翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 total burn-off 总耗油量 total centre-of-mass energy 总质心能量 total consumption of coal 总煤耗 total consumption of general government 一般政府消费总额 total consumption of population 人口总消费 total content of organic carbon 总有机碳含量 total cost of nonfactor inputs 非要素投入总成本 total cumulative output value of industry 累计工业总产值 total discharge of sediment 总输沙量 total flash-off 烧化余量 total heat of solution 总溶解热; 溶解热 total inflow of river network 河网总入流量 soft magnetic material 软磁材料总损耗 total number of bacteria 细菌总数 total number of root hairs 根毛总数 total number of turns 总匝数 total of longest consecutive jobs 需时最长的各项连续工作 total output of energy 出口总能量 total over shoot offset 总过冲偏移量 total oxides of nitrogen 总氮氧化物量 total price index of living costs 生活费用价格总指数 total prolapse of uterus 子宫全部脱垂 total resection of patella 髌骨全切除术 total sum of squares 总平方和 total sum of squares TSS 平方总和 total tender value of project 项目的总投标价值 total time of treatment 总处理时间 total transport of mass 总质量运输 total value of social commodities 社会商品价格总额 total value of trade 贸易总值 total ventral cleft of thyroid cartilage 甲状软骨腹侧全裂 total volume of railway freight 铁路运输量 total volume of rain 总雨量 total volume of silt 泥沙总量 total volume of trade 贸易总额; 贸易总量 toughness of material 材料韧性 Tower of London 伦敦塔 tower officer 塔台飞行指挥员 Tower-of-hanoi function 梵塔函数 Tower-of-hanoi problem 梵塔问题 toxemia of pregnancy 妊娠毒血症; 妊娠中毒症; 先兆子痫 toxic cirrhosis of liver 中毒性肝硬化 toxic dilatation of stomach 中毒性胃扩张 toxicity of boronoxygen compounds 硼氧化合物毒性 toxicity of pesticide residue 农药残毒 toxicity test of fishes 鱼类毒性试验 toxicology of blood system 血液系统毒理学 toxins of plant origin 植物天然毒素 toxoplasmosis of lung 肺弓形体病 toys made of wood 木类玩具 trabeculae of corpora cavernosa penis 阴茎海绵体小梁 trabeculae of spleen 脾小梁 trabeculation of bone 骨小梁形成 trace of a matrix 矩阵的迹; 矩阵的迹 trace of precipitation 微量降水 trace of rainfall 微雨量 trachobronchial cyst of mediastinum 纵隔气管支气管囊肿 tract of gun shot wound 枪弹创管 tract of stab wound 刺创管 trade-off 比较评定; 交替换位; 折衷方案; 折衷选择; 权衡; 权衡法; 权衡利弊; 卖掉 f between risk and rate of return 风险与报酬率比益 trade-off curve 选择曲线 trade-off process 权衡过程 trade-off studies 比较研究 trade-off value 权衡值 trading-off resources 权衡资源 triangle of forces 力三角形 triaxial state of stress 三轴应力状态 triaxial test of reiteration compacting 反复加荷三轴试验 triceps muscle of calf 小腿三头肌 trichinelliasis of diaphragm 膈旋毛虫病 trichinellosis of diaphragm 横膈旋毛虫病 trichomoniasis of bladder 膀胱毛滴虫病 trichomoniasis of genito-urinary system 泌尿生殖系滴虫病 trichromatic theory of colour vision 视觉三色理论 trident of Newton 牛顿三叉线 trigone of trachea 气管三角区 trigone of urinary bladder 膀胱三角区 trilogy of Fallot 法乐氏三联症 trimming of runners 修剪纤匐枝 trimming of slope 斜坡修整 trip off 跳开 triple junction of plates 板块三结合点 triple offset 交通 三级起步时差 triple point