翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 order of zeros 零点相重数 ordinal ranking of probability 概率的顺序分级 ordinance regulating carriage of goods by sea 海运法令 ordinary course of transit 通常的运输途径 ordinary index of refraction 寻常折射率 ordinary market rate of interest 普通市场利息 ordinary point of a curve 曲线的寻常点 ordinary run of capitalist countries 一般资本主义国家 ordinates of the bivariate normal distribution 二元正态分布纵坐标 organ of Giraldes 旁睾 organ of Leydig 莱迪希器 organ of mastication 咀嚼器官; 咀嚼器官 organ of multiplication 繁殖器官 organic chemistry of coal 煤有机化学 organic composition of capital 资本有机构成 organic forms of soil nitrogen 土壤氮的有机类型 organic matter of a podzol 灰化土有机质 organization of hematoma 血肿机化 organization of rail transport 铁路运输组织 organization of root tips 根尖组织 organs of Zuckerkandl 主动脉旁神经节 orientation of covalent bond 共价键方向性 orientation of force component 分力取向 orientation of leaves 叶的取向 orientation of precipitate 析出粒子的取向 orientation of related features 关连形体间的方向 orientation theory of thixotropy 触变性取向论 orifice of coronary sinus 冠状窦口 orifice of pipe 管口 orifice of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干口 orifices of saliva 津窍 origin of carbon 碳源 origin of cell 细胞起源 origin of control network 控制网原点 origin of coordinate 坐标原点 origin of deviation 离差的原点 origin of life 生命起源 origin of living material 生命物质起源 origin of muscle 肌起端 origin of primary permanent tissues 初生永久组织起源 origin of rifling 膛线起点 origin of species 物种起源; 物种形成 origin of vector 矢量原点 original bill of lading 提单正本 original letter of credit 信用证正本 original line of sight 原瞄准线 original of a set under a transformation 一集在变换下的原象 ornamental work of 铁花 orthogonal family of function 正交函数族 orthogonal system of curves 正交的曲线系; 正交曲线系 orthogonal system of hypersurfaces 正交超曲面系; 正交的超曲面系 orthogonality of character 特征标的正交性 orthogonality of modes 模的正交性 orthogonality of trigonometric function 三角函数的正交性 orthonormal system of functions 规格化正交函数系 oscillating machine for testing of lubricants 润滑剂振动试验机 oscillating model of the first kind 第一类振动宇宙模型 oscillating model of the second kind 第二类振动宇宙模型 oscillation of a function 函数的振荡 oscillation of dislocation 位错的振荡 oscillation of gas 气体摆动 oscillation of sound pressure 声压振动 oscillatory degree of freedom 振荡自由度 ossification of cranial suture 颅缝骨化症 ossification of interclinoid ligament 床突间韧带骨化 ossification of penis 阴茎骨化 ossification of vitreous body 玻璃体骨化 ossifying fibroma of jaw 颌骨骨化性纤维瘤 epiphysis of spine 脊椎骨骺骨软骨炎 osteoarthritis of cervical spine 颈椎骨关节炎; 颈椎骨关节炎 osteoarthritis of spine 脊柱骨关节炎 osteochondral fracture of capitellum 肱骨小头骨软骨骨折 osteochondral fracture of knee 膝骨软骨骨折 osteochondritis dessecans of knee joint 膝关节分离性骨软骨炎 osteochondritis dissecans of talus 距骨剥脱性骨软骨炎; 距骨剥脱性骨软骨炎 osteochondritis of capitellum 肱骨小头骨软骨炎 capitular epiphysis of femur 股骨头骨骺骨软骨炎 osteochondritis of carpal bones 腕骨软骨炎 osteochondromatosis of joint 关节骨软骨瘤病 osteoma of bronchus 支气管骨瘤 osteoma of chest wall 胸壁骨瘤 osteoma of frontal sinus 额窦骨瘤 osteoma of mastoid 乳突骨瘤 osteoma of palate 腭骨瘤 osteomyelitis of coronoid process 喙突骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of frontal bone 额骨骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of