翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 dynamics of variable mass 变质量动力学 dyneunit of force in CGS system 达因 dysfunction of blood coagulation 凝血功能异常 dysfunction of blood vessel 血管功能障碍 dysfunction of channels 经隧失职; 经隧失职 dysfunction of gastroenteric stoma 胃肠吻合口机能障碍 dysfunction of papillary muscles 乳头肌功能紊乱 dysfunction of platelet 血小板功能障碍 dysfunction of sodium pump 钠泵功能障碍 dysfunction of ventilation 换气功能障碍 dysgerminoma of ovary 卵巢无性细胞瘤 dyskinesia of laryngeal muscle 喉肌运动障碍 dysplasia of fibula 腓骨结构不良 dysplasia of rib 肋骨发育异常 dystrophy of vulva 外阴营养不良 dysuria due to the pressure of the fetus 转胞 early sign of heatstroke 先兆中暑 pyogenic infection of skin 肿疡 ears of wheat 小麦穗 ecological habits of forest insects 森林昆虫生活习惯 economic forecasting of new products 新产品经济预测 economic worth of project 工程经济价值 economic-man model of decision making 经济人决策模式; 经济人决策模式 economics of plant protection 植物堡经济学 edge steepness of edge filter 截止滤光片的陡度 edge wavelength of edge filter 截止滤光片的截止波长 the field of gravity 爱因斯坦引力场方程 elasticity of elongation 伸长弹性 substitution of factor 要素替代弹性 supply of factor 要素的供给弹性 electrode of vertical down welding 立向下焊条 electromagnetic field of high frequency 高频电磁场 electrosmelting of steel 电炉炼钢 element of electric-charge 元电荷 flange of coupling 联轴节凸缘 flange of lower shell 下筒体法兰 flange of pipe 管子法兰; 管子凸缘 flange of pol piston ring 活塞刮油环凸缘 flange of valve 管阀凸缘 flank of a fire 火侧翼 flank of thread 螺纹面 flank of tool 刀具侧面 flank of tooth 齿面 flanking transmission of sound 侧向传声 flash joint of rods 钻杆的平头接合 flash off 闪蒸出 flash-off steam 闪蒸蒸汽; 扩容蒸汽 flashing off 急骤溜掉 flashy regime of river 河流的暴涨性 flat bed offset machine 平台胶印机 flat of bottom 平底部分; 船底平板 flat of thread 螺纹面 flat part of the leaf 叶面平展部分 flat position welding of fillet weld 角焊缝平焊; 船形角焊 flat rate of negotiation 押汇平汇率 flat side of a hammer 锤面 flat-spotting of tyres 轮胎接地点扁平化 flatness of field 视界平淡 flatness of production frontier 生产边界的平直性 flatness of the response 平面特性; 平响应曲线 flatness of wave 脉冲平顶 flattening-off 拉平 flattening-out of flood wave 洪水波展平 flavor of a drug 药味 flexibility of execution 弹性执行 flexibility of piping system 管路的挠性 flexibility of production planning 生产计划的灵活性 flexibility of spring 弹簧挠性 flexible type of roller bearing 挠性滚柱轴承 flexible use of tariff protection 灵活运用关税堡 flexion deformity of hallux 拇屈曲畸形 flexion of fetal head 胎头屈曲 flexion of surface 曲面的拐度 flexion of uterus 子宫屈曲 flexion test of lumbosacral joint 腰骶关节屈曲试验 flexor tendon injury of finger 指屈肌腱损伤 flexure of the tube 镜筒弯沉; 镜筒弯沉 fling-off cooling 冲离冷却 floatation cost of bonds 发行债券费用 floatation of loan 融资 floating of yang due to yin deficiency 阴虚阳浮 floating prime rate of interest 浮动优惠利率 floating raise of wages 浮动升级 floating rate certificate of deposit 浮动利率存单 flood breadth of river 洪水河面宽度 flood-depth of river 河流的洪水深度 floor of nose 鼻底 floor of wound 创底 flow characteristics of powder 粉末流动性 flow chart of data by simulation model 模拟模型数据流程图 flow of control 控制流向; 控制权流向 flow of fund 基金流量 flow of gum 流胶病 flow of metal 金属变形; 金属流纹 flow of personnel 人才流动 flow of sap 液流 flow of services 服务流量 flow of solid matter 固体流动 flow of the slag 熔渣流动性 flow of work 工作流程 flow process