翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 deviation of nasal septum 鼻中隔偏曲; 鼻中隔弯曲 deviation of reading 示值偏差 deviation of transposition 换位偏差 device of dust separation 除尘设备 device to measure the flow of water 计量水流装置 devitrification of glass 玻璃闷光; 玻璃透明消失; 玻璃析晶 devolution of powers 放权 dextrorotation of uterus 子宫右旋 diagnosis of coronary heart disease 冠心病诊断 diagnosis of pregnancy 妊娠诊断 diagnostic standard of silicosis 矽肺诊断标准 diagonal plane of a polyhedron 多面体的对角面 diagram of component forces 分力图 diagram of forgeability behaviour 塑性图 diagram of gears 传动装置图 diagram of leaf part 叶部图解 diagram of link 链接的图式 diagram of list 列表的图式 diagram of node 节点的图式 diagram of structural information 结构信息的图式 diagram of wiring 接线线路图 diagram of work 示功图 diagrammatic representation of input-output 投入产出表 dial central office 自动电话总局 dial of meter 仪表刻度盘 dial office 自动电话局; 拨号局 diameter at location of gasket load reaction 垫片载荷作用位置处的直径 diameter difference of cross section 断面直径差 diameter of bolt 螺栓直径 diameter of bolt hole 螺栓孔直径 diameter of centre hole in bolts 螺栓中心圆直径 diameter of commutation 换向直径 diameter of hole 最大孔径 diameter of inlet 吸入口直径 diameter of outflow tube 出水管直径 diameter of outlet 排气口直径 diameter of plunger 柱塞直径 diameter of screw 螺纹标称直径; 螺旋直径 diameter of slot 槽片直径 diameter of thread 螺纹直径 diameter of wire 电线直径 diameter of work 工件直径 diameter of workpiece 工件最大直径 diametric ratio of flange 法兰径比 diamond-shaped pane of glass 菱形玻璃片 diaper work of bricklaying 菱形砖砌图案 diaphragm of sella turcica 鞍膈 diaphragmatic part of pleura 胸膜隔部 diaphragmatic type of mitral stenosis 隔膜型二尖瓣狭窄 diaphysial center of ossification 干骨化中心 diarrhea due to cold of insufficiency type 虚寒洞泄 diarrhea due to disorder of qi 气痢 diarrheogenic tumor of pancreas 胰致腹泻瘤 diary of the reporting household 报告户日记帐 diastase of malt 麦芽淀粉酶 diathermy of choroid 脉络膜透热术 dichotomy of variables 变量的均分 Dictionary of Chinese Pharmacy 世界书局编 1935 中国药学大辞典 die of stamp 捣矿砧 diencephal syndrome of infancy 间脑丘脑下部综合征 difference in floor lever of sieve tray 筛板表面水平偏差 difference of brightness 亮度差 difference of luminance 亮度差 difference of magnification 放大率差; 等倍差 difference of meridional parts 纬差 difference of polynomial 多项式的差 difference of sample means 样品平均数差 different depths of plowing 不同耕作深度 different in growth habits of plants 植物的不同生长习性 different kinds of liquid solvents 不同种类的溶剂 different levels of potassium 不同水平施钾 different levels of productive forces 不同层次生产力 differentiability of a pointwise supremum 点态上确界的可微性 differential count of bone marrow cells 骨髓液细胞分类计数 differential diagnosis of cloudy urine 尿液混浊鉴别法 differential heat of dilution 微分冲淡热; 稀释热 differential heat of solution 微分溶解热 differential heat of sorption 微分吸收热 differential incomes of land 土地级差收益 differential method of measurement 差示测量法 differential of high order 高阶微分 differential of higher order 高阶微分 differentiation of a matrix 矩阵的微分; 矩阵的微分 differentiation of conditioned reflex 条件反射分化 differentiation of flower bud 花芽分化 differentiation period of cell 细胞分化时期 difficulty of control 难控性 diffraction circle of confu-sion 衍射模糊圈 diffraction of light 光的衍射 diffuse carcinoma of lung 弥漫型肺癌 diffuse fibrocystic disease of lungs 弥漫性纤维囊性肺病 diffuse infiltrative carcinoma of stomach 弥漫浸润型胃癌 diffuse malignant mesothelioma