翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 flow of fluid 流体流速 rate of flow-stress curve 流速应力曲线 rate of freight 运费率 rate of frost heave 冻胀速率 rate of fuel change 燃料变化率 rate of fuel consumption 燃料消耗率 rate of ginning outturn 衣分率 rate of ginturnout农业 衣分率 rate of grade 斜率 rate of gross investment 总投资率 rate of groundwater discharge 地下水流量率 rate of groundwater flow 地下水流量率 rate of growth 增长率; 生长速度 rate of head movement 施加外力速度; 压头移动速率 rate of heat dispation 散热速率 rate of heat flow 热流率 rate of heat generation 热量生成速率 rate of heat liberation 放热速率 rate of heat production 热量生成速率 rate of heat release 热释放率; 放热速率 rate of heat transfer 传热速率 rate of heating 加热速度 rate of husked rise 出糙率 rate of inbreeding 近交率 rate of incidence 入射率 rate of income from the funds 资金收入率 rate of increase 增长率 rate of increasing returns 报酬递增率 rate of increment 生长速率 rate of inflation 通货膨胀年率 rate of information throughput 信息传送速度; 信息吞吐率 rate of information transmission 信息传输速率; 信息传送率 rate of inherent regulation 自调节速度 rate of interest 利率 rate of inventory turnover 库存周转率 rate of inventory usage 库存耗用率 rate of investment 简单收益率; 投资率 rate of joint fill 接头填充速率 rate of land reduction 用地递减率 rate of late marriage 晚婚率 rate of live weight growth 增重率 rate of liveweight growth 增重率 rate of load growth 载荷增长率 rate of loading 载荷速率; 载重率; 装载速度 rate of lubricant flow 润滑剂流速 rate of manure 肥料施用量 march off road 越野行军速度 rate of marching 行军速度 rate of melting 熔化速率 rate of metal consumption 金属消耗率 rate of metal removal 出屑率; 切屑率 rate of migration 移动速度 rate of migration flow 人口迁移流动率 rate of milk flow m.f.rate 乳流速度 rate of missed diagnosis 漏诊率 rate of missing report 漏报率 morphological development of plants 植株形态上的发育速度 rate of movement 移动速度 rate of mutation 突变率 rate of natural population growth 人口自然增长率 rate of net output 净产出率; 净产出率 rate of nitrification 硝化速率 rate of nominal wages 名义工资率 occupancy of available beds 可用床位占用率 occurrence of errors 误差出现率 rate of ore dilution 黑色冶金 矿石贫化率 rate of oscillation 摆动率 rate of outflow 流出速度 rate of oxidation 氧化速率 rate of percolation 渗吸速度 rate of perforation 穿孔速度 rate of permeation 渗透率 rate of perspiration 出汗率 rate of photosynthisis 光合强度 rate of plant coverage 植物覆盖率 rate of polymerization 聚合速率; 聚合速率 rate of population growth from migration 人口社会增长率 rate of pregnancy 妊娠率 rate of premium 升水率 rate of pressure rise 压力升高率; 压力升高速率 rate of pressurization 增压速率 rate of production 采出速度 rate of purity 纯度 rate of rainall 降雨率 rate of rate 加速率; 速率导数 rate of reading 读数速度 rate of recapture 重捕率 rate of reduction 还原速率; 锻造比; 破碎率 rate of regulation 调节速度 rate of release 释放速率 rate of reproduction 繁殖率 rate of residual volumetric deformation 容积残余变形率 rate of respiration 呼吸活性度; 呼吸强度 rate of return 投资收入率; 投资收益率; 投资盈余率 rate of return function 返回函数率 return on the use of foreign capital 使用外资收益率 rate of revolution 旋转速率 rate of rework losses 返工损失率 rate of rise 增长率; 增长速率; 曲线上升斜率; 升压速度 rate of rise restriking voltage 再击穿电压上升率 rate of roasting 焙烧速度 rate of roll indicator 倾斜角指示器 rate of rotation 转率 rate of scale formation 生垢率 rate of scanning 扫描频率 rate of secondary consolidation 次固结速率 rate of sediment yield 产沙率 rate of sedimentation 沉降率 rate of seeding 播种量 rate of self-purification 自净速率 rate of self-regulation 自调节速度 rate of set 凝结速度 rate of severe injury 负伤严重率 rate of shear 剪切率; 剪切速率; 