翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Monte-Carlo study of small natural population 小自然总体的蒙特卡罗研究 month of the phases 太阴月 morbid night crying of babies 夜啼 morphological theory of personality 人格的体质说 morphology of martensite 马氏体形态学 morphology of the wool fiber 毛纤维形态学 mortality of carcinoma 癌死亡率 mortality of children 儿童死亡率 mosaic of potato 甘薯花叶病 mosaic of sugarcane 甘蔗花叶病 mosaic-type degeneration of potato 马铃薯花叶退化病 Moss scale of hardness 摩诺硬度计 most devastating of soybean disease 最有破坏性的大豆病害 natural frequency of tube 管子固有频率 natural frequency of vibration 自振频率 natural gas deposit of dissolved-in-water type 水溶型天然气矿床 natural increase of population 人口自然增长 natural increase of value 自然增值 natural line of resistance 天然抵抗线 natural loss of weight during transit 途中自然减重 natural migration of population 人口自然迁移 natural mode of vibration 固有振动方式 natural period of oscillation 固有振动周期; 自然回摆周期 natural property of commodity 商品的自然属性 natural rate of interest 自然利率; 正常利率 natural renewal of labour power 劳动力自然更新速度 natural system of coordinates 自然坐标系 natural time of viscoelasticity 粘弹性特征时间 natural width of energy level 能级的自然宽度 nature of a drug 药性 nature of beam 束流性质 nature of circuit indicator 电路性质标志信号 nature of coal 煤质 nature of distortion 失真性质 nature of friction 摩擦性质 nature of ground 岩层性质 nature of invention 发明的性质 nature of petroleum 石油的属性 schedule of consumer demand 消费者需求表列的性质 nature of soap 皂性 nature of soil 土壤特性 nature of the Renminbi 人民币的本质 Nauclea officinalis 乌檀 navicular fossa of urethra 尿道舟状窝 near field pattern of laser 激光近场图 near point of vision 视觉近点; 视力近点 near the foot of a mountain 在山脚下附近 near the lower end of the canal 在渠道下游终点附近 necessary means of livelihood 必要生活资料 necessity of life 生活必需品 neck cut-off 曲流裁直 neck of gland 腺颈 neck of hook 钩柄 neck of malleus 锤骨颈 neck of mandible 下颌颈 neck of rib 肋颈 neck of sperm 精子颈部; 精子颈部 neck of talus 距骨颈; 距骨颈 neck of tube 管颈 neck of urinary bladder 膀胱颈 neck of uterus 宫颈 neck rot disease of rice 穗颈稻瘟病 necrosis of bronchus 支气管坏死 necrosis of larynx 喉坏死 necrosis of liver cells 肝细胞坏死 necrosis of penis 阴茎坏死 necrosis of pharynx 咽坏死 necrosis of scrotum 阴囊坏死 necrosis of testis 睾丸坏死 needle biopsy of liver 肝穿刺活检; 肝穿刺活组织检查; 肝脏活体组织穿刺术 needle of instrument 仪器指针 needle rust of spruce 云杉叶锈病 needle-cast of conifers 松落针病 needlelike leaves of pine 松树外状叶 negative balance of sodium 钠负平衡 negative camber of wheel 车轮负外倾角 negative cut-off grid voltage 负截止栅压 negative form of sea floor 海底负地形 negatively sloped trade-off 负向倾斜的抉择 neglect of diatomic differential overlap NDDO 忽略双原子微分重叠法 neglect of economic performance 不讲经济效果 negotiable bill of lading 可流通提单; 可转让提单 negotiable certificate of deposit 可流通仓单; 可流通定期存单; 可转让定期存单 negotiable certificate of time deposit 可转让定期存款证 negotiable letter of credit 可流通信用证 negotiated offering 出售证券协议 negotiation of contract terms 谈判合同条款 negotiation of foreign bills 议付外国汇票 neighborhood of a curve 曲线的邻域 neighborhood of a point 点的邻域 neighbourhood of a curve 曲线邻域 neighbourhood of a point 一点的邻域 nematode of potato 马铃薯金黄线虫病 nematode of sweet potato 甘薯线虫病 