翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 maintenance of road 养路 maintenance of soil fertility 维持土壤肥力 maintenance of value 款项之保值金 maintenance of way 养路; 线路养护; 路面维修费 major cause of failure 断裂的主要原因 major diameter fit of spline 花键外径配合 major lobe of directional diagram 方向图主瓣 make full use of limited resources 小型资源 make good use of talent 人才优势 make the best use of planter 爱惜播种机 the body weight of the man 占人体重量的20% make up 90% of all living material 占全部生命物质的90% make up for the costs of production 补偿生产成本 make use of 利用 make-up of charge 配料 making duplicates of a transplanted gene 制造移植基因的复制品 making full use of favorable factors 发挥优势原则 malakoplakia of genito-urinary system 泌尿生殖系统软斑病 malakoplakis of bladder 膀胱软斑病 maldel secco of lemon 柠檬干枯病 maldevelopment of penis 阴茎发育不良 maldevelopmental cyst of bone 骨异常发育囊肿 male end of a pipe 外螺纹管端 malformation of bronchus 支气管畸形 malformation of coronary artery 冠状动脉畸形 malformation of heart 心脏畸形 malformation of liver 肝畸形 malformation of stomach 胃畸形 malicious destruction of property 恶意破坏财产 malignant change of cell 细胞恶变 malignant change of gastric ulcer 胃溃疡恶变 malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone 骨恶性纤维组织细胞瘤 malignant giant cell tumor of bone 骨恶性巨细胞瘤 malignant giant-cell tumor of bone 恶性骨巨细胞瘤 malignant lymphoma of breast 乳房恶性淋巴瘤 malignant lymphoma of colon 结肠恶性淋巴瘤 malignant lymphoma of skin 皮肤恶性淋巴瘤; 恶性皮肤淋巴瘤 malignant lymphoma of stomach 胃恶性淋巴瘤 malignant melanoma of anus 肛门恶性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma of bone 骨恶性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma of choroid 恶性脉络膜黑色素瘤; 脉络膜恶性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma of conjunctiva 结膜恶性黑瘤 malignant melanoma of skin 皮肤恶性黑色素瘤 malignant mesenchymoma of liver 肝恶性间叶瘤 malignant mixed tumor of submaxillary gland 颌下腺恶性混合瘤 malignant mole of cervix 子宫颈恶性葡萄胎; 子宫颈葡萄胎 malignant mole of parametrium 子宫旁组织恶性葡萄胎 malignant mole of vagina 阴道恶性葡萄胎 malignant papilloma of choroid 恶性脉络丛乳头状瘤 malignant tumor of breast 乳房恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of bronchus 支气管恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of chest wall 胸壁恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of colon 结肠恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of digestive tract 消化道恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of liver 肝恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of lung 肺恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of ovary 卵巢恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of pleura 胸膜恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of spinal cord 脊髓恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of uterine body 子宫体恶性肿瘤 malrotation of intestine 肠旋转不良 Malthus'law of population 马尔萨斯人口定律 malting variety of barley 制麦芽的大麦品种 Malus law of rays 马吕斯光线定律 mammary infection of newborn 新生儿乳腺感染 man of wealth 富人 man-handling of materials 人工转运 man-made shortage of goods 人为的供应紧张 management of a ship 操纵船 management of blueprint 图纸管理 management of coal resources 煤炭资源管理 management of commercial erterprises 商业企业管理 management of commission shops 信托商店管理 management of energy consumption 能源消耗管理 management of enterprise 企业管理 factors of scientific research 科研条件管理 management of human difference 人的差异管理 management of log transportation 木材运输管理 offshore drilling platforms 海上钻井平台管理 management of process 进程管理 management of research and development 科研管理 management of research subjects 课题管理 management of shifting products 