翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 组织相容性抗原 histocompatibility Y antigen 组织相容性Y抗原 histological anatomy 组织解剖学 historical analogy method 历史比拟法 histotoxic anoxia 组织中毒性缺氧 hit and governor 断续调节器 hit and miss governor 断续调节器 hit and miss method 断续法 hit-and-miss ventilator 活动通风板 hoarding and speculation 囤积居奇 hoeing and ridging tool 锄地和培垄农具 hoghorn antenna 喇叭天线 holding anode 保持阳极 hole-and-slot resonator 孔隙型谐振器; 槽孔型谐振器 hollow anode 空心阳圾 hollow cathode discharge spectroscopic analysis 空心阴极放电光谱分析 holographic antenna 全息天线 sducer analyzer 全息照相换能器分析仪 home-bred animal 自繁牲畜 homing antenna 导归天线 homocytotropic antibody 亲同种细胞抗体 homoeothermic animal 同温动物 homoiothermal animals 恒温动物 homoiothermic animal 定温动物 homologous angles 同调角 homologous antiserum 同种抗血清 homothermal animal 温血动物 honey ant 小蚁 hood anti-squeak 发动机罩减声片 hood-type annealing furnace 罩式退火炉 hoof-and-horn meal 蹄骨粉; 蹄角粉 hook and butt joint 钩扣连接 hook and eye 钩扣铰链; 钩与螺旋扣眼 hook and eye hinge 钩和铰链; 钩扣铰链 d triangular plate 吊钩和三角形板 hook angle 前角 hookworm anemia 钩虫病贫血 hoop antenna 环形天线 horizonally polarized receiving antenna 水平极化接收天线 horizonally-polarized antenna 水平偏振天线 horizonally-polarized non-directional antenna 水平极化无方向性天线 horizontal analysis 水平分析 horizontal and vertical parity check code 水平和垂直奇偶检验码; 阵码 horizontal angle brace 水平隅撑 horizontal angle of deviation 水平偏向角 horizontal antenna 水平天线 horizontal boring and milling machine 卧式镗铣床 horizontal cut and fill stoping 水平分层充填采矿法 horizontal double antenna 水平对称天线 horizontal lens angle 透镜水平角 t angles method 水平夹角法 horizontal view angle 水平视角 horizontal viewing angle 水平视角 horizontal-doublet antenna 水平偶极子天线 horizontally-polarized antenna 水平极化天线 horn angle 号形角 horn antenna 号角天线; 喇叭天线; 喇叭形天线 horn anvil 角砧 horn feed antenna 喇叭形天线 horn of the anvil beak 铁砧角 horn of variation of flare angle 变张角喇叭 horn reflector antenna 喇叭抛物面天线; 喇叭形反射器天线 horn throat and mouth 喇叭喉部和口 horn-lens antenna 喇叭天线 horn-reflector antenna 喇叭反射面天线 horn-type antenna 喇叭形天线 hornblende andesite 角闪安山岩 horse and cattle clipper 马牛剪毛机 d saddle animals 役用和乘骑用马 e and horse tail hair brush 马鬃马尾毛刷 horse type antibady 马型抗体 hose and belts duck 软管和传送带用帆布 hose angle valve 软管的折角阀 hospital for gynaecology and obstetrics 妇产医院 hospitalized animal 住院治疗动物 hot and cold load technique 热冷负载法 hot and dry rolling 热干碾压法 hot anode magnetron 热阳极磁控管 hot atom annealing 热原子退火 hot film anemometer 热膜风速表 d-cold open-tank treatment 热冷槽处理 hot-and-cold steeping 木材防腐 热冷槽浸渍 hot-bulb anemometer 热球式电风速计 hot-isostatic-bonding and pressing process 热等静压制法; 等静热压法 hot-metal ladle and carriage 铁水罐车 hot-pressed and sintered product 热压烧结制品 hot-roll annealing 热轧后退火; 热轧退火 hot-wire analyzer 热电阻丝型分析仪 hotfilm anemometer 暖膜风速表 hour angle 时角; 子午圈角 hour angle difference 子午圈角差; 时角差 hour angle hyperbola 时角方位图 hour angle system 时角系统 hour angle system of coordinate 时角坐标系 hour