翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 knife of switch 开关闸刀 knitting of the draw thread 分离横列编织 knock off 敲落; 歇工 knock-off 敲去 knock-off bit 可卸钻头 knock-off cam 旺凸轮 knock-off core 易割冒口芯片 knock-off head 易割冒口 knock-off joint 杆接头 knocked up toe of dogs 狗的趾爪外翻 knocking of the valve 阀门碰撞 knowledge of result 结果知识 Koplik's stigma of degeneration 科泼力克氏退化特征 krukenberg's tumor of ovary 卵巢克鲁肯伯格氏瘤 Kuwait Interbank Offered Rate KIBOR 科威特银行间放款利率 La Court des Comptes of France 法国审计法院 label list of a label variable declaration 标号变量说明的标号表 labelled field of symbolic instruction 符号指令的标号字段 labial necrosis of rabbits 家兔唇坏死病 labial tubercle of upper lip 唇尖; 唇结节 laboratory of materials strength 材料强度实验室 laboratory standard of frequency 实验室的频率标准 labyrinthotom of vestibule 耳前庭迷路切开术 labyrinthotomy of cochlea 耳蜗迷路切开术 laced column of built channels 槽钢缀合柱 laceration of birth canal 产道撕裂 laceration of brain 脑裂伤 laceration of cardiac valve 心瓣膜裂伤 laceration of cervix 宫颈裂伤; 子宫颈裂伤 laceration of conjunctiva 结膜裂伤 laceration of hymen 处女膜裂伤 laceration of lacrimal canaliculus 泪小管断裂 laceration of ligament 韧带撕裂 long head of biceps 二头肌长头裂伤 laceration of meninges 脑膜裂伤 laceration of patellar ligament 髌韧带裂伤 laceration of perineum 会阴撕裂 laceration of skin 皮肤裂伤 laceration of spinal cord 脊髓裂伤 laceration of tentorium cerebelli 小脑幕裂伤 lacertus of lateral rectus 外直肌腱膜 lack of balance 非均衡; 缺乏平衡 lack of dominance 无显性作用 lack of fuel 燃料缺乏 lack of fusion 熔合不良; 熔化不良; 未熔合 lack of inter-run fusion 层间未熔合 lack of interpenetration 层间未焊透 lack of joint penetration 接头未焊透 lack of lactation 缺乳 lack of manpower 缺乏人力 lack of materials 缺乏材料 lack of penetration 未焊透 lack of rainfall 缺雨 lack of registration 配准不佳 lack of resolution 清晰度欠佳; 分辨率不足; 鉴别力损耗 lack of root fusion 根部未焊透 lack of side fusion 侧面未熔合 lack of supplies 缺乏供应品 lack of tolerance 缺乏耐性 lack of uniformity 品质欠均匀; 不均衡性 lactation atrophy of uterus 哺乳期子宫萎缩 lactose of milk 乳中的乳糖 ladder of cascades 梯级跌水 ladle of the bottom pour type 底流式桶 lag of boiler 锅炉外套 lag of higher order 高次谐波滞后 lag of time 滞后时间 lagged variable of unanticipated inflation 非预期的价格上涨中滞后变量 lagging of tides 潮汐迟滞; 月潮间隔 lagooning of sludge 污泥池蓄处理 Lagrange problem in calculus of variations 变分法中的拉格朗日问题 lamb in the middle of the night 半夜产羔 lambing down of corn 羔羊自行采食玉米 lameness due to disease of the sole 跖跛 lamina cribrosa of sclera 巩膜筛板 lamina of cricoid cartilage 环状软骨板 lamina of thyroid cartilage 甲状软骨板 lamination of pole 磁极叠片 laminography of jaw 颌骨体层摄影 land locked body of water 环抱水区 land of cutting tool 刀刃棱面 land of high and stable yield 高产稳产田 land-based sources of pollution 陆地来源的污染 landing of beam 电子束射击点 landing stage of scaffold 脚手架平台 landlocked body of water 闭合水区; 闭塞水体 landscape development of highway 公路绿化 landscaping office 景观式办公室; 景观式办公室 Langevin theory of diamagnetism 朗之万抗磁性理论 Langevin theory of paramagnetism 朗之万顺磁性理论 language of relations 关系语言 lap of coil 曲管卷 lap of valve 阀余面 Laplace law of succession 拉普拉斯连续律 Laplace's measure of dispersion 拉普拉斯离差 Laplacian speed of sound 拉普拉斯音速 lapse of temperature 温度递减 large area of lacustrine