搬运管理 management of taxation 征税管理 management of umbilical cord 脐带处理 management of underground minestopes 矿山井下采场管理 management of weeds 防除杂草 management of wholesale enterprises 批发企业管理 management of working groups 小组管理 management system for the paid use of land 土地有偿使用管理制度 manager of programming 程序管理员 managerial theories of the firm 厂商的管理理论 maneuver reduction of paraphimosis 包皮嵌顿手法复位术 manipulation of bone setting 治骨手法 manipulation of generating function 生成函数的处理 manipulation of periodic income 操纵当期利益 manipulation of string 串的处理 manipulation of supply 操纵供应 manipulatrion of security market 操纵证券市场 manner of breathing 息相 manner of packing 包装方式 manning's coefficient of roughness 曼氏粗糙度系数 manpower unit of power 人力 mantissa of logarithm 对数的尾数 mantle of rock 岩石表层 mantle of soil 土被 manual central office 人工电话局 manual commercial office 人工商用电话局 manual of standards 标准手册 manual office 人工局 manual reduction of paraphimosis 嵌顿包茎手法复位 manual removal of placenta 人工剥离胎盘术 manual stripping of membranes 人工剥膜 manuals of engineering practice MEP 工程实践手册 manufactory of hazardous articles 危险品制造厂 means of light signalling 光信号工具 means of livelihood 谋生手段 means of one's satisfaction 满足需要资料 means of production 生产手段 means of production in Category I 一类物资 means of production in Category Ⅱ 二类物资 means of representation 描绘手段 means of subsistence 谋生手段; 消费资料 measles of beef 牛肉囊虫 measles of pork 猪肉囊虫 measure of a pointset 点集的测度 measure of absolute variability 绝对变异测度; 绝对变异测度 measure of association 相联度量 measure of capacity 容量 measure of characteristics 特征量度 measure of consumption 消费的量度 measure of curvature 曲率测度 measure of damage 损害程度的测定 measure of damages 损害赔偿估量 measure of discontinuity 不连续测度; 不连续的测度 measure of dispersion 变异度; 离散度 measure of fuzziness 模糊性测度 measure of indemnity 赔偿标准; 赔偿限度 measure of information 信息量度 measure of kurtosis 峰度测度 measure of linear correlation 线性相关度量 measure of precision 精密程度; 精确度测度; 精确量度 measure of relative variability 相对变异度测度 measure of relative variation 相对变异度量 measure of resistance 阻力测定 measure of skewness 偏度; 偏态度量; 偏斜度 measure of spread 分布测定 measure of variation 变差测度 measurement of central venous pressure 中心静脉压测定 measurement of channels 脉度 measurement of discontinuity 不连续性测量 measurement of luminous flux 光流测量 measurement of magnetic field 磁场测量 measurement of molecular property 分子性质测定 measurement of non-linear distortion 非直线性畸变测量 measurement of oxide layer thickness 氧化层厚度测试 measurement of performance 业务活动的评价; 业务完成的评价 measurement of personality 人格测量 measurement of plate thickness 板厚测定 measurement of power 功率测定 measurement of quantities 量的测定 measurement of reflection-factor 反射系数测量 refractive power of lens 镜片屈光力鉴定; 镜片屈光力鉴定 measurement of the polysaccharide content 多糖含量的测定 measurement of venous pressure 静脉压测定; 静脉压测定 measurement range of laser range finder 激光测距机测程 measures of dispersion 离差测定 measures of dust prevention 防尘措施 measures of protection 防护措施 measuring of human resources 人力资源的衡量 measuring the potential of hydrogen 测量氢潜力 measurment of film thickness 膜厚测量 meat of a sheep 绵羊肉 mechanical analysis of sand 砂粒分析 mechanical factor of merit 机械优值 mechanical management of respiration 机械呼吸管理 mechanical migration of population 人口机械迁移 mechanical performance of material 材料机械性能 mechanical protetion of wood 木材机械堡法 mechanics of closed die forging 闭模锻造力学 mechanics of communication 通讯技术 mechanics of fracture 断裂力学 mechanics of frozen soil 冻土力学 mechanics of landslide 滑坡力学 mechanics of machinery 机械力学 mechanics of material 材料力学 mechanics