angle-declination axis mount 时角赤纬轴座架 d land 房地产 Houssay animal 奥赛氏动物 hp and lp mixed economizer 高低压联合式省煤器 hue angle 色彩角; 色调角 hue-difference angle 色差角 d animal excreta 人畜粪便 and material resources 人力物力资源 ti-tetanus immunoglobulin injection 人抗破伤风免疫球蛋白注射剂 antihaemophilic globulin 人抗血友病球蛋白 learning and intelligence 人的学习与智力 leucocyte antigen HLA 人白细胞抗原; 人体白细胞抗原 leucocyte antigen system 人白细胞抗原系 leukocyte histocompatibility antigen 人白细胞组织相容性抗原 lymphocyte histocompatibility antigen 人淋巴细胞组织相溶性抗原 lymphocytic antigen systemHLA system 人类淋巴细胞抗原系统 T lymphocyte antigen HTLA 人胸腺细胞抗原 us antitoxin 人破伤风抗毒素 imal faces and urine 人粪尿 humeral and tibia nail 肱胫骨钉 humeral angle 肩角 humid analysis 湿法分析 humoral antibody 体液抗体 hump and kickback 驼峰回头线 hunting angle 振荡角 Hurter and Driffield curve 曝光特性曲线 d-and-wife shop 夫妻店 Huxley's anastomosis 赫胥黎网 hybrid analog computer 混合模拟计算机 hybrid analog-digital simulation 模拟数字混合仿真; 模数混合模拟 hybrid problem analysis 混合问题分析 hydraulic analog 液压模拟 hydraulic analog table 水力模拟盘 hydraulic analogue 液压模拟 hydraulic analogy 水力模拟 alogy water channel 水力模拟水槽 hydraulic differential analyzer 液压微分分析器 d vent tank 液压系统日用油柜 hydrocarbon analysis 烃类分析 hydrodynamic analogy 流体动力学模拟; 水动比拟; 液动模拟 hydrogen and ascorbate dilution determination 氢和维生素C稀释曲线测定 hydrogen production and distribution system 氢气发生和储配系统 hydrogenated oil and fat 氢化油脂 hydrogenion in soils and in solutions 土壤和溶液中的氢离子 hydrographical and meteorological station 水文气象站 hydrological analysis 水文分析 hydrological and engineering geology 水文工程地质学 hydrological frequency analysis 水文频率分析 hydrous antimony pentoxide HAP 水合五氧化二锑 hyperbolic antenna 双曲线天线 hyperbolic horn antenna 双曲线喇叭天线 hyperchromic anemia 高色性贫血; 高色指数性贫血 hyperfunction of anterior pituitary 前垂体功能亢进 hyperimmune antibody 超免疫抗体 hyperimmune antivariola gamma globulinHAGG 超免疫抗天花丙种球蛋白 hyperplastic anemia 增生性贫血 hypersensitive angiitis 超敏性脉管炎 hypersonic analyzer 超声波探伤器 hypersurface trend analysis 超曲面趋势分析 hypertrophy of anal papilla 肛乳头肥大 hypertrophy of tendon and muscle 筋粗 hypertrophy of trigone and interureteric ridge 膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴增生 hypochlorous anhydride 次氯酸酐 hypochromic anemia 低色指数性贫血 hypochromic microcytic anemia 低色小红细胞性贫血 hypochrosis microcytic anemia 低色性贫血 hypofunction of anterior pituitary 前垂体功能减退 hypoid-gear and pinion 准双曲面伞齿轮副 hypoplastic anemia 再生不良性贫血 hypoproliferative anemia 造血障碍性贫血 hypothermic anesthesia 低温麻醉 hypothesize-and-test 假设和测试 hysteretic angle 滞后相角; 滞后相移角; 磁滞后角; 磁滞角 hysterical anesthesia 癔病性感觉缺失 ice anchor 冰锚 identification by anthropometry 人身测定 identification of podzols and podzolised soils 鉴定灰壤土和灰化土 d human chromosomes 鉴定动物和人类的染色体 idiothermous animals 恒温动物 idiotypic antibody 个体基因型抗体; 个体遗传型抗体 if and only if 当且仅当 IF-AND-ONLY-IF element 等同元素 IF-AND-ONLY-IF gate 等同门 ignition and lighting magneto 点火及照明永磁发电机 ignition anode 