翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 power of cohesion 内聚力 power of continuum 闭联集的势 power of detantion 扣押权 power of gripping 握力 power of lens 透镜焦度; 透镜焦强 power of mirror 反射镜的光焦度 power of motor 电动机功率; 电机功率 power of number 幂数 power of regeneration 再生能力 power of sale 销售权 power of test 检测能力; 检定的功效; 检定力; 检验效能 power off relay 停电用电源转换继电器 power take off dynamometer 动力输出轴测功仪 power take-off 动力输出轴; 动力输出装置 power take-off P.T.O 动力输出 power take-off bushing 脱力衬套 power take-off cover 动力输出轴罩 power take-off drive gear 动力输出传动齿轮 power take-off drive shaft 动力输出传动轴 power take-off gear 去力机齿轮 power take-off lever bearing 动力输出轴轴承 power take-off mechanism 动力输出机构 power take-off shaft 动力输出轴 power take-off shield 动力输出轴外罩 power take-off shift lever 动力输出轴接合杆 power take-off shifter shaft 脱力移动轴 power take-off speed 动力输出轴转数 power take-off-driven pump 动力输出驱动泵 power-factor of load 负载功率因数 power-off condition 切断电源状态 power-off conditions 发动机停车状态 power-off protection 断电堡 power-off relay 电源切断继电器; 故障继电器; 停电用继电器 power-off speed 无动力速率 power-take-off 分出功率 practical system of units 实用单位制 practicality of information 信息的实用性 practice of frost protection 防霜措施 pre-control of plant disease 提前防治植物病害 pre-date bill of lading 提前日期提单 pre-delay-line re-insertion of subcarrier 延时线前的副载波再注入 precancerous dermatitis of vulva 外阴博温氏病 precancerous lesion of penis 阴茎癌前期病变 precancerous lesions of uterine cervix 宫颈癌前病变 precession of perihelion 近日点进动 precipitation of calcium carbonate 碳酸钙沉淀 precipitation of hydroxide 氢氧化物沉淀 precipitation of salts 盐类沉淀 precipitation of sewage 污水沉淀 precipitition of calcium bisulphite crystals 亚硫酸晶体沉淀 precision measurement of length 精密长度测量 precision of laser ranging 激光测距精度 precision of ranging for laser range finder 激光测距机测距精度 precision of research 研究精确度 precision of root 根的精度 precision of rule 精度规则 precision of sample mean 样本均值的精确度 precision of sample results 样本结果的精确度 precondition of production rule 产生式规则的先决条件 preconditioning of feeder lamb 羔羊催肥前准备工作 predictability of a variable 变量可预测性 predicted volume of traffic 预计交通量 prediction of time series 时间序列预测 prediction of various weather constituents 气象要素预报 predigestion of data 数据的预先加工; 数据预先加工 preferential oxidation of hydrogen 氢的优先氧化 preferred direction of magnetization 易磁化方向 prefix of code word 码字前缀 preheating of fuel 燃料的预热 preheating of the mixture 混合剂预热 preheating section of kiln 窑的预热段 preinvasive carcinoma of penis 阴茎原位癌 preliminary test of significance 初步显著性检验 premature contact of incline plane 早期斜面接触 premature eruption of permanent tooth 恒牙早萌 premature loss of deciduous tooth 乳牙早失 premature loss of permanent tooth 恒牙早失 premature rupture of fetal membranes 胎膜早破 premature shedding of leaves 成熟前落叶 premium theory of taxation 课税的保险理论 preparation for the care of skin 护肤化妆品 preparation of a distribution plan 分配计划的编制 preparation of an instalment distribution plan 分期付款计划的编制 preparation of base metal for welding 焊接基体金属的处理 preparation of batch 配料的制备 preparation of cash distribution plan 现金分配计划的编制 preparation of ceramic body 陶瓷坯料的制备 preparation of coal samples 煤样设备 preparation of document 编制文件 preparation of feed 饲料调节 preparation of feed materials 进料准备 preparation of fodder mixtures 调制饲料 preparation of grouped raw coal 分组入选 preparation of pedicle skin tube 皮蒂管成形术; 皮管形成术 preparation of plates 板材的制备 preparation of plates for welding 焊接板材的准备 preparation of