of construction 流水作业施工 flow routes of the meridians 经络线; 经络线 flow-off 溢流; 溢流口 flower bud of Japanese apricot 绿梅花 flower of a fruit-bearing plant 一种结果作物的花 flower of Chinese scholartree 槐花 flower of enphoria longan 龙眼花 flower of Japanese honey suckle 金银花 flower of kudzuvine 中药 葛花 flower of silktree 合欢花 flower of sulphur 硫华 flower of zinc 锌华 flowering of cereal crops 扬花 flowers of flax plant 亚麻植株的花 fluctuation of blood pressure 血压波动 fluctuation of climate 天气变动 fluctuation of current 电流波动 fluctuation of density 密度起伏 fluctuation of discount rate 贴现率的波动 fluctuation of load 负载波动 fluctuation of metal line 玻璃液面波动 fluctuation of service 运行不稳定 fluctuation of speed 转速波动 fluctuation of temperature 温度的波动 fluid end of pump 泵的流体端 fluidity of decision situation 流动性决策形式 fluidity of the slag 熔渣流动性 fluidization of coal 煤流态化 fluidization of solid 固体流态化 fluoridization method of tooth surface 牙面涂氟法 fluoroscopy of chest 胸部透视 fluorosis of bone 氟骨症 flushing of cheeks 两颊潮红 flushing of zygomatic region 颧赤 flute of drill 钻头排屑槽 fluviomaritime section of stream 感潮河段 flux of energy 能量通量 flux of force lines 力线束 flux of light method 光束法; 光通量法 flying-off 断裂 focal length of lens 透镜焦距 focal point of working 开挖面中心 focus of infarct 梗塞灶 focus of infection 感染灶; 疫源地; 疫灶区; 传染灶; 传染中心 focus of natural infection 自然疫源地 fold of incus 砧骨襞 fold of laryngeal nerve 喉神经襞 fold of tympanic cord 鼓索襞 folding system of poultry-keeping 草地围栏养鸡法 folium of Descartes 笛卡尔叶形线 following range of synchronization 同步保持范围 following system of land classification 下列土地分级法 food for the growth of plant 植物生长需要的养料 foot of the mountain 山麓 foot rot of flax 亚麻根腐病 foot rot of pepper 胡椒瘟 foot rot of rice 稻恶苗病 foot rot of wheat 小麦根腐病 foramen cecum of frontal bone 额骨盲孔 foramen of Bochdalek 膈裂; 博赫达勒克氏裂孔 foramen of least cardiac vein 心最小静脉孔 foramen of Monro 室间孔 foramen of vena cava 腔静脉孔 foramen of Winslow 网膜孔; 温斯娄氏孔 force due of viscosity 粘性力 force of crystallization 结晶力 force of flexion 挠曲力 force of friction 摩擦力 force of gravity 重力 force of inertia mass load 惯性力 force of penetration 穿透力 force of percussion 撞击力 force of periphery 圆周力 force off 压出 forcible form of union 强制联合形式 forecast of business conditions 商情预测 forecast of cash position 现金头寸预测 forecast of cold wave 寒潮预报 forecast of minimum water supply 枯水径流预报 forecast of sales 销售预测 forecast of spring flood 春汛预报 forecast of wave decay 波浪衰减预报 forecast performance of model 模型预测效能 forecasting of Markov chain 马尔可夫链预测法 forecasting of stream flow 河川流量预报 foreign body granuloma of subcutaneous tissue 皮下组织异物性肉芽肿 foreign body of bladder 膀胱异物 foreign body of chest wall 胸壁异物 foreign body of joint 关节异物 foreign body of mastoid 乳突异物 foreign body of paranasal sinus 鼻窦异物 forest of conifer species 针叶林 forest offence 违犯林业规章行为; 森林犯规 forfeiture of property 财务没收 forgiveness of debts 免除债务 forgiveness of liabilities 免除债务 fork structure of bubble device 磁泡器件叉形结构 form a complete set of 配套组合 form factor of the weld 焊缝成形系数 form of a dualistic property right 二元产权形式 form of a monistic property right 一元产权形式 form of business organization 业务组织形式 form of cartels 卡特尔类型 form of construction work 施工方式 form of detailed schemes 细目式计划 form of