翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 约翰与强盗搏斗。 John dropped two lumps of sugar into his coffee. 约翰在咖啡中放入两块糖。 The moon has not risen yet. 月亮还没有升起。 The moon is on the wane. 月亮渐亏。 The moon waxes and wanes every month. 月亮月月盈亏。 The wicked storm lasted three days. 灾害性的风暴持续了三天。 There are two zeros in 1008. 在1008中有两个零。 There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions. 在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的处女地。 All present vied to express their interest in the project. 在场的人都争先恐后地表明自己对这个项目的兴趣。 Our party just walked over the opposition in the elections. 在大选中本党不费力地击败了反对党。 Long and lonely he paced the dreary beach beneath a wintry sky. 在冬天的天空下,他久久而孤独地在阴沉的沙滩上走了很久。 In this part of the city you have to keep your wits about you all the time. 在该城市的这一地区你一定得随时保持警觉。 At the center of the square stands a monument in black marble. 在广场的中央耸立着一座黑色大理石的纪念碑。 The pool reflected her picturesque beauty, in its adornment of flowers and wreathed foliage. 在花和树叶构成的花环衬托下,水池反映出她画般的美丽。 The discovery of ancient paintings on the walls of the church put the little village on the map. 在教堂的墙上发现了古代的壁画,使那个村庄出了名。 Over the next twelve years, he traveled widely. 在接下来的十二年里他周游四方。 You should read the manual before you turn on the new machine. 在开这台新机器前,应该阅读使用手册。 Which ward does he represent on the council? 在理事会中他代表哪个区? In that country, people get the vote at the age of 18. 在那个国家,人们年满十八岁获得选举权。 We are with you there. 在那一点上我们站在你这一边。 I could hardly make out anything in the thick fog. 在浓雾中我几乎什么也看不见。 The area is constantly threatened by wildfires in a hot and dry summer. 在乾燥炎热的夏天,这个区域时常受到野火的威胁。 This happens time and again in the course of the history of man. 在人类历史的进程中,这种事一次又一次地发生。 This happens time and again in the course of the history of man. 在人类历史的进程中,这种事一次又一次地发生。 It is lovely walking in the woods. 在树林中散步很愉快。 Some ancient manuscripts were discovered in the temple. 在寺院里发现了一些古代的手稿。 In Scotland, wild cats are treated as vermin and poisoned. 在苏格兰野猫被视为有害动物而遭毒杀。 He has some rare old vintages in his collection of wine. 在他的酒类收藏中有一些名贵的陈年葡萄酒。 Of all the boys I know, Jack is the worst. 在我认识的小孩中,杰克最坏。 A watchman guards the house at night. 在夜间有一位看守人守护这间屋子。 On a wild night our regiment took the fort by surprise. 在一个狂风暴雨之夜,我团出其不意地攻占了那个要塞。 On a wild night our regiment took the fort by surprise. 在一个狂风暴雨之夜,我团出其不意地攻占了那个要塞。 Bill is no match for his brother on this. 在这方面比尔不是他兄弟的对手。 People who can speak English are in the majority in this country. 在这个国家中能讲英语的人占多数。 Farming was easy in this luxuriant soil. 在这片沃土上耕种是件易事。 It takes speed and skill to weld steel at this heat. 在这样的温度焊钢需要速度和技术。 It was a mad idea to climb the mountain in this bad weather. 在这种坏天气去爬山真是愚蠢。 Blinking is a mechanical action of the eyelids. 眨眼是眼睑的无意识动作。 The bomb wiped their village off the map. 炸弹摧毁了他们的村庄。 James voiced the conventional wisdom about it. 詹姆士说了对此事的一般看法。 The exhibits are on view from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 展品从上午八时到下午五时展出。 When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps. 战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。 The hill commands a lovely view. 站在此山可见宜人的景色。 There is not a vestige of truth in the report. 这报告毫无真实性可言。 