剪速 rate of shorts 缺货率 rate of shrinkage 收缩率 rate of slaking 消解速率 rate of slope 陡度; 斜率 social increase of population 人口社会增长率 rate of specific gravity 比重值 rate of speed 速率 rate of spoiled 废品率 rate of spread 蔓延速率; 扩展率 rate of spread meter 火速计算尺 rate of standard coal consumption 标准煤耗率 rate of stocking 载蓄率; 载畜量 rate of strain hardening 应变硬化速率 rate of straining 应变率 rate of stretch 伸展速度 rate of strike 瞬染率 rate of substitution 替换率 rate of supercharging 增压比 rate of surfaced roads 路面铺装率 rate of survival 成活率 rate of table traverse 工作台横动速率 rate of tension 张紧度 rate of the beds 病床周转率 rate of throughput 物料通过速率 rate of tidal current 潮流速率 rate of titration 滴定速度 rate of traffic flow 行车密度 rate of transpiration 蒸腾率 rate of travel 移动速度 travel of flood peak 洪峰移动速度 rate of turn 转弯速率 rate of turn-over 周转率 rate of twist 来复线缠度 ultilization of amino acid 氨基酸利用率 rate of unemployment 失业率 rate of unloading 减负荷速度 rate of upward gradient 上升梯度变化率 use of invested funds 投资资金交付使用率 utilization of hospital beds 病床使用率 rate of vaccination 接种率 rate of vapor content 含汽率 rate of varieties fulfilled 品种完成率 rate of vegetation 植物覆盖率 rate of ventilation 换气次数 rate of vitrification 帛速率 rate of voltage rise 电压上升速度; 电压增长率 rate of volume flow 体积流动速率 rate of washing 洗涤速率 rate of water content 含水率 rate of water infiltration 水分渗透率 rate of weapons innovation 武器更新率 rate of wear 磨耗率; 磨损速度 rate of wearing 磨损率 rate of weathering 风化速率 rate of withdraw 引出速率; 退出速度 rate of withdrawal 采出速度 rate of work 劳动速率 rate-dependent character of corrosion 腐蚀速度特性 rate-determining step of reaction 反应速率决定步骤 rate-of-burning test 燃烧速度试验 rate-of-change circuit 一次导数调节电路 rate-of-change curve chart 变率曲线图 rate-of-change indicator 变率指示器; 速率变化指示器 rate-of-change map 变率图 rate-of-change relay 变率继电器; 微分继电器 rate-of-change sensor 瞬态变量感传器 rate-of-climb control 上升率控制 rate-of-climb indicator 爬升速率指示器 rate-of-climb meter 爬升速度表 rate-of-climb sensor 上升率传感器 rate-of-descent control 下降率控制 rate-of-descent hold 下降率保持 rate-of-descent indicator 下降率指示器; 爬升率指示器 rate-of-descent sensor 下降率传感器 rate-of-failure curve 破坏率曲线 rate-of-feef variation 喂纱速度不匀 rate-of-flow control valve 流量控制阀 rate-of-fuel-flow indicator 燃料耗量表 -loss of coolant 失水速率 rate-of-rainfall gage 雨量强度计 rate-of-return pricing 投资报酬率定价法 rate-of-spread meter 蔓延速率计算器 rate-of-turn indicator 转弯速度指示器 rate-of-turn recorder 转速记录器 rated current of generator 发电机额定电流 rated frequency range of loudspeaker 扬声器额定频率范围 rated power of loudspeaker 扬声器额定功率 rates of zinc 施锌量 ratess of loading & discharge 装卸速率 rating of chronometer 日差率测定 rating of fuel 燃料的评价 rating of machine 电机的规格; 电机规格; 机械定额; 机械规格 rating of merit 性能评价 rating of sound level 声级评定 net profits to net sales 净利与净销售额比率分析; 净利与净销售额比率分析 ratio of a parallel projection 平行射影的比例 ratio of attenuation 衰减比 average gross profit 平均毛利率 ratio of capital to current liabilities 资本对流动负债比率 ratio of capital to fixed liabilities 资本对固定负债比率 ratio of capital to liabilities 资本负债比率 ratio of carrier-to-interfering signal 载频信号对干扰信号比 ratio of cash to current liabilities 现金对流动负债比率 ratio of cash to income 现金对收入的比率; 现金收入比 ratio of cations 阳离子比率 ratio of clearance volume 余隙容积比 ratio of climbing 爬升比 ratio of combustion 燃烧比 ratio of commodities' supply and demand 商品供求比率 ratio of concentration 选矿比 ratio of constituents 成分比 ratio of crushing 破碎比 