翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 bring ... into the orbit of 纳入轨道 British horsepower unit of power 英制马力 British Journal of Nutrition 英国营养学报 British system of units 英国单位制 broad ligament of uterus 子宫阔韧带 broaden the channels of circulation 扩大流通渠道 broadening of spectral line 光谱线增宽 broadness of band 频带宽度 the outer covering of a kernel 种子皮外的碎片 broken pollen sacs in vicinity of stigma 柱头附近破碎的花粉囊 bronchogenic cyst of lung 支气管原性肺囊肿 broom made of Gaoliang straw 高粱穗扫帚 broom made of kaoliang straw 高粱苗笤帚 brown induration of lung 肺棕色硬变 brown leaf blight of grasses 禾草褐条斑病 brown rot of peach 桃褐腐病 brown spot of grape 葡萄褐斑病 brown spot of pea 豌豆深褐斑病 brown spot of rice 稻胡麻斑病 brown spot of soybean 大豆褐皮病 brown tumor of jaw 颌骨棕色瘤 bruise of quadriceps femoris 股四头肌挫伤 brush of kernel 刷毛 brush-off taffeta 黑塔夫绸 brushes of Ruffini's terminal cylinders 露菲尼终柱 buckeye rot of tomato 番茄牛眼腐病 buckling of frame 机架弯曲 buckling of long column 长柱弯曲 buckling of walll 墙身凹鼓 bud of Chinese scholartree 槐米 bud of japanese pagoda tree 槐花米 bud of pale butter-fly bush 密蒙花 budding of hevea 橡胶树的芽接 budget needed for the completion of projects 竣工决算; 竣工决算 buffer capacity of blood 血缓冲能力 buffer offset 缓冲区位移量 buffer value of blood 血液缓冲值 buffering power of soil 土壤缓冲能力 buffeting of vane 叶片颤动 buffing of sinter metals 烧结金属抛光 build-up of luminance 起辉 build-up of pressure 造成压力 build-up of pulse 脉冲增长 builder of soap 肥皂助洗剂 building of poor materials and workmanship 低劣房屋 double of triple cropping 复种面积 area of high nuclear radiation 高核辐射区域 influence of extraction 采空影响区 argentaffin carcinoma of stomach 胃嗜银细胞癌 armillaria root rot of tree 树木根朽病 arrangement of soil particles 土粒排列; 土壤颗粒排列 arrear of interest 滞纳利息 arrears of dividends 拖欠红利 arrears of interest 拖欠利息 arrears of wages 拖欠工资 arrest of bone marrow 骨髓抑制 arrival of cargo 货物到达 art of architectural modelling 建筑造型艺术 arteriography of superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉造影 interphalangeal joint of hand 指间关节固定术 arthroplasty of first metatarsophalangeal joint 拇跖趾关节成形术 articular circumference of cubit 尺骨小头环状关节面 head of ulna 尺骨头环状关节面 articular rete of knee 膝关节网 articular surface of acromion 肩峰关节面 head of rib 肋头关节面 articular surface of sternum 胸骨关节面 tubercle of rib 肋结节关节面 artificial induction of hereditary changes 人工引变 artificial rearing of lamb 人工育羔 artistic form of architecture 建筑艺术形式 ascariasis of liver 肝蛔虫病 ascariasis of lung 肺蛔虫病 head of femur 股骨头无菌性坏死 head of metatarsus 跖骨头无菌性坏死 soft cataract 软性白内障吸出术 atmospheric propagation of high energy laser 高能激光大气传输 atrium of middle nasal meatus 中鼻道前房 attain high output of wheat 实现小麦高产 attenuation of crust 地壳减薄 attenuation of flood wave 洪水波的削弱 attenuation of the first kind 第一种衰减 attenuation of the second kind 第二种衰减 attetude of combat 拳斗样姿态 attitude of stratum 地层产状 attraction of gravitation 地心引力 attribute of a relation 关系属性 attribute of floating-point type 浮点类型属性 auditor in charge of the audit 负责该项审计的审计人员 automatic termination of cover clause 保险自动中止条款 average number of travels 平均旅行次数 average of averages 平均数的平均 profit on investment 