotid aneurysm 颈动脉瘤; 颈动脉瘤 carotid puncture needle for angiography 颈动脉造影穿刺针; 颈动脉造影穿刺针 carpenter ant 木蚁 carpenter's ink box and line 墨斗线 carpet rolling-and measuring machine 地毯量卷机 carpet slitting and trimming machine 地毯割绒修整机 ce and freight CIF 保险运输费 carrier-and-stacker 堆垛车 carrying angle 臂外偏角 carved and filled in 雕填 carved and inlaid ware 雕镶器 carved wooden animal 木刻动物 carving-and-engraving decoration 雕饰 carving-and-scraping 雕削 cash and carry warehouse 现金结算发货仓库 d deposits with a banks account 现金及银行存款帐户 d deposits with banks 现金及银行存款 cash flow analysis 现金流量分析 cash over and short 现金溢缺; 现金盈亏 cash receipts and disbursements budget 现金收支预算 casing anchor point 汽缸固定点; 汽缸死点 Cass-horn antenna 卡塞格林喇叭型天线 Cassegrain antenna 卡塞格林天线 cast analysis 铸件分析; 铸造分析 cast anode 铸造阳极 cast off poverty and become better off 脱贫致富 caster angle 主销后倾角 casting analyzer 铸件成品检查仪 casting and blading of materials 材料的堆筑与整平 mass analyzer 直接成像质谱仪 castration anxiety 阉割忧虑 catalytic combustion type oxygen analyzer 催化燃烧式氧分析仪 cater angle 自动车的 后倾角 cathode anchor 阴极锚 cation analysis 阳离子的分析 cats and dogs 投机性股票; 投机性证券; 价值低的股票; 库存滞销货 cattle used for milking and for meat 乳肉兼用牛 caudal anaesthesia 硬膜外麻醉 caudal anesthesia 脊尾麻醉 causality analysis 因果分析 cause and effect 因果 d effect analysis chart 要因分析图; 特性要因分析图 cause and effect chain diagram 因果链图 cause and effect chain system diagram 因果链系统图 cause and effect system diagram 因果系统图 causing both female and male sterility 引起雌雄不育 cavernous angioma 海绵形痣 cavity antenna 谐振腔天线 cavity-backed radiator antenna 空腔反射式天线; 背腔式天线 cease and desist order 结束和停止命令 ceased and deferred project 停建缓建项目 ceiling and visibility unlimited CAVU 能见度极好 celadon ewer with brown clours and cloud design 青釉褐彩云纹壶 d pendant lotus flowers 青釉仰复莲花尊 cell antigen 细胞抗原 cell wall antigen 细胞壁抗原 cell walls of animals 动物的细胞壁 cell with packets of block anodes 块状阳极簇电解槽 cell with prebaked multiple anodes 多预焙阳极电解槽 cell with split anodes 对开阳极电解槽 tigen anliglobulin reaction 细胞连接抗原抗球蛋白反应 cell-bound antibody 细胞结合抗体 cellulae anteriores 前小房 celtium analyzer 铪含量分析仪 d sand cushion 水泥砂浆垫层 cement for crown bridge and inlay 冠桥及嵌体用粘固粉 cement-and-grouted steel bolt 钢筋砂浆锚杆 center of analysor 分析器中枢 d analysis 分析测试中心 center-driven antenna 中心激励天线 Customs and Economic Union UDEAC 中非关税经济同盟 central angiospastic retinitis 浆液性中心性视网膜炎 central angle 中心角 central angle of arch 拱圈中心角 central anode photocell 中心阳极光电管 central antitussive 中枢性止咳药 centralization of authority and responsibility 权责集中 centralized supervisory and control equipment 集中管理控制设备 centre of an involution 对合中心 centre of anallatism 准距中心 centrifugal fast analyzer 离心式快速分析仪 centroids of areas and lines 面积和线的形心 cereals and oilseeds processing machinery 粮油加工机械 cerebellar angioblastoma 小脑血管母细胞瘤 cerebellopontile angle 小脑桥脑角 cerebellopontine angle 桥小脑角 cerebral anemia 脑贫血 cerebral aneurysm 脑动脉瘤 cerebral angiitis 脑脉管炎 cerebral angiospasm 脑血管痉挛 cerebral anoxia 脑缺氧 cerebral-angiographic system 脑血管造影系统 cerebroretinal angiomatosis 希林二氏病 certain annuity 确定固定年限的年金 certainty and valuewise independence 确定性与值态的独立性 