翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 terminal veryhigh-frequency omnirange 终端甚高频全向信标 terminal VHF omnirange 终端甚高频全向指向标 trigonum omoclaviculare 肩胛舌骨肌锁骨三角 trigonum omotracheale 肩胛舌骨肌气管三角 tuber omentale 网膜结节 tumor of omentum 网膜肿瘤 udnesion o omentum 网膜粘连 uppermost belly of omohyoid muscle 肩胛舌骨肌上腹 venter inferior musculi omohyoidei 肩胛舌骨肌下腹 venter superior musculi omohyoidei 肩胛舌骨肌上腹 very high frequency omnidirectional range 甚高频全向无线电指向标 very-high-frequency omnidirectional radio range 甚高频全向无线电信标 vestibule of omental bursa 网膜囊前庭 vestibulum bursae omentalis 网膜囊前庭 VHF omnirange 甚高频全向指向标 coptis omeiensis 峨嵋野连 cyst of omentum 网膜囊肿 fraus omnia vitiat 诈骗使一切都失效 gastro-omental 胃网膜的 gastrosplenic omentum 胃脾韧带 antic omen 风水 greater omentum 大网膜 a of omentum 网膜血肿 horse with ommel 鞍马 inferior omental recess 网膜囊下隐窝 jugulo-omohyoid lymph node 颈内静脉肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结; 颈内静脉肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结 lesser omentum 小网膜 lowermost belly of omohyoid muscle 肩胛舌骨肌下腹 magnetic type speed ometer 磁力式速度计 micro-Omega 微奥米加 narrow-band-long-wave omnidirectional range 窄带长波全向无线电信标 nephro-omentopexy 肾网膜固定术 Office of Trade Ombudsman OTO 贸易申诉局 omalgia 肩痛 omarthritis 肩关节炎 omasitis 牛的瓣胃炎 omasum 歧管; 重瓣胃 Omazene 灭菌铜 ombrology 测雨学 ombrophile 好雨植物; 适雨植物 ombrophilous plant 避雨植物; 好雨植物; 喜雨植物 ombrophobe 避雨植物 ombrophobia 雨恐怖 ombrophyte 适雨植物 ombroscope 报雨器 omega 奥米加介子 omegameson 奥米加介子 omegatron 奥米伽器; 高频回旋质谱仪; 高频质谱仪 omegatron gauge 回旋真空规 egatron mass spectrometer 回旋质谱仪 omegatron tube 回旋计管 omeire 乳酒 omen 前兆; 预兆 omental 网膜的 omental band 网膜带 omental cyst 网膜囊肿 omental enterocleisis 肠穿孔网膜覆盖术 omental foramem 温斯娄氏孔 omental hernis 网膜疝 omental sac 网膜囊 2-methyl-1-butene-3-one 2-甲基-1-丁烯-3-酮 a little rust on the leaves 叶上的一点锈斑 the lumbodorsal region 按摩腰眼 e speed control 自动单速调整 total contracted 平均订约利率 B oneBl 二等 balance based on a shortage of products 按短线平衡 balance based on an oversupply of products 按长线平衡 current account and long-term capital 经常项目和长期资本往来的平衡; 经常项目和长期资本往来的平衡 balance on goods and services 货物和服务的平衡 balance on hand 库存余数; 现有余款 ban on maritime voyages 海禁 bank deposit on enterprise fund 企业基金银行存款 bank on-line teller system 银行联机用户服务系统 banking on-line system 银行业务联机系统 e, two or five jiao denominations 毛票 annual contracts 空船年度租约 bargain on the spot 现款交易 barring-on 移圈 base-one peak voltage 基极-峰值电压 based on fuel 根据燃料计算 production 以产定销 be modelled on 仿造 sible for one's own finance 财政包干 bead-on-plate weld 堆焊焊缝 rubber cushions 装在橡皮垫上 bigger on the hoof 长的比较高大 bill drawn on a letter of credit 信用证汇票 bill on deposit 以汇票为担保的证券 bill payable on demand 来取即付的汇票 dition of repurchase 附有回购条件的售出票据 bills-only policy 专营国库券政策 binary one 二进制的1 on white ground 白地黑花 black onyx 黑宝石 bleach on the green 草地曝晒漂白 the stone 石块爆皮 the