of microcirculation 微循环力学 mechanics of particles 质点力学 mechanics of rock blasting 岩石爆破力学 mechanics of rock cutting 岩石切割力学 mechanics of rock masses 岩体力学 mechanics of superplasticity 超塑性力学 mechanism of change 变革方式 most famous of saddle horses 最有名的鞍马 most favourable distribution of weight 最适当的权分配 most of primary leaves removed 大部分初生叶已除去 most of the commonly grown varieties 多数普通栽培品种 most of the nitrogen 大部分氮 mother of clove 母丁香 mother of coal 丝炭 mother oflthyme 百里香 mother-of-peal 珠母层 mother-of-pearl 珠母 mother-of-pearl clouds 珠母云 mother-of-pearl glass 珠光玻璃 motility of sperm 精子活动力; 精子活动力 motion of colony 菌落运动; 菌落运动 motion of membrane 膜片运动 motion of the oscillator 振荡器的固有运动 motion of translation 平移运动; 线性运动 motor off switch 电动机切断开关 mottling of rice plants 稻条斑 mould machine of cereal seed selection 谷物选种机 mountain of circumdenudation 环蚀山 mountainous regions of tropics 热带山区 mounting of grating 光栅装置法 mounting of telescope 望远镜装置 mouth of blast pipe 吹风管嘴 mouth of hook 钩口 mouth of pipe 管口 mouth of plane 刨削口 mouth of pot 坩埚口 mouth of shears 冲剪口 mouth of spring 泉眼 movement of goods document 货运单据 movement of population 人口流动 movement of river sediment 河流泥沙移动 movement of river silt 河流泥沙移动 movement of slide 针芯运动 movement of soil particles 土粒运动 movement of thorax 胸廓运动 movement of valve 移动阀 movement of water into soil 水分运动到土壤内 movements of the bowel 肠蠕动 moving plates of variable condenser 可变电容器转动片 mucinous carcinoma of bladder 膀胱粘液癌 mucinous carcinoma of breast 乳腺粘液癌 mucinous cystadenoma of ovary 粘液性卵巢囊腺瘤 mucocele of cecum 盲肠粘液囊肿 mucocele of frontal sinus 额窦粘液囊肿 mucocele of lacrimal sac 泪囊粘液囊肿 mucocele of salivary gland 涎腺粘液囊肿 mucoepidermoid carcinoma of bronchus 支气管粘液表皮样癌 mucoepidermoid carcinoma of cervix 子宫颈粘液表皮样癌 mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary gland 涎腺粘液表皮样癌 mucoid carcinoma of breast 乳房粘液样癌 mucous cyst of bronchus 支气管粘液囊肿 mucous cyst of ovary 卵巢粘液囊肿 mucous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary 卵巢粘液性囊腺癌 mucous polyp of larynx 喉粘液息肉 mucous tumor of ovary 卵巢粘液瘤 mud shield of output shaft 输出轴防泥护罩 mud-flush method of sinking 泥浆冲洗钻井法 mugunit of measure 马格 multicolour offset press 多色胶印机 multicolour rotary offset press 多色轮转胶印机 multicolour sheet-fed offset press 多色单张纸胶印机 multiple comparisons of proportions 比例的多重比较 multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma of skin 皮肤多发性出血性肉瘤 multiple redefinition of data 数据多次重新定义 multiple system of Trapezium type 猎户四边形型聚星 multiple-degree-of-freedom system 多自由度系统 multiple-step form of income statement 分步式收益表; 分段收益表 multiple-unit of measurement 倍数计量单位 multiplexing of processors 处理机的多路传输 multiplication of complex numbers 复数乘积 multiplication of matrices 矩阵的乘法; 矩阵的乘法 multiplication of polynomial 多项式的乘法 multiplication of series 级数乘法; 级数相乘 multiplicity of root 根的阶 multiply the channels of circulation 增加流通渠道 manufacture of vessel 容器制造 manufacturer's certificate of quality 制造商品质证明书 manufacturer's certificate of quantity 制造商数量证明书 manufacturing program of a month 月度生产计划 many of the strains in the collection 收集到的许多品系 many type of material 许多类型物质 many-degrees of freedom system 多自由度系统 map of groundwater table 地下水分布图 map of seismic intensity zoning 地震烈度分区图 map of water table level 地下水位图 marc of the beet 甜菜渣 march fracture of metatarsus 跖骨疲劳骨折 march of temperature 温度变程 margin of cultivation 耕作界限 margin of drill 钻头刃带 margin of energy 后备能量 margin of lift 升力限度 margin of power 功率储备 margin of restrictive rights 限制性权利边界 margin of safety 强度储备; 安全边际; 