翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 小孩用大拇指和食指捏住她的耳朵,拉着玩。 The small boy trotted along after his brother. 小男孩跟在哥哥后面快步往前走。 The boy is still too young to go to school. 小男孩还不到上学年龄。 The little girl tossed her ball in the air. 小女孩把球抛向空中。 The hour is a unit of time. 小时是时间单位。 Asthma tries him a great deal. 哮喘折磨得他够受的。 The principal has a very tight schedule. 校长的日程表排得满满的。 The valves of the heart allow the blood to pass in one direction only. 心脏的瓣膜使血液只能朝一个方向流动。 The new method is still on trial now. 新办法还在试验中。 The new king is throned today. 新国王今日即位。 The bride's face was covered in a white veil. 新娘的脸上蒙着白色的面纱。 The freshmen always seem like vegetables. 新生看起来总像植物人。 The stars twinkled in the sky. 星星在天空闪烁。 The situation has been greatly transformed. 形势已经大大好转。 Brothers and sisters should live together in unity. 兄弟姊妹应当在一起和睦相处。 Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome. 许多被征服的国家要向古罗马的统治者纳贡。 Many women are trapped in loveless marriages. 许多妇女陷入没有爱情的婚姻之中而无法摆脱。 Many Americans tour by car in summer. 许多美国人夏天开车旅游。 Many foreign expressions do not translate well into English. 许多外国用语不容易译成英语。 Many species have now vanished from the earth. 许多物种已在地球上绝迹了。 Many of the POWs died under torture. 许多战俘被折磨致死。 The students are coming into the classroom by twos and threes. 学生们正三三两两地走进教室。 School is closed for the summer and children are on vacation. 学校夏天关闭,孩子们放假。 The school budgets trimmed back considerably. 学校预算大幅度削减。 Mr. Adams made a tour around East Asia last year. 亚当斯先生去年往东亚旅行了一次。 Linseed oil is a vehicle for paint. 亚麻籽油是一种颜料展色剂。 His blindness is a great trial to him. 眼睛瞎对他来说是非常麻烦的事。 Money is a bit tight at the moment. 眼下银根有点紧。 It was an uneven but inspired performance. 演出时好时坏但却富于灵感。 He tuned his violin before he started playing. 演奏前他先将小提琴调音。 A mole tunneled a hole under the wall. 鼹鼠在墙脚下面钻了一个洞。 The sheep trod a path through the grass. 羊群在草地上踩出一条路。 Stock market prices tumbled after rumors of a rise in interest rates. 谣传利率上升之后,股票市场价格猛跌。 The struggle will not cease till the country achieves independence. 要到国家获得独立,斗争才会止息。 It sticks in his throat to have to take any order from his boss. 要他对老板百依百顺真使他无法接受。 The success of the picnic turns on the weather. 野餐是否成功取决于天气。 The hare darted off with the velocity of a bird. 野兔像鸟一样快速掠去。 An uncanny light seemed to be coming from the castle. 一道神秘的光像是从古堡中射出的。 A mere trifle brought about a quarrel between the brothers. 一点儿小事引起了兄弟间一场争吵。 At one time they met frequently. 一度他们经常见面。 What amazing vapors a lonely man may get into his head! 一个寂寞的人脑子里会产生多么令人惊异的幻想啊! A tramp came to the door and asked for food. 一个流浪汉来到门前讨饭吃。 A boy threw the ball back to the players. 一个男孩把球掷还给球员。 A person out of tune with his surroundings is unhappy. 一个与环境格格不入的人是不会快乐的。 A piece of string has twisted round the propeller. 一根绳子缠在螺旋桨上了。 A torrent of water swept down the valley. 一股洪流冲下山谷。 The sight of blood turned her stomach. 一看到血就使她感到恶心。 My stomach turns at greasy food. 一看到油腻的食品我就恶心。 A spark triggered the explosion. 一琉星引起了这场爆炸。 All great truths begin as blasphemies. 一切伟大的真理起初都被视为大逆不道的邪说。 A gang of toughs attacked the police. 一群暴徒袭击了警察。 A troop of children rushed in and chased each other noisily. 