翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 obstacle flow 障碍流 obstacle gain 障碍增益 obstacle indicator 障碍指示器; 故障指示器 obstacle light 障碍灯 obstacle marking 障碍标记 obstacle of vibration 振动危害 obstacle performance 越障性能 obstacle plan 障碍设置计划 obstacle profile 障碍轮廓尺寸 obstacle quasi-static crossing 准静态越障 obstacle race 越障竞赛 obstacle shadow 障碍影 obstacle spacing 障碍物间距 obstacle takeoff 越障碍起飞 obstacle to drainage 排水障碍 obstacle zone 障碍地带 obstacle-height to wheel-diameter ratio 障碍高度与车轮直径比 obsterical history 婚育史 obstertrical 产科的 obstetric 产科的 obstetric bed pan 产科便盆 obstetric canal 产道 obstetric chair 产科椅; 妇科用椅; 分娩椅 obstetric delivery bed 产床 obstetric forceps 产钳 obstetric hook 产科钩 obstetric operation 产科手术 obstetric paralysis 产伤麻痹; 产伤瘫痪 obstetric scoop 产勺 obstetric table 产床 obstetrical chain 产科锯; 产科链 obstetrical department 产科 obstetrical diagnosis of hereditary disease 遗传病产科诊断 obstetrical forceps for cesarean section 剖腹位产钳 obstetrical instruments set 产科器械包 obstetrical position 分娩卧位 obstetrical shock 产科休克 obstetrical ward 产科病房 stetrician obstetrist 产科医师 obstetrician's hand 助产士手 obstetrics 助产学; 产科学 obstinacy 顽固 obstinate 顽固性的 obstinate cardiac insufficiency 顽固性心功能不全 obstinate heart failure 顽固性心力衰竭 obstinate shock 顽固性休克 obstipation 顽固性便秘; 顽强便秘; 便结 obstruct 碍; 障碍 obstructed 阻塞的 obstructed cavity 阻塞性空洞 obstructed channel 渠道堵塞 obstructed crest of spillway 设闸的溢洪道顶 obstructed labor 梗阻性分娩; 阻塞性分娩 obstruction 阻塞; 梗阻; 障碍物; 遮断 obstruction beacon 障碍物信标 obstruction buoy 障碍浮筒; 障碍物浮标; 沉航浮标 obstruction by slime 粘液化 obstruction clearance 障碍物间隙 obstruction fading 障碍衰落 obstruction gauge limit 障碍物限界 obstruction lamp 障碍物标志灯 obstruction light 障碍灯标; 障碍物标志灯 obstruction marker 障碍物标志 obstruction marking 障碍物标示 obstruction of bladder 膀胱梗阻 obstruction of cisterna chyli 乳糜池梗阻 obstruction of colon 结肠梗阻 obstruction of fallopian tube 输卵管梗阻 obstruction of lymphatic return 淋巴回流受阻 obstruction of Oddi's sphincter 奥狄氏括约肌阻塞 obstruction of orifices 七窍不通 obstruction of pharynx 咽梗阻 obstruction of vesicourethral orifice 膀胱尿道口梗阻 obstruction period of traffic 阻车时间 obstruction restriction surface 限制障碍物的地面 obstruction theory 障碍理论 obstruction to a homotopy 同伦的障碍 obstruction to vision 视程障碍; 能见度变坏 obstruction type 梗阻型 obstruction warning 障碍报警 obstructive 障碍; 梗阻性的 obstructive cardiomyopathy 梗阻型心肌病 obstructive cavernous tuberculoma 阻塞空洞型结核球 obstructive disease of lung 阻塞性肺疾病 obstructive dysmenorrhea 梗阻性痛经 obstructive dysphagia 梗阻性吞咽困难 obstructive dyspnea 梗阻性呼吸困难 obstructive emphysema 梗阻性肺气肿; 阻塞性肺气肿 obstructive glaucoma 闭角性青光眼 obstructive halogenation 阻抑卤化 obstructive hydrocephalus 阻塞性脑积水 obstructive hydrocephaly 梗阻性脑积水 obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 梗阻性肥厚性心肌病 obstructive jaundice 梗阻性黄疸; 阻塞性黄疸; 机械性黄疸 obstructive myocardiosis 梗阻型心肌病 obstructive pneumonia 阻塞性肺炎 obstructive pulmonary cardiopathy 阻塞性肺原性心脏病 obstructive thrombus 阻塞性血栓 obtain 取得; 得; 得到; 