翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 动态分析程序; 动态分析器 dynamic anodegrid characteristic curve 动态阳栅特性曲线 dynamic business analysis 业务动态分析 dynamic frequency spectrum analyser 动态频谱分析仪 dynamic image analysis 动态图像分析 dynamic loading and linking 动态装入与连接 dynamic programming and bounded measure 动态规划与有界测度 dynamic spectrum analyzer 动态频谱分析器 dynamic structural analysis 动力结构分析 dynamical analysis 动力分析 dynamic-height anomaly 动力高度偏差 early growth and development 早期生长和发育 early history of domestication of animals 早期的动物驯化史 early iron deficiency anemia 早期缺铁性贫血 early-warningcontrol and reporting post 预警控制和报知哨 earnings before interest and tax 减除利息和税款前收益 earnings before interest and tax EBIT 付息及税前利润 earth anchor 地锚 earth antenna 地下天线; 接地天线 earth central angle 地球中心角 earth-station receiving antenna 地球站接收天线 earthquake analysis 地震分析 eastern honey buzzard wing and tail 蜂鹰翎 ebb and flow zone 潮涨落地带 ebb-and-flow structure 涨落潮流构造; 潮流涨落构造 ebbing and flowing spring 潮汐泉 Ebstein's anomaly 埃布斯坦氏异常 eccentric anchor pin 偏心支销 eccentric angle 偏心角 eccentric anomaly 偏近点角 dpitman drive 偏心轮与连杆传动装置 ecesis anomaly 定居 d PCG data automatic analyser 心电心音数据自动分析装置 ECG and pulse rate oscilloscope 心电脉率示波器 ECG data analyser 心电图分析器 echaust-gas analyzer 废气分析器 echelon antenna 梯形天线 echelon lens antenna 梯形透镜式天线 echinococcous antigen intradermal test 包虫抗原皮内试验 Eckart-Young factor analysis 埃卡特-扬因素分析 ecological analysis 生态分析 ecology of domestic animals 家畜生态学 econometric model analysis 经济计量模型分析; 经济计量模型分析 economic analysis 经济分析; 经济分析 alysis and accounting school 经济分析和会计学派; 经济分析和会计学派 economic and behavioral discretion 经济和行为判断; 经济和行为判断 d commercial data bank 经贸信息管理系统; 经贸信息管理系统 economic and monetary union 经济和货币同盟; 经济和货币同盟 economic and monetary union EMU 经济及货币同盟; 经济及货币同盟 economic and secure currency 经济的和稳定的货币; 经济的和稳定的货币 d social determinant 经济和社会决定因素; 经济和社会决定因素 d social development plan 经济和社会发展计划; 经济和社会发展计划 economic and technical cooperation 经济技术协作; 经济技术协作 economic and technical norms 经济技术指标; 经济技术指标 economic animal 经济动物; 经济动物 economic growth at an appropriate speed 经济适度增长; 经济适度增长 economic laws and decrees 经济法规; 经济法规; 经济法则; 经济法则 economic laws and regulations 经济法规; 经济法规 economic lot-size analysis 经济批量规模分析; 经济批量规模分析 economic model analysis 经济模型分析; 经济模型分析 economic policy analysis 经济政策分析; 经济政策分析 economic reconstruction and readjustment 经济重建和调整; 经济重建和调整 d ordinances 经济法规; 经济法规 economic results in import and export trade 进出口贸易经济效果 economic rights and interests 经济权益; 经济权益 economic well-being of workers and staff 经济收益; 经济收益 economical and practical 经济实惠; 经济实惠 eczema ani 肛门湿疹 eczema of anus 肛门湿疹 eddy current anomaly 涡流损耗异常 edge analysis 轮廓分析; 图像边缘分析 edge angle 棱角; 边缘角 d Butler's bands 埃泽-巴特勒暗带 EEG automatic analyzer 脑电自动分析器 EEG frequency analyzer 脑电频率分析器 d antifriction metal 伊尔布兰德减摩合金 insurance 附加保险 effective angle 有效角 effective angle of