平均资金利润率 greater tuberosity of humerus 肱骨大结节撕脱骨折 symmetry of basic rack 基准齿条对称轴线 Babcock coefficient of friction 巴布科克摩擦系数 bacillary necrosis of calves 犊牛白喉 back cut-off power recorder 反向截止功率记录仪 back flow of sewage 污水倒灌 back of bearing 轴瓦背面 back of cam 凸轮后侧边 back of foot 足跗 back of panel mounting 在面板后面的装配 back of piston ring 活塞环内侧边 back of the saw 锯背; 锯背 back of tool 刀背 back of weld 焊缝背面 back off compensate 补偿 back office force 内勤人员 back part of stage 舞台后方 back-off 倒转后解松; 退下; 去锐边; 铲背 back-off shooting 松动性放炮 back-to-back letter of credit 背对背信用证 backed-off cutter 铲齿刀 backed-off milling cutter 铲齿铣刀 backed-off tap 铲齿丝锥 backing groove of weld 焊缝反面坡口 backing of drift direction 漂移方向的逆转 backing of smoke 推回火灾烟雾 backing of veneer 贴面板衬背 backing of wall 墙背衬 backing up of sewage 污水倒灌 backing-off cone clutch 反转离合器 backing-off lathe 铲齿车床; 铲工车床 backlog of business 现有定货量 backlog of orders 现有定货量; 已接受订货总数 backward stroke of the piston 活塞回程 bacterial bight of soybean 大豆细菌叶枯病 bacterial blight of rice 稻白叶枯病; 水稻白叶枯病 bacterial blight of soybean 大豆细菌性斑点病 bacterial canker and leaf spot of cherry 甜樱桃溃疡及虫斑病 bacterial leaf spot of cauliflower 花椰菜细菌性叶斑病 bacterial leaf spot of tobacco 烟草野火病 bacterial pustule of soybean 大豆细菌性斑疹病 bacterial spot of pepper 辣椒细菌性斑点病 bacterial spot of tomato 番茄细菌性斑点病 bacterial wilt of cucumber 黄瓜细菌性萎蔫病 badges of trade 贸易象征 badness of fit 拟合劣度 bag of foulness 高压瓦斯包 bagging-off chute 装袋滑槽 bagging-off spout 装袋口 bakanae byo of rice 稻恶苗病 bakanae disease of rice 水稻恶苗病 baking of resin 烘烤树脂 baking of varnish 烘烤油漆; 漆的烘干 balance betweeen supply and demand of commodities 商品供求平衡 balance of births and deaths 出生和死亡的差额 balance of clearing 清算余额 balance of contract 现有契约限额 balance of cut and fill 土方平衡 balance of debt 负债余额 balance of finance and materials 财政和物资平衡 balance of foreign trade 贸易收支差额 balance of fuel 燃料平衡表 balance of heat 热平衡 balance of income and outlay 收支平衡 balance of international payment 国际收支平衡 balance of manpower resources 人力资源平衡表 balance of migration 移入移出的差额 balance of moving part 运动部分的平衡 balance of nature 自然平衡 balance of payment 收支差额 balance of payments credits and debits 借贷收付平衡 balance of potential 电势均衡 balance of power 动力平衡 balance of power level 电平平衡 balance of preparation and winning work 采掘平衡 balance of stock 永续盘存制 balance of stores record 材料差额记录 balance of stores records 材料记录余额; 库存平衡记录; 库存余额记录 balance of stores sheet 库存平衡表 balance of trade 贸易差额; 贸易平衡; 贸易收支 balance of voltage 电压平衡 balance quality of rigid rotor 刚性转子平衡品质 balance sheet of investment 投资平衡表 balance-of-stores system 仓储盘存制 balanced allocation of risk 均衡分摊风险; 均衡分摊风险 balanced condition of flame 稳定火焰 balanced supply and demand of energy 能源供需平衡 balancing of materials 物料平衡 balancing of tyre 轮胎平衡 bale of cotton 一包棉花 bale of wire 线束 bale off 散包 ball charge capacity of tube mill 磨煤机钢球装载量 ball method of testing 测定硬度的 钢球压印试验 ball of thumb 鱼际 ball-bearing trolley of chain 链条滑轮滚珠轴承 balling-up of particles 粉粒成球 ballistic correction of the moment 实时弹道修正量 ballistic factor of measuring instrument 测量仪表的阻尼因数 ballistic missile office 弹道导弹局 ballistics of