jaw in gunshot injury 颌骨火器伤性骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of jaw in newborn 新生儿颌骨骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of rib 肋骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of skull 颅骨骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of vertebra 脊椎骨骨髓炎 osteosarcoma of breast 乳腺骨肉瘤 osteosarcoma of chest wall 胸壁骨肉瘤 osteosarcoma of jaw 颌骨骨肉瘤 osteotomy of femur 股骨切骨术 ostial stenosis of coronary artery 冠状动脉口狭窄 ostium of uterus 子宫口 Ostwald's theory of indicator 奥斯特瓦尔德指示剂理论 otomycosis of canal 外耳道霉菌病 otoplasty of lobule 耳垂整形术 out of band 不同道信号传输; 不同频道信号传输 out of band noise monitor 带外噪声监测器 out of contior 不能控制的 out of control 失控; 失去控制的; 在管理上不加以控制的; 非控制 out of date 过期的; 过时的 out of door 露天的 out of gear 脱开的; 不工作的 out of gear mesh 脱离开的 out of heat 已过发情期; 不发情 out of keeping with 不相合 out of line 不相符 out of order 不正常的 out of phase 不同相位; 异相 out of pocket 亏损 out of position 不在正确位置的; 不正确位置 out of print 绝版; 绝版 out of range value 超范围值; 超量值 out of repair 失修的 out of round 变径差 out of roundness 不圆度 out of service 不能工作的 out of service time 非服务时间 out of shape 失去正常形状的 out of size 非正常大小的 out of stock 无存货 out of stock rate 缺货率 out of straight 不直 out of the money 较现值不利 out of use 无用的; 不能使用的 out of wind 不翘扭平面 out of work operation 失效的 out-of frame 帧失调 out-of phase voltage 异向电压 out-of the money 未到价合约 out-of wind 没有扭曲 out-of-balance 不平衡的 out-of-balance current 不平衡电流 out-of-balance load 不对称负荷; 不对称负载 out-of-center 偏离中心 out-of-commision 不起作用 out-of-commission 停用 out-of-control 无法控制 out-of-core 反应堆外 out-of-date 落后; 陈旧; 陈旧的 out-of-dateness 过时 out-of-door drying 露天晒干 out-of-fashion 放弃的 out-of-flatness 不平整 out-of-focus 不聚焦; 焦点失调; 离焦 out-of-gauge bit 磨小钻头 out-of-gear 脱开齿轮; 脱开的; 不啮合 out-of-gear worm 脱落蜗杆 out-of-level 不水平 out-of-line 不在一直线上; 超行; 离开定线 out-of-line coding 线外编码; 非常规排列程序 out-of-phase 脱相; 不同相; 失相 out-of-phase component 异相成份 out-of-phase current 异相电流; 不同相电流; 不同相位电流 out-of-phase signal 异相信号; 异向信号 out-of-phase vibration 异相振动 out-of-phase voltage 异相电压 out-of-pile rig 反应堆外台架 out-of-plumbness 不垂直度 out-of-pocket cost 付现成本; 现金成本; 现金支付成本 out-of-pocket costs 现金支付费用; 实付费用; 实际现金支出 out-of-pocket manufacturing cost 付现制造成本 out-of-position welding 焊位不当 out-of-proportion 不成比例的 out-of-range 溢出 out-of-range number 超位数 out-of-repair 破损 out-of-round 不圆的 out-of-roundness 椭圆度 out-of-season culture 非季节性栽培 overloading of heart muscle 心肌过度负荷 oversight function of a parent company 母公司监督作用 overstrain may lead to decline of vital energy 劳则气耗 overturning of retaining wall 挡土墙倾覆 ovoculture of virus 病毒的家卵培养 ovule of de Graaf 卵泡原卵 owner of the project 项目的所有者 owner's risk of breakage 货主负担破损的危险; 货主负责破损险 Owner's risk of chafing ORC 磨损由货主负责 owner's risk of damage 货主负担损害危险 ownership of land by the state 土地国有制 ownership of trademark 商标权 oxidation of coal 煤氧化; 煤氧化作用 oxidation system of microsome 微粒体氧化体系 various groups of organisms 不同类生物氧化系统 oxide of chromium 氧化铬 oxidized form of glutathione 氧化型谷胱甘肽 oxidized zone of sulfide deposit 硫化矿床氧化带 oxygen consumption of myocardium 心肌氧耗量 oxygen saturation of blood 血氧饱和度 oxygen status of soil solution 土壤溶液内氧化状况 oxyphosphate of copper cement 磷氧铜粘固粉 oxythermal