翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 We must get enough people to wait upon the guests. 我们要找足够的人来招待客人。 We must get enough people to wait upon the guests. 我们要找足够的人来招待客人。 We must watch for fires. 我们一定要当心火灾。 All year round we get new members of staff coming in. 我们一年到头都有新进职员。 We should view the problem in the mass. 我们应该就整体的观点来看这个问题。 We have a right to a living wage. 我们有权得到足够维持生活的工资。 We have a constitution whereupon the country runs its government. 我们有一部国家赖以施政的宪法。 We allowed a margin of twenty minutes in case the bus was late. 我们预留二十分钟宽裕时间,以防汽车晚点。 We are ready to vouch for the truth of the report. 我们愿意保证这一报导的真实性。 We weekended in Paris. 我们在巴黎度周末。 We're waiting for the bus. 我们在等公车。 We're waiting for the bus. 我们在等公车。 We rented a villa in France for the summer holidays. 我们在法国租了一幢别墅消夏。 We never weaken our efforts in face of difficulties. 我们在困难面前从不松劲。 During our stay in London, we visited Buckingham Palace. 我们在伦敦逗留期间参观了白金汉宫。 We lost a lot of money on that deal. 我们在那笔交易上亏损了许多钱。 We lost on that transaction. 我们在那笔交易上赔了钱。 We are studying the administrative machinery of our government. 我们在研究我们政府的行政组织。 We lunched in a Chinese restaurant. 我们在一家中餐馆吃了午餐。 We'll never stop them arguing. I wish I were well out of it. 我们怎么也不能劝止他们的争吵,要是我能躲得开就好了。 Let's go by water this time. 我们这次坐船去吧! We've been here many a time. 我们这儿已来过多次。 Let's pay a visit to the exhibition this weekend. 我们这个周末去参观展览会吧! We just made the last bus. 我们正好赶上末班公车。 We're mapping out where to go for our vacation. 我们正在地图上标出度假的去处。 Many of us warmed to the new employee at once. 我们中许多人立刻喜欢上了那位新来的雇员。 First thing tomorrow I'll weed the garden. 我明天一大早首先去除园内的杂草。 My mother's love for me was very great. 我母亲对我的爱是很深的。 My mother is busy weeding in the garden. 我母亲正在园中忙着除草。 I witnessed the traffic accident. 我目睹了那次交通事故。 I was twelve, and starting to put on weight and grow taller. 我那时十二岁,体重开始增加,个子也开始长高了。 I prefer to wait and see how things go. 我宁可先看看事态如何发展再说。 I prefer to wait and see how things go. 我宁可先看看事态如何发展再说。 My daughter has got a weekend job. 我女儿找到了一份周末的工作。 I owe my butcher $10, but he can whistle for it. 我欠肉店老板十美元,可是他是要不回的。 I had my passport visaed. 我取得了护照签证。 Will you watch over my clothes while I have a swim? 我去游泳,你帮我看一下衣服好吗? You have my wholehearted support. 我全心全意支持你。 I knew a fellow who lived for years by his wits. 我认识一个人,好多年来他就靠施展小聪明过日子。 I think the heart transplant is a wonderful thing. 我认为心脏移植是件神奇的事。 I have no money with me. 我身边没有钱。 I had only fifteen dollars on me when the book I wanted cost twenty. 我身上只带了十五元钱,可是我想买的那本书定价二十元。 My attention wandered. 我失了神。 I tried to warn him of the danger, but he was determined to get his own way. 我试图警告他有危险,可是他一意孤行。 I did it of my own free will. 我是出于自愿做的。 I was a witness to the argument. 我是那场争论的见证人。 I was guessing wildly. 我随便乱猜。 The Chinese I knew were trusting, open, and vital. 我所认识的中国人信赖别人,坦率,充满活力。 I heard a yell inside. 我听到里面一声喊叫。 I've heard a whisper that he has cancer. 我听到他得了癌症的传闻。 I heard a rat worrying a book. 我听见老鼠在啮碎一本书。 I heard him walking the floor. 我听见他在地板上踱步。 I have heard of one old witch changing herself into a pigeon. 我听说有个老巫婆把自己变成了一只鸽子。 I sent a message to Mary via her friend. 我通过玛丽的朋友带信给她。 I won purely by chance. 