soils 大片湖积土 large intestinal roundworm of swine 猪蛔虫 large number of grasshoppers 大量蝗虫 large quantities of lime 大量石灰 large round cell carcinoma of lung 肺大圆形细胞癌 large volume of fire 猛烈的火力 certain kinds of insect 某些昆虫的幼虫 laryngeal part of pharynx 咽喉部 laryngoscopy of newborn 新生儿喉镜检查 laser damage of crystal 晶体激光损伤 laser damage of glass 玻璃激光损伤 laser damage threshold of coating 膜层的激光破坏阈值 laser detector of the trajectory 激光弹道测定装置 laser heating of plasma 激光加热等离子体 laser pick-off 激光接收 laser reflection characteristics of targets 目标对激光的反射特性 last 90 days of pregnancy 母马妊娠最后90天 fice of destination 最后的收报局 last record of a set 集的最末记录 last two months of gestation for cows 母牛妊娠最后二月 last-of-chain 链的最末元素; 链末; 链尾 last-off 最后退卷 late blight of potato 马铃薯晚疫病 late closing of valve 气门延迟关闭 late stage of uremia 尿毒症晚期 late stages of development 生长后期阶段 latent heat of fusion 熔解热; 熔化潜热 latent heat of sublimation 升华热 latent heat of vaporization 气化潜热; 汽化潜热; 蒸发潜热 lateral basal segment of lower lobe 下叶外基底段 lateral center of gravity 横重心 lateral column of spinal cord 脊髓侧柱 lateral condylar fracture of humerus 肱骨外髁骨折 lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm 前臂外侧皮神经 lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh 股外侧皮神经 lateral degrees of freedom 侧向运动自由度; 侧向自由度 lateral intermuscular septum of arm 肱外侧肌间隔 lateral intermuscular septum of thigh 股外侧肌间隔 lateral ligament of malleus 锤骨外侧韧带 lateral ligament of rectum 直肠侧韧带 lateral lymph nodes of internal jugular vein 颈内静脉外侧淋巴结; 颈内静脉外侧淋巴结 lateral lymph nodes of vena cava 腔静脉外侧淋巴结 lateral margin of foot 足外侧缘 lateral margin of nail 甲外侧缘 lateral nucleus of mammillary body 乳头体外侧核 lateral process of talus 距骨外侧突; 距骨外侧突 tuberosity of calcaneus 跟骨结节外侧突 lateral recess of fourth ventricle 第四脑室外侧隐窝 lateral system of braces 横支撑系统 lateral ties of column 钢筋柱箍 lateral vein of lateral ventricle 侧脑室外侧静脉 lateral vein of the first order 第一级侧脉 lateral wall of pharynx 咽侧壁 laterale ligaments of bladder 膀胱外侧韧带 laterite type of soil formation 砖红壤成土作用 latter stage of ripening 后熟期 lattic dynamics of metal 金属晶格动力学 lattice dynamics of molecucrystals 分子结晶晶格动力学 launching of a trial meteorological satellite 发射试验性气象卫星 lavage of bladder 膀胱冲洗法 law of Beer 比尔定律 law of belting 带的配置定律; 带配置定律 Law of Biot-Savart-Laplace 毕奥-萨伐尔-拉普拉斯定律 law of Brewster 布儒斯特定律 law of capillarity 毛细作用定律 carriage of goods 货物运输法 law of causality 因果律 law of causation 因果律 law of chance 随机定律; 机遇率 law of chemical change 化学变化定律 combination of errors 误差合成定律 law of combining proportions 化合比例定律 law of combining weight 化合量定律 law of commercial transactions 商业交易法 law of comparative cost 比较成本定律 law of compensation 补偿法则 law of competition 竞争法则; 竞争法则 law of condenser 电容器容量变化律 law of connected vessels 连通器定律 conservation and conversion of energy 能量守恒和转换定律 conservation of mass and energy 质能守恒定律 conservation of momentum 动量守恒定律; 动量守恒律 conservation of unemployed 失业守恒规律 constancy of interfacial angle 面间角守恒定律; 面角守恒定律 law of constant angles 面间角守恒定律 law of constant angular momentum 等角动量定律 law of constant numbers in ovulation 排卵常数定律 law of constant proportion 