翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 compilation of statistics 编制统计 compilation of terms 技术用语汇编 complement of a set 集的补集; 集合的补集 complement of personnel 满员编制 complement of ten's 十进制补码 complement of two's 二进制补码 complementary offset binary 补偿码二进制 complementation of a fuzzy set 模糊集的补集 complete set of 整套的 complete dislocation of joint 关节全脱位 complete dislocation of lens 晶状体全脱位 constant of gravitation 引力常数; 重力场常数 constant of gravity 重力常数 constant of integrating meter 积量计常数 constant of motion 运动常数 constant of pitch 齿节常数 constant of precession 岁差常数 constant of reaction rate 反应速度常数 constant of the machine 电机常数 constant of the motion 运动的常数 constant of universal gravitation 万有引力常数 constant period of drying 等干燥阶段 constant rate of loading 常速加荷 constant rate of penetration test 等贯入率试验 constant rate of production 常产量; 稳定产量 constant rate of traverse 恒定横移速率 constant-rate method of distillation 恒速蒸馏法 constant-rate of flow 恒定流量 constant-rate period of drying 定速率干燥期 constant-rate-of-strain test 常应变率试验 constitution of a forest 林木组成 constitution of the plant 装置组成 constitutional theory of personality 人格的体质说 constricted portion of the cell 细胞的收缩部分 constriction of penis 阴茎缩窄 construction materials of the main parts 主要构件的结构材料 construction of cable 电缆结构 construction of condition 条件结构 construction of model 模型构造 construction of new variables 新变量的构造 construction of policy 保险单的解释 construction of pressure vessel 压力容器结构 construction of small towns 小城镇建设 construction of switch 开关结构 construction of tanks 电解槽构造 construction of wire rope 钢丝绳的结构 consultants' office 顾问室 consumerization of information 信息的消费化 consumption level method of demand forecasting 需求量预测消费水平法 consumption norm of subsidiary materials 辅助材料消耗定额 consumption of coagulation factors 凝血因子消耗 consumption of cooling-water 冷却水耗量 consumption of energy 能量消耗 consumption of main foodstuffs per head 人均主要食品消费量 consumption of materials 材料消耗量 consumption of pectoral qi 中医 宗气泄 consumption of power 动力消耗量 consumption of rinsing liquid 冲洗液消耗量 consumption of wash liquid 冲洗液消耗量 consumption of yin-fluid 阴液亏损 consumption part of material life 消费性的物质生活 consumption quota of standard project 标准项目消耗定额 consumption structure of people's lives 人民生活消费结构 consumptive use of water 耗水量 contact depth of tooth 接触齿高 contact dermatitis of buttock 马桶癣 contact start-flying off CSFO 接触启动浮动停止 contact surface of valve seat 阀座接触面 contagious pleuropneumonia of ox 牛肺疫 contain a lot of sand and clay 含有大量的沙子和粘土 contamination of mother's milk 母乳污染 contamination of working fluid 工作液污染 contango price of money 延期日息 contempt of court 藐视法庭 content of consumption 消费内容 contingency of reinforcement 强化过程系列 contingency theory of leadership 权变领导理论 continuance of tenancy 租借权继续 continuation of the journey 续航 continuing the reproduction of labor power 延续劳动力再生产 continuity of command 指令连续性 continuity of life 继续经营 continuous beam of light 持续光线 continuous boil-off machine 连续煮练机 continuous casting ratio of steelmaking 炼钢连铸比 continuous line of shafting 贯通传动杆 continuous skeletal traction of calcaneus 跟骨持续骨牵引 continuous system of physical inventory 连续实地盘存制度; 永续实地盘存制度 continuum of states 连续的状态; 连续态 top surface of coal bed 煤层顶面等高线图 contour of groove 轧槽轮廓 contour of precordial region 心前区外形 contour of recharge 补给边界 