翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 benign tumor of diaphragm 膈良性肿瘤 benign tumor of liver 肝良性肿瘤 benign tumor of lung 肺部良性肿瘤; 肺良性肿瘤 benign tumor of pleura 胸膜良性肿瘤 benign tumor of spinal cord 脊髓良性肿瘤 benign tumor of stomach 胃良性肿瘤 Bernhardt's disturbance of sensation 感觉异常性股痛 berth bill of lading 码头提单 berylliosis of lung 铍尘肺; 铍肺 Berzelius theory of valency 贝齐利阿斯价键理论 besd sed of rim 鞍边 Bessel ellipsoid of 1841 贝塞耳椭球体1841 Bessel spheroid of 1841 贝塞耳椭球体1841 best estimate of trajectory 弹道的最佳估算 best invariant estimate of location parameter 局部参数的最佳不变量估计; 局部参数的最佳不变量估计 better distribution of investment 调整投资结构 betterment of land 土地改良 beware of fume 谨防漏气 bezoar of horse 马宝 bezoar of stomach 胃结块症 bi-serial coefficient of correlation 双列相关系数 bi-serial ratio of correlation 双列相关比率; 两双数列相关比率 bias off 偏置截止; 加偏压截止 bicarbonate of soda sodium bicarbonate 小苏打 碳酸氢钠 biceps muscle of thigh 股二头肌 bichloride of tin 二氯化锡 bicipital groove of humerus 肱二头肌腱沟 carcinoma of postcricoid region 环状软骨后癌 carcinoma of salivary gland 涎腺癌 carcinoma of scrotum 阴囊癌 carcinoma of sebaceous glands 皮脂腺癌 carcinoma of seminal vesicle 精囊癌 carcinoma of sigmoid 乙状结肠癌 carcinoma of spermatic cord 精索癌 splenic flexure of colon 脾曲结肠癌 carcinoma of stomach 胃癌 tail of pancreas 胰尾癌 carcinoma of testis 睾丸癌 carcinoma of tonsil 扁桃体癌 carcinoma of urachus 脐尿管癌 carcinoma of urethra 尿道癌 carcinoma of urinary bladder 膀胱癌 carcinoma of uterine body 子宫体癌 carcinoma of uterine cervix 子宫颈癌 carcinoma of uterus 子宫癌 carcinoma of vagina 阴道癌 carcinoma of vulva 女阴癌; 外阴癌 carcinoma simplex of breast 乳腺单纯癌 carcinoma simplex of colon 结肠单纯癌 carcinoma simplex of nipple 乳头单纯癌 carcinoma simplex of pancreas 胰腺单纯癌 carcinosarcoma of bladder 膀胱癌肉瘤 carcinosarcoma of breast 乳房癌肉瘤; 乳腺癌肉瘤 card No. of the user 订货部门代号 card of ledger 卡片式分类帐; 卡片式总帐 card of pattern 装有几个模型的型板 cardiac cirrhosis of liver 心病性肝硬变 cardiac disease in toxemia of pregnancy 妊娠中毒症心脏病 cardiac notch of left lung 左肺心切迹 cardinal ligament of uterus 子宫主韧带 cardinality of a fuzzy set 模糊集的基数 cardinality of a set 集合的基数 cardinality of fuzzy sets 模糊集基数 care of c/o 转交 care of feed 护蹄 care of field 田间管理 care of grain binder 割捆机的维护 cargo handling capacity of a port 货物吞吐量 cargo without bill of lading 没有提单的货物 cargo-handling capacity of seaports 港口吞吐量 carina of trachea 气管隆凸嵴 carotid sinus branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 颈动脉窦支; 颈动脉窦支 carpal articular surface of radius 桡骨腕关节面; 桡骨腕关节面 carpenter's chipping-off chisel 木工平錾 carpomaetacarpal joint of thumb 拇指腕掌关节 carriage of goods by inland river 内河货物运输 carrier of a game 对策的施行 carrier of genetic information 遗传信息载体 carrier of pathogens 病原体的携带者 carrier precision offset 载频精确偏置 carrier-frequency offset 载频偏置 carry a load of debt 负债; 亏欠 carry of spray 喷雾射程 carry-back of losses 亏损转回 carry-over of catalyst fines 催化剂粉末带出 carry-over of losses 亏损结转 carrying capacity of chassis 底盘负载量 carrying capacity of crane 吊车起重能力 carrying capacity of line 单线输送量 carrying capacity of pipe 管道过流能力 carrying capacity of vehicle 车辆输送量 Cartesian method of control 坐标控制法 caruncle of urethra 尿道肉阜 cascade of mixers 级联混合器 cascade of settlers 级联沉降器 straightline profile 平板型叶栅 cascade process of refrigeration 致冷级联过程 case involving the swindling of state property 骗取国家财产案 case of differential 