翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 spherical indicatrix of binormal to a curve 曲线副法线球面指标 spherical indicatrix of scattering 球面散射指示量 spherical indicatrix of tangent to a curve 曲线切线的球面指标 spherical section of vessel 容器的球形部分 spheroidization of graphite 石墨球化 spheroidizing of powder 粉末球化 sphincter muscle of pylorus 幽门括约肌 sphincter of pancreatic duct 胰管括约肌 spill-off valve 分路式流量阀 spillage of material 材料损害; 材料损耗 spin of photon 光子自旋 spin off method 脱离法 spin-dependence of nuclear force 核力自旋相关性 spin-off 让产易股; 附带利益 spinal muscle of neck 颈棘肌; 颈棘肌 spinal muscle of thorax 胸棘肌 spinal nucleus of vestibular nerve 前庭神经脊核 spindle cell carcinoma of breast 乳房梭形细胞癌 spindle cell sarcoma of ovary 卵巢梭形细胞肉瘤 spindle of spinning machine 纺纱机锭子 spindle of streamline section 流线剖面轴 spindling sprout of potato 马铃薯纤块茎病; 马铃薯纤芽病 spine of helix 耳轮棘 spine of scapula 肩胛冈 spine of stratum 表皮细胞棘 spine of tibia 胫骨棘; 胫骨棘 spinnbarkeit of cervical mucus 子宫颈粘液成丝现象 spinous process of the seventh corvical vertebra 柱骨 spiral fracture of tibia 胫骨螺旋形骨折; 胫骨螺旋形骨折 spiral ganglion of cochlea 蜗螺旋神经节 spiral thread of trachead tube 气管螺旋丝 spiral vein of modiolus 蜗轴螺旋静脉 spirality of cotton fibre 棉纤维转曲度 spirit of enterprise 企业精神 spirit of formaldehyde 甲醛醑 spirit of sulphur 硫酸 spirit of wine 乙醇 Spleen Channel of Foot-Taiyin 足太阴脾经 splenium of corpus callosum 胼胝体压部 splenius muscle of neck 颈夹肌; 颈夹肌 splicing of bars 钢筋搭接 splined portion of shaft 轴的多键部分 splinter of stone 碎石片 split of thought 思维破裂 split off 分裂; 分裂出来 split-plot analysis of variance 裂区方差分析 splitting method of pillar recovery 煤柱分隔回采法 splitting of blocks 块的分割 splitting of energy levels 能级分裂 splitting of heart sounds 心音分裂 splitting of words 字分隔 spongiose part of male urethra 海绵体部; 尿道海绵体部 spongy layer of endometrium 子宫粘膜海棉层 spongy substance of bones 骨松质 spontaneous regression of tumor 肿瘤自然消退 spontaneous rupture of mesenteric vessel 肠系膜血管自发性破裂 spontaneous rupture of round window membrane 自发性圆窗膜破裂 spontaneous rupture of tendon 肌腱自发性断裂 spontaneous subluxation of cervical vertebra 颈椎自发性半脱位; 颈椎自发性半脱位 spontaneous sweating due to deficientcy of blood 血虚自汗 spoon of the blade 叶片凹边 sporadie distribution of salinity 斑状盐渍分布 spore of fungus 霉菌孢子 spot measurement of flow 单点测流 spot of light 亮点 spot of potato 马铃薯早疫病 spotted wilt of tomato 番茄斑枯病 spout of stock 喷浆 spouting time interval of layer 分层间隔时间 sprain of distal radioulnar joint 下尺桡关节扭伤 sprain of knee joint 膝关节扭伤 sprain of ligament 韧带捩伤 sprain of quadriceps femoris 股四头肌扭伤 sprain of shoulder joint 肩关节扭伤 spread of bearing 方位角摆动范围 spread of distribution 分布的分散程度; 分布曲线的展开范围 spread of holes 孔的宽展 spread of indications 示值分布 spread of points 点的散布 spread of productivity 生产率变动范围 spread of the fork 叉齿距 spread of the variables 变量的离差 spread of viscosity 粘度变化范围 spread of wave function 波函数扩展 spreading concept of seafloor 海底扩张说 spreading of spray 喷雾角 spring frame of seat 弹簧座架 spring generation of leaf beetle 叶甲的春季代 spring of carriage 车架弹簧 spring offset 弹簧偏置式 spring offset valve 弹簧移位的阀 spring to pull off 反拉簧 springing of intrados 拱腹起拱线 springing of the stand 机座的弹跳 sprouting of seed cane 蔗种出苗 spur of nasal septum 鼻中隔骨刺 squamobasal cell carcinoma of skin 皮肤鳞状基底细胞癌 squamous carcinoma of larynx 喉鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of bladder 