翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 分部费用分配表 departmental expenses 分部费用 dependability of experience 经验可靠性; 经验可靠性 depreciation expense 折旧费用 depreciation expense of house 房屋折旧费 dermatitis exfoliativa infantum 里特病; 利特氏病; 婴儿剥脱性皮炎 design external loads 设计外载 design of experiment 实验设计 design type calculation of beat exchanger 换热器的设计型计算 designational expression 命名表达式 destructive examination 破坏性检验 destructive experiment 破坏试验 detailed exploration 详细勘探 determination of extractives 浸出物测定 determination of maximal expiratory flow rate 最大呼气流率测定 deterministic expression 确定的表达式 developing favorable export items 发展具有优越性的出口产品 development expenditure 发展费用支出 development expense 开发费用 diagnosis by exclusion 除外诊断法 diagonal expansion 斜向发展; 交叉扩展 dial exchange 自动交换区; 拨号交换机 dial extensimeter 测微引伸仪; 刻度盘形变仪 diaphragm expansion joint 膜片胀缩接合 diaphragm for excess pressure head 超压膜 diatomic excimer 二原子准分子 diesel engine exhaust pyrometer 柴油机排气高温计 difference expression 差分表示式 differential excitation 差动激磁; 差动激励; 差励 differential excited generator 差励发电机 differential expansion 差异膨胀; 差胀; 不均匀膨胀 differential expansion indicator 差胀指示器 differential extraction 微分萃取 differential-excited welding generator 差激电焊发电机 diffusion of excitation 兴奋扩散 digital examination 指诊法 digital examination of rectum 直肠指诊 dinitroglycerine explosive 二硝基甘油炸药 direct contact heat exchanger 混合式热交换器; 直接接触式换热器 direct departmental expenses 分部直接费用 direct exchange 直接汇兑 direct expansion 直接膨胀 direct expansion cooling 直接膨胀冷却; 直接蒸发冷却 direct expense 可变费用 direct expenses 直接费用 direct export 直接出口 direct extrusion 直接挤压; 直接挤压法; 正挤压; 顺挤法 direct foreign exchange quotation 直接标价法 direct heat exchange 直接换热 direct operating expense 直接操作费用 direct-connected exciter 直连励磁机; 同轴励磁机 direct-coupled exciter 直接励磁机 direct-coupling exciter 直连励磁机; 同轴励磁机 direct-current excited reactor 助磁式电抗器 direct-excitation transmitter 直激发射机 direct-expansion coil 直接蒸发盘管 direction of extinction 消失方向 direction of extrusion 挤压方向 directional explosion 定向爆破; 定向爆炸 dirt excluder 收泥器; 防尘条 dirt-excluding groove 积垢槽; 出渣槽 disc extruder 圆盘式挤压机 discharge excited 放电激发的 discharging expense 卸货费用 discount expense 贴现费用 discount on exchange 贴汇水; 贴现; 贴现外汇 discretionary expense center 可支用费用中心 anti-explosion part ventilating fan 防爆局部通风机 antiferromagnetic exchange integral 反铁磁交换积分 port permit of textile 纺织品出口许可证申请书 arbitrated par of exchange 裁定外汇平价; 比例外汇平价 arteria maxillaris externa 颌外动脉 artillery cartridge extractor 火炮抽筒子 auto exhaust 汽车排气 automatic exhaust steam valve 自动排气阀 auxiliary exhaust reservoir 排气副储筒 back pressure extraction turbine 抽汽背压式汽轮机 back to back credit export first 输出为先的对开信用证 back wash extractor 反萃器 back-extract 反萃取 back-extraction 反萃取 background exposure 本底照射 background measurement experiment 背景测量实验 backpressure extraction turbine 背压抽气式汽轮机 backup roll extractor 支承辊换辊装置 backward extrusion 反挤压; 反向挤压 bacteria microscopic examining instruments set 显微镜细菌检查器械包 bacterial exudation 病原细菌的渗出块 baffled exchanger 折流热交换器 bailing experiment 抽水试验 Baillarger's external line 柏亚尔惹氏外线 balance between imports and exports 进出口平衡 balance between income and expenditure 收支平衡 balance exercise 平衡运动 balance of export and import 进出口差额 ban on export 禁止出口 band expansion factor 频带展宽系数 band extruder 带式挤压机; 铸带机 band-exclusion filter 带除滤波器 bandwidth expansion