The dictionary gives us a wealth of phrases and sentences to illustrate meaning. 这本词典给了我们许多说明字义的片语和句子。 The novel had an enormous vogue in the 1930's. 这本小说在三十年代曾广为流传。 This pen writes well. 这笔写起来很流畅。 The estate vested in the wife of the deceased. 这财产属于死者的妻子。 The city is vibrant with life. 这城市充满生机。 The interview whipped up half the people into a frenzy of rage. 这次会谈使半数人极为愤慨。 He is not wholly to blame for the accident. 这次事故不能全怪他。 This will be the house you're looking for. 这大概就是你找的那所房子了。 Did you make the cake yourself? 这蛋糕是你亲自做的吗? I make the distance ten miles. 这段距离我估计是十英里。 What a wet day! 这多雨的天气! Do the women doctors here get the same pay as their male colleagues? 这儿女医生的薪金是否与她们男性同事一样的? The width of the room is 20 feet. 这房间宽二十英尺。 The madman was violent and had to be locked up. 这疯子十分凶暴,只好把他锁起来。 This village is watered by deep wells. 这个村庄靠深井供水。 The wandering old lady did not recognize her own daughter. 这个错乱的老太太认不出自己的女儿。 The hall would seat one thousand people. 这个大厅能坐一千人。 The hall would seat one thousand people. 这个大厅能坐一千人。 What wavelength is this station on? 这个电台在哪个波段? This room is walled off from the rest of the house. 这个房间与屋里其他房间用墙隔开了。 The men in this factory walked out yesterday. 这个工厂的工人昨天罢工了。 This job calls for a man with a great deal of maturity. 这个工作需由老练持重的人去做。 Womenfolks in this country are good at weaving rugs. 这个国家的妇女善织地毯。 The country's manhood was called upon to fight the invaders. 这个国家号召男子去同入侵者作战。 This country imports many foreign manufactures. 这个国家进口许多外国产品。 The marine barracks were built ten years ago. 这个海军陆战队的兵营是十年前建造的。 The drunken driver was brought to the police station for violation of traffic regulations. 这个喝醉了的司机因违反交通规则而被带进了警察局。 The box of eggs was marked "With Care". 这个鸡蛋盒标上了"小心"字样。 The plan was vetoed by the government. 这个计划被政府否定了。 The general always carried his wand with him. 这个将军总是带着他的权标。 We were all affected by the vivacity of this lovely little boy. 这个可爱的小男孩的快活使我们都受到感染。 The basketball team had a string of victories last season. 这个篮球队在上一个赛季中赢得了一连串的胜利。 This auditorium will seat one thousand people. 这个礼堂能容纳一千人。 The man was wearing a black waistcoat. 这个男人穿着一件黑色背心。 He worked the farm with great success. 这个农场他经营得很成功。 Who may the man be? 这个人会是谁呢? The gesture was equivalent to a flag of truce in civilized warfare. 这个手势相当于文明战争中的停战旗。 The news spread like wildfire. 这个消息极快地传开了。 The little boy's vividness affected everyone. 这个小男孩的活泼使每个人都受到感染。 The garden is walled. 这个园子有围墙。 The work's not pleasant, but I promise you I'll make it worth your while. 这工作是不太愉快,可是我向你保证,我会酬谢你的。 The dog ran loose on the street. 这狗在街上到处乱跑。 The child was very amused by the wildfire outside of the windows. 这孩子对窗外的磷火极感兴趣。 This will lull them into a false sense of security. 这会使他们产生一种虚假的安全感。 What's wrong with the machine? 这机器出了什么毛病? The generals masterminded the coup. 这几个将军策划了政变。 The neighboring nations warred upon one another for over a decade. 这几个邻国互相打了十多年仗。 We have seen massive changes in recent years. 这几年我们经历了巨大的变化。 The jacket zips open easily. 这夹克衫的拉链很容易拉开。 The shop sells a great variety of porcelain ware. 这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。 The firm markets various kinds of household appliances. 这家公司销售各种家用器具。 