of pleura 弥漫性恶性胸膜间皮瘤 diffuse scirrhous carcinoma of stomach 弥漫型胃硬癌 diffusibility of gases 气体扩散率 diffusion of innovations 新产品渗透理论 diffusion of light 光的漫射 diffusion of noxious substance 有害物扩散 diffusion of solids 固体扩散 diffusion of wealth theory 分散财富说 digest of statistics 统计摘要 digestion pill of betel nut 槟榔四消丸 digital coding of voice DCV 声音的数字编码; 声音数字编码 dignity of courtroom 法律尊严; 法庭尊严 digraph representation of a structure 结构的有向图表示法 dilatation coefficient of viscosity 粘性膨胀系数 dilatation of bladder 膀胱扩张 cervix and curettage of uterus 扩颈刮宫术 dilatation of heart 心腔扩张 dilatation of intestine 肠管扩张 dilatation of thoracic duct 胸导管扩张 dilatation of uterine cervix 子宫颈扩张术 dilatation of valvular ring 瓣环扩大 dilator muscle of pupil 虹膜扩大肌 diligent and thrift management of households 勤俭持家 dilution of sewage 污水稀释 dimension of a simplex 单纯形的维数 dimension of a vector space 向量空间的维数 dimension of connection 连接尺寸 dimensions of human figure 人体尺度 dimensions of suction and discharge flanges 进出口法兰尺寸 diminution of hepatic dullness 肝浊音区缩小 diminution of pressure 减压 diminution of roots 缩根法 dioxalate of potassa 草酸氢钾 dip of load curve 负荷曲线峡谷 dip of shore horizon 岸线坡度 dip of the horizon 地平俯角 dip of the track 径迹深度; 径迹深度 dipping method of timber treatment 木材浸渍处理法 direct ... into the orbit of 纳入轨道 direct bill of lading 直达提单 direct cause of death 直接死因 direct charge-off method 直接冲销法 direct method of triangularization 三角化直接法 direct passage of current 直接通电 direct position of telescope 正镜测量 direct product of sets 直积集 direct-fired scale-less of free heating furnace 敞焰少无氧化加热炉 direction of building 建筑物朝向 direction of current 电流方向 direction of curve 曲线的方向 direction of feed 进给方向 direction of flow 流体流向 direction of groundwater flow 地下水流向 direction of lay 敷设方向 direction of light 光的方向 direction of loop 环的方位 direction of management 经营方向; 经营方向 direction of motion 运动方向 direction of polarization 极化方向 direction of propagation 传播方向 direction of rotation 转动方向; 旋转方向 direction of scanning 扫描方向 direction of spiral 螺旋方向 direction of trade 贸易方向 direction of wave travel 波传播方向; 波的传播方向 direction of welding 焊接方位; 焊接方向 director cone of a ruled surface 直纹面的准锥面 director of hospital 医院院长 lower echelon of the board 初级董事会 dirty bill of lading 不清洁提单 disappearance of a legal person 法人消失 disappearance of lumbar lordosis 腰前凸消失 disappearance of mucosal folds 粘膜皱襞消失 disappearance of outcrop 露头缺失; 露头隐藏 disappearence of central groove 中央沟消失 disapperance of nasolabial sulcus 鼻唇沟消失 disarticulation of knee 膝关节离断术 disarticulation of shoulder 肩关节断离术; 肩关节离断术 disc of confusion 弥散斑; 弥散盘 disc of pump 泵轮 discharge coefficient of flow nozzle 喷嘴流量系数 discharge leg of syphon 虹吸管流出端 discharge of bacteria 排菌 discharge of capacitor 电容器放电 discharge of contract 取消合同 discharge of debts 免除债务 discharge of ground water 地下水流量 discharge of mortgage 解除按揭 discharge of pump 水泵出水量; 泵抽水量 discharge of repayment 免除清偿 discharge of safety valve 安全阀泄放 discharge of the fuel 卸燃料 discharge off 放电完毕 discharging of brake 风闸放气 discission of cataract 内障刺开术 disclosure of relevant information 相关资料的表达 discontinuity indication of defect 缺陷指示 discontinuity of defect 缺陷不连续性 discontinuity of material 材料的不均匀性 discontinuity of materials 材料不均匀性 discontinuity of the first kind 第一类间断性 discount offered 提供贴现; 