触发阳极 illegal purchase and speculation 套购倒卖 illegal search and seizure 非法搜查与扣押 image analizer 图像扫描器 image analysing computer 影像分析 image analysis 影像分析; 影像分析法; 映像分析; 图像分析 image and waveform monitor 图像和波形监视器 image angle 图像角; 像角 image antenna 镜像天线; 镜像天线 imitation antique 仿古瓷器 imitation antique carpet 仿古地毯 imitation antique porcelain 仿古瓷器 immobilizing antibody 制动抗体 immune animal 免疫动物 immune antibody 免疫抗体; 免疫性抗体 immune hemolytic anemia 免疫性溶血性贫血 impact analysis 影响分析 impact anvil 冲砧 e anemometer 冲击叶式风速计 impairment of the liver and kidney 肝肾亏损 imperforate anus 肛门闭锁; 不通肛 Imperial Ancestral Temple 太庙 impingement angle 冲击角; 碰撞角 t antigen 外加性抗源 implied AND circuit 隐与门电路 implied and induced output 隐输出和诱导输出 import and export corporation 进出口公司 import and export licence 进出口许可证 import and export license system 进出口许可证制 d insurance 进口运费及保险费 d insurance account 进口运费用保险费帐户 import substitute and export substitute 进口替代与出口替代 imported and exported products 进出口货物 imported materials and parts 进口料件 d guarantee bond 进口商声明及保证书 imports of good and material services 货物和物质性服务的进口 impression tray for anteriors 前牙印模托盘 improper diet and overtiredness 饮食劳倦 improvement and betterment 房屋修缮与改良 improving sight and hearing 明目聪耳 impulse analyzer 脉冲分析器 impulse noise analysis 脉冲噪声分析 impulse response analyzer 脉冲特性分析仪 in anaphase 在减数分裂后期 in ancient times 在古代 in and out rates 进出费率; 内外差异费率 in animal body 在动物体内 in any case 任何情况下 in apparent good order and condition 外表良好 in cladding and applied linings 在覆层及所用衬里 in grasses and dicotyledons 在禾本科和双子叶植物中 in growth chambers and field plot 在生长室及田间 in the final analysis 毕竟 in the presence of light and chlorophyll 在光照和叶绿素条件下; 在有光和叶绿素时; 借助于光合叶绿素 in white and blue 瓷器名 唐太宗青花瓶 in-and-in 近亲交配; 折插包 in-and-out 即刻买卖 in-and-out 牛舍 自由出入 in-and-out movement 抓片机构 in-and-out reheating furnace 分批加热炉 in-and-out stepwise method 分批进入和退出的逐步回归法 in-and-out time card 进出时间卡 in-and-out type furnace 分批装出料的室式加热炉 in-line antenna 八木天线 in-phase horizontal antenna array 同相水平天线阵 inapparent antibody 不显性抗体 incidence angle 冲角 incident angle 入射角 incident angle of the entering ray 入射光线的入射角 incision and curettage of chalazion 睑板腺囊肿切开刮除术; 睑板腺囊肿切开刮除术 incision and drainage 切开引流 d drainage of ankle joint 踝关节切开引流术 incision and drainage of auricle 耳廓切开引流术 incision and drainage of ear 耳切开引流术 incision and drainage of ear skin 耳皮切开引流术 d drainage of external auditory canal 外耳道切开引流术 incision and drainage of larynx 喉切开引流术 incision and drainage of paronychia 化脓性甲沟炎切开引流术 d drainage of perianal abscess 肛周脓肿切开引流术 incision and drainage of rectum 直肠切开引流术 incision and drainage of retroperitoneal space 腹膜后隙切开引流术 incision and drainage of scrotum 阴囊切开引流术 incision and drainage of shoulder joint 肩关节切开引流术 incision and drainage of spermatic cord 精索切开引流术 incision and threaddrawing therapy 切开挂线法 incissura angularis 角切迹 incisura angularis 