programs 程序设计 preparation of pure water 纯水制备 preparation of sections 薄片的制备 preparation of sections for study 研究薄片的制备 preparation of seeds 种子准备 preparation of sized raw coal 分级入选 preparation of soil 整地 preparation of specimen 制造样品; 标本制备法 preparation of statement 报表编制 preparations of cytopiasmic particulates 制备细胞质颗粒 prepartion of land 土地平整 prepuce of penis 阴茎包皮 prepuce of the clitoris 阴蒂包皮 prequalification of prospecitve bidders 投标资格预审 prescription of rights 权利的消灭时效 preselection of shutter speed 快门速度预选 preselector of information 信息预选器 present in the upper 15cm of the soil 出现在土壤上层15厘米内 present value of 1 per period 每期一元现值 present value of income from investment 投资收入现值 present value of l yuan 一元现值 present worth of salvage 残值折现值 presentation of cord 脐带先露 presentation of information 数据输出 presentation of number 数的显示 presentation of reliability data 可靠性数据表示法 preservation of cultural relics 文物堡 preservation of fertility 保持土壤肥力 preservation of game 野生动物堡 preservation of organs for grafting 供移植用脏器保存 preservation of soil moisture 保墒 preservation of the natural environment 堡自然环境 preservative of silage 青贮保存剂 preservative treatment of timber 木材防腐处理 presheaf of regular functions 正则函数的预层 president of law court 法庭庭长 presprouting of seeds 种子催芽 press for repayment of a loan 要帐 press for the repayment of debts 逼债 press mounting of car wheel 车轮压装 press of fluidity金属的 液性压力 press-off bolt 压开螺钉 press-off cam 脱圈三角 press-off detector 脱套自停装置 press-off position 脱套位置 pressing of glass 玻璃压制 pressing of powder 粉末压制 pressure box of the classifier 分级器的压箱 pressure coefficient of viscosity 粘度的压力系数 pressure distribution of foundation 基础压力分布 pressure line of position 压力位置线 pressure measurement by compression of neck 压颈测压试验 pressure of foundation 基础压力 pressure of inspirationPi 吸气压 pressure of laser light 激光光压 pressure of light 光压 pressure of rolling 轧制压力 pressure of top roll 上辊压力 pressure process of timber preservation 压力防腐木材保存法; 压力木材防腐法 pressure system of ventilation 压入式通风系统 pressurization of liquid oxygen 液氧的压送 pressurized system of ventilation 加压换气法 presumption of value 价值推定 prevailing rate of interest 现行利率 preventer of double ram type 双柱塞式防喷器 prevention and cure of animal disease 防治牲畜疫病 prevention of accidents accident prevention 事故预防 prevention of alkali 防碱 prevention of burglary 防盗 prevention of corrosion 防腐 prevention of cycling 循环防止 prevention of decay 防朽 prevention of dental caries 龋齿预防 prevention of fraud 防止舞弊 prevention of marine pollution 海洋污染防止 misappropriation of funds 防止滥用基金 overspending of appropriations 防止超支 prevention of resonance 防止共振 prevention of risk 风险的预防 price differentials of commodities 商品差价 price index number of service expenditure 服务性支出价格指数 price of day 日牌价 price of factory 厂盘 price of land 土地价格 price of money 利率 price of money股票 延期日息 price of nonfarm goods 非农产品价格 price of production 生产价格 price of purchasing foreign cash 现钞买入价 price of selling foreign cash 现钞卖出价 price of the selling party 卖方价格 price out of the market 价高无销路 price parity of commodities 商品比价 priced bill of quantities 工程概算表; 标价工程量清单 prices of commodities 物价 prices of miscellaneous goods 小商品价格 pricing of by-product inventory 副产品存货计价 prima facies case of damage 初步推定有损害 primary biliary cirrhosis of liver 原发性胆汁性肝硬变化 primary carcinoma of fallopian tube 原发性输卵管癌 primary carcinoma of liver 原发性肝癌 primary carcinoma of ovary 原发性卵巢癌 primary