attack 有效迎角 effective angle of obliquity转子发动机的 有效摆动角 effective angular field 有效视场 effective annual interest rate 实际年利率 effective annual rate 实际年利率 effective antenna length 有效天线长度 effective bunching angle 有效聚束角 effective helix angle 有效螺旋角 effective pitch angle 有效螺距角 efficiency analysis 效率分析 efflux angle 流出角 efflux angles 出口角; 出气角 d anchor 卵箭饰 egg and dart 卵箭饰 egg and tongue 卵箭饰 dle and grader 蛋品灯光检验和分级机 dler and grader 蛋品灯光检验和分级机 emia aplastic anemia 欧利希氏贫血 eigenvalue and eigenvector 本征值和本征向量 nel logic analyzer 八通道逻辑分析仪 elastic analogy 弹性模拟 elastic analysis 弹性分析 elastic and plastic flow 弹性和塑性流 elastic anisotropy 弹性各向同性 elastic sheet analog 弹性板模拟 elastic-plastic-creep analysis 弹塑性蠕变分析 elasticity of export and import 进出口弹性 elasto-plastic analysis 弹塑性分析 elasto-plastic matrix displacement analysis 弹塑性矩阵位移分析 elation-anxiety psychosis 欣悦焦虑性精神病 electric analog 电模拟 electric analogue model 电模拟模型 electric analogue 电子模拟 electric and hydraulic dental chair 电动液压牙科椅 electric and pressure welding 电压力焊接 electric anemometer 电测风速仪 electric annealing furnace 电热退火炉 electric gas analyser 电气气体分析器 electric harmonic analyser 电谐波分析器 electric instruments and apparatus 电表仪器 electric network analyzer 电网络分析器 electric routing analogy 洪水演进电模拟 electric welded anchor cable 电焊锚链 electrical analog 电模拟 electrical analog computer 电模拟计算机 electrical analog indicator 电模拟指示器 electrical analogue 电气模拟装置 electrical analogue method 电比拟法 electrical analogy 电模拟; 机电类比 electrical anemometer 电传风速表; 电动风速仪 electrical angle 电角; 电角度 electrical conductivity analyzer 电导率分析器 d appliances 电料 electrical wet and dry bulb hygrometer 电气干湿球湿度计 electro puncture anaesthetic apparatus 电针麻机 electro-analysis 电解分析 electro-anastomosis 电吻合术 electro-anesthesia 电麻醉 electro-gravimetric analysis 电重量分析 electrochemical analysis 电化学分析 electrochemical dissolved oxygen analyzer 电化学溶氧分析仪 electrochemical etching and replating process 电化腐蚀和电镀工艺 electrochemical trace analyzer 电化学痕迹分析仪 electroconductive gas analyzer 电导式气体分析仪 electrode angle 焊条夹角 d slipping mechanism 电极悬放机组 electrodeposition analysis 电沉积分析 electrographic analysis 电图分析 electrolysis and cell renewal section 电解和修槽工段 electrolytic analysis 电解分析; 电解分析 electrolytic antimony 电解锑 ical analogy 机电模拟; 电机械模拟 electrometric analysis 量电分析 electron diffraction analysis 电子衍射分析 electron microprobe analysis 微区电子探针分析 electron microprobe X-ray analyzer 电子显微探针X射线分析仪 electron probe X-ray analyzer 电子探针X射线分析器 electron probing analysis 电子探针分析 electron velocity analyzer 电子速度分析器 electron-capture oxygen analyzer 电子捕获氧分析仪 electron-positron annihilation 电子正电子湮没 electronic analog computer 电子模拟计算机 electronic analog correlator 电子模拟相关器 electronic analog multiplier 电子模拟乘法器 electronic anemometer 电子风速仪 electronic angular momentum 电子角动量 electronic annunciator 电子信号机 electronic antenna distributor 电子式天线分配器 algesic membrane 电子消炎止痛膜 electronic