翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 充油丁苯橡胶 oil extraction 用油萃取 oil extractor 抽油机 oil pump expansion plug 油泵膨胀塞 oil-expansion vessel 扩油器; 贮油柜 oil-extended rubber 充油橡胶; 油充橡胶 oil-extended styrene buadiene rubber 充油丁苯橡胶 oil-extender 石油软化剂 oil-free ultra-high vacuum exhaust station 无油超高真空排气台 oil-line extension 油管接长 oil-to-oil heat exchanger 油对油热交换器 oil-to-water heat exchanger 水冷热交换器 olfactory examination 嗅诊 omission excepted OE 遗漏不在此限帐单 on-line test executive program OLTEP 联机测试执行程序 on-site examination 就地诊验; 就地诊验 on-the-spot experiment 现场试验 once-in-a-lifetime exposure 终身一次照射量 one with the excellent qualifications 具有优越条件者; 具有优越条件者 one-bucket excavator 单斗挖土机 one-particle exchange 单粒子交换 one-shot exploder 单发起爆器 onebucket excavator 单斗挖土机 open excavation 明开挖; 明挖 open rate of exchange 开盘汇率 open-book examination 开卷考试 open-circuit excitation 开路励磁; 空载励磁 open-type heat exchanger 敞开式热交换器 opening expenses 开办费 opening reinforcement of external pressure vessel 外压容器开孔补强 operating expenses 业务开支 operating experience 运行经验; 操作经验 operating overhead expense 非操作费用 operation exception 操作例外; 操作事故; 操作异常 operation expenses 事业费 operation expression 操作表达式 operation method expressed in graphs 图上作业法 operational expenditures 业务费用 operational experience 运行经验 operator exception code 运算异常代码 operator external interrupt processor 操作员外中断处理程序 ophthalmic examination lamp 检眼灯 ophthalmoplegia externa 外眼肌麻痹 optical beam expander 光束扩张器 optical exaltation 旋光性增强 optical excitation 光激发 optical excited laser 光激发激光器; 光激励型激光器 optical exciting pulse 光激发脉冲 optical exitation rate 光激励率 optical exposure meter 光学曝光表 optical extensometer 光学伸长仪 optical-type extensometer 光学伸长计 optically excited laser 光激发激光器 optically excited metastable level 光受激亚稳态能级 optimization of heat exchanger 换热器的最优化 optimum extraction 最佳提取 option exchange 选购权交易所 option exchange contract 选择权外汇契约 option exercise price 期权履约价 optional extras 任选附件 optional forward exchange contract 选择远期外汇契约 orange peel excavator 多瓣抓斗式挖土机 orange-peel excavator 多瓣式抓斗挖掘机 order executed 已执行的订单 order expired 已满期的订单 ordinary expenditure 经常费用; 经常费用 ordinary sheathed explosive 常规安全炸药 ore expectant 预测矿藏量 organic extraction 有机萃取 organic ion exchanger 有机离子交换剂 organization expenses 开办费 organotherapeutic extracts 内脏制剂 orificii externi uteri 宫颈前唇 orificium externum uteri 子宫颈外口 orificium urethrae externum 尿道外口 orthodox explosive 普通炸药 orthogonal expansion 正交函数展开; 正交展开 orthogonal experimental design 正交试验设计 orthogonal function expansion 正交函数展开式 orthogonal polynomial expansion 正交多项式展开 orthonormal function expansion 标准正交函数展开式; 规范正交函数展开式 oscillating liquid continuous extraction tower 往复回转式液体连续萃取塔 oscillatory excitation 振荡激发 oscillatory extinction 波动消光 osmotic exchange 渗透交换 osteocartilaginous exostosis 骨软骨性外生骨疣 otitis externa 外耳道炎; 外耳道炎症; 外耳炎 otitis externa diffusa 弥漫性外耳道炎 out-of-pocket expense 实际现金支出 out-of-pocket expenses 现金支付费用 outdoor exposure test 室外曝露试验 output executive 输出执行 output expander 输出扩展电路 outside extension 外部电话分机 outstanding external debt 未偿外债 over excitation 过度兴奋 over excite 过励磁 over-exposure 曝光过度 overall expansion ratio 总膨胀比 overall position of exchange 总的外汇头寸 overburden