nematodes of potato 马铃薯金黄线虫病 nematodes of wheat 小麦线虫病 neounitarian theory of hematopoiesis 血液发生的新一元论 nephritis of pregnancy 妊娠期肾炎 Nernst zero of potential 电势的能斯脱零值 nerve of a covering 覆盖网 nerve of pterygoid canal 翼管神经 nerve of quadratus femoris 股方肌神经 nerve of special sense 特殊感觉神经 nerve of tensor tympani muscle 鼓膜张肌神经 nest of boiler tube 炉管束 nest of resistance 抵抗巢 nest of saws with wooden handle 木柄套锯 nest of table 套几 nest of tubes 管组 nested sequence of intervals 区间套; 区间套序列 nesting of blocks 分程序的嵌套 nesting work of strip 冲片排列法 net balance of trade 贸易净差额 net barter terms of trade 净易货贸易条件; 净易货贸易条件; 纯易货贸易条件 net blotch of barley 大麦网斑病 net density of residential structures 居住建筑净密度; 居住建筑净密度 net gain of lamb 羔羊净增重 net incurrence of liabilities 发生的负债净额 net loss of heat 热的净损失 net of canals and ditches 沟渠网 net of control points 控制点网 net of curves 曲线网 net of depreciation 净折旧额; 净折旧额 net of reserves 扣除准备金后净额 net of tax 扣除税款后净额 net of triangulation 三角网 net pay off 付清贷款本息 net present value of income from investment 投资净收入现值; 投资收入净现值 it of the term 本期纯利; 本期净利 net purchase of land and intangible assets 土地和无形资产的净购买额 net quantity of heat 全部热量 net rate of tax 净税率; 净税率 net terms of trade 纯交易条件 net value of capital invested 投资净值 net value of production 净产值; 净产值 net weight of loads 净载重量; 净载重量 net withdrawal of bank notes 钞票回笼净额 net-ton-kilometers per kilometer of line 净重货运密度; 净重货运密度 network bill of lading 网状提单 network of burrows 穴洞网 network of communication 通信网 network of phasing relay 网络相位继电器 network of pipe lines 管道网 network of pipes 管网 network of quadrilaterals 四边形网 network of roots 根丛; 根系 network of samples 样本网络 network of sampling stations 取样站网 network of sound phase-shift 声相移网络 network of stations 气象网 network of triangle 三角形网 network of vein 脉网 neuralgia of jaw 颌骨神经痛 neurectomy of hypogastric plexus 下腹神经丛切除术 neurilemmoma of bone 骨神经鞘瘤 neurilemmoma of mediastinum 纵隔神经鞘瘤 neuritis of pregnancy 妊娠神经炎 neurodermatitis of vulva 外阴神经性皮炎 ibroma of auricle 耳廓神经纤维瘤 ibroma of bone 骨神经纤维瘤 ibroma of bronchus 支气管神经纤维瘤 ibroma of epididymis 附睾神经纤维瘤 ibroma of face 颜面神经纤维瘤 ibroma of lung 肺神经纤维瘤 ibroma of pleura 胸膜神经纤维瘤 ibroma of stomach 胃神经纤维瘤 ibroma of vulva 外阴神经纤维瘤 ibromatosis of mediastinum 纵隔神经纤维瘤病 ibrosarcoma of bone 骨神经纤维肉瘤 neurogenic tumor of pleura 胸膜神经源肿瘤 neurolysis of facial nerve 面神经松解术 neurolysis of sciatic nerve 坐骨神经松解术 neuroma of chest wall 胸壁神经瘤 neurorrhaphy of common peroneal nerve 腓总神经缝合术 neurorrhaphy of femoral nerve 股神经缝合术 neurorrhaphy of median nerve 正中神经缝术 neurorrhaphy of posterior tibial nerve 胫后神经缝术; 胫后神经缝术 neurorrhaphy of radial nerve 桡神经缝术 neurorrhaphy of sciatic nerve 坐骨神经缝术 muscular branch of tibial nerve 胫神经肌支切断术; 胫神经肌支切断术 posterior roots of spinal cord 脊髓后神经根切断术 neurotomy of vestibular nerve 前庭神经切断术 neutral rate of interest 不赢不亏的利息率 neutralizing power of lens 透镜的中性焦强 neutron time of flight facility 中子飞行时间装置 neutron time-of-flight spectrometer 中子飞行时间谱仪 neutron time-of-flight spectrometry 中子飞行时间能谱测量学 nevus of Ota 太田母斑; 太田痣 nevus of vulva 外阴痣 new bone formation of cortex 骨皮质新骨形成 New