翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 港口法 protection analysis project 堡分析计划 protection and indemnity 保障与赔偿 protection and indemnity P & I 堡与赔偿 protection and indemnity clause 保赔保险条款 d indemnity insurance 保赔保险; 保障与赔偿保险 protective antigens 堡性抗原 protein and oil content 蛋白和油含量 proton-antiproton storage ring 质子反质子存储环 protostib meglumine antimonate 锑酸葡胺 protrusion of anther 花药伸出 proucing numerous culms and ears 长出许多茎秆和果穗 proximate analysis 近似分析; 组分分析; 组份分析; 实用分析 pruritus ani 肛门瘙痒 pseudo-angina pectoris 心神经功能病 pseudo-Brewster angle 赝布儒斯特角 ous angina 普劳特氏咽峡炎 psoriasis annularis 环状牛皮癣 pubic angle 耻骨角 pubic arch angle 耻骨弓角度 public antigen 公有抗原; 常见抗原 d finance 财政金融 public utility and service 公用事业和服务机构 Puccinia arundinellae-anomallae 野古草柄锈菌 pudendal block anesthesia 阴部神经阻滞麻醉 d sandstones 普拉斯基页岩和砂岩 Pull-and-out block 牵引复滑车 d reducing stand 拉轧机 pulling and turning 扳法 pulmonary anthrax 肺炭疽 pulmonary arteriovenous aneurysm 肺动静脉瘤 pulmonary function analyzer 肺功能分析仪 pulp and paper industry 纸浆造纸工业 pulse analysis 脉冲分析 pulse analytical computer 脉搏解析计算机 pulse analyzer 脉冲分析器 pulse annealing 脉冲退火 pulse antenna 脉冲天线 pulse as an indicator of disease 脉象主病 pulse beating gently and regularly 脉和缓均匀 d yang locations 脉阴阳俱紧 pulse coding and correlation 脉冲编码和相互关系 pulse height analysis 脉冲高度分析 pulse height analyzer 脉冲高度分析器 pulse response analysis 脉冲响应分析 pulse response analyzer 脉冲特性分析仪 pulse sample-and-hold circuit 脉冲抽样保持电路; 脉冲取样和保持电路 pulse shaping and re-shaping 脉冲整形和再整形 pulse shaping and reshaping 脉冲的成形与再成形 pulse stripping analysis 脉冲解吸分析 pulse system differential analyzer 脉冲系统微分分析器 pulse-excited antenna 脉冲激励天线 pulse-feeling and palpation 切诊 pulse-height analyzer 脉冲幅度分析器 d blanker 脉冲干扰分离器和消除器 pulse-shape analyzer 脉冲形状分析器 pulse-train analysis 脉冲序列分析 pulsed analog circuit 脉冲模拟电路 pulsed gas analyzer 脉冲气体分析仪 pulsed height analyzer 脉冲高度分析仪 pulseheight analyzer 脉冲振幅分析器 pulverized anthracite 无烟煤粉 pump and motor fluid ports 泵和液压马达间的液流阀 punch and profile shaping machine 刨您 punch and programmed electronic calculator 穿孔程序电子计算机 punch and shear 冲剪两用机 punch and shears 冲孔剪切机 punch-nose angle 凸模圆角 punching and forming automatic 冲剪成形自动机 punching and shearing machine 冲剪两用机 puncture and irrigation 穿刺冲洗法 puncture of frontal angle 额角穿刺 purchase and supply of parts 组织零件的购入与供应 d allowances 进货折让 purchase farm produce and sideline prducts 收购农副产品 purchase of old and waste materials 废旧物资收购 d allowance journal 进货退回及折让日记帐 purchased life annuity 已购人寿保险年金 purchasing analysis 进货分析 purchasing and stock budget 进货及存货预算; 采购和存储预算 pure red-cell anemia 纯红细胞性贫血 purification and rejuvenation 提纯复壮 purified animal charcoal 精制动物炭 purified antivenin 精制抗蛇毒血清; 精制抗蛇毒血清 purifying and cutting 治削 purine antagonist 嘌呤拮抗剂 purpose and scope of the study 研究的目的与范围 purpura angioneurotica 血管神经性紫癜 nularis telangiectodes 马约基氏病; 毛细管扩张性环状紫癜; 毛细血管扩张性环状紫癜 pus and blood stool 