of water 水的三相点温度 triple-cropping of rice 三季稻 triplet of three spatial variable 三空间变量体 triply conjugate system of surfaces 三重共轭曲面系 triply orthogonal family of surfaces 三重正交曲面族 triply orthogonal system of surfaces 三重正交曲面系 tripod of life 脑心肺 生命三柱 tripping off 跳开 tristimulus system of colour specification 三部分定色系统 tristimulus theory of vision 三色刺激视觉理论; 三色视觉理论 trochanteric bursitis of femur 股骨大粗隆滑囊炎 troche of toad venom 蟾酥锭 trochlea of humerus 肱骨滑车 trochlea of phalanx 指骨滑车; 趾骨滑车 trochlea of talus 距骨滑车; 距骨滑车 trochlear notch of ulna incisura trochlearis ulnae 滑车切迹 Tropic of Cancer 北回归线 Tropic of Capricorn 南回归线; 冬至线 trough of belt 带槽 trough of flame 火焰空穴 trough of low pressure 低压槽 Trouton's coefficient of viscous traction 特鲁顿粘性引力系数 true energy of the zang organ 脏真 true line of bearing 真方位线 true polymerization of olefines 真烯烃聚合 true value of seeds 种子用价 trun-off thyristor 可关断晶体闸流管 trunk of a tree 株 trunk of corpus callosum 胼胝体干 trunk of spinal nerve 脊神经干 trunk-offering final selector 长途插入终接器 trunk-offering selector 长途接入选择器 trunks of branchial plexus 臂丛干 trust of housing loan bonds 住宅贷款信托债券 truth value of proposition 真值命题 tube of force 电力线管; 力线管 tube of magnetic induction 磁感应管 tuber of dwarf lilyturf 麦冬 tubercle of scaphoid bone 舟骨结节 tubercle of sella turcica 蝶骨鞍结节 tubercle of sellae 鞍结节 tuberculoma of choroid脉络膜裂 choroid fissure 脉络膜结核瘤 tuberculoma of pleura 胸膜结核瘤 tuberculosis of bladder 膀胱结核 tuberculosis of breast 乳房结核; 乳腺结核 tuberculosis of cecum 盲肠结核 tuberculosis of cervix 宫颈结核 tuberculosis of chest wall 胸壁结核 tuberculosis of choroid 脉络膜结核病 tuberculosis of colon 结肠结核 tuberculosis of Cowper's gland 尿道球腺结核 tuberculosis of diaphragm 膈结核 tuberculosis of endometrium 子宫内膜结核 tuberculosis of foot 足结核 tuberculosis of genito-urinary system 泌尿生殖系统结核 tuberculosis of internal genitals 内生殖器结核 tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes 胸内淋巴结结核 tuberculosis of jaw 颌骨结核性感染 tuberculosis of knee joint 膝关节结核 tuberculosis of liver 肝结核病 tuberculosis of lymph node 淋巴结结核 tuberculosis of mastoid 乳突结核 tuberculosis of mediastinal lymph nodes 纵隔淋巴结结核 tuberculosis of mesentric lymph nodes 肠系膜淋巴结结核 tuberculosis of nasal sinuses 鼻窦结核 tuberculosis of ovary 卵巢结核 tuberculosis of pelvic organs 盆腔器官结核 tuberculosis of pelvic peritoneum 盆腔腹膜结核 tuberculosis of penis 阴茎结核 tuberculosis of peritoneum 腹膜结核 tuberculosis of pharynx 咽结核 tuberculosis of prostate 前列腺结核 tuberculosis of seminal vesicle 精囊结核 tuberculosis of serous membrane 浆膜结核 tuberculosis of shoulder joint 肩关节结核 tuberculosis of spine 脊椎结核 tuberculosis of spllen 脾结核 tuberculosis of sternum 胸骨结核 tuberculosis of testis 睾丸结核 tuberculosis of the cervical lymph node 瘰疬; 蛴螬漏 tuberculosis of urachus 脐尿管结核 tuberculosis of uterine cervix 子宫颈结核 tuberculosis of uterus 子宫结核 tuberculosis of