差速器箱 case of divergence 离向式 case of fit 座 case of libel 诽谤案 case of murder 谋杀案 case of pump 泵壳 cases of gross violation 情节严重的 cash basis of revenue recognition 现金收付实现制营业收入认定法 cash letter of credit 现金信用证 casing guide of pump 泵体导槽 cast off 摆脱 f poverty and become better off 脱贫致富 cast-off 版面计算 circle of latitude 纬度圈; 黄经圈; 黄纬圈 circle of least confusion 明晰圈; 模糊圆 circle of longitude 经度圈; 经度圈; 黄经圈; 黄纬圈 circle of position 位圆; 位置圈 circle of reference 参考圆 circle of reflexion 反射圆 circle of rupture 破裂圆 circle of uncertainty 误差圆 circle of vegetation 植被圈 circle of Willis' 韦利斯氏环 circle theorem of hydrodynamics 流体动力学的圆柱绕流定理 circlet method of intermaxillary fixation 小环颌间固定法 circuit of the cells 槽路 circular of stock-taking 盘存点货通知 circulation of a vector 矢量的环流量 circulation of atmosphere 大气环流 circulation of goods 货物流转 circulation of intestinal loop 肠袢血运 circulation of sap 汁液流动 circulation of water vapor 水汽循环 circulatory disturbance of conjunctiva 结膜循环障碍 circumcentre of a triangle 三角形的外心 circumcision of internal hemorrhoid 内痔环切术 circumference of cannon bone 管围 cirrhosis of liver 肝硬变 cirrhosis of pancreas 胰腺硬变 cistern of chiasma 交叉池 cistern of Pecquet 乳糜池 city planning office 规划机构 civil court of sessions 民事法庭 civil offence 民法违法行为 cladding of fibre 光纤包层 claim for compensation of damages 赔偿要求 claim of right 权利要求 clamp of spermatic cord 精索钳 clamp-off 掉砂 clamping of the grinding wheel 磨轮夹紧法 clarification of sewage 污水净化 clashing of gear 齿轮的噪音 class of business 业务范围; 业务种类 class of commodity 商品等级 class of distribution function 分布函数类 explosive-proof 防爆等级 class of fit 配合类别 class of liabilities 负债类别 class of nonlaborers 非劳动阶级 class of procedures 程序分类 class of risk 危险类别 class of service 业务类别 class of service COS 服务级别; 服务类别 class of service table 服务类别表 class of service table COS table 服务级别表 class of taxpayer 纳税人分级 class of triangulation 三角测量等级 classfication of coal 煤分类法 classical conception of probability 概率论的古典概念 classifcation of investment 投资分类 classification of buildings 房屋分类 coal mining roof 煤矿顶板分级 classification of costs 费用分类 classification of defects 缺陷分类 classification of diseases 疾病分类 classification of feeds 饲料分类 classification of flora 菌群分类; 菌群分类 classification of fractures 骨折分类 classification of freight rate 货物运价等级 classification of fuzzy functions 模糊函数的分类; 模糊函数分类 classification of galaxies 星系分类法 classification of gassy mines China 瓦斯煤矿分级 classification of goods 商品分类 classification of international system 国际分类法 classification of market 市场分类 classification of pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核病型分类 classification of rail 铁路等级 classification of risk 危险分极 classification of sales 销售额分类 classification of sedimentation 沉降分级 classification of singular surfaces 奇异曲面的分类 classification of soil 土壤分类 Classified Medical Records of Famous Physicians 名医类案 claused bill of lading 附条款提单; 附有条件的提单 clavicular fracture of newborn 新生儿锁骨骨折 cast-off cells 脱落细胞 f cells of stomach 胃脱落细胞 casting of piston ring pots 活塞环的筒体铸造 catabolic pathway of metabolism 降解代谢过程 catalog of necessary commodity item 商品必备目录 catalog of property 财产目录 Catalogue of Bright Stars 亮星星表 Catalogue of Faint Stars 微星星表 Catalogue of Geodetical Stars 大地测量星表 catalystic hydrogenation of coal tar 煤焦油催化加氢 catching of toothed wheels 齿轮啮合 category