我完全是侥幸赢的。 I wholly agree with you. 我完全同意你。 I cannot remember the words of the song. 我忘了那首歌的歌词。 I would like my allowance in a lump sum. 我希望把我的零用钱全数发给我。 I wish you wouldn't smoke any more. 我希望你别再抽烟了。 I wish you wouldn't smoke any more. 我希望你别再抽烟了。 I hope you can see your way clear to settle the matter. 我希望你能设法解决这件事。 I'd like to see Europe as a nuclear-free zone. 我希望欧洲成为无核区。 I hope the new play works out. 我希望新的计划会成功。 I wish everything ready. 我希望一切准备妥当。 I like movies, but I don't like Westerns. 我喜欢电影,但不喜欢西部牛仔片。 I like tea while she likes coffee. 我喜欢喝茶,而她喜欢喝咖啡。 I like vocal music. 我喜欢声乐。 I like dancing the waltz. 我喜欢跳华尔滋舞。 I like this shirt, but the neck has worn. 我喜欢这件衬衫,但领子已旧。 I wrapped the book in brown paper before I mailed it. 我先把书用牛皮纸包好,然后邮寄。 I wrapped the book in brown paper before I mailed it. 我先把书用牛皮纸包好,然后邮寄。 I'm sure he'll make a master boxer. 我相信他会成为一名身手不凡的拳师。 I'm afraid she's in a bad way. 我想她是生病了。 I think she might have lost a bit of weight. 我想她体重可能减轻了一些。 I am in the market for a new car. 我想买辆新车。 I wish to go, but my mother wishes me to stay at home. 我想去,但母亲希望我待在家。 I'd like to go to Paris, Milan, or wherever. 我想去巴黎、米兰,或是别的什么地方。 I think he would accept the invitation. 我想他会接受邀请的。 I think he would accept the invitation. 我想他会接受邀请的。 I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。 I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。 I'd like to know when they'll let him out. 我想知道他们什么时候放他。 I wrote a memorandum to confirm our verbal agreement. 我写了份备忘录以确认我们的口头协议。 My brother is wild about traveling. 我兄弟热衷旅行。 My brother is wild about traveling. 我兄弟热衷旅行。 I drove west along the road. 我沿路向西驶去。 I'm low on cash right now. 我眼下现金不足。 I'm coming to London and my sister's coming as well. 我要来伦敦,我妹妹也会来。 I want you to watch the child while I'm away. 我要你在我不在的时候看管这孩子。 I'll try to work him to my way of thinking. 我要设法说服他同意我的想法。 I wish that I had never met her. 我要是没遇见过她就好了。 I want to work for the good of mankind. 我要为全人类的利益而工作。 I'll have watertight windows fixed. 我要装上不漏水的窗。 I have given it zero thought. 我一点也没考虑过这件事。 I'll be back in a while. 我一会儿就回来。 I can't manage another mouthful. 我一口也吃不下了。 I haven't done the wash yet. 我衣服还没洗好。 I have mailed the letter. 我已将该信付邮。 I have informed him by word of mouth. 我已口头通知他了。 I've made it a rule never to hurry. 我已养成凡事从容不迫的习惯。 I was led into the courtroom by a marshal. 我由一名法院的执行官领进法庭。 I've masses of work to do. 我有许许多多的工作要做。 I have got a loose tooth. 我有一颗牙齿松动了。 I went to the movies with Mary, who I think you once met. 我与玛丽一起去看电影。我想你见过她。 My luck's in. 我运气很好。 I can't get this radio station any more. Maybe its wavelength is jammed. 我再也找不到这个电台了。可能这个波段被干扰了。 I spent two nights in the mansion. 我在那座大厦住了两个晚上。 I spent my youth in the country. 我在乡间度过了青少年时代。 Whereby shall I know this? 我怎么才能知道这个呢? How can I win back the love she has given to this other man? 我怎么能重新获得她已给了别人的爱呢? I am at my wits' end to know what to do with my son. 我真不知对我儿子该怎么办才好。 I wish that I were/was younger. 我真希望能年轻一些。 I've been feeling low all week. 我整个星期都情绪不高。 I knew that all was well with her. 我知道她一切顺心如意。 I have to ask David to wait in the vestibule. 我只好让大卫在前厅等着。 I've written only one page. 我只写了一页。 