The company manufactures cars. 这家公司制造汽车。 The family's annual income is in the vicinity of $15000. 这家一年的收入在一万五千美元左右。 This shirt will not wrinkle. 这件衬衫不会起皱。 The work is pretty well finished. 这件工作差不多要做完了。 This jacket is for everyday wear. 这件夹克供日常穿用。 The story spread like wildfire. 这件事很快传开了。 This caused them to waver in their faith. 这件事使他们的信仰动摇了。 The dress needs taking in a bit at the waist. 这件洋装腰身需要改小一些。 I suppose it's a matter of opinion whether it is art or pornography. 这究竟是艺术还是色情,我想是见仁见智的问题。 This is the church where we used to worship. 这就是那座我们过去常做礼拜的教堂。 The poor wretch lost all his money. 这可怜的人所有的钱都丢了。 This type of bread has added vitamins. 这类面包中添加了维他命。 The maximum speed of this car is 150 miles per hour. 这辆车的最大时速为一百五十英里。 There's something the matter with this car. 这辆汽车有点毛病。 The cost of the car is in the vicinity of 10,000 dollars. 这辆汽车约值一万元。 The picture has not lost its vividness after all these years. 这么多年过去了这张照片仍然没失去它的鲜明。 The boy soon lost himself in the book. 这男孩不久便专心地看起书来。 The boy had worms, but he is fine now. 这男孩曾患寄生虫病,但现在好了。 This lot of shoes sell very well. 这批鞋很畅销。 This horse has no vices of shying and tossing. 这匹马从来不惊,也不会把人从马背上摔下。 The report wrests the facts out of their true meaning. 这篇报导歪曲了事实真相。 The wine is of 1909 vintage. 这葡萄酒酿造于一九○九年。 The car has its drawbacks and it has its virtues. 这汽车有其短处,也有其长处。 This made the treaty worthless. 这使得条约变得毫无用处。 It was a matter of life and death for them. 这事对他们来说是生死攸关。 It was settled by lot. 这事是以抽签决定的。 It was a wintry day. 这是个风雪交加的一天。 This is a tale that wrings the heart. 这是个令人心痛的故事。 This is a room with good ventilation. 这是个通风良好的房间。 It is a great loss to her. 这是她的巨大损失。 This is a verbal translation of the prose. 这是那篇散文的逐字直译。 This is the most mature of his plays. 这是他最成熟的一部剧作。 This is the city where I was born. 这是我出生的城市。 This is our room, and that's yours. 这是我们的房间,那是你们的。 This is the very best novel I've read lately. 这是我最近读过的最好的小说。 This is a vintage car made in 1917. 这是一辆造于一九一七年的古老而名贵的车。 This is an extremely versatile new kitchen machine. 这是一种功能极多的新型厨房机械。 This is a good fabric softener for woolens. 这是一种很好的羊毛织物柔软剂。 This is a wooden bed. 这是张木床。 This piece of music is vintage Bach. 这首乐曲是巴哈的代表作。 This is a villainous pair of shoes; they have ruined my feet. 这双鞋糟透了,让我的脚受罪。 The university gets bigger, year by year. 这所大学每年都在扩大。 There is plenty of wear left in the machine. 这台机器还可用好长一段时间。 The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。 The ship was wrecked in a storm. 这条船在一次风暴中失事了。 The river weaves through the woods. 这条河蜿蜒穿过树林。 The lake is about six miles wide. 这条湖约六英里宽。 The road verges on a park. 这条路位于一个公园边缘。 This necklace is worth 1,000 US dollars. 这条项链值一千美元。 The pavilion is made of wood. 这亭子是木造的。 The whisky has been watered down. 这威士忌被搀水了。 This scientist worked miracles. 这位科学家创造了奇迹。 The young writer learned a great deal from the works by masters in literature. 这位青年作家从文学大师的作品中学到了许多东西。 The salesman seems very zealous to please. 这位售货员看来非常热情,想取悦顾客。 The nest held three vigorous young birds. 这窝里有三只活泼的小鸟。 We'll just have to write off the arrangement if we can't find the money for it. 这项计划如果筹不到钱就只得取消。 The plan was kept under wraps. 这项计划是保密的。 The plan was kept under wraps. 这项计划是保密的。 