安全幅度; 安全系数; 安全限度; 安全裕度 margin of safety ratio 安全边际比率 margin of speed 速度限度 margin of stability 稳定储备量 margin of uterus 子宫缘 marginal cost of capital 边际资本成本 marginal cost of information 边际信息成本; 信息的边标成本 marginal degree of utility 边际效用程序; 边际效用度 marginal dystrophy of cornea 角膜周边变性 marginal internal rate of return 边际内部报酬率 marginal productivity of labor 边际劳动生产率 marginal rate of interest 边际利率 marginal rate of liquidity preference 边际流动偏好率 marginal rate of return over cost 弥补成本后的边际报酬率 marginal rate of substitution 边际代替比例; 边际替代比率 marginal rate of tax 边际税率 marginal rate of transformation 边际转换率 marginal ulcer of gastroenteric stoma 胃肠吻合口边缘溃疡 marginal utility theory of taxation 课税的边际效用理论 marine bill of lading 海运提货单 maritime section of stream 感潮河段 mark of car 汽车牌号 mark of manual strangulation 扼痕 mark of origin 进口商品的产地标记 mark of reference 参量符号; 参照符号 marked capacity of car 车辆标重 market forecast of commercial enterprises 商业企业市场预测 market value of investment securities 投资证券的市值 marketing rate of fattened stock 出栏率 marking of cars 车辆标记 marking off 划线 marking off pin 划线针 marking off plate 划线板 marking off table 划线台 Markov model of learning 马尔可夫学习模型 marsh spot of peas 豌豆什班病 marsupialization of Bartholin's cyst 前庭大腺囊肿造口术 marsupialization of hepatic cyst 肝囊肿袋形缝合术 marvel-of-peru 草茉莉 masaic of tomato 番茄花叶病 mask of pregnancy 妊娠面斑 mask off 屏蔽 mask off code 屏蔽码 masked off 掩蔽 masking of symptom 症状的隐蔽 mass coefficient of reactivity 质量反应性系数 mass due to accumulation of pathogenic factors 脏结 mass law of sound insulation 隔声的质量定律 mass mement of inertia 质量惯性矩 mass of data 大量数据 mass of soil 土团 mass of vibration 参振质量 mass phenomena of disease 疾病人群现象 mass rate of flow 质量流过速率; 质量流量率 massive resection of bone for osteomyelitis 骨髓炎大块骨切除术 massive resection of small intestine 小肠大部分切除术 master molecule of life 生命主要分子 master of computer scienceMCS 电脑科学硕士 master state of control processor 控制处理机主态 master tools of industry 工业加工机床 multipurpose use of waste 废物综合利用 mummification of pulp 干髓术 murmur of undetermined type 不定型杂音 incisure of helix 耳轮切迹肌 muscle of uvula 悬雍垂肌 muscles of neck 颈肌; 颈肌 muscles of pelvic diaphragm 盆膈肌 muscles of shoulder girdle 肩带肌 muscles of thorax 胸部肌 muscles of urogenital diaphragm 尿生殖膈肌 muscular cirrhosis of lung 肺肌性硬化 muscular layer of mucosa 粘膜肌层 muscular layer of pharynx 咽肌织膜 mushy consistency of concrete 混凝土流态稠度 mutual check of financial discipline 财政纪律检查 mutual constraint of variational form 变分形式的相互约束 mycelium of urediostage 夏孢子期菌丝 mycobacteriosis of skin 皮肤分枝杆菌病 mycoplasmal pneumonia of pig 猪原体肺炎 mycosis of brain 脑真菌病 mycotic dermatitis of sheep 绵羊霉菌性皮炎 mycotic fistula of nasopharynx 真菌性鼻咽瘘 mycotic granuloma of brain 真菌性脑肉芽肿 mycotic infection of bronchus 支气管真菌感染 mycotic infection of chest wall 胸壁真菌感染 mycotic infection of stomach 胃真菌感染 mycotoxin of penicillium 青霉毒素 myeloid metaplasia of bone marrow 骨髓髓细胞样化生 myiasis of nasal sinus 鼻窦蝇蛆病 myoblastoma of larynx 喉肌母细胞瘤 myocaridal infarction of rigbt ventricle 右心室心肌梗塞 myoclonic encephalopathy of infant 乳儿肌阵挛性脑病 myoepithelioma of salivary gland 涎腺肌上皮瘤 ascitis of back 腰背肌肉筋膜炎 myoma of bladder 膀胱肌瘤 myoma of cervix uteri 子宫颈肌瘤 myoma of ovarian round ligament 卵巢圆韧带肌瘤 myoma of testis 睾丸肌瘤 myopathy of connective tissue disease 结缔组织病性肌病 myopathy of vegetative nervous system 植物神经系统肌病 myositis ossificans of quadriceps femoris 股四头肌骨化性肌炎 myxoma of heart 心脏粘液瘤 myxoma of lung 肺粘液瘤 myxosarcoma of bladder 膀胱粘液肉瘤 nabothian cyst of cervix 子宫颈腺体囊肿 nail unit of length 纳尔 nails of heavy gauge 大号钉 name