Eventually I wearied of the bureaucratic infightings. 我终于对官场的钩心斗角感到厌烦了。 I waded through that long report at last. 我终于看完了那篇长报告。 I took the wrong way. 我走错了路。 My grandfather is a marvel; he goes hunting at his age. 我祖父真了不得,一大把年纪了还去打猎。 I took voluminous notes. 我作了大量笔记。 Dark clouds massed and we expected rain. 乌云密布,看起来就要下雨了。 The room was empty except for a broken wood chair. 屋子里除了一张破木椅什么都没有。 No matter where you go, I'll go with you. 无论你到哪里,我都与你同行。 Don't open the door, no matter who calls! 无论谁来,都不要开门! The cars zipped by endlessly. 无穷无尽的车呼啸而过。 No one ventured to speak to him. 无人敢跟他讲话。 Lunch is from eleven to one. 午饭从十一点供应到一点。 The colorful whirl of the dancers was beautiful to watch. 舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋转令人赏心悦目。 Physics was his major. 物理是他的主修科目。 Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas. 物质以三种形态存在,即固态、液态和气态。 The whole of Spain was jubilant. 西班牙举国欢腾。 He has been to most of West Europe. 西欧大部分地方他都去过。 The Greeks used to worship several gods. 希腊人过去信奉多神。 Let this be a warning to you. 希望这件事能成为你的鉴戒。 The lower berth is more convenient. 下铺更为方便。 The wrath of summer's heat has enveloped the valley. 夏日的酷暑已经笼罩了山谷。 The scenery in Hawaii is out of this world. 夏威夷的风景美得非凡,宛如仙境。 The fairy's magic changed the two brothers into swans. 仙子用魔法将两兄弟变成了天鹅。 I don't know whether you like flowers, sir. 先生,我不知道您是否喜欢花。 The suspect was marched to the police station for interrogation. 嫌疑犯被押赴警察局听候讯问。 Today the young are much more vocal. 现今年轻人比过去更为大胆地表述自己的意见。 Chopin, whose works are world-famous, composed some of his music in this room. 萧邦的音乐作品举世闻名,其中的一部分就是在这间屋子里创作的。 The path ran zigzag up the hill. 小道向山顶蜿蜒而上。 Peddlers cried their wares in the streets. 小贩沿街叫卖货物。 The young Mr. Longman and his father are both doctors. 小朗曼先生和他的父亲都是医生。 The little girl wept herself to sleep. 小女孩哭着哭着入睡了。 That little girl has grown up into a pretty woman. 小女孩已长成为一个漂亮的女人。 When I was a child, I had visions of being a prince. 小时候,我曾想像自己是个王子。 The thief made away with her ring. 小偷偷走了她的戒指。 The stream wound its way through the village. 小溪弯弯曲曲地流过村庄。 The stream wanders through the forest. 小溪蜿蜒流过森林。 The stream winds through the village. 小溪蜿蜒曲折流过村庄。 Watch out -- There's a car coming. 小心!有车来了。 Watch that the milk doesn't boil over. 小心别让牛奶滚溢出来。 Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。 Thank you for your help. 谢谢你帮忙。 The new general was not on the same wavelength as the other commanders. 新上任的将军与其他指挥官们意见不合。 Newborn babies begin their life with a wail. 新生儿痛哭一声便开始了他们的生命。 Fresh bamboo shoots will be on the market this month. 新鲜竹笋本月将上市。 The stars winked. 星星闪闪发光。 The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. 行政权必须给予美国总统。 The situation verged on disaster. 形势接近于灾难的边缘。 Luckily no one was hurt. 幸好没有人受伤。 Both brothers are mad about tennis. 兄弟俩对网球都很入迷。 In most birds, the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the female. 雄鸟大抵都比雌鸟大,而且羽毛颜色更鲜艳。 Males are generally taller than females. 雄性动物通常长得比雌性动物高。 Building the new railroad will be a mammoth job. 修建那条新铁路将是一项巨大工程。 The plumber took out a wrench and tightened the bolt. 修水管的工人拿出一把扳手拧紧了螺栓。 Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side. 