ratio of current assets to fixed assets 流动资产与固定资产比率 ratio of current assets to total assets 流动资产与总资产比率 ratio of curvature 曲率比 ratio of cut to fill 挖填比 ratio of damping 阻尼比; 阻尼系数 ratio of debt to net worth 负债率 diameters of flange 法兰径比 ratio of discounted net benefit to cost 净收益贴现值对成本比率; 净收益贴现值对成本比率 ratio of division 分割比 ratio of drawing 牵伸比 ratio of first-grade products 一级品率 ratio of floating particles 浮粒率 ratio of flow to mean flow 径流模数; 径流模数 ratio of Food to Microorganism 食料与微生物重量之比 ratio of forging reduction 锻比; 锻压比 ratio of gain 增益比 ratio of gate-to-pin 门引线比; 门针比 ratio of gear 齿轮速比 ratio of generating functions 生发函数比 ratio of greater inequality 优比 ratio of grinding media to material 球料比 gross profit to net sales 毛利对销货净额比率 ratio of gross to tare weight 总重皮重比 ratio of gun currents 束电流比 ratio of heat capacities 热容量比 ratio of heat transfer to skin friction 热传导与表面摩擦比 ratio of inertia 惯性比 internal reserves to net profits 内部准备对净利润比率 ratio of investment to output 投资产出率 ratio of lay 捻比系数 ratio of lear to bone 骨与瘦肉比 ratio of less inequality 劣比 ratio of milk production to feeding 乳料比 ratio of mixture 配料比; 混合比 moduli of elasticity 弹性模量比 ratio of net income to net sales 净收入与销货净额比率; 净收入与销货净额比率; 净收益对销售比率; 净收益对销售比率; 纯益与销货总额比率 ratio of net income to net worth 净收益对资本净值比率; 净收益对资本净值比率 ratio of net income to outstanding stock 净收入对在外股票比率; 净收入对在外股票比率; 净收益对现发股本比率; 净收益对现发股本比率 net profit to capital 净利润对资本比率; 净利润对资本比率 net profit to net worth 净利对净值的比率; 净利对净值的比率 ratio of net sales to net worth 净销售额对资本净值比率; 净销售额对资本净值比率 ratio of net sales to receivables 净销售额对应收款项比率; 净销售额对应收款项比率 ratio of net worth to total capital 净值对资产总额比率; 净值对资产总额比率 ratio of net worth to total debt 净值对负债总额的比率; 净值对负债总额的比率 readjustment of investment structure 投资结构调整 readjustment of zero 重新调零 ready state of a process 进程的就绪状态 reagents of high purity 高纯试剂 real cost of production 实际生产成本 real cost terms of trade 实际成本贸易条件; 贸易实际成本条件 real field of view 实视场 real part of symbol 实部符号 real standard of living 实际生活水平 real-time point of view 实时观点 realization of loss 亏损实现 realization of property 变卖财产 reallocation of land 土地规划 reallocation of partition 分区重新分配 reapportionment of costs 费用再分配 reapportionment of service charge 服务费用的再分摊 rear cut-off distance 后截距 rear of concave 凹板后段 rear of panel mounting 在面板后面的装配 rear of queue 队列的尾部; 队列尾 rear-end of spindle 主轴后端 rearhouse of silkworms 养蚕室 rearing of larvae 养育幼虫 rearmounted offset swather 后悬挂侧置式割晒机 rearrangement theorem of Pauli 泡利重排定理 reasonable notice of abandonment 保险 适当的委付通知 reasonable use of water 合理用水 rebabbiting of bearing 重新浇注轴承 rebabbiting of lead bronze 重新浇注铅铜合金 rebate of glazing 镶嵌玻璃槽口 rebonding of moulding sand 型砂翻新 reboring of worn cylinder 磨损汽缸重镗 rebound leaf of the spring 辅助弹簧片 rebound of a pile 桩的回弹 recapitulation of semi-finished products issued 半成品发出汇总表 recapture of overall foreign loss 全部国外损失冲减 receding side of belt 皮带松边; 皮带退出侧 receipt of license clause 收到许可证条款 receipt of payment 收款 receiver field of view selector 接收机视场选择器 receiver of main engine revolution 主机转数表 receiver of remote-control sytem 遥控接收器 receiver of the refrigerator 冰箱贮液器 receiver of ultrasonics 超声波的受波器; 超声波受波器 receiving office 收报处 receiving transducer of ultrasonics 超声波受波器 reception basin of river 河流补给区 reception of double polarization 双偏振接收 reception of