contour of water 等水位线 contour size of the units 设备外形尺寸 contra-angle handpiece of dental engine 牙钻机弯机头 contraband of trade 违禁贸易 contract different lines of work 分业承包 contract for the delivery of goods by installments 分批交货的买卖合同 contract for the payment of goods by installments 分批付款的买卖合同 contract for the supply of labor 提供劳务的合同 contract in restraint of trade 限制营业合同 contract leasing of governmental enterprises 出租国有企业合同 contract note of sales 发售约书; 贸易契约 contract of bill 票据合同 contract of carriage by sea 海上货物运输契约 contract of cooperation 协作合同 contract of guarantee 保证合同 contract of indemnity 赔偿合同 lease of property 财产租赁合同 contract of life insurance 人身保险合同 contract of loan 借贷合同 contract of on-carriage 集装箱 续运合同 contract of price 契约价格 contract of sale 销售合同 contract of sale for cash 现金买卖合同 contract of service 服务契约 contract of tenancy 租借契约 contract system of internal research subjects 课题承包制 contract the line of credit 紧缩信贷 contracted responsibility system of editors 编辑承包责任制 contracting officer 甲方工程代表 contraction furrows of Schwalbe 虹膜卷收缩沟 contraction of articular capsule 关节囊紧缩术 contraction of bladder 膀胱收缩 contraction of credit 紧缩信用 contraction of indicates 指标的短缩 contraction of jet 射流收缩 contraction of mass concrete 大体积混凝土体积收缩 contraction of money in circulation 通货收缩 contraction of tensor 张量缩并 contraction of the slip stream 滑流收缩 contraction of visual field 视野缩小 contraction ratio of insulating gel 绝缘胶收缩率; 绝缘胶收缩率 contraction ring of uterus 班都氏环 contracture of bladder 膀胱挛缩 contracture of fingers in children 小儿手拳 contracture of joint 关节挛缩 contracture of masseteric muscle 嚼肌挛缩 contracture of plantar fascia 跖腱膜挛缩 contrast of brightness 亮度对比 contrast of filter 滤光片的衬度 contrast of fringes 条纹反差 contravariant component of vector 矢量逆变分量 contribute their respective shares of capital 缴足认购资本 contribution of property 财产捐献 contribution theory of taxation 课税的分担理论 animals of mankind progress 动物对人类发展的贡献 control of a boundary 边界层控制 control of consumption 消费控制 control of cyst 囊线虫病控制 control of dust 集尘 control of flood 洪水控制 control of inflation 通货膨胀控制 control of insect 害虫防治 control of inversion 变换控制 leaf blotch of wheat 防治麦类叶斑枯病 control of leaf roller 防治卷叶虫 leaf spot of corn 防治玉米小斑病 control of lending and deposit balance 借差控制 control of lesion 防止损害 control of localized infection 防治局部侵染 control of merchandise 商品管理 control of metal temperature 金属温度控制 control of money supply 通货量调节管理 control of nematode 线虫防治 control of purchases 采购控制 control of purity 纯度的控制; 纯度控制 control of reflux ratio 回流比控制 control of scrap 废品的控制; 废品料的控制 control of sort procedure 分类过程的控制 control of source 水源控制 control of stamping 印章管理 control of the money supply 控制货币供应量 control of thrust orientation 推力定向操纵 control of variance 方差控制 control of water level 水位控制 control of weather 人工控制天气 control of weeds in narrow-row soybean 窄行栽培大豆的杂草防治 control office 控制局 control system of clutch 离合器操纵机构 control unit of control processor 控制处理机的控制器 control valve of copying device 仿形装置控制阀 control valve of moderator level 慢化剂液位调节阀 controlled release of energy 能量的受控释放 controller of currency 通货检查员 controls of carburettor 化油器控制拉杆 contusion of bladder 膀胱挫伤 contusion of larynx 喉挫伤 contusion of lung 肺挫伤 contusion of penis 阴茎挫伤 contusion of scrotum 阴囊挫伤 contusion of spinal cord 脊髓挫伤 contusion