cholesteatoma of mastoid 原发性乳突胆脂瘤 primary choriocarcinoma of ovary 原发性卵巢绒毛膜上皮癌 primary control officer 主要控制军官 primary degeneration of corpus callosum 原发性胼胝体变性 primary distribution of the national income 初次分配 primary end of a session 对话主端 primary factor of production 初级生产要素 unction of testis 原发性睾丸机能减退 primary line of sight 主视线 primary malignant tumor of diaphragm 膈原发性恶性肿瘤 primary minerals of rutile 金红石原矿 primary mucinous carcinoma of liver 肝原发性粘液癌 primary of transformer 变压器原线圈 primary pigmentary degeneration of retina 原发性视网膜色素变性 primary squamous cell carcinoma of liver 肝原发性鳞状细胞癌 primary structure of root 根的初生结构 primary tumor of diaphragm 原发性膈肿瘤 primary tumor of heart 心脏原发性肿瘤 primary tumor of mesentery 肠系膜原发肿瘤 primary ulcer of small intestine 原发性小肠溃疡 prime rate of interest 最优惠利率 priming of battery 蓄电池加注酸液 priming of pump 泵的起动 priming of the tide 潮时提前 primitive D-cube of failure 故障的原始D立方 primitive D-cube of fault 故障的原始D立方 primitive of conceptual dependency 概念从属性原语 primitive parallelogram of period 周期的原始平行四边形 primitive test of container board 箱板性能测定 primordial cyst of bone 骨始基囊肿 primordium of the lateral leaflet 侧生小枝叶原茎 principal centers of curvature 主曲率中心 principal composition series of subgroups 主组成子群列 principal curvature of a surface 曲面的主曲率 principal direction of curvature 主曲率方向 principal invariant of tensor 张量主不变量 principal meridian of gnomonic chart 心射投影基准子午线 principal mode of vibration 主振动形式 principal moment of inertia 惯性主矩 principal moments of inertia 主惯性矩 principal plane of bending 弯曲主平面 principal plane of inertia 主惯性平面 principal plane of stress 应力的主平面; 应力主平面 principal radius of curvature 主曲率半径 development of the embryo 胚发育的主要时期 principal surface of accumulation 主堆积面 principal value of stress tensor 应力张量主值 principle of causa proxima 近因原则 principle of clarity 明晰清楚原则 principle of classification 分组原则; 分类原理 principle of Clausius 克劳修斯原理 principle of comparative cost 比较成本原理 principle of complementarity 并协原理; 互补性原理 principle of conservation 守恒原理 principle of consistency 连续一致原则 principle of continuity 连续原理 continuity of electric current 电流连续性原理 continuity of magnetic flux 磁通连续性原理 principle of correspondence 对应原则 principle of corresponding state 对应状态原理 principle of design 设计原则 principle of double-entry bookkeeping 复式簿记原则 principle of duality 对偶原理 principle of dynamics 动力学原理 purification of kerogen 干酪根提纯 purification of seeds 种子清选 purification of waste water 废水净化 purified protein derivative of tuberculin 结核菌素纯蛋白衍化物 purity of state 态的纯度 purity of syrup 糖浆纯度 purity of variety 品种纯度 purple blotch of onion 葱头干腐病 葱紫斑病 purple of cassius 桂皮紫 purple spot of soybean 大豆紫斑病 purpose of model 模型目的 purpura of bladder 膀胱紫癜 push-off 推出; 推出器 push-off buck rake 带推草板的集草器 push-off moulding machine 带顶杆的造型机 push-off pin 推出杆; 托杆 push-off stack 推卸式堆垛机 pushing of the receiver 受油机接近加油机 pushing off the slag 挡渣 pustule of the palm 掌心毒 floor of mouth 化脓性口底蜂窝织炎 pyogenic infection of nose 鼻疮 pyogenic infection of skin in infants 罂幼疮疡 pyramid of biomass 生物量的金字塔 pyramid of credit 信贷的层层加大 pyramid of the first order 初级棱锥体 pyramid of vestibule 前庭锥体 pyramida process of palatine bone 腭骨锥突 pyrolysis of coal 煤热解 pyrolytic conversion of hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物的高温转化 pyrotechnic blow-off charge 烟火喷射装药 Q-switched mode selection of chlorophyll 叶绿素的Q开关选模 Q-value of cavity 共振腔的Q值 qi of middle-jiao 