ratio 频带展宽比 bank exchanges 通过交换托收的银行票据 bank's exchange settlement 结汇 Bardenheuer's extension 巴登霍伊厄氏牵伸术 barium enema examination 钡灌肠检查 barium enema examination of colon 钡灌肠结肠检查 barium meal examination 钡餐检查 barium meal examination of gastro-intestinal tract 胃肠钡餐检查 barium swallow examination 钡吞咽检查 barrel extension 枪管节套 barter exchange 易货汇兑 base excess 过剩碱 base excess BE 碱过剩 base exchange 碱离子交换法 change complex 盐基交换复合体 base exchange softening 盐基交换软水法 base exchangeable ion 碱交换离子 base exchanger 碱性离子交换器 base of excavation 挖方底土 base of exponential function 指数函数的底 base-exchange 盐基交换 base-exchange capacity 盐基代换量 baseline extension 基线延长线 baseline of maximal expiratory capacity 最大呼气基线 bases for producing export commodities 出口商品生产基地 basic exemption for the classified income tax 分类所得税的基本免税额 basic external function 基本外部函数 basic rate of exchange 基本汇率 basis cranii externa 颅底外面 batch data exchange BDE 成批数据交换 batch data exchange services BDES 成批数据交换服务程序 batch execution 成批运行 batch extraction 分批提取; 分批萃取 batch ion exchange 间歇离子交换; 周期离子交换 battery exchanger 电瓶交换器 battery excited generator 电池励磁发电机 battle game of extinction 歼灭战对策 Baumann exhaust 鲍曼式排汽 bayonet-tube exchanger 插管式热交换器 be exempted from income tax 免征所得税 be exempted from individual income tax 免纳个人所得税; 免征个人所得税 be exempted from taxation 免予征税 beach excavator 海滩挖泥车 beam expandar 光束扩展器 beam for exterior wall 外墙托梁 beam-expanding telescope 光束扩展望远镜 bear expenses 负担费用; 负担经费 bearing extractor 轴承拆卸工具 bearing with extended inner ring 宽内圈轴承 bee pollen panax ginseng extractum capsule 花粉人参精胶丸 beef extract 牛肉浸膏 beefwood extract 木麻黄栲胶 beggar's exercise 叫化功 behavioral expectations 行为预期 bell-jar exhaust 钟罩排气 belladonna liquid extract 颠茄流浸膏 bellow expansion joint 波形膨胀接头 bellow-type expansion joint 波纹管补偿接头 below-the-line expenditure 线下预算支出; 投资预算支出 belt experiment 传动带试验 bench excavation 台阶式挖掘 bend in exhaust pipe 排气管弯头 beneficium excussionis 财产检索的权利 benign exophthalmos 良性突眼症 Benioff extensometer 贝内奥夫伸长计 bevel plate heat exchanger 伞板式换热器 biased exponent 偏置指数 bicomponent extruded spinning head 双组份挤压纺丝头 bilateral exophthalmos 两侧突眼 bilinear expression 双线性式 bill exchanger 纸币兑换机 bill of exchange in blank 空白汇票 bimanual examination 双手检查 binary explosive 二元炸药 binomial expansion 二项展开式 binomial experiment 二项试验 binomial expression 二项式 bipolar code with zero extraction 零提取双极性码 blank experiment 空转试验 blanket heat exchanger 封闭式热交换机; 再生区热交换器 blasting explosive 轰炸药 bleeding export 流血输出; 亏本的出口 blind landing experiment 盲目着陆试验装置 Blind Landing Experiment Unit BLEU 盲目着陆实验所 block count exit routine 块计数出口程序 block exit 分程序出口 blocked exchange 封存外汇; 封锁外汇 blood chemical examination 血液化学检查 blood chemical examination outfit 血液化学检查装置 blood examination 血液检查 blood group examination 血型检验 blood morphological examination 血液形态学检查 blood routine examination 血常规检查 blow-moulding machine for extrathin film 超薄薄膜吹塑机 board of extraordinary directors 非常董事会 Bollman extractor 波尔曼萃取器 Bollmann extractor 立式吊篮波耳曼萃取机 bolt shank extruding 螺栓挤压 bond expenses 债券费用 bond issuing expense 债券发行费用 bone nail extractor 骨髓针拔出器 Boolean expression 布尔表达式; 布尔式 boom excavator 臂式挖土机; 吊杆挖土机 boom extension 喷杆延长杆 bottom of the excavation 槽坑底 bound exciton line 束缚激子谱线 bracketed logical expression 括号逻辑表达式 brake expander 制动器扩张器 brake-shoe expander 闸瓦扩张器 branch exchange 交换分机 breach