脓血便 push and pull bar 推拉把手 d pull handle 推拉把手 push-and-guide 推入 push-and-pull 推拉 push-and-pull brace 推拉把手 push-and-pull rod 推拉杆 push-and-pull switch 推拉开关 put and call dealers 卖出与买入选择权自营商; 期货抛出和买进自营商 put and call option 期货抛出和买进选择权; 卖出买入选择权; 卖出与买入选择权 pylon antenna 铁塔天线 pyloric antrectomy 幽门窦切除术 pyloric antrum 幽门窦 ic-antitoxin 绿脓菌抗毒素 pyramidal antenna 棱锥形天线; 角锥天线 pyrolysis analysis 热解分析 pyrotitration analysis 热滴定分析 t angle 象限角; 射角 t angle of departure 掷角 t angle of elevation 仰角 t angle of fall 落地俯角 t angle of site 炮目高低角 tal angle 象限角 quadrilocalar anther 四室花药 quadrilocular anther 四室药 quadrivalent anion 四价阴离子 quadruple barrel antiaircraft machine gun 四联装高射机枪 quadrupole residual gas analyzer 四极剩余气体分析器 qualification of procedure and welder 程序及焊工的评定 qualitative analysis 定性分析 qualitative analysis for two times 两次定性分析 qualitative chemical analysis 化学定性分析 qualitative elementary analysis 元素定性分析 quality analysis 质量分析 quality and reliability objective 质量和可靠性目标 tified system analysis 定量系统分析 titative analysis method 定量分析方法 titative analysis of agricultural chemicals 农药定量分析 titative analysis of BOD 生物化学需氧量的定量测定 titative analysis of chloride ion 氯离子的定量分析 titative analysis of CO gas 一氧化碳定量分析 titative analysis of hydrogen sulphide 硫化氢的定量分析 titative analysis of methylparathion 乙基对硫磷的定量分析 titative chemical analysis 化学定量分析 titative image analyzer 定量图像分析仪 titative spectrochemical analysis 光谱定量分析; 光谱定性分析 tities of labor and material 工料数 tine anchorage 检疫锚地 quarter-hard annealing 低硬度退火 quarter-wave antenna 四分之一波长天线 quartz analog clock 模拟石英钟 quartz analog watch 模拟石英表; 指针式石英手表 quartz andesite 英安岩 quartz delay-line analyzer 石英延迟线分析器 quartz wedge analyser 石英楔片检偏器 quartz-anorthosite 石英斜长岩 quasi-analogue model 准模拟模型 quasi-analogue system 准模拟系统 quasi-analytic function 拟解析函数 quasi-analytical method 拟分析方法 quasi-analyticity 拟解析性 quasi-anisotropic layered medium 准各向异性分层媒质 quasi-steady flow analysis 准稳态流量分析 Queen Anne arch 安那皇后拱 quench annealing 急冷退火 quenched and tempered 调质过的 quenched and tempered high tensile strength plate 调质高强度钢板 quenched and tempered steel 调质钢 quenching and tempering 淬火及回火; 调质处理 question-answering system 问答系统 queuing analysis 排队分析 quick anneal oven 快速退火炉 quick-and-direct prediction 快速并直接预测 quick-firing antiaircraft gun 速射高射炮 quiescent antenna 沉静天线 d landing 无声起飞与着陆 quinine antimonate 锑酸奎宁 d nonquota immigrants 限额与不限额移民 R and M 修理和维护 R antigen 粗糙型抗原 rabbit antenna 兔耳形天线 rabbit type antibody 兔型抗体 rabbit-ear antenna 兔耳形天线 race an engine 确定发动机的工作规范 使发动机空转 racemose aneurysm 蜿蜒状动脉瘤 aesthesia spinal anesthesia 脊髓麻醉 rack and gear jack 齿条齿轮式千斤顶 d panel connector 抽屉机架接插件 rack and pinion drive 齿条-小齿轮传动 rack and pinion gate lifting device 齿条齿轮式启门机 rack and pinion gearing 齿条齿轮传动装置 rack and pinion hoist 齿条齿轮吊车 rack and pinion jack 齿条齿轮千斤顶 rack and pinion loom 齿条齿轮式织带机 rack and snail 钟 齿条和蜗形轮 d-panel connector 矩形插头座; 矩形插头座; 