一群小孩冲进来,喧闹地彼此追逐。 An underground passage leads to the building across the street. 一条地下通道通到街对面的大楼。 A stream twines across the valley. 一条小溪蜿蜒流过山谷。 $10,000 is a tidy sum of money. 一万美元是相当大的一笔钱。 Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs. 一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁。 Some people say that violent movies are potential triggers for juvenile delinquency. 一些人说暴力影片可能引起青少年犯罪。 A spell of tough luck discouraged us. 一阵坏运气令我们大为沮丧。 A bacterium was identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer. 一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。 Queen Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952. 伊丽莎白女皇一九五二年即位。 The dress was too big, so Mother put a tuck in it. 衣服太大,所以妈妈在里面打了裥。 The doctor tied the bandage too tight. 医生把绷带绑得太紧。 The doctor told the boy to put out his tongue. 医生告诉男孩把舌头伸出来。 The doctor transplanted skin to her face. 医生给她脸上移植皮肤。 The doctor asked me to undress. 医生让我把衣服脱了。 The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。 The doctor put me on a vegetable diet. 医生嘱我吃素食。 Hospitals deal with diseases of every variety. 医院诊治各种各样的疾病。 Unhappily, he never saw that girl again. 遗憾的是他再也没有见到过那女孩。 That bridge looks unsound to me. 以我看那桥不安全。 Since the ultimatum was never delivered, I had no opportunity to read it. 因为这个最后通牒始终未下达,所以我没有机会读到它。 The clouds brought a threat of rain. 阴云带来要下雨的徵兆。 The social problems underlying these crises remain unsolved. 引起这些晰的社会问题尚未解决。 The engine was trickling oil. 引擎漏油。 The usher came down the aisle towards them. 引座员沿着通道向他们走去。 The baby's dress was beautifully tucked with tiny stitches. 婴儿的衣服用细针脚缝着漂亮的褶裥。 A thrust with the pin broke the balloon. 用针一戳,气球就爆了。 Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons. 由于种种原因,每个人赴会都迟到了。 All of them arrived late for a variety of reasons. 由于种种原因,他们都来晚了。 The post office tried to trace the lost letter. 邮局设法查出那封丢失的信。 Oil will not unite with water. 油水不相融。 Small guerilla units were fighting behind enemy lines. 游击小分队在敌人后方作战。 The upkeep of a yacht is very expensive. 游艇的维修保养费是很昂贵的。 Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是促进身体健康的最佳方法。 Some smokers don't like cigarettes with tips. 有的烟民不喜欢抽有滤嘴的纸烟。 Sometimes they had nothing to do in the office and just sat twiddling their thumbs. 有时候办公室里无事可做,他们就坐着无聊地打发时间。 He may be very rude sometimes but at the same time he is very kind. 有时候他可能很粗鲁,然而他还是很善良。 Sometimes he had to do his work on his own time. 有时候他要在非工作时间里加班。 Sometimes I feel time hangs heavy on my hands. 有时候我感到时间难以打发。 Sometimes it is necessary to trim those policies. 有时需要改变原先制定的那些政策。 Some Congressmen are uneasy about the government's Pro-Russian tilt in foreign policy. 有些国会议员对政府外交政策上的亲俄倾向感到不安。 Some people cannot tolerate penicillin. 有些人不能打青霉素。 Some people are living in a vacuum. 有些人过着与世隔绝的生活。 Some plants are tolerant of extreme heat. 有些植物能耐酷热。 Rain trickled down the windows. 雨水从窗户上流淌下来。 Language is the vehicle of thought. 语言是表达思想的工具。 The twinkle of distant town lights was very beautiful. 远处城镇灯火闪烁,煞是好看。 The worst part of the ocean transit was now over. 远洋航程里最困难的一段已经过去了。 John tutored the child in English. 约翰辅导那孩子学英语。 John was unable to afford the house. 约翰买不起这房子。 