of an express guarantee 违反明确的担保 breakeven exchange rate 均衡汇率; 均衡汇率 breech extraction 臀位取胎术 British Export Board 英国出口局 broach for external broaching 外拉刀 broadband exactness 宽带精度 broadband exchange BEX 宽带交换; 宽频带交换 broadband exchange services BEXS 宽带交换业务 brokerage expenses 掮客费 bronchoscopic examination 支气管窥镜检查 bucket chain excavator 铲斗链挖掘机 bucket excavator 斗式挖掘机; 斗式挖泥机; 斗式挖土机 bucket excavator for downward scraping 下挖式多斗挖土机 bucket excavator for upward scraping 上挖斗式挖土机 bucket ladder excavator 斗式挖沟机 bucket wheel excavator 戽头转轮挖土机 bucket-boom excavator 多斗臂式挖土机 bucket-ladder excavator 多斗式挖掘机 bucket-wheel excavator 斗轮式挖掘机 discriminating satellite exchange 装有区别机的支局 discriminatory exchange rate 歧视性汇率 disease transmitted by excrement of animals 牲畜粪便传播疾病 dishonored bill of exchange 拒付汇票; 拒付汇票 disposal of human excreta 人粪处理 dissociative excitation 分离激励; 离解激发 distance of exit pupil 出瞳距离 distributed executive-like system 分布式类执行程序系统 distributed processing control executive DPCX 分布式处理控制执行程序 distributed system executive DSX 分布式系统执行程序 distribution of expenses 费用分配 ditch excavator 挖沟机 divergence expression 发散式 diversification of export 出口多样化 divide check exception 除法检验事故 dividend extra 额外股利 dividing wall type heat exchanger 间壁式换热器 do experiment 做试验 documentary export bill 出口跟单汇票 dollar bill of exchange 美元汇票 dollar exchange standard system 美元汇兑本位制 dollar exchanges 美元汇兑 dollar value at point of exportation 在出口点的美元价值 domestic exchange 内汇 door extractor 炉门机; 摘门机; 启门机 door-extracting machine 启炉门机 double exchange 双重交换 double expansion compound steam engine 两级膨胀复式蒸汽机 double exponential distribution 二重指数分布 double exponential regression 二重指数回归 double exponential smoothing 二重指数平滑 double exposed 两次曝光 double exposure 二次曝光; 双重曝光 double exposure holographic interferometry 双曝光全息干涉法 double exposure lock 防重拍机构 double extended shaft 双向外伸轴 double extra dense flint 双超重火石玻璃 double extra strong pipe 特强厚壁管 double extragalactic radio source 河外射电双源 double pipes heat exchanger 套管式换热器 double precision exponent part 双精度阶部分 double pulse excitation 双脉冲激励 double resist exposure 双掩膜曝光 double scattering experiment 双散射实验 double scoop type excavator 双斗式挖土机 double-expansion engine 二级膨胀式发动机 double-exposed hologram 两次曝光全息图; 两次曝光全息照片; 双曝光全息图 double-exposed holographic interferometry 二次曝光全息干涉测量术 double-exposure 两次曝光; 双曝光 double-exposure device 两次曝光装置重拍机构 double-exposure hologram 二次曝光全息图; 双曝光全息图 double-exposure holographic interferometry 两次曝光全息干涉量度学 double-exposure holography 两次曝光全息术; 双曝光全息术 double-exposure inteferometry 两次曝光干涉量度学 double-exposure interferometry 双曝光干涉度量学 double-flow exhaust 双流排汽 double-nine yang exercise 九九阳功; 九九阳功 double-pipe exchanger 套管热交换器 doubly excited state 双重激发态 doubly-excited levels 双重受激能级 downstream heat exchanger DSHE 顺流热交换器 draft exchange rate 票汇汇率 drag experiment 阻力试验 dragline cableway excavator 吊斗挖掘机 dragline excavator 拉铲铲斗; 拉索斗式挖土机 drastic extraction 深度抽提 draught excluder 防风条; 门槛嵌缝条 draught excluder strip 密封条 draught exclusion device 防风措施 drencher fire extinguisher 水幕式灭火器 dried explosion-proof transformer 干式防爆变压器 dried extracted fermentation soluble 干燥的发酵浸出物 drier for yeast extract 酶母萃干燥机 drill extractor 钻头提取器 driver-extractor vibratory hammer 打桩拔桩两用震动锤 budget of expenditure 费用预算 budget of undertaking expenditure 事业经费预算 building expenses 房屋费用 