膀胱鳞状上皮细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of bone 骨鳞状上皮细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of breast 乳房鳞状上皮细胞癌; 乳腺鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of bronchus 支气管鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of conjunctiva 结膜鳞状上皮细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of cornea 角膜鳞状上皮细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of lid 睑鳞状上皮癌; 睑鳞状上皮癌 squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx 鼻咽鳞状上皮细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of palate 腭部鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of penis 阴茎鳞状上皮细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of salivary gland 涎腺鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of scrotum 阴囊鳞状细胞瘤 squamous cell carcinoma of stomach 胃鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of trachea 气管鳞状上皮癌 squamous cell carcinoma of vagina 阴道鳞状上皮细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of vulva 外阴鳞状上皮细胞癌 squamous cell hyperplasia of cervix 子宫颈鳞状上皮增生 squamous cell metaplasia of cervical mucosa 子宫颈粘膜鳞状上皮化生 squamous cell metaplasia of cervix 子宫颈鳞状上皮化生 squamous cell papilloma of nose 鼻鳞状细胞乳头状瘤 squamous-cell papilloma of tonsil 扁桃体鳞状细胞乳头状瘤 square sum of residuals 残差平方和 square-wave pulse of light 方波型光脉冲 squared-off cascade 当量方块级联 stab wound of larynx 喉刺伤 stability of a system 系统稳定性 stability of joint 关节稳定性 stability of molecule 分子稳定性 stability of resonator 共振腔稳定性 stability of rigid frame 刚架稳定性 stability of solution 溶液稳定性; 解的稳定性 stability of synchronization 同步稳定性 stability of vibration 振动稳定性 stability theory of large-scale systems 大系统稳定性理论 stabilization characteristics of genetics 遗传性状稳定 stabilization of currency 通货稳定 stabilization of level 电平的稳定 stabilization of river bed 河床稳定 stabilization of speed 转速稳定 stabilize the prices of commodities 稳定物价 stable state of motion 稳态运动 stableness of filter 滤光片的稳定性 stack of fuel elements 释热元件组件 stack of laminations 叠片组合件 stack of work 工件垛 stacking of layers 层状堆集 stage of a relative standstill 相对停滞阶段 stage of complete ripeness 完熟期 stage of development 发展阶段 stage of dissolution 溶解期 stage of fattening 肥育期 stage of fervescence 发热期 stage of first larvae 第一代幼虫期 stage of introduction 指产品寿命 初期 stage of invasion 侵入期 stage of ionization 电离级 stage of milky repeness 乳熟期 stage of nodulation 根瘤形成的阶段 stage of pneumocardial compensation 肺心功能代偿期 stage of pneumocardial decpmpensation 肺心功能失代偿期 stage of pupation 蛹期 stage of reaction 反应阶段; 反应期 stage of ripple wave 涟波期 stage of spasmodic cough 痉咳期; 痉咳期 stage of wax ripeness 蜡熟期 Stage of Yanshan 燕山期 stage of yellow ripeness 黄熟期 stage of zero flow 断流水位 stages of labor 分娩期; 产程 stages of leaflet formation 小叶形成时期 stagger of stabilizer 稳定器摆动 staggered multiple rows of tubes 错列多排管; 多行管的交错排列 stagnation of blood 瘀血 stagnation of gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道郁血 stagnation of movement 停驶 stagnation of ying-qi 营气不从 staining of hemoglobin H inclusion 血红蛋白H包涵体染色 staircase of bifurcated type 双分楼梯 stale bill of lading 失效提单; 过期提单 stalk of sesame 芝麻茎 stalling of engine 发动机熄火 stamens simulant of petals 花瓣似的雄蕊 staminody plant of hemp 雄麻 stamp of the maker 制造厂的标记 stamping of powder 粉末冲压 stand-by letter of credit 备用信用证 stand-by set of dies 备用模 