excavator 表土挖土机 overcompound excitation 过复绕激励; 超复激励 overdraft for export bills 出口单据押汇透支 overflow exception 溢出异常 overhead expenses 管理费; 经常开支; 经常开支 overlapped execution 重叠执行 overstress in excitation process 兴奋过程紧张过度 ox bile extract 牛胆汁浸膏 oxalate extract 草酸盐提出取 oxygen consumption rate of exercise 运动氧消耗率 oxygen exhauster 排氧装置 package plant export 整厂输出 packed extractor 填充萃取塔 packet switching exchange PSE 包交换 packing expander 垫料胀圈 padder extractor 轧水机 page exit 页出口; 页面出口 page translation exception 页面转换异常; 页转换异常 paid other expenses 已付其他费用 paid-in capital in excess of par value 超面值缴入资本 paid-in capital in excess of stated value 超定值缴入资本; 超设定值投入资本 paired experiment 配对试验 pairing experiment 配偶试验 palatal exostosis 腭外生骨疣 palliative excision 姑息性切除手术 panic exit mechanism 太平门机械装置 paper exit sensor 出纸口传感器 paper extraction 抽纸 par exchange rate 平价汇率 parallel excitation 并激 parallel executable statement 并行可执行语句 parallel execution 并行执行 parallel exposure 平行接近距离 parallel extended route 并行扩充路径 parallel extinction 平行吸光; 平行消光 parallel flow heat exchanger 并流式换热器; 并流式热交换器 parallel rate of exchange 平行汇率 paralysis of upper extremities 曲池 parametric excitation 参考激励; 参量激发; 参量激励; 参数激发 paranotal expansion 侧背扩张 parent exchange 母电话局 parenthesized expression 括号表达式 Pareto-relevant externality 帕累托相关外差因素 paries externus ductus cochlearis 蜗管外壁 partial excision of cerebroma 脑瘤部分切除术 partial excision of lip with plastic repair 唇部分切除整形修复术 partial excision of mammary duct 乳房导管部分切除术 partial-fraction expansion 部分分数展开 partially exempt obligation 免除部分责任 partially exempt obligations 部分免除责任 parties liable on a bill of exchange 负汇票上的债务的人 partly rational expectations 部分理性预期 partly-exposed basement 半地下室 pass without examination 免验放行 passive excercise 被动操练 passive exercise 被动运动 passive extension test of spine 脊柱被动伸展试验 paste explosive 糊状炸药 paste extruder 糊膏挤压机 path expression 路径表达式 pattern of import and export merchandise 进出口商品结构 Pauli exclusion principle 泡利不相容原理; 不相容原理 Pauli's exclusion principle 泡利不相容原理 Pauling's exclusion principle 保林不相容原理 pay off expected 支付期望的 payable in exchange 可用汇票支付 payroll department expense 薪工管理部门费用 PCM exchange 脉码调制交换机 pectus excavatum 凹陷胸; 漏斗胸 pecuniary exchange 以货币购物 pediatric examing table 儿科检查床 pellet extrusion 颗粒金属挤压成型法 pellicular ion-exchanger 薄膜型离子交换剂 pelvic exenteration 盆腔清除术; 盆腔脏器除去术 pelvimeter for external measurement 外测量器 penetration of extraction field 离子引出场弛垂 per capita consumption expenditure 人均消费支出 per capita expenditure 人均支出 per diem expenses 每日费用 percent of ewe lambing of ewe exposed to ram 配种母羊产羔百分率 percentage extraction 萃取率; 回采率 percentage fibre extraction 剥麻率 perchlorate excretion test 过氯酸盐排泌试验 perchlorate explosive 高氯酸盐炸药 perforated-plate extractor 多孔板萃取器; 多孔板萃取塔 period expense 期间费用 period of expansion 发展期 permanent expansion 非可逆膨胀; 持久膨胀 permanent experiment 长期试验 permanent extension 永久延伸 permanent magnet excitation 永久磁铁励磁 permissible explosives for coal mines 煤矿炸药 permissible exposure 容许照射 permitted explosive 许用炸药; 安全炸药 personal expenditures 人员费用 personal expenses 人员费用 personnel exchange service center 人才交流服务中心 personnel expenditure 人事费用 petroleum expansion 石油加热膨胀 petroleum