许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。 Many products are made by machinery rather than by hand. 许多产品是机器造的而不是手工做的。 Many animals mate in the spring. 许多动物在春天交配。 Loosen the screw. 旋松螺丝。 Vote for the man you can trust. 选你能信赖的人。 The dean of the school acts as marshal of graduation ceremony. 学校的教务长担任毕业典礼的司仪。 Sharon was envious of the brightness of Mary's blond hair and the whiteness of her skin. 雪伦羡慕玛丽闪光的金发和洁白的皮肤。 The smoke made my eyes water. 烟把我的眼泪都熏出来了。 The smoke wreathed upward. 烟向上缭绕。 A big gap yawned between the rocks. 岩石间豁开一个大裂口。 The rocks were worn away by the sea. 岩石受海浪冲蚀。 Willows were planted along the river bank. 沿河岸栽着杨柳。 The success of the show bears witness to our good planning. 演出的成功证明我们计划周全。 The speech manifested the truth of the story. 演说证明了这故事的真实性。 Their poor teacher must have her work cut out for her to control such a noisy class. 要控制这么一个吵吵闹闹的班级,他们那可怜的老师一定累死了。 Either you pull your weight or we replace you. 要么你尽心尽力,否则我们就把你替换掉。 If your father finds out about this, he'll soon blow the whistle on what you're doing. 要是你父亲知道了这事,他一定会马上阻止你去做下去的。 If you take his secretary out to lunch, that usually helps to oil the wheels. 要是你请他秘书吃饭,事情通常就会顺利。 If my father puts in a good word for me, the boss may decide to give me another chance. 要是我父亲为我说情的话,老板可能会决定再给我一次机会。 Get the doctor to come quickly and tell him it's a matter of life and death. 要医生赶快来,告诉他这是生死攸关的事情。 Walls have ears, you know. 要知道,隔墙有耳。 Measures have been taken to reduce the incidence of the disease to zero. 业已采取措施把发病率降到最低程度。 The leaves were vibrant in the breeze. 叶子在微风中抖动。 During the night the wind lulled. 夜间风停了。 The nightingale whistled sweetly. 夜莺啭鸣。 The year 1849 witnessed a great war in Hungary. 一八四九年匈牙利发生了一场大战。 One hundred centimeters make one meter. 一百公分等于一公尺。 Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old. 一般而言,年轻人比老年人较不保守。 A bad cold had lost me some time. 一场重感冒使我失去了一些时间。 The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen. 一对公牛同轭拉着一头犁。 A mask, in the character of an old woman, joined them. 一个戴着假面具扮演老妇的人加入了他们的行列。 A person reaches his majority at the age of 21. 一个人二十一岁达到法定成年。 A soldier was wielding the sword. 一个士兵在舞剑。 A lucky person won the contest. 一个幸运儿赢了比赛。 A true warrior values glory and honor above life. 一个真正的勇士珍视荣誉胜过生命。 A fishbone got stuck in his throat, and after a long wrestle, he managed to swallow it down. 一根鱼骨鲠在他喉咙里,他挣扎了许久,总算把它咽下去了。 A liter of gas has less mass than a liter of water. 一公升汽油的质量比一公升水的质量小。 The wildfires of 1987 destroyed thousands of acres of the forest. 一九八七年的野火毁灭了千万公顷的森林。 A stray bullet winged the boy's right arm. 一颗流弹打伤了男孩的右臂。 A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave. 一块巨大的圆石堵住了山洞的入口。 One yard is nearly a meter in length. 一码约等于一公尺长。 He was stopped by a massive policeman. 一名身材魁梧的警察拦住了他。 A material witness failed to appear in court. 一名重要的证人没有出庭。 Wreaths of smoke rose from the chimney. 一圈圈的烟从烟囱冉冉升起。 A group of students placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero. 一群学生在那位民族英雄墓前献上花圈。 A snake wrapped around the pillar. 一条蛇盘绕在柱子上。 A snake wrapped around the pillar. 一条蛇盘绕在柱子上。 A wandering brook meanders around the park. 一条蜿蜒的小溪围绕着公园缓缓流过。 A male nurse took my temperature. 一位男护士给我量了体温。 