翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 地球反照; 灰光 earthmeter 接地测量; 兆欧表 earthmover 土方机械; 大型挖土机 earthmoving machinery 土方机械 earthnut 花生 earthometer 兆欧表; 接地检查器; 高阻表 earthquake 地震 earthquake damage 地震破坏 earthquake design 地震设计 earthquake disaster 地震灾害 earthquake distribution 地震分布 earthquake due to collapse 崩陷地震 earthquake engineering 地震工程学 earthquake epicenter 地震震中 earthquake fault 地震断层 earthquake force 地震力 earthquake forecasting 地震预报 earthquake geology 地震地质学 earthquake hydrodynamic force 地震动水作用力 earthquake intensity 地震烈度; 地震强度; 烈度 earthquake intensity scale 地震烈度表 earthquake light 地震光 earthquake load 地震荷载 earthquake magnitude 地震等级; 地震震级; 震级 earthquake mechanism 地震机制; 发震机制 earthquake model 地震模型 earthquake motion 地震动 earthquake observing station 地震观测站 earthquake period 地震周期 earthquake precursor 地震先兆现象 earthquake prediction 地震预报 earthquake prevention subsidies 抗震加固补助费 earthquake record 地震记录 earthquake region 地震区 earthquake resistance 抗震性 earthquake resistant structure 抗震结构 earthquake response spectrum 地震反应谱 earthquake shock 地震冲击 earthquake sound 地震声 earthquake sounds 地声 earthquake source 地震震源 earthquake strength 地震强度 earthquake stress 地震应力 earthquake swarm 地震群 earthquake tremor 地震颤动 earthquake warning 地震警报 earthquake wave 地震波 earthquake zone 地震带; 地震区 earthquake-proof construction 防震建筑; 抗震建筑 earthquake-proof foundation 抗地震基础; 抗震基础; 防震基础 earthquake-proof site 抗地震试验场 earthquake-resistance 抗震 earthquake-resistant 抗地震的 earthquake-resistant structure 抗震建筑 earthrise 地出 earthshine 地球反照; 灰光 earthstar 地星 earthwork 土方工程 earthwork balance 土方平衡 earthworker's tools 土工工具 earthworm 蚯蚓 earthworm cast 蚯蚓粪; 蚯蚓排泄物 earthworm population 蚯蚓群体 earthy 地电位的 earthy cobalt 钴土 earthy element 土族元素 earthy gypsum 土石膏 earth's layers 地球圈层 earth's orbit 地球轨道 earth's radius chart 地表放射线图 earth's surface 地表; 地表面; 地球表土层 earth's temperature regime 地球热状态 earth's way 地球向角 eartrumpet 听筒 earwax 耵聍 easamatic 简易自动式 easamatic power brake 真空闸 ease of credit 放宽信贷条件; 放宽信用; 放松信贷 ease of handling 手控便利 ease off 减低冲程 Ease Powder 逍遥散; 逍遥散 Easel 绘架星座 easel mask 障板; 蔽光框 easement 顺弯 easement curve 介曲线; 过渡曲线; 调制曲线; 缓和曲线 easer 油墨添加剂; 辅助炮眼 easier money 放宽信贷条件; 放松银根 easily controlled grasses 容易防治的杂草 easiness of money market 金融市场松动; 市场利率低; 市场银根松 easing 松型 easing 使转折处平缓 顺弯 easing fishplate 缓冲式鱼尾板 sing gear 卸货装置 easing lever 检查控制杆 easing motion 松经运动 easing of money rates 金融市场松动 easing valve 减荷阀; 保险阀 easing wedge 对垫楔块 easing wedges 拆除架楔 east by north 东偏北 East China Sea 东海 East coast fever 海岸热 east elevation 东立面 East Greenland Current 东格陵兰海流 East Indian geranium oil 玫瑰草香油 East Indian satinwood 东印度椴木 east longitude 东经 st northeast 东北东 