extraction 石油开采 petty expenditures 杂费 phenol extraction 苯酚萃取 phenol water extraction 酚水提取法 phenolsulfonphthalein excretion rate 酚红排泌率 phenolsulfonphthalein excretion test 酚红排泌试验 Philadelphia Stock Exchange 费城证券交易所 phlebitis of deep vessels of lower extremities 下肢深血管静脉炎 phonon excitation 声子激发 phonon expansion 声子展开式 photo exposure machine 曝光机 photo-excitation 光致激发 photochemical excitation 光化激发 photoelectric examination of dust sampler 光电测尘仪 photoelectric exposure meter 光电曝光表 photoelectric mixing experiment 光电混频实验 photon exitance 光子出度 photonuclear excitation 光致核激发 photorefractive intermodal exchanger 光折射模内交换器 phyletic extinction 线系绝灭 physical examination 物理检验; 物理性检验; 体格检查 physical exercise 体育活动 physical exercise therapy 体育疗法 physical extension circuit 实线延伸电路 physico-chemical examination 理化检查 Piccioni type of extraction system 皮奇奥尼引出系统 pieces damaged from extra work 额外工作的损坏工件 Pierce-type extractor 皮尔斯型引出器 pile extraction resistance 拔桩阻力 pile extractor 拔桩机; 拔桩器 Pill of Chlorite-schist for Expelling Phlegm 礞石滚痰丸 pillar extraction 煤柱回收 pilot exciter 引示激磁机; 辅助励磁机; 副激磁机; 副励磁机; 导频激励器 pin expansion test 插头膨胀试验 pinch-discharge excitation 箍缩放电激励 pipe expander 扩管机; 胀管机 pipe extractor 拔管器 pipe-expanding machine 扩口机 piston cup expander 活塞皮碗扩张器 piston expander 活塞底缘扩张器 piston expansion engine 活塞式膨胀机 piston extruder 活塞式挤泥机 piston extrusion machine 活塞式挤压机 piston ring expander 活塞环撑涨器; 活塞扩环器 piston ring extractor 活塞环拆卸器 piston skirt expander 活塞裙扩大器 place of examination 探伤地点 plain external grinding machine 普通外圆磨床 plain extractor roll 普通脱水辊 plan for the purchase of export commodities 出口商品收购计划 plane of uniform expansion or contraction 等伸缩剖面 plane strain extension PSE 平面应变拉伸试验 planet surface exploration 行星表面探测 planetary exploration 行星探索 planetary exploration spacecraft 行星探测航天器 planetary exploration vehicle 行星探测飞行器 planish extra-bright 特亮抛光 planning of statistical experiment 统计实验方案 plant extract 植物浸出液 plant extracts 植物提取物 plant maintenance expense 厂场维持费 plantar extensor response 足底伸肌反应 plasma colt explant culture 组织块血浆固定培养 plasma expander 血浆容量扩张剂 plasma volume expander 血容量扩张剂 plasma-jet excitation 等离子体喷注激发 plaster on expanded metal lath 钢板网抹灰 plastic bonded explosive 塑料粘结炸药 plastic explosive 塑性猛烈炸药 plastic-type explosive 塑性炸药 plate exchanger 板形换热器; 薄片式热交换器 plate graphitic heat-exchanger 板式石墨换热器 plate groove exchanger 板槽式换热器 plate heat exchanger 膜片式热交换器; 板式换热器 plate type heat exchanger 板片式换热器 plate-fin exchanger 板翼热交换器 plate-fin heat exchanger 板翅式换热器 plate-type exchanger 平板式热变换器 plate-type heat exchanger 板式换热器 platen heat exchanger 屏式热交换器 please exchange 请交换 pleural exudate 胸膜渗出物 us caroticus externus 颈外动脉丛; 颈外动脉丛 plot experiment 田间小区试验 plug expander 斜轧扩径机 plumage exchange 换羽 plunger type extruder 活塞式挤出机 plural executives 兼任执行人 pneumatic excavator 风动挖掘机; 气力掘凿机 pneumatic tyre expander 气压张胎器 pneumobarium double contrast examination 气钡双层造影 Podbieinlak extractor 波特平莱克萃取器 Podbielniak extractor 波特贝尔尼克萃取器 pointer expression 指示字表达式 polar excitation law 极兴奋法则 polar explosive 极地炸药 pole extension 极端; 极延伸部分 pollen extract 花粉浸液 extensus 拇伸直 polynomial expanasion 多项式展开 polynomial expression 多项式 polyp excision