Compilation of Proved Recipes 验方新编 new growth of soil 土壤新生体 new lines of production 新生产部门 new quantity theory of money 新货币数量理论 new register book of shipping 新船名录 new science of management decision 新的管理决策科学 new share off 无新股息 new system of high technology program leadership 高技术计划领导新体制 new technique of borrowing 新借款办法 new theory of consumer behavior 新的消费行为理论 new view of investment 投资新观点 newer portions of the root system 根系新生部分 Newman's rule of six 纽曼氏六位规则 newspaper office 报社 Newton's law of cooling 牛顿冷却定律 Newton's law of gravitation 牛顿万有引力定律 Newton's law of gravity 牛顿万有引力定律 Newton's law of resistance 牛顿阻力定律 Newton's law of universal gravitation 牛顿万有引力定律 Newton's laws of motion 牛顿运动定律 Newton's theory of collision 牛顿碰撞理论 Newton's theory of lift 牛顿升力理论 Newtonian speed of sound 牛顿声速 Newtonian universal of gravity 重力常数 Newton's theory of light 光的微粒理论 nicety of grading 分类精度 night offensive 夜间进攻 night-glow of the sky 夜空辉光 nine kinds of needles 九针; 九针 nine types of needling 九刺; 九刺 nipple of breast 乳头 nitrate of baryta 硝酸钡 nitrate of lime 硝酸钙 nitrate of potash 硝酸钾 nitrate of potassium 硝酸钾 nitrate of soda 硝酸钠 nitrile of phenylglycine 苯氨基乙腈 nitrogen purging of tank 用氮气扫罐 nitrogen status of the plants 植株的氮素状态 no par certificate of stock 无票面价值公债 no-load switching off 无载切断 no-load tap-changer of transformer 变压器无载分接头开关 no-off time 接通和间歇时间 No. of film 胶片数 No. of grade 代号 No. of plates 板片数量 nocardiosis of lung 肺诺卡氏菌病 node of a curve 曲线的结点 node of a wave 波节 Aschoff-Tawara 阿孝夫氏结 node of Keith-Flack 基-弗二氏结 node of Ranvier 郎维结 node of tiller 分蘖节 nodular fibrosis of skin 皮肤结节性纤维化 nodules of spermatic cord 精索硬结 nodules of the semilunar valves 半月瓣结节 noise of laser ranger 激光测距机噪声 noise-free demodulation of laser 无噪激光解调 nomenclature of goods 货物名称表 nominal capacity of holding weight 公称载重量 nominal cut-off frequency 额定截止频率 nominal length of liquid level gauge 液面计公称长度 nominal range of use 额定使用范围 nominal rate of rise 标称上升率 nominal rate of the spring 钢板弹簧额定刚性系数 nominal size of pipe 管材的公称直径 nomographic methods of computation 列线图计算法 non-circularity of cladding 包层不圆度 non-circularity of reference surface 基准面不圆度 non-clog type of pump 污水泵 non-compliance of tax law 不遵守税法 non-concessional official lending 非减让性官方贷款; 非优惠性官方贷款 non-cumulative letter of credit 非累积信用证 non-delivery of entire package 整件提货不着 non-destructive testing of concrete 混凝土非破坏性试验 non-firm offer 非稳固报价 non-healing of boils 痈疽溃不收敛 non-interestbearing negotiable order of withdrawal 无息可转让提款通知书 non-leakage probability of slowing down 慢化非漏失概率 non-linear coefficient of sawtooth wave 锯齿波的非线性系数; 锯齿波的非线性系数 non-negotiable bills of lading 副本提单 non-official 非正式的 non-official remedy 非法定药 non-parasitic cyst of liver 肝非寄生虫性囊肿 non-perforating wound of sclera 非穿通性巩膜伤 non-polar variation of latitude 非极纬度变化 non-public offering 不公开报价 non-recurring sources of income 非经常性收益的来源 non-revoloing letter of credit 不循环信用证 non-trade-off Phillips curve 非交替的菲利普斯曲线 non-traumatic rupture of spleen 自发性脾破裂 non-uniform distribution of domain structure 非均匀磁畴结构 non-uniform source of