翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 The official report on the Kennedy assassination was whitewash. 甘乃迪谋杀案的官方报导是掩饰之辞。 It felt as if we had traveled from nadir to zenith. 感觉上我们好像已从天底走到了天顶。 It is unusual for a golfer to batter one of the marshals with his putter. 高尔夫球员用推杆殴打比赛组织人员实属罕见。 We could not help being impressed by the majesty of the lofty mountains. 高山的雄伟壮丽不能不在我们心目中留下深刻的印象。 The singers are warming up before the concert. 歌唱家们正在做音乐会前的练唱。 To make matters worse, I locked my keys in the car. 更糟的是,我把钥匙锁在车里了。 The workers have little pollen baskets on their legs. 工蜂脚上有装花粉的小"篮子"。 Workers should be allowed full ventilation of all their difficulties. 工人们应被允许公开讨论他们所有的困难。 Work also provides psychological well-being. 工作还能使人身心健康。 We were wined and dined at the firm's expense. 公司出钱请我们吃喝。 There has been a marginal improvement in the firm's sales. 公司的销售额略有增长。 The dog's tail wagged. 狗的尾巴摇动着。 The dog ran away, wriggling its tail. 狗扭动着尾巴逃走了。 The dog made at me all of a sudden. 狗突然向我扑来。 The dog made for the stranger. 狗向陌生人扑了过去。 The dog greeted its master with a wag of its tail. 狗摇着尾巴迎接主人。 He completely lost his marbles after the stock market crash. 股票市场崩盘后他完全失去理智。 The spectators applauded wildly. 观众拼命地鼓掌。 The officials came to the party with their wives. 官员们携带妻子参加宴会。 Plumbers, carpenters, and other workmen finished the new house quickly. 管道工、木工及其他工匠很快完成了这幢新房子。 The management manned the ship with experienced hands. 管理部门给这条船配置了有经验的人员。 The management manned the ship with experienced hands. 管理部门给这条船配置了有经验的人员。 The king decided to go to war against his enemies. 国王决定对敌人开战。 The king will have to clip his minister's wings in order to keep power himself. 国王要保持权力就得限制大臣的权力。 The memory of the old days all rushed back upon him with sickening vividness. 过去时光的记忆带着令人极不愉快的清晰向他袭来。 Harry wrenched his ankle when he jumped down from the fence. 哈里从围墙上跳下来时扭伤了脚踝。 Why, this is the very book I want. 嗨,这正是我想要的书。 Can the child manage chopsticks now? 孩子会用筷子了吗? The children made short work of the cakes. 孩子们很快把蛋糕吃完了。 The children ventured out on the thin ice and fell through. 孩子们冒险踏上薄冰,结果掉了进去。 The children finished the food on their plates in a wink. 孩子们一会儿就把他们盘子里的东西吃光了。 The children have been teasing the cat, the little villains! 孩子们一直在逗弄猫儿,这些小淘气鬼! The furniture suffers a lot of wear and tear when the children are at home. 孩子们在家时家俱磨损很厉害。 The children are playing marbles. 孩子们在玩弹子游戏。 Do the boys eat well at school? 孩子们在学校吃得好吗? Seals and whales are marine animals. 海豹和鲸鱼是海洋动物。 Hemingway once won the Nobel Prize for literature. 海明威曾一度获得诺贝尔文学奖。 The drought wasted the land. 旱灾使田地荒芜。 The West Lake in Hangchow is a magnet for visitors. 杭州西湖使游客流连忘返。 Air mail is quicker than sea mail. 航空邮件比海运快。 Mark carefully how the job is done. 好好注意这工作是怎样做的。 There is a widespread belief that the company is in financial trouble. 很多人认为该公司财务陷入困境。 The red light is a warning sign for stop. 红灯是警告停止行进的信号。 The flood washed the bridge away. 洪水把桥给冲走了。 The floods found a vent through the dykes. 洪水从堤上的一个裂缝处涌出。 The flood made for much misery in that area. 