upper surface of the tongue 卷帘疔; 卷帘疔 blow-on 开炉 blowing on taphole 出铁口喷火 the monkey 渣口喷火 boil on the toe 趾疔 bolt with one end bent back 弯关螺栓; 弯头螺栓 bolt-on 螺栓紧固 collecting land use fees on different levels 分层次征收地产使用费 on land 陆地上碰撞 color label on a bottle 彩色瓶贴 colour on colour 重色配色法 on ground 地面空战模拟器 come-on system 临时插入系统 the contracts 签署意见 paid on discounted account 客帐贴现佣金 on drafts sold 出口外汇汇票佣金; 出售外汇汇票佣金 paid on discounted 客户贴现佣金 paid on discounted accounts 客帐贴现佣金支出; 应收帐款贴现佣金支出 on issue and public offering 募债手续费; 募债佣金 comparative returns on investments 比较投资效果 complement of one's 二进制反码 one 反码 complement-on-nine 九的补数; 九的补数 -one 一的补数; 二进制反码 complement-on-ten 十进制补码 complement-on-two 二进制补码 on architecture 建筑构图 on an annual basis 逐年计算折旧 computer on slice 单片式计算机; 单片组件式计算机 computer-on-a-chip 单片计算机 guaranteed on arrival 保证到货时状态 the lesion 在病斑上产生分生孢子 sultancy services on heredity 遗传性问题咨询所 sumable electrode used only for heating 加热用焊条 tainer on flat car COFC 平板车装运集装箱 tract of on-carriage 集装箱 续运合同 tract system on fiscal revenue and expenditure 财政收支包干制 trol and read-only memory CROM 控制只读存储器 consumer credit 消费信贷管理 trol on settlement 结算管制 trol read-only memory CROM 控制用只读存储器 copy-on-reference 复制后引用 corner on the market 市场垄断 s on the Errors of Medical Works 医林改错 cost of goods on hand 库存商品成本 cost of goods sold on installment plan 分期付款销售成本 target on comparable products 可比产品成本降低任务 cone 宝塔线 sewing thread on cop 管纱线 sewing thread on spool wooden bobbin 木纱团 sewing threads on cylinders 蜡筒线 credit based on real property 不动产信用 the ring fabrication 支承环的制造要点 g period on artificial media 在人工培养基上长期培养 culture on the hill 垄上栽培 contact 开关触点电流 Containers 集装箱海关公约 daily report on loans from branch offices 分行贷款日报 data on flows 流量数据 date on which the claim becomes due 债务到期日 day on demurrage 超过装御期限之日期; 超过碇泊日期数 deal on credit 信用交易 bond 借据 debug on-line 联机调试; 联机检错; 联机排除错误 debugging on-line 联机调试; 联线调试 decentralizing management on a household basis 分户经营 one milliwatt dBm 基于一毫瓦的分贝数 decibels relative to one volt 伏特分贝 decide on a verdict 安案 awards through discussion 评奖 declare a ban on 取缔 carved on paste 雕花装饰 on structured object 结构化事物的演绎运算 deferred profit on instalment sales 分期收款销货递延利润 deficit on the books 帐面赤字 degree of freedom on a node basis 节点自由度 consignment 托销 delivery on field 就地交货; 就地交货 delivery on the spot 现场交货 demand on processor 对中央处理机的需求 depend on 取决于 dependence on foreign trade 贸易依存度 dependent on soil temperature 取决于土壤温度 ditions 取决于载培和生长条件 dition of the soil 取决于土壤的情况 deposits of one-year maturity 一年为期的定期存款 accounting on a group basis 分组折旧法 on properties 财产折旧 on replacement value 重置价值折旧 Di-On 敌草隆 eating the poisons 食毒而死 diminish rates on cost method 变率递减法 money 降低货币利息 direct-on starter 直接起动器 direct-on starting 直接起动 direct-on-line processor 直接联机处理机 direct-on-line