of spinal nerve root 脊神经根挫伤 contusion of teeth 牙挫伤 contusion of testis 睾丸挫伤 convection of energy 能量对流 convection of heat 热的对流 convenience of customers 方便用户 convergence of generating function 幂级数的收敛性; 母函数的收敛性 convergence of inner demands 内在要素汇集 convergence of meridians 子午线收敛角 convergence of power series 幂级数的收敛性 convergence of rays 光线会聚 convergence of series 级数的收敛性 convergence of truncation-error 截断误差收敛 convergency of pelvic wall 盆壁内聚 convergency of symptom 症状的趋同 convergent pencil of rays 聚光束; 聚光束 conversion coefficient of heat 热量换算系数 conversion of a loan 借款调换 conversion of branch trial balance 分店试算表折算 conversion of coal 煤转换 conversion of coordinates 坐标变换 conversion of energy 能量转化 conversion of motion 运动的转化 conversion of property 侵占财产 conversion of subsidiary trial balance 子公司试算表换算 conversion of thermal energy 热能转换 conversion of unit 设备的重新安装 conversion of wood to liquid fuel 木柴-液体燃料转换 convertibility of currency 通货的可兑换性 convertibility of dollar into gold 美元兑换黄金 convex offset wheel 盆式偏置车轮 conveyance power of water 输水能力 convoluted portion of distal convoluted tubule 远端小管曲部 convoluted tubule of testis 睾丸曲细精管 convolution of probability distribution 概率分布的卷积; 概率分布的褶积; 概率分布卷积 cook-off 烤燃发火 cool-off 冷却 coolling-off period 冷却周期 cooperation in the field of energy 能源合作 offshore oil 海上石油合作勘探 coordinate line of curvature 坐标曲率线 coordinated sets of measures 配套措施 coordinates of motion 运动坐标 coordinates of the pole 地极坐标 coordination of function 机能协调 coordinator of materials planning 材料计划联络人 coplanarity of orbits 轨道共面性 copper matrix of sufficient porosity 多孔铜基体 coppice of two rotations system 两次轮伐矮林作业法 copy of certificate by customs 出口许可证海关回联单 copy of film 复制片 copying of binary tree 二叉树的复写 course of manufacture 制造过程 course of reaction 反应过程 course of receiving 验收过程; 验收过程 course of working 工作过程; 加工过程 the Republic of France 法国审计法院 court of bankruptcy 破产法庭 court of common pleas 民事上诉法庭 court of judicature 法庭 court of justice 法庭; 法院 court of tribunal 民事审判庭 coutinuity of coating 涂层的连续性 covariant of a curve 曲线的协变式 cover for lines of credit 信贷限额保证 a set of dependencies 从属集的覆盖 cover of dust collector 集尘器上盖 cover of unconformable strata 不整合盖层 coverage of sample 样本范围 coverage of taxation 课税范围 covered kernel smut of kaoliang 高粱坚黑穗病 covered kernel smut of sorghum 高粱坚黑穗病 covered smut of barley 大麦坚黑穗病 covering of a seed 种子外皮 covering of piping 管道覆盖层 the berry of a cereal 谷物籽仁的覆盖物 covering of the seeds 作物种子的外壳 coxa of fore leg 前腿基节 coxa of hind leg 后腿基节 coxa of mid leg 中腿基节 Cox's method of two-step sampling 考克斯两步抽样方法 crack of weld 焊部裂纹 cracking of crown 牙冠破裂 cracking of molecules 分子破裂 cracking-off machine 爆口机 cranial fovea of rhomboid fossa 菱形窝颅侧凹 cranial limb of intestinal loop 肠袢头支 craniopharyngioma of palate 腭颅咽管瘤 craniopharyngioma of pharynx 咽颅咽管瘤 crank handle with offset lever 偏杆摇把 crank portion of shaft 轴的曲拐部分 crash change of speeds 变换速度时的撞击 crazing of plaster 抹灰面发裂 cream of tartar 酒石; 酒石 creaming of crab 蟹黄 creating new varieties of plants 创造作物新品种 creatinine concentration of plasma 血浆肌酐浓度 creation of a parent plant 生产一个植物亲本 creation of bank deposit 银行存款创造 creation of new species 品种的更新 creation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria 制造固氮细菌 creation of partent's progeny 生产亲本的后代 creation of vacuum 