vagina 阴道结核 tuberculosis of vulva 外阴结核 tuberculosis of wrist joint 腕关节结核 tuberculous enlargement of hilar lymph nodes 结核性肺门淋巴结肿大 tuberculous fibrosis of lung 肺结核性纤维化 tuberculous infection of jaw 颌骨结核性感染 tuberosity of the navicular bone 舟骨粗隆 tuberosity of tibia 胫骨粗隆; 胫骨粗隆 tuberosity of ulna 尺骨粗隆 tubular contraction of visual field 管状视野缩小 aortic body of mediastinum 纵隔主动脉体瘤 tumor of bladder 膀胱肿瘤 tumor of breast 乳腺肿瘤 tumor of broad ligament 阔韧带肿瘤 tumor of bronchus 支气管肿瘤 tumor of carotid body 颈动脉体瘤; 颈动脉体瘤 tumor of cerebellar fossa 颅后窝肿瘤 tumor of cervix 子宫颈瘤; 子宫颈肿瘤 tumor of chest wall 胸壁肿瘤 tumor of choroid plexus 脉络丛肿瘤 tumor of Cowper's gland 尿道球腺肿瘤 tumor of diaphragm 膈肿瘤 tumor of glomus jugulare 颈静脉球瘤; 颈静脉球瘤 tumor of heart 心脏肿瘤 tumor of knee 膝瘤 tumor of larynx 喉肿瘤 tumor of lateral cerebral ventricle 侧脑室肿瘤 tumor of liver 肝肿瘤 tumor of mediastinal lymph tissue 纵隔淋巴组织瘤 tumor of mesenchymal tissue 间叶组织肿瘤 tumor of pancreas 胰腺肿瘤 tumor of pelvis 盆腔肿瘤 tumor of pericardium 心包肿瘤 tumor of pharynx 咽肿瘤 tumor of pleura 胸膜肿瘤 tumor of posterior cranial fossa 颅后窝肿瘤 tumor of prostate 前列腺肿瘤 pulmonary artery body of mediastinum 纵隔肺动脉体瘤 tumor of round ligament 圆韧带肿瘤 tumor of skull 颅骨肿瘤 tumor of spermatic cord 精索肿瘤 tumor of spinal cord 脊髓肿瘤 tumor of spine 脊柱肿瘤 tumor of thalamus 丘脑肿瘤 tumor of trachea 气管肿瘤 tumor of umbilical cord 脐带瘤 tumor of urethra 尿道肿瘤 tumor of uterus 子宫瘤 tumor of uveal tract 葡萄膜肿瘤 tumor of vulva 外阴肿瘤 tumorlet of lung 肺微瘤 tunica propria of semicircular duct 半规管固有膜 tunnel cut-off 隧道裁弯 tunnel diagram of prism 棱镜展开图 turbidity of sea water 海水浊度 turn of speed 速力 turn of the market 市场变化 turn of the tide 潮流转向; 转潮 turn of tidal stream 转流; 潮流转向 turn of tide 转潮 turn off 灭; 断距 turn out of traffic 转弯避让其他飞机 turn-off 转开; 断距 turn-off delay time 断开延迟时间 turn-off point from main sequence 主序折向点 turn-off pulse 熄火脉冲 turn-off time 断开时间 turnaround of unit 装置工作周期; 装置检修 turning machinery of swing bridge 旋开桥的转动机械 turning of stubble 灭茬 turning of the tide 转潮 turnover capacity of storage space 库场货物周转量 turnover of finished goods 制成品周转率 turnover of funds 资金周转 turnover of investment 投资周转额 turnover of net working capital 净运用资本周转率; 净运用资本周转率 turnover of total liabilities 负债总额周转率 turnover rate of funds 资金周转率 turnover rate of personnel 人员变动率 turnover ratio of net worth 净值周转率; 净值周转率 turnover ratio of working capital 流动资本周转率 turnover time of freighttrain per week 货车周转时间 twelve-wired bird of paradise 十二弦风鸟 twigs of the chaste tree 荆条 twin-speed power take-off 双速功率输出轴 twist of rifling 膛线缠度 twist-off closure 拧开瓶盖 twisting of bowel 肠扭转 twitching pain of muscle 筋痛 two breeds of horses 两种马 two colour sheet fed offset press 对开双色胶印机 two legs of breech pipes 两叉连管 two pairs of satellite chromosome 两对随体染色体 two stages of a ferroelectric shift registor 二级铁电移位寄存器 