The key turned in the lock. 钥匙在锁里转动了一下。 A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的一团水汽。 There are variations in prices from store to store for the product. 在不同的店里这个产品的价格也不一样。 Police control the traffic in large cities. 在大城市里,警察控制交通。 Under the Tudors many English people were transplanted to Ireland. 在都铎王朝时代许多英格兰人被迫移居爱尔兰。 A tribe of artists live in Greenwich Village. 在格林尼治村住着许多艺术家。 In ancient times infant mortality was extremely high. 在古代婴儿死亡率极高。 He has treble his income during the last few years. 在过去几年中他的收入已增加了两倍。 Only two people at the meeting turned up the thumb for the idea. 在会上只有两人对那一主意表示赞成。 In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas. 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。 A vacant apartment in New York City is very difficult to find. 在纽约市内很难找到空着无人住的公寓。 Everything looked vague in the heavy fog. 在浓雾中,一切东西看上去都很模糊。 At no time should you give up studying. 在任何时候你都不应放弃读书。 Of all the girls she was the most tolerant. 在所有女孩子中她是最宽容的。 In his athletic career he won three cups and many other trophies. 在他的运动生涯中,他获得三个奖杯和许多其他奖品。 He worked in Hong Kong until his father found him a job in Canada. 在他父亲给他在加拿大找到差事前,他一直在香港工作。 He ought to know better at his time of life. 在他这样的年龄该懂事些了。 This attitude seemed to me unduly fussy. 在我看来这种态度过于大惊小怪。 Few students in our school can touch him in music. 在音乐方面,我们学校很少有学生能与他相比。 The trees threw long shadows in the moonlight. 在月光下,树木投出了长长的影子。 They experienced untold sufferings during the war. 在战争期间他们经历了说不尽的苦难。 In this sentence the verb is understood. 在这个句子里,动词省略了。 Let's try knocking at the back door. 咱们敲后边的门试试。 James has a fine treble voice. 詹姆斯有一副悦耳的高音嗓子。 A still better tomorrow lies ahead of you. 展现在你们前面的是更加美好的未来。 Defeat is unthinkable. 战败是不可能的。 After the war he was translated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 战后,他被调到外交部工作。 When the war was over, there was a tumultuous parade in London. 战争结束时,伦敦举行了喧闹的游行。 The tide is in. 涨潮了。 The bill totals to $50. 帐单总计为五十元。 The blunt knife is useless. 这把钝刀毫无用处。 This dictionary is of little value to you. 这本词典对你没有什么帮助。 The dictionary weighs a ton. 这本词典重得很。 This book is a treasury of useful information. 这本书是有价值的信息宝库。 This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。 The book is underlined for publication next month. 这本书预告于下月出版。 It is unworthy of being mentioned. 这不值得一提。 The motion picture is a real turkey. 这部电影真糟。 The novel has been translated into many languages. 这部小说已译成多种语言。 This substance must be treated with acid. 这材料得用酸来处理。 The bench is hard and uneasy. 这长凳又硬又不舒服。 The game ended in a tie. 这场比赛结果不分胜负。 The rain touched the crops. 这场雨使庄稼受害。 The war was both costly and unpopular. 这场战争既费钱又不得人心。 Tug the drawer and it will open. 这抽屉用劲一拉就可以拉开。 The play will tour the provinces in the fall. 这出戏将在秋天到各地巡回演出。 The boat is out of trim. 这船的一侧过重。 The boat trims badly. 这船很难保持平稳。 The traffic accident is really a tragedy. 这次车祸真是个悲剧。 This delay was unavoidable. 这次耽搁是无法避免的。 This hat is too big for me. 这顶帽子我戴太大了。 Are there any vendors in this building? 这栋楼里有自动售货机吗? This will try your courage. 这对你的勇气将是一个考验。 The young couple shared the upbringing of their baby. 这对年轻夫妇共同养育他们的婴儿。 