中气 quadrangular set of six points 四点型六点 quadrant angle of departure 掷角 quadrant angle of fall 落地俯角 quadrant angle of site 炮目高低角 quadrant of truncated cone 桥台锥坡 quadrate muscle of loins 腰方肌 quadrate muscle of sole 足底方肌; 跖方肌 quadrate muscle of thigh 股方肌 quadrature of a circle 求圆的面积 quadrature of a conic 求二次曲线的面积 quadrature of the circle 圆求方问题 quadric of deformation 形变二次式 quadric of revolution 回转二次曲面 quadriceps muscle of thigh 股四头肌 qualification of attachment procedure 连接工艺规程的评定 qualification of welding procedure 焊接工艺评定 qualifications of the guarantors 保人地位 qualitative determination of serum bilirubin 血清胆红素定性试验 qualitative prescription of 质的规定性 qualitative test of mucin 粘蛋白定性试验 qualities of the female parent 显出母本的品质 quality control of coal 煤质管理 quality control of food 食品质量管理 quality control of textile workshops 纺织生产现场质量控制 quality factor of resonator 共振腔的品质因数 quality index of a channel 信道质量指数 quality inspection of finished products 成品质量检查 quality of balance 平衡质量 quality of beam 束流品质 quality of colour 颜色品质 quality of connection 通话质量 quality of credit 信贷质量 quality of cummutation 整流质量 quality of design 设计质量 quality of finish 抛光质量 quality of fuel 燃料的质量 quality of gasoline 汽油的质量 quality of labor 劳动质量 quality of life QOL 生活水平; 生活质量法 quality of lighting 照明质量 quality of lot 批量质量; 批质量 quality of reception 接收质量 quality of regulation 调节质量 quality of reproduction 重现质量; 重现质量 quality of rice 稻米质量 quality of river water 河水质量 quality of seedling 秧苗质量 quality of service 服务质量 quality of snow 雪质 quality of sound 音色 quality of sounds 音质 quality of steam 蒸汽质量 quality of textile products 纺织品质量 quality of the fodder 饲料的质量 quality of the natural water 天然水质量 quality of tobacco 烟叶质量 quality of water 水质 quality of work 工作质量 quality test of water 水质试验 quantification of uncertainty 不确定的量化 quantitative analysis of BOD 生物化学需氧量的定量测定 quantitative analysis of CO gas 一氧化碳定量分析 quantitative analysis of hydrogen sulphide 硫化氢的定量分析 quantitative analysis of methylparathion 乙基对硫磷的定量分析 quantitative determination of one minute bilirubin 一分钟胆红素含量测定 quantitative quality of COD 化学雾氧量的定量测定 quantities of labor and material 工料数 quantity of filler present 填充剂配合量 quantity of goods produced 实物量 quantity of heat 热量 quantity of heat dissipation in workshop 车间散热量 quantity of heat given up 输出热量 quantity of heat production 产热量 quantity of heat supplied 输出热量 quantity of information 信息量 quantity of light 光量 quantity of magnetism 磁量 quantity of motion 动量 quantity of radiation 辐射量 quantity of rainfall 降雨量 quantity of reflux 回流量 quantity of slag 渣量 quantity of work 劳动量 quantization of energy 能的量子化 quantum dynamics of molecules 分子量子力学 quantum mechanics of wave field 波场量子力学 quantum nature of light 光的量子性质 quantum of rainfall 降雨总量 quantum of world trade 世界贸易总量 quantum theory of heat capacity 热容量的量子理论 quantum theory of radiation 辐射的量子理论 quantum theory of spectra 光谱的量子理论 quantum theory of valence 价的量子理论 quarantine officer 交通检疫员 quarry face of stone 石料天然面; 原开石面 quarter-line offset 四分之一行频间置 quasi-continuum of level 准连续能级 quasi-random sequence of numbers 拟随机数的序列 quasi-static component of strain 应变准静态分量 queen of the meadows wheat cultivar 柳叶锈线菊 quenching of frit 熔块的淬冷 question of paradoxes 悖论问题 question of substance 实质性问题 questions of classification 分类问题 quiesce-at-end-of-chain indicator 串指示器末端为静态 quiesce-at-end-of-chain indicator QEC indicator 