penetration 穿甲弹道学 ballooning degeneration of liver cells 肝细胞气球样变 ballottement of fetus 胎儿浮球感 balsam of fir 枞香脂 band of hardenability 可淬硬地带 band of position 位置区域 band of rotation-vibration 转振谱带 band of the Milky Way 银河带 band theory of solid 固体能带论 band-pass of reflective coating 反射膜的通带 band-type cut off saw 带形切割锯 banding of pulmonary artery 肺动脉环束术 bank of capacitors 电容器组 bank of cells 槽组 Bank of China 中国银行 bank of circulation 发行银行 bank of condensers 电容器组 bank of contacts 触头排; 接点排 bank of cylinders 汽缸组 bank of deposit 开户银行 bank of discount 贴现银行 Bank of France 法兰西银行 bank of information 信息库 Bank of Japan 中央银行 日本银行 bank of ovens 炉组 bank of resistors 电阻器组 bank of settlemnt 结算银行 Bank of Sweden 瑞典银行 Bank of Tanzania 坦桑尼亚银行 Bank of Thailand BOT 泰国银行 Bank of Tonga 汤加银行 bank of tubes 管排 bank rate of rediscount 银行再贴现率 banker's duty of secrecy 银行保密责任 banking degree of freedom 侧倾运动自由度 banknotes of one, two or five jiao denominations 毛票 bar cut-off machine 棒料切断机 bar of flat 板片; 窄厚扁钢 bar of Sanio 沙尼沃条 statute of limitation 消灭时效 bar of uniform cross section 等截面棒 bar of uniform strength 等强度棒 bare area of liver 肝裸区 bargain offer 廉价优待 bark of paper mulberry 构树皮 tree of heaven 椿皮 bark of tree peony root 牡丹皮 barometer of business cycle forecasting 经济周期预测晴雨表; 经济周期预测晴雨表 barometric millimeter of mercury 气压单位 barometric millimetre of mercury 毫米水银气压表 barometric release of parachute 气压开伞机构 barrel of pipe 管膛 barrel of puppethead 随转尾座套筒 barren of seed 不结枝 barrier of gastric mucosa 胃粘膜屏障 barrier reef of pool trend 障壁礁油气藏趋向带 bars of foot 蹄支 barter terms of trade 纯交易条件; 物物交易条件 basal branch of tentorium cerebelli 小脑幕底支 basal cell carcinoma of face 面部皮肤基底细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma of lid 睑基底细胞癌; 睑基底细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma of palate 腭基底细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma of penis 阴茎基底细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma of pharynx 咽基底细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma of sebaceous glands 皮脂腺基底上皮瘤 basal cell carcinoma of vulva 外阴基底细胞癌 basal cell hyperplasia of cervix uteri 子宫颈基底细胞增生 basal cell of trichome 毛状体基础细胞 basal lamina of choroid 布鲁赫氏层; 脉络膜基底层 basal layer of endometrium 子宫粘膜基底层 basal segment of chelicera 螯肢基节 lower lobe of left lung 左肺下叶基底段 base course of cement mortar 水泥砂浆底层 base level of corrosion 溶蚀基准面 base level of deposition 沉积基准面 base level of stream 河流侵蚀基准面 base level of system 河流最低侵蚀面 base line of normal respiration 平静呼吸基线 base of a cup decorated with carved designs 雕纹杯托 base of a logarithm 对数的底 base of dam 坝基; 坝脚 base of heart 心底 base of leaf 叶茎 base of logarithmic function 对数函数的底 base of lung 肺底 base of mandible 下颌底 base of nebk ot femur 股骨颈基底部 base of neck 瓶颈下部 base of notation 基本记号 base of phalanx 指骨底 base of producing goods for minority nationalities 民族用品生产基地 base of prostate 前列腺底 regularity of occurence 以成本发生之经常与否为基础 relationship to the cost of unit 以成本与产品间的关系为基础 base of skull 颅底 base of slope 坡脚; 大陆坡底 base of taxation 课税标准; 纳税基础 base of the plant 植株茎部 the pulvinus of the compound leaf 