light 不均匀光源 nonconservation of energy 能量不守恒 noncumulative letter of credit 不可累积使用的信用证 nondetaching rapair of cars 不拆车修理 nonerodible fractions of soil 土壤不易受侵蚀部分 nonfilarial chylocele of tunica vaginalis 非丝虫性鞘膜乳糜囊肿 nonlinear distortion of scanning 扫描非线性畸变 nonpassage of signal 信号闭塞 nonrecurring sources of income 一次性收入来源 nonresident portion of a control program 控制程序的非常驻部分 nonrevolving letter of credit 非循环信用证 nonstandard method of settlement 非标准清算法 nonstick system of control 自动控制制 nonsubstitution of invoice transfer 不替换发票的转让 nontariff distortion of composition 非关税综合干扰措施 nontrade income of foreign currency 非贸易外汇收入 nontraumatic rupture of bladder 非外性膀胱破裂 nontraumatic rupture of tendon 非外伤性腱破裂 nonuniformity of powder characteristics 粉末性质不均匀 nonviolent offender 非暴力罪犯 nonzero pinch-off voltage 非零夹断电压 norm of a matrix 矩阵范数; 矩阵范数 norm of consumption 消耗定额 norm of matrix 矩阵的范数; 矩阵的范数 norm of output 产量定额 norm of reaction 反应规范; 反应量 norm of the civil law 民法规范 norm of working hour 工时定额 normal carrying capacity of vehicle 车辆标准载重能力 normal component of force 法向分力 normal curve of distribution 常态分配曲线 normal curve of frequency 常态次数曲线 normal depth of flow 正常水深 normal direction of rotation 正常转向 normal family of functions 正规函数族 normal fixed quantity of materials stock 材料的储备定量 normal form of a straight line 直线的法线式 normal form of the characteristic 特征的正规形式 normal habitat of bacteria 细菌正常生境 normal height of burst 正常炸高 normal law oferror 常态误差定律 normal order of crystallization 正常的结晶顺序 normal position of telescope 正镜测量 ile of soil 正常土壤剖面 normal radius of curvature 正规曲率半径 normal standard quantity of material stock 材料的经济储备定量 normal thickness of blade 叶片法向厚度 normal threshold of feeling 正常感觉 normal threshold of yin and yang 阴阳常阈 normal vector of a surface 曲面的法线矢量 normalization of law 法律的规范性 normalization of scores 分数正态化 normalization of wave function 波函数归一化 normalized system of inequalities 规范不等式组 normally off 常闭状态 nose of bainite 贝氏体鼻子 nose of fold 褶皱鼻 nose of pearlite 珠光体鼻子 nose of punch 冲模头 nose of the punch 冲模头 nose of tool 刀尖; 刀片头 nose of wing 翼前缘 nosing motion of vehicle 车辆前后颠簸运动 notch of ligamentum teres 肝圆韧带切迹 notch of pancreas 胰切迹 note of dishonor 退票通知 note of hand 借条 note of protest 拒付通知书; 拒付通知书 notice of baandonment 海上保险 委付通知书 notice of change 更改通知单 notice of dishonour 拒付通知; 拒付通知 notice of hearing 审理通知书 notice of loss 损失通知单 notice of payment 通知付款 notice of readiness 卸货准备完成通知书; 准备装卸货通知书 notice of shipment 装船通知 notice of tax payment 纳税通知书 notification of depreciation method 选用折旧方法声明 Notoptreygium Decoction of Nine Ingredients 九味羌活汤; 九味羌活汤 nourish the blood of the heart 补养心血 nozzle for mounting of thermowell 温度计堡套管接管 nubbin cut off machine 割头机 nuclei of cranial nerves 脑神经核 nuclei of mammillary body 乳头体核 nuclei of median raphe 中缝核 nuclei of origin 起核 nucleus of caudal colliculus 尾侧丘核 nucleus of condensation 凝结核 nucleus of continent 大陆核 nucleus of crystal 晶核 nucleus of facial nerve 面神经核 nucleus of high pressure 高压核心 nucleus of inferior colliculus 下丘核 nucleus of lateral geniculate body 外侧膝状体核 nucleus