获得 obtain a high price 卖好价钱 obtain carbon from the air 从空气摄取碳 obtain raw materials locally 就地取材; 就地取材 obtainable 可获得的 obtainable accuracy 可达精度 obtained mean 实得平均值 obtaining credit by fraud 骗取信用 obtaining property by deception 诈欺取物 obtected pupa 被蛹 obtend 对照 obtical tunnel filter 光学隧道滤光片 obturating cup 密封碗 obturation 充塞 obturator 充塞物; 紧塞具; 气密装置; 障塞器; 闭孔器; 填充体 obturator bernia 闭孔疝 obturator branch 闭孔支 obturator canal 闭膜管 obturator crest 闭孔嵴 obturator fascia 闭孔肌筋膜; 闭孔筋膜 obturator foramen 闭孔 obturator groove 闭孔沟 obturator lymph nodes 闭孔淋巴结 obturator membrane 闭孔膜 obturator nerve 闭孔神经 obturator nerve injury 闭孔神经损伤 obturator pad 紧塞垫 obturator pouch 闭孔囊 obturator ring 闭塞环; 紧塞圈 obturator sign 闭孔征 obturator spindle 紧塞轴 obturator spindle spring 紧塞轴弹簧 obturator sulcus 闭孔沟 obturator test 闭孔肌试验 obturatorius 闭孔肌 obtuse 迟钝的; 钝角; 钝角的; 钝头的 obtuse angled triangle 钝角三角形 obtuse bisectrix 钝角等分线 obtusin 纯菇菌素; 决明素; 决明素 obversion 转弯 obvious 明显的; 显著的; 清楚的 obvious fault 明显故障 obvious proliferation 增生明显活跃 obvolvent 抱合 ocean observation tower 海洋观测塔 ocean weather station observation 定点观测 oceanographic hydrological observation 海洋水文观测 oceanographic observation 海洋观测 off-band observation 离带观测 Ogilvie's syndrome false colonic obstruction 奥吉尔维氏综合征 open object 开放目标 operation objectives 经营目标; 经营目标 optical object 光学天体 optical observation 光学观测; 光学观察 optically visible object 光学可见天体 Orbiting Solar Observatory OSO 轨道太阳观测台 orthoscopic observation 平行光观察 otosclerosis with obliteration of round window 耳硬化症合并圆窗闭塞 output of the object program 目标程序的输出 ovate-oblong 长卵形的 oxydiaminogen OB 氧基双胺精OB pair observations 双观测 paired observation 对比观察 pairs of observation 双观测 paralysis of inferior oblique 眼下斜肌瘫痪 paralysis of superior oblique 眼上斜肌瘫痪 parfocal objective 齐焦物镜 partial objectives for 分目标 partial obsolescence 部分陈旧 partial obstruction 部分性梗阻; 不全性梗阻 partially consistent observation 部分一致观测值 pelvic obliquity 骨盆倾斜角度; 骨盆斜度 periodic observation 定期观测 permanent object 永久目标; 永久性对象 phase objective 相差接物镜 phasing out of obsolete machinery 淘汰旧机器 phenological observation 物候观测 photoelectric observation 光电观测 photogrammetric objective 摄影测量物镜 photographic objective 照相物镜 photographic observation 摄影观测 phototheodolite objective 摄影经纬仪物镜 Physocladia obscura 球歧壶菌 pilotballoon observation 测风气球观测 placenta obsoleta 废用胎盘 Planchonella obovata 山榄 pledge of obligation 债权抵押 plot observer 测绘员 point object 点目标 point of observation 观测点 polar oblateness 极向扁率 polarization objective 偏振光物镜 pole-on object 极向天体 policy for internal observance 内部政策 poly-lens objective 多透镜物镜 pons-oblongata 脑桥延髓 porcelain oblong fuse box 长方瓷保险丝盒 portable magnetic observatory 轻便地磁台 post-inflammatory obstruction of portal vein 炎症后门静脉梗阻 posterior obturator tubercle 闭孔后结节 primary objective 主要目标 prime oblique meridian 本初斜子午线 principle of harmony of objective 目的协调原则 priority requirement objective list 优先需求目标单 ability of