east orientation 东向 East Pacific rise 东太平洋隆起 east point 东点 st southeast 东南东 east wind 东风 east-west asymmetry 东西不对称性 east-west effect 东西效应 east-west line 东西线 Easter Monday 英国银行休业日 复活节后的星期一 easterly wave 东风波 eastern elongation 东距角 eastern elongation 恒星视运动 东大距 eastern equine encephalitis 东方型马脑炎 stern greatest elongation 东大距 Eastern Hemisphere 东半球 eastern honey buzzard tail 蜂鹰尾 eastern honey buzzard wing 蜂鹰翅 eastern quadrature 东方照 eastern standard time 东部标准时间 eastern suburbs 东郊 easternism 东方主义 easting 东西距; 东行航程 Eastman colour 依斯特曼彩色胶片 eastonite 铁叶云母 easy 便当的; 便利的; 疲软; 易; 容易的 easy bend 慢弯管 easy credit 放松信贷; 扩大信用 easy credit policy 放宽信贷政策; 放松信贷政策 easy credit terms 放宽贷款条件; 放松信贷 easy curve 平缓曲线 easy fired 过低温度或过短时间烧成的 低温烧成 easy fit 轻配合 easy flow 易流动 easy for the roots of plants to grow 根系易于生长 easy grade 慢坡 easy jacking system 简便起重器 easy monetary position 头寸宽裕 easy money 放松银根 easy money policy 放宽信用政策; 放松银根政策; 金融缓和政策 easy of sale 销路好 easy pay system EPS 轻松付款制度 easy payment 分期付款 easy position 头寸宽裕 easy push fit 滑动配合 easy running 平滑运转 easy running fit 轻转配合 easy slide fit 轻滑配合; 滑动配合 easy squeeze blind rivet gun 拉铆枪 easy to machine 便于加工 easy to raise 容易种植 easy to shell 容易脱壳 easy-care 免烫 easy-care sheep 无需助产的羊 easy-change transmission 易换速变速器 easy-off flask 滑脱砂箱 easy-push fit 松推配合 eat up part of state revenue 冲减财政收入 eat-back 回蚀 eatable 可食的 eath return 地回路 eath-rockfill dam 堆石土坝 eating 腐蚀; 膳宿税 eating house 饮食店 eating quality 营养价值; 食用品质 eating reflex 吃食反射 Eaton-Lambert syndrome 肌无力综合征; 类重症肌无力综合征 eau de Javelle 次氯酸盐消毒液 eave purlin 挑檐枋 ve-lead 铅制屋檐水槽 eave-rafter 檐椽 eaves 屋檐 eaves batten 檐口挂瓦条 eaves board 檐板 eaves cornice 檐口线脚 eaves course 檐口瓦层; 双板层 eaves detail 檐口大样 eaves flashing 檐口披水; 屋檐泛水 eaves gallery 檐下廊道 eaves gutter 檐沟 eaves height 檐高 eaves moulding 檐口线脚 eaves overhang 檐口出挑 eaves projection 檐口出挑 eaves purlin 檐檩 eaves tile 檐口瓦; 檐瓦; 瓦挡 eaves vent 檐口通风口 eaves-hung fascia 挂檐板 effective earth radius 有效地球半径 effective radius of the earth 有效地球半径; 地球有效半径 efficiency earnings 效率收入 egg-eating 食蛋癖 electric ear 电耳 electrode earth 接地电极 elephant ear 耳形凸缘 elongation for each pass 每道次延伸量 end of the ear 穗的末端 endowment earnings fund balance 留本收益基金余额 epeirogenic earth movement 造陆运动 epidermoid carcinoma of ear 耳表皮样癌 equatorial easterlies 赤道东风带 equity earnings 参股收益 eradicant eating 铲除法 n earwig 欧洲球螋 everything on the earth 地面上的每样东西 excavation of earth 挖土 excess earnings 超额收益; 超额盈利 excision of ear 耳切除术 expanding earth theory 地球膨胀理论 external ear 外耳 external-ear squeeze 外耳挤压伤 extraneous earnings 额外收益; 额外收益 eye-ear plane 眼耳平面 faucet ear 管子吊环 fault earthquake 断层地震 ther eating 食羽癖 feeder ear 馈电线夹; 馈线耳 feldspar