of lateral lemniscus 外侧丘系核 nucleus of phrenic nerve 膈神经核 nucleus of raphe 缝际核 nucleus of solitary tract 孤束核 nucleus of the Galaxy 银核 nucleus of the seed 种子核 nucleus of trochlear nerve 滑车神经核 null measurement of transconductance 补偿法互导测定 null method of measurement 零差测量法; 零位测量法 number and range of spindle speeds 主轴转速级数和范围 number density of molecules 分子数密度 number of speeds; turns 转数 ampere turn of magnetic circuit 磁路安匝数 number of blows 冲击数 number of bolt hole 螺栓孔数量 number of bolt holes in flange 法兰螺栓孔数 number of casts 出铁次数 number of chamber 室数 number of children born to a woman in her lifetime 妇女终身生育的子女数 number of classes 组数 number of coils 弹簧圈数 number of common initial 普通原始细胞数 number of complexion 配容数 number of cross feeds 横进刀量种数 number of cycles per second 每秒周期数 number of cylinders 气缸数 number of days' sales in receivables 应收帐款平均收现日数 number of defects 缺陷数 number of diameter changing 变径次数 number of divisions 分度数 number of feeds 进给量级数 number of fish recaptured 重捕鱼数 number of floor levels 楼层数 number of F1 plants per cross 每个杂交组合F1的株数 number of gears 齿轮数 heads of screws 螺丝头数 off-centering yoke 偏心线圈 off-chip marker 片外标志 off-clip 脱边 off-color gasoline 变色汽油 off-color industry 炭黑工业 off-color marking 杂色毛 off-color material 变色材料 off-colour 不正常色 off-contact 开路触点 off-course correction 偏航修正 off-course indications 偏离航向指示 off-course pilot 偏离航线的飞行员 off-course signal 偏航信号 off-course track 偏航航迹 off-cut 切余钢板; 不标准尺寸的 off-cycle 停止运转周期; 非周期的 off-cycle defrosting 停止运转周期融霜 off-day 预防修理日 off-deck 起飞 off-design 非设计工况 off-design behaviour 非设计工作规范; 非设计特性 off-design condition 非设计条件 off-design conditions 偏离设计条件 off-design conditions 超出设计条件 off-design performance 非设计性能 off-design point 非设计点 off-diagonal 非对角的; 对角线外的 off-dimension 尺寸不合格 off-duty 备用的 off-duty factor 频宽比 off-end driven ring frame 车尾传动细纱机 off-energy 损失能量 off-flavor 异味 off-focus detection technique 离焦探测技术 off-gas 抽气; 气态废物; 尾气 off-gas line 废气管道 off-gas pump 抽气泵 off-gas scrubber 废气洗涤器 off-gauge 非标准的; 等外 off-gauge goods 超尺码货物; 超限货物 off-gauge material 等外轧材 off-gauge plate 等外板 off-gauge strip 不合格的带材 off-grade 等外的; 低级的 off-grade glass 不合格玻璃 off-grade heat 不合格熔炼炉次 off-grade metal 不合格金属 off-grade product 砖的 等外品 off-grade sponge 不合格的海绵金属; 不合格海绵金属 off-ground 停止接地; 接地中断 off-hand working 无模成形法 off-heat 废品 off-highway wheel crane 越野轮式起重机 off-hire 停租 off-hire certificate 停租证书 off-hire clause 停租条款 off-hook 摘机; 离钩 off-hook service 离钩业务 off-interval 关闭间隔 off-key 不正常的 off-limit file 隔离文件 off-limits 超出范围的 off-line 脱线; 机外 off-line computer 航线计算机 off-line control 离线控制; 间接控制 off-line data reduction 独立数据处理 off-line output 间接输出 off-line plotter 线外绘图仪 off-line station 线外车站 off-line testing 离线试验 off-line working 离线工作 f-lineoffline 离线 off-load 减载; 卸料; 卸下 off-load period 卸荷期; 卸载期; 无负荷期 off-loader 卸载机 off-loading 减荷 off-lying 外围; 偏移 off-melt 熔炼成分不合格 off-normal 偏位 off-normal contact 离位触点 off-normal loading 不正常加负荷 off-normal lower 下限越界 off-normal position 非正常位置; 不正常位置 off-normal upper 上限越界 off-null signal 偏零位信号 off-on control 双位控制; 开关控制 off-order mode 非正常模式 off-path 反常路径 