The room is in good trim. 这房间非常整洁。 The house is well built throughout. 这房子处处都建得很好。 The building needed upkeep. 这房子需要维修。 The house has no upstairs. 这房子只有一层。 This illustration is cleverly tied in with the content. 这幅插图与内容配合得很巧妙。 This painting is typical of his early work. 这幅画是他早期的代表作。 The piano is out of tune. 这钢琴走调了。 The tall building towers above all the others. 这高楼高出其他所有的建筑。 The designs used in the indigenous arts and crafts of this tribe are unique. 这个部落自己生产的工艺品的设计很独特。 The rate of growth was unprecedented. 这个成长率是前所未有的。 The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。 For years the country was ruled by a tyrant. 这个国家被一个暴君统治了好多年。 There are signs of political unrest in the country. 这个国家有政治不安定的迹象。 The plan is still under discussion. 这个计划尚在讨论中。 Keep this explanation uppermost in your mind. 这个解释你定要牢记。 The play is a good vehicle for his comic talent. 这个剧本很好地展露了他的喜剧天才。 This example underlines the consequences of bad management. 这个例子突显了管理不好的后果。 This hotel serves the top of society. 这个旅馆为社会的上层人物提供服务。 The list contains names of the vendors we do business with. 这个名单上有与我们有业务往来的卖主的名字。 The serf was trod to death. 这个农奴被蹂躏致死。 The problem is beyond my understanding. 这个问题我无法理解。 The news threw the family into a panic. 这个消息使那一家人顿时陷入惊恐不安。 Blue jeans are turning well this week. 这个星期牛仔裤很易脱手。 The organization helps victims of domestic tyranny. 这个组织帮助那些家庭暴虐的受害者。 The story was so terrible that it sent tremors down my spine. 这故事太可怕,它使我不寒而栗。 The story was simply trumped up by him. 这故事只不过是他编造出来的。 The flower didn't transplant well. 这花移栽后长得不好。 The bad news gave me quite a turn. 这坏消息把我吓了一跳。 There is lack of uniformity in the annual reports. 这几份年度报告缺乏一致性。 Snow is not uncommon during these months. 这几个月中下雪并非罕见。 The business of the company has been ticking over for some time. 这家公司的生意已很久停滞不前了。 The company has undergone many ups and downs. 这家公司历经盛衰浮沉。 The hotel has a wine vault. 这家旅馆有个酒窖。 This small store sells all kinds of tobacco. 这家小商店经销各类烟草制品。 The TV set was damaged from rough usage. 这架电视机由于使用太不小心而损坏了。 The trunk of this tree is four meters thick. 这棵树的树干有四米粗。 This is not to be trifled with. 这可不是闹着玩的。 The hedge needs a trim. 这篱笆需要修整了。 The weather here is variable. 这里天气反覆无常。 The self-esteem of the selected candidates was immediately tickled. 这立即激起了被挑选的候选人的自尊心。 The two writers had a number of tilts in print. 这两位作家写过一些文章互相攻击。 Vendors are not allowed on this train. 这辆火车上不容许有叫卖者。 This car is good value for your money. 这辆汽车你买得很合算。 This material is as tough as leather. 这料子像皮革般坚韧。 This train goes through to Paris. 这列火车直达巴黎。 The door is not true to the frame. 这门与门框的尺寸不一致。 The swimmer was timed at 50.50 sec. 这名游泳者的成绩被测定为五十点五零秒。 The boy's favorite toy is a yoyo. 这男孩心爱的玩具是溜溜球。 The boy is tutoring in arithmetic. 这男孩在家庭教师指导下学算术。 The man was dancing by himself, twirling round and round. 这男士一人独舞,旋转个不停。 It is very unwise for the girl to marry him. 这女孩嫁给他是很不明智的。 The ticket is valid for one month. 这票子一个月内有效。 The message was transmitted by radio. 这情报是用无线电发送的。 The crowd was in an ugly mood. 这群人的脾气很坏。 The mountain is topped with snow all the year round. 这山顶终年积雪。 This store sells cooking utensils. 这商店出售炊具。 This turn of fortune was unforeseen. 