转接插头座 rack-and-pinion 齿轮齿条副; 齿条和小齿轮 rack-and-pinion drive 齿条齿轮传动 rack-and-pinion steering-gear 齿轮齿条式转向器 d-tank processing 挂架浴槽显影 racking for milk churns and buckets 奶桶吊挂架 d ranging 雷达 radar antijamming 雷达抗干扰 radar saturation and overload 雷达饱和与过载 radial angular contact ball bearing 径向角面接触滚珠轴承; 径向角面接触滚珠轴承 radial antifriction bearing 径向抗摩轴承; 径向抗摩轴承 radial Fourier analysis 径向傅里叶分析; 径向傅里叶分析 radial needle roller and cage assembly 向心滚针及保持架组件 t energy type analyzer 辐射能式分析仪 t tube annealing 辐射管加热式退火 radiating antenna 辐射天线 radiation angle 辐射角 radiation annealing 辐射退火 radiation meter spectral analyzer 辐射计频谱分析仪 radiation scattering analyzer 辐射散射分析仪 d core testing stand 散热器及芯子试验台 radiator antifreeze solution 散热器防冻溶液; 散热器防杀剂 radiator inlet and outlet hose 散热器进出水软管 radiator louver antisqueak 散热器百叶窗减声片 radio and electrical pliers 电信钳 d panel section 无线电与布板通信分排 radio and telephone control 无线电及电话管制 radio and television engineering 无线电与电视工程 radio and wire integration 无线与有线综合系统设施 radio angle 无线电方位角 radio antenna truck 无线电天线车 radio control and metering service 无线电遥控遥测站 radio detection and location 无线电探测和定位 d ranging radar 无线电定向与测距 radio interception or intelligence analysis post 无线电截听或情报分析站 radio mast antenna 无线电柱形天线 d transmitting installation 无线电接收发送装置 radio recognition and identification 无线电识别 radio sonobuoy and hydrophone 无线电声纳浮标与水下听音器 radio telemetry and remote control 无线电遥测与遥控 radio-analytical technique 放射性分析技术 radio-frequency analyzer 射频分析器 radio-frequency loss-angle technique 射频损耗角技术 radio-labelled antigen 放射性标记抗原 radioactivation analysis 放射化分析; 放射活化分析; 放射性活化分析 radioactive antibody 放射性抗体 radioactive flow analyzer 放射性流分析仪 radioactive sampler analyzer 放射性样品分析仪 radioactivity analysis 活化分析 radioactivity anomaly 放射性异常 radioactivity spectrum analyzer 放射性能谱分析仪 radiochemical analysis 放射化学分析 radiochemical analyzer 放射化学分析仪 radiography analysis 放射线照相分析 radiometric analysis 放射分析法; 射量分析法 radionuclide fluorescence analysis 放射性核素荧光分析 radiosonde and radar wind sounding 联合装置 无线电探空仪和雷达测风 radiosonde and radiowind station 无线电探空测风站 radius and ulna nail 桡尺骨钉 radius angle 圆心角 radius of rounded angle 圆角半径 radix anchusae 紫朱草根 radix angelicae dahuricae 杭白芷 radix anterior 脊神经前根 rafter and strut-framed dam 木框架式坝 d bone man 废品收购者 rail anchor 钢轨锁定器 rail anchors 钢轨防爬器 rail and air 铁路及空运 d occean 铁路运输及海运 rail and structural steel mill 钢轨及钢梁轧机 rail and truck 铁路及卡车运输 rail and water 铁路运输及水运 rail and water terminal 铁路水路联运码头 rail and-structural steel mill 轨梁轧机 rail beam and section mill 轨梁轧机 railroad crossing angle 铁路道口交叉角 railway and highway combined bridge 铁路公路两用桥 railway express and fast freight 运输 特快服务 railway wheel and type mill 车轮和轮箍轧机 rain and snow mixed 雨夹雪 rainfall anomaly 降水偏距 raise anchor 起锚 raise animal 畜牧 raise domestic animals 畜养 d fielded panel 突面镶板 raised and sunken 内外叠板法 raised for meat and eggs 鸡 肉用和蛋用 raising-and-depression 