switching 直接合闸; 直接起动 discharge one's duties 行使职权 e's functions and powers 行使职权 common stock account 普通股折价帐 discount on purchases 进货折让 discount on returned sales 销货退回折扣; 退货的销售折扣 discount on sales 销售折扣 on ceramics 陶说 disk on rod type circuit 加感同轴电路 of iesponsibility 免除责任 coil condene 磨口蛇形管蒸馏器 coil condenser 磨蛇形管蒸馏器 based on manufacturing cost 依制造成本分配 on a reciprocal basis 交互分配法 on entries 分配分录 dividend on land shares 土地分红 one's account 自营商业 Do not stake on top 勿放顶上 draft on demand 来取即付的汇票 drag on 拨进 drag-on carriage 板料拖运小车 drain on manpower and material resources 人力物力的消耗 draw on 签发 draw on a frame 脱框起模 one's credit 凭信用借款 draw on pins 顶杆起模 draw on rollover 翻转起模 drawn on 硬背装订 drying on baskets 吊篮干燥 dynamically descendent on-unit 动态子系中断单位 earn one's bread or living 谋生活 omize on raw materials 降低原料消耗 on human health 空气污染对人体健康的影响 decision-making 决策效果; 决策效果 enxyme reaction 各种化合物对酶反应的效应 effect on atmospheric pressure 海拔高度对大气压力的影响 ary ontogenesis 胚胎个体发生 button 事故引导按钮 enamel painting on porcelain 瓷胎画珐琅 encroach on 侵犯 control 侵犯污染控制法 end on 端对; 末端对接 end-on 终端对接; 端头向前的; 主解理直角工作面 end-on coupling 端键; 终端耦合 directional array 轴向辐射天线阵 end-on photomultiplier 端窗式光电倍增管 end-on spread 端点放炮排列 end-on-courses 接续学程 endurance limit on base 对称的应力换向循环下的疲劳极限 engine on 发动发动机 of profit rates on capital 资本利润率平均化 in one unknown 一元方程 on the spot 就地诊验; 就地诊验 s noted on the bill of lading 提单批注 national defence 国防支出 e's arms horizontally 两臂平伸 long length 超长货物附加费 on site 现场制作 fading on line-of-sight path 视线电路衰落 fading on troposphericscatter path 对流层散射电路衰落 fall on the silk 落在穗丝上 e's personal needs 自留地 feather one's own nests 肥私囊 feeding on beetle larvae 食叶甲幼虫 on the palmar surface of the middle finger 鳅肚疔 field of plane on a manifold 流形上的平面场 field of vector on a manifold 流形上的向量场 fighter only display 战斗机指示器 on paper 纸上过滤 finish one side 单面光制 finished goods on hand 现存制成品 Finsler structure on a manifold 流形上的芬斯拉结构 fire insurance on stock and supplies 库存物资的火灾保险 first put on trial sale 先行试销 fit on 装配上; 外配合 fitting-on 安装 fixed program read-only storage 固定程序只读存储器 on a periodic basis 以期定量 flare onset 耀斑激发 flattened both on the outer surface 内外表面都略呈扁平形 float on-float off 浮进浮出 the palpebral conjunctiva 睑生风粟; 睑生风粟 follow on current 持续电流 follow-on die 连续冲模 follow-on 改进型的 follow-on subassembly 随动组件 for deposit only 仅限转帐 only 仅供参考 force on 压入 force on charge 磁力 forced-flow once-through steam generator 增压直流锅炉 foreign body on cornea 角膜异物 fork hay onto a stack 叉草上垛 four in one bucket 四合一铲斗 e address instruction 四加一地址指令 e address instruction format 四加一地址指令格式 free from damage on the machined surface 机加工面无损伤 free movement of vessel on supports 支座上的容器活动不受压缩 free on board 船上交货价格 free on board F.O.B. 