静态链尾指示器; 静态链尾指示器; 链端静态指示器 quiet take-off and landing 无声起飞与着陆 quincunx system of planting 梅花型栽植制度 quota control of energy consumption 能源消耗定额管理 quota of consumption 消耗定额 quota of sales contribution margin 业务贡献率责任额 quotient of difference 增量比 quotient of increase 增长系数 quotient of quality 形质商 quotient of real numbers 实数商 race of engine 发动机空转 racking of rubber 橡胶整理 radial control of beam 束流径向控制 radial flexor muscle of wrist 桡侧腕屈肌 radial fossa of humerus 桡骨窝; 桡窝 radial gap of double-cone ring 双锥环的最大半径间隙 radial height of blade 辐向叶片长度 radial layout of streets 辐射式街道布置 radial line of enamel 釉质幅射线 radial multiplepiston type of pump 径向多活塞式泵; 径向多活塞式泵 radial section of coal 煤的辐射剖面 radial system of sewerage 辐射式下水道系统 radial system of street layout 辐射式街道布置 ratio of partial derivatives 偏微商比值 ratio of peak white-to-black level 黑白电平峰值比 ratio of precision 精度比 ratio of principal stresses 主应力比 ratio of putting coke into furnace 入炉焦比 ratio of raw feed rate 生料进给率比 ratio of reduction 缩小率; 破碎比 ratio of refraction 折射比 ratio of reinforcement 配筋率 ratio of revolutions 转数比 ratio of rigidity 刚度比 ratio of rise 潮升比 ratio of rise to span 高跨比; 矢跨比 ratio of roll gears 滚比挂轮 ratio of secondary to primary wool follicles 次级毛囊对初级毛囊比例 ratio of similitude 相似比 ratio of size reduction 破碎比 ratio of slenderness 长细比; 柔性系数; 细长比 ratio of slope 坡度比; 坡率 ratio of solvent 溶剂比 ratio of specific heat 热容比; 比热比 ratio of speed 速比 ratio of strength to weight 强重比 ratio of strength-to-porosity 强度与孔隙度比率 ratio of stroke to diameter 冲程与直径比 ratio of tare weight to gross 皮重与总重比 ratio of the investment contributions 出资数额比例 ratio of the three colour primary signals 三基色信号比 ratio of tidal range 潮差比 ratio of total liability to net worth 负债总额对净值的比率 ratio of transformation 变压比; 变压器变压系数 ratio of transformer capacity to load 变电容载比 ratio of transmission 转速比; 传动比 ratio of useful compression 有效压缩比 ratio of varying capacitance 电容变化比 ratio of viscosities 粘度比 ratio of winding 匝数比; 绕圈比; 绕组比 ratiomethod of Fourier spectrometry 傅里叶光谱测量比例法 ration of goods 货物配给 rational system of units 有理单位制 rational untilization of warehouse 仓库合理使用 rationalization of insulation 绝缘配合; 绝缘配合 rationalized system of units 有理化单位系统 Rauvolfia verticillata var. officinalis 药用萝芙木 raw data of drug 药物原始数据 raw material of wood-charcoal 炭材 ray of light 光线 ray of refraction 折射线 ray of spark 火花射线 Rayleigh's law of scattering 瑞利散射定律 re-structuralization of trade 贸易结构的调整 the extra profit 超额利润分成 re-use of forms 模板重复使用 reaction feedback of feel 反馈系数 reaction of bearing 轴承反作用力; 支承反力 reaction of combustion 燃烧反应 reaction of degeneration RD 变性反应 reaction of disappearance 消失反应 reaction of formation 生成反应 reaction of inoculation 接种反应 reaction of nonidentity 非一致性反应 reaction of nozzle 喷嘴反作用 reaction of pregnancy 妊娠反应 reaction of propagation 增长反应 reaction of recombination 再化合反应 reaction of supports 支点反力 reaction of the second order 双分子反应 reactivation of column 柱复活 reactivation of filament 灯丝重激活 reactivation of partition 分区再启动 reactivity of host 寄主反应力 reactivity of organism 机体反应性 reactor of various shapes 不同形状反应堆 reactor off-gas system 反应堆除气系统 reactor shut-off system 停堆系统 reading in thousandths of an inch 读数0001英寸的 reading of recording instrument 记录仪表读数 reading value per division of vernier 游标每格读数值 readjustment of field plot 地块整理 readjustment of interest rate 调整利率 principle of first-in first-served 先到先做原则 principle