of buyer or payee 抬头 name of commodity 商品名称 name of commodity in English 英文品名 name of document 文献名称 name of manufacture 制造厂名 name of material 物料名称 name of part 品名 name of variables 变量的名字 name-plate of manufacturing plant 制造厂名牌 named bill of lading 记名提单 nape of the neck 颈部; 颈部 narrative form of statement 文字报告式报表 narrowing of conscious span 意识缩窄 narrowing of directional pattern 方向图变窄 narrowing of gauge 轨距缩小 narrowing of intervertebral space 椎间隙变窄 narrowing of pulse 脉冲压缩 narrowing of the ring 环的收缩 nasal crest of palatine bone 腭骨鼻嵴 Nastu-rtium officinale 豆瓣菜 National Bank of Switzerland 瑞士国家银行 National Bureau of Legal Metrology 国家法制计量局 National Bureau of Standards NBS 美国 国家标准局 National Institute of Legal Metrology 国家法制计量研究所 national service of legal metrology 国家法制计量部门 nationalization of enterprises 企业国有化 nationalization of insurance 保险国有化 nationalization of land 土地国有化 native sulfate of barium 天然硫酸钡 natural consistency of soil 土的天然稠度 natural cut-off 自然裁弯 natural face of stone 石料天然面 natural frequency of a foundation 基础固有频率 mastery of the skies 制空权 mastitis of newborn 新生儿乳腺炎 match-box-type of flat slide valve 火柴盒式滑阀 matching of blood 血液配合 matching of load 负载匹配 matching of marker bed 标志层对比 matching of pulses 脉冲刻度校准; 脉冲匹配 matching of stages 级间匹配压气机 matching of successions 层序对比; 序列对比 matching of tyre 轮胎配合 matching of waveguide 波导匹配 material circumstances of a crime 犯罪具体情节 material of test piece 试板材料 material remains of a crime 犯罪遗留物 maternal surface of placenta 胎盘母体面 mathematical theory of statistics 数理统计学理论 mathematical completeness of model 模型的数学完备性 mathematical law of probability 数学的或然律 mathematics of computation 计算数学 mathematics of molecular biology 分子生物数学 mating of poultry 禽的雌雄相偶 matrix formulation of linear programming problem 线性规划问题的矩阵结构 matrix granule of mitochondria 线粒体基粒 matrix of a linear transformation 线性变换矩阵 matrix of bacterial plague 菌斑基质; 菌斑基质 matrix of coal 煤基质 matrix of coefficients 系数矩阵 matrix of consequence 结果矩阵 matrix of loadings 负荷矩阵 matrix of semilinear transformation 半线性变换矩阵 matrix out of register 合模不正 matting of roots 根系交织 maturation of follicle 卵泡成熟 maturation of megasporocyte 大孢子母细胞成熟 maturation of ovum 卵成熟 mature stage of callus 骨痂成熟阶段 mature teratoma of ovary 卵巢成熟性畸胎瘤 matured solid teratoma of ovary 卵巢成熟实性畸胎瘤 maturity structure of debt 债务到期结构 mauritius pink borer of sugarcane 非洲大螟 maximization of consumer satisfaction 消费者满足极大化 maximization of living standard 生活素质极高化 maximization of structural parameters 结构参数极大化 maximum cut-off 最大截止频率 maximum depth of scour pit 冲刷坑最大深度 maximum diameter of gear cut 齿轮切削最大直径 maximum diameter of hole 最大孔径 maximum diameter of slotting saw 开槽锯最大直径 maximum dimensions of workpiece 工件最大尺寸 maximum distance of face control 最大控顶距离 maximum distance of perceptibility 最大有感距离 maximum duty of water 最大灌溉率 maximum field of view 最大视场 maximum frequency of picture current 最高图像电流频率 maximum length of bar feeding 棒料最大送料长度 maximum length of the pod 荚的最大长度 maximum length of workpiece 工件最大长度 maximum limit of size 最大极限尺寸 maximum module of gear cut 最大齿轮切削模数 maximum number of balls 最多球数 maximum number of revolutions 最高转数 maximum number of rollers 最多滚子数 maximum number of strokes per minute 每分钟最高行程数 maximum of a set 集的极大值 maximum offset 最大偏差 maximum output of the power station 电厂最高出力 maximum outside diameter of gear cut 最大齿轮切削外径 maximum production of lactic acid 最大乳酸产量 maximum quantity of stores 最高库存量 maximum quantity of wind 最大风量 maximum rate of fire 最大射速 maximum rate of flow 