洪水在那个地区造成了很大的灾难。 Later on she stopped leading a vicious life. 后来,她不再过堕落的生活了。 Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession. 护理既是职业又是使命。 The nurse wore a gauze mask. 护士戴着薄纱口罩。 The nurse wound a bandage around my leg. 护士用绷带包扎我的腿。 Flowers wilted under the merciless sun. 花儿在无情的太阳暴晒下凋谢了。 The flowers in the vase withered. 花瓶里的花朵枯萎了。 Mr. Walsh yawned over the evening papers. 华尔希先生一边看晚报一边打呵欠。 A lot of poisonous waste from the chemical works polluted the river. 化工厂的许多有毒废料污染这条河。 The words lumped in her throat. 话在她喉头哽住了。 Luckily, he was in when I called. 还好,我打电话去时他在。 Six other volcanos were still erupting. 还有六个火山仍在爆发。 Some upright stones in wild places are the vestige of ancient religions. 荒原上一些直立的石块是古老宗教的遗迹。 The royal wedding was a magnificent occasion. 皇家婚礼场面豪阔。 Yellow is my favorite color. 黄色是我最喜欢的颜色。 Recalling cheerful yesterdays cheered the lady. 回忆欢乐的往昔使这位女士感到欣慰。 The questions put forward at the meeting are of vital importance. 会上提出的那些问题极其重要。 The meeting was verging to a close. 会议接近结束。 The meeting wore on all afternoon. 会议沉闷地开了整个下午。 Painting was one of the great loves of his life. 绘画是他生活中的一大爱好。 The wedding will take place in October. 婚礼将于十月举行。 The marriage will take place in May. 婚礼将于五月举行。 The motion of the train soon lulled me to sleep. 火车的行驶很快使我进入梦乡。 The train whistled. 火车鸣笛。 The train wrecked at the crossing. 火车在交叉道口失事。 There are a lot of people in the railroad station. 火车站里有许多人。 The volcano vomited flames and molten rock. 火山喷出了火焰和熔岩。 Winning the Nobel prize has lustered the poet's name. 获得诺贝尔奖使这位诗人的名望更高了。 A clever politician knows how to manipulate his supporters. 机敏的政客懂得如何操纵自己的支持者。 The machine won't work. 机器不转了。 The management of the foundation is vested in a board of trustees. 基金会的管理交由理事会负责。 Jim has a strong will. 吉姆是个意志坚强的人。 Several people witnessed against the accused. 几个人作了不利于被告的证明。 Few animals can exist in the frozen wastes of the Arctic. 几乎没有动物能在北极洲冰封的荒芜地区生存。 In the course of centuries, the wind has worn the rocks away. 几世纪以来岩石都风化了。 Some loose pages fell out of the book. 几张散页纸从书里掉了下来。 Computers are now in widespread use. 计算机现在被广泛应用。 The press gallery has been voided of the customary bulky desks. 记者席经常放着的大写字台被搬走了。 How can he get the promotion when his boss dislikes him? 既然上司不喜欢他,那他怎么会获得提升呢? The driver is winking his lights to signal a turn. 驾驶员打着一闪一闪的灯光信号表示要转弯。 The vacation did me a world of good. 假期对我大有好处。 If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight. 假如我做得到的话,我今晚会去看电影。 If he gets wise to what you are up to, he is sure to be angry. 假使他知道了你想干什么一定会生气的。 In a word, he's useless. 简言之,他毫无用处。 Cambridge lost to Oxford. 剑桥队输给了牛津队。 Whereas the following incidents have occurred ... 鉴于下列事件业已发生... The general's loyalty to the king never wavered. 将军对国王的忠心从未动摇过。 The general marshaled his troops for a new attack. 将军集结部队准备发起新的进攻。 The general weeded out poor commanders. 将军淘汰了无能的指挥官。 The general gave the word to execute the deserters. 将军下令处决逃兵。 Ask the women to stay home. 叫女人们待在家里。 The teacher marked the examination papers. 教师给试卷打了分数。 