The news made John irritable. 这消息使约翰烦躁不安。 The islands are volcanic. 这些岛屿是由火山构成的。 The vernaculars of these African tribes have never been written down. 这些非洲部落的土话没能被记载下来。 The flowers need watering. 这些花需浇浇水。 There's no market for these goods. 这些货物没有销路。 These are the reasons why we do it. 这些就是我们为什么要做这事的理由。 These boys are whipping tops. 这些男孩子正在抽陀螺。 All the apples had worms in them. 这些苹果里都有蛀虫。 These apple trees yield plenty of fruit this year. 这些苹果树今年结了许多苹果。 The walls can withstand high winds. 这些墙能顶得住强风。 These people were viewed as their most dangerous rivals. 这些人被视为他们最危险的对手。 These people are living on the verge of starvation. 这些人正在饥饿线上挣扎。 Whose books are these? 这些书是谁的? These tiny creatures are hardly visible to the naked eyes. 这些微小的生物肉眼几乎看不见。 These modern boxlike buildings do violence to the beauty of the old city. 这些现代的盒式建筑破坏了古城的美丽市容。 The boxes are stacked in a warehouse. 这些箱子被堆放在一个仓库里。 These shoes are waterproof. 这些鞋是防水的。 The letters, in the main, were from his father. 这些信大部分是他父亲写来的。 These colors match up very nicely. 这些颜色配得很好。 These pearls have a beautiful luster. 这些珍珠光泽很美。 The loyalties demonstrated their love for the country. 这些忠诚的行为显示了他们对祖国的爱。 The bikes are of home manufacture. 这些自行车是本国制造的。 This drug can make some people violently ill. 这药使用后会使一些人感到极其不舒服。 Nor was this the suspicion of the vulgar alone; it seems to have been shared by the clergy. 这也不单是庶民的怀疑;看来教士们也有同感。 This law is still in vigor. 这一法律仍然有效。 This price will allow a good margin of profit. 这一价格可获厚利。 This move made headlines worldwide last year. 这一举动在去年成为全球性的头条新闻。 This aching tooth makes me feel wretched. 这一颗牙痛得我难受极了。 The contract was declared void. 这一契约被宣布无效。 The cause is worthy of our continued support. 这一事业值得我们继续不断的支持。 There are two versions of this statue. 这一塑像有两种样式。 This research project is of great worth. 这一研究项目很有价值。 Visually the chair is very pleasing, but it's uncomfortable. 这椅子看上去很可爱,但它并不舒服。 This oil lubricates the machine. 这油能润滑机器。 The paint won't wipe off easily. 这油漆不容易擦掉。 What does it count? 这有什么关系? The exhibition is worth a visit. 这展览值得一看。 This is very midsummer madness. 这真是极度愚蠢。 Where have you been all this while? 这阵子你在哪里? The vase is of matchless workmanship. 这只花瓶的做工精美无比。 This sofa is showing signs of wear. 这只沙发开始显得破旧了。 This is just the lull before the storm. 这只是暴风雨前的暂时平静。 This bamboo basket is my own work. 这只竹篮是我自己编的。 This cloth washes well. 这种布很耐洗。 This hair style was brought into vogue by Hollywood stars. 这种发型是因好莱坞的明星们而时髦起来的。 The price also lures students. 这种价格对学生也有吸引力。 This is not a wholesome situation. 这种局势存在着潜在的危险。 The strong medicine made my head whirl. 这种烈性药使我头晕眼花。 These things will happen. 这种事总是要发生的。 Such shoes usually wholesale for much less. 这种鞋批发出售通常要便宜得多。 Such opinions pave the way for social change. 这种主张为社会变革铺路。 The house is clean within and without. 这幢房子里里外外都很乾净。 The house needs major repairs. 这幢房子需要大修。 The table is made of walnut. 这桌子是由胡桃木做的。 The house has been made over into a hospital. 这座房子已改建成一所医院。 The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical. 这座山的北侧几乎是垂直的。 Acupuncture can work marvels. 针灸能创造奇迹。 I'm sorry, but your story just doesn't hold water. 真抱歉,可是你的话不合情理。 True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation. 