stand-off 基准距 stand-off bomb 巡航炸弹; 巡航炸弹 stand-off glass insulator 高脚玻璃绝缘体 stand-off insulator 托脚绝缘子 standard bill of lading 标准格式提单; 标准提单 standard block of hardness 标准硬度块 standard column of water 标准水柱 standard deviation of difference 差收标准差 standard deviation of mean 平均数标准差 standard deviation of probability distribution 概率分布的标准离差 standard electromotive force of the cell 标准电池电动势 standard enthalpy of formation 标准生成焓 standard form for letter of credit 标准的印就信用证 standard form of salvage agreement 救助合同标准格式; 救助合同标准格式 standard format of type real 整数型标准格式 standard free energy of formation 标准生成自由能 standard Gibbs free energy of formation 标准生成吉布斯自由能 standard heat of combustion 标准燃烧热 standard heat of formation 标准生成热 standard measure of quantity 标准计量单位 standard method of measurement 标准测量方法 standard method of payment 标准结算方法 standard method of settlement 标准支付方式; 结算的标准方法 standard of classification 分类标准 standard of comparison 比较标准 standard of deferred payments 延期支付标准 standard of feasibility 可行性标准 standard of luminous intensity 光强标准 standard of perfection 鉴定标准 standard of productive forces 生产力标准 standard of security 安全标准 standard of taxation 课税标准 standard of the Renminbi 人民币的本位 standard of tolerance 标准公差 standard of wavelength 波长标准 standard payback period of investment 标准投资偿还年限 standard rate of tax 标准税率 standard rate of wages 标准工资率 standard schedules of development 发育标准表 standard size of flange 标准法兰尺寸 standard system of level 标准水准系 standard type of proembryo 标准型原胚 standard unit of processing 标准处理单位 standard unit of value 标准的价格单位 standard value of production 额定成本 standard white plate of diffuse reflectance 标准漫反射白板 standardization of packing 包装标准化 standardization of solution 溶液标定 standardized moments of the range 全局标准化矩 standards of consumption 消费水平 standing-off dose 离职剂量 star of David 大卫王之星 star of Minas 密纳斯之星 Star of the South 南星 Starling's law of heart 心脏斯塔林氏定律 Starling's law of the heart 斯塔林定律 start of a run 行程起点 start of header 标题开始 start of header SOH 标头开始符; 首标开始 start of heading 报文开始 start of heading character 报文开始字符 start of message SOM 报文开始; 报文起始 start of pulsing 脉冲发送起始信号 start of record mark 记标开始; 记录标起始 start of text 正文开始 start of text character 文本开始字符 start of track control 磁道起始控制器 start-of-chain 起始链; 链开始 start-of-format control 格式开始控制 start-of-format control SOF 起始格式控制 start-of-heading 标题开始 start-of-heading character 标题符号的启动; 标题开始字符; 标头开始字符 start-of-message 报文开始符 start-of-message code 报文开始代码; 报文起始代码 start-of-message indicator 报文开始符 start-of-text character 报文起始字符; 正文起始符 start-up of the furnace 开炉操作 startability of motor fuel 发动机燃料起动性 starter of fertilizer in seedbed 播种肥 starting date of a project 开工日期 starting of oscillation 起振 starting place of shipping 启运地点 starting point of wholesale 批发起点 starting taper of reamer 铰刀导锥 starting up of speed 起动变加速度 stasis of blood 瘀血 stasis of blood flow 血流郁滞 stasis of blood stream 血流淤滞 stasis of hepatic sinusoid 肝窦郁血 Republic of Finland 芬兰国家审计局 state of a frontier 末梢状态 state of a process 进程的状态 state of charge 充电状态 state of compression 压缩状态 state of consciousness 意识状态 state of cooling 冷却状态 state of cultivation 耕作情况 state of cure 固化程度 state of cure vulcanization 硫化程度 state of ground 地面状况 state of ionization 电离态 state of loading 负荷状态 state of matter 物态 state of oxidation 氧化状态 