of behavior 行动的范畴 category of fuzzy sets 模糊集的范畴; 模糊集范畴 category of language 语言的范畴 category of machine 机器的范畴; 机器范畴 category of market 市场的类型 category of model 模型的分类; 模型范畴; 模型分类 category of set 集的范畴 category of vector space 向量空间的范畴 category of vessel 容器类别 catheterization of sigmoid 乙状结肠插管法 catheterization of vena cava 腔静脉插管术 cathodic sensitivity of photomultiplier tube 光电倍增管的阳极灵敏度 cattle from a different family of the same breed 同种但不同科的牛 Cauchy law of similarity 柯西相似律 caudal fovea of rhomboid fossa 菱形窝尾侧凹 caudal limb of intestinal loop 肠袢尾支 causality of crime 犯罪的因果关系 cause of bankruptcy 破产原因 cause of damage 致损原因 cause of depreciation 贬值原因 cause of disease 病因 cause of infection 传染原因 caustic lye of soda 烧碱液 cauterization of cervix 宫颈烧灼术 cauterization of sclera 谢德氏手术 cautery of tumor 肿瘤电灼 cavernous body of penis 阴茎海绵体 cavernous body of urethra 尿道海绵体 cavernous hemangioma of bone 骨海绵状血管瘤 cavernous plexus of conchae 鼻甲海绵丛 caverns of corpora cavernosa penis 阴茎海绵体腔 cavitation in; of pump 水泵气蚀 cavity of concha 耳甲腔 cavity of tunica vaginalis 鞘膜腔 cavity of uterine body 子宫体腔 cell of termination 末端细胞 cells of Corti 柯替氏细胞 cells of Giannuzzi 贾努齐氏新月形腺细胞 cells of superficial layer 表层细胞 cellular biology of tumor 肿瘤细胞生物学 cellulitis of buccal cavity 颊间隙蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of chest wall 胸壁峰窝织炎 cellulitis of masseteric space 嚼肌间隙蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of parapharyngeal space 咽旁间隙蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of penis 阴茎蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of pterygomandibular space 翼颌间隙蜂窝组织炎 cellulitis of scrotum 阴囊蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of submaxillary space 颌下间隙蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of vulva 外阴蜂窝织炎 cement joint of pipes 管子的胶接头 cement of low index 低标号水泥 cementation of fissures 灌缝 distribution of services 服务分布情况的普查 census of population 人口普查 census of trade 贸易普查 census of transporation 交通运输调查 census office 普查办公室 center distance of riser 升气管中心距 center line of wall 墙中心线 center of a distribution 分布中心 center of a lattice 格的中心 center of buoyancy 浮心 center of circle 圆心 center of curvature 曲率中心 center of distribution 分布的中心 center of drag 拉力中心 center of figure 体积中心; 面心 center of force 力心 center of forecasting and analysis 分析测试中心 center of friction 摩擦中心 center of inertia 惯性中心 center of inversion 倒反中心 chondroma of chest wall 胸壁软骨瘤 chondroma of jaw 颌骨软骨瘤 chondroma of larynx 喉软骨瘤 chondroma of lung 肺软骨瘤 chondroma of palate 腭软骨瘤 chondroma of pharynx 咽软骨瘤 chondrosarcoma of chest wall 胸壁软骨肉瘤 choose sources of supply 选择供货单位 chop of silk 同一牌子的生丝 chord member of truss 桁架弦杆 chord of contact 切点弦 chord of curvature 曲率弦 chord of varying sections 变截面弦杆 chord width of barrel vault 筒拱弦宽 chorioadenoma destruens of cervix 子宫颈破坏性绒毛膜腺瘤 chorioangioma of placenta 胎盘绒毛膜血管瘤 choriocarcinoma of cervix 子宫颈绒毛膜上皮癌 choriocarcinoma of parametrium 子宫旁组织绒毛膜上皮癌 choriocarcinoma of vagina 阴道绒毛膜上皮癌 choriocarinoma of testis 睾丸绒毛膜上皮癌 choriocarinoma of vulva 外阴绒毛膜上皮癌 choroid plexus of fourth ventricle 第四脑室脉络丛 choroid plexus of lateral ventricle 侧脑室脉络丛 choroid plexus of third ventricle 第三脑室脉络丛 choroidal branches of lateral ventricle 侧脑室脉络丛支 chosure of pores 毛孔闭塞 chromatic difference of