定比定律 law of contingent punishment 权变惩罚律 law of contingent reinforcement 权变强化律 law of contradiction 矛盾律 law of convection 对流定律 law of cooling 冷却定律 law of correlation 相关定律; 相关律; 对比定律 law of corresponding states 相应状态定律 law of cosine 余弦定律 law of cost 生产成本法则 law of criminal procedure 刑事诉讼法 law of decreasing cost 费用递减法则 law of decreasing returns 报酬递减法则 law of definite composition 定比定律 law of definite proportion 定比定律 law of demand 需求定律; 需求律 law of descent 亲属法 law of development 发展规律 law of dilution 稀释定律 law of diminishing demand 需求递减法则 diminishing fertility of soil 土壤肥力递减律 law of diminishing land fertility 土地肥力递减规律 law of diminishing marginal productivity 边际生产力递减律 law of diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减律; 边际效用缩减律 diminishing of fertility 土壤肥力递减律 law of diminishing return 土地报酬递减律; 返回缩减律 law of diminishing returns 享受递减律; 报酬递减律; 减少补偿定律 diminishing returns of land 土地收益递减律 law of diminishing utility 效用递减律 law of distribution 分配定律 distribution of velocities 速度分布律 law of dominance 显性定律 law of double logarithm 叠对数定律 law of dynamical similarity 动似定律 economic order of consumption 消费的经济顺序法则 law of faunal succesion 化石层序律 law of filial regression 亲子代回归律 law of force 力律 law of gas diffusion 气体扩散定律 law of geometrical crystallography 几体结晶构造定律 heating action of current 电流热作用定律 law of Hess 热守恒定律 盖斯定律 law of hydrodynamical similarity 流体动力学相似律 law of incidence 负担法则; 赋税负担法则 law of increasing costs 成本费递增律 law of increasing returns 报酬递增法则 independent migration of ions 离子独立移动律 independent propagation of light 光的独立传播律 law of indices 指数定律 law of inertia 惯性定律 law of intestines 肠蠕动定律 law of isochronism 等周期定律 law of iterated logarithm 迭对数定律 law of large numbers 大数定律 law of least square 最小二乘律 law of least time 最短时间定律 law of life 生活规律 law of limiting factor 限制因子律 law of logarithms 对数定律 law of magnetism 磁性定律 law of maritime commerce 海商法 law of maritime prize 海上捕获法 law of minimum 最低限度律; 最低因子律 law of mixtures 混合物定律 law of molecular concentration 分子浓度定律 law of motion 运动定律 law of multiple proportions 倍比定律 law of negotiable instruments 票据法 law of nonproportional returns 报酬非比例法则 law of parallel solenoids 平行力管定律 law of partial pressure 气体分压定律; 道尔顿定律; 分压定律; 分压力定律 law of partition 分配定律 law of periodicity 周期律 law of phase 相律 law of photochemistry 光化学定律 law of photoelectricity 光电定律; 光电律 law of planning 规划法 law of plastic flow 塑流定律 law of priority 先取权 law of prize 捕获法 law of probability 概率论 propagation of errors 误差传播率 law of rational indices 有理指数定律 law of rational intercepts 密勒定律 law of reciprocal demand 相互需求法则 law of reciprocal proportions 互比定律 law of reciprocity 互反律; 互易性定律; 反比定律; 可逆定理 law of rectilinear diameters 密度中线定律 law of reflection 反射定律 law of refraction 折射定律 law of reinforcement size 强化规模律 law of reinforcer deprivation 强化缺乏律 law of relativity 效力递减律 law of resistance 电阻定律 law of restitution 赔偿法 law of scarcity 稀缺规律 law of segregation 分离定律; 分离律; 分异定律 law of signs 符号律; 记号律 law of similitude 同比律; 相似律 law of sines 正弦定律 law of small numbers 小数定律 law of solid friction 固体摩擦定律 law of specific heat 比热定律 law of statistical