state of plane stress 平面应力状态 state of polarization 偏振态 state of population 人口静态 state of saturation 饱和状态 state of tension 拉力状态 state of the sky 天空状况 state of trade 贸易情况 state of viscera 脏象 absorption of deficit 亏损处理计算书 statement of cash 现金收支表 statement of cash flow 现金流动表 statement of cash in treasure 库存现金表 statement of cash in vault 库存表 statement of claim 索偿陈述 statement of condition 财务状况计算书 statement of current position 流动财务情况表 statement of daily cash 现金日记表 statement of financial income 财务收益表 statement of fund 基金表 statement of liquidation 破产清算书 statement of necessity 需要声明书 statement of production cost 生产成本报告表 profit calculation 利润计算表 statement of reasons for court's decision 法庭判决理由的陈述 receipts and disbursements of cash 现金收支表 statement of standard accounting practice SSAP 标准会计实例说明书 static characteristic of arc 电弧静特性 static hazard of fuzzy functions 模糊函数的静态冒险 static head of water 静力水压; 静力水压 static load of freight cars 货车静载量 station of fetal head 胎头状态 stationary bar type of screen 固定栅条式栅网 stationary center of pressure 固定压力中心 stationary set of vanes 固定叶片组 stationary wave theory of tide 潮汐立波理论; 潮汐驻波理论 Stationery Office 文书局 statistical forecast of sales 销售额统计预测 statistics of attributes 品质统计 statistics of classification frequency 分组频率统计 statistics of finances 金融统计 statistics of ore reserve 矿产储量统计 statistics of population change 人口变动统计 statistics of population movement 人口变动统计 statistics of safety in mine 矿山安全统计 statistics of social insurance 社会保险统计 statistics of stationary population 静态人口统计; 静态人口统计 statistics of total hours worked 全部工作小时统计 statue of fraud 防止诈欺法 status of a legal person 法人身分 status of taxpayers 纳税人身份 statute of fraud 防止欺诈法 statute of limitations 法令限制 statutory duty of maintenance 法定扶养义务 statutory grouping of gross income 毛收入法定分类 Statutory Reserve of Deposits SRD 法定存款准备率 statutory shares of estate 法定遗产继承份额 stay of lathe 车床撑架 stay of proceedings 停止进行诉讼 steady flow of heat 稳定热流 steady state of motion 稳定运动状态 steady-state method of test 稳态测试方法 steady-state type of signal 稳态信号 steam curing of concrete 蒸汽养护混凝土 steam leak-off valve 漏汽阀 steam treatment of soil 土壤蒸气处理 steaming of wood 木材蒸干 steel plate for fixation of fracture 接骨板 steel wire of high tensile strength 高强钢丝 steep pitch of thread 螺纹大节距 stellate cells of liver 枯否氏细胞 stem of a plant 株 stem of funnel 漏斗茎管 stem of plant 作物茎 stem of stamp 冲杆 stem of villus 绒毛干 stem rot of beet 甜菜菌核病 stem rust of cereals 麦类秆锈病 stem rust of wheat 小麦杆锈病 stem smut of wheat 小麦杆黑粉病 stenosis of cervix 子宫颈狭窄 stenosis of common bile duct 总胆管狭窄 stenosis of coronary orifice 冠状动脉口狭窄 stenosis of gastroenteric stoma 胃肠吻合口狭窄 stenosis of nasolacrimal duct 鼻泪管狭窄 stenosis of nostril 鼻孔狭窄 stenosis of small intestine 小肠狭窄 stenosis of vulva 阴门狭窄 step mode of control 分段调节法 step of reaction 反应阶段 step-back method of welding 分段反向焊法 stepless variation of torque ratio 变扭比无级变化 steppe type of soil formation 草原成土作用 steric inhibition of resonance 共振空间阻碍 sterility due to deficiency of blood 血虚不孕 sterilization of glasshouse soil 灭生处理 stick of solder 焊料棒 stick of tool 夹钻 sticking of contacts 烧结触点 stiffness of coupling 耦合强度 stiffness of foot in children 脚硬 stiffness of neck in children 颈硬; 颈硬 stiffness of waist in children 腰硬 stifle of rice plant 水稻赤枯病 stigma of degeneracy 变质特征 stigma of