of flow 流量原则 principle of free energy minimum 自由能最小原理 principle of full disclosure 证券管理原则之一 完全公开原则 harmony of objective 目的协调原则 principle of insufficient reason 不充分理由原则 principle of invariance 不变性原理 principle of law 法理 principle of least constraint 最小约束原理 principle of least work 最小功原理 principle of lever 杠杆原理 principle of limitation on marginal benefit 边际效应有限原则 principle of locality 局部性原理; 局部性原理 principle of management 处理原则 principle of mass conservation 质量守恒原理 principle of matching 配合对应原则 principle of matching costs with revenues 费用收益配比原则 principle of mediocrity 折衷原则 principle of minimization risk 风险最小化原则 principle of minimum energy 最小能原理 principle of minimum strain-energy 最小应变能原则 principle of nonreciprocity 非互惠原则 principle of parallel vertical gaseous flow 气体分流定则 payment for the use of funds 占用资金付费原则 periodic allocation of costs 费用按期分摊原则 principle of permanent residence 永久居所原则 principle of possible displacement 可能位移原理 principle of reaction 反作用原理 principle of reasoning 论证原理 principle of reatment 治疗原则 principle of reciprocity 互易原理 principle of reflection 反射原理; 反映原理 principle of relativity 相对性原理 principle of resistance line 阻力线原理 principle of respondent superior 委托人对受托人行为负责的原则 principle of similitude 相似原理 principle of smaller variance 较小方差原则 principle of solidification 固化原理 principle of species individuality 种的个别性原则 principle of specification 规定原理 principle of stationary phase 稳相原理 principle of stratificaition 分层原理 principle of substitution 代入原理; 替代原理 principle of superimposed stresses 应力叠加原理 principle of superposition 叠覆原理; 叠加原理 the equipartition of energy 能量均分原理 principle of the maximum 极大原理 principle of the minimum 极小原理; 极小值原理 unattainability of absolute zero 绝对零度不能达到原理; 绝对零度不能达到原理 principle of utmost good faith 最大诚信原则 principle of virtual work 虚功原理 principle of work 工作原理 principles of chemistry 化学原理 principles of food composition 食品结构原则 principles of instruction 教学原则 principles of integrity 统一原则 principles of treatment for war injuries 战伤处理原则 printing office 印刷所 prioritization of debt 债务的优先考虑 priority guidelines of industrial policy 倾斜产业政策 priority of a process 进程的优先权 priority of delivery 投送等级 priority of investment 投资重点 priority of partition 分区优先权 priority of subtask 子任务优先级 priority of system task 系统任务优先数 priority of task 任务优先; 任务优先权 priority value of task 任务优先数 prism offset 棱镜偏置 private ownership of land 土地私有制 privatizing ownership of the land 土地私有化 probability distribution of a continuous variable 连续变量的概率分布 probability distribution of a discrete variable 离散变量的概率分布 probability of a nonzero family error rate 非零族概率误差率 probability of error per digit 每位错误概率 probability of failure 失败概率 probability of happening 事件概率 probability of large deviation 大偏差概率 probability of malfunction 故障概率; 失灵概率 probability of nonfailure 无故障概率 probability of obstacle-clearing 越障概率 probability of outcome 结果概率 probability of repeated trials 重复试验的概率; 重复试验的概率 probability of ruin 破产概率 probability of scattering 散射概率 probability of stability 稳定概率 probability of success 成功概率 probability of survival 幸存概率 probing of lacrimal passage 泪道探通术 probing of nasolacrimal duct 鼻泪管探通术 problem of many bodies 多体问题 problem of model selection 模型选择问题 problem of random walk 随机走动问题 the origin of the protein 蛋白质起源问题 problem of three bodies 三体问题 problem of two bodies 二体问题 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司