复叶叶枕的基部 building of skeleton construction 骨架房屋 building of slag 造渣 building of steel frame construction 钢框架房屋 bulb neck crack-off machine 灯泡壳颈切割机 bulb of fritillary 贝母 bulb of penis 阴茎球 bulb of percussion 打击形成半锥体 bulk of building 房屋体积 bulk of molecule 分子的大小 bullae of lung 肺大泡 bunch of cables 电缆束 bunch of particles 粒子束 bundle of bars 钢筋束 bundle of capillary tubes 毛细管束 bundle of circles 圆把 bundle of folds 褶皱群 bundle of His 希斯氏束; 肯-希二氏束 bundle of lines 直线把 bundle of quadrics 二次曲面把 bundle of rays 射线束 bundle of services 服务群 bung of setters 托架柱窑具 bung off 提单批语 桶塞脱落 bunt smut of wheat 小麦光腥黑穗病 buoyancy correction of weighing 浮力校正 buoyancy of water 水的浮力 burden of paying tax 纳税负担 burden of persuasion 提供说明的责任 proof 提供证明的责任; 举证责任; 举证责任 burden of taxation 赋税分担 bureau of customs 海关局 bureau of customs letter 海关内部通知书 bureau of enforcement 法令执行局 Bureau of Standards 标准局 bureaucratic form of organization 行政制度式组织 buried depth of basement 基底的埋深 buried depth of spillpoint 溢出点埋深 burn of breast 乳房烧伤 burn of larynx by radium 喉镭灼伤 burn of respiratory tract 呼吸道烧伤 burn off 雾消 burn-off 烧化 burn-off rate 焊耗速率; 燃尽率 burning bar of lead 铅焊条 burning of bearing 轴承预热 burning of contact 触点烧坏 burning of contact material 电接触器材烧毁 burning off 烧除 burning technique of coal water mixture 煤水浆燃烧技术 burning-off 烘烤 burnishing of gear teeth齿轮的 轮齿研磨 bursa of coracobrachial muscle 喙肱肌囊 bursa of Fabricius 腔上囊; 法氏囊 bursa of piriform muscle 梨状肌囊 bursa of popliteal muscle 肌囊 bursa of semimembranous muscle 半膜肌囊 bursa of subscapular muscle 肩胛下肌囊 bursa of tensoris veli palatini muscle 腭帆张肌囊 bursitis of knee 膝滑液囊炎 burst injury of lung 肺爆震伤 burst of light 光猝发 bursting disk of heat-insulating jacketed wall 隔热夹套爆破膜 bursting of bags 货袋破裂 bursting of boiler 锅炉爆炸 bursting pressure of tank shell 罐身爆破压力 business end of tool 刀具工作端 business of broker 经纪业务; 经纪业务 business of distributor 推销业务 business of good standing 信誉良好的企业 business report of condition 业务情况报告 butt-off 补捣 butter of tin 四氯化锡; 氯化锡 butterfly valve of lock 船闸蝶形阀 button-off belt 明钮半腰带 buying off 行贿收买 buying offer 卖方发盘 by means of compensation lines 通过补偿系试验 by return of post 请即回示 by way of 经由; 经由 by-pass of flood 分洪道 bybrids with many combinates of parents 许多亲本组合的杂交种 cabinet of curiosities 美术品陈列室 cable unit of distance 链 cable-tramway of single rope 单线索道 cables- length unit of distance 链 cage of reinforcement 钢筋组架 cake of metal 金属锭 calcific change of pulp 牙髓钙变 calcification of bronchus 支气管钙化 calcification of larynx 喉钙化 base of the rail 轨基 base of the terminal leaflet 顶生小叶的茎部 base of tool 刀具座 base of trajectory 弹道基线; 基准弹道 base of valve 瓣膜基底部 baseline of diagram 图形基线 basement membrane of blood vessel 血管基底膜 basic functions of commercial enterprises 商业企业基本职能 basic law of price change 价格变化基本规律 basic line of sight 基准视线 basic of distribution 分配根据 basic sealing width of gasket 垫片基本密封宽度 basic set of solutions 基本解法组 basic work of business management 企业管理基础工作 basilar sulcus of pons 脑桥基底沟 basis of a vector module 矢量模的基底 basis of assessment 摊额基准; 课税标准; 课税对象; 课税根据; 课征基准 basis of credit 放款的根据; 信用基础 basis of distribution 