earthenware 长石精陶; 长石质精陶 fibroma of ear 耳纤维瘤 fibrosarcoma of ear 耳纤维肉瘤 field mouse-ear chickweed 野卷耳 figure of the earth 地球形体 fine earth 细漂白土粉; 细土 fish-bone earth 鱼骨形接地 flat ear 扁平耳 flat earth model 平地模型 flattening factor for the earth 地心扁率 floating earth 浮动接地 flush eaves 封护檐 foregone earnings 放弃的收入 foreign currencies earned through trade 贸易外汇 foreign currency earnings 外汇收入 freight earnings 货运收入 frequency selective earphone 选频耳机 full diluted earning per share 全面冲淡之每股盈利 full-earth illumination 满地照明 fuller's earth 漂白土 fully diluted earnings per share 新增转换股后每股最小收益率 furuncle of ear 耳疖 geodetic earth orbiting satellite 大地测量轨道卫星 glazed earthenware 釉面陶器 glazed earthenware pipe 上釉陶管 rs of wheat 拾青穗 glue ear 胶耳 grain in ear 芒种 granuloma of middle ear 中耳肉芽肿 gray earth 灰钙土 test eastern elongation 内行星,卫星 东大距 green earth 绿土 grey brown earth 灰棕壤 grid-earthed triode 栅极接地三极管 gross earning 毛收入 gross earning depreciation method 总收入提成折旧法 gross earnings 总收入 rly leaf spot 花生褐斑病 gypsum earth 土石膏 half eagle 美俗称五美元的金币 half-round eaves-tile ornament 半瓦当 handling ease 便于加工; 加工容易 hard-earned capital 血本 hawk eagle 鹰雕 ring aid earphone 助听器耳机 rts ease 三色堇 t of the earth's interior 地热 vy earth 钡白 重晶石 vy earthwork 大量土方工程 vy rare earth 重稀土 vy-route earth station 重路由地面站 hemorrage of inner ear 内耳出血 heterogeneous spherical earth 非均匀球状地球 high fidelity stereo micro earphone 高保真立体声微型耳机 high lanthanum rare earth chloride 高富镧氧化稀土 high-early strength cement 早强水泥 high-early-strength cement 高早强水泥 high-yield early-maturing variety 高产早熟品种 horizontal earth pressure 水平土压力 horizontal earth rate 水平地球速率 horizontal earthboring machine 横向钻孔机 hourly earning 小时工资收入 hourly earnings 每小时工资 impact earthquake 冲击地震 imperfect earth 不良接地; 接地不良 in each of these subsciences 在每门分支学科中 rly spring season 在早春季节 incision of ear 耳切开术 inclined earthquake zone 倾斜地震带 sing shallow early rice productivity 提高浅栽早稻生产率 induced earthquake 诱发地震 infusorial earth 纤毛虫土 f-eating insect 遭受食叶性昆虫的危害 inland earthquake 内陆地震 inner ear 内耳 inorganic materials which exist in the earth 地球中存在的无机质 insect eater 食虫生物 insert earphone 插入式耳机; 小型耳机 insertion of polyethylene into middle ear 中耳塑料管插入术 interest earned 已取得的利息 interim earnings statement 期中盈利报表 intermediate earthquake 中深地震 intermediate focus earthquake 中深源地震 intermediate-focus earthquake 中震源地震 intermittent earth 间歇接地 internal ear 内耳; 内耳 internal ear fenestration knife 内耳开窗刀 international Earth Rotation Service IERS 国际地球自转服务 interrupted earth 断续接地 iron earth 菱铁矿 irregular rotation of the earth 地球不规则自转 isodynamic earphone 等力电动耳机; 等相电动耳机 keep part of the foreign exchange earnings 外汇分成 rhead 满浆穗 large earthquake 大地震 lax ear 稀码果穗 