胃角切迹 incline cut and fill stoping 倾斜分层 inclined antenna 倾斜天线 inclined anticline 倾斜背斜 inclined chain-and-bucket trench digger 倾斜式链斗挖沟机 inclined cut-and-fill 倾斜分层充填法 inclined cut-and-fill stope 倾斜分层充填采场 inclsura anterior auris 耳前切迹 included angle 夹角 included angle of arch 指中心角 拱的包角 included angle of thread 螺纹夹角 incoherent analog modulation 非相干模拟调制 income tax on salaries and remunerations 薪给报酬所得税 incomplete androgen-insensitivity syndrome 不完全性雄激素不敏感综合征 incomplete antibody 不完全抗体; 非典型抗体 incomplete antigen 不全抗原; 不完全抗原 incontinence of anal sphincter 肛门括约肌失禁 increase lodging and seed costs 增加倒伏程度和种子成本 increased borborygmus and diarrhea 肠鸣泄泻 increasing production of fresh and salt water fish 增加淡水和盐水鱼生产 increment and correction 增量与改正量 increment angle 齿端角 incremental analysis 增量分析 incremental cost analysis 增值成本分析 incumbent anther 内曲花药 indeterminate analysis 不定分析; 不定解析 tum of imports and exports 进出口贸易量指数 index number of value of imports and exports 进出口贸易额指数 index of import and export 进出口指数 index of inventors and patentees 发明人与专利人索引 ces and taxation 课税减免指数化与税收 indicated angle 指示角 indirect analysis 间接分析 indirect antiglobulin test 间接抗球蛋白试验 indirect fluorescent antibody 间接荧光抗体 indium antimonide 锑化铟 individual analysis 分别分析 individual ovules within an ovary 子房里的单个胚珠 indoor and outdoor bus bar bushing 户内外母线式穿墙套管 indoor antenna 室内天线 induced anesthesia 诱导麻醉 induced angle of attack 诱导迎角 induced anisotropy 感生各向异性 induced uniaxial anisotropy 诱导单轴各向异性 d capacitance lumped filter 感容集总滤波器 ce comparator and measuring probe 电感比较器及测量头 inductive internal surface analyzer 感应式内表面分析仪 industrial analysis 工业分析 industrial anthropometry 工业人体测量 industrial applicability of an invention 发明的工业实用性 industrial control analog device 工业控制模拟设备 d businessman 职能资本家 d thrifty management of shops 勤俭办商店 d guidance 惯性导航与制导 inexact regression analysis 不确切回归分析 infectious anemia 传染性贫血 infectious aneurysm 感染性动脉瘤 infectious-toxic anemia 感染性中毒性贫血 infective ankylosis of incudostapedial joint 感染性砧镫关节强硬 infective anosmia 感染性嗅觉缺失 infective fistula of anus 感染性肛瘘 infective stricture of anus 感染性肛门狭窄 inferior anastomotic vein 下吻合静脉 inferior angle 下线角 inferior anterior segment 下前段 infiltration and redistribution 渗透作用和再分配 infiltration anesthesia 浸润麻醉 infinite anisotropic source 无限各向异性源 infinitesimal analysis 微元分析 inflection angle 偏转角 inflow angle 入流角 influence of seed size and emergence 种子大小与发芽的影响 influence of spacing and emergence time 株距与出苗时间的影响 information and drawing 图纸资料 information flow analysis 信息流分析 information process analysis 信息处理分析 information storage and retrieval 情报存储和检索; 信息存储和检索 information system of personnel and payroll 人事工资管理信息系统 infra-red analysis 红外线分析 infra-red analyzer 红外线检偏镜 infra-red gas analyzer 红外气体分析器 infrared analyzer 红外线分析仪 infrared carbon dioxide analyser 红外线二氧化碳分析器 infrared gas analyzer 红外气体分析仪 infrared