obstacle-clearing 越障概率 project management by objectives 项目目标管理 projection objective 投影物镜 projective object 射影对象 protected object 堡目标 pseudo-object-language 伪对象语言 psychologic warfare objective 心理战目标 Puccinia obtegens 小疣柄锈菌 pulmonary venous obstruction 肺静脉阻塞 pyloric obstruction 幽门梗阻 qualitative materiel development objective 物资质量发展目标 qualitative observation 质的观察 quarantine object 检疫对象 quasi-observation 拟观测值 quasi-stellar object QSO 类星体 quotient object 商对象 radar conspicuous object 显著雷达目标 radar meteorological observation 雷达气象观测 radar observation system 雷达监测系统 radar weather observation 雷达气象观测 radio observation 无线电观测 radiometeorograph observation 无线电气象观测 radiosonde observation 探空仪观测 radiowind observation 无线电测风观测 Ramischia obtusata 团叶单侧花 ramus obturatorius 闭孔支 random background object 无规分布背景天体 random observation 在工作抽样中所作的随机观察 随机观察 ranked observation value 分级观测值 radiosonde observation 无线电探空观测 raphe medullae oblongatae 延髓缝 rawinsonde observation 无线电探空测风观测 receiving objective 接收物镜 reciprocal observation 对向观测 reconnaissance by direct observation 直接观测侦察 reconnaissance objective 侦察目标 record observation 记录观测 recruiting objective 征兵指标 reference -to-object energy ratio 参考对物光能量比 reference object ratio 参物比 reflected object wave 反射物波 reflecting object 反射物体 reflecting objective 反射物镜 reflecting-type microscope objective 反射型显微物镜 reflection objective 反射物镜 register observation device 定位检视器 regular observation 定时观测 relay objective 换向物镜 relief from obligation 免除义务 relocatable object code 浮动结果代码; 可浮动目标码 relocatable object module 可浮动目标模块 relocatable object module format 可浮动目标模块的格式 relocatable object program 浮动目标程序 relocating object loader 浮动目标装配程序 remote observation 远距离观测 remotely-controlled object 遥控对象 remove obstacles 消除障碍物 repeated observations 重复观测值 representative observation 典型观测; 代表性观测 respiratory tract obst ruction 呼吸道阻塞 retracted type obstetric delivery bed 牵引式产床 reversed telephoto objective 反向望远物镜 right posterior oblique position 右后斜位 right ventricular obstruction syndrome 右心室阻塞性衰竭综合征 Roederer's obliquity 娄德雷氏倾斜 Ross objective 罗斯镜头; 罗斯物镜 routine observation 常规观测 runway observation 跑道气象观测 runway obstruction 跑道障碍 sales objective matrix 销售目标矩阵表 salt-obligate species 需盐种 sample observations 样本观测值 saphenous vein obstruction 隐静脉梗阻 satellite observation station 卫星观测站 satellite-missile observation system 卫星观测系统 scale model study of obstacles 障碍缩尺模型研究 scanning object beam 扫描物光束 scanning objective 扫描物镜 scattered observation 分散观察 sciatic bursa of internal obturator muscle 闭孔内肌坐骨囊 scout-observation seaplane 侦察观测水上飞机 sea surface observation 海面观测 sea-level observation 海平面观潮 sectional observation 断面观测 sectiones medullae oblongatae 延髓切面 octodenary 十八进制的 octodrine 二甲己胺 octofoil 八瓣形 octofoil figure 八瓣形 octohydroxyarachidic acid 八羟基花生酸 Octoid gear 奥克托齿轮 octomethylene 环辛烷 octonary 八倍频的; 八进制的 octonary number system 八进制 octonary signaling 