翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 feed-back of ovarian hormone 卵巢激素反馈作用 feedforward of information 信息前馈 feeling of being controlled 被支配感 feeling of being revealed 被洞悉感; 被泄露感 feeling of despair 绝望情绪; 绝望情绪 feeling of guilty 罪恶感 feeling of numbness 麻木感 feeling of passivity 被动感; 被动体验; 被控制感 feeling of quantity 量感 feeling of repletion 饱胀感 feeling of superiority 自大 feeling of unreality 非现实感; 非真实感 fees for trial production of new products 新产品试制费 felon on the palmar surface of the middle finger 鳅肚疔 felt collar of pipe 管座勒脚 fence of wheel 装轮子的栅栏 fenestra of endothelial cell 内皮细胞窗孔 fern crystallization of cervical mucus 宫颈粘液羊齿状结晶 fern leaf of tomato 番茄蕨叶病 fern-leaf crystallization of cervical mucus 宫颈粘液羊齿状结晶 ferning of cervical mucus 宫颈粘液羊齿 fertility of soil 肥力 fertilization of ovum 卵受精 fertilization of soil 肥料施用 fetal surface of placenta 胎盘胎儿面 fever of unknown cause 原因未明发热 fiber of red muscle 红肌纤维 fibre of common mugwort 艾绒 fibres of terminal stria 终纹纤维 fibrillae of spores 孢子丝 fibrillar theory of protoplasm 原生质丝状学说 fibro-polycystic disease of liver 肝脏纤维多囊病 fibroadenoma of breast 乳腺纤维腺瘤 fibroadenosis of breast 乳腺纤维腺病 fibrocystic disease of breast 纤维囊性乳腺病 fibroelastic membrane of larynx 喉弹性膜; 喉纤维弹性膜 fibrohistocytoma of bronchus 支气管纤维组织细胞瘤 fibroma of bladder 膀胱纤维瘤 fibroma of bronchus 支气管纤维瘤 fibroma of gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道纤维瘤 fibroma of larynx 喉纤维瘤 fibroma of liver 肝纤维瘤 fibroma of lung 肺纤维瘤 fibroma of nose 鼻纤维瘤 fibroma of palate 腭纤维瘤 fibroma of penis 阴茎纤维瘤 fibroma of pharynx 咽纤维瘤 fibroma of seminal vesicle 精囊纤维瘤 fibroma of small intestine 小肠纤维瘤 fibroma of spermatic cord 精索纤维瘤 fibroma of stomach 胃纤维瘤 fibroma of testicular tunica 睾丸鞘膜纤维瘤 fibroma of testis 睾丸纤维瘤 fibroma of vagina 阴道纤维瘤 fibroma of vulva 女阴纤维瘤; 外阴纤维瘤 fibromuscular dysplasia of cerebral artery 脑动脉纤维肌肉发育异常 fibromyoma of vulva 女阴纤维肌瘤 fibrosarcoma of bladder 膀胱纤维肉瘤 fibrosarcoma of bone 骨纤维肉瘤 fibrosarcoma of breast 乳房纤维肉瘤 fibrosarcoma of chest wall 胸壁纤维肉瘤 fibrosarcoma of liver 肝纤维肉瘤 fibrosarcoma of thyroid 甲状腺纤维肉瘤 fibrosclerosis of breast 乳房纤维硬化; 乳腺纤维硬化病 fibrosis of breast 乳房纤维变性 fibrosis of mediastinum 纵隔纤维化 fibrosis of pleura 胸膜纤维化 fibrosis of prostate 前列腺纤维化 fibrosis of seminal vesicle 精囊纤维化 fibrosis of skin 皮肤纤维化 fibrosis of spleen 脾纤维化 fibrosis of uterus 子宫纤维变性; 子宫纤维化 fibrous capsule of liver 肝纤维囊; 格利森氏囊 fibrous cavernositis of penis 阴茎纤维性海棉体炎 fibrous dysplasia of bone 骨纤维性发育异常; 骨纤维性结构不良; 奥尔布赖特氏综合征 fibrous dysplasia of cranial bone 颅骨纤维性结构不良 fibrous histiocytoma of lung 肺纤维组织细胞瘤 fibrous hyperplasia of bone 骨纤维异常增生症; 骨纤维增生 fibrous ring of heart 心纤维环 fibrous sheath of tendon 腱纤维鞘; 腱纤维鞘 fibrous trigones of heart 心纤维三角 fibrous xanthoma of lung 肺纤维性黄色瘤 fibroxanthoma of bronchus 支气管纤维黄色瘤 Fick's law of diffusion 菲克扩散定律 fictitious bill of lading 空头提单 field capacity of machines 机器的田间作业能力 field coefficient of permeability 野外渗透系数; 田间渗透系统指土壤 field determination of hydraulic conductivity 测定田间水力传导性 field duty of water 田间用水量 field intensity of high frequency 高频场强 field of constants 常数域 field of curvature 曲率场 field of definitions 定义域 field of fire 射击区 