repair of refractory 耐火材料的氧热修补 pace of technological innovation 科学技术进步的速度 package of service program 服务程序包 packing of orders 指令组合 packing of pipe joints 管缝堵塞 page cut-off 单页断墨控制 page number of report 报表页面数 Paget's disease of skin 皮肤佩吉特氏病 Paget's disease of the nipple 佩吉特乳头病 Paget's disease of vulva 外阴佩吉特氏病 pagings of the various sections 各段的页数 paid off 付清 pain sense of finger 指痛觉 pair of compasses 圆规 pair of curves 曲线对 pair of gears 齿轮副 pair of module 模块对 pair of pages 双页 pair of rollers 滚轮对 pair of windings 绕组对 palliative lobectomy of lung 姑息性肺叶切除术 palm of lotus 莲花掌 palmar branch of median nerve 正中神经掌支 palming off 仿冒 palpation of neck 颈部扪诊; 颈部扪诊 palpation of spleen 脾脏触诊 palpitation due to deficiency of blood 血虚心悸 palsy of convergence 辐辏麻痹 pan of distilled water 装蒸馏水的盆子 Panama disease of banana 香蕉萎蔫病 pane of a hammer 锤的顶边 pane of glass 玻璃片 panel center of pressure 板壁压力中心 Panels of Conciliation 协商陪审团 panic buying of goods 抢购物资 panmural fibrosis of blader 全膀胱壁纤维变性 papilla of Vater 乏特壶腹 papillary carcinoma of bladder 膀胱乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of breast 乳腺乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of urethra 尿道乳头癌 papillary cystadenocarcinoma of ovary 卵巢乳头状囊腺癌 papillary cystadenocarcinoma of pancreatic duct 胰腺导管乳头状囊腺癌 papillary cystadenocarcinoma of salivary gland 涎腺乳头状囊腺癌 papillary foramina of kidney 乳头孔 papillary transitional cell carcinoma of bladder 膀胱乳头状移行上皮细胞癌 papillary tumor of palate 腭乳头状瘤 papillima of lung 肺乳头状瘤 papillocarcinoma of breast 乳房乳头状癌; 乳腺乳头状癌 papilloma of breast 乳房乳头状瘤; 乳腺乳头状瘤 papilloma of bronchus 支气管乳头瘤 papilloma of larynx 喉乳头状瘤; 喉头乳头瘤 papilloma of penis 阴茎乳头状瘤 papilloma of pharynx 咽乳头状瘤 papilloma of seminal vesicle 精囊乳头状瘤 papilloma of trachea 气管乳头状瘤 papilloma of urethra 尿道乳头瘤 papillomatosis of bladder 膀胱乳头状瘤病 papillomatosis of lactiferous duct 乳导管乳头瘤病 papillomatosis of larynx 喉乳头状瘤病 papillomatous type of urethral caruncle 乳头瘤型尿道肉阜 parabola of fit 拟合抛物线 parabola of higher order 高阶抛物线 parabolic point of a surface 曲面的抛物点 paraboloid of revolution 旋转抛物面; 回转抛物面 paracentesis of tympanum 鼓膜穿刺术 parachute deformity of mitral valve 二尖瓣降落伞状畸形 paracusis of Willis 韦利斯氏听觉倒错 relative change of sea level 海面相对变化准旋回 paracytic type of stomata 平裂形气孔 paradox of prisoner's dilemma 囚徒两难问题的悖论 paradox of value 价值矛盾 paradox of voting 投票难题 parafollicular cells of thyroid gland 甲状腺C细胞 paragonimiasis of brain 脑部肺吸虫病 parallax of cross hairs 交叉瞄准线视差 parallax offset mechanism 视差补偿机构; 视差校正器 parallel arrangement of transmission lines 输电线路并行布置 parallel chain of command 平行的指挥系统 parallel connection of the motors 电动机并联法 parallel lines of fire 射击平行线 parallel of altitude 等高圈; 地平纬圈 parallel of declination 赤纬圈 parallel of latitude 纬度圈; 黄经圈 parallel of longitude 黄纬圈 parallel transmission of information 信息的并行传输 parallel-faced type of gauge 平行面规 parallel-hole method of sublevel stoping 平行炮孔分段回采 parallelism of multiprocessing 多重处理的并行性 parallelism of subspecific cline 亚种渐变群的平行现象 parallelogram of forces 力平行四边形 parallelogram of velocities 速度的平行四边形; 速度平行四边形 paralysis of bladder sphincter 膀胱括约肌麻痹 paralysis of common peroneal nerve 腓总神经麻痹 paralysis of inferior alveolar