八进制信号发送 octopamine 羟苯乙醇胺; 酚乙醇胺; 章鱼胺 octoploid 八倍体 Octopoda 八腕目 octopolar system 八极体系 octopus 章鱼 octoroon 八分混种 octoses 辛糖 octual sequence 八进制系列 octuple 八倍; 八维; 八重 octuple press 八重印刷机 octuple space 八维空间 octupler diode 八倍频变容二极管 octuplex telegraphy 八路电报 octupole 八极 octyl 辛烷基 octyl 2-cyanoacrylate 氰基丙烯酸辛酯 octyl benzoate 苯甲酸辛酯 octyl formate 甲酸辛酯 octylacetic acid 癸酸 octylene 辛烯 ocuba wax 肉豆蔻蜡 ocular blind 目镜光阑 ocular capsule 眼球囊; 特农氏囊 ocular carcinoma 眼癌 ocular circle 出射光瞳; 出瞳 ocular connectors 目系 ocular contusion 撞击伤目 ular cysticercosis ocular hydatidosis 眼囊虫症 ocular cystoscope for teaching 膀胱镜教学接目镜 ocular deviation 目珠偏斜 ocular form 眼型 ocular fundus 眼底 ocular glass 目镜 ocular gymnastics 眼保健操 ocular head 目镜头 ocular hyper-telorism 两眼距离过远 ocular hypertelorism 两眼距离过远; 眼距过宽 ocular lens 接目镜; 接眼镜 ocular micrometer 接目测微计; 目测微计 ocular movemeut 眼球活动 ocular muscular dystrophy 眼肌营养障碍 ocular nystagmus 眼病性眼球震颤 ocular paralysis 眼肌麻痹; 眼麻痹 ocular pemphigus 眼天疱疮 ocular pie 目镜 ocular piece 目镜 ocular prism 目镜棱镜 ocular proptosis 眼球突出 ocular prosthesis 眼修复术; 人工眼; 假眼 ocular rupture 眼球破裂 ocular sclerites 围眼片 ocular spectroscope 目镜分光镜; 目视分光镜 ocular surface 视角面 ocular thread 目镜螺纹; 目镜蛛丝 ocular torticollis 眼性斜颈 ocular-micrometer 接目镜测微计 ocular-perforating injury 眼球穿孔伤 oculist 眼科医师 oculistics 眼科治疗学 oculo-dentoosseous syndrome 眼齿骨综合征 oculo-oro-genital syndrome 眼口生殖器综合征 ulocardiac reflex 眼心反射; 阿施内氏反射 ulocephalogyric reflex 眼头运动反射 ulocerebrorenal dystrophy 眼离肾营养障碍; 眼脑肾营养不良症 ulocerebrorenal syndrome 勒韦氏综合征; 洛氏病 oculodentodigital dysplasia 眼齿指发育不全 oculogravicillusion 重力异趁视 oculogyration 眼球旋动 oculogyria 眼球旋动 oculogyric crisis 动眼神经危象 oculomotor nerve 动眼神经 oculomotor nucleus 动眼神经核 oculomotor paralysis 动眼神经麻痹 oculus dexter 右眼 oculus sinister OS 左眼 ulusoculi 眼 ocurrence of coal seam 煤层赋存 ocusert pilo 毛果芸香碱 operator-defined occurrence 算符定义性出现 orographic occlusion 地形锢囚 orthoscopic ocular 无畸变目镜 os occipitales 枕骨 oscillatory occurence 振荡现象 oscillatory occurences 振荡现象 owner-occupied housing 房主自用住宅 Pacific Ocean 太平洋 par lateralis ossis occipitalis 枕骨侧部 seismographic observation 地震观测 seismographic observatory 地震观测站 seismological observation 地震观测 semiapochromatic objective 半消色差接目镜; 半消色差接物镜 sense of obstruction 梗塞感; 梗阻感 separable obligation 可分的债务 sequential investigation observation 序贯调查观测值 sequential observation 序贯观测 serial observation 定点分层观测 service observation 业务检查 service observing board 服务观测板 settlement observation 沉降观测; 沉陷观测 severe-storm observation 强风暴观测 short-focus objective 短焦距物镜 sickle senna Cassia tora; Cassia obtusifolia 决明; 决明 simple obesity 单纯性肥胖 simple object 简单对象 Simpson's obstetric forceps 辛普森氏产钳 simultaneous observation 同步观测; 同时观测 single observatlon plot 简单观察小区 single-theodolite observation 单点经纬仪观测 sinus obliqus pericardii 心包斜窦 sinus obliquus 斜窦 small object detector 小目标探测器 smoke obscuring screen 烟幕 smoke observation device 烟气观测装置 social