field of force 力场 field of gravity 重力场 field of integration 积分域 field of invariants 不变域 field of microscope 显微镜视野 field of points 点场 field of pressure 气压场 field of search 搜索区 field of view 视场; 视域 field of view meter 视场仪 field of view number 视场数 field of vision 视野 field of welding temperature 焊接温度场 field petroleum officer 野外油料管理员 field post officer 野战邮政官员 field propagation of bubble 磁泡场传输; 磁泡磁场传输 the two type of varieties 两种类型的田间试验 field velocity of ground water 地下水实地流速 Fieldler theory of leadership 菲德勒领导理论 figging of soap 肥皂的结晶化 figure of confusion 弥散圈 figure of loss 能量损耗系数 figure of merit 性能因数; 灵敏值; 优值; 品质因素 figure of merit for a tunnel diode 隧道二极管优值 figure of speech 比喻 figure-of-merit 品质因数 figure-of-merit curve 质量曲线 figuring of mirror 镜面修琢; 镜面修琢 filament of chromosphere 色球暗条 filariasis of genito-urinary system 泌尿生殖系统丝虫病 filariasis of lymphatic vessels 淋巴管丝虫病 filariasis of spermatic cord 精索丝虫病 file of precision 精密锉 files of forest resources 森林资源档案 fillet of screw 螺纹圈 filling defect of cecum 盲肠钡影残缺 filling of bladder 膀胱充盈 filling of tank cars 槽车装料 waist of heart 心腰部膨出 film coefficient of heat transfer 薄膜导热系数 film of oxide 氧化膜 filter off 滤出 filtering material of textile 纺织品过滤材料 filtration of sound 滤声 fimbria of hippocampus 海马伞 final certificate of quality 最终品质证明书 final cut-off 最后切断 final port of destination 最后目的港 final port of discharge 最后卸货港 final stage of decay 末期腐朽阶段 final stages of maturation 成熟的最后阶段 final weight off feed 停饲时的最后体重 financial internal rate of returnFIRR 财务内部收益率 financial rate of return 财务回收率 financial resources of the people 民力 financier a person out of his money 骗人金钱 financing of instalment sales 分期销售的资金融通 fine surface mulch of gravel 细砾薄表层 fineness of cement 水泥标号 fineness of gold 金成色 fineness of grind 磨版细度 fineness of grinding 磨粉细度; 磨精细度 fineness of scanning 扫描密度 fineness-of-grind gauge 研磨细度规 finest grade of graphite 最纯的石墨 finish coat of plaster 抹灰面层 finish of butt joint 对接头加工 finishing of wall 墙面装修 finishing tooth of broacher 拉床精削齿 finite degrees of freedom 有限自由度 finite layer of soil 有限土层 finite population of customer 顾客的有限总体 finite rate of increase 有限增长率 government offices 国家机关 governor of velocity 调速器 gradation of test 级配筛分试验 grade of cement 水泥标号 grade of cement mortar 水泥砂浆标号 grade of coal 煤分级; 煤级; 煤炭分类; 煤炭品质分类 grade of finish 表面光洁度等级 grade of fit 适合度 inhomogeneity of carbide 碳化物不均匀性级别 grade of load 起重机的 负载等级 grade of mined ore 采矿品位 grade of mortar 砂浆标号 grade of risk 危险性分级 grade of service GOS 服务等级; 服务范围 grade of slope 坡度 grade of steel 钢号 grade of tolerance 公差等级 graded use of energy 能源梯级利用 grades of tax rates 税率等级 gradient of field variable 场变量的梯度 gradient of gravity 重力梯度 gradient of groundwater table 地下水比降 gradient of moisture 湿气梯度 gradient of river bed 河床坡降 gradient of slope 倾角; 倾斜率; 坡度角 gradient of water table 地下水位坡度; 地下水位坡降 gradient-related method of statistical inference 统计推论的梯度相关法 grading of grog 熟料过筛 grading of river bank 河岸整坡 grading of soil 土壤级配 grading of timber 木材等级 graduation of curves 曲线修匀 graduation of data 数据的修整法; 数据修整法 graduation of the motor currents 电动机电流级加法 graft between two types of plant 两种类型植物之间的嫁接 