The teacher has made out a list of reference books. 教师已开出了一份参考书单。 Yeast can be used in making beer and bread. 酵母可用于酿啤酒和发面包。 Then she whipped out a hairbrush and started to brush her long hair. 接着她迅速抽出一把发梳,开始梳理她的长发。 Jack tried to make up to his boss. 杰克试图讨好他的上司。 Jack is a man of his word. 杰克是个守信用的人。 Jack is a man of his word. 杰克是个守信用的人。 Jack whistled a popular tune. 杰克用口哨吹了一段流行曲调。 There were no footmarks on the virgin snow. 洁白的雪上没有脚印。 What he said turned out to be the very reverse of the truth. 结果发现他所说的与事实完全相反。 She's wished her 2 children on me for the day, while she goes for a trip to New York. 她把两个孩子交给我带一整天,自己上纽约去了。 She opened the door wide so that the room was lighter. 她把门开大以使屋内明亮一些。 She wrung the wet towel out. 她把湿毛巾拧乾。 She mapped out her time very well. 她把时间安排得很好。 She loosed the bird from the cage. 她把小鸟放出笼子。 She noted down the main points of the speech. 她把演说的要点记了下来。 She wrapped a scarf around her neck. 她把一条围巾围在脖子上。 She wrapped a scarf around her neck. 她把一条围巾围在脖子上。 She helped the child loose the laces of his shoes. 她帮孩子解开鞋带。 Her refusal to become angry with those naughty children spoke volumes for her patience. 她不对那些淘气的孩子发脾气足见她很有耐心。 She didn't welcome the suggestion. 她不接受这项建议。 She is the wrong person for the position. 她不是担任这个职位的合适人选。 She is no shrinking violet. 她不是一个怕羞的人。 She doesn't know how to manage her naughty children. 她不知道怎样管好自己的顽皮孩子。 She died a violent death. 她惨遭横祸。 She is a vision of loveliness with her golden hair. 她长着一头金发,真是可爱极了。 She became an object of worship. 她成了一个被崇拜的对象。 She worships her lover. 她崇拜她的情人。 She looks lovely in white. 她穿白色衣服看上去很漂亮。 She wore a loud dress. 她穿一件艳丽的连衫裙。 Since when has she taught here? 她从什么时候开始在这儿教书的? She wormed the secret out of him. 她从他那里探得这一秘密。 She supposed, wrongly, that the other two agreed with her. 她错误地以为其他两人是赞同她的。 She yelled a warning to us. 她大声警告我们。 She was wearing a gold ring. 她戴着一个金戒指。 Her sufferings wrung my heart. 她的不幸令我非常心痛。 Her suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. 她的建议对作出这一决定起了重要作用。 Her foot wedged in the narrow crack. 她的脚卡在那狭缝里了。 As if by magic, her face turned black. 她的脸令人惊奇地变黑了。 Her life was a whirl of cocktail parties and dinner dates. 她的日子几乎全是在一连串的鸡尾酒会和宴会中度过的。 Her social life got in the way of her studies. 她的社交生活妨碍了学业。 There is hope for her yet. 她的事仍有希望。 Her head was bent low. 她的头低着。 Her hair waves naturally. 她的头发自然鬈曲。 Her lower lip vibrated. 她的下唇在抽搐。 Her heart yearned for the starving, homeless children. 她的心怜悯那些挨饿的无家可归的儿童。 Her prediction was verified. 她的预言得到证实。 Her major subject is chemistry. 她的主修科是化学。 She spoke low and hurriedly. 她低声地很快地说着话。 She handed over a wad of forms. 她递过来一叠表格。 She lit the gas and gave the coffee another warm. 她点燃煤气,把咖啡重新热了一下。 She nodded yes. 她点头同意。 She was brought to the verge of tears. 她都快要哭出来了。 She has read all the writings of Shakespeare. 她读过莎士比亚的全部着作。 Her arbitrariness made her many enemies. 她独断专横,因而树敌甚多。 She is strict in the matter of discipline. 她对纪律的要求是严格的。 She waved his worries aside. 她对他的烦恼置之不理。 She waved at him. 她对他挥手。 She was mad with me for coming home late. 