抽真空 credit of favorable conditions 条件优惠的信贷 creditor of bankruptcy 破产户之债权人; 破产债权人 creep of plastics 塑料蠕变 creep of the rails 轨道的爬行 creeping of grease 润滑脂的蠕升 crematory system of sewage disposal 污物焚化处理系统 crescents of Giannuzzi 贾努齐氏新月形腺细胞 crest of costal head 肋头嵴 crest of costal neck 肋颈嵴 crest of lesser tubercle 小结节嵴 crest of peak 峰顶 crest of screw thread 螺纹牙顶 crest of thread 齿顶 crest of vestibular 前庭嵴 crest of weir 堰口 cribriform carcinoma of breast 乳腺筛状癌 cribriform carcinoma of lung 肺筛状癌 crime of corruption 腐化罪 crime of defamation 诽谤罪 embezzlement of state property 侵吞国家财产罪 criminal offender 犯罪分子 criminal offense 犯罪 crinkle mosaic of cotton 棉皱缩花叶病 crisis of confidence 信任晰 crisis theory of overinvestment 投资过多晰论 criteria of curve 曲线准则 criteria of inverse probability 反概率准则 criteria of value 价值规范 criterion of bank stability 岸坡稳定性标准 criterion of choice 选择的准则 criterion of degeneracy 退化判别式 criterion of perfect fidelity 高逼真度准则 criterion of pessimism 悲观准则 criterion of realism 现实主义标准 complete penetration of well 完整井 complete rupture of uterus 子宫完全破裂 bills of lading 全套提单 complete set of files 成套锉刀 complete set of needle file 成套小锉刀; 成套锉刀 complete set of rolling mill 成套轧钢设备 complete set of variance 方差的完全组 complete set of wrench 成套扳手 complete sets of farm machine 成套农机设备 complete transposition of great blood vessels 完全性大血管错位 complete transposition of viscera 全内脏转位 completeness of a model 模型完备性 completeness of combustion 燃烧完全度 completeness of deduction system 演绎系统完备性 completeness of modes 模的完全性 completion of discharge 卸载完毕 completion of jobs 批次产品完工 complex characteristics of climate 气候的综合特点 complex index of reflection 复反射率 complex of curves 曲线丛 complex of external condition 外界条件总体 fracture-dislocation of spine 脊柱骨折脱位合并症 complication of pelvic fracture 骨盆骨折合并症 complication of pregnancy 妊娠合并症 complication of smallpox vaccination 种痘并发症 component of a symmetrical system 对称系统的分量 component of current 电流轴线分量 component of flux linkage 磁链轴线分量 component of force 分力 component of interaction 交互成分 component of rotation 分转动 component of stress 分应力 component of the four displacements 四游仪 component of the six cardinal points 六合仪 the three arrangers of time 三辰仪 component of variance 方差分量 component of velocity 分速度 components of covariance 协方差组分 composite index of coincident indicators 重合经济指标综合指数 composite index of lagging indicators 滞后经济指标综合指数 composite index of leading indicators 先行经济指标综合指数 composite surface of sliding 复式滑动面 composition of concurrent forces 汇交力系的合成 composition of consumer demand 消费构成 composition of consumer goods 消费品需要结构 composition of diet 食物构成 composition of displacement 位移合成 composition of feed 饲料成分 composition of forces 力的合成; 力合成 composition of fumes 炉气成分 composition of fuzzy relations 模糊关系的合成 composition of investment 投资结构; 投资结构 composition of livestock herds 畜群结构 composition of mappings 映射的合成 composition of menstrual blood 月经血成分 composition of milk 乳的成分 composition of population 人口构成; 人口组成 composition of probabilities 概率合成 composition of production technologies 生产技术构成 composition of proportions 比例构成 composition of relations 关系的合成 composition of sample 样本构成 composition of soil 土壤成分 composition of the nutrient medium 养分介质的组成 composition of trade 贸易组成 composition of vectors 向量的合成 composition of velocities 