真正有远见卓识者往往受同时代人的误解。 We wore down their opposition after several hours' argument. 争辩了几个小时之后我们削弱了他们的异议。 The whole story is made up. 整个故事完全是虚构出来的。 Pruning increases the vigor of a plant. 整枝能使植物更加茁壮地生长。 Formal negotiations are under way. 正式谈判正在进行。 The evidence makes against his theory. 证据同他的看法相反。 The government withdraws worn out money from use. 政府收回旧币使之不再流通。 The government is keeping a close watch on the activities of that political party. 政府正在密切注意该政党的活动。 The spider spins its web. 蜘蛛结网。 A spider is weaving a web under the eaves. 蜘蛛在屋檐下织网。 We were whirled away in a helicopter. 直升机迅速把我们运走。 The botanical garden has turned into a wilderness. 植物园成了一片荒野。 Is this true just in this country, or in the world as a whole? 只是在这个国家如此呢,还是就整个世界来看都这样? He's a friendly sort of person so long as you don't rub him the wrong way. 只要你不惹他,他是很友善的。 You shall never want for food while I have any money left. 只要我有钱你决不会没吃的。 Wherever it is possible, he tries to help. 只要有可能,他总是设法帮忙。 The target's getting lower all the while. 指标一直在下降。 The conductor raised his wand. 指挥家举起了指挥棒。 The Chinese belong to the yellow race. 中国人属于黄种人。 A pendulum vibrates seconds. 钟摆摆动计秒。 Matters of great weight are handled by the general manager himself. 重大问题由总经理亲自处理。 The surrounding country is a wilderness of sand. 周围是茫茫一片砂石地。 You are mainly to blame. 主要应怪你。 Watch out for a tall man in a black hat. 注意一个戴黑帽的高个男人。 May you succeed! 祝你成功! I wish you luck! 祝你好运! We wish you luck. 祝你好运。 I wish you a happy birthday. 祝你生日快乐。 Experts arrived to examine the wreckage of the airplane. 专家们赶来检查该机的残骸。 The management is/are having talks with the workers. 资方正在与工人谈话。 The bullet zipped past. 子弹呼啸而过。 Bullets whistled by. 子弹嗖嗖飞过。 On the whole, I like it. 总的看来,我喜欢这个。 The sum is wrong, but I can't see where I went wrong. 总数错了,可是我看不出哪里算错了。 The President is the chief magistrate of the United States. 总统是美国的最高行政官。 The President threatened to use his veto over the bill. 总统威胁要对这个议案行使否决权。 I'd prefer it if you could deliver all the letters, but if you can only deliver half, all well and good. 最好你能把信都送了,就算只能送一半也好。 They've all been having a whale of a time these last few days. 最近几天他们都玩得很痛快。 Yesterday was my birthday. 昨天是我的生日。 The ground was still wet from last night's storm. 昨夜暴风雨后,地上还是湿的。 As a tennis player he has not yet met his match. 作为一名网球选手,他还没有遇到敌手。 The author wove the incidents together into one story. 作者把那些事件编成一个故事。 The meat of the walnut can be used in cakes. 做蛋糕时可用胡桃肉。 Doing such a job is a waste of his talents. 做这种工作是在浪费他的才能。 It is sheer madness to do it. 做这种事实在愚不可及。 Maybe you'll have better luck next time. 也许下次你的运气会好一点。 The letter "e" in "mouse" is mute. "mouse"中的字母"e"不发音。 The drive-in movie was a novelty to her, and she enjoyed it. "免下车"电影对她来讲是件新奇事,她很喜欢看。 "Move along there, please!" said the policeman. "请别在这里停留!"警察说。 "I'm so stiff I can't move," she moaned. "我浑身发僵,动弹不得,"她呻吟着说。 "Is the baby a boy?" "No, it's a girl." "婴儿是男孩吗?" "不,是女孩。" "John can't swim." "Neither can I." "约翰不会游泳。" "我也不会。" Carmen is a well-known opera. 《卡门》是一部有名的歌剧。 10 is a multiple of 5. 10是5的倍数。 Minus ten is a negative quantity. -10是一个负量。 Oh, what a nightmare! 啊,真是一场噩梦! 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司