举折; 举折 rake angle 刀面角; 翘角; 倾角; 前角; 洗流角 ram anchor 油缸连结销 ram-and-inner frame machine 锤头内架式高速锤 Ramalaria anomala 异形柱隔孢 rami anteriores nervi intercostales 肋间神经前支 rami anteriores nervorum thoracalium 胸神经前支 rami auriculares anteriores 耳前动脉 rami bronchiales anteriores 支气管前支 rami centrales anteromediales 前内侧中央支 rami labiales anteriores 阴唇前支 rami scrotales anteriores 阴囊前支 tiae perforatae anterioris 前穿质支 rami-auriculares anteriores 耳前支 ramigastrici anteriores 胃前支 ramp angle 上坡角 ramp anticline 冲断层背斜 ramp breakover angle 纵向通过角 ramus anastomoticus 吻合支 ramus anterior 前支 ramus anterior ascendens 前升支 ramus anterior descendens 前降支 ramus anterior nervorum spinalium 脊神经前支 ramus atrialis anastomoticus 心房吻合支 ramus basalis anterion 前底支 eus anterior 前皮支 ramus digitalis anterior 指前支 ramus interventricularis anterior 前室间支 ramus volaris antibrachii 前臂掌侧支 dom analysis 随机分析 dom antenna 代用天线 dom trial-and-error test 随机边试边改试验 ge analysis 极差分析; 值域分析; 量程分析 ge and dead area 射程和射击死角 ging method by radio and sound wave 无线电电声测距法 k and file 普通成员; 一般职工 rapid analysis method 快速分析法; 迅速分析法; 迅速分析法 rapid and irregular pulse 麻促脉 rapid and rashing pulse 脉躁 rapid and sensitive feed 快速灵敏进给 rapid answer 迅速应答; 迅速应答 rare animal 稀有动物 Rat and mouse 鼠科 ratchet-and-pawl 棘轮和掣爪 ratchet-and-pawl drive 棘轮推爪传动装置 rate of angular motion 转动速率 rate of application and time of phosphorus 磷施用量和时间 rate of both profits and taxes on entire funds 全部资金利税率 rate of domestic animals for sale 牲畜出栏率 rate of interest per annual 年利率 rate of loading and discharging 装卸率 ratio analysis 相对含量分析 ratio analysis of net profits to net sales 净利与净销售额比率分析; 净利与净销售额比率分析 ratio analysis of net sales to net working capital 净销售额与流动资本净额比率分析; 净销售额与流动资本净额比率分析 ratio analyzer 相对含量分析器 ratio and difference estimation sampling 比率差异推算抽样法 ratio and phase meter 振幅比相位差计 ratio of exploitation and reserve 采储比 ratio of gold and silver 金银比价 ratio of males and females 男女比率 rational analysis 有理分析; 示构分析; 示性分析 rations and quarters 食宿 raw anode 生阳极 raw material drying and grinding mill 烘干原料磨 raw materials to produce food and fiber 生产食品和纤维的原料 rayon and cotton tablecloth 棉纱人造丝台布 reaction control and stabilizaton system 反应控制与稳定系统 reaction rate analyser 反应率分析器 reactor animal 阳性反应家畜 read analog input 读模拟量输入 read analogue input 模拟量输入 read and revise 校阅 read and write 直读式记录 dths of an inch 读数0001英寸的 readjust faculties and specialities 教育 调整科类结构和专业设置 readjusting industry and commerce 调整工商业 reaginic antibody 反应抗体 real analysis 实分析 real estate and properties 不动产与其它财产 real power analysis 有效功率分析 real time spectrum analyzer 实时频谱分析器 real-time all-digital spectrum analyzer 实时全数字频谱分析仪 real-time analogue computer 实时模拟计算机 real-time analyser 实时分析器 real-time analysis 实时分析; 快速分析 real-time digital spectrum analyzer 实时数字频谱分析器 real-time frequency analysis 实时频率分析 real-time frequency analyzer 实时频率分析仪 real-time prototype analyzer 