microgas analyzer 红外微量气体分析仪 infrared milk analyzer 红外线牛奶速测器 infrared milking analyzer 红外线牛奶速测器 infrared ray gas analyzer 红外线气体分析仪 ce analyzer 红外反射率分析仪 infrared spectrometric analyzer 红外光谱分析仪 infrared spectrum analysis 红外光谱分析 infrasternal angle 胸骨下角 infundibuliform anus 漏斗状肛门 infusion anesthesia 静脉滴注麻醉; 静脉滴注麻醉; 醚静脉滴注麻醉 inhalation anesthesia 吸入麻醉 inhalation anesthetics 吸入麻醉剂 inhaling and exhaling through the nose 鼻吸鼻呼 inhibiting antibody 抑制性抗体 inhibitory analogues 抑制类似物 inhomogeneous anisotropic medium 不均匀各向异性介质 initial and final temperatures 起始与最终温度 initial angular momentum 初始角动量 initial incidence angle 初始入射角 injection angle 喷射角 injection phase angle 注入相位角 injector anode 注入器阳极 injury of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint 膝关节前十字韧带损伤 injury of bladder and urethra 膀胱尿道损伤 injury of muscle and tendon 肌肉肌腱损伤 ink and wash 水墨画 ink case and paper-weight 墨盒和镇尺 ink stick and Chinese ink 墨块和墨汁 inlet angle 进口角; 入口角 inlet annulus 进汽环室 inlet blade angle 叶片进口角; 叶片入口角 inlet flushing system for pipe and cone 管道和导风锥的冲洗装置 inner angle 内角 terior quadrant 内前四分体 inner cutting angle 内刃角 inner lift arm and tappet assembly 内提升臂及挺杆总成 inner opposite angle 内对角 inner steered angle 内侧车轮的回转角 inoculation and seed treatment 接种及种子处理 inphase angle 同相角 input analysis 输入分析 d output analysis 投入产出分析 input-output analysis 投产出产分析; 投产出产分析; 投入产出分析 input-output analysis method 投入产出分析法 d answer system 询问回答方式 inquiry and communication system 询问与通信系统 d transaction processing 查询和事务处理 inscribed angle 内接角 d plant disease 植物病害 insectivorous animal 食虫动物 insects and other pests in tobacco seedbeds 烟草苗床害虫 inside and outside grinding 内外磨削 inside antenna 内部天线 inside screw and non-rising stem 暗杆内螺纹 inside screw and rising stem ISRS 明杆内螺纹 inside wheel turning angle 内转向轮转向角 inside-angle tool 阴角抹子 insoluble anode 不溶性阳极 d testing company 检验公司 d testing of imports and exports 进出口商品检验 install machinery and equipment 安装机器和设备 installation and checkout 安装与测试 installation and debugging 安装调试 d maintenance conditions at field 现场安装和维修条件 installation and operation 安装和运转 installation and overhaul specification 安装及检修规范 installation and trial run 安装调试 installed positions and shapes 安装位置与形式 installment and interest charges 分期还本付息 eous analysis 瞬态分析 eous analyzer 瞬态分析器 eous angular frequency 瞬时角频率 eous angular velocity 瞬时角速度 eous annealing point 瞬时熟炼点; 瞬时退火点 d day mechanism 日,周 瞬跳双历机构 eous response analysis 瞬态响应分析 institute college of science and technology 理工学院 institute an inquiry 开始调查 institute of dermatology and venereology 皮肤性病研究所 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师学会 institute of medical instruments and apparatus 医疗仪器及器械研究所 institute of zootechnics and veterinary science 畜牧兽医科学研究所 instrument analysis 仪器分析 d meter plant 仪表厂 instrument for quality analysis of water 水质分析仪器 instrumental analysis 物化分析 