ovulation 排卵点 still current of gas 静止气流; 静止气流 stimulation of lactation 催乳 stings of lid by insects 睑昆虫刺伤; 睑昆虫刺伤 stinking smut of wheat 小麦光腥黑穗病; 小麦网腥黑穗病 stock of manpower 人力储备 stock of real capital 全部实际资本 stock of wheat 存麦豆投资 stock-carrying capacity of pastures 草原载畜量 stoke the CGS unit of kinematic viscosity 沱; 沱 Stokes' law of resistance 斯托克斯阻力定律 Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming 足阳明胃经 stone pockets of concrete 混凝土蜂窝状气孔 stood off hour 停工小时 stop piece of lath 齿条行程限制器 stop-off 填塞; 补砂 stop-off core 补砂型芯 stop-off lacquer 护皮漆; 漆封 stop-off piece 补砂块 stop-off piece 模型的 不铸出部分 stop-off strip 加强筋 stope of coal mines 煤矿回采 stoppage of business 停止营业 stoppage of consignment 停止托运 growth of fetus 荫胎 stoppage of interest 停付利息 stoppage of publication 停止发行 stoppage of work 停工 stopping of reaction 反应中止 stopping off 涂堡层; 补砂 stopping payment of check 停止支付支票 stopping-off 阻止 storage norm per unit of warehouse floor space 仓库单位面积储存量定额 storage of data 资料储存 storage of fat 脂肪存积 storage of information 情报存储 storage of valuables 贵重物品库 storage rate of thermal energy 热能储存率 stored in a stack out-of-door 室外堆垛贮存 straight bill of lading 直运提单; 记名提单 straight bills of lading 不转让提单; 直接提单 straight head of rice plant 水稻青立病 straight letter of credit 一次使用信用证; 指定受益人信用证; 不能转让信用证 straight letter of credit 一次使用信用证 直接信用证 straight portion of distal convoluted tubule 远端小管直部 straightening of bars 钢筋调直 straightness of weir plate top 溢流堰顶面不平度 strain energy of distortion 变形能量 strain of breed 品系 strain of flexure 挠曲应变 strain of joint 关节劳损 strain offset 应变截距 strand of rolls 粗轧机; 粗轧机 strange reaction of animals 动物的异常反应 strangulation of Meckel's diverticulum 美克尔氏憩室绞窄 stransference of patents 出售专利 strap of the brake 闸带 strategic center of gravity 战略重心 strategic level of supply 战略储备标准 strategic offense 战略进攻 strategic offensive 战略进攻 stratification of hot gas 气体分层 stratified sampling of water 分层取水样 stratigraphic range of species 物种的地层分布 stratum of humus 腐殖层 stream of people 人流 strength of brake current 闸电流强度 strength of brazed joint 钎焊连接强度 strength of cement 水泥强度 strength of cement mortar 水泥砂浆强度 strength of compression 抗压强度 strength of current 电流强度; 最大潮流 strength of dependence 相依强度 strength of draft 通风强度 strength of electric field 电场强度 strength of field 场强; 场强度 strength of flange 法兰强度 strength of flexure 抗弯强度 strength of flood 最大涨潮流 strength of flood interval 最大涨潮流间隙 strength of level 能级强度 strength of magnet 磁极强度 strength of materials 材料力学; 材料强度学 strength of resonance 共振强度 strength of sound source 声源强度 strength of structure 结构力学; 结构强度 strengthening by means of tonics 滋补强壮 strengthening of foundation 基础加固 strengthening of soil 土壤加固 strengthening of welded seam 焊缝补强 streptococcal lymphadenitis of swine 猪链球菌淋巴腺炎 stress degree of freedom 应力自由度 stress fracture of fibula 腓骨应力性骨折 stress fracture of foot 足应力骨折 stress fracture of the metatarsals 跖骨应力骨折 stress fracture of tibia 胫骨应力性骨折; 胫骨应力性骨折 stress of conductor 导线应力 stress of fluidity 流体的应力 stress of soil moisture 土壤水分应力 stress of the first kind 第一类应力 stress periostitis of tibia 胫骨应力性骨膜炎; 胫骨应力性骨膜炎 stress-induced order locking of dislocation 应力诱导有序位错固定 stress-rupture testing of tube 管子的应力破裂试验 striae of pregnancy 妊娠纹 strict performance of contract 严格遵守合同条款 stricture of pancreatic duct 胰管狭窄 