实时样机分析器 real-time signal analysis 实时信号分析 real-time-analog-digital computation 实时模拟数字计算 d liquidation profit and loss 变产清算损益 realize returns on an investment 发挥投资效果 realized gains and losses 实际损益 realm of literature and art 文艺领域 reamer and tap fluting cutter 铰刀及丝锥槽铣刀 reamer with pilot and guide 带前后导向部的铰刀 reaming and deburring tube tool 铰孔和去毛刺管状刀具 reaper-and-binder 割捆机 d front axle stand 前后车轴架 recall and precision curve 检索率与精确曲线 receipt and disbursements breakeven point 收支平衡点 receipt and invoice-checking 验收; 验收 receipt and payment documents 收支凭证 receipts and disbursements 现金收支 receipts and disbursements statement 现金收支表 receipts and payment statemen 现金收支表 receipts and payments documents 现金收付凭证 receiver antenna 接收机天线 receiving and stock storage 接收与储藏 recess angle 渐远角 reciprocal anchorage 交互安抗 reciprocating and rotating rollers 往复回转罗拉 reciprocating plate and worm type distributor 摆动板和螺旋式排肥器 d plant in to crops 围湖造田 reclamation and utilization of sewage 污水回收利用 reclining radio antenna 折倒天线 recognition and control processor RCP 识别和控制处理机 recoil angle 反冲角 recombination of ion and electron 离子电子复合 recommendatory annotation 推荐性筒介 ce and security line 侦察与警戒线 ce and security position 侦察与警戒阵地 ce and underwater demolition group 侦察与水下爆破队 reconstruction of anal sphincter 肛门括约肌再造术 reconverted analog picture 再恢复模拟图像 recorded voice announcement RVA 记录声音通知 recorded voice announcement unit RVA unit 记录音频告示单元; 记录语音广播部件; 录音播放装置 recording analysis method 记录式分析法 recording anemograph 自记风速计 recording aneroid barometer 自记无液气压计 recording gas analyzer 记录式气体分析器 recording spectrum analyzer 光谱分析记录器 recording watt and varmeter 自动记录式瓦特乏尔计 recrystallization annealing 再结晶退火 rectal anesthesia 直肠麻醉 rectifier anode 整流管阳极 rectilinear angle 直线角 recuperate and multiply 休养生息 recurrent profit and loss 续生损益; 经常性损益; 经常性损益 recursion and iteration 递归与迭代 recursive analysis 递归分析 red and black citrus leaf-miner 红黑潜叶甲 red and yellow podzolic soil 红黄色灰化土 red antimony 红锑矿 red cell auto-antibody 红细胞自体抗体 red lead anti-corrosive paint 红丹防锈漆 reddening and swelling of mucosa 粘膜红肿 reddish and whitish turbid urine 赤白浊 redox analyser 氧化还原分析器 reduce the number of rejects and seconds 降低废品 reduced anneal 还原退火 reducer angle 直角异径弯管 reducing and enlarging machine 缩放机 reducing fever and causing diuresis 清热利尿 reduction by pulling and kneading 拔伸捏正 reed and bead 芦珠饰 reed and harness brushing machine 综筘清刷机 reed and harness polishing machine 综筘抛光; 综筘抛光机 reef talus and scree 礁岩屑堆 reel-and-cable locomotive 电缆式电机车 reel-and-cable trolley locomotive 电缆架线两用电机车 reentry angle 再入角 reentry anti-missile 再入反导弹 reentry environment and system technology 再入环境与系统工艺 reentry observable prediction and experiments 再入观察预报与试验 Reeves electronic analog computer 穿孔电子模拟计算机 reference angle 参考角; 基准角; 入射角 reference cone angle 分锥角 reference method of analysis 参照分析方法 reference to a structure or an