building maintenance expenses 房屋维修费 building service expenses 房屋服务费用 built-in export department 附设出口部 built-in exposure meter 内装曝光表 bulbocapnine experiment 褐鳞碱实验 bulk excavation 大量开挖 bullous exostosis 被囊外生骨疣 Bunsen's extinction coefficient 本生消光系数 bursa musculi extensoris carpi radialis brevis 桡侧腕短伸肌囊 bursa of short radial extensor muscle of wrist 桡侧腕短伸肌囊 bursting expansion 爆裂膨胀 bushing extractor 衬套拔出器 business entertainment expense 交际接待费用 business executive 经济领导工作者; 经济领导工作者 business expansion 业务扩张 business expenditure 业务费支出 business expense 业务支出 business gift expenses 业务礼品费用 business routine of export trade 出口贸易的日常业务 business traveling expense 业务旅行费 buying expences 进货费用 buzzer exciter 蜂音激磁机 cable piping excavator 电缆管道挖沟机 cable excavator 缆索挖掘机; 绳铲挖掘机 cadmium-mercury excimer laser 镉-汞准分子激光器 cadmiummercury excimer laser 镉汞受激准分子激光器 calculating of heat exchange 热量交换计算 calculator for extensive use 广泛使用的计算器; 连续使用的计算器 call executive 调用执行 Call-Exner bodies 卡-埃二氏小体 can extrusion 筒形件挤压 canned powder extrution 粉末包套挤压 canonical extension 正则扩充 canvas extension 帆布输送器延长板 capacity exceeding number 超位数 capacity expansion investment 能量扩充投资 capacity of heat exchanger 热交换器容量 capital expenditure 资本支出; 投资支出; 基本建设费用; 基建费用 penditure expansion 扩大基本建设支出 capital export country 资本输出国 capital in excess of stated value 超设定值缴入股本 capitalized expenses 资本化费用; 费用的资本化值 capsule extrema 最外囊 carbon dioxide extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide refrigerating cataract extractor 二氧化碳致冷白内障摘除器 carbuncle on the external malleolus 脚拐毒 card dust extraction system 粗梳机除尘装置 cardiac muscular exhaustion 心肌耗竭 caries excavator 龋齿挖匙 carriage expense 搬运费 Carribel explosive 卡李别尔炸药 carrying-in expense 搬入费 casale closure with external screw 外螺纹卡扎里密封 cascade exciter 串级励磁机; 级联激发器 cascade heat exchanger 阶梯式换热器 cast-film extrusion 辊冷式挤塑 castings examination 铸件检验 catalytic exchange reactor 催化交换反应器 catalytic exhaust purifier 废气催化净化器 cataract expression hook 全摘出白内障钩 catatonic excitement 紧张性兴奋 catatonic excitement schizophrenic psychosis 紧张性兴奋精神分裂性精神症 caterpillar caterpillar-mounted excavator 履带挖土机 caterpillar excavating machine 履带式挖掘机 caterpillar excavator 履带式挖掘机 cation exchange 阳离子交换 cation exchange capacity 阳离子交换量; 阳离子交换容量 cation exchange capacity measurements 阳离子交换测定 cation exchange properties 阳离子交换特性 cation exchange resin 阳离子交换树脂 cation exchanger 阳离子交换器 cation-exchange membrane 阳离子交换膜 cation-exchanger 阳离子交换剂 cauliflower excrescence 花椰菜样赘疣 cautio pro expensis 费用担保 Cavendish experiment 卡文迪什实验 ceiling excitation 极限励磁 ceiling with exposed beam 露梁平顶 cell extract 细胞抽提物 cell zinc tube extruder 电池锌筒挤压机 cell-free extract 无细胞抽提液 cellular exudate 细胞渗出物; 细胞渗出液 cellular exudation 细胞渗出 cellulosic exchanger 纤维素类交换剂 cement expansive material 混凝土膨胀剂 cemento-exostosis 牙骨质疣 center of jet exit 喷口截面中心 centimeter-excess object 厘米超天体 central excitation 中枢兴奋 central excitatory state 中枢兴奋状态 central-excitation system 中心励磁式; 中央励磁式 centreless grinding machine external 无心外圆磨床 centrifugal exhauster 离心排气机 centrifugal extractor 离心萃取器 ceramic heat exchanger 陶瓷换热器; 陶瓷热交换器 cereal expanding machine 谷物膨化机 certificate of exchange settlement for import 进口结汇证书 certificate of export inspection 出口检验合格证明书 certificate of receipt of export prepayment 出口预收货款证明书 cervical mucus examination 宫颈粘液检查 