by fibergastroscope 纤维胃镜息肉切除术 polytechnic exhibition 工业展览馆; 工业展览会 polytropic exponent 多变指数 population expansion 人口膨胀 population experiment 群体试验 population explosion 群体暴增; 人口爆炸 porokeratosis excentrica 汗孔角化病 portable examining table 轻便诊察台 portable explosion-proof digital level gauge 便携式防爆数字液位仪 portable explosion-proof gas detector 便携式防爆瓦斯探测器 portable extinguisher 手提式灭火器 portable fire extinguisher 手提灭火机; 手提式灭火器 portable silver extracting instrument 便携式提银机 portal of exit 病菌出口 positive excess 正电荷过剩 positive expiratory end pressure PEEP 正呼气终压 positive expiratory endpressure PEEP 正呼气终压 positive exponent 正阶 positive ion-exchange resin 阳离子交换树脂 positive-pressure exhauster 正压排气机 post export financing 出口后融通 posterior extra-peritoneal drainage 后侧腹膜外引流 posterior horseshoe external fistula 后马蹄形外瘘 posterior pelvic exenteration 后盆腔脏器除去术 postmortem examination 尸体检查 postpartum examination 产后检查 postural test of extremities 肢体体位试验 potassium perchlorate explosive 高氯酸钾炸药 potato soil extractor 马铃薯土块分离机 powder extraction metallurgy 粉末制取冶金 powder fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器 powder fire extinguishing grenade 粉末灭火弹 power exchange 功率交换 power excursion 功率失常激增 power exponent 幂指数 power export 能量输出 power extraction 功率削减 power plant expense 发电厂费用 practical experience 实际经验 practising qigong exercise , 练功 Prandtl-Meyer expansion 普朗特-迈耶流动 PRD experimental nematicide 杀线虫剂 二氯丁砜 pre-excitation syndrome 预激综合征 pre-excited CO laser 预激励CO激光器 pre-existent pore 原有孔隙 pre-expander 预扩展器 pre-expansion saturation 膨胀前的饱和 pre-expansion track 膨胀前的径迹 pre-exponential factor 指数前的因子 pre-exposure 预曝光 pre-exposure fasting 照射前禁食 pre-extracted wood 预浸木材 preaxilliary excision 腋前裂 precipitation-exchange resin 沉淀交换树脂 precise examination 精密探伤 precision in expression 表达式的精度 Preeglone extra 除草剂 合草快 preferential export financing 出口优惠融资 preliminary examination 粗探伤; 预试验 preliminary expense 开办费 preliminary exploration 普查 preliminary hydro-extraction 初步脱水 premium and bond issuance expense 摊提贴水 premoulded expansion joint filler 预制伸缩缝填料 prenatal examination 产前检查 preopening expenses 开办准备费 prepared plant extracts 制备植物提取物 prescribed examination 法定检验 present state examination PSE 现症检查法 preshrinkage expansion 收缩前膨胀 press for mould extrusion 铸型落砂冲锤机 pressed explosive 压制炸药 pressing process of heat exchange plate or fin 换热板片或翅片的冲压 pressure cabin examination 气压舱检查法 pressure excess 压力增量 pressure expanded joint 压力膨胀接头 pressure expansion curve 压力膨胀曲线 pressure exploration 压力分布测定 pressure of explosion 爆炸压力 pressure screw extractor 螺旋压榨机 pressure vessels exempted from inspection 免检压力容器 pressure viscosity exponent 压力粘度指数 prevention of unwise or inappropriate expenditure 防止不当支出 price control of export commodities 出口商品价格管理 price expectation 价格预测 number of service expenditure 服务性支出价格指数 price partiy in the exchange 交换比价 primary excavation 一次回采; 初挖 primary exception vector 第一异常向量 primary excitation 初级激发 primary explosive 起爆炸药; 引炸药 primary explosive ratio 一次爆破炸药单位消耗量 primary extension 准素扩张 primary external nodal point 主外结点 primary extinction 初次消光; 初级消光 primary high explosive 起爆药 primary leaves expanded 初生叶展开 priming explosive 起爆药 