提供折扣 discount on bills sold on condition of repurchase 附有回购条件的票据的贴现 discourse of trade 贸易论 discovery of documents 披露文据 discovery of facts 披露事实 discretization of continuous time system 连续时间系统离散化 discriminant of quadratic form 二次方程判别式 disease of chest wall 胸壁疾病 disease of Cowper's gland 尿道球腺疾病 disease of craniopharyngeal canal 颅咽管病 disease of metabolism 新陈代谢疾病 disease of newborn 新生儿疾病 disease of respiratory system 呼吸系统疾病 disease of thoracic wall 胸壁疾病 disease of vitreous 玻璃体病 dishing of surface 如土壤的 表面碟状沉陷 disinfection of well water 井水消毒; 井水消毒 disintegration of filament 灯丝烧坏; 灯丝烧毁 disintegration of measure 测度的积分分解 disintegration of plaster 抹面剥落 disintigration of the body 肢体断碎 conical profile 锥形叶轮 disk of constant stress 等强度叶轮 disk of constant thickness 等厚度叶轮 variable profile 变截面轮盘 disk of variable thickness 变厚度轮盘 disk office support system DIOSS 磁盘办公支持系统 articulation of larynx 喉关节脱位 dislocation of atlas 寰椎脱位 dislocation of capitulum radii 桡骨小头脱位 dislocation of cervical vertebra 颈椎脱位; 颈椎脱位 dislocation of coccyx 尾骨脱位 cricoarytenoid joint of larynx 喉环杓关节脱位 cricothyroid joint of larynx 喉环甲关节脱位 dislocation of distal radioulnar joint 下尺桡关节脱位 head of radius 桡骨头脱位 dislocation of incus 砧骨脱位 dislocation of intertarsal joint 跗骨间关节脱位 dislocation of joint 关节脱位 dislocation of knee joint 膝关节脱位 dislocation of lens 晶状体脱位 distance of distinct vision 明视距离 face roof under control 控顶距 distance of run 行程 distance of tray support to support 塔板支座间距 distance of tray to tray support 塔板至塔板支座的距离 weir to inside surface of tank 溢流堰至容器内壁的距离 distance-type of cooling thermometer 遥测空气温度计 distention of jugular vein 颈静脉扩张; 颈静脉扩张 distinct areas of archesporial cells 清晰白孢原细胞区 distortion factor of a wave 波形失真系数 distortion of field 磁场畸变 distortion of flow pattern 流型的畸变 distortion of handle and spout 歪嘴斜把 distortion of lattice 晶格畸变 distortion of penis 阴茎扭转 distortion of the mesh 夹丝玻璃缺陷 网格变形 distortion of vessel 容器的变形 distortion of wooden sash 木窗扇变形 distributed statement of service cost 服务成本分配表 distribution curve of daylight factor 采光系数分布曲线 distribution free test of fit 拟合的非参数检验 distribution of animal and plant 生物分布 distribution of bending moment 弯矩分配 distribution of circulation 环流分布 distribution of cost 费用分布 distribution of daylight factor 采光系数分布 distribution of demand 要求分布 distribution of factor income 要素收入的分配 distribution of failure 故障分布 distribution of fat 脂肪的分布 distribution of felling 采伐顺序 distribution of income 收入分配 distribution of light 光线分布 distribution of luminous intensity 光强度分配 mean of sample 样本均值的分布 distribution of molecular speed 分子速率分布 distribution of molecular velocity 分子速度分布 distribution of normal vibration 简正振动分布 distribution of pathogen 病原分配 distribution of pipe 管路分布; 管线的布置 distribution of plant 植物分配 distribution of property 财产分配 distribution of radiant heat 辐散热的分布 distribution of rain 降雨量分布 distribution of rainfall throughout the year 全年降雨分布 distribution of reflux 回流的分布 distribution of risk 危险分布 distribution of salts 盐的分布 distribution of shadow 阴影的分布 distribution of size 粒度分布 distribution of sizes 粒度分配 distribution of social labor 分配社会劳动 distribution of soil 土壤分布 distribution of spectral intensity 谱强度分布 distribution of taxation 赋税的分配 distribution of term usage 词使用分布 distribution of the