instruments and meters 仪器仪表 insufflation anesthesia 吹入麻醉 insulin antibody 胰岛素抗体 insulin receptor antibody 胰岛素受体抗体 ce and freight CIF成本加保险费运费 到岸价 integer angular momentum 整数角动量 integral of angular momentum 角动量积分 integrally annealed 整体退火 integrated iron and steel works 综合性钢铁厂 integrated optical spectrum analyzer 集成光谱分析器 intellectual and artistic products 精神产品 intelligence annex 情报附件 intensive analysis 强度分析 intensive and meticulous cultivation 精耕细作 inter process annealing 工序间退火 inter-process annealing 中间退火 interaction analysis 相互影响分件; 交互分析 interaction of light and temperature 光合温度的相互作用 interactive computing and control facility ICCF 交互计算和控制设备; 交互计算与控制程序 interblock analysis 区组间分析 ge of cause and effect 因果转化 geable anvil pallet 可互换砧面 intercostal anesthesia 肋间神经阻滞麻醉 d soybean 间作玉米和大豆 d close planting 间作密植 interfacial angle 面间角; 面交角 interferometer antenna 干涉仪天线 interindustry analysis 产业关联分析 interindustry relation analysis 工业关系分析法 interior and exterior finishes 内外装修 interior angle 内角 interior angles of the same side 同傍内角 d shutter mechanism 卷片和快门联锁机构; 卷片和快门联锁机构 interlocking angle 三镜摄影机 锁角 intermaxillary anchorage 颌间安抗; 颌间锚基 intermediate angle 中间边帮角 intermediate annealing 中间退火 intermediate axle bevel gear and pinion 中桥主动及被动伞齿轮 intermediate slope angle 中间边坡角 intermediate wheel and pinion 中心齿轴 internal analog loop 内部模拟环路 internal analysis 内部分析 internal and external equilibrium 内外平衡 internal and external gauge 内外径规 internal and external snap gauge 内外径规 internal angle to cove skirting 釉面砖的配件砖 壁脚弯砖阴角 internal ankle height 内踝高 internal annular shake 木心环裂 internal antenna 内天线 internal antistat 内用抗静电剂 internal carotis aneurysm in cavernous sinus 海绵窦内颈内动脉瘤 internal controls of growth and development 生长及发育的内部控制因素 internal friction angle 土壤 内摩擦角 internal phase angle 内相位角 internal shoulder angle 阴角扇形砖 internal sphincter muscle of anus 肛门内括约肌 internal thoracic-coronary artery anastomosis 胸廓内动脉冠状动脉吻合术 internally-oriented and closed economy 内向型的封闭经济 international analysis code IAC 国际分析电码 international angstrom TA 国际埃 International Annealed Copper Standard 国际退火铜标准 International Bureau of Weights and Measures 国际计量局 International Society and Federation of Cardiology 国际心脏学会联盟 dard annealed copper 国际标准退火铜 ting of another crop 套种 d speech transmission 内插数据与语言传输 interpolative relation analysis 内插法相对分析 interrogation antenna 询问天线 interrogation recording and location system 询问记录和定位系统 interrupt analysis 中断分析 interstage annealing 中间退火 interstitial anion 填隙阴离子 d transregional economic zones 跨行业跨地区的经济区 intertrigo ani 肛擦烂 interval analysis 区间分析 interval overlapping one another 相叠区间 intestinal anastomosis 肠吻合术 intestinal anastomosis clamp 肠吻合夹; 肠吻合钳 intestinal angioma 小肠血管瘤 intestinal anthrax 肠炭疽 intestine and casing 肠衣 intra-annular 环内的 intra-annular tautomerism 环核内互变异构现象; 环内互变异构现象 d line-transmitter 