最大流量; 最高乳流速度 maximum sawing or filling thickness of work 工件锯割或锉削最大厚度 maximum section of cutting tools 刀具最大截面 maximum size of plate cut 冲剪板最大尺寸 maximum speed of revolution 最高转速 maximum strain theory of failure 最大应变破坏理论 maximum swing diameter of work over bed 车床床面上加工最大直径 maximum swing diameter of work over carriage 车床在刀架上的最大加工直径 maximum swivel of table 工作台最大回转度数 maximum swivel of tool slide 刀架最大回转度数 maximum take-off weight 最大起飞重量 maximum thickness of bending plate 最大卷板厚度 maximum thickness of muscling 肌肉极厚 maximum travel of cross slide 横刀架最大行程 maximum travel of spindle 主轴最大行程 maximum travel of tool slide 刀架最大行程 maximum travel of turret slide 回转刀架最大行程 maximum travel of vertical slide 立刀架最大行程 maximum width of ditch 最大越壕宽 maximum width of face 表面最大宽度 maximun reflectance of vitrinite 镜质体最大反射率; 镜质体最大反射率 Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light 麦克斯韦氏光的电磁论 Maxwell's law of velocity disribution 麦克斯韦速度分布定律 Maxwell's theorem of reciprocity 麦克斯韦互等定理 Maxwell-turnunit of mag-netic loop 麦克斯韦匝 Maxwell's coefficient of diffusion 麦克斯韦扩散系数 Maxwell's law of reciprocity 麦克斯韦互等变位定律 Maxwell's theory of light 麦克斯韦光学理论 Mayer problem in calculus of variations 变分法中的梅耶问题 meadow moth of beet 草地螟 meal of flax seeds 亚麻籽肉 mean annual rate of interest 平均年利率 mean cut-off 平均终断 mean degree of polymerization 平均聚合作用 mean density of spike 穗的平均密度 mean deviation of daily rate 平均日偏差 mean filling pressure of circulatory system 循环系平均充盈压 mean fraction of losses 平均消失分数 mean function of stochastic process 平均随机过程函数 mean height of burst 炸点平均高度 mean height of the tide 平均潮高 mean length of life 平均寿命 mean length of turn 匝的平均长度 mean level of the sea 平均海平面 mean neap rise of high tide 平均小潮高潮升 mean neap rise of low tide 平均小潮低潮升 mean number of collisions 平均碰撞数 main stem of plant 植株主茎的平均节数 mean number of sheets 平均叶数 mean of a probability distribution 概率分布的均值 mean of binomial distribution 二项分布平均值 mean of mean 平均的平均; 平均值的平均值 mean of population 人口平均值; 总体平均数 mean of the shots 平均炸点 mean of valve loop curve 平均调节阀组合特性曲线 mean of variance 方差平均 mean point of group 点群平均点 mean range of tide 平均潮差 mean reflectance of vitrinite 镜质体平均反射率; 镜质体平均反射率 mean rise of high tide 平均高潮升 mean rise of low tide 平均低潮升 mean rise of tide 平均潮升 mean spring rise of high tide 平均大潮高潮升 mean spring rise of low tide 平均大潮低潮升 mean time of flight 平均飞行时间 mean time of relaxation 平均弛豫时间 mean value of tracing oscillation 曲线振动均数 mean variation of daily rate 平均日变差 mean variation of rates 平均日变差 mean velocity of molecular 分子平均速率 meaning of sulphate reduction 硫酸盐还原的意义 means of communication 交通工具; 通信工具 means of consumption 消费资料 means of conveyance 交通运输工具; 财产转让方式 means of defence 防御手段 means of delivery 运载方法; 输送工具 means of development 发展资料 means of enjoyment 享受资料 means of financing 融资手段 means of life 谋生手段 mechanism of coagulation 凝血原理 mechanism of continental rift originesis 大陆裂谷成因机制 mechanism of corrosion 腐蚀机理 mechanism of decompressor 减压机构 mechanism of diaphragm 光阑结构 mechanism of feedback 反馈的工具 mechanism of fracture 破坏机理 mechanism of ionic conduction 离子导电机制 mechanism of labor 分娩机理 mechanism of mass transfer 传质机理 mechanism of polymerization 聚合机理; 聚合机理; 聚合历程; 聚合历程 mechanism of production 产生机理 mechanism of reaction 反应历程 mechanism of reactions 反应机理 mechanism of roasting 熔烧机理 mechanism of selection through competition 竞争淘汰机制; 竞争淘汰机制 mechanism of self-lubrication 自动润滑机理 mechanism of self-purification 自净机理 mechanism of solid state creep 固态蠕变机制 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司