focal length 焦距的色差 chromatic difference of magnification 放大率色差 chromatic variation of distortion 色畸变 chromatism of foci 焦点色差 chromatism of magnification 放大率色差 chromatophore of choroid 脉络膜色素细胞 chrominance take-off circuit 色度信号分离电路; 色度信号取出电路 chromosome of wheat 小麦染色体 chromosome theory of heredity 染色体遗传学说 chromosomes of rye 黑麦染色体 chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood 儿童慢性大疱性皮病 chronic crepitant synovitis of wrist 慢性摩擦音性腕滑膜炎 chronic fibrosis of prostate 慢性前列腺纤维化 chronic granuloma of rectum 直肠慢性肉芽肿 chronic infective hydrocele of tunica vaginalis 慢性感染性鞘膜积液 chronic lymphadenitis of mesentery 慢性肠系膜淋巴结炎 chronic nodular chondrodermatitis of helix 耳轮慢性结节性软骨皮炎 chronic osteomyelitis of jaw 慢性颌骨骨髓炎 chronic passive congestion of liver 慢性肝阻性充血 chronic respiratory disease of fowl CRD 鸡的慢性呼吸道病 chronic schistosomiasis of rectum 慢性血吸虫性直肠炎 chronic subinvolution of uterus 慢性子宫复原不全 chronic ulcer of leg 下肢慢性溃疡 chronic ulcer of skin 慢性皮肤溃疡 chronic venous congestion of liver 慢性肝淤血 development of flower and ovule 花及胚珠发育的时间表 chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium type of embryosac 除虫菊型胚囊 chrysosis of lung 金尘肺 Chungfu Front-Mu Point of the Lung 穴位 中府 churn of wave 指波浪 猛冲海岸 chylocele of scrotum 阴囊乳糜囊肿 chylous fistula of mediastinum 纵隔乳糜瘘 cicatrical contracture of lip 唇瘢痕挛缩 cicatrical contracture of neck 颈部瘢痕挛缩; 颈部瘢痕挛缩 cicatrical contracture of skin 皮肤瘢痕挛缩 cicatricial stenosis of cervix 宫颈瘢痕狭窄 cicatricial stenosis of larynx 瘢痕性喉狭窄 cicatrix of tonsil 扁桃体瘢痕 cinnamon speck of rice grains 桂皮米 circle of confusion 散光圈; 模糊圈; 模糊圆 circle of contact 切圆 circle of curvature 曲率圆 circle of declination 赤纬度盘; 赤纬圈; 时圈 circle of diffusion 漫射圈 circle of good definition 清晰区 circle of higher order 高阶圆 circle of Hovius 虹膜静脉环 circle of inertia 惯性圆 circle of inversion 反演圈 center of light 光心 center of mass 质量中心; 质心 center of mass coordinate system 质心坐标系 center of mass frame 质心系 center of mean distance 均距中心; 均距中心 center of moment 矩心; 矩心 center of momentum coordinate system 质心坐标系 center of oscillation 摆动中心 center of percussion 振中; 撞击中心 center of pressure 压力中心; 压强中心 center of pressure coefficient 压力中心系数 center of range 全矩中心 center of rises 升压中心 center of rotation 转动中心 center of similarity 相似中心 center of similitude 相似中心 center of surface 曲面中心 center of suspension 悬心 center of symmetry 对称中心 center of tracking gate 波门中心 center of twist 扭转中心 center-off polarized relay 中位断开式极化继电器 center-to-center of rivets 铆钉中距 centerbit of claw type 切齿中心钻头 centerx central office centrex-CO 集中式交换-中心局 centibarunit of pressure 厘巴 centipoiseunit of dynamic viscosity 厘泊 centisthene unit of force 厘斯坦 centistoke unit of kinematic viscosity 厘斯托克 Central Bank of Malta 马耳他中央银行 Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥中央银行 central field of vision 中心视野 central fovea of macula 黄斑中心凹 central necrosis of hepatic lobule 肝小叶中心坏死 central office 中央电话局 central office line 用户线 central prism of a rangefinder 测距仪中心棱镜 central rupture of spleen 脾中央破裂 central tendon of diaphragm 膈中心腱 central tract of trigeminal nerve 三叉神经中央束 central type carcinoma of lung 中心型肺癌; 中央型肺癌 central value of distribution 分布的中心值; 分布中心值 central veins of liver 肝中央静脉 centralization of capital 资本集中 centralization of control 集中控制 centralized installation of