她对我晚回家很生气。 Her son is well past forty. 她儿子已四十好几岁了。 She rushed madly out of the room. 她发疯似地冲出房间。 Her father is a man of taste. 她父亲是个有品味的人。 Her father is a man of taste. 她父亲是个有品味的人。 Her brother put in a good word for her boyfriend to her parents. 她哥哥在她父母面前替她男朋友说好话。 She used to take a walk after supper. 她过去常在晚饭后散步。 She is afraid of his wild looks. 她害怕他那粗野的神情。 She is afraid of his wild looks. 她害怕他那粗野的神情。 She lives with her son. 她和儿子住在一起。 She had no luck finding a job. 她很不幸,找不到工作。 She said it in a very low voice. 她很低声地讲这话。 She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well. 她很喜欢讲法语,而且确实讲得不错。 She showed her daughter's picture with maternal pride. 她怀着作为母亲的自豪感拿出女儿的照片给人看。 She will make a good wife. 她会成为一个好妻子。 She made her mark by winning a championship. 她获得冠军,一举成名。 She married into the Kennedy family. 她嫁入甘乃迪家。 Her responsibilities matured her at an early age. 她肩负的责任使她早熟。 She tied an apron around her waist. 她将围裙系在腰间。 She asked me to wind the wool for her. 她叫我帮她绕毛线。 She is full of zip. 她精力充沛。 She died in the very room. 她就是在这个房间里逝世的。 She looked wan and fragile. 她看上去既疲乏又虚弱。 She may be a nurse. 她可能是个护士。 Her face was seamed with wrinkles. 她脸上布满皱纹。 She wears her hair long. 她留长发。 What she must have paid for her diamonds! 她买那些钻石首饰一定花了不少钱! She doesn't manifest much desire to marry him. 她没有表白真想嫁给他的意愿。 She showed no visible nervousness. 她没有表现出明显的紧张。 She goes to the cinema once a week. 她每星期去看一次电影。 She writes to her parents once a week. 她每周给父母写一封信。 It was her lot to suffer through life. 她命该一辈子受苦。 Her mother made away with herself. 她母亲自杀了。 She is pure within. 她内心纯洁。 The magic of her voice charmed the audience. 她那歌喉的魅力令观众陶醉。 Is she able to wash the dirty mark out of her coat? 她能把大衣上的污迹洗掉吗? There she lay year in year out, unable to move, and with no hope of recovery. 她年复一年地躺在那儿,既不能动弹,也没有康复的希望。 She was young and vivacious. 她年轻又活泼。 She yearned for his presence. 她盼望着他的出现。 She ran to the other side and volleyed into the net. 她跑到另一边截球入网。 Her mother-in-law drove a wedge between her and her husband. 她婆婆挑起她与丈夫间的不和。 She calls down God's wrath on him. 她祈求上帝惩罚他。 She turned white with rage. 她气得脸色发白。 She withered him with a scornful look. 她轻蔑的一瞥使他无地自容。 She wrenched the meaning of the passage. 她曲解了这段文字的意义。 She yearned to visit the village where she was born. 她热切盼望能去她出生的那个村子看看。 She gave her husband a loving look. 她深情地看了看丈夫。 She winked a warning at me. 她使眼色警告我。 She tried writing out her views. 她试着把自己的想法写下来。 She is a scientist of the first water. 她是第一流的科学家。 She was a willful child. 她是个任性的孩子。 She was a welcome visitor. 她是个受欢迎的来宾。 She was a voluptuous creature with blonde hair. 她是个性感十足的金发尤物。 She migrated to Australia years ago. 她是好多年以前移居澳大利亚的。 She is a social worker. 她是一个社会福利工作者。 She was a yardstick against which I could measure my achievements. 她是一个我可以用来衡量我的成就的准绳。 She was a voluntary helper. 她是自愿帮忙的。 She said she would come. 她说过她会来的。 She said she would come. 她说过她会来的。 She said she'd love to come sometime. 她说她很想找个时间来。 She said she would go mates with Bill. 她说她将成为比尔的伙伴。 She has a clean, wholesome look. 