blood pressure and heart rate monitor 电子血压心率监测器 electronic circuit analysis program 电子电路分析程序 electronic circuit analysis program ECAP 电子线路分析程序语言 electronic colour analyser 电子分色机 electronic coordinatograph and read-out system 电子坐标仪和读出系统 electronic differential analyzer 电子微分分析机 electronic electrocardiagram analyzer 电子心电分析仪 electronic engine analyzer 电子式引擎分析器 electronic judging and timing equipment 电子裁判计时设备 electronic microelectrode X-ray analyzer 电子微电极X射线分析仪 and electronic keyboard 电子琴 electronic phase angle meter 电子相位计 electronic phase-angle meter 电子相角计 electronic pulse height analyzer 电子脉冲振幅分析器 electrooptical imaging and storage tape 电光成像和录像磁带 electrophoretic analysis 电泳分析 electrostatic analyzer 静电分析器; 静电分析器 element antenna 单元天线; 振子天线 element of an arc 弧元素 elementary analysis 元素分析 elementary antenna 单元天线; 基元天线 ic analysis 元素有机分析 elementary row and column operation 初等的行与列运算 elements of an orbit 轨道根数 tiasis of penis and scrotum 阴茎阴囊象皮病 elevating and conveying machinery 升运和输送机械 elevation over-and-under type 升降式 elevation and latitude 海拔和纬度 elevation and subsidencei 升降 elevation angle 升运角; 高度角; 仰角; 出绳角 elevation angle couple unit 仰角耦合装置 elevation angle error 仰角误差 elevation antihunt 仰角阻尼; 天线仰角阻尼 elevation position-finding antenna 仰角测位天线 elevator angle 升降舵偏转角 ating pests and preventing disease 除害防治 eliminate smoke and dust 消烟除尘 eliminating dampness and eliminating phlegm 燥湿化痰 eliminating dampness and heat 清利湿热 eliminating phlegm and diminishing swelling 祛痰消肿 eliminating summer heat and removing dampness 祛暑化湿 t disease and pests 消灭植物病虫害 elimination test of anion 阴离子消去试法 ellipsoidal core antenna 椭圆形铁心的磁性天线 elliptic polarized antenna 椭圆极化天线 elliptical anagalactic nebula 椭圆河外星云 elliptical antenna 椭圆形天线 elliptocytotic anemia 卵圆状红细胞性贫血 elongated anticline trap 狭长背斜圈闭 ation thermal analysis ETA 射气热分析 ation thermal analysor ETA 放射热分析仪 embark money in an enterprise 投资于某企业 embedding of tree in another tree 一树嵌入另一树中 embedment anchor 埋入锚 embryo and seed development 胚和种子的发育 embryonal antigen 胚胎性抗原 embryonal antigen of tumor 肿瘤胚胎性抗原 emergence and growth 出苗与生长 emergence angle 出射角 emergency anchorage 应急锚地 emergency antenna 备用天线 emergency drug analysis 紧急药物分析 emission analyser 排气污染成分分析仪 emission antenna 发射天线 emission beam angle between half power points 半功率点间的发射束角 emission spectro-chemical analysis 发射光谱化学分析 emission spectrographic analysis 发射光谱分析 emission spectrometric analyzer 发射光谱分析仪 empirical analysis 经验分析; 经验分析 empirical statistics analysis method 经验统计分析法; 经验统计分析法 emptiness of the essence and marrow 精髓空虚 empty and load brake equipment 空重车制动装置 d load change-over cock 空重车转换塞门 empty and load valve 空重车转换阀 encephalic angioma 脑血管瘤 encephalofacial angiomatosis 脑面血管瘤病 end anchorage 端部锚固; 末端镇墩 end anchorage of bar 钢筋端部锚固 end anchorage of bars 曲拐弯头 end anchored reinforcement 端锚钢筋 end angle 终止角 end