two to four-leaf stage of weeds 杂草长到二至四片叶子阶段 two types of chemical balance 两种化学天平 two-degree of freedom laser gyroscope 二自由度激光陀螺仪 two-degrees of freedom gyroscope 双自由度陀螺仪 two-degrees-of freedom gyro 二自由度陀螺 two-dimensional state of stress 双向应力状态 two-entry system of mining 双平巷掘进系统 two-factor analysis of variance ANOVA 二因素方差分析 two-factor ANOVA analysis of variance model 二因素方差分析模型 two-plane theory of chiasma 双面交叉说 two-way flow of message 双向交流信息 two-way system of reinforcement 双向配筋法; 双向配筋体系; 钢筋双向制 canal of chorda tympani 鼓索小管鼓室口 tympanic wall of cochlear duct 蜗管鼓壁 type I of cori 冯吉尔克病 type of a constant 常数类型 type of barrier 遮挡类型 type of birth 出生类型 type of coal fissure 煤裂隙型 type of coal gasification 煤气化型 type of compounds 化合物类型 type of connection surface 连接面形式 type of construction 建筑型式 type of contract 包工方式 type of dam 坝型 type of feed 装填方式 type of flow 流动方式 type of focus 聚焦型式; 聚焦型式 type of forest 林型 type of frequency distribution 频率分布类型 Type of hydrocarbon source rock 烃源岩类型 type of index numbers 指数型 type of line 线型 type of manhole 人孔类型 motion of elecrode 运焊条方式 type of name 名字的类型; 名字类型 type of oscillation 振荡类型 type of population 人口类型 type of pressure charging 增压型式 type of rearing 培育方式 type of reservoir 储集层类型 type of respiration 呼吸类型 type of seal 密封型式 type of seeding 播种方法 type of service 业务类型 type of shaft sealing 轴封型式 type of steel 钢种 type of steels 钢材牌号 type of structure 型式 type of trading 贸易方式 type of variables 变量的类型 type of vegetation 植被型 types of commercial enterprises 商业企业种类 types of compliance tests 符合性测试的类型 types of models 模型类型 types of pelvis 骨盆类型 types of swine 猪的类型 types of variables 变量类型 typical feature of simulated processes 仿真过程的典型特征 ulcer of bronchus 支气管溃疡 ulcer of cecum 盲肠溃疡 ulcer of cervix 子宫颈溃疡 ulcer of gastroenteric stoma 胃肠吻合口溃疡 ulcer of lower limb 下肢溃疡 ulcer of nipple 乳头溃疡 ulcer of penis 阴茎溃疡 ulcer of prepuce 包皮溃疡 ulcer of pyloric canal 幽门管溃疡 ulcer of sclera 巩膜溃疡 ulcer of sole 足底溃疡 ulcer of tonsil 扁桃体溃疡 ulcerative carcinoma of stomach 胃溃疡型癌 ulcero carcinoma of stomach 溃疡型胃癌 Ule's scale of colour 乌列水色计 ulnar flexor muscle of wrist 尺侧腕屈肌 ulnar head of round pronator muscle 旋前圆肌尺头 ultimate bearing capacity of soil 土壤极限承载能力 ultimate factor of safety 极限安全系数 ultimate pressure of a pump 泵的极限压力 ultra sound tomogram of heart 心脏超声断层图 ultra-microscopic structure of tumor 肿瘤超微结构 ultrasonic cephalometry of fetus 超声胎头测量法 ultrasonic detector for density of mixed fuel 超声波混合燃料浓度检测仪 ultrasonic method of material testing 超声材料试验法 ultrasonic method of measuring 超声测量法 ultrasonography of breast 乳房超声波图像术; 乳房超声波照相术 umbo of tympanic membrane 鼓膜脐 unbalanced class of procedures 规则等级的不平衡 unbounded set of real numbers 无界实数集 uncertainty of measurement 测量不确定度 unclassified gonadal stromal tumor of ovary 卵巢未分类性腺间质肿瘤 unclean