legal earned income 法定收入 legal earned reserve 法定盈余准备金 legal earned surplus reserve 法定已获盈余准备金; 法定盈余公积金 lessive brown earth 白浆化棕壤 light earth 疏松土 lime earthenware 石灰质精陶器 lime-earth-broken brick concrete 碎砖三合土 line-to-earth fault 线路接地事故 line-to-earth voltage 线对地电压; 线路对地电压 linseed earth 亚麻籽土 lion's-ear 狮子耳草 lipoma of ear 耳脂肪瘤 local excision of lesion of ear 耳病损局部切除术 long ears 长耳子 loose earth 松土 loosening earthwork 松土工 low bank of earth between field 田埂 low earth barrier 低土围堤 low earth orbit 近地轨道 magnesium-rare earth 稀土镁合金 magnetic earphone 电磁耳机; 电磁式耳机 magnitude scale of earthquake 震级标度 main earth station 主地面站 main earthquake 主震 major earthquake 大地震; 主震 major nodal earth terminal 主要结点地面终端机 make life easier for the population 方便生活 man-made earth satellite 人造地球卫星 man-made earthquake 人工地震 mantle of the earth 地幔 marl earth 泥灰土 materials earmarked for unified distribution 统配物资 ns of earning one's livelihood 谋生手段 megawatt early warning station 兆瓦级远程警报站 Megger earth tester 梅格尔土壤电阻测定器 mellow earth 海绵土; 熟土 Mental stress must be eased with tranquilizers. 惊者平之 mesh-form earthing device 网形接地器; 接地网 meteorologic earthquake prediction 气象方法预报地震 microwave early warning 微波预警雷达 middle ear 中耳 middle ear barotrauma 中耳气压损伤 middle ear effusion 中耳积液 middle early 中早熟的 middle-ear muscles 中耳肌肉 middle-ear reflex 中耳反射 millet ear blight 谷子穗枯线虫 Mind-easing Tonic Pills 补心丹 miniature earthquake 人工地震 minor earthquake 小地震 minus earth 阴极接地 missile early warning system 导弹预警系统 mobile earth station 移动式地面站 moderate size earthquake 中等地震 moderately strong earthquake 中强地震 moist earth 湿土 monetary ease 金融缓和 monthly earnings 每月工资 moon-earth transportation system 月地间运输系统 moth eaten 蛀坏了的 motion of earth pole 极移 mountain red earth 山地红壤 mounted earth scoop 悬挂式挖土铲斗 movement of earth crust 地壳运动 mud eaters 食泥动物 t earphone 多功能自动复述耳机 multiple ear corn 多穗玉米 multiple earth 多点接地 multiple earth system 多重接地制 multiple eaves 重檐 multiple-eave roof 重檐屋顶 multipoint earthing 多点接地 multipoint earthing tester 多点接地检查仪 narrowing of middle ear 中耳狭窄 narrowing toward each end 两边小 natural earth 天然土 natural earth current 自然地电流 natural earth potential 自然地电势 natural earth surface 天然土路面 natural earthquake 天然地震 navigation by earth references 地球基准导航 r earthquake 近震 r-earth orbit 近地轨道 r-earth satellite 近地卫星 net earning 净赚; 净赚 net earnings 净收益; 净收益; 净盈利; 净盈利 net eash flow 净现金流量; 净现金流量 net operating earnings 经营纯益额; 经营纯益额 net profit earned 已得纯利 network with earth-connected neutral 中性点接地网络 neutral earthing 中点接地 neutral earthing compensator 接地线圈 neutral-point earthing 中性点接地 nodding ear 下垂穗 node earliest start time 结点的最早开始时刻 nominal earning 名义收益 nontrade foreign