objective 社会目标 soft focus objective 软焦物镜 solar oblateness 太阳扁率 solar radiation observation 太阳辐射观测 solar-radiation observation 日射观测 solitary tract of medulla oblongata 孤束 some observation on 某些观察 sound ranging observation post 声测所 sound-scattering object 声散射物 source object 始对象 special observation 特殊观测 spherical mirror objective 球面反射式物镜 staff objective 参谋部门目标 stage observation 水位观测 standard colorimetric observer 标准比色观测仪 standard deviation observating 标准差观察 standard observation 标准观测 standard observer 标准观测员 standard observer data 标准观测数据 star observation 恒星观测 starlight medium range observation device 星光中程观察装置 starlike optical object 类星光学天体 state observability 状态可观测性 state observer 状态观测器 statement of objectives 叙述目标 statistical object 统计对象 statistical observation 统计观测值 stereoscopic observation 立体像观察法; 体视观测 stockage objective 库存指示 strangulated intestinal obstruction 绞窄性肠梗阻 strategic objective 战略目标 strategic objectives plan 战力目标计划 oscopic observation 高速机床试验 频闪观察 strong object 强对比度景物 strong oblique reflection 强斜反射 structural obstacles 结构性障碍 structured object 结构化对象; 结构化事物 structured object representation 结构化对象表示法 sulcus obturatorius 闭孔沟 sun observation 太阳观测 supplementary observation 辅助观测; 补充观测 surety obligation 保证债务 surface observation 地面观测 surface weather observation 地面天气观测 symbiotic objects 共生星 symmetrical object glass 对称物镜 synthetic observation 内插同步观测 synthetic obstetric table 综合产床 systematic observation 系统观测 tactical obstacle 战术障碍物 tank obstacle 反坦克障碍物 tanks left oblique 坦克向左斜进 tanks right oblique 坦克向右斜进 target-object contrast 标板反差 tax obligation 纳税义务 telemetry observation system 遥测监测系统; 远程观测系统 telephoto objective 摄远物镜 telescope objective 望远物镜 television observation system 电视监测系统 telex service observation 用户电报业务观测 temperature observation 温度观测 test objective 试验目的 test observation 试验观察 test-object 试标 theory of objective value 客观价值论; 客观价值学说 three lens objective 三片物镜 three-lens objective 三透镜物镜 thromboangiitis obliterans 血栓闭塞性血管炎; 血栓性闭塞性脉管炎; 伯格氏病; 闭塞性血栓血管炎 thromboangitis obliterans 血管闭塞性脉管炎 tidal current observation 潮流观测 tidal observation 潮汐观测 tidal observatory 潮汐观测站 tide observation 潮汐观测 tillage objective 耕作目的 timber block obstacle 木椿砦 time observatory 时间观象台 total obscuring power 总蒙蔽本领 tracing observation 追踪观察 traction handle for obstetric forceps 产钳牵引柄 tractus solitarius medullae oblongatae 孤束 training objective 训练目标; 训练目标 transmitting objective lens 发射物镜 treatment for obesity 减肥疗法 treaty obligation 条约义务 triparted observation 三点观测 trust obligation 信托合约 tuberculum obturatorium posterius 闭孔后结节 tuft observation 丝丛法观察 twin oblique photograph 双镜头倾斜航摄照片 twin oblique photography 双镜头倾斜摄影术 two-lens objective 双透镜物镜 two-mirror objective 双镜物镜 ultimate objective 最极目标 ultrasonic obstacle detector 超声波障碍探测器 uncertainty of objective 目标的不确定性 underwater object detecting set 水下目标探测器 underwater obstacle 水下障碍物 unidentified flying