离岸价 free on board FOB 离岸价格; 就船交货价格; 就船交货价格 free on board cars LCL 开往指定出口港火车上交货价 board destination 目的地交货 free on board harbor 起运港船上交货价格 free on board in harbor 起运港船上交货价格 Free on Board in Harbor FBH 发货地价格 free on board liner terms 按班轮条件船上交货价 free on board plane 飞机上交货价 free on board quay 码头上交货价; 起运码头船上交货价; 启运港码头交货 free on board shipping point 起运地点交货价格 free on board stowed FOB stowed 离岸价包括理舱费 free on board trimmed FOB & T 平舱费用在内的船上交货价 free on board unstowed FOB unstowed 离岸价不包括理舱费 free on car FOC 汽车上交货价 free on plane F.O.P. 飞机上交货价 free on quay F.O.Q. 码头交货价 free on rail 铁路交货 free on steamer FOS 汽船交货价格条件 free on train FOT 铁路敞车交货价 free on truck 敞车交货价格; 卡车交货价 free oneself 解脱 freight on inter branch transfers 分店间送货运费 full width rolled on tube 全幅卷筒 fully-on 全通 e's disposition 可自行支配的资金 e's own discretion 可供自己支配的资金 fungoid new growth on the lips 唇菌 further studies on 进一步研究 fused on 玻璃管 熔融凝住 fusible read-only memory 熔性只读存储器 FWD & pinch on 进带和压带轮接通 version of investment 投资变换收益 gain on disposal 非流动资产出售收益 gain on insurance claim 保险索赔收益 realization of assets 变产利益; 变卖资产收益 gain on sale of investment 出售投资收益 gain returns on investment 投资收入 gaining weight putting on weight 增加体重 gas collecting jar with ground-on cover plate 集气筒 trolled thyristor turn-on time 闸流控制接通时间 trolled turn-on time 闸流控制接通时间 gate on 门通 gear on worm 蜗杆齿轮 participation 参股总协定 general once-over tillage 普遍一次耕作 general overhead of offece on cost 一般间接费用 generator on charge 发电机在充电状态 e's hand on 保证履行契约 ductor read only memory 玻璃半导体只读存储器 go on symbol 继续符号 goods carried on deck 舱面货物 goods on hand 盘存货物; 库存商品 green onyx 绿玉石 grind on 研磨 grind on dead centers 在死顶尖上磨 on installment sales 分期付款销售毛利的列计 gross profit on sales 销货毛利; 销售毛利 grow to one meter or more 长到一米或更高 guarantee on first demand 保证债权人提出立刻履行 hair on the neck of a pig 鬃 hand brake on 手制动器已接合 hand-on background 工作经验 hands-on 动手上机; 实际训练; 实践经验; 交互性工作 hands-on background 实际工作能力 operation 内行操作 hanger-on 缠附物 hard growth on the head of cattle 长在牛头上的硬物 head-on 正面 collision 正碰; 直接碰撞; 迎面碰撞 cross-section 正截面 head-on photomultipier 端窗式光电倍增管 head-on photomultiplier tube 对正光电倍增管 radiation 迎面辐射; 正面辐射; 直接定向辐射 head-on view 正视图 heat-only boilers 纯供热锅炉 hit-on-the-fly printer 全动印刷机 hit-on-the-fly system 飞击式打印机 hit-on-the-line 短暂开路 hog on foot 活猪; 生猪 hog on hook 猪胴体 hold for delivery on request 保存到请求传输 hold on 抓住 to our favorable position in 保持优势 hold-on coil 吸持线圈 holder-on 气顶 holding-on 咬合 holding-on bar 顶铆杠 home on 瞄准 home-on-jam 干扰自动跟踪 homing on 瞄准 hook-on 钳形 hook-on instrument 钩接式仪表; 悬挂式仪表 hook-on type meter 钩接式仪表 hopper-on-rails 行车式料斗 hopper-on-rails type 轨承行斗式 tal one-stage pump 卧式单级泵 tal pulling on machine 卧式套皮壳机 hours on stream 连续工作时数 hyperbolic point on a surface 曲面上的双曲点 hyperboloid of one sheet 单叶双曲面 hypertriiodothy oninemia 高三碘甲状腺原氨酸血症 someone 罚款 on variance 矫正方差估计 in one piece nozzle 单喷嘴 income on investment 投资收入; 投资收益 