array element 对结构元素或数组元素的引用 reference to an element of structure 对结构元素的引用 refined analysis 严密的分析 refined botulism antitoxin 精制肉毒抗毒素; 精制肉毒抗毒素 refined diphtheria antitoxin 精制白喉抗毒素 ce anomaly 反射异常 reflecting anamorphotic optical system 反射变形光学系统 reflecting angle 反射角 reflecting antenna 反射天线; 无源天线 reflecting satellite communication antenna 卫星通信反射天线 reflection at critical angle 临界角反射 reflection character analysis 反射波特征分析 sit angle 反射空间渡越角 reflector antenna 反射器天线; 无源天线 reflector-type antenna 反射器式天线 reflex angina 反射性心绞痛 reflex angle 优弧角; 优角 reflex anuria 反射性无尿 reflexive angina 反射性心绞痛 refracted angle 折射角 refracting angle 折射角; 折射棱角; 棱角 refraction analysis 折射计法 refraction angle 折射角 refraction anisotropy 折射各向异性 refractive anomalies of the eye 人眼折射异常 refractive index anisotropy 折射指数各向异性 refractometric analysis 折射分析 refractory anemia 难治性贫血; 顽固性贫血 d cannery ship 水产冷藏制罐船 refrigeration anesthesia 冰冻麻醉 refunds and rebates 退款和回扣 regenerated animal fibre 再生动物质纤维 regenerative anemia 再生障碍性贫血 reginic antibody 反应素 regio analis 肛门部; 肛区 tebrachialis anterior 前臂前区 regio antebrachialis posterior 前臂后区 regio cervicalis anterior 颈前区; 颈前区 regio cubitalis anterior 肘前区 regio facies brachialis anterior 臂前区面 regio facies cruralis anterior 小腿前区 regio genus anterior 膝前区 regio hypothalamica anterior 下丘脑前区 regional anatomy 局部解剖学; 局部解剖学 regional and departmental interests 条块行政利益 regional anesthesia 区域麻醉 regional anomaly 区域性异常; 区域异常 regional block anesthesia 区域阻滞麻醉 regional gains and losses 地区性的获得和损失 regional gravity anomaly 区域重力异常 regional isostatic anomaly 区域均衡异常 registered animal 登记家畜 regression analysis 回归分析 regular analytic curve 正则解析曲线 regular analytical function 正则分析函数 regular health examination to animals 定期给牲畜进行体格检查 regular physical examination to animals 定期给牲畜进行体格检查 regular polyhedral angle 正多面角 regulate the function of the spleen and stomach 理中 regulation and control 调控 regulation of inspection and repair 检修规则 regulus antimony 金属锑 reheating and regenerative cycle 再热再生循环 reinforce insufficiency and reduce excessiveness 补虚泻实 reject an offer 不接受报价 rejection and waste 返工和浪费 related angle 相关角 relationship of arguments and parameters 变元和参数的关系 relative analgesia apparatus 相对镇痛测定仪 ce between acid and alkali 酸硷相对平衡 relaxation of anal sphincter 肛管括约肌松弛 relaxed and loose structure 舒适型结构 release and fixation of potassium 钾的释放与固定 released antigen 释放抗原; 脱落抗原 t benefits and cost 相关受益与成本 reliability design analysis 可靠性设计分析 reliability stress analysis 可靠性应力分析 relief analysis 地形分析 relief angle 后角 relief annealing 消除残余应力退火; 去应力退火 relieving anode 释荷阳极 relieving cough and asthma 止咳平喘 relieving cough and reducing sputum 止咳化痰 relieving spasm and pain 解痉止痛 remote anchorage 远隔锚地 remote control of an area 区域遥控 remote job receiving and dissemination 远程作业的收发 remote supervisory and control system 远程监视与控制设备 remote supervisory and controlling equipment 远程监控设备 