gear tooth 齿轮齿形 elevation of floor level 室内地面标高 elevation of levelled ground 室外地面标高 ellipse of zero velocity 零速度椭圆 ellipsoidal distribution of velocities 速度椭球分布 ellipticity of ellipse 椭圆扁率 embezzlement of tax funds 侵吞税款 empyema of gallbladder 胆囊积脓 the same type of work 同工种竞赛 chloroform 氯仿乳剂 internal orifice of cervix 子宫颈内口环扎术 encouraging a high level of consumption 拼高消费水平 encouraging development of fruit buds 使果芽得到发育 encroach on standars of pollution control 侵犯污染控制法 encroachment of sea water 海水入侵 end bulb of Krause 克劳兹小体 end of a glume 颖尖上 end of block 信息块结束; 信息组结束 end of block EOB 块结束 end of block character 块结束符 end of calling code 调用结束码; 呼叫结束码 end of chain EOC 链结束; 链结束符 end of conversion 换算结束 end of data set 数据集结束 end of dialing signal 拨号结束信号 end of file code 文件结束码 end of job 作业结束 end of life 寿命终止 end of list EOL 表结束; 列表结束; 列表结束符 end of list control block 表结束控制块 end of list control blockEOL control block 列表结束控制块 end of medium 媒体结束; 媒体末端; 介质末端; 记录媒体末端 end of medium character 媒体尾部字符 end of message 信息结束符 end of messgae character 信息结束字符 end of page condition 页面结束条件 end of period statements 期末报表 end of procedure division 过程部分结尾; 过程结尾部分 end of program 程序结束 end of pulsing 脉冲发送结束信号 end of record 记录尾部; 记录终止 end of record EOR 记录结束 end of record gap EORgap 记录结束间隙 end of reel 带卷结束; 磁带卷尾; 卷尾; 卷尾 end of run 运行终点 end of scale 标度终点 end of scan 扫描结束 end of shift 移位终止 end of subroutine 子程序结束 end of tape 带末端 end of tape marker 带结束标记 end of tape warning 带末端预告 end of test 试验结果 end of text character 正文结束符 end of the chain 链端 end of thread 螺纹端; 螺纹退刀扣 end of totality 全食终 end of track 磁道结束 end of transmission 传输结束符; 传送结束字符 end of transmission EOT 传输结束; 传送终止符 end of transmission block 字组传送结束字符; 信息块传送结束; 信息组传输结束符 end of transmission block character 传输区终了字符 end of volume EOV 卷结束; 卷结束; 卷结束符; 卷结束符; 卷终; 卷终 end of warning area 告警区域末端 end of-message character 信息终点字符 end off 终止 end office 终端局 end office EO 端局 end point of distillation 终馏点 end point of fraction 终点馏分 end products of weathering 风化的终极产物 end slope of groin 丁坝头部坡度 end slope of groyne 丁坝头部坡度 end stopping of chain 链的终止 end-of -record word 记录结束字 end-of transmission card 传送终止卡 end-of-block 字组终了 end-of-block signal 数据组末信号 end-of-copy signal 图像终了信号 end-of-data mark 数据结束标志 end-of-encode 编码结束 end-of-field mark 字段结束标志 end-of-file indicator 文件结束标志; 文件终止标识符 end-of-file mark 文件结束标志 end-of-file routine 文件结束程序 end-of-file spot 文件结束反射片 end-of-job 工作结束 end-of-job routine 作业结束程序 end-of-medium 介质终端 end-of-medium character 媒体末端符 end-of-medium character EM character 介质末端符 end-of-medium character EM;EM character 记录媒体结束符; 记录媒体用毕字符 end-of-medium indicator 记录媒体结束指示符 end-of-message 信息终止 end-of-message EOM 报文结束符 end-of-message code 报文结束码 end-of-message code EOM 电文结束码 end-of-page indicator 页结束指示器 end-of-page phrase 页结束短语 end-of-page stop 页末停止信号 -period cutoff 期末截帐 end-of-record delimiter 记录结束符 end-of-record word 记录终止字 end-of-reel mark 磁带终端标志 end-of-reel marker 带卷尾标志; 卷尾标志; 卷尾标志 end-of-reel routine 卷尾处理程序; 卷尾处理程序; 卷尾例行程序 end-of-run routine 运行结束例行程序 end-of-selection signal 选接完成信号 end-of-tape 磁带结束标志 end-of-tape hole 磁带结束标志孔 end-of-tape label 带尾标记 end-of-tape mark 磁带结束标志; 