cutting edge angle 副偏角; 离角 end mill gashing and radius grinder 端铣刀和侧面铣刀磨床 end relief angle 副后角 end stiffener angle 端部加劲角钢 som and pole piece 端横梁及磁极块 end-anchored reinforcement 端部锚固钢筋 end-and-end 异经花纹 end-fed antenna 底端馈电天线 end-fire antenna 顺射天线阵 end-fire array antenna 端射阵天线 end-group analysis 末端分析 end-on-fire antenna 端射天线; 轴向辐射天线 end-point analysis 最后结果分析 end-to-end anastomosis 对端吻合术 end-to-end anastomosis of rectum 直肠对端吻合术 end-to-end anastomosis of urethra 尿道端端吻合术 end-to-end intestinal anastomosis 肠端端吻合术 endfire antenna array 端射天线阵 endo-antitoxin 内抗毒素 endogenous antigen 内原性抗原 endorse over a bill to another one 背书票据转让他人 endowment annuity 养老年金 energy analysis method 能量分析法 energy analyzing microscope 能量分析显微镜 d transportation fund 能源交通基金 energy dispersion analysis EDA 能量色散分析 energy dispersion X-ray analysis 能量色散X射线分析 energy pipelines and systems 能源管道与系统 energy production and consumption 能源生产与消耗量 energy spectrum analysis 能谱分析 energy-analyzing magnet 能量分析磁铁 energy-dispersive X-ray analysis EDX 能量分散X射线分析 engage angle 接触角 engage in speculation and profiteering 投机倒把 Engel curve analysis 恩格尔曲线分析 engine analyser 发动机综合试验机 engine analyzer 引擎分析器 engine and gearbox unit 发动机和齿轮箱组 engine anti-icing system 发动机防冰系统 engine antifreeze 发动机防冻剂 engineering and technological research 工程技术研究 engineering job analysis 工程任务分析 d technicians 工程技术人员 English antique lace 英式仿古机制花边 cement antigen 增强抗原 cing antibody 增强性抗体; 促进性抗体 dibular angle 下颌角增大 enriching blood and inducing diaphoresis 养血解表 enriching the blood and moistening dryness 养血润燥 enriching the blood and moisturizing the intestine 养血润肠 item in an account 入帐 enteric antiseptics 肠道抗菌药 entering angle 咬入角 entero-anastomosis 肠吻合术 entero-antigen 肠抗原 entero-uterine anus 肠子宫肛门畸形 enterprises in townships and towns 乡镇企业 t covered by an epidermis 整株覆盖着一层外皮 ce half-angle 入射半角 ce ray angle 入射光线角 envelope antigen 细菌包被抗原; 外膜抗原; 封套抗原; 包封抗原; 包膜抗原; 囊膜抗原 environment and habitat 环境和生境 environmental analysis 环境分析 d change 环境相关性和变化 d surveil lance 环境卫生监测 environmental impact analysis 环境影响分析 d surveillance 环境监测 environmental pollution analyzer 环境污染分析器 enzyme analyser 酶分析器 enzyme label-ed antibody method 酶标记抗体法 enzymes of oxidation and reduction 氧化还原酶类 enzymic structure analysis 酶结构分析 ephemeris hour angle 历书时角 epicycloidal and hypocycloidal gear tooth 内外摆线轮齿 epidemic hepatitis associated antigen EHAA 传染性肝炎相关抗原 epidemiological analysis 流行病学分析 epidermoid carcinoma of anus 肛表皮样癌 epidural anaesthesia 硬膜外麻醉 epigastric angle 腹上角 epithelium anterius cornea 前上皮 epoxy anti-corrosive powder 防腐型粉末涂料 equal angle 等边角钢 equal angle iron 等边角钢 equal angle steel 等边角钢 equal delay angle control 等滞后角控制 equal leg angle 等边角钢 equal-angle projection 等角投影; 等角投影图 equal-annual depreciation payment method 平均年金折旧法 equal-leg angle 等肢角钢 equal-sided angle iron 等边角钢 equality and mutual benefit 平等互利 