nerve 下牙槽神经麻痹 paralysis of inferior rectus 眼下直肌瘫痪 paralysis of lateral rectus 眼外直肌瘫痪 paralysis of orbicularis 眼轮匝肌瘫痪 paralysis of quadriceps femoris 股四头肌瘫痪 paralysis of superior rectus 眼上直肌瘫痪 paralytic disease of silver foxes 银狐麻痹病 paralytic dislocation of hip joint 麻痹性髋关节脱位 paramagnetic property of oxygen 氧的顺磁性 parameter of consistency 一致性参数 parameter of curve 曲线参数 parameter of distribution 分布参数 parameter of saturation 饱和参数 the influence of intermediate stress 中间主应力影响系数 parametric method of frequency stabilization 参考稳频法; 参量稳频法 paraphimosis tion of paraphimosis 包皮嵌顿 parasite disease of mediastinum 纵隔寄生虫病 parasite of human 人体寄生虫 parasitic disease of diaphragm 膈寄生虫病 parasitic leiomyoma of uterus 寄生性子宫平滑肌瘤 parasitic mode of life 寄生噪音方式 parasitology of humans 人体寄生虫学 parcel office 包裹房; 包裹室 parenchyma of testis 睾丸实质 parent of a state 母态 parent offspring mating 亲裔交配 parent-offspring 亲子交配 parentage of the two leading varieties 两个主要品种的亲本 parental set of chromosome 亲本染色体 Pareto law of income distribution 帕累托收入分配定律 parietal layer of tunica vaginalis 鞘膜壁层 parietal lobe of cortex 皮层顶叶 parity of silver 白银比价; 白银平价 parmlysis of cranial nerve 颅神经麻痹 parotitis of newborn 新生儿腮腺炎 pars intermedia of vestibular bulb 前庭球中间部 parse of a sentential form 句型分析; 句型分析 part of field with normal plants 植株正常生长的地块 part of rarefaction 疏部 partial drop of pressure 局部压降; 局部压降 partial pressure of carbon dioxide 二氧化碳分压 partial pressure of oxygen 氧的局部压力; 氧分压 partial removal of cervical intervertebral disc 颈椎间盘部分切除术; 颈椎间盘部分切除术 partial removal of vertebral disc 椎间盘部分切除术 partial resection of cervix 子宫颈部分切除术 partial resection of processus styloideus 茎突部分切除术 partial retirement of shipping documents 分批赎单 partial solution of decision model 决策模型的部分解; 决策模型的部分解 partial storage of ore 部分留矿 participative model of organization 参与组织模型 particular kind of commodity 特殊商品 particular sphere of producion 特殊生产领域 particulars of insurance 保险细目 parting of the pass 孔型锁口 parting-off tool 造型修刀 parting-off tool 切断车刀 partition of a set 集的分划; 集合的分划; 集合的划分 partition of load 负载分布 partition of outcome variable 结果变量划分 partition of unity 单位分解 partitioning of a matrix 矩阵分块; 矩阵分块 partitioning of fat 脂肪的区分 parts of toothed harrow 钉齿耙部件 Pascal's law of fluid pressure 巴斯卡液压定律 pass-over offset 迂回管 passage of chip 切屑排出通路 passage of current 电流通路 passage of the nose 鼻隧 passage of time 时间推移 passing off 仿冒 passive congestion of liver 肝阻性充血 passive congestion of lungs 肺郁血 passive surface of sliding 被动滑动面 paste of sea urchin 海胆酱 pasting of core 砂芯粘合 pat of cement 水泥饼 patent of invention 发明专利 Patent office 专利局 path of chain 链路 path of insertion 就位道; 就位道 path of migration 移行途径 path of ray 光路 path-goal theory of leadership 途径-目标领导理论 path-length of binary tree 二叉树的通路长度 pathogenic organisms of respiratory tract 呼吸道病原菌 pathogens for the control of pests 防治虫害的病菌 pathologic diagnosis of tumor 肿瘤病理诊断 pathological retraction ring of uterus 子宫病理收缩环 pathology of hypertension 高血压病理学 pathology of plants 植物病理学 pathology of respiratory system 呼吸系病理学 pathology of war injury 战伤病理 pattern of consumption 消费方式 pattern of enterprises 企业结构 pattern of fever 热型 pattern of infection 感染谱 