exchange earnings 非贸易外汇收入 normal ear 正常耳 normal earth 正常地球 normal earthquake 正常地震; 浅震 normal-focus earthquake 正常震源地震 sily weathered 不易风化的 oblateness of the earth 地心扁率 nic earthquake 海洋地震 offshore earthquake 海洋地震 old red earth 老红壤 r esophageal-chest stethoscope 单耳食管胸腔听诊器 one-eared pottery vase 单耳陶罐 open eaves 露椽檐口 operating earning rate 营业资本收益率 operating earnings rate 经营资本利益率; 经营资本利益率 optimum earth re-entry corridor 最佳地球再入走廊 d and ears in debt 负债累累 overhang eaves 挑檐 oxygen ear 氧耳 partial earth 部分接地; 不完全接地 partial excision of ear 耳部分切除术 passive earth pressure 被动土压力 passive earth thrust 被动土推力 per share earning ratio 每股收益率 per-share earnings 每股盈余 rbearing tiller 成穗率 perfect eaqulity in distribution 分布完全均等 permanent earth 永久地网 phosphorus combines easily with oxygen 磷易与氧化合 piezoelectric earphone 压电式耳机 piezoelectric high polymer earphone 压电高聚合物耳机 pigmented nevus of ear 耳色素痣 f-east 松类落叶病 plane earth 平面地 plane earth attenuation 地平面损耗 plane earth factor 地平面因数 plant eater 植食者 planting early enough 早播种 rly maturing varieties of soybean 种早熟大豆品种 plasma eater 等离子体吞食器 plate earthing 板接地 platinum ear-pick 白金耳勺 plow back earnings 再投资利润 plowed-back earnings 作年终分红之用 扣薪 plugging of middle ear 中耳填塞术 plus earth 正极接地; 阳极接地 plutonic earthquake 深成地震 podzolic brown earth 灰化棕壤 polar-easterlies index 极地东风指数 polyp of middle ear 中耳息肉 poor eater 胃口不好的家畜; 食欲不振的牲畜 portable early-warning radar 轻型预警雷达 post-earing topdressing 抽穗后追肥; 后期追肥 potato early blight 马铃薯早疫病 potting earth 盆栽混合土 pre-earthquake 前震 pre-earthquake dilatancy 震前扩容 pre-earthquake distortion 震前畸变 pre-earthquake slip 震前滑动 precession of the earth 地球进动 precocious ear 过早穗 price earning ratio 高变动率 price-earnings ratio 价格收益比率 prick ear 竖耳 primary brown earth 原生棕壤 primary earnings per share 每股基本收益; 每股主要盈利额 primary earthquake 初始地震; 初震 profit earned 已得利润; 已获盈利 progressive tax on excess earning 超额收益累进税 projecting eaves 挑檐 protective earthing 堡接地 protective earthing device 堡接地装置 protective multiple earthing 堡性多点接地 pruritus of ear 耳搔痒症 pulse Doppler early warning radar 脉冲多普勒预警雷达 purple early lilac 紫萼丁香 put to earth 接地 rabbit ear 兔耳 radiolarian earth 放射虫土 rainy spell in early summer 梅雨 rammed 37 lime earth 三七灰土夯实 rammed earth 素土夯实 random early bite 偶然早期放牧 rare alkaline earth metal 稀有碱土金属 rare earth 稀土族 rare earth betafite 稀土贝塔石 rare earth cobalt magnet 稀土钴磁钢 rare earth compound 稀土金属化合物 rare earth dopant 稀土掺杂剂 rare earth doped fiber 掺稀土光纤 rare earth fission product 稀土裂变产物 rare earth fluoride 氟化稀土 rare earth ion 稀土离子 rare earth iron garnet REIG 稀土铁石榴子石 rare earth luminescent material 稀土发光材料 rare earth miserite 稀土钠硬硅钙石 rare earth orthoferrite 稀土正铁氧体 rare earth