echoes 接收回声 recess of pelvic mesocolon 乙状结肠间隐窝 recess of press ram 压力机滑块上的模柄孔 recession of galaxies 星系退行 recession of nebulae 星云退行 recession of sea level 海面下降 recipient of goods 受货人 recipient of the technology transferred 接受技术转让方 reciprocal transfer of property 财产互换 recirculatory pool of lymphocytes 淋巴细胞再循环池 reclaiming of lead 废铅重炼 reclamation of land 土地垦拓 reclamation of material 废料利用 reclamation of saline-alkali soils 盐碱土改良 reclamation of saltern 盐碱土改良 reclamation of waste water 废水回收; 废水利用 reclassification of post 重新定职定级 recognition of end-point 终点辨认 recombination of gaseous ions 气体离子的复合 recomputed point of turn 重新算定的转向点 reconciliation of inventory 调整物料 reconditioning of stone 磨石 再刻石 reconditioning of timber 木材蒸汽处理; 蒸汽处理木材 reconnaissance of position 阵地侦察 reconsideration of the case 复议案件 reconstruction of blood circulation 血循环重建 reconstruction of facecontour 复原面容 reconstruction of inferior conjuctiva fornix 下穹窿结膜囊成形术 reconstruction of lacrimal canaliculus 泪小管再建 reconstruction of ligament 韧带再造术 reconstruction of lymphatic duct 淋巴管再建 reconstruction of nasal bones 鼻骨再建术 reconstruction of nose 全鼻再造术 reconstruction of orbital floor 眶底重建术 reconstruction of penis 阴茎再造 reconstruction of stomach with jejunum 空肠代胃术 reconstruction of thumb 拇指再建术 reconstruction of urinary bladder with rectum 直肠代膀胱术 record of cash disbursements 现金支出记录 record of cash receipts 现金收入记录 record of concealed work 隐蔽工程记录 record of goods sold 销货记录 record of non-destructive detection 无损探伤记录 record of penalty charges 罚款记录 record of performance 生产性能测定; 性能记载 record of product test 产品检验记录 record of production 生产记录 record of tooth position 牙位记录 recorder of volume 容积描记器 recording of chest width 胸宽记录 recording of digital result 数字结果记录 recording of sound distribution 声分布记录 recording of the noise level 噪声电平记录 recording of vegetative reproduction 营养体生殖记录 records of performance 经营成果报表; 经营成果报表 recoverer of waste heat 废热回收器 recovering of vaporized hydrocarbons 轻质油回收 recovery coefficient of investment 投资回收系数 recovery of casing 回收套管 recovery of colour 色泽复原 recovery of core 岩心采收率 recovery of energy 能量恢复 recovery of form 形状的恢复 recovery of heat 热的回收 recovery of information 信息重获 recovery of molasses 糖蜜回收 recovery of ova 收集卵子 recovery of potable water 饮用水的回收 recovery of shape 形状回复 recovery percent of reserves 采出程度 recovery period of investment 投资回收期 recruitment of loudness 强音复聪 rectangle of dispersion 全数必中界 rectangular bar of steel 长方形钢 rectangular layout of streets 棋盘式街道系统 rectangular property of saddle-point 鞍点的矩形特性 rectangular system of city planning 棋盘式城市规划体系 rectangular system of street layout 棋盘式街道网 rectification of a conic 锥线求长 distortion by means of a flame 火焰矫直 rectilinear propagation of light 光的直线传播 recurrence of liver syphilis 肝梅毒复发 recurrent branch of median nerve 正中神经返支 recurrent dislocation of patella 复发性髌骨脱位 recurrent jaundice of pregnancy 复发性妊娠期黄疸; 妊娠期复发性黄疸 recycle ratio of gaseous constituents 气态组分的循环比 recycled offgas 循环尾气 recycling of end gas 废气循环 recycling of nutrient 营养物再循环 recycling of nutrients 再利用养分 recycling of petrodollars 石油美元再循环 recycling of waste gas 废气循环 red core disease of strawberry 草莓红心病 Red Cross Society of China 中国红十字会 red cut-off 红色截止 red oxide of zinc 红锌矿 red prussiate of potash 铁氰化钾 red prussiate of soda 铁氰化钠 red rot of sugar