速度的合成 composition of velocity law 速度合成定律 composition of well stream 充气石油成分 offences 违法即决 compound interest method of depreciation 折旧复利法 compound rates of return 复报酬率 compound tincture of cinchona 赫克塞姆氏酊 compounding of glaze 配釉的方法 compounding of tectonic systems 构造体系的复合 comprehensive survey of forest resources 林业资源普查 comprehensive use of timber 木材综合利用; 木林综合利用 comprehensive utilization of coal 煤炭综合利用 compressed zone of wave 波密区 compression fusion of knee joint 膝关节加压融合术 compression of bandwidth 带宽压缩 compression of brain 脑压迫征 compression of lung 肺脏压缩 compression of urethra 尿道受压 compression technique of light pulse 光脉冲压缩技术 compression test of tubes 管子的抗压试验 compressional potential of wave 波压缩势 Compton-Raman theory of scattering 康普顿-喇曼散射理论 computation of heat balance 热平衡计算 computation of reinforcement 补强计算 computation unit of control processor 控制处理机的运算部件 concatenation of fuzzy language 模糊语言的串接 concatenation of string 串的连接 concentration of a nutrient in the plants 植株内营养的浓度 concentration of beam 集束 concentration of enterprises 企业集中 concentration of fertilizer 肥料浓度 concentration of landholding 土地集中 concentration of production 生产集中 concentration of the mind 系缘止 concentration of trade 贸易集中 concentration of urinary creatinine 尿肌酐浓度 concept of non-reciprocity 非互惠概念 concept of wholism 整体观念 concertina method of tariff reduction 伸缩的关税削减法 concessionary rate of tax 特惠税率 conciliation out of court 法庭外调解 concrete of jasmine 茉莉浸膏 concrete of low porosity 密实混凝土 concrete of Michelia 白兰浸膏 concrete of rose crimson glory 墨红花浸膏 concussion of brain 脑震荡 concussion of labyrinth 迷路震荡 concussion of spinal cord 脊髓震荡 condensation of moisture 结露 condensation of nonsugar precipitates 非糖沉淀物的凝聚 condition of balance 平衡条件 condition of business 经营环境; 经营环境 condition of commutation 换向情况 condition of compatibility 适应条件 condition of consumption 消费状况 condition of continuity 连续性条件 condition of contract 承包条件 condition of convergence 收敛条件 condition of crime 犯罪条件 condition of cure 固化条件 condition of delivery 交货状态 condition of disaster 灾情 condition of heat treatment 热处理状态 condition of high temperature 高温状态 condition of kinematic connectivity 运动学关联性条件 condition of mass flow continuity 质量流动连续条件 condition of molding 成型条件 condition of moulding 模塑条件 condition of plasticity 塑性状态 condition of pure competition 纯粹竞争条件 condition of rest 静止状态; 静止状态 condition of service 服务条件; 使用情况 condition of storage 储存条件 condition of temperature 温度条件 condition of uncertainty 不确定情况 conditions of calcination 锻烧条件 conditional bill of lading 附有条件的提单 conditional bill of sale 附条件销售单据 conditional offer 附条件报价; 附条件发价; 附条件要约 conditional transfer of control 控制的条件转移 conditioning of hay crop 干草预压 conditioning of scrap 废钢料调节 conditions of a loan 借款条件 conditions of carriage 货运条件 conditions of cartel 卡特尔条件 conditions of contract 契约条件 conditions of end fixity 端部固定条件 conditions of sale 销售条件 conditions of the bid 投标条件 conditions of ultrasonic inspection 超声波探伤条件 conducting system of heart 心脏传导系统 core length of divided seam 分层岩心长度 core of a classical cooperative game 古典合作对策的核心 core of cable 电缆芯 core properties of case hardened steel 表面热处理后钢中心的性质 riboflavin 柯纳尔氏核黄素单位 corner post of balustrade 栏杆角柱 corners broken off main body 辊身缺角 corners of mouth 嘴角 cornice of pedestal 台口线 cornification