磁带尾标 end-of-tape marker 磁带结束标记; 磁带结束标志; 磁带终点标志 end-of-tape routine 磁带结束程序 end-of-tape warning 带终警告 end-of-text block 正文结束块 end-of-transmission card 报终卡; 传输终止卡 end-of-transmission character 传输结束符; 传送结束字符; 传送终止符 end-of-transmission character EOT 传送结束符 end-of-transmission code EOT 传输结束码; 传送结束码 end-of-transmission recognition 传送结束识别 end-of-transmission-block character 传送块结束符 end-of-transmission-block character ETB 传输块结束符; 块传输结束符; 块传送结束符 end-of-volume label EOV label 卷结束标号; 卷结束标号; 卷尾标号; 卷尾标号 end-of-word character 字终符号 end-of-work signal 收发终止信号 end-off shift 舍入移位; 舍尾移位 end-region magnetic field of electrical machine 电机端部磁场 endodermal sinus tumor of ovary 卵巢内胚层窦瘤 endogenous theory of business cycles 内生经济周期论 endometrial cyst of ovary 卵巢巧克力囊肿; 卵巢子宫内膜囊肿 endometrioid stromal sarcoma of ovary 卵巢子宫内膜样间质肉瘤 endometrioid tumor of ovary 卵巢子宫内膜样瘤 endometrioma of borderline malignancy 卵巢交界性子宫内膜样瘤 endometriosis of broad ligament 阔韧带子宫内膜异位症 endometriosis of cervix 子宫颈子宫内膜异位 endometriosis of colon 结肠子官内膜异位 endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum 盆膜腹膜子宫内膜异位症 endometriosis of pelvis 盆腔子宫内膜异位症 endometriosis of rectovaginal septum 阴道直肠隔子宫内膜异位 endometriosis of round ligament 圆韧带子宫内膜异位症 endometriosis of uterosacral ligament 子宫骶韧带子宫内膜异位 endometriosis of vagina 阴道子宫内膜异位 endometriosis of vulva 外阴子宫内膜异位 endoscopic fulguration of tumor 经内窥镜肿瘤电灼术; 经内窥镜肿瘤电灼术 endoscopic removal of foreign body 经内窥镜异物取除术; 经内窥镜异物取除术 endosperm or cotyledons of the seed 种子的胚乳及子叶 endothelioma of bone 骨内皮细胞瘤 endowment of human capital 人力资本赋予量 endpiece of complement 补体末段 ends of piston ring 活塞圈末端 energy cut-off 能量阈 energy density of electromagnetic field 电磁场的能量密度 energy density of radiation 辐射能密度 energy density of sound 声的能量密度 energy of a charge 电荷能量 energy of conjugation 共轭能 energy of deformation 变形功; 变形能 energy of ensemble member 集元能量 energy of light 光能 energy of molecular dissociation 分子离解能 energy of motion 动能 energy of nucleus 核能 energy of photoelectron 光电子能量 energy of pile driving 打桩能量 energy of position 电势能; 位能; 势能 energy of rotation 转动能 energy of sea current 海流能 energy of the sun 日光能 energy of thermal motion 热运动能 energy of vibration 振动能 enetrating wound of posterior cranial fossa 颅后窝穿通伤 enforcement of rights 执行权利 engaging side of gears 齿轮啮合边 engine cut off timer 发动机停车记时器 engine cut-off 发动机停车 engine cut-off velocity 发动机停车瞬时速度 engine off 发动机停车 engineer of human relation 人群关系工程师 engineering geological investigation of dock 码头工程地质勘察 engineering mechanics of material 材料工程力学 engineering of nuclear power 核动力工程学 engineering system of units 工程单位制 English method of timbering 英国式隧道支撑法 English system of wet twisting 英式湿捻 English system of worsted spinning 英式精梳毛纺系统 engorgement of breast 乳房肿胀; 乳胀 enjoyment of right 行使权利 enlargement of mandibular angle 下颌角增大 enlargement of pulmonary hilus 肺门增大 enlargement of ring grooves 环槽扩大 enlargement of the liver 肝肿大 enlargement of the scissors gap 扩大剪刀差 enlargment of jaw 颌骨膨大 enrichment of mixture 混合物的浓缩 enrichment of soil 土壤加肥 ensemble of communication 信息集合 ensuring proper downward flow of the blood 引血下行 enteric coating tablets of pancreatin 肠衣胰酶片 enterobiasis of uterus 子宫蛲虫病 