national income 分配国民收入 distribution of variance 方差分布 distribution of wave energy 波能分布 distribution of wealth 财富分配 distribution of work 功分配 distribution sheet of stores 材料分配单 distribution statement of service 服务成本分配表 distribution statement of service cost 服务费用分配表 distribution system of gas 煤气分配系统 disturbance of analysis 分析障碍 disturbance of blood circulation 血液循环障碍 disturbance of blood coagulation 凝血障碍 disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism 碳水化合物代谢紊乱 disturbance of carbonydrate transfer 碳水化合物转运紊乱 disturbance of cerebral circulation 脑循环障碍 disturbance of circulation 循环紊乱; 循环障碍 disturbance of consciousness 意识障碍 disturbance of food intake 摄食障碍 disturbance of gas diffusion 气体弥散障碍 disturbance of intelligence 智能障碍 disturbance of lipoid metabolism 类脂质代谢障碍 disturbance of memory 记忆障碍 disturbance of perception 知觉障碍; 感知障碍 disturbance of perceptive synthesis 感知综合障碍 disturbance of personality consciousness 人格意识障碍 disturbance of pulmonary circulation 肺循环障碍 disturbance of self-consciousness 自我意识障碍 disturbance of speech 言语障碍 disturbance of sphincter 括约肌障碍 disturbance of thought 思维障碍 disturbance of visceral function 气机不利; 内脏机能障碍 disturbance of will 意志障碍 divergence of a vector 矢量的散度 divergence of a vector-valued function 向量值函数的散度 divergence of pipe 管子的分支 diversification of risk 风险分散; 分散风险 diversification of sales 销售方式多样化 diversification of sports funds 体育资金多元化 diversified functions of sports 体育的多元化功能 diversified program of investment 投资的多样化规划; 投资多样化规划 diversion of complement 补体转向 diversion of urine 尿流改道 diverti-culectomy of urethra 尿道憩室切除术 diverticulectomy of bladder 膀胱憩室切除术 diverticulitis of bladder 膀胱憩室炎 diverticulitis of colon 结肠憩室炎 diverticulitis of small intestine 小肠憩室炎 diverticulosis of colon 结肠憩室病 diverticulum of bronchus 支气管憩室 diverticulum of small intestine 小肠憩室 divesting of a right 丧失权利 divisible leter of credit 可分割信用证 division of bacteria within envelope 包膜内细菌分类 division of common property 分配共同财产 division of design 设计分工 division of function 机能分工 labor and lines of specialities 分业分工 labor and lines of work 分业分工 division of labour in society 社会分工 division of relation 关系的划分 division of suckers 分株 division of the graticule 分划板刻线 division of wavefront 波阵面分割 division of words 移行 doctor of engineering 工程学博士 doctor of medicine 医博士 doctor of traditional Chinese medicine 中医师 doctor's office 医师办公室 doctrine of comparative cost 比较成本说 doctrine of comparative value 比较价值说 doctrine of consistency 一贯原则 doctrine of intestate escheat 没收无遗嘱的财产税 doctrine of strict compliance 严格符合主义 document of clearance 结关文件 document of settlement 结算单据 document of title 所有权文据; 所有权文据; 权利凭证 documentary bill with letter of credit 凭信押汇汇票 documentary letter of credit 押汇信用证 dodar determination of direction and range 超声波定位器 dollar certificate of deposite 美元存单 dollar volume of receipts 美元进款额 domain of a fuzzy relation 模糊关系的定义域 domain of dependence 依赖域 domain of feasible solution 可行解区域 domain of individual 个体的定义域 domain of influence 影响域 domain of interpretation 解释域 domain of study 研究域 domain of walker 浮动范围 domain-wall mobility of magnetic bubble 磁泡畴壁迁移率 domestic use of water 民用水 dominance of strategies 策略的优势 domination of input combinations 控制投入组合 domination of strategies 策略的超优; 策略的支配 door of vital energy 气门 