of conjunctiva 结膜角化 corocoid process of ulna 尺骨冠突 corona of glans penis 阴茎头冠 corona radiate of ovum 卵放射冠 coronal of the Galaxy 银冕 coronal suture of fetal head 儿头冠状缝 coronary ligament of liver 肝冠状韧带 coronary vein of stomach 胃冠状静脉 corpus luteum of pregnancy 妊娠黄体 corpuscular nature of light 光的微粒性 corpuscular theory of light 光的微粒理论 correct combination of gears 齿轮正确组合 correct grinding of tool 刀具正确刃磨 corrected coefficient of determination 校正的测定系数 corrected transposition of great vessels 纠正型大血管错位; 纠正型大血管错位 correction factor of mean temperature difference 温度差修正因子 correction of clubbed penis 阴茎下弯矫正术 correction of defect 缺陷矫治 double outlet of left ventricle 左室双流出道矫正术 double outlet of right ventricle 右室双流出道纠正术 correction of ectropion 睑外翻矫正术; 睑外翻矫正术 correction of ectropion spasmodicum 痉挛性睑外翻矫正术; 痉挛性睑外翻矫正术 correction of hallux valgus 拇外翻矫正术 correction of labial frenum 唇系带修整术 correction of soundings 测深校正 correction of weighing 称量校正 correction rate of defect 缺陷矫治率 corrector of magnetic compass 磁罗盘修正器 correlation of attributes 品质相关 correlation of random noise 随机噪音相关 correlation of time series 时间数列相关 correspondence outside of the trade 非同业间的通信 correspondent letter of credit 通汇银行信用证 corrosion of cornea 角膜腐蚀 corrosion of metal 金属锈蚀 corrosion of steel 钢材腐蚀 cortex of bone 骨皮质 cortex of hair 毛发皮质 cortex of lens 晶状体皮质 cortex of lymph node 淋巴结皮质 cortex of metaphysis 干骺端皮质 cortex sloughing off 皮层脱离 cost method of inventory pricing 库存按成本计价法 cost of a building 房屋造价 cost of borrowing 借款成本; 借款费用 cost of capital 资本成本 cost of carrying inventory 库存储备成本 cost of charp tool 刀具成本 cost of children's mortality 儿童死亡代价 cost of civil engineering works 土木工程费用 cost of clearing 开垦的费用 cost of common services 一般服务成本 cost of comparable products 可比产品成本 cost of constructor's mechanical plant 施工机械费 cost of cover 弥补费用 cost of debt 举债成本; 举债成本 cost of delay 延误费 cost of development 开发成本 cost of distribution 销售成本; 分配费用 cost of financing 财务费用 cost of floatation 发行证券成本 cost of floor space 安装面积成本 cost of flotation 证券发行成本 cost of freight 运费 cost of fuels 燃料费 cost of future processing 再加工成本 cost of goods 商品成本 cost of goods purchased 进货成本 cost of goods sold 销货成本; 销售成本 cost of handling and storing inventory 搬运与保管费用 cost of human resources 人力资源成本 conduction of heat 热传导 conduction system of heart 浦肯野氏系统; 心脏传导系统 conductive time of facial nerve 面神经传导时间 conductometer of heat 导热计 conductor propagation of bubble 磁泡导体传输 condyle of femur 股骨髁 condyle of humerus 肱骨髁 condyloma cauminatum of vulva 外阴尖锐湿疣 cone of dejection 冲积锥 cone of depression 下降漏斗; 下降锥体 cone of detritus 冲积锥 cone of dispersion 集束弹道 cone of fire 火焰锥 cone of friction 摩擦锥面 cone of gears 齿轮锥 cone of groundwater depression 地下水面下陷锥; 地下水下降漏斗 cone of influence 下降锥体 cone of light 光锥; 鼓膜光锥; 波利泽尔氏锥 cone of nulls 零锥 cone of origin 始锥 cone of pumping depression 抽水下降漏斗 cone of revolution 回转锥面 cone of silence 静锥区; 静锥区 cone of tangents 切锥 cone of visibility 能见锥区 Confederation of Swedish Trade Unions 瑞典工会联合会 confidence interval of mean 均值的置信区间; 均值的置信区间 configuration of sample 样本的构形 configuration of surface 表面形态 configured-off 非合用配置 confirmation of sales 销售确认书 confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证; 确认信用状 confiscation of property 没收财产 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司