分配基础 basis of reference 参照基准 basis of satisfactory wages 满意工资基础 bat of glass wool 玻璃棉毡片 batch method of treatment 分批处理法 batch of products for inspection 交验批 batch weight method of molding 分批装模压型法 bath of cell 电解槽熔体 bath of glass 玻璃水 batter of wall 墙身收分 battery of boiler 锅炉组 battery of capacitors 电容器组 battery of coke ovens 炼焦炉组 battery of genes 基因的套组 battery of lens 透镜组 battery of presses 压滤机组 battery of sishpons 虹吸组 battery of tests 成套测验 Baume scale of specific gravity 波美比重标度 be found in several kinds of rocks 在若干种岩石中找到 be out of debt 不欠债 be short of 缺 be surrounded by envelope of tissue 围被着组织包膜 be too wet during the period of tillage 耕作季节过于潮湿 beading of ribs 串珠状肋骨; 肋骨串珠 beading of the tube end 卷边; 卷边 beads of sweat 汗珠子 beak of dental forceps 拔牙钳喙部 beam cut-off 闭束 beam method of rolling 梁形材轧制法 beam of constant strength 等强度梁 beam of uniform strength 等强度梁 beam strength of tooth 齿的弯曲强度 beam-of-light-transistor 光束晶体管 beard of a cereal spike 谷穗的须 bearer of tax 负税人 bearing capacity of soil 土壤承载力 bearing of bow 弓轴承 bearing of die 模具成形部分; 模具的成形部分 bearing of journals 轴颈轴承 bearing of motor 电动机轴承 bearing of the connecting rod 连杆轴承 bearing of the crank pin 曲柄轴承 bearing of the cross head pin 十字头销轴承 bearing off side 轴承泄油面 bearing pressure of foundation 地基承压力 bearing surface of foundation 地基支承面 bearing surface of fundation 基础支承面 bearing value of soil 土壤承载力 beast of burden 驮畜; 役畜; 力畜 beast of prey 猛兽 beat of crystallization 结晶热 beat of pointer 测量仪器 指针摆动 beating of wave 波浪拍岸 bed of boiler 锅炉座 bed of land preparation 播前土壤准备 bed of material 料层 bedding of a furnace 分层铺炉底 bedding of bearing 支承刮削 bedding of pipe 管道垫层 bedding of pipes 管道垫床 bedding-in of bearings 轴承的配合 beginning of conversation 对话开始 beginning of period 期初 beginning of scale 标度起点 beginning of tape 磁带始端 beginning of the bai-u 梅雨开始 beginning of the fiscal year 财政年度初 beginning of totality 全食始 calcification of lymph node 淋巴结钙化 calcification of pericardium 心包钙化 calcification of posterior longitudinal ligament 后纵韧带钙化 calcification of supraspinatus tendon 冈上肌腱钙化 calcified leiomyoma of uterus 子宫平滑肌瘤钙化 calcified sebaceous cyst of scrotum 阴囊钙化性皮脂腺囊肿 calculated strength of subgrade 地基计算强度 calculation for bolt force of metal flat gasket 金属平垫密封的螺栓力计算 calculation for bolt force of midseparate closure 中分面密封的螺栓力计算 calculation for bolt load of double-cone seal 双锥密封的螺栓力计算 calculation of charges 费用计算 calculation of net cost 成本计算 calculation of residues 留数计算 calculation of skirt support 裙座计算 the effect of expenses incurred 费用支出效果核算 calculus in diverticulum of bladder 膀胱憩室结石 calculus of differences 差分法; 差分计算 calculus of enlargement 差分演算 calculus of finite difference 差分学; 差分演算 calculus of intrahepatic duct 肝内胆管结石 calculus of lower urinary tract 下尿路结石 calculus of proposition 命题演算 calculus of residues 残值计算 calculus of tensors 张量演算 calculus of variation 变分法 calculus of variations 变分计算; 变分学 calculus of variations in the large 宏观变分学 calf of the leg 腓 calibration of power 功率校准 calibration of reference fuels 参比燃料之校准 calibration of test gauge 试验压力计的校核 calibration of testing