equalizer-analyzer combination 平衡器-分析器组合 equation of law and regulation 法规方程 equatorial angle 赤道角 gular spiral antenna 等角螺线天线 equilateral angle steel 等边角钢 equilibrium analysis 平衡分析; 均衡分析; 均衡分析 equilibrium anomaly 均衡异常; 均衡异常 equilibrium phase angle 平衡相角 equine infectious anaemia 马传染性贫血 equine infectious anemia virus 马传染性贫血病毒 ce requirements and inspections 设备接收的要求与检验 equipment and spare parts 设备与备件 equipment for electronic anti-interference 电子反干扰设备 equipment installation and checkout EIC 设备安装与检修 equivalent annual cost 每年成本等值 equivalent antenna 等效天线 equivalent uniform annual cost 每年相等的费用 d dismantling bay 装配拆卸间 erio anthracene blue 羊毛蒽蓝 erosive aneurysm 侵蚀性动脉瘤 error analysis 误差分析 error and omission excepted E & O E 保留更改差错权 error angle 失调角; 误差角 error checking and correction 误差检验与校正 error checking and correction ECC 错误检验和纠正; 检错与纠错 error detecting and feedback system 错误检测和反馈系统 error detection and correction 误差检测与校正 error detection and recovery 错误检测和补救 error in economic analysis 经济分析的误差; 经济分析的误差 error in spectrochemical analysis 光谱分析误差 error of closure of angles 方位角闭合差 error volume analysis EVA 卷错误分析; 卷错误分析 errors and omissions excepted 错误遗漏不在此限; 如有错漏可予更改 erythema annulare 环形红斑 erythema annulare centrifugum 离心性环形红斑 erythema annulare rheumaticum 风湿性环形红斑 erythroblastic anemia 成红细胞溶血性贫血 erythrocyte antibody EA 红细胞抗体 escape angle 擒纵角 escape wheel and pinion 擒纵轮 esophagogastro-anastomosis 食管胃吻合术 essence and blood 精血 essence of an invention 发明的实质 essential element of analysis 分析的基本元素 established angle 安装角 estate and gift tax 遗产及赠与税 ether anesthesia apparatus 乙醚麻醉器 ether anesthesicus 麻醉醚 ether inhalation anesthesia 乙醚吸入麻醉 ethionic anhydride 乙二磺酸酐 ethology of domestic animals 家畜行为学 ethyl anisate 茴香酸乙酯 ethyl anthracene 乙基蒽 ethylene perchloride anti-corrosive enamel paint 过氯乙烯防腐磁漆 ethylidene-succinic anhydride 亚乙基丁二酸酐 angles 欧拉角 black and white 欧洲黑白花牛 blond and yellow 欧洲黄牛 evacuated aneroid element 真空膜盒元件 evaluated by survival analysis 用存活分析评价 evaluation of work and allotment of points 评工计分 evaporated gold antimony contact 蒸发的金锑接触 spiration and water use efficiency 蒸发蒸腾作用与水分利用率 d avoidance 逃税与避税 evel angle 坡口角 even and odd functions 偶与奇函数 event storage and distribution unit 事件存储与分配部件 ever-growing material and cultural needs 经常增长的物质和文化需要; 经常增长的物质和文化需要 evidence rebutting an assertion 反驳某一意见的 d double handles 瓷器名 小口双耳壶 ex ante forecasting 事前预测 ex ante payoff 事先偿付 ex post analysis 事后分析 examination and approval 审批 examination and verification 审核 examine and approve budget 审核预算 examine and certify 验证; 验证 examine and receive 验收; 验收 examine for wear and tear 磨损检验 examining and irrigating cystoscope 检查及冲洗用膀胱镜 examining and receiving record 验收记录; 验收记录 examining the records of staff and workers 人事考核 excavation and cart-away 挖方工程; 挖方运土工程 excavation and filling 挖填 excess and defficiency 超额或不足 excess and total