income tax on intercompany profit 内部利润所得税 salaries and remunerations 薪给报酬所得税 increment tax on land value 土地增值税 by one 按1增量 indicator ON 指示器开启 indicator-on 指示指令接通 influence of forest on soil 森林对土壤的影响 infrared lock-on 红外跟踪; 红外锁定 on trioxys pallidus 胡桃蚜寄生蜂的野外观察 initial tax on land per-mu 初税亩 initiate log-on request 启动请求 inroads on wheat field 侵害麦田 on a tablet 碑文 insidious onset 起病隐袭 hole on roof 屋顶检查孔 on damaged cargo 货物残损检验 on vessels in service 容器在役时的安装 instant on system 瞬间接收制; 即时接通制 instant-on switch 瞬动开关 s on jaws 颌骨手术器械 integral one-piece mainshaft 多缸转子发动机用的 整体式偏心轴 interest on arrears 延期利息; 欠款利息 interest on borrowings 借款利息 interest on capital 资本利息 dition 附有条件的权益 consumer debt 消费者债务利息 interest on debit balance 借方应付利息 interest on investment 投资利息 interest on loans 借入款利息 interest on payment for purchases 进货付款利息; 进货款利息 interest on tax free securities 免税证券利息 tax underpaid or postponed 欠缴或滞纳税款利息 interest on the general government debt 一般公债利息 interest rate on borrowings 借款利率 internal rate of return on investment 投资的内部收益率 al Committe on Mental Hygiene 国际心理卫生委员会 on Glass 国际玻璃协会 on Patents 专利权的国际公约 interrupt on overflow 上溢中断 inventory on hand 库存存货 invert on zero 零翻转; 零反相 invertory of raw materials on hand 库存原材料的盘存 s on rice growing 水稻生长研究 issuance of materials on a norm basis 限额发料 jaguar Panthera onca 美洲虎 join on skew 斜向接 joining on butt 对头接合 joint on square 直角接合 joints of the body on the whole 百节 juvenile-onset diabetes 幼稚发作型糖尿病 trol on revenue and expenditure 统收统支 keep on the go 维持运转 key-on 接通 keyde-on crank 楔装曲柄 Kleene's theorem on fixpoint 克林不动点定理 Kleene's theorem on regular set 克林正则集定理 knock-on displacement 碰撞位移 knock-on spectrum 击出粒子谱 Kolmogorov's zero-one law 柯尔莫哥罗夫零-壹定律 Koware blue on white vase with purple colour 哥瓷青花加紫瓶 Koware blue on white water jar 哥瓷青花水盂 laid on end 立砌 laid-on moulding 贴附线脚; 安装线条 lasher-on 挂车链工 law of one price 一价定律 law on transfer of technology 技术转让法 lay-on roller 压带轮 laying on meat 增膘 leaf-like growth on a flower stack 长在花柄上的叶状物 lean on 倚 the spot how cotton grow 实地了解棉花生长情况 legal requirement on deposit 法定存款准备金标准 Lei's Treatise on Preparing Drugs 雷公炮炙论 ey on interest 附息贷款 ey on usury 放高利贷; 放债 length on face 辊身长度 length on waterline 船 吃水线长 lettering on bottom 瓶底印记 level-one variable 一级变量; 第一级变量 Leydig's-cell-only syndrome 唯存间质细胞综合征 liability on guaranties 保证责任 on latitude 纬天平动 lien on cargo 货物留置权 lien on goods 货物留置权 lift on foil 机翼升力 light on 照明开始 light on reading 光照读数 limit on the left 左极限 limit on the right 右极限 credit creation 信用产生的界限 s on welded vessels 焊接容器的限制 line one's pocket 肥私 linear change on reheating 重烧线性变化 s on the sample data 样本数据线性运算 lip on tyre 轮箍唇 live up to one's name 名符其实 liver be palpable one finger breath 肝大一指 load on call 调用装入; 请求装入 load on spring 簧上载荷 load on the wheel 轮上负荷 load-on 