instrument 试验仪器的校准 call-off system 通知送货制 calms of Cancer 北半球副热带无风带 calorie unit of measure 卡 calorific value of fuel 燃料发热值 calorific value of gas 煤气热值 cam of camshaft 凸轮轴凸轮 cam of variable lift 变升程凸轮 camber of a stylus 唱针径向倾角 camber of bearing 支承反挠度 camber of sheet 钢板的翘曲; 钢板翘曲 camber of truss 曲线形钻架; 桁架高度 camera of projection 投影器 canal of cochlea 蜗小管 canal of Corti 螺旋器隧道; 柯替氏管 canal of uterine cervix 子宫颈管 canal off-let 渠道放水口 canaliculus of chorda tympani 鼓索小管 canals of cartilage 软骨内小管 cancellation of a lost instrument 注销遗失的票据 cancellation of indebtedness 免去债务; 取消债务 cancellation of intensities 振动强度的抵消 cancellation of purchase contract 取消定货合同 cancellation of registration 取销登记 cancellation of the order 取消定货 cancellation of treaty 注销合同 cancer of late stage 晚期癌 cancer of liver 肝癌 cancer of lung 肺癌 cancer of mandible 下颌骨癌 cancer of pancreas 胰腺癌 canceration of ulcer 溃疡癌变 canker of citrus 柑桔波皮病 canker of pear 梨枝枯病 canker of tea tree 茶叶枝 canker of tomato 番茄溃疡病 canon of marine transgression 海进规程 canonical representation of separable game 可分对策的典式 canons of descent 不动产继承顺序 canons of taxation 课税原则; 课税准则; 赋税准则 canopy characteristics of narrow row cotton 窄行棉花苗冠被覆特性 canopy closing of a stand 林分林冠郁闭 cant of the jet 喷管倾斜 cant of the superelevation 超高度 cantholysis of naso-lacrimal duct stricture 鼻泪管狭窄眦分离术 cap of column 塔泡罩 cap of screw 螺钉帽 capability of welding vertically upwards 直上焊接能力 beginning of year 岁首 beginning-of-chain 链首部; 链头; 开始链 beginning-of-information marker 信息开始标志 beginning-of-tape BOT 磁带开始 beginning-of-tape control 磁带开始控制 beginning-of-tape hole 磁带开始标志孔 beginning-of-tape label 磁带开始标号 beginning-of-tape mark 磁带开始带标; 磁带头标 beginning-of-tape marker 磁带开始标志; 带开始标记 beginning-of-volume label VOL 卷标的开始; 卷标的开始; 卷开始标号; 卷开始标号; 卷头标; 卷头标 behavior of average cost 平均成本的行为 behavior of rivers 河流特性 behavior theories of the firm 厂商的行为理论 bell of capital 钟形柱头 bell of die 凹模拉入的圆角部分 bell of pipe 管子承口 belly of blast furnace 高炉炉腰 belly of muscle 肌腹 below the face of a mountain 在山的阳面下部 below-center offset 下偏置 belt of cementation 胶结带 belt of convergency 辐合带 belt of fault 断层带 belt of folded strata 褶皱带 belt of phreatic fluctuation 地下水位波动带 belt of soil moisture 土壤水带 belt of soil water 土壤水带; 土壤水分带 belt of totality 全食带 belt of transition 过渡带 belt of wandering 河流摆动带 belt of water table fluctuation 地下水位波动带 belt of weathering 风化带; 风化地带 bench life of a sand mix 砂子存放期 bench of burners 炉组 bend of vessel 容器的弯曲 bending of light 光线弯曲 bending or curling of the root hair 根毛卷曲 bending strength of wood 木材抗弯强度 beneficial owner of the royalties 特许使用费受益所有人 beneficiary of transferable credit 可转让信用证的受益人 benefit for the change of job 调职补助金 benefit method of selling 强调顾客利益推销法 benefit of division 分配利益 benefit of insurance clause 保险利益条款 benefit of invention 发明利益 benefit principle of taxation 赋税受益原理 benefit theory of taxation 赋税受益理论 benign hypertrophy of masseteric muscle 嚼肌良性肥大 benign teratoma of liver 肝良性畸胎瘤 benign tumor of bronchus 支气管良性肿瘤 benign tumor of chest wall 胸壁良性肿瘤 benign tumor of colon 结肠良性肿瘤 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司