principal exponent 主指数 principal extension ratio 主拉伸比 principal-mode excitation 主模激励 principle of exception 例外原则 principle of extreme convergence 极端趋同原理 private branch exchange 专用交换 private branch exchange PBX 用户小交换机; 内部分线交换机 private branch exchange switchboard 内部通信小交换机 private exchange 专用交换机; 用户交换机 private manual branch exchange 专用人工支线交换机 private manual exchange PMX 专用人工交换机 private-branch exchange 专用小交换机 privileged expense 特殊费用 privileged operation exception 特权指令异常; 特殊操作异常 procedure execution 过程执行 process exception 进程异常; 过程异常 process of exchange is governed by men 人自觉地统制着交换过程 processed excrement 处理过的粪便 processed human excreta 处理过的粪便 processing deal for export 委托加工出口 processing material for export 加工出口用料 product examination 产品检查 production department expense 生产部门费用 production expenditure 生产费用 production of explosive 炸药生产 productive expenditure 生产支出 PROFILE EXEC 开工文件 profile exponent 折射率分布指数; 分布指数 profit or loss on exchange 外汇买卖损益 profits in excess of the norm 超目标利润 program control execution 程序控制执行 program exception 程序异常 program exception code PEC 程序异常代码 program exception interrupt 程序异常中断 program execution 程序执行 program execution control 程序执行控制 program execution control sequence 程序执行控制顺序 program execution monitor PEM 程序执行监督 program execution services 程序执行服务; 程序执行服务程序 program execution speed 程序执行速度 program execution time 程序执行时间 program exit 程序出口 program expression 程序表达式 program extension 程序扩展 program information block extension 程序信息块扩充 program interrupt exit routine 程序中断出口程序 program-controlled liquidoid extensional furnace 程序控制液相外延炉 program-exit hub 程序输出插孔 progressive exercise 渐进性运动 progressive resistance exercise 渐进抗阻运动 prohibition of export 禁止出口 projectile expelling chamber 抛射体发射室 promotion expense 推销费用 promotion expenses 推广费用; 发起费用 propellant actuated exactor 激励发射药的激化装置 propellant expenditure 推进剂消耗 propellant explosion 推进剂爆炸 propellant explosive 抛掷炸药 propelling explosive 抛掷炸药 proper extension 真扩张 proportional expenses 比例费用 prostatic examination 前列腺检查 protection exception 堡事故; 堡异常 protective export duty 堡性出口税 proton extraction system 质子引出系统 proton-excess isotope 质子过剩同位素 proton-exchange reaction 质子交换反应 proving trial验讫 examined 验证性试验 proximity exploder 接近引炸雷管; 近炸雷管; 遥控无线电近炸雷管 Pseudo Exchange Union 准汇率联盟 pseudoadiabatic expansion 假绝热膨胀 psychomotor excitement 精神运动性兴奋 public exchange 公用交换 publicity expenses 宣传费 Puccinia exhausta 铁线莲柄锈菌 pulp extirpation 牙髓摘除术 pulsating exophthalmos 搏动性突眼症; 搏动性眼球突出 pulse excitation 脉冲激发; 脉冲激励 pulse extender 脉冲扩展器 pulse extra-high tension generator 超高压脉冲发生器 pulse extraction column 脉动抽提柱; 脉动萃取塔 pulse-code mdoulation exchange 脉码调制交换机 pulsed expansion joint 脉冲胀接 pulsed extraction 脉冲引出 pulsed extraction column 脉冲萃取塔 pulsed magnetic extractor 脉冲磁引出装置 pulsed sieve-plate extraction column 脉冲筛板抽提塔; 脉冲筛板萃取柱 pulsed-bed ion exchanger 脉动床离子交换器 pulverizer exhauster 排粉机 pump excitation 泵浦激发 pump exhaust inlet 泵排气口 pump exhausting 泵抽 punching process of heat exchange plate or fin 板片或翅片的冲压 purchase expenses 采办费用 purchasing department expense 进货部门费用 purulent exudate 脓性渗出物 pushpull-critical experiment 推挽式临界实验 put down expenditures 削减支出 put down the price exworks 压低出厂价格 