加载 loaf on the job 磨洋工 loan on credit 信用贷款 loan on favourable terms 优惠贷款 loan on guarantee 保证贷款 loan on interest 息债 loan on notes 票据抵押贷款 loan on security 押款 loans on collateral 证券担保债款 loans on bills 票据抵押贷款 localizer on course line 航线定位信标 lock-on 锁住; 自动跟踪 lock-on boundary 锁定边界 lock-on circuit 强制同步电路; 同步电路; 受锁电路 nection 锁紧接头 lock-on counter 同步计量器; 同步计数器 lock-on range 捕捉距离 lock-on relay 同步继电器 lock-on signal 捕获信号; 锁定信号 lockage-on 锁定 log-on 登记; 进入系统; 记入 log-on data 启动数据 log-on message 启动信息 logged on time 连接时间 logic one clock 逻辑1时钟 logic one data 逻辑1数据 logical one 逻辑1 g Mu's Secret Treatise on Ophthalmology 秘传眼科龙木论 lose one's market 失去买卖机会 and foreign currency transactions 金银外汇交易损失 loss on clearing warehouse 清仓损失 loss on defective product 废品损失 loss on disposal 非流动资产出售损失 loss on drying 干燥失重 loss on heating 加热损失 loss on insurance claim 保险金差损 loss on melting 熔化损失 property abandoned 财产废弃损失 loss on property destroyed 财产损毁损失 property devaluation 财产跌价损失 loss on property retired 财产报废损失; 财产退废损失; 资产废置损失 loss on retirement 退废损失 loss on sale 销售损失 loss on sales return 销售退货差损 loss one's capital 亏本 lower limit on the left 左下限 lower limit on the right 右下限 luggage rail on top 车顶的 行李框栏杆 and Cinnamon Twigs 枳实薤白桂枝汤 ly arithmetic operation 绝对值算术操作; 绝对值算术操作 make a progress report on a project 填报工程进度 make draft on a bank 向银行提款 make inroads on crop 侵害农作物 make one's own way 发家致富 man's impact on climate 人口影响气候; 人类影响气候 s on exports 强制出口管理 manufacture on a large scale 大规模生产 many-one 多对一 e relationship 一对多关系 many-to-one 多对一; 多对一的 e function 多对一函数 margin on sales 销售边标 margin-profit on sale 销售利润边标 mark-on percentage 标价加成率 market loss on security 证券跌价损失 market on close 收市订单 marking-on 划线 mask programmable read-only-memory 掩模可编程序只读存储器 materials on hand 库存材料 on quota 限额领料单 maturity-onset diabetes 成人糖尿病 maximum grinding diameter on centers 中心最大磨削直径 maximum point on a curve 曲线上的极大点 maximum speed on cross-country 最大越野行驶速度 mean velocity on a vertical 垂线平均流速 means of earning one's livelihood 谋生手段 e's satisfaction 满足需要资料 measure on limiting the range of rise in prices 限制物价上涨幅度措施 menstrual onset 月经来潮 merchandise on hand 库存商品 merchandise shipped on instalment sales 分期收款发出商品 method of one probe spreading resistance 单探针扩展电阻法 miles on course 路程英里数 ion Allium galanthum 乳葱 milk only record 单项产奶记录 minimum point on a curve 曲线上的极小点 mode of onset 起病方式 e's registration 变更登记 moisture only depth meter 地下温度探测计 moment on body 作用在体上力矩 ey on call 随时可收回的贷款; 通知拆放 ey on the wing 流动中资金 mortar finish on metal lathing 钢丝网抹灰 e dimension 一维运动 motor on-off switch 马达启停开关 mould on end 垂直分型造型 moulded-on type 模制式 mounted on swinging jib machine 摇臂钻床 mounted on wheels 配有车轮的 movement on roads 沿道路行进 multiple-on-line 多路联机 musty on the flesh 皮上霉菌 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司