oxide 稀土氧化物 rare earth phosphor 稀土类荧光粉 rare earth screen 稀土屏 rare-earth chelate 螯合稀土金属 rare-earth complex 稀土络合物 rare-earth element 稀土元素 rare-earth garnet 稀土石榴石 rth ion-doped nonlinear crystal 掺稀土离子非线性晶体 rare-earth magnet 稀土磁体 rare-earth metal 稀土元素 rare-earth mineral 稀土金属矿物; 稀土矿物 rare-earth oxide phosphor 稀土氧化物荧光粉 rare-earth oxide-coated cathode 稀土金属氧化物阴极 rare-earth removal system 稀土除去系统 rare-earth salts 稀土盐 rare-earthRE 稀土 rare-earth-doped calcium fluoride 掺稀土氟化钙 rare-earth-doped crystal 掺稀土晶体 rat eaten 鼠啮 rate of earnings on total capital employed 使用总资本收益率 ratio of net earnings to dividend 净收益对股息比率; 净收益对股息比率 l ear 真耳 l earning 实质收益 l earth 实地球 l-ear-response 真耳响应 receive-only earth station 只收地面站 receiver earpiece 受话器耳承 reconstruction of ear 耳再建术 reconstruction of ear with cartilage graft 软骨移植耳再建术 red earth 红壤; 红土 reed-type magnetic earphone 舌簧式电磁耳机 reflection of shallow earthquakes 浅震反射 regional earthquake 区域地震 regional testing program for each maturity group 成熟期组的区域试验方案 regular menstruation during early pregnancy 激经 reinvested earning 再投资的收益 remove the moisture for easy storage 去掉水分以便于贮藏 replantation of ear 耳再植 ch early bloom 到开花初期需天 reservoir earthquake 水库地震 resonant earthed system 谐振接地系统 response of the ear 人耳响应 restricted earth fault protection 限制接地故障堡 restricted earth protection 限制接地堡 restricted retained earnings or surplus 受限制的留存收益 retained earning 留存盈余 retained earnings 保留收益 retained earnings statement 营业盈余表 revenue-earning 有利可图 revolution of the Earth 地球公转 rigid earth 刚性地球 rock-fall earthquake 岩崩地震 rolled-earth dam 碾压式土坝 rolled-earth fill 碾实填土 root extension easyly 根系易伸展 rotation of the Earth 地球自转 round eaves-tile ornament 圆瓦当 rubber ear cushion 橡皮耳垫 rust-eaten 锈蚀 sailing on her ear 满帆倾斜行驶 saltpeter earth 硝石土 sanitary earthenware 卫生陶器 sarcoma of ear 耳肉瘤 satellite early warning system 卫星预警系统 satellite navigation earth stations 卫星导航地面站 satellite-based early warning system 卫生载运先期警报系统 sawtooth-like eaves plate 齿形檐板 sclerectomy of middle ear 中耳硬化病变切除术 t earth 煤层底板; 底粘土 secondary earth 次级线圈接地; 二次线圈接地 secondary earthquake 次地震 section of earthwork 土方截面 seed-eating bird 食种子鸟 seismic seismal; seismical; earthquake load 地震载荷 semi-vitreous earthenware 半帛陶器 shallow earthquake 浅层地震; 浅震 shallow-focus earthquake 浅源地震 shallowfocus earthquake 浅震 sharp ear hook 锐耳用钩 sheer earning power 绝对的获利权; 绝对的获利权 shrinking of the earth 地球的收缩 signal earth 信号通地; 信号用接地 siliceous earth 硅质土 siliceous earthenware 半帛陶器 silicon earth 硅土; 硅质土 silks outside the covering of the ear 穗外皮上的穗丝 simulated early lodging 早期模拟倒伏 simulated earthquake vibration stand 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司