bill of lading 不清洁提单 unconditional transfer of control 控制无条件转移 unconfirmed letter of credit 非保兑信用证; 非保兑信证; 未确认信用证 unconfirmed offer 虚盘 uncus of vertebral body 椎体钩 undamped natural frequency of a mechanical system 无阻尼固有频率 undamped period of oscillation 等幅振荡周期 undepreciated balance of the cost 未折旧原价余额 underside of piston crown 活塞顶内侧 underside of the piston head 活塞头下部 undertake transfer of personnel 人员流动 underwater ordnance distribution officer 水下兵器分配官 underwater ordnance procurement officer 水下兵器采购官 undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharynx 鼻咽未分化癌 undifferentiated carcinoma of thyroid gland 甲状腺未分化性癌 undifferentiated cell carcinoma of lung 肺未分化型细胞癌 undisturbed line-of-sight system 无干扰瞄准系统 undisturbed sample of soil 未扰动土样 it rate of capital 资本未平均化的利润率 uneven number of teeth 单数齿数 unfair distribution of income 分配不公 unfavourable balance of trade 外资逆差 unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差; 贸易入超; 入超 unfitness of butt joint 错边量 unfitness of butt weld 焊缝对口错边量 unfluted shaft of column 无槽立柱; 无槽柱身 unhealthy condition of plants 植物不健康状况 unidirectional flow of information 单向信息流 unification of the currency 统一币制 unified ratio of reserve 统一的准备金率 uniform bills of lading 通用提货单 uniform level of liability 统一责任标准 uniform monetary limitation of liability rule 统一赔偿责任限额规则 uniform roughness of surface 表面一样糙度 uniform size of tree seedlings 均匀树苗; 均匀树苗 uniform source of light 均匀光源; 均匀光源 uniform system of maritime buoyage 国际助航浮标统一系统 uniformity of fuel spray 燃料喷雾的均匀性 uniformity of light 光的均匀性 uniformity of mixture 混合物的均匀性 uniformity of type 指一群牲畜 体型一致 unilocular hydatid disease of liver 肝细棘球蚴病 uninterrupted cycle of erosion 完整侵蚀循环 Union Bank of Switzerland 瑞士联合银行 union of sets 集合的并; 集合的联合 union of symbol 联合符号 uniqueness of decision situation 决策形势的唯一性; 决策形势的唯一性 judgements of probability 概率判断的唯一性 uniqueness of name 名字的唯一性 uniqueness of solution 解的唯一性 unit construction of machine tools 机组编制系统 unit of coal 单位煤量 unit of heat 热单位; 热量单位 unit of higher order 高价单位 unit of luminous intensity 发光强度单位 unit of mass 质量单位 unit of measure 测量单位 unit of pitch 唛耳 unit of power 功率单位 unit of resistance 阻力单位 unit of sperm counting 精子计算单位; 精子计算单位 unit of structure 结构单元 unit of taxation 纳税单位 unit of time 时间单位 unit of traffic 吨公里或旅客公里 客货运输单位 unit of transfer 传输单位; 传送单位 unit of weight 权数单位; 重量单位 unit of work 工作单位; 功单位 unit offset 单位跃变 unit price of standard coal 标准煤单价 unit tube of flux 通量的单位管 unit value index of exports 出口单位价值指数 unit weight of saturated soil 饱和土容重 unit weight of soil 土容量 unit weight of soil constituents 土粒实容重 uniting of states 态的合并 unitization of cargo 货物装运成组化; 货物装运单元化 units of satisfaction 满足程度单位 unity of invention 发明的单一性 unity of plan 统一图案 Universal Convention of Post 万国邮政公约 universe of a fuzzy set 模糊集的论域 