Cestode-expelling Decoction 驱绦汤 foliative cell examination of sputum 痰液脱落细胞检查 chain bucket excavator 链斗式开沟机 chain-bucket excavator 链斗式挖泥船; 链斗式挖土机 channel expansion 河槽扩大 characteristic exhaust velocity 特性排气速度; 特征排气速度 characteristic exponent 特征指数 charcoal liquid oxygen explosive 木炭液氧炸药 charge excess plasma 电荷过剩等离子体 charge exchange 电荷交换 charge exchange laser 电荷交换激光器 charge-exchange reaction 电荷交换反应 charges for negotiation of export bills 出口押汇费 check experiment 检查试验; 对比试验; 对照试验 check type calculation of heat exchanger 换热器的核算型计算 checking experiment 检查实验 checking exuberance of yang 潜阳 chemical examination 化学检验 chemical exchange 化学交换 chemical exchange method 化学交换法 chemical exchange process 化学交换过程 chemical experiment 化学实验 chemical extraction 化学提取 chemical fire extinguisher 化学灭火器 chemically excited molecule laser 化学受激分子激光器 foliative cytological examination 胸液脱落细胞检查 chest-knee position examination 胸膝位俯卧检查法 chill-roll extrusion 辊冷式挤塑 chipper with dust extractor 带收尘器的碎片机 chlorate explosive 氯酸盐炸药 chloride exclusion trait 氯化物排出性状 chromosome examination 染色体检查 chronic experiment 慢性实验 chronic exposure 慢性暴露; 慢性照射; 持续辐照 chrysanthemum extract 菊花浓汁; 菊花浓汁 chucking grinding machine external 夹盘外圆磨床 circumscribed external otitis 局限性外耳道炎; 局限性外耳道炎 civil expenditure 民用支出 claims expenses 理赔费用 clamsheel excavator 抓斗挖土机 clamshell excavator 抓斗 class of explosive-proof 防爆等级 classification of consumption expenditure 消费支出分类 claused bill of exchange 批注汇票 claused bills of exchange 附条款汇票 clean bill of exchange 普通汇票 clean floating exchange rate 清洁浮动汇率 clear expression 明白表示 clearance for expansion 胀隙 clearance of expansion 胀隙 cleared export declaration 结关出口申请 clinical examination 临床检查法; 临床检验 closed expansion tank 封闭式膨胀水箱 closing the executor's books 遗嘱执行人的结帐 closure of external fistula of colon 结肠外瘘闭合术 closure of intestinal external fistula 小肠外瘘闭合术 cloth vacuum extractor 织物真空吸水机 clothing expenses 衣着费 cluster expansion 集团展开式 co-extrusion 双金属挤压 coal dust explosion 煤尘爆炸; 煤粉爆炸 coal exploration 煤田勘探 coal resources exploration 煤炭资源勘探 coal-mining water gel explosive 煤矿水胶炸药 coconut milk extender 椰子汁稀释液 cocurrent extraction 并流萃取 cod liver oil with malt extract 麦芽精鱼肝油 code extension 代码扩充 code extension character 代码扩充符; 代码扩充字符 coded extension character 编码的扩展字符 coefficient of cubic expansion 体积膨胀系数 coefficient of cubical expansion 体胀系数 coefficient of excess 超出系数 coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数 coefficient of expectation 期待系数 coefficient of linear expansion 直线膨胀系数; 线胀系数 coefficient of linear thermal expansion 线热膨胀系数 coefficient of partial expansiveness 局部的扩充性系数; 局部的扩充性系数 coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数 coefficient of volume expansion 体膨胀系数 coefficient of volumetric expansion 松散系数 coil heat exchanger 盘管的热器; 螺旋换热器; 蛇管换热器 cold expanding 冷胀 cold extraction 冷提取 cold extrusion 冲挤 cold extrusion of gears 齿轮的冷挤压 cold in the exterior 表寒 cold-extruded 冷挤 coldness of extremities 肢端寒冷 collapse due to exhaustion of fluid 津竭气脱 collection expense 收帐费用 collision excitation 碰撞激发 colour-extinction pyrometer 吸色高温计 color excess 色余 color TV magnet exterminator 彩电消磁器 combat development field experiment 战斗发展野外试验 combined extrusion 复合挤压 combustion expansion ratio 燃烧膨胀比 commercial bill of exchange 商业汇票 commercial exchange 商业汇兑 commercial indirect