grafting of pedicled tendon 有茎肌腱移植术 Grahm'a law of diffusion 格拉姆扩散定律 grain of crystallization 晶核籽 grain of wood 木纹理 grain size of sediment 沉积物粒度 grains of Paradise 乐园子 grains of sand 沙粒 gram-molecuar volume of gases 气体克分子体积 gram-roentgen unit of energy conversion 克伦琴 grammatical structure of strategies 策略的语法结构 grand period of growth 大生长期; 生长大周期 granting of loans 发放贷款 grantor of credit 信用让与人 granular classification of coal 煤炭粒度分级 granular degeneration of cornea 角膜颗粒状变性; 颗粒状角膜变性 granulating of the batch 配合料怜 granulation of slag 冲水渣 granulation of thoracic wound 胸壁肉芽创面 granule of carbon 碳粒 granulocytopenic necrosis of pharynx 粒细胞减少性咽坏死 granulocytopenic necrosis of tonsil 粒细胞减少性扁桃体坏死 granuloma of berylliosis 铍沉着症肉芽肿 granuloma of mammary glands 乳腺肉芽肿 granuloma of palate 腭肉芽肿 granuloma of pituitary 垂体肉芽肿 granuloma of sclera 巩膜肉芽肿 granuloma of small intestine 小肠肉芽肿 granulomatous type of urethral caruncle 肉芽肿型尿道肉阜 granulosa cell of ovary 卵巢粒层细胞 granulosa-theca cell tumor of ovary 卵巢颗粒泡膜细胞瘤 grapes treated for control of insects 防治葡萄害虫 graph of a correspondence 对应的图形 graph of a fuzzy switching function 模糊开关函数的图 graph of a relation 关系图 graph of fuzzy-switching functions 模糊开关函数图 graph of molecular orbital 分子轨道图形 graph of variable series 变量数列图 graphic method of statistical inference 统计推论的图解法 graphic presentation of frequency distribution 频率分布的图示法 graphic solution of a game 对策的图形解法 graphical method of integration 图解积分法 grassland of tallgrass type 高草型地 grating of gears 齿轮噪声 gravitational system of units 重力单位制; 工程制 finite system of generators 有限生成系 fintie number of steps 有限步数 fire blight of pear 梨火疫病 fire demand of water 消防需水量 firm offer 确定报价; 确定的要约; 坚定邀约; 不能撤销的发价; 实盘 firm-commitment offering 确定承诺出价 firmness of fat 猪油硬度 first batch of newly-designed products 初次产品 first boundary volume problem of potential theory 狄利克雷问题 first brood of larvae 第一代幼虫 first category of commodities 一类商品 first coat of plaster 头道灰 first contact of umbra 初亏 first difference of variables 变量的一阶差分法 first half of fruiting stage 结荚成熟前期 first law of motion 第一运动定律; 牛顿第一定律 first law of the mean 第一中值定理 first momnet of mass 惯性静矩 first of a kind plant 一等工厂 first offence 初犯 first order of solution 第一次近似值 first point of Cancer 夏至点 first point of Capricornus 冬至点 first point of Libra 秋分点 first record of a set 集的第一记录 first stage of creep 一段蠕变 first trimester of pregnancy 妊娠首三个月; 妊娠早期 first-of-chain 链首 fish offal 鱼类废弃物 fissural cyst of jaw 下颌裂囊肿 fissure of Bichat 比沙氏裂; 大脑横裂 fissure of displacement 错缝 fissure of glottis 声门裂 fissure of nipple 乳头皲裂 fissure of Rolando 罗朗多氏裂 fissure of round ligament 肝圆韧带裂 fissure of Sylvius 西尔维厄斯氏裂 fissure of venous ligament 静脉韧带裂; 静脉韧带裂 fistula formation of osteomyelitis 骨髓炎窦道形成 fistula of colon 结肠瘘 fistula of diaphragm 膈瘘 fistula of mammary glands 乳腺瘘 fistula of nasopharynx 鼻咽瘘 fistula of perineum 海底漏 fistula of salivary duct 涎腺导管瘘 fistula of salivary gland 涎腺瘘 fistula of semicircular canal 半规管瘘 fistula of submaxillary gland 颌下腺瘘 fistula of thoracic duct 胸导管瘘 fistula of urachus 脐尿管瘘 fistula of uterus 子宫瘘 fistulectomy of chest wall 胸壁瘘管切除术 fistulectomy of dacryocyst 