off-peak 非峰荷的; 非峰值以外的; 非高峰的; 额定; 正常的 off-peak hour 轻负荷时; 非高峰工作小时 off-peak hours 非峰荷时间; 非高峰时间 off-peak load 非峰值负载; 非高峰负荷; 峰外负载 off-peak tariff 非高峰费率 off-port flame 喷口外部火焰 off-position 断路位置; 开路位置; 释放位置 off-position interlock 断路位置联锁 off-punch 偏穿孔 number of holes for holding cutting tool 刀具孔数 number of hospital beds 医院病床数 number of interference fringes 干涉条纹数 number of lamina 层片数 number of leads 螺纹线数 number of leaves 叶片数 number of longitudinal feeds 纵向进给量种数 number of mass transfer unit 传质单元数 number of metric threads cut 公制螺纹头数 number of module threads cut 模数螺纹头数 number of motile sperm 活动精子数 number of motors 电机数量 number of nipples 乳头数 number of package 健数 number of partitions 分区数 number of passes 程数 number of per mu soybean 亩产大豆数 number of periods 期数 number of pictures per second 每秒帧数 number of pistons 活塞数 number of plies 层数 number of ply 胎层数 number of pole-pairs 极对数 number of poles 极数 number of primary leaves 初生叶数 number of punchings 冲数 number of quantitative analysis 定量分析值 number of rejects 废品数 number of replication 重复次数; 重复组数 number of reversals 颠倒次数 number of revolution 转速 number of revolution per minute 每分钟转数 revolution per unit of time 单位时间转数 number of revolutions 旋转次数 number of saddle suppport 鞍座数目 number of samples 标本数; 样本数目 number of scanning lines 扫描行数 number of section 截面号数 number of seeds per pod 每荚粒数 number of services per conception 平均每受胎一次所需配种次数 sets of sample 抽样组数; 采样组数 number of sieve tray holes 筛板孔数 number of slots 槽数 number of stages 倍增级数 number of standard penetration test 标贯数 number of starts 起动次数 steps of speeds 变速级数 number of stories 楼层数 number of strokes 冲击数; 行程次数 number of strokes per minute 每分钟行程数 number of superhelical turns 超螺旋圈数 number of taper 锥度级数 number of teeth 齿数 number of terms 项数 number of test-pieces 试件个数 number of theoretical plates N.T.P 理论塔板数 number of threads 螺纹扣数 number of threads per unit length 单位长度螺纹扣数 number of times 次数 number of total coils 总圈数 number of transfer units 传热单元数 number of tube passes 管程数 number of turns 转弯数; 匝数 number of turns per centimetre 每厘米螺纹圈数 number of turns per inch 每英寸螺纹圈数 number of turns per unit length 单位长度螺纹圈数 number of units in sample 样本单位数 number of weaned 断奶成活率 number of Whitworth thread cut 惠氏螺纹头数 number of windings 匝数 number of women 妇女人数 numbering of sections 书帖编号 numbers of shift 轮班次数 extremities due to deficiency of blood 血虚肢麻 numbness of lower lip 下唇麻木 numerical index of the vector group 矢量组的标数 numerical list of commodities 货物号码清单 numerical methods of integration 数值积分法 numerical system of wool grading 羊毛细度支数分级法 numerical threshold of infection 侵染数限 numerical value of a real number 实数的绝对值 nurse's office 护士办公室 nutation of inclination 倾角章动 nutation of longitude 黄经章动 nutrient canal of bone 滋养管 nutrient require ment of beef cattle 肉牛养分需要量 nutrient requirement of swine 猪的养分需要量 nutrient requirements of breeding swine 种猪养分需要量 nutrient requirements of chickens 鸡的养分需要量 nutrient requirements of growing swine 生长期猪的养份需要量 nutrient veuirement of sheep 绵羊养分需要量 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司