pattern of investment 投资结构 pattern of metallogeny 成矿方式 pattern of need 需要构成 pattern of ownership 所有制结构; 所有制结构 pattern of population growth 人口生育模式 pattern of river network 河网类型; 河网型式 pattern of salvage value 残值类型 pattern of symbol 符号模式 pattern of trade 贸易格局 pattern of variability 变化模式 pattern of world trade 世界贸易模式 pause of breathing 止息 pavement of clinker 缸砖路面 pavement of cobblestones 大卵石路面 pavement of flagstones 石板铺面 pavement of rip-rap 乱石路面 pavement of stone block 石块路面 pavement of stone blocks 石块铺面 pay a retaining of guaranteed wage 保留工资 pay date of bond interest 债券付息日 pay off 分配盈利; 清偿; 付清 pay off a score 付帐 pay off debt 清欠 pay off debts 清偿债务 pile-up of dislocation 位错堆积 piling of rockeries 叠山 pill of toad venom 蟾酥丸 pillar method of stoping 柱式采矿法 pillar method of working 柱式采矿法 pillar of Corti's organ 支柱细胞 pillar of Cortl's organ 柱细胞 pillars of Corti's organ 柯替氏器柱细胞 Pills of Six Drugs with Rehmannia 六味地黄丸 pilot a ship into or out of a harbor 领港 pilot cut-off 裁弯导槽 pin of universal joint 万向节销 pin push-off machine 顶箱式造型机 pinch of young shoots 掐尖儿 pinch off 夹断 pinch off the side shoots 掐掉杈子 pinch-off 交错断裂 pinch-off blades 夹紧板 pinch-off conditioning 夹断调节; 夹止调节 pinch-off die 修边模 pinch-off seal 压紧密封; 铜管封接; 夹断封接 pinch-off voltage 夹断电压; 箍断电压 pipe offset 乙字管; 乙字形连接管 pipeless system of heating 无管式采暖系统 pit of the radicle 胚根尖部 pit of wood cell 木材细胞纹孔 pitch cycle of vibration 振动周期 pitch diameter of thread 螺纹中径 pitch of baffle 折流板间距 pitch of beat 拍频音调 pitch of bolts 螺栓间距 pitch of buckets 斗距 pitch of centers 顶尖高度 pitch of chain 链环距 pitch of cutter teeth 铣刀齿节 pitch of drills 钻头轴距 pitch of fins 片距 pitch of holes 钻井倾角; 孔间距 pitch of holes in pattern 排孔节距 pitch of nails 钉距 pitch of organ pipe stops 风琴管音栓的栓距 pitch of pipes 管子斜度 pitch of propeller 螺旋桨螺距 pitch of rivets 铆钉间距; 铆钉距 pitch of scanning 扫描行宽 pitch of sleepers 轨枕距 pitch of stairs 楼梯坡度 pitch of teeth 齿距 pitch of transposition 换位节距 pitch of turn 匝距 pitch of waves 波距 pitch of weld 焊缝接距; 焊线距 pitch of worm 蜗杆节距 pivot bearing of bridge 桥梁枢轴支承 place of acceptance or receipt 接受或收货地点 place of delivery 交付地 place of entertainment 娱乐场所 place of historic interest 古迹 place of interest 名胜 place of jurisdiction 裁判管辖地 place of loading 装货地点 place of shipping 起运地点; 启运地点 place of taking in charge 接受货物负责处理的地点 place of tax payment 纳税地点 place out of service 停止工作 placing of material 材料堆放 placing of the facing 护面铺筑 plague of hail 雹灾 plague of locusts 蝗灾 plain film of vertebra 脊椎平片 plain of marine denudation 海蚀平原 plain square cut off ends 端部切平齐 plain wood of lacquerware 漆器材 plait of onion 葱辫 plan for the formation of freight trains 铁路货物列车编组计划 plan of distribution 分配计划 plan of land utilization 土地规划 plan of management 施业计划 profit delivering 利润上缴计划 plan of site 总布置图 plan of weave 意匠图 plan of wiring 线路图 plan radius of curvature 平面曲率半径 planar point of a surface 曲面的平点 Planck's law of radiation 普朗克辐射定律 plane angle of a dihedral angle 二面角的平面角 plane of bending 变曲面 plane of break 断裂面 plane of cleavage 裂开面 plane of collimation 视准面 plane of coordinates 坐标面 plane of crystal 晶体表面 plane of deflation 风蚀面 pay off function 支付函数 pay off matrix 支付阵 pay-off method for capital investment 