泪囊瘘管切除术 fitting of a second degree parabola 二阶抛物线拟合 fitting of distribution 分布拟合 fitting of tire 轮胎装配 five cycle of a recurrent selection program 五次轮回选择方案 five percent method of depreciation 半成拆旧法 fixation of fracture 骨折固定法 fixation of knee joint 膝关节固定术 fixation of nitrogen 固氮; 固氮作用 pubic cartilage of woman 交骨不开 fixation of seeding rate 播种量固定 fixation of tissue 组织固定法 fixed inertial frame of reference 不变惯性基准标架 fixed letter of revenue 确定收入单证 fixed offshore platform 固定式海上平台 fixed sequence of code 固定代码顺序 payment of note 立期票 fixpoint theory of program 程序不动点理论 flaccid constriction of penis 阴缩 flaccid part of tympanic membrane 希拉普内尔氏膜 flaccidity of limbs due to blood stasis 血瘀痿 limbs due to deficiency of blood 血虚痿 flaccidity of lower limbs 脚弱 flag smut of wheat 小麦杆黑粉病; 小麦黑粉病 flake off 呈鳞片状剥落 flake-off 剥落掉 flaking off 剥落 flame blow-off factor 火焰吹灭因数 flange cut-off valve 法兰截止阀 flange length of head 封头法兰长度 flange of brasses 黄铜凸缘 flange of bush 衬套凸缘 form of taxation 课税形式 form of tender 投标书 form of the physical store 存储的物理形式 form of variability 变异性类型 format of edit-directed transmission 定向编辑传输格式 formation of alkali soils 碱土形成 formation of cracking 龟裂 formation of fins 起飞翅 formation of sexuality 性的形成 formation of slag 造渣 formation of species 种形成 formation of supply in general 一般储备的形式 formation of trifoliolate leaves 形成三出叶 formation of washer women's skin 漂妇样皮形成 formation of weld 焊缝成形 formative study of development strategies 发展战略学 formative time of spark 火花形成时间 forming of glass 玻璃成形 forming of soil 土壤的形成 forms of investment 出资方式 formula of pile driving 打桩公式 formulation of decision situation 决策形势的构成; 决策形势的构成 forward of the beam 正横前面 forward offset voltage 正向低偿电压 forwarder's bill of lading 发运代理提单 forwarder's certificate of receipt 发运代理收据 fossa of gallbladder 胆囊窝 fossa of lacrimal sac 泪囊窝 fossula of vestibular window 前庭窗小窝 foster mother of ovum 卵子养母 foul bill of health 不洁检疫证书 fouling of heating surface 受热面积灰 foundation of masonry 圬工基础 foundation of wall 墙基础 four types of soil 四类土壤 four-door type of body 四门车身 four-way system of reinforcement 四向配筋 fourth officer 四副 foward feed of material 进料的预先供应 fraction of critical damping 临界阻尼百分比 fraction of the year 年分 fractional curettage of uterus 分段刮宫术 fractional distillation product of membrane 膜分馏物 fractional frequency offset 分数频率补偿 fracture dislocation of spine 脊柱骨折脱位 amus of ischium 坐骨支骨折 anatomical neck of humerus 肱骨解剖颈骨折 anterior superior process of calcaneus 跟骨前上突骨折 fracture of articular process 关节突骨折 body of scapula 肩胛骨体部骨折 fracture of bronchus 支气管断裂; 支气管折断 fracture of calcaneus 跟骨骨折 fracture of capitellum 肱骨小头骨折 fracture of capitulum radii 桡骨小头骨折 fracture of carpal bone 腕骨骨折 fracture of cervical spine 颈椎骨折; 颈椎骨折 fracture of cervical vertebral body 颈椎椎体骨折; 颈椎椎体骨折 fracture of coccyx 尾骨骨折 coracoid process of scapula 肩胛骨喙突骨折 fracture of cranial base 颅底骨折 fracture of cricoid cartilage 环状软骨骨折 fracture of cuneiform 足楔状骨骨折 external condyle of humerus 肱骨外髁骨折 fracture of facet 棱面断口 fracture of femoral condyle 股骨髁骨折 fracture of femoral shaft 股骨干骨折 fracture of fibular neck 腓骨颈骨折 fracture of glenoid cavity 肩胛盂骨折 hamulus of