d list of measurement and weight 容积重量证明书 certificate fo analysis 化验证明书 certificate of analysis 分析证明书 certificate of chemical analysis 化学分析证明书 certificate of delivery and redelivery 租船 交船与还船凭证 certification of materials and products 材料与制品鉴定 certified sire of an appropriate breed 检定适合品种种畜 and wheat 鉴定豆麦品种 certre-driven antenna 中点馈电天线 cervical false aneurysm 颈部假性动脉瘤; 颈部假性动脉瘤 chain and backet elevator 环链式斗式提升机 chain and barrel 安全门链 chain and flight conveyer 链板运输机 chain and flight type stationary elevator 链叉式固定升运器 chain and sprocket 链和链轮 chain angle 链角 chain-and-bucket elevator 链斗式升运器; 链斗提升机 d-ducking dog mechanism 拖运机 chain-and-flight conveyer 链刮板输送机 chain-and-salt unloader 链板式卸载输送器 chain-and-scraper conveyer 链式铲运机 chain-and-segment linkage 分段传动装置 chain-and-slat type elevator 链耙式升运器 chain-and-sprocket drive 链和链轮传动 chain-and-tackle block 链条起重滑车 chalasia of cardia and esophagus 贲门食管松弛 Chamber of Commerce and Industry NISHO 日本工商会 d Hookman 水银旋转计数器 chamfer angle 倒棱角 nel group separating and combining equipment 分路并路机 nels and collaterals 经络; 经络 characteristic feature of an invention 发明的特点 charge and discharge board 充放电配电盘 charge and discharge key 充放电键; 充放电钥 charge and discharge rubber lined hose 装卸软管 charge and discharge statement 遗产增减表; 信托财产的经管及支出情况 charge and discharge statement as to income 遗产收益收支表 charge and discharge statement as to principal 遗产本金收支表 charge and discharge valve 装卸阀门 charge control analysis 电荷控制解析法 charged particle energy analyzer 带电粒子能量分析仪 d drawing crane 装卸吊车 chart for break even analysis 保本分析图 cheat in work and cut down material 偷工减料 check analysis 校核分析; 成品分析; 验证分析; 验证分析; 检验分析 check and receive 验收; 验收 checking and recovery error 差错检出及排除; 校验和恢复错误 checkpoint and restart procedure 检验点和再启动过程 cheese antenna 饼形天线; 盒形天线 chemical analysis 化学分析 chemical analysis instrument 化学分析仪器 chemical analysis sample 化学分析试样 chemical and physical properties 化学及物理特性 chemical anticarcinogenic drug 化学抗癌药物 chemical anticorrosion 化工防腐 chemical antidote 化学性解毒剂 chemical engineering and construction division 化学工程建设部 chemical process analysis 化学过程分析 chemical residue analyzer 化工残渣分析仪 chemiluminescent NOx analyzer 化学发光式氮氧化物分析仪 chemo-antigen 化学抗原 chemosis and hyperemia of bulbar conjunctiva 白睛赤肿 chest and back pain 胸背疼痛 chick embryo antigen 鸡胚抗原 chief source of water for animals 动物的主要水源 d handle 木梗木柄童伞 childhood anxiety 儿童焦虑症 childhood iron-deficiency anemia 儿童期缺铁贫血 chill removing annealing 消除白口退火 Chinese angelica 当归 Chinese angelica root 当归 Chinese anise 八角茴香 Chinese artistic letter paper and envelope 仿古信笺信封 Chinese herbal anesthesia 中药麻醉 Chinese medicine anesthesia 中药麻醉 Chinese system of weight and measures 市制 Chinese traditional medicinal anesthesia 中药麻醉 Chinese traditional medicinal anesthetics 中药麻醉制剂 chip-breaker wedge angle 断屑台楔角 Chireix-Mesny antenna 锯齿形天线; 锯齿形天线 chisel edge angle 横刃斜角 chlorendic anhydride 氯菌酸酐 chlorine and hydrogen gas buffer 氯气和氢气缓冲罐 chlorine and hydrogen processing section 氯氢处理工段 chloroacetic anhydride 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司