constancy 统计恒性法则 law of statistics 统计法 law of storms 风暴律 law of stream gradient 河流坡降定律 law of stream length 河长定律 law of substitution 代入定律 law of superposition 地层层序律; 叠覆律; 叠复律; 叠加定理; 重叠律 law of supply and demand 供求定律 law of symmetry 对称性定律 law of the iterated logarithm 反对数定律 law of the jungle 弱肉强食的原则 law of the mean 平均值定律 the place of dispatch 起运地法; 启运地法 law of the situation 形势规律 law of thermodynamics 热力学定律 law of thermoneutrality 热中和定律 law of tort 民事侵权法 law of total current 全电流定律 law of trade 贸易法 law of universal gravitation 万有引力定律 law of value without competition 非竞争的价值规律 left lateral lobectomy of liver 肝左外侧叶切除术 left lobe of liver 肝左叶 left part of a rule 规则左部 left triangular ligament of liver 肝左三角韧带 left-luggage office 行李寄存处 left-off movement 汽车 左转驶出行驶 leg of a bridge 电桥臂 leg of a fillet weld 角焊缝; 角焊缝焊脚 leg of circuit 电路臂 leg of fillet weld 圆角焊肉厚 leg of frame 框架边 legal capacity of juristic person 法人的权利能力 legal limits of time 法定时限 legal maximum of interest rates 法定最高利率 legal rate of interest 法定利率 legal requirements of banks 法定银行准备金 legal standard of value 法定价格; 法定价格标准 legal unit of measurement 法定计量单位 legal valuation method of inventory 法定库存估价法 legality of behavior 行为的合法性 legatee of inheritance 遗产继承人 legend of symbols 常用符号表 leiomyoblastoma of stomach 胃平滑肌母细胞瘤 leiomyoma of bladder 膀胱平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of bronchus 支气管平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of cervix 子宫颈平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of kidney 肾平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of mediastinum 纵隔平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of seminal vesicle 精囊平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of small intestine 小肠平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of stomach 胃平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of trachea 气管平滑肌瘤 leiomyosarcoma of bladder 膀胱平滑肌肉瘤 leiomyosarcoma of cervix 子宫颈平滑肌肉瘤 leiomyosarcoma of lung 肺平滑肌肉瘤 leiomyosarcoma of prostate 前列腺平滑肌肉瘤 leiomyosarcoma of stomach 胃平滑肌肉瘤 leiomyosarcoma of uterus 子宫平滑肌肉瘤 lemniscate of Bernoulli 伯努利双纽线 lender of last resort 最后贷款人 lending of development funds 开发基金贷款 length of 4 way pipe 四通长度 length of a curve 曲线的长度 length of a scale division 标度分格间距 length of barrel 炮膛长度 length of base 基线长度 length of body 体长 length of bore 炮膛长度 length of cannon 炮膛长度 length of common normal 公法线长度 length of crack 裂缝长度 length of curve 曲线长度 length of cut 切割尺寸; 切削长度 length of day 日照长度 length of day in the flowering 花期的日照长度 length of deformation band 变形带长度 length of down-comer 降液管长度 length of downcomer 下液管长度 length of fit 配合长度; 螺纹旋入长度 length of flame 火焰长度 length of frost free period 无霜期间 length of frost free season 无霜期间 length of haul 运距 length of increment 焊段长度 length of lay 捻长; 捻距 length of life 寿命 length of life test 寿命试验 length of magnetic path 磁路长度 length of mean turn 匝的平均长度 length of penetration 渗透深度 length of perpendiculars 垂直距离 length of pipeline 管线长度 length of queue 队长 length of railroad lines in service 铁路营业里程 length of record 纪录长度 length of residence 