welding machine 多站焊接 centre of a conic 二次曲线的心 centre of a magnetic well 磁阱中心 centre of buoyancy 浮力中心 centre of conic section 二次曲线心 centre of crest circle 坝顶曲线中心点 centre of dispersion 散布中心 centre of disturbance 扰动中心 centre of draft 阻力中心 centre of drag 阻力中心 centre of figure 形心 centre of form 形心 centre of gyration 回转中心; 粒子的导向中心 centre of homology 透射中心 centre of inertia system 惯性中心系统 centre of infection 传染中心 centre of location 定位中心 centre of mass 质量中心 centre of motion 运动中心 centre of nodal circle 波节圆中心 centre of percussion 打击中心 centre of perspectivity 透视中心 centre of pressure travel 压力移动中心 centre of projection 射影中心 centre of punch 冲心 centre of quadric 二次曲面心 centre of resistance 阻力中心 centre of span 跨距中点 centre of sphere 球心 centre of spherical curvature 球曲率中心 centre of supply 供电中心 centre of symmetry 对称中心 centre of tree 树中央 centre-hole of lathe 车床顶尖孔 centre-line of track 轨道轴线 centre-of- momentum system 动量中心系统 centre-of-gravity disturbance 重心扰动 centre-of-gravity motion 重心运动 centre-of-gravity mounting system 重心支承系统 centre-of-gravity path 重心运动轨迹 centre-of-gravity position 重心位置 centre-of-gravity range 重心范围 centre-of-gravity shift 重心偏移 centre-of-gravity suspension 重心悬置法 centreline of boiler 锅炉轴线 centrifugal moisture of soil 土壤离心含水量 centrifugal moment of inertia 离心惯矩 centrifugal pump of lining teflon 衬里离心泵 centrifugal pump of multistage type 多级离心泵 centrifugal pump of single stage type 单级离心泵 centrifugal pump of turbine type 水轮机式离心泵; 水轮式离心泵 centrifugal whirling of shaft 轴的离心旋动 centring of diaphragm 隔板定中心 centroid center of volume 体积中心 centroid of a free tree 一自由树的形心 centroid of stars 恒星群形心 centurium Ct past name of fermium 钲 ficient of spread 展宽系数 cephalic phase of gastric secretion 胃液分泌头期 cerclage of cervix 宫颈环扎术 cercospora black spot of peanut 花生黑斑病 cercospora brown spot of peanut 花生褐斑病; 花生弱斑病 cercospora leaf spot of heet 甜菜褐斑病 cercospora leaf spot of kaki 柿角斑病 Cercospora leaf spot of rice 稻条叶枯病 cercospora spot of clover 三叶草斑点病 Cercospora spot of rice 稻条斑病 Cercosporiosis of rice 稻条斑病 cerebral palsy of newborn 新生儿脑性麻痹 cerificate of quantity 数量证明书 certain varieties of soybean 某些大豆品种 certainty of measurement 测量精度 certificate and list of measurement and weight 容积重量证明书 authorization of code symbol stamp 规范符号标志的认可证书 certificate of breakage 货物毁损证书 completion of handling over 交接证明书 completion of works 工程竣工证书 certificate of compliance 符合证明; 一致的证明 certificate of conformity 证明商品符合合同中的规格的证书 certificate of damage 残损证明书; 损失证明书 date of sailing 开航证明书 Deduction of Interest Tax 扣除利息税证明书 certificate of delivery 交货单; 交货证明书 certificate of departure port 离港证明书 certificate of disinfection 消毒证书 certificate of incorporation 法人认可证 certificate of indebtness 借据; 一年期的公债 certificate of insurance 保险保证书; 保险证明; 保险证书 certificate of inward clearance 进口检查证; 海关检验单 certificate of manufacture 工厂证明书; 制造许可证 certificate of manufacturer 制造厂证明书 certificate of measurement 美国 木材尺寸检查证 certificate of necessity 需要证书 certificate of origin 产地证明书; 货物原产地证明书 certificate of origin textile products 纺织品产地证 possession of land 土地所有权证书 certificate of pratique 防疫通行证 certificate of pratique 检疫后发给的 入港许可证 certificate of pressure test 压力试验证明书 certificate of protection 美国 堡证书 certificate of protest 拒付证书; 拒付证书; 拒绝证书; 拒绝证书 certificate of purchase A or B 采购证明书A式或B式 