universe of discourse 个体域; 论述域 universe of fuzzy sets 模糊集论域 unlatching of pile warp 毛圈高度控制 unloader of beet tank 甜菜箱卸载机 unnecessary means of livelihood 非生活必需品 unobstructed crest of spillway 无闸堰顶 unode of a surface 单切面重点 unpaid transfer of resources 平调 unregulated reaches of river 未整治河段 unrelaxed modulus of elasticity 非松弛的弹性模数 unreliability of standard deviation 标准差的不可靠性 unrolling of container 容器的展开 unsolicited offer 卖方自报价 unsoundness of feet 四肢不健全 unstability of base line 基线不稳 unweighted analysis of variance 不加权方差分析 up-building of delta 三角洲增长 upfeed system of heating 上给下分式供暖系统 upgrading of boiler weld 锅炉焊缝加强 upgrading of human resources 提高人力资源的质量 upper bound of symbol 上界符号 upper branch of meridian 上子午线 upper cut-off frequency 上限截止频率; 通带上限 upper deck of bridge 上层桥面 upper end of reach 河段上端 upper end of the schedular system 分级税制上层税率 upper layer of soil 上层土壤 upper limit of pressure 压力的上限 upper limit of size boxed dimension 最大尺寸 upper limit of ultimate strength 极限强度顶点 upper margin of pubic bone 耻骨联合上缘 a leg of port 肘子 upper part of stage 舞台上空 upper ten cm of the taproot 主根上部10厘米处 upper variation of tolerance 上偏差 variation of vertical 垂线变化 variation within populations of plant pathogens 植物病原体内的变异 varices of esophagus 食管静脉曲张 varices of vulva 外阴脉管曲张 varicose ulcer of leg 小腿静脉曲张性溃疡 varicose vein of breast 乳房静脉曲张 varicose vein of lower limb 下肢静脉曲张 varicosis of hemorrhoidal vein 痔静脉曲张 variegated of yellowish green 黄绿色的杂色图案 varietal development of soybean 大豆品种演变 variety of cabbage 洋白菜的变种 variety of soil 土壤变种 variety of the white fleshed group 白色果肉品种 variety of the yellow-fleshed group 黄色果肉品种 variety of winter wheat 冬麦品种 variometer of mutual inductance 互感式可变电感器 various compinations of pigments in the cotyledons 子叶中色素的不同结合 various methods of seadbed preparation 各种苗木的准备方法 various nutritional doses of chlorine 氯的不同营养剂量 varix of bladder 膀胱静脉曲张 varix of lower limb 下肢静脉曲张 varix of small saphenous vein 小隐静脉曲张 varix of urethra 尿道静脉曲张 varus deformity of heel 足跟内翻畸形 vary off-line 使脱机 vascular circle of joint 关节血管环 vascular disease of spinal cord 脊髓血管性疾病 vascular lamina of choroid 脉络膜血管层 vascular malformation of spinal cord 脊髓血管畸形 vascular system of the primary leaves 初生叶的维管系统 vast stretches of paddy fields 成片的稻田 vault-of-Heaven vase 天球瓶 vector diagram of light vibration 光振动矢量图解 vector of infection 传染媒介 vehicle of infection 传染媒介物 bulb of vestibule bulb 前庭球静脉 canaliculus of cochlea 蜗管静脉 vein of pterygoid canal 翼管静脉 veins of sclera 巩膜静脉 velocity of capillary rise 毛细上升速度 velocity of currency in circulation 纸币流通速度 velocity of development 发育速度 velocity of discharge 排出速度 velocity of electromagnetic wave 电磁波速度 velocity of electrons 电子速度 velocity of energy 能速 velocity of entry 进入速度 velocity of flow 流速 velocity of following 牵连速度 