door sheet of fire box 火箱门板 door-handle of porcelain 瓷制门把手 doping of gasoline 汽油掺添加剂 dorsal branch of corpus callosum 拼胝体背侧支 dorsal branch of ulnar nerve 尺神经手背支 dorsal digital nerves of foot 趾背神经 dorsal digital veins of foot 趾背静脉 dorsal fascia of foot 足背筋膜 dorsal lateras nerve of great toe 拇背外侧神经 dorsal nerve of clitoris 阴蒂背神经 dorsal nerve of penis 阴茎背神经 dorsal vein of clitoris 阴蒂背静脉 dorsal vein of corpus callosum 胼胝体背静脉 dorsal venous rete of foot 足背静脉网 dorso-ventral boundary of the hand 赤白肉际 dorsum of foot 足背 dosage of inoculation 接种剂量 dou, a unit of measure for grain 1 decalitre 市斗 double contrast radiography of colon 结肠双重造影 double contrast study of stomach 胃双重造影检查 double cut-off saw 双轴圆盘锯床 double layer of reinforcement 双重钢筋 double methods of titration 两种滴定法 double offset 双偏置; 双效补偿; 双效抵消; 双乙字管; 双支距; 二级起步时差 double offset ring spanner 梅花扳手; 梅花双头扳手 double offset ring spanner black finished 黑色梅花扳手 double offset ring spanner chrome plated 镀铬梅花扳手 double-coincidence of need 需要的双方吻合 double-factorial terms of trade 双因贸易条件 double-layer of lipoid 脂质双层 doughing of malt 麦精面团 downstream face of dam 坝的下游面 ile of crown section 拱冠断面下游面轮廓 downstream radius of crest 坝顶下游面半径 downward system of ventilation 下向通风系统 downy midew of rice 稻霜霉病 downy mildew of alfalfa 苜蓿霜霉病 downy mildew of crucifers 十字花科蔬菜霜霉病 downy mildew of cucurbits 瓜类霜霉病 downy mildew of garpe 葡萄霜霉病 downy mildew of lettuce 莴苣霜霉病 downy mildew of millet 粟白发病; 谷子白发病 downy mildew of onion 葱霜霉病 downy mildew of rice 稻黄化矮缩病 downy mildew of soybean 大豆霜霉病 downy mildew of sugarcane 甘蔗霜霉病 drag of film 薄膜的阻力 drag of kerf 切缝痕 drag-off carriage 板料拖运小车 drain off 流干 drainage by incision of posterior vaginal fornix 经阴道后穹窿切开引流术; 经阴道后穹窿切开引流术 drainage of abdominal abscess 腹腔脓肿引流术 drainage of coal mines 煤矿排水 drainage of coal pits 煤矿矿井排水 drainage of perivesical space 膀胱周围间隙引流术 drainage of pleural cavity 胸腔引流术 drainage of subungual hematoma 指甲下血肿引流术 dram unit of weight 英钱 draw off 抽取 draw off valve 排水阀 draw-off 抽出 draw-off cock 放出开关; 泄放旋塞 draw-off gear 拉拔装置 draw-off pan 泄流板; 侧线出料塔盘 draw-off plug 排出塞 draw-off pump 抽出泵; 抽取泵 draw-off tank 抽水罐 drawdown cone of groundwater 地下水下降圆锥体 drawdown curve of groundwater 地下水位降落曲线; 地下水下降漏斗曲线 drawing of bonds 提取债券 drawing of large dividends 高股息分红 drawing of position to be detected 探伤部位图 drawing of seeds 种子图 drawing of site 位置图 drawing of tools 工具图纸 drawing of tubes 拉管机 drawing office 制图室; 绘图室 drawing-back of pillars 后退式回采矿柱 dregs of a decoction 药渣 dressing of carcass 胴体修整 dressing of grinding wheel 磨轮的整修 dressing of steel ingots 钢锭的整修 dressing percentage of hog 猪屠宰率 dressing-off 清理 drier-filter of the refrigerator 冰箱干燥过滤器 drift for knocking out of tubes 管子穿孔器 drift of convergence 会聚漂移 drilling of tubesheet 管板钻孔 drive of transverse slide 横向滑板传动 drive off 馏出 drive side of tooth 工作齿面 driven off by shaft 轴传动的 driving force of heat transfer 传热推动力 driving of plugs 钉木楔 driving of sheet piling 打板桩 driving of stakes 钉木橛 driving off tail rod 导杆传动 driving side of tooth 轮齿主动侧 drop model of nucleus 核的液滴模型 drop of blood pressure 血压下降 drop of temperature 温度降落 drop of the flame 火焰缩短 drop off voltage 跌落电压 drop-off to pick-up ratio 返回系数; 继电器返回系数 drop-out of gear 失啮 dropping incidence of disease 发病率降低 dropping of blossoms 落花 dropsy