pyloromyotomia extramucosa 粘膜外幽门肌切开术; 粘膜外幽门肌切开术 pyrophosphate exchange reaction 焦磷酸交换反应 quadrature exciting watt 正交励磁伏安 qualifying expenditure 符合规定的支出 qualitative examination for lactic acid 乳酸定性检查 quantity in the exponent 指数函数 quartz bar extensometer 石英棒伸缩仪 quasi-expectation 拟期望值 quasi-experimental design 拟实验设计 quasi-exponential attenuation 准指数衰减 quasi-extremal compactum 拟极值紧统 quasi-limited existential quantifier 拟受囿存在量词 quasi-particle excitation 准粒子激发 quasi-self-conjugate extension 拟自共轭扩张 quench-tank extrusion 淬火槽挤压 quenching heat-exchanger 急冷热交换器 query by example QBE 举例询问; 举例询问 tension QCB extension 队列控制块扩充 quick de-excitation 快速灭磁 quick-response excitation 快速励磁; 强行励磁 quintuple expansion engine 五次膨胀引擎 quota of expenditure 消耗标准 quotient extension 商扩张 radial piston pump with exterior admission 外配流径向柱塞泵 radiant excitation 辐射激发 radiant exitance 辐射出射度; 辐射度; 辐射发散度 radiant exposure 辐射曝露量; 辐照量; 曝辐量 radiant heat exchange 辐射热交换 radiation excitation 辐射激发 radiation exposure 射线照射 radio examination 射线检验 radio exchange 无线电交换台 radio nuclide examination 放射性核素检查 radio-frequency excited plasma 射频激发等离子体 radio-frequency exciter 射频振荡激发器 radiographic examination complete 射线照相检验 radiographic exmination 射线照相 radiography examination 射线照像探伤检验 radioisotope examination 放射性同位素检查 radix exchange sort 基数调换分类; 基数交换分类法 rail ex 快运 rail examination 钢轨检验 rail-mounted excavator 轨行挖掘机 railroad export bill of lading 铁路外贸提单 railway export bill of lading 铁道出口提单 rain exclusion of walling 墙体防雨 rainfall excess形成径流的 有效雨量 Ralfsia expansa 膨大褐壳藻 ram extruder 柱塞式压出机 ramification exponent 分歧指数 ramjet exhaust nozzle 冲压式喷气发动机排气喷管 ramless extrusion 静水压挤压; 静水压挤压 ramus externus 外支 random experiment 随机试验 range expander 量程扩展器 range of exposures 照射范围 rapeseed expeller 菜籽饼 rapeseed extraction 菜籽粕 raphe exterior 胼胝体 内侧纵纹 rapid excavation 快速开挖 rapid-exposure photography 快速曝光照相 rapidly extendible language 可快速扩充语言 rash-extinction test 红疹消退试验 raster excitation 图案激励 ratchet wrench extension 手摇螺丝扳手接长节 rate of expansion 膨胀率; 扩展率 rate of expenditure 消耗定额 rate of explosion 压力升高比 rate of extension 拉伸速率 rate of extinction 绝灭率; 绝灭率 rate of extraction 提取率 rate of extrusion 挤出速率 rate of heat exchange 热交换率 rate of noncommodity expenditure 非商品支出比例 rate of radiographic examination 射线探伤率 rate of residents' noncommodity expenditure 居民非商品支出比例; 居民非商品支出比例 rate of sulphur expulsion 脱硫速度 rated excitation 额定励磁 rating of exchange 系数 ratio of exchange 交易比例 ratio of expansion 膨胀比 ratio of expenses to sales 费用对销售额的比率 ratio of external standard 外标道比 ratio of interest expense to sales 利用费用与销货比率 ration export 限额输出; 出口限额 rational exploitation 合理开发 rational expression 有理式 rational expression with real coefficients 实系数有理式 rational integral expression 有理积分表示式 rationed export 限额输出 rationing exchange 配额外汇 rationing of exchange 外汇配给 raw auto exhaust 未净化的汽车排气 re-examine 再检验 re-expand 再膨胀 re-expansion 再膨胀 re-experiment 再试验 re-expose 二次曝光 re-taining part of the extra profit 超额利润分成 reaction of exhaustion 衰竭反应 reactive excitement state 反应性兴奋状态 reactivity excursion 反应性急剧上升 reactor experiment 实验反应堆 read exit option 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司