enterotoxaemias of sheep 绵羊肠毒血症 enterprise management of coal industry 煤炭企业管理 enterprise management of dye-stuffs industry 染料企业管理 enterprise management of paints industry 涂料企业管理 enterprise management of textile industry 纺织企业管理 enthalpy of fuel 燃料热含量 enthalpy of reaction 反应热函 enthalpy of transition 转变热函 enthesopathy of triceps brachii 肱三头肌末端病 entire margins of the leaflets 全缘小叶 entire surface of the seed 整个种子表面 entourage of building 建筑配景 entrance of feed liquid 料液进入口 entrance of washing water 洗涤水入口 entrance velocity of whirl 入口涡流速度 entropy of a partition 划分的熵 entropy of a transformation 柯尔莫哥洛夫-希奈不变量 entropy of binary source 二元信源熵 entropy of dilution 稀释熵 entropy of fusion 熔解熵 entropy of mixing 混合熵 entropy of superheating 过热熵 entropy of transition 转变熵 entry of a matrix 矩阵的元; 矩阵的元 entry of infection 传染门户 infection portal of infection 传染入口 entry of notes dishonored 拒付票据分录; 拒付票据分录 entry of stab wound 刺入口 enucleation of palatal cyst 腭囊肿剜除术 enumeration of binary tree 二叉树的枚举 enumeration of labelled structure 带标号结构的枚举 enumeration of labelled trees 带标号树的枚举 envelope cut-off 包迹截止波长 envelope of curve 曲线包络 envelope of curves 曲线的包络 envelope of hood 罩套 envelope of surfaces 曲面的包络面 environment of a label constant 标号常数环境 environment of competition 竞争环境; 竞争环境 environment of sedimentation 沉积环境 environmental conditions at time of maturity 成熟期的环境条件 enzyme of mesocarp 果肉解酯酶 distal end of femur 股骨远端骨骺分离 lower end of femur 股骨下端骨骺分离 proximal phalanx of hallux 拇近指骨骨骺炎 profit rates 利润率平均化 profit rates on capital 资本利润率平均化 equation of equal altitude 等高差 equation of intersector equilibrium 门部间流量均衡方程 state of real gas 实际气体状态方程 equation of the equinoxes 赤经章动; 二分差 equivalent system of equations 等价方程组 erosion of cervix 宫颈糜烂 erosive type of cervical carcinoma 糜烂型宫颈癌 closure of angles 方位角闭合差 error of perpendicularity 垂直度误差 error of traverse 导线闭合差 essential quality of damages 实质上的损害 estimates of heritability 遗传力估计 estimates of total root hair number 总根毛数的估计 estimating chlorophyll content of leaves 估测植物叶片中叶绿素含量 estimation method of reserve 储量估算方法 estimation of sales volume 销售量估计 development program of new products 新产品开发方案评价 work and allotment of points 评工计分 excess of export 出超 exchange-based cost for the export of products 出口商品换汇成本 giant cell tumor of bone 骨巨细胞瘤切除术 lymphnodes of mediastinum 纵隔淋巴结切除术 maxillofacial minor tumor 颌面部小肿物切除术 mixed tumor of palate 腭湿合瘤切除术 parasitic lesion of brain 脑内寄生虫病损切除术 polyp of colon through fibercoloscope 纤维结肠镜息肉切除术 skin of nose for rhinophyma 鼻赘鼻皮切除术 torus of jaw 颌骨隆突切除术 transverse septum of vagina 阴道横膈切除术 tuberculous granuloma of brain 颅内结核性肉芽肿切除术 banking of business 扩大银行机构网 explosion of excitation 兴奋爆发 explosive index of coal dust 煤尘爆炸指数 export cost in terms of foreign exchange 出口换汇成本 goods in process of manufacture 半成品出口 exposure of brachial plexus 臂丛神经显露法 game with exchange of information 交换信息对策的扩充 game without exchange of information 不交换信息对策的扩充 extinguisher with high expansion of foam 高倍数泡沫灭火器 floating cartilage of knee joint 膝关节游离体摘除术 the profit 取得利润 extraordinary index of refraction 非常折射率 eye-lens of the eyepiece 目镜的接目镜 fabric inspection of penalty system 织物扣分式检验法 