of serous cavity 浆膜腔积液 Drude'theory of conduction 德鲁特传导理论 drug offences 贩毒品罪 drum of dome 圆鼓屋顶 drum of mixer 搅拌鼓 drum of winch 绞车绕索筒 drum's speed of rotation 球磨机转速 dry distillation of coal 煤干馏 dry laying of felt 干铺油毡 dry off 使干乳 dry offset ink 干胶印油墨 dry offset press 干胶印机 dry rot of potato 马铃薯干腐病 dry washing of coal 煤干洗 dry-matter digestibility of a feed 饲料干物质表观消化率 dry-matter yield of plants 植物干物质产量 dry-off oven 烘炉 drying of wheat in sacks 袋灌小麦的干燥 drying of wood 木材干燥 dryness of nasal cavity 鼻燥 dryness of throat 咽干燥 dual nature of investment 投资的双重性 dual of tangent space 对偶切空间 duct hyperplasia of mammary glands 乳腺导管增生 duct of Santorini 桑托里尼管 duct-carcinoma of salivary gland 涎腺管癌 ducts of Cuvier 居维叶氏管; 居维叶氏管 due course of transit 适宜的运输途径 due date of coupon 息票到期日 dull area over the base of heart 心底部浊音区 dull of sale 销路不佳 dumbbell-shaped curves of zero velocity 哑铃形零速度线 duplexer of wave-guide system 波导收发转换装置 duplicate bill of lading 提单抄本; 提单副本 duplicate bills of lading 副本提单 duplicate copy of invoice 发票副本 duplicate of way bill 铁路运单副本 duplication of diaphragm 膈重复 duplication of digestive tract 消化道重复畸形 duplication of drawing 图纸复制 duplication of labor 重复劳动 duplication of lobules 复耳垂 duplication of name 重名 duplication of natural condition 仿造天然环境 dura mater of brain 硬脑膜 durability of wood 木材耐久性 duration of attention 注意久暂 duration of blast 吹炼期 duration of braking 制动时间 duration of breaker contact 断电器接触时间 duration of certain stages 一定发育阶段 duration of charging 充电时间 duration of contract 契约有效期间 duration of day 日照长度 duration of diapause 停滞时间 duration of feeding 供油延续时间 duration of freezing 冻结持续时间 duration of germination test 种子发芽试验期 duration of guarantee period 保证期限 duration of heat 加热持续时间 duration of heating 冶炼时间 duration of lactation 泌乳期 duration of oscillation 摆动时间 duration of photopic vision 明视持久度 duration of pregnancy 妊娠期 duration of rainfall 降雨持续时间 duration of risk clause 保险期间条款 duration of run 展开时间 duration of runs 运转时间 duration of settlement 沉降历时 duration of shock pulse 冲击波持续时间; 冲击脉冲持续时间 duration of short-circuit 短路持续时间 duration of starting 起动持续时间 duration of storm 暴雨持续时间 duration of sunshine 日照时间 duration of test runs 试验持续时间 duration of totality 全食时间 duration of unemployment 失业期限 duration of validity 有效时间 duration of wave-front 波前宽度 during development of the seedling 在幼苗发育期 during the late stages of developmet 在后期阶段 duty classification of a relay 继电器工作分类 duty of engine 发动机功能 duty of maintenance 扶养义务 duty of pump 泵的能率 duty of support 扶养义务 duty of water 作物需水量 dwarf bunt of wheat 矮腥黑穗病; 小麦矮腥黑穗病 dwarf strains of papaya 短种木瓜 dynamic change of temperature 温度的动力变化 dynamic characteristic of arc 电弧动特性 dynamic limit of yield point 动力屈服点 dynamic range of magnetic tape 磁带动态范围 dynamic statistics of population 人口动态统计 dynamic theory of tide 潮汐动力理论 dynamics of cell proliferation 细胞增殖动力学 dynamics of domain movement 电畴运动的动力学 dynamics of intergroup conflict 小组间冲突动态性 dynamics of jets 射流动力学 dynamics of machinery 机械动力学 dynamics of marine structure 海洋结构动力学 dynamics of meristem cell populations 分生组织细胞种群动力学 dynamics of orbits 轨道动力学 dynamics of personality 人格的动态性 dynamics of power 权力动态 dynamics of resedimentation 再沉积动力学 dynamics of rigid bodies 刚体动力学 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司