资本投资回收年数法 payable on completion of discharging 卸完时支付 payback period of investment 投资偿还年限 paying off 放线 payment by mistake of fact 误付 payment for the use of state funds 资金占用费 payment of compensation 补偿费 payment of duty 付税 payment of fees 费用的缴纳; 费用缴纳 payment of honour 荣誉付款 payment of interest 付息 payment of shares 交付股金 payment of technology transfer 技术贸易支付方式 peak of back voltage 反峰电压 peak of flight 迁飞高峰期 peak of flood 洪峰 peak of growing season 生长盛期 peak of lactation 泌乳高峰期 peak of negative pressure 负压力峰值 pear-shaped curves of zero velocity 梨形零速度线 pearl papules of penis 阴茎珍珠样丘疹 Pearson coefficient of skewness 皮尔逊偏态系数 Pearson's coefficient of meansquare contingency 皮尔逊均方列联系数 pedicle of hemorrhoid 痔蒂 pedicle of spleen 脾蒂 pedologic system of soil classification 土壤学的土分类法 peduncle of flocculus 绒球脚 peel off pack 剥离型面膜 peeling off 剥片; 掉皮 peeling-off 清铲 peliosis of liver 肝紫癜症 pelvic plane of inlet 骨盆上口平面 pelvic plane of outlet 骨盆下口平面 pelvic surface of sacrum 盆面 pencil of curves 曲线束 pencil of matrix 矩阵束; 矩阵束 pendular movement of mediastinum 纵隔摆动 penetrance of gene 基因外显率 penetrating ulcer of stomach 胃穿通性溃疡 penetrating wound of cheek 颊部贯通伤 penetrating wound of lung 肺贯通伤 penetration depth of slow neutron 慢中子穿透深度 penetration of dampness 水分渗透; 水分渗透作用 penetration of fracture 裂缝深度 penetration of hardness 淬硬深度 penetration of ions 离子透入 penetration of radiation 照射透入 penetration of the tool 进刀 pentagrid of converter 变频器用五极管 pentalogy of Fallot 法乐五联症 People's Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司 peppery leaf-spot of cauliflower 花椰菜胡椒斑病 peptide chain of globin 珠蛋白肽链 per capita consumption of farm produce 人均农产品占有量 per capita output of grain 人均粮食产量 per kilogram of body weight 每公斤体重 per package limitation of liability 按包计算的责任范围 per ton of dry matter produced 生产每吨干物质 per-unit yield of textile products 纺织品单位产量 perborate of soda 过硼酸钠 percent of accuracy 准确度 percent of baffle cut 折流板切口分数 ewe lambing of ewe exposed to ram 配种母羊产羔百分率 idle time to utilization of time 闲置时间和划用时间百分比 percent of mare bred producting foal 配种母马产驹率 percent of net income to stockholders 纯益与股东权益百分比 percent of pass 合格率 percent of sodium 含钠百分率 percent of wear 磨耗百分率 percent saturation of market 市场饱和度 percent utilization of capacity 按百分数表示的生产能力利用系数 percent yield of clean wool 净毛率; 净毛率 percentage loading of mill 球磨的填充系数 percentage of accuracy 准确度百分数 percentage of broken grain 谷粒破碎率 percentage of complement 配套百分率 percentage of coverage 覆盖率 percentage of damage 破碎率 percentage of damaged goods 残损率 percentage of divided seam recovery 分层采取率 percentage of earbearing tiller 成穗率 percentage of fertile fruit 座果率 percentage of forest cover 森林覆被率; 森林覆盖率 percentage of hemolysis 溶血百分率 percentage of injury 被害率 percentage of land-covered forests 森林覆盖率 percentage of liveweight 占体重 percentage of liveweight growth 增重率 percentage of motile sperm 活动精子百分率 percentage of motile spermatozoa 活动精子百分率 percentage of net sales 销售收入净额百分率 percentage of oxygen saturation 氧饱和百分率 percentage of product 品级率 percentage of products sent back for repair 返修率 percentage of purity 纯洁率 percentage of reinforcement 钢筋百分率 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司