居住期限; 居住期限 length of run 运程; 展开长度 length of saw blade 锯条长度; 锯条长度 length of service bonus 服务年限奖金 length of shift 值班时间 length of side 边长 length of skirt 裙座长度 length of span 跨距长度 length of splice 搭接长度 length of stay 停留时间 length of straight flange 直边长度 length of straight pipe 管子展开长度 law of variable proportion 比例变动规律 law of variable proportions 不定比例律; 变动比例法 law of zero or unity 零壹律 lay in a stock of merchandise 进货 lay of the case 字盘活字的排列 lay of wire 芯线绞距 lay off 放样; 解雇; 暂时解雇 lay off rate 暂时解雇率 lay-off bull 观察期公牛 lay-out of road 道路布置 layer of a distributed winding 分布绕组层 layer of carbon 炭渣层 layer of cerebellar cortex 小脑皮质层 layer of cloth 布绝缘层 layer of compensation 补偿层 layer of discontinuity 不连续层 layer of insulation 隔离层 layer of light liquid 轻液层 layer of no motion 无流层 layer of nonconducting materials 隔离层 layer of nuburnt gas 不燃气体层 layer of oxide 氧化层 layer of oxidem 氧化膜 layer of surface detention 地表滞流层 layer of vine 插蔓 layer of wood 木质层 layer of wooden blocks 木垫板 layering of firedamp 瓦斯分层 laying of cables 电缆敷设 laying of cornerstone 奠基 laying of pipes 管道铺设 laying off 造材检量; 停工 layout of pipeline 管线布置 layout of power station 电站布置 layout of warehouse 仓库布置 layout of waters 理水 layshaft of geared head 车头箱中间轴 leaching of calcium 钙的淋溶 leaching of nitrate 硝酸盐的淋溶 lead curtain of chamber 铅墙 lead encasing of hose 软管铅接合 lead of crossing 辙叉导距 lead of helix 螺旋线导程 lead of screw 螺旋导程 lead of the web 卷筒纸引纸; 卷筒纸引纸 lead of valve 阀导柱 lead polarity of a transformer 变压器引线极性 leaders in their chosen field of learning 学科带头人 leading to a loss of ferility 引起肥力减退 leading-off rods 引出杆 leadtime offset 研制周期补偿 leaf curl of peach 桃缩叶病 leaf curl of tobacco 烟卷叶毒病; 烟曲叶毒病 leaf muld of tomato 番茄叶霉病 leaf of a laminated spring 叠板弹簧 leaf of Descartes 笛卡尔蔓叶线 leaf of diaphragm 光阑薄片; 光圈瓣 leaf of grass 草叶 leaf of negundo chastetree 牡荆叶 leaf roll of cotton 棉皱缩花叶病 leaf roll of potato 马铃薯卷叶病 leaf rust of barley 大麦叶锈病 leaf rust of millet 粟叶锈病 leaf smut of rice 稻叶黑粉病 leaf spot of banana 香蕉叶斑病 leaf spot of beet 甜菜褐斑病 leaf spot of Chinese cabbage 白菜白斑病 leaf spot of grape 葡萄霉斑病 leaf spot of kaki 柿圆斑病 leaf spot of peach 桃叶白腐病 leaf spot of peanut 花生叶斑病 leaf spot of tea 茶叶白斑病 leaflets of the fourth leaf 第四叶上的小叶 league unit of length 里格 leak of water 漏水 leak off connection 放泄接头 leak-off 漏气; 漏水 leak-off pipe 漏泄管; 溢流管; 泄流管 leakage of cerebrospinal 脑脊液漏 leakage of current 电流漏泄 leakage of light 漏光 leakage of rain 漏雨; 雨水渗透 leakage of urine 漏尿 leakage-flux of rotor 转子漏磁通 leaping of divide 分水界移动 least distance of distinct vision 明视最短距离; 明视最小距离 least fixpoint of functionals 泛函的最小不动点 least radius of gyration 最小回转半径 leave of court 法庭准许 left border of sternum 胸骨左缘 left flexure of colon 结肠脾曲; 结肠左曲 length of stroke 冲程; 冲程长度 length of tangent line 切距; 切线长 the channel of distribution 销售路线的长度 length of the cycle 循环长度 length of the interfacial wave 界面波长 the life cycles of plant species 植物种生活周期的长短 length of the scale 标尺长度 length of the underfeeding period 饲养不良的时间长短 length of thread 螺纹长度 length of thread engagement LE 螺纹啮合长度 length of time 持续时间 length of tooth 齿高 length of