fabric take-off 织物卷取 face angle of a polyhedral angle 多面角的面角 face line of teeth 齿顶线 face of instrument 票据票面 face of note 票据面额 face of pulley 滑轮端面 face of the screen 屏蔽面; 屏面 face of the value 支票票面值 face of theodolite 经纬仪望远镜位置; 经纬仪望远镜位置 face of weld 焊缝表面; 焊接面 face width of tooth 齿面宽 face-off 侧角 facial paralysis of newborn 新生儿面神经瘫痪 facility of access 有效性 facility of payment clause 便宜支付条款 factor of a model 模型因子 factor of a polynomial 多项式的因子 dilution of radiation 辐射稀化因子 factor of foundation bearing capacity 地基承载系数 factor of fuel utilzation 燃料利用系数 factor of life scatter 寿命分散系数 factor of merit 质量因子; 灵敏值; 优质率; 品质系数 factor of plant location 厂址选择因素 factor of probability 几率 factor of production 生产的因素; 生产要素 factor of proportionality 比例因子 factor of quality 质量因数 factor of rigidity 刚性系数 factor of safety 安全因数; 安全因子 factor of subdivision 分舱因数 factor of the habitat 生境因子 factor of transmission 传播因素 factor of variability 变动性因素 factoring of receivables 应收款让售 factorization of a transformation 变换的因式分解; 变换因式分解; 变换因子分解 factors in the fixation of phosphorus 磷素固定因子 factors of production 生产因素 faculty of engineering 工学院 faculty principle of taxation 课税能力原则 failure of blood to nourish the fetus 不能摄血养胎 failure of fusion 闭合不全 failure of middle-jiao yang 中阳不振 failure of oscillations 停止振荡 failure of performance 未履行合同 fair value of gamble 赌博的公平值 fairness of financial statements 财务报表公允性 falciform ligament of liver 肝镰状韧带 fall head of water 降落水头 fall of blood pressure 血压下降 fall of current 电流下降 fall of potential 电位降; 电压降 fall of pressure 压降 fall of the sea 落潮 fall off 下降; 火箭各级脱开 fall short of the specifications 不合规格 fall-of-potential method 电位降法 fall-of-potential test 电压降测试法; 电压降试验 fall-off meter 偏振测量仪 falling of vagina 阴道脱垂 false manifestation of vitality 假神 falsification of document 伪造文件 falsified scene of a crime 犯罪的假现场 falx of cerebellum 小脑镰 family of curves 曲线族 family of functions 函数族 family of half-curves 半曲线族 family of sets 集族 family of spirals 螺线族 family of stationary curves 平稳曲线族 far field pattern of laser 激光远场图 far off 遥远 Faraday's law of induction 法拉第感应定律 farrowing of premature pig 早产仔猪 fascia of nape 项筋膜 fat necrosis of breast 乳房脂肪坏死 fat pad of pericardium 心包脂肪垫 fat-pad injury of knee 膝脂肪垫损伤 fate of drug in vivo 药物体内命运 father of node 节点上层 fatigue fracture of metatarsus 跖骨疲劳骨折 fatigue of materials 材料疲劳 fatigue of metals 金属疲劳 fatigue of soil 土壤疲乏 fatigue of wood 木材抗疲劳性 fatigue test of materials 材料疲劳试验 fatigue testing types of stress 疲劳试验应力类型 fatty cut of port 猪的分割肥肉 fatty degeneration of cornea 角膜脂肪变性 fatty degeneration of liver 肝脂肪变性 fatty degeneration of myocardium 心肌脂肪变性 fatty degeneration of tarsus 睑板腺脂肪变性; 睑板腺脂肪变性 fatty infiltration of liver 肝脂肪性浸润 fault of construction 结构缺陷 favorable balance of trade 贸易出超; 贸易顺差; 出超 favourable balance of trade 贸易顺差 fear of unemployment 失业恐慌 feasibility of linear programming problem 线性规划问题的可行解区域 feasible limit of increase in financial revenue 财政收入增长可行限量 Federation of Swedish Industries 瑞典工业联合会 fee charged for the use of 占用费 fee of permit 牌照费 feed of drill 钻头进程 feed of fuel 燃料输送 feed rate of welding wire 焊丝送进速度 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司