stricture of salivary ducts 涎腺导管狭窄 stricture of vesicourethral orifice 膀胱尿道口狭窄 stricturotemy of naso-lacrimal duct 鼻泪管狭窄切开术 strike of indefinite duration 无限期罢工 strike off 刮平 strike-off 整平 strike-off bar 刮砂板 strike-off board 刮板 strike-off machine 机印打样机 strike-off method 刮平法 strike-off stick 量谷物用的 刮平板 striking network pattern of white color 显著的白色网状图案 striking of cutting 插枝成活 striking off 刮平 striking off lines 勾划线 striking surface of weapon 凶器打击面 striking-off 刮砂 string of casing 套管柱 string of formulas 公式串 stringency of the money market 金融市场银根紧 strip of fuses 熔线排 strip of keys 电键排; 按钮排 strip of tags 接线条组 strip of tin foil 锡箔条 strip off 剥开 stripe disease of barley 大麦条纹病 stripe of barley 大麦条纹病 stripe or yellow rust of cereals 麦类条锈病 stripe rust of cereals 麦类条锈病 stripe rust of wheat 小麦条锈病 stripe virus of rice 水稻条纹叶枯病 stripping of hemorrhoid 痔核剥离 strode of crane 起重机起重高度 stroke of a press 压力机行程 stroke of crane 吊车起重高度 stroke of machine 机器冲程 stroke of piston 活塞冲程 stroke of punch 冲程; 冲量 stroke of ram 滑枕行程 stroke of shear blade 剪片冲程 stroke of slide valve 滑阀冲程 stroke of table 工作台冲程 strokes of pump 冲数 stroma of red blood corpuscles 红细胞基质 stromal endometriosis of uterus 子宫内膜间质异位 stromal tumors of ovary 卵巢基质瘤 strong law of large numbers 强大数定律; 加强大数定律 structural determinants of behavior 行为的结构因素 structural mechanics of beam system 杆系结构力学 structural readjustment of rural industry 调整农村产业结构 structure of a compiler 编译程序结构 structure of a system 系统结构 structure of consumer demand 消费构成 structure of consumption 消费构成 structure of energy consumption 能源消费结构 structure of investment 投资结构 structure of metal complex 金属络合物结构 structure of mining 采掘业结构 structure of rate 比率结构 structure of reborner 转化炉的结构 structure of sample 样本构成 structure of silicates 硅酸盐结构 structure of the hilum 种脐的结构 structure of the model 模型的结构 structure of thin film 薄膜结构 structure of threshold function 阈值函数的构造 structures of hierarchical clustering 多级聚合结构 Strumpell-Leichtenstern type of encephalitis 出血性脑炎 stubs of a paying-in book 解款簿存根 studies of the life histories 生活史的研究 studies on some in dications of 症状的研究 study on controlling of winter injury 冬害防治研究 stump of stomach 胃残端 stump of tonsil 扁桃体残体 sturgeon unit of reluctance 斯特金 style of the shoe 马掌型; 蹄型 styles of dressing 修整类型 styloid process of radius 桡骨茎突 styloid process of ulna 尺骨茎突 stylopharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve 茎突咽肌支 sub-bill of lading 副提单 sub-bill of landing 副提单 subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord 脊髓亚急性联合变性 subcapsular hemorrhage of liver 肝包膜下出血 subcon offer 附条件要约 subcutaneous bursa of calcaneus 跟皮下囊 subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence 喉结皮下囊 subcutaneous bursa of lateral malleolus 外侧踝皮下囊 subcutaneous bursa of tibial tuberosity 胫骨粗隆皮下囊; 胫骨粗隆皮下囊 subcutaneous emphysema of scrotum 阴囊皮下气肿 subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborn 新生儿皮下脂肪坏死 subcutaneous gangrene of newborn 新生儿皮下坏疽 degrees of freedom 自由度的重分 subdivision of variance 方差的划分; 方差的重分 subinvolution of breast 乳房复原不全 subinvolution of uterus 子宫复旧不全 subject of crime 犯罪主体 subject of entry 项目; 项主语; 描述体主体; 记入项主词; 输入项主语 subject of investment 投资主体 subject of numerous patents 专利权 subject of private right 民事权利主体 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司