remote-control antiaircraft gun 远距控制高射炮 remote-controlled anchor windlass 遥控起锚机 removal of oil and grease 除掉油脂 remove and replace 拆卸与置换 remove barriers and blockades 消除壁垒和堵塞 remove heat from the blood and induce diuresis 凉血利尿 remove heat from the blood and relieve diarrhea 凉血止痢 d toxic substances 凉血解毒 remove seedling from one bed to another 作物从一个苗床移到另一个苗床 removing dampness and destroying parasites 燥湿杀虫 removing fire in the lung and resolving phlegm 降火化痰 removing heat and dampness 清热化湿 removing heat from the lung and dissolving phlegm 清肺化痰 y substance 解毒 remuneration and bonus 报酬和红利 renal angiography 肾血管照相法 renal damage due to sickle cell anemia 镰状细胞贫血性肾损害 renal-splenic venous anastomosis 脾肾静脉吻合术 render and set 两道抹灰 render float and set 三层涂抹 render-float-and-set 三道抹灰 rendering with water and ink 水墨渲染 renewal and reform of fixed asset 固定资产的更新改造 inheritance 放弃遗产立继承权 repair and servicing time 修理和技术保养时间 repairing and keeping 修理和保养 repairs and betterment 修理和改良 repeated cycles of freezing and thawing 重复的冻融循环; 重复冻融循环 repeated tension and compression test 拉压疲劳试验 repetitive analog computer 重复模拟计算机 repetitive type analogue computer 周期运算式模拟计算机 repetitive type electronic analogue computer 周期运算式电子模拟计算机 replacement analysis 置换分析; 替换分析; 更新分析 replacement lambs and yearlings 后备羔羊与岁畜成羊 replenish the Thoroughfare and Conception Vessels 补益冲任 replenishing qi and blood 益气血 replenishing the vital essence and removing heat 养阴清热 replenishing the vital essence and the blood 养阴补血 report of oil analysis 油样化验报告 cient bronze chariot and horse 仿古铜车马 reproduction of antique pottery ware 仿古陶瓦器 reproduction on an enlarged scale 扩大再生产 repulsion and induction type motor 推斥感应式电动机 repulsion and induction type single phase motor 推斥感应型单相电动机 request for an offer 要求报价 requirement for anticorrosion 防腐要求 research and develoopment personnel 研究和发展人才 research and developement expenses 研究发展费用 research and development 研究和发展 research and development cost 研究和发展成本; 研究和开发成本; 研究与开发费用 research and development efforts 研究试制工作 research and development equipment 研究和发展设备 research and development expenditures 研究和开发支出 research and development function 研究和发展机能 research and development missile 研制导弹 d development plan 研究和开发计划 research and development program 研究试制方案 research and development project 研究和开发项目 d development silo R and D silo 研究与发展用发射井 research and developmentR&D 研究和开发 research and developmet investment 研究和开发投资 research and exploration vessel 勘探船 research and extension 研究和推广; 研究与推广 research and reform of educational philosphy 教育哲学的研究与改革 research and reform of pedagogy 教育学研究与改革 research and technique intension 研究和技术集约; 研究和技术密集 research in growth chamber and field 研究在生长室及田间进行 's development in an all-round way 人的全面发展研究 research target and test vehicle 研究目标与试验飞行器 research-and-development reactor 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司