hamate bone 钩骨钩骨折 fracture of humeral condyle 肱骨髁骨折 fracture of humeral head 肱骨头骨折 fracture of humeral neck 肱骨颈骨折 fracture of humeral shaft 肱骨干骨折 lateral condyle of humerus 肱骨外髁骨折 fracture of lesser trochanter 股骨小转子骨折 fracture of lumbar vertebra 腰骨损断; 腰椎骨折 fracture of lumbar vertebral body 腰椎椎体骨折 fracture of malar bone 颧骨骨折 fracture of mandibular angle 下颌角部骨折 medial condyle of humerus 肱内骨髁骨折 medial epicondyle of humerus 肱骨内上髁骨折 gravity circulation of hot water 热水重力循环 gravity coefficient of coating 药皮重量系数 gravure offset printing press 照相凹版胶印机; 凹版胶印机 gray layer of superior colliculus 颅侧丘灰质层 gray mold of broad bean 蚕豆花腐病 greasy spot of citrus 柑桔脂点病 Great Nebula of Orion 猎户星云 great variety of goods 品种齐全 greatest difference of rates 最大位差 greatest variation of rates 最大日较差 greatest volume of fire 最大的火力集中 gree of preciseness 准确度 green clause letter of credit 绿色条款信用证; 部分预支绿条款信用证 green mold of citrus 柑桔绿霉病 green mould of citrus 柑桔绿霉病 grey speck of soybean 大豆灰斑病 grid current cut-off voltage 栅极电流截止电压; 栅极电流截止电压 grid cut-off separator 栅截止信号分离器 grid cut-off voltage 栅极截止电压 grid of mirrors 镜栅; 镜栅 grid of reference 参考格网; 参考网格 grid of reinforcement 钢筋网格 grid of screw dislocations 螺形位错十字格 grid-current cut-off 栅流截止; 栅流截止; 栅流截止 grid-voltage cut-off 栅压截止 grille of radiator 炉片格栅 grind off 磨掉; 磨去 grinding of base 底座磨平 grinding of terrazzo 水磨石磨光 grinding-in of valve 阀门的研磨 grip of bolt 螺栓柄 grip of rivet 铆钉深入度 grip of testing machine 试验机夹具 groove of insulator 绝缘子槽; 绝缘子槽 groove of pterygoid hamulus 翼钩沟 groove of the notch 切口槽 groove of thread 螺纹谷 groove of trolley wheel 接地滑轮槽 groove of ulnar nerve 尺神经沟 groove of vomer 犁骨沟 groove out of square 沟侧摆 grooving of roll 轧辊孔型设计 grooving of valve seat 阀座磨损 gross cost of merchandise sold 销货总成本 gross duty of water 毛灌水定额 gross heat of combustion 总燃烧热; 总热值 gross morphology of bacteria 细菌总体形态学 gross output of cattle breeding 畜牧业总产量 gross output of trade 商业总产出 increase of domestic animals 牲畜总增率 gross recoverable value of ore 总回收价值 gross unit value of ore 矿石单位毛值 gross value of industrial output 工业总产值 ground means of transportation 地面运输设备 ground rot of water melon 西瓜绵腐病 ground-off saw 磨边锯 grounding of network 电力网接地装置 grounding of pole 磁极接地 group method of depreciation 分组折旧法 Group of 77 七十七国集团 group of conductors 导体组 group of drawing 冲压级别 group of heads 磁头组 group of organism 生物群 group of phenotype 表现型群 group of spherical tanks 球形贮罐组群 group of stars 恒星群; 星群 group of tanks 槽组 Group of Ten 十国集团 group of transformation 变换群 group of waves 波群 groupage bill of lading 拼箱提单 grouping of blood stain 血痕血型测定 grouping of commodities 商品组合 grouping of population 人口分组 grouping of records 记录编组 grouping of township enterprises 乡镇企业集团化 grouping of variables 变量的分组 vine of grape 培育葡萄藤 growing tips of the plant 植物生长点 grown without the care of man 无人照管的地方生长 wheat under dibbling of sowing 点播小麦生长与产量 growth curve of bacteria 细菌生长曲线 growth of crop roots 作物根生长 growth of green plants 绿色植物的生长 fracture of medial malleolus 内踝骨折 fracture of metacarpal bone 掌骨骨折; 掌骨伤 fracture of metatarsal or phalangeal bone 脚骨伤 fracture of nasal bone 鼻骨骨折 neck of femur 股骨颈骨折 neck of