meter 总额和超额积算表 ches and leaves 徒长 excision and eversion of tunica vaginalis testis 睾丸鞘膜切除及外翻术 excision of anal fissure 肛裂切除术 excitation and inhibition 兴奋与抑制 excitation anode 激励阳极 excito-anabolic 促合成代谢的 exclusion and eradication versus 排除和根除对比 excrement of animals 牲畜粪便 excrement of warm-blood animals 热血动物的粪肥 execute an estate 让渡财产 execute an order 接受订单; 交付定货 executive salaries and bonuses 行政的薪金和津贴 exempt from commercial and industrial taxes 免除工商税 exempt from filing annual income tax returns 免办年度所得税申报 exemptions of diameter and volume 直径和容积的免查 exercise unit for chest and back muscles 胸背肌肉训练器 d intake manifold 排气及进气歧管 exhaust gas analysis 排气分析 exhaust gas analysis system 排气分析系统 exhaust opener and lap machine 带成卷装置的排气式开棉机 exhaust-gas analyzer 废气分析器 exit angle 出口角; 出射角 exit blade angle 叶片出口离角 exit pupil aperture angular 出瞳孔径角 exo-antigen 菌表抗原; 菌表抗原 exogenous antigen 外原性抗原 exogenous pernicious anemia 外原性恶性贫血 ded and welded tube joint 胀焊 expected angle 期望角 expelling pathogenic factors from muscles and skin 解肌 expelling phlegm and arresting coughing 祛痰止咳 expelling wind and clearing away cold 祛风散寒 expelling wind and clearing away heat 祛风清热 expelling wind and nourishing blood 祛风养血 expelling wind and promoting diuresis 祛风行水 expelling wind and removing damness 祛风除湿 expense analysis book 费用分析帐 expensive clothing and other valuables 细软 experimental analogic method 模拟实验法 experimental analysis 实验分析 experimental animal 实验动物 ned antenna 实验电子扫描天线 experimental stress analysis 实验应力分析 experimental-analogic method 实验模拟法; 类比实验法 explementary angles 共辅角 exploitation of an invention 发明利用 exploiting and using of natural resources 资源的开发和利用 exploration and development costs 开发和发展费用 exploratory analysis 探索性分析 exploratory data analysis 探索性数据分析 exploring antenna 探测天线 explosive gas analyzer 爆炸性气体分析器 explosively anchored 炸药爆破锚固锚杆法 export and import licensing system 出进口许可制度 export and import price index 进出口物价指数 d import records or performance 进出口实绩 export and import revolving fund 进出口周转基金 exports of goods and material services 货物和物质性服务出口 express-analysis 快速分析 extend trade and commerce 扩大贸易及商务; 推广贸易及商务 extended antenna 加长天线 extension boring and turning mill 大型立式铣床 extensive anterior myocardial infarction 广泛前壁心肌梗塞 exterior and interior 表里 exteriorinterior angle 同位角 ditory canal retractor 外耳道拉钩 external angle 外角 external angle head 阳角砖 external coloproctostomy of anus 肛门外结肠直肠吻合术 external pressure heads and shells 外压封头和壳体 external sense and control line 外部传感及控制线 external shoulder angle 阳角扇形砖 external sphincter muscle of anus 肛门外括约肌 extinct animal 灭绝动物 extinction angle 消光角; 消弧角 extinction of wild animals 野生动物绝种 extracapsular ankylosis 关节囊外强直 extract and oxidation sweetening 抽提物氧化脱硫 extract of malt and milk 麦乳晶 extraction and purification 提炼 extraction and stripping apparatus 萃取分离设备 extraction fulorimetric analysis 