cane 甘蔗赤腐病 redemption of mortgage 赎回典契 redeployment of fighters 战斗机转场 redeployment of personnel 人员重新配置 redirecting the use of investment 调整投资使用方向 redirection of call 调用的重新编址 redistribution of blood 血液重新分配 redness of the skin or complexion 赤色 redressing coefficient of rolls 轧辊重车系数 reduce the risks of loss 分散发生损失的危险 removal of conjunctival polypus 结膜息肉切除术 removal of contamination 清除杂质 removal of corneal foreign body 角膜异物除去术 removal of defect 缺陷的清除 removal of defects 清除缺陷 removal of dominance 优势转移 removal of engine 拆除发动机 removal of faults 故障的排除 removal of foreign body in intraspinal canal 椎管内异物取除术 removal of foreign body in nose under rhinoscope 鼻镜下鼻内异物取除术 removal of fractured root 取断根术 removal of fruiting parts 去除结果实部分 removal of gypsum from soil samples 除去土样中石膏 removal of intracerebellar hematoma 小脑内血肿清除术 removal of intrauterine device 取环术; 宫内避孕器取出术 removal of oxygen 脱氧 removal of salivary calculus 涎石摘除术 removal of shuttering 拆模 removal of stone from submaxillary gland duct 颌下腺导管结石除去术 stricture ring of vagina 阴道狭窄环切除术 removal of the mould 拆模 removal of tibial graft 胫骨片采取法; 胫骨片采取法 removal of urethral caruncle 尿道肉阜切除术 removal of water sprouts 除徒长枝 remove the defects of distribution 消除分配的缺点 removing of piston ring 拆卸活塞环 removing of the needle 出针 removing the poisonous quality of any substance 解毒 remunerative transfer of new technology 新技术有偿转让 rendering of service 提供劳务 renewable letter of credit 可继续的信用证 renewable sources of energy 可更新能源; 可再生能源 renewal of facing 换衬片 renewal of insurance 续保 renewal of licensed patents 专利权的维持 renewal of parts 零件修复 renewal of registration 续展注册 renewal of tree 树的复状 renewed offer 重新发盘 renovation of varieties 品种复壮 rentline of displacement 位移裂线 renunciation of succession 放弃继承权 repair of cerebrospinal fluid fistula 脑脊液瘘修补术 repair of colovesical fistula 结肠膀胱瘘修补术 repair of defects 缺陷修理 repair of diaphragmatic hernia 膈疝修补术 repair of femoral hernia 股疝修补术 repair of funnel chest 漏斗胸修复术 repair of injured trachea 气管损伤修复术 repair of ligament 韧带修补术 repair of lip defect 唇缺损修复术 repair of meningomyelocele 脊髓脊膜膨出修补术 repair of mitral insufficiency 二尖瓣闭锁不全修补术; 二尖瓣修补术 repair of pelvic hernia 盆腔疝修补术 repair of perineal laceration 会阴裂伤修补术 repair of pleuro-peritoneal hiatus hernia 胸腹裂孔疝修补术 repair of recurrent nerve 喉返神经修复术 repair of ruptured bladder 膀胱破裂修补术 repair of sigmoidovesical fistula 乙状结肠膀胱瘘修补术 repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia 外伤性膈疝修补术 repair of vaginal laceration 阴道裂伤修补术 repair of vesical fistula 膀胱瘘修补术 repair of vesico-urethro-vaginal fistula 膀胱尿道阴道瘘修补术 repair of vesicorectal fistula 膀胱直肠瘘修补术 repair of vesicovaginal fistula 膀胱阴道瘘修补术 repairing of vacuum leak 真空堵漏 repayment of debts 清偿债务 repayment of loan 清还借款; 债务支出 repeat offer 重复发价; 重复发盘; 重复开价; 再报价; 再发盘 repeated zeroes of a characteristic function 特征函数的重零点 repetition of beds 地层重复 repetition of symbol 符号重复 replacement method of depreciation 重置成本折旧法 replacement of bladder by sigmoid 乙状结肠代膀胱术 replacement of capital 资本抵补 replacement of parts 替代零件; 替换零件 replacement of property 财产的重置 replacement of uterine inversion 子宫内翻复位术 replacement of uterus 子宫复位术 replacement part of a reduction rule 归约规则的代元部分 replantation of nose 鼻再植术 replantation of penis 阴茎再植 replantation of severed limb 断肢再植术 replenishment of inventory 补充存货 replete state