这时来运转是没有预见到的。 That's an unlikely story. 这事不像是真的。 The story was probably untrue. 这事恐怕不真实。 This is an unskilled painting. 这是幅拙劣的画。 This is the most heavily trafficked highway in the state. 这是该州交通最繁忙的一条公路。 This is hard, uphill work. 这是艰难且费力的活。 This is a book on modern English usage. 这是一本关于现代英语惯用法的书。 This is an untold secret. 这是一个未曾泄露的秘密。 This is a true diamond. 这是一颗真的钻石。 This is a heavy duty turret lathe. 这是一台重型转台车床。 This car is the ultimate in luxury. 这是最奢华的汽车。 The song sounds like a variation of a very old and familiar tune. 这首歌像是一个熟悉的旧曲调的变奏曲。 This university is composed of five colleges and one graduate school. 这所大学由五个学院和一个研究生院组成。 The tone of the school is excellent. 这所学校校风极好。 This engine is superior to that one. 这台发动机比那台要好。 This turret provides highly accurate positioning of cameras. 这台镜头转台提供照相机的高精确度定位。 The vendor is out of order again. 这台自动售货机又坏了。 It was a hard trudge up the hill. 这趟上山是一次艰难的跋涉。 The vine twines round the tree. 这藤盘绕在树干上。 The river runs through our village. 这条河穿过我们的村子。 There is too much traffic on the road. 这条路上行人车辆太多了。 The road trends to the north. 这条路是向北的。 This road leads to Paris. 这条路通往巴黎。 The Democrat upset the governor in the election. 这位民主党人在选举中意外地击败了州长。 The Democrat upset the governor in the election. 这位民主党人在选举中意外地击败了州长。 The author had been an unknown until he published his recent book. 这位作家一直是个默默无闻的人,直到最近出版了他的一本书。 The smell was unpleasant. 这味道很难闻。 The argument remains unsettled. 这项争议仍未解决。 The news is true. 这消息是真的。 The young girl types well. 这小姑娘打字打得很好。 These are unquestionable facts. 这些都是确凿的事实。 The houses are built of timber. 这些房子用木料建造。 The plots of these stories almost always turn on love triangles. 这些故事的情节几乎总是离不开三角恋爱。 The practical thrust of the rules is to create an incentive for the networks themselves. 这些规定的实际目的是为网路自身创造一个动力。 They are unhealthy children because they don't have enough to eat. 这些孩子身体不好,因为他们缺乏食物。 These goods were damaged in transit. 这些货物在运输过程中损坏了。 These are unhealthy examples for the young. 这些例子对年轻人有害。 These birds seem unaffected by climate. 这些鸟似乎不受气候的影响。 These people are in urgent need of relief. 这些人急需救济。 The men trafficked with the natives for ivory. 这些人与土着居民做买卖以换取象牙。 These books were badly thumbed. 这些书都给翻烂了。 Such thoughts are unbecoming to you. 这些想法与你的身分不相称。 The colors are perfectly tuned to each other. 这些颜色很协调。 The colours are unbecoming to her complexion. 这些颜色与她的肤色不相配。 These are unlawful business activities. 这些营业活动是非法的。 These exercises will tone up your muscles. 这些运动方式会强健你的肌肉。 The brick houses are roofed in red tiles. 这些砖房的屋顶是用红瓦盖的。 Her wound has been troubling her a lot this week. 这星期她伤口一直很疼。 Such a universal genius is hard to come by. 这样的全才是很难得的。 This will serve your turn. 这样就适合你的要求。 This scandal could topple the government. 这一丑闻可能使政府倒台。 This machine part was built to a tolerance of 0.01 millimeters. 这一机器部件的制造公差是0.01毫米。 The plan has a twin purpose. 这一计划有双重目的。 The tumble hurt him badly. 这一跤把他摔得很疼。 This experience is valuable to me. 这一经历对我很有用。 The experience has been tremendously educational. 这一经历极富教育意义。 This decision represents a complete break with tradition. 这一决定完全打破了以往的惯例。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司