提取荧光分析 extraction stop and non-return valve 抽汽截止逆止阀 extramaxillary anchorage 颌外安抗 extramedullary and intradural tumor 脊髓外硬膜内肿瘤 extraoral anchorage 口外安抗 extraordinary gains and losses 非常损益 extraordinary profit and loss 额外损益 ce and waste 铺张浪费 d mean radio 外内比 d mean ratio 黄金分割 extremely low frequency antenna 极长波天线 extremity of an interval 区间的末端 extrinsic rewards and punishments 附带的奖惩 extrorse anther 外向花药 extrude angle 挤压的角钢; 挤压角钢 extruder and cooling train 压出冷却联动装置 eye and ear method 耳目法 eye bolt and key 带插销螺栓 eye bolt and nut 眼螺栓及螺母 eye secretion and tears 眵泪 eye-and-ear method 耳听目测法 eye-and-eyebrow structure 眼眉状构造 eye-and-key method 目键法 eye-ando-bject correction 目物改正 eyeletting and riveting machine 打眼和铆接机 eyesight-improving and up-per-heat-removing bolus 明目上清丸 Faber's anemia 胃酸缺乏性贫血 Faber's anemia 法伯尔氏贫血 fabric analysing glass 织物分析镜 fabric analysis 织物分析; 组织分析; 岩组分析 fabric of imitation animal skin 仿兽皮织物 fabric take-up and batching device 织物卷取和打卷装置 face acupuncture anesthesia 面针麻醉 face and fill 面上和装满 face and side cutter 三面刃铣刀; 平侧两用铣刀 face and side milling 平侧铣刀; 平侧铣法 face angle 面角; 齿面角 gle of a polyhedral angle 多面角的面角 face angle of a polyhedron 多面体的面角 face of an instrument 票面 face relief angle 端面后角 d-slab plan 分段回采程序 faced and drilled 表面加工及钻孔 facet analysis 逐面分析法 facial anesthesia 面麻醉 facial angiomalosis glaucoma syndrome 颜面血管痣青光眼综合征 facial angle 面角 facial nerve anastomosis 面神经吻合术 facies anterior lateralis 前外侧面 facies anterior lentis 晶状体前面 facies articularis anterior 前关节面 terior calcanei 前距关节面 facilities and equipment 工厂和设备 factor analysis 因式分解; 因数分析; 因素分析; 因子分解; 因子分析; 要素分析 factor group analysis 因子群分析 factor of an integer 整数的因子 factorial analysis 因子分析 d inspection plan 工厂试验与检查计划 facultative anaerobe 兼性厌氧生物 facultative anaerobic parasite 兼性厌氧性寄生虫 fade and dissolve 渐现渐隐 fade and lap-dissolve circuit 淡变和叠化电路 fade-and-recovery test 衰退和恢复试验 fail-safe analysis 可靠性分析 failure analysis 失效分析; 断裂分析 failure analysis FA 破损分析 failure analysis report 事故分析报告 failure criticality analysis FCA 故障致命性分析 failure data analysis 故障数据的分析 failure effect analysis FEA 故障影响分析 failure mode analysis FMA 失效模式分析; 故障模式分析 d effect analysis FMEA 故障模式和影响分析 d effect analysis 失效模式与影响分析 failure tree analysis FTA 故障树分析 faint pulse and cold extremities 脉微肢冷 falling angle 落角 fall-and-spring-applied nitrogen fertilizers 秋季和春季施氮肥 d nonfallowed land 休耕与不休耕地 false aneurysm 搏动性血肿 false aneurysm due to war injury 战伤假性动脉瘤 false ankylosis 假性关节强直 false annual ring 假年轮 false anorexia 假性厌食症 false market and trading 造假市买卖 familial splenic anemia 高歇氏病 famous and precious 名贵 coni's anemia 先天性全血细胞减少症 ned beam antenna 扇形射束天线 ned-beam antenna 扇形定向天线 far and away 远远 far-field analyser 远场分析器 farm animal 家畜 farm antibiotics 农用抗生素 farm machinery and implement 农业机械及农具 d animal strains 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司