of soil 土壤充水状态 replica of genes 基因的复制品 report of clearance 出口报告书 report of scrap materials 废料报告单 report of shipment 装运报告 representatin of a group 群的表示法 representation of a game 对策的表示 representation of a group 群表示 representation of a matrix 矩阵的表示法; 矩阵的表示法 representation of a table 表格表示法 representation of binary tree 二叉树的表示 representation of forests 森林的表示 representation of hill features 山丘特征图 representation of knowledge 知识表达法 representation of list 列表的表示 representation of polynomial 多项式的表示 representation of queues 队列的表示法 representation of stack 堆栈的表示法 representation of surface 曲面表示法 representative method of sampling 抽样表示法 representativeness of sample 样本代表性 reproducibility of test 试验结果再现性 reproducibility of tests 试验结果的复验性 reproduction method of deprecation 重置法折旧 reproduction of ancient bronze chariot and horse 仿古铜车马 reproduction of drawing 图纸复制 reproduction of labor power 劳动力再生产 reproduction or multiplication of plant or animal 动植物的生殖或繁殖 reproduction rate of population 人口繁殖率 reproductive investment of capital 再生产投资 reproductive performance of certain birds 禽类繁殖性能 repudiation of claims 拒绝赔付; 拒绝赔付 required rate of return 要求报酬率 required take-off distance 起飞需用跑道长度 requirements of process 流程需要 requisitioning of goods 征用财产 rescheduling of debt 债务重议 rescission of contract 解约 rescission of dividend 退回股利 rescission of dividends 取销股利 research institute of chemical machinery 化工机械研究院 research institute of nutrition 营养卫生研究所 anterior portion of mandibular ramus 下颌升支切除术 resection of bifurcate polydactylis 分叉形多指切除法 resection of cervical cystic lymphangioma 颈部囊状淋巴管瘤切除术; 颈部囊状淋巴管瘤切除术 coarctation of aorta with anastomosis 主动脉缩窄切除吻合术 resection of corn 鸡眼切除术 resection of cranio-osteoma 颅骨骨瘤切除术 resection of craniosarcoma 颅骨肉瘤切除术 resection of cystic hygroma 囊状水瘤切除术 distal end of ulna 尺骨远端切除术 resection of diverticulum 憩室切除术 resection of fibula 腓骨切除 resection of hemangioma 血管瘤切除术 resection of jaw 颌骨切除术 resection of labial frenum 唇系带切除术 lower lobe of right lung 右肺下叶切除术 nucleus pulposus of cervical disc 颈椎间盘髓核摘除术; 颈椎间盘髓核摘除术 resection of pituitary tumor 垂体瘤切除; 垂体肿瘤切除术 resection of plexus choroid 脉络丛切除术 resection of rectum 直肠切除术 resection of retroperitoneal lesions 腹膜后隙病损切除术 resection of right upper lung 右肺上叶切除术 scar of abdominal wall 腹壁疤痕切除术 reduced costs of comparable products 可比产品成本降低额 reduced form of zero-sum n-person game 简约型n人零和对策 reduced length of the geodetic line 大地线改化长度 reduced level of water 降落水位 reduced lift of sleeve 套筒减速升程 reducibility of a transformation 变换的可约性 reducibility of problem 可约性问题 reducing numbers of progeny 压缩世代数量 reducion of centre 归心计算 reducted form of general game 简约型一般对策 reduction by hyperextension of spine 腰背过伸复位法 reduction of a sentence 句子的归约; 句子的归约 reduction of a transformation 变换的简约化 reduction of chromosomes 染色体减数 reduction of data 数据还原; 信息简化; 信息简缩变换 reduction of dislocation 脱位回复术; 关节脱位复位术 reduction of drying shrinkage 干缩折减 reduction of endosperm tissue 胚乳组织减少 reduction of fiber bundle 纤维丛的约化 reduction of fraction 约分 reduction of fractions to a common denominator 通分母 reduction of fracture 接骨; 骨折复位术 fracture of spine by holding on back 脊椎骨折人背人复位 fracture of spine by suspension 脊椎骨折悬吊复位 reduction of fractured jaw 颌骨骨折复位术 reduction of fused salts 熔盐电解还原 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司