A friendly critic wrote up the acting of the leading players. 一位友善的评论家写文章称赞主要演员们的表演。 She shuddered at the very thought of a snake. 一想到蛇她就惊恐万状。 A breeze wafted the music across the lake. 一阵微风将乐声传遍湖上。 A volley of automatic rifle fire could be heard. 一阵自动步枪的扫射声传了过来。 A vigilant police force helps to control crime. 一支警惕着的警察队伍有助于遏制犯罪。 Aesop's fables illustrate moral maxims. 伊索寓言阐明了道德准则。 The medical team was made up of twelve doctors. 医疗队由十二名医生组成。 The doctor wrote out a prescription. 医生开了张药方。 The doctor told him to give up smoking, which advice he took. 医生嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告。 The artist started with a big lump of clay. 艺术家用一大块黏土开始雕塑。 For want of anything better to do, he continued to read. 因为没有更好的事可做,他只好继续看书。 The bullies picked on him because he was yellow. 因为他怯懦,所以混混找他麻烦。 As we are not unanimous for this matter, let's vote on it. 因为我们在这件事上无法取得同意,我们表决吧。 The mastermind behind the scheme was executed after a brief trial. 阴谋的幕后策划者经过简短审讯便被处决了。 The hammers strike the piano strings and vibrate them. 音锤敲击钢琴的弦并使之震动。 The music vibrates in the memory. 音乐声萦绕在记忆中。 The bank is a ten minutes' walk from here. 银行从这里走过去十分钟就到。 Before the bank was willing to lend him money, it had to verify that he was the true owner of the house. 银行先得核实他确是这幢房子的主人,然后才肯借钱给他。 Loose terminology must be avoided. 应避免使用意义含糊的术语。 The brave young man voyaged single-handed in his yacht for months. 勇敢的年轻人独自乘游艇航行数月。 Use half a lemon dipped in salt and vinegar. 用半个柠檬蘸上盐和醋。 Wash the dry cake down with tea. 用茶把乾蛋糕咽下去。 It will take far less time to machine the cuffs than to sew them by hand. 用缝纫机缝制袖口比手工做省时得多。 He claimed a pension in virtue of his long illness. 由于长期生病,他申请救助金。 Rape flowers were yellowing the fields. 油菜花使田野变得黄灿灿。 Swimming is a wholesome pleasure to babies. 游泳对婴儿是一种有益于身心健康的嬉戏活动。 You're wanted on the phone. 有你的电话。 Someone has made off with my purse. 有人把我的钱包偷走了。 Someone has walked off with my umbrella. 有人偷走了我的伞。 Somebody wants to see you. 有人想见你。 Bank officers ask questions as a matter of course when someone wants to borrow money. 有人要贷款时,银行职员照例会问些问题。 There are millions of American veterans from the Second World War. 有数百万参加过第二次世界大战的美国退伍军人。 Some people like fatty meat, whereas others hate it. 有些人喜欢肥肉,而有些人却不喜欢。 There were times when I didn't know what to do. 有些时候我不知道该怎么办才好。 Fish live in water. 鱼生活在水中。 The volume of trade with Japan has increased. 与日本的贸易额增加了。 Links with the outside community withered. 与外界的联系消失了。 Where is the mate to this sock? 与这只袜子配对的另一只在哪里? It is difficult to imagine the magnitude of the universe. 宇宙的广大很难想像。 The rain whipped the window. 雨水拍打着窗户。 Budget cuts mean the wreck of all our plans. 预算的削减意味着我们所有计划的毁灭。 A vowel can form a syllable by itself. 元音能单独构成音节。 The garden is full of weeds. 园子里杂草丛生。 So that is your effective remedy. 原来那就是你们所谓的有效药物。 There was a mass of children in the yard. 院子里有一大群孩子。 The yard is a wilderness of weeds and heaps of coal. 院子里杂草丛生,煤堆满地。 John was touched by the warmth of their welcome. 约翰被他们的热烈欢迎而感动。 John and Mary are in love. 约翰和玛莉在相爱。 John would wrestle Gary for the prize. 约翰要和盖瑞角力夺奖。 John wrestled with the robbers. 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司