她外表乾净、健康。 She's so wrapped up in him that she can't see his faults. 她完全迷上了他,连他的缺点也看不见了。 She's so wrapped up in him that she can't see his faults. 她完全迷上了他,连他的缺点也看不见了。 She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。 She works hard for the welfare of the poor. 她为了穷人的福利而辛勤工作。 She worked for the well-being of the underprivileged. 她为下层贫困民众的福利而努力。 She washed her face and hands, then went downstairs. 她洗了脸和手之后走下楼去。 She was visibly nervous. 她显然很紧张。 Her wish to become a doctor has come true. 她想当医生的愿望实现了。 She told him all her woes. 她向他倾诉全部苦恼。 She gave me a watery smile. 她向我淡淡地一笑。 She wrote Ellis that his father was not well. 她写信给埃利斯,告诉他他父亲身体欠佳。 She was weighted down with cares. 她心事重重。 She learned the hard way that life can be cruel for a woman alone in a big city. 她辛酸地体认到,在大城市里一个孤身女人的生活是很艰难的。 She chose nursing as her vocation. 她选择护士为职业。 She learned to master her anger. 她学会了控制自己不发火。 She zipped through her homework, and then went to a movie. 她迅速做完功课,然后就看电影去了。 She wagged her head. 她摇摇头。 She is going to give a lecture on American Verse. 她要做一个关于美国诗歌的讲座。 She grabbed her husband by the wrist and dragged him away. 她一把抓住她丈夫的手腕将他拖走了。 She withdrew her eyes from his smashed right hand. 她移开视线不去看他那只打烂的右手。 She was worn down with fatigue. 她已疲惫不堪。 She enjoyed the luxury of doing good. 她以行善为乐事。 She wound up her speech with a quotation. 她以一句引言结束她的演讲。 She is wasting away from an illness. 她因病消瘦了。 Old age withered her face. 她因年迈而面容枯槁。 She was vexed at her failure. 她因失败而苦恼。 She was punished for giving false witness. 她因作伪证受到惩处。 She is worthy to receive such honor. 她应该得到此荣誉。 It took her a long time to figure out who the wrongdoer was. 她用了很长时间才琢磨出谁是做坏事的人。 She wrote plays in verse. 她用诗写剧本。 Her spirit was wrenched with grief at the loss. 她由于这一损失而极度悲伤。 She wavered between staying single and accepting his proposal. 她犹豫不决,不知是继续做单身女郎好,还是接受他的求婚好。 She has the figure of a mature woman. 她有成年女性的体型。 Something is wrong with her. 她有问题。 Once again she wormed out of trouble. 她又一次逐渐摆脱了困境。 She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause. 她愿为高尚的事业捐款。 She watched for her chance to cross the road. 她在等待机会过马路。 She devoted the main of the second chapter to the political system of the country. 她在第二章里主要讨论了该国的政治体制。 She was wrestling with assignments in mathematics. 她在苦苦对付数学作业。 She got lost in the forest. 她在森林里迷了路。 She wore loose garments in the summer. 她在夏天穿宽松的衣服。 She works in a restaurant. 她在一家饭店工作。 In her will she left all her money to her children. 她在遗嘱中将其所有的钱留给子女。 She wields a lot of power in the government. 她在政府中有很大的权力。 She blames me, and in a manner, she's right. 她责备我,从某方面来说,她是对的。 Her husband is a U.S. marine. 她丈夫是一名美国海军陆战队士兵。 She had no will of her own. 她这人没有主见。 She is whispering to him. 她正对他窃窃私语。 She vowed that she would take the matter to court. 她郑重宣布要把这事诉诸法律。 She had to walk to the station and so lost her train. 她只能步行去车站,因而没赶上火车。 She was loyal to her faith. 她忠于自己的信念。 She majors in English. 她主修英语。 She specializes in marine law. 她专门研究海事法。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司