object UFO 未查明真相的空中飞行物; 未识别飞行物; 不明飞行体 unilateral observation 一侧观察 unit of observation 观察单位 unmanned observation balloon 无人观测气球 unmanned seismic observatory USO 无人地震监测站 unreliable observation 不可靠观测值 urinary obstruction 尿路梗阻 urinary tract obstruction 泌尿系梗阻 variable focus objective 可变焦物镜 variable radio object 变射电体 varifocal objective 变焦物镜 vector-valued objective function 多目标函数; 矢性目标函数 veins of medulla oblongata 延髓静脉 venae medullae oblongatae 延髓静脉 venae obturatoriae 闭孔静脉 venous obstruction 静脉梗阻; 静脉梗阻 vertical obstacle sonar VOS 竖直障碍声纳 viewing objective 观察物镜 visual object line 可见轮廓线 visual objective 目视物镜 visual observation 目测法; 目观测; 目视观测; 目视观察; 直观研究法; 外部观察 visual observation system 目力监测系统 water obstacle 水上障碍物 water-level observation 水位观测 water-quality observation 水质观测 wave object 波动物体 wave observation 波浪观测 wave observation radar 测波雷达 wave observation tower 波浪观测塔 weak object 弱对比度景物 weather observation 天气观测 weather observation flight 气象观测飞行 weather observation ship 气象观测船 weather observatory 气象台 weather observer 气象观测员 weight of observation 观测权数 weighted observation 加权观测 white object 白目标; 白体; 反射体 wild observation 不切实际的观测值 without obligation 不计价 Yerkes objective 耶基斯物镜; 耶克物镜 Zeiss objective 蔡斯物镜 zone observation 分区观测 acute obstruction of upper respiratory tract 急性上呼吸道梗阻 paralysis of orbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌麻痹 Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome 结膜-腺炎综合征 pars occipitalis 枕部 pars occipitalis capsulae internae 内囊枕部 partially-occupied band 不满带 penetrating ocular injuries 穿通性眼外伤 persistent occipitoposterior position 持续性枕后位 persistent occipitotransverse position 持续性枕横位 petro-occipital fissure 岩枕裂 petrology of ocean floor 海底岩石学 physical oceanography 物理海洋学; 海洋物理学 plumbic ocher 高铅赭石 pollination occur within the bud 在花蕾内发生授粉 polus occipitalis 枕极 polus posterior bulbi oculi 眼球后极 posterior intra-occipital synchondrosis 枕内后结合 posterior lobus occipitalis 枕叶后端 power from ocean tides 潮力 primary ocular pressure 原始眼压 primary ocular vesicle 原视泡 primitive ocean 原始海洋 probability of occurrence 出现概率; 事件概率 protrusive occlusal chewing movement 前位咬合运动 protrusive occlusion 前伸; 前位咬合 pseudo-ochronosis 假褐黄病 puerperal tubal occlusion 产生输卵管闭塞 pupil occlusion 瞳孔闭锁 quarter octagon steel 四角方钢 quasi-oceanic crust 准洋壳 rail and occean 铁路运输及海运 rami occipitales 枕支 Ramsden ocular 冉斯登目镜 ramus occipitaltemporalis 枕颞支 random occurrence 随机事件 rated octane number 实测辛烷值 recession of ocular muscle 眼肌提后术 recession of ocular muscles 眼肌后徙术 record occurrence 记录具体值 recovery occurs without treatment 不治而愈 rectus oculi 眼直肌 red ocher 红赭石; 赤铁矿 regio occipitalis 枕区 regular octahedron 正八面体 remnant ocean 残留大洋 remnant ocean basin 残留洋盆 remote sensing instrumentation for oceanography 海洋学遥感仪器 research octane 研究法辛烷值 resection of ocular muscle 眼肌切除术 residual ochre 残遗赭石 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司