certificate of purity 纯度证明书 certificate of qualification 合格证书 certificate of quality 品质证明书; 质量证明 certificate of quality test 品质试验证明书 receipt of export prepayment 出口预收货款证明书 certificate of registration 注册证书 certificate of reinsurance 分保单 certificate of service 送达证明书 settlement of import drafts 进口结汇证书 certificate of shipment 出口许可证 certificate of subscription 认股权证 certificate of tare weight 皮重证明书 certificate of tax payment 纳税证明书 certificate of weight 重量证明书 certificate of welder's quality 焊工合格证书 certification of fitness 质量合格证 certification of nondestructive personnel 无损检验人员证明书 certification of product 产品证明书 certification of service 服务证明书 certified variety of soybean and wheat 鉴定豆麦品种 cervical orifice of uterus 子门 cession of business 停业 cexfoliative cell examination of sputum 痰液脱落细胞检查 chain cut-off saw 链截锯 chain of bucket 斗链 chain of bursts 爆发链 chain of command 控制跨度; 控制面 chain of locks 梯级船闸 chain of pot 斗链 chain of relays 继电器群 chain of simplices 单形链 chain of stirred tanks 串联搅拌釜 chain-off thread back-tacking 辫线夹子 chain-off thread cutter 缝纫机 辫线剪刀 chalasia of cardia 贲门弛缓; 贲门松弛 chamber of commerce 商会 Chamber of Shipping River Plate CP 仙粗康租船契约 chamber of trade 销售业公会 chambers of heart 心腔 chancre of penis 阴茎下疳 chancre of vulva 外阴下疳 chancroid of penis 阴茎软下疳 chancroid of vulva 外阴软下疳 change dressing of dry socket 干槽换药 change in nature of risk 危险性质变更 change in offer 修订报价 change of control 功能控制改变 change of crops 换茬 change of denomination 票面金额变更 change of direction 方向变化 change of diurnal temperature 昼夜温度变化 change of dominance 显性更换 change of energy flow 能流改向 change of growth coefficient 生长系数变化 change of management 船舶 变更管理权 change of momentum 动量的变化 change of plan 计划变更 change of polarity 极性变更 change of population 人口变动 change of river course 河道改向; 河流改道 change of scale 变更尺度 change of sexual character 性征变更 change of shift 换班 change of states 物态变化 change of the form 变形 change of tide 潮位变化; 转潮 change of urine 尿液改变 change of variable 变量变换; 变数的更换 change of variable technique 变量更换方法 change of variable theorem 变量更换定理 change of voltage 电压变化 change of wave packet shape 波包形状变化 change the order of crops 变化轮作次序 change-of-linkage law 磁链变化定律 change-of-variable theorem 变量变换定理 changes of fluorescence 荧光量的变化 a stream of water 改变水流方向 changing the distribution of investment 调整投资结构 Changmen Front-Mu Point of the Spleen 穴位 章门 channel cut-off 河道裁弯 channel of communication 交流渠道; 信息交流渠道 channel of distribution 销售渠道; 分配流通渠道; 分配渠道 channel of promotion 特销渠道 channels of distribution 交货途径 chaos of conception 概念混乱 character of different dairy cattle 各种奶牛的特点 character of double refraction 重屈折性; 重折射性 character of service 工作制 character of surface 表面特性 characteristic curve method of water drive 水驱特征曲线法 characteristic curve of film 胶片特性曲线 characteristic function of a set 集的特征函数; 集合的特征函数 characteristic function of the binomial law 二项分布律的特征函数 characteristic length of acoustic vibration 声振动特征长度 characteristic number of logarithm 对数的特征数 characteristic of a logarithm 对数的首数 characteristic of char residue 焦渣特征 characteristic of correspondence 对应的特征 characteristic of returned value 返回数值的特性 characteristic of separation 分离特性 characteristic taste of a food 食物特殊味道 characteristics of demand 需求特点 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司