travel 行程 length of tray pitch spacer 塔板定距管杆长度 length of tube 炮膛长度 length of wagon 车身长度 length of weld 焊缝长度 lengthening of pedicle skin tube 皮蒂管延长术 lengthening of tendon 肌腱延长术 lengthening of tendon biceps femoris 股二头肌腱延术 lengthwise travel rate of table 工作台纵向移动速度 lens of variable focal length 可变焦距透镜 lenticular process of incus 砧骨豆状突 lepidoma of second order 二级里膜瘤 leprosy of larynx 喉麻风 leprosy of liver 肝麻风病 leprosy of nose 鼻麻风 lesion of bulbourethral glands 尿道球腺病变 lesion of caudate nucleus 尾状核病变 lesion of globus pallidus 苍白病变; 苍白球病变 lessening virulence of any pathogenic organism 解毒 lesser circle of iris 虹膜小环 lesser lip of vulva 小阴唇 lessor of small plots 小土地出租者 let a mulch top of the soil 残茬留在地面 let-off gearstand 导出装置 let-off pipe 出水管 leter of invitation 请帖 letter of comfort 同意协助书 letter of confirmation 证实书 letter of credit charges 信用证费 letter of credit ledger 信用证总帐 credit of government to government 政府间信用证 letter of credit terms 信用证条件 letter of endorsement 背书信 letter of hypothecation 质押书 letter of indemnity LI 赔偿保证书; 认赔书 letter of indemnity LI 保结书 letter of indication 签字式样证明书 letter of instruction 押汇信用指示书 letter of insurance 卖方出具给买方的确认已保险信函 letter of intent 意向书 letter of licence 延期索偿同意书 letter of lien 留置权书; 扣押权信 letter of patent 专利证书 letter of recommendation 推荐书; 介绍信 letter of regret 拒绝预约股票通知书; 拒绝预约股票通知书 letter of remittance 信汇 letter of representation 审计客户表白书 letter of subrogation 权益转让书 letter of support 佐证书 letter of testamentary 遗嘱执行人授权书 leukoderma of vul 外阴白皮症 leukoplakia of bladder 膀胱白斑病; 膀胱粘膜白斑病 leukoplakia of cervix 宫颈白斑; 子宫颈粘膜白斑病 leukoplakia of genito-urinary system 泌尿生殖系白斑病 leukoplakia of glans penis 阴茎头白斑病 levator muscle of palatine velum 腭帆提肌 levator muscle of prostate 前列腺提肌 levator muscle of scapula 肩胛提肌 levator muscle of thyroid gland 甲状腺提肌 levator muscles of ribs 肋提肌 level difference of sieve tray floor 筛板面水平差 level ellipsoid of revolution 水准旋转椭球 level of a structure element 结构元素的层 level of capital gains 资本盈利水平 level of consumption 消费水平 level of control 管理水平 level of drive 激励电平 level of factor 因子指标 level of farming mechanization 农业机械化水平 level of free convection LFC 自由对流高度 level of loudness 响度级 level of nesting 程序的嵌套层次 level of noise 噪音值 level of nondivergence 无辐散高度 level of nozzle face 接管面标高 level of organization 组织结构 level of position 职别 level of premium 平均保险费 level of saturation 地下水面 level of service 服务水准 level of significance 显著性水平; 有效水平 level of skill 技能水平 level of solids in reactor 反应器中固相高度 level of support ring 支承圈标高 level of the depolarized component 去极化分量电平 level off 改平 level-off 矫直; 调水平; 整平 level-off position 改平位置 leveling of production 均衡生产; 均衡生产 lever of crane 起重机臂 lever of first order 第一类杠杆 lever of force 力臂 lever of stability 回复力臂 lever of the first kind 第一类杠杆 lever of the third order 第三类杠杆 levying of fines 征收罚款 Leydig cell tumor of ovary 卵巢间质细胞瘤; 卵巢莱迪希氏细胞瘤 liabilities out of book 帐外负债 liaison office 联络处 liberaligation of insterest rate 放宽利率限制 liberalization of interest 放宽利率 liberalization of interest rates 放宽利率 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司