局内局外两用发报机; 局内局外两用发报机 intracapsular ankylosis 关节囊内强直 intracavity annular coupling mirror 腔内环形耦合反射镜 ial aneurysm 颅内动脉瘤 intractable angina pectoris 顽固性心绞痛 intradermic anaphylactic reaction 皮内过敏反应 intraepidermal carcinoma of anus 肛门表皮内癌 intramaxillary anchorage 颌内安抗 intramedullary anesthesia 骨髓内麻醉 intramolecular oxidation and reduction 分子内部氧化还原作用 intramural anastomosis 壁内吻合 intramuscular anesthesia 肌肉注射麻醉 asal anesthesia 鼻内麻醉 asal antrcstomy 鼻内上颌窦开窗术 intraocular antennae 眼下触角 intraoral incision and drainage 口内切开排脓法 intraoral incision and reduction 口内切开复位法 intraperitoneal anesthesia 腹膜腔内麻醉; 腹腔麻醉 intrared analyser 红内线分析器 intratracheal anesthesia 气管内全身麻醉 intratracheal insufflation anesthesia 气管内吹入麻醉 intrauterine fetal anoxia 胎儿宫内缺氧 intravenous anesthesia equipment for dentistry 牙科静脉麻醉用器械 intravenous anesthetics 静脉麻醉药; 静脉麻醉药 intravenous cardio-angiography 静脉心血管造影术; 静脉心血管造影术 intravenous hydroxydione anesthesia 羟二酮静脉麻醉 intravenous morphine anesthesia 吗啡静脉麻醉 intravenous pentothal anesthesia 硫喷妥钠静脉麻醉 intravertebral anesthesia 椎管内麻醉 intrinsic anisotropy 纤维的 内在各向异性 intrinsic factor antibody 内在因子抗体 intrinsic internal angle of friction 固有内摩擦角 intrusion and extrusion 侵入与喷出 ce and convex loss 不变性与凸损失 t angular momentum 不变角动量 inventor and creator 发明人和创造人 inventory analysis 库存分析; 存储分析 inventory and control 库存与控制 inventory and production process 存货与生产过程 inventory and stock level 存储与存货水准 inventory costing and control 库存成本计价与控制; 库存成本计算与管理 inventory profit and loss 盘存损益 inventory short and over 盘存缺溢 inventory shortage and over report 库存盘盈盘亏报告 inverse anaphylaxis 反转过敏反应 inverse annealing 反退火 inversion of an integral 积分的反演 inverted bow and chain girder 鱼腹式大梁; 鱼形桁架 inverted L antenna 倒L形天线 inverted pyramid antenna 漏斗形天线; 倒角锥天线 inverted V antenna 倒V形天线 invest in an enterprise 投资于企业 investigation and study 调查研究 investment analysis 投资分析 investment analysts 投资分析师 investment and enterprise corporation 投资企业分司 investment risk analysis 投资风险分析 invigorate the lung and the kidney 补肺益肾 involute and helix measuring instrument 齿轮渐开线及螺旋角测量仪 involutorial antiautomorphism 对合反自同构 inward freight and cartage 进口水陆运费 ion antagonism 离子桔抗作用 dicraft article and machine part 离子镀工艺品和机械零件 ipecac and opium powder 杜佛氏散 iridial angle 虹膜角 iridium fountain pen with anodized barrel 电化铝杆铱金笔 iridium fountain pen with anodized cap 电化铝套铱金笔 iridocorneal angle 虹膜角 iron and quinine citrate 枸橼酸铁奎宁; 枸橼酸铁奎宁 iron and steel base 钢铁基地 iron and steel casting 钢铁铸件 d steel company 钢铁公司 iron and steel industry 钢铁工业 d steel manufacture 钢铁制造 iron and steel material shaped 钢铁型材 d steel plant 钢铁厂 iron and steel scrap 废钢铁 d steel sheet and plate 钢铁板材 iron and steel sheet piling 铁及钢板桩法凿井 iron and steel wire 钢铁丝材 iron and steel works 钢铁厂 iron andradite 铁榴石 iron antigorite 铁叶蛇纹石 iron-and-steel furnace 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司