expenses 商业间接费用 commercial paper exchange 商业票据交易所 commodities exempt from taxes 免税货物 commodity exchange 商品交易所 common battery private branch exchange 共电式电话交换机 common battery telephone exchange 共电式电话交换机 common battery type telephone exchange system 共电式电话交换机 common excretory duct 总导管 common exit point 共用出口点 common expression 公共表达式; 公用表达式 common extensor muscle of fingers 指总伸肌 common-law exchange 习惯法上的兑换; 普通法上的兑换 communication expenses 通讯费用 compact extraction 出坯 compact heat exchanger 紧凑式热交换器 compacting by extrusion 挤压压塑 compacting by high explosive 高爆炸力成形 compaction by explosion 爆炸密实法 compandor compressor-expandor 压伸器 comparative experiments 比较实验 comparative feeding experiment 比较饲料试验 comparison expression 比较表达式 compatibility mode exception 兼容方式异常 compensating excitation 补偿激发 compensation financing of export fluctuation 出口变动补偿性贷款办法 compensation loan for export fluctuations 出口变动补偿性贷款办法 compensatory expansion of demand 补偿性需求扩张 competition exclution 竞争排斥; 竞争排斥 competitive downward revaluation of exchange 竞争外汇汇率调低; 竞争外汇汇率调低 competitive exchange depreciation 竞争性外汇贬值; 竞争性外汇贬值 competitive experiment 竞赛实验; 竞赛实验 competitive power of export 出口竞争能力 competitiveness of export 出口竞争能力 complement exploratory report 补充勘探报告 complete expansion 完全膨胀 complete expansion cycle 完全膨胀循环 complete knockdown export 全拆散式输出 complete oil solvent extraction system 成套油脂浸出设备 complete-expansion diesel cycle 布雷顿循环 excitation 复合激振 experiment 复合试验 exponential 复指数 of external condition 外界条件总体 relocatable expression 复合浮动表达式; 复数型浮动表达式; 复型浮动表达式 -exponential component 复指数分量 -exponential function 复指数函数 compliance in extension 拉伸柔量 composite excitation 混合激磁; 混合励磁 composite experiment design 复合试验设计 composite explosive 组合炸药 compound excitation 复激励; 复式励磁 compound expansion 复膨胀; 二级膨胀 compound expense 复合费用 compound exponential distribution 复合指数分布 compound expression 复合表达式 compound extractor 复式萃取器 compound self-excited diesel generator set 复式自激柴油发电机组 compounder-extruder 混炼压出机 comprehensive experiment 综合试验 comprehensive external trade guarantee 境外贸易综合担保; 境外贸易综合担保 comprehensive marine exploration 海洋综合考察 comprehensive physical examination 综合体格检查 compression exercise 加压锻炼 compressor-expandor 压缩扩展器 comprison expression 关系式 compulsory execution 强制性执行; 强制执行 computer simulation of heat exchanger networks 换热器网络的计算机摸拟 computer telephone exchange 电脑自动电话交换机 concave extension 凹板延长板 concentration expressed in percentage by volume 体积百分浓度 concentration expressed in percentage by weight 重量百分浓度 concentric exfoliation 同心剥离 concentric tube heat exchanger 同心管热交换器 concomitant exotropia 共同性外斜视; 共转性外斜视 condensing turbine with extraction 抽气凝汽式汽轮机 condition of experiment 试验条件 conditional expectation 条件期望 conditional expected value 条件期望值 conditional expression 条件表达式 cone of experience 经验之塔; 经验之塔 confined expansion 限制膨胀 confined explosion 约束爆炸 conical twin-screw extruder 锥形双螺杆挤塑机 constant entropy expansion 等熵膨胀 constant excitation 固定激励; 恒定激励 constant excitation megnet 恒定励磁 constant exciter 恒定励磁器 constant extension speed telescopic cylinder 等速外伸的伸缩缸 constant pressure expansion valve 恒压膨胀阀; 恒压膨胀活门 constrained extremal problem 带约束极值问题 construction expenditure 基建支出; 结构费用 construction experience 施工经验 consultancy expert 咨询专家 consumer buying expectations 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司