radius 桡骨颈骨折 neck of scapula 肩胛骨颈骨折 fracture of pelvis 骨盆骨析 fracture of penis 阴茎折断 fracture of petrosa 岩骨骨折 posterior wall of frontal sinus 额窦后壁骨折 fracture of processus articularis 关节突骨折 fracture of radius 桡骨骨折 fracture of rib 肋骨骨折 fracture of scaphoid 舟骨骨折 fracture of scaphoid bone 腕舟状骨骨折 scaphoid of foot 足舟状骨骨折 fracture of scapula 肩胛骨骨折 sesamoid of great toe 拇趾籽骨骨折 shaft of fibula 腓骨干骨折 shaft of tibia and fibula 胫腓骨骨干骨折; 胫腓骨骨干骨折 single condyle of femur 股骨单髁骨折 fracture of skull 颅骨骨折 fracture of skullcap 颅盖骨折 fracture of spina scapulae 肩胛冈骨折 fracture of spinous process 棘突骨折 fracture of sternum 胸骨骨折 surgical neck of humerus 肱骨外科颈骨折 fracture of talus 距骨骨折; 距骨骨折 fracture of tarsus 跗骨骨折 fracture of the nose bridge 鼻梁骨折 fracture of the rib 撅肋; 撅肋 fracture of thoracic vertebra 胸椎骨折 fracture of thoracic vertebral body 胸椎椎体骨折 fracture of thyroid cartilage 甲状软骨骨折 fracture of tibial condyle 胫骨髁骨折; 胫骨髁骨折 fracture of tibial spine 胫骨棘骨折; 胫骨棘骨折 fracture of transverse process 横突骨折 upper end of fibula 腓骨上端骨折 upper posterior margin of acetabulum 髋臼后上缘骨折 fracture of vertebral lamina 椎板骨折 fracture of vertebral pedicle 椎弓根骨折 fracture of zygomatic bone 颧骨骨折 fracture-dislocation of cervical spine 颈椎骨折脱位; 颈椎骨折脱位 fracture-dislocation of lumbar vertebral bodies 腰椎椎体骨折脱位 fracture-dislocation of tarsometatarsal joint 跖跗关节骨折脱位 fracture-dislocation of thoracic vertebral body 胸椎椎体骨折脱位 fracture-separation of upper humeral epiphysis 肱骨骨骺骨折分离 fracturing of separate layers 分层压裂 fragility of blood 血细胞脆性 fragility of blood vessels 血管脆性 fragment of mother rock 母岩碎屑 fragment of pottery 瓷器残片 fragment of tissue 组织碎片 fragment offset 分段差距 fragmentation of hepatic cell cords 肝索离断 fragmentation of papillary muscles 乳头肌断裂 fragmentation of the myocardium 心肌断裂 frame of mind 心境 frame of reference 参考架; 参考系; 参照系; 读数系统 frame of triangular bridge-type construction 桁架式机框 framework of body 车身构架 framework of competition 竞争结构; 竞争结构 framework of fault 断裂格架 framework of steel reinforcement 钢筋骨架 framing of port mouth 小炉口框架 framing of soap 肥皂的成型 fray-out of flame 火焰熄灭 free choice of goods 选购品; 选购商品 free energy of formation 生成自由能 free energy of melting 熔化自由能 free height of blade 叶片有效高度 free margin of nail 甲游离缘 free motion of a liquid 自由流 free of blowholes 无气泡 free of bubbles 无气泡 free of charge 免费; 免票; 成果; 盈利; 收效 free of cost 免费奉送 free of cracks 无裂缝 free of customs 免付关税 free of disease 无病的 free of duty 免付关税; 免税; 免税进口 free of duty entry 免税通过 free of franchise clause 免贴额条款 free of income tax 免所得税 free of income tax F.I.T. 免纳所得税 free of interest FOI 免收利息; 免息 free of losses 无损失 free of stamp 免付印花税; 免印花税 free of tax 免税 free passing of cars 自由超车 free surface of liquid 自由液面 free time of cargo 货物免费保管时间 freedom of contract 契约自由; 签约自由 freedom of entry 进入市场的自由; 参加市场自由 freedom of navigation 国际河流或公海上的 自由通航权 freedom of trade 贸易自由 freeing of page 释放页面 freezing breakage point of insulating gel 绝缘胶冻裂点; 绝缘胶冻裂点 freezing of a furnace 结炉 freezing of semen 精液冷冻 freezing point of liquid 液体冰点 French National Institute of Industrial Property 法国工业产权局 frenulum of clitoris 阴蒂系带 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司