velocity of goods circulation 货物周转率 velocity of increase 增长速度 velocity of light 光速 velocity of light cylinder 光速柱面 velocity of movement 运动速度 velocity of propagation 传播速度 velocity of pulsation 脉振速度 velocity of recession 退行速度 velocity of retreat 排流流速 velocity of seperation 分离速度 velocity of wave group 波群速度 velocity of wave motion 波动速度 velocity of wave propagation 波传播速度; 波的传播速度 velocity-of-light radius 光速半径 velocity-of-propagation meter 传播速度计 veneer of soil 表层土壤 venous ligament of liver 静脉韧带; 静脉韧带 venous plexus of foramen ovale 卵圆孔静脉丛 venous sinus of sclera 巩膜静脉窦 venous sinusotomy of sclera 巩膜静脉窦切开术 ventilation device of kiln 窑内通风设备 ventilation of coal pits 煤矿 矿井通风 ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus 腹外侧核 ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus 腹后核 ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus 腹后内侧核 ventricle of larynx 喉室 ventricles of brain 脑室 ventricular band of larynx 喉室带 ixation of uterus 子宫腹壁固定术 ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus 腹内侧核 venture capital of new technology 新技术风险投资 upright of a boring machine 镗床柱; 镗床柱 uprise of salt 返盐; 盐分上升 upset current off time 无电顶锻时间 upstream radius of crest 坝顶上游面曲率半径 upstream side of the injector 喷嘴入口端 upstream slope of dam 坝的上游面坡度; 坝的迎水坡 upswing of sales 销售额增加 uptake of water by plant 植物的水分吸收 upward movement of water 水分上升运动 upward system of ventilation 向上通风系统 upward trend of price 涨风 urbanization of population 人口城市集中; 人口都市化 urethral carina of vagina 阴道尿道隆嵴 urethrotomy with removal of foreign body 尿道切开取异物术 urgency of micturition 尿急 urgency of urination 尿急 usable length of lock 船闸有效长度 usable rate of fire 实际射速 usage of ground water 地下水利用 use of blanks 空格的用法 use of corrigents 反佐 use of funds in a scattered way 分散使用资金 use of insecticide 使用杀虫剂 use of labor 使用劳动力 use of names 名字的用法 use of radical scavenger 基因净化剂使用 use of the new technology 应用新技术 used up bill of lading 己用提单 useful height of a cupola 冲天炉有效高度 useful output of coupling 联轴器端净出力 user of court 法庭传达员 user of service 使用人员 user state of the control processor 控制处理机的用户状态 usurpation of a franchise 非法使用特许权 uterine transplantation of ovary 卵巢子宫接种术 utility theory of value 效用价值论 utilization coefficient of a blast furnace 高炉利用系数 utilization coefficient of strokes 压力机 行程次数利用系数 utilization of a loan 使用贷款 utilization of capacity 能力利用; 开工率 utilization of debris 废料利用; 废品利用; 废物残渣利用 utilization of energy 能量利用 utilization of feed energy by an animal 动物饲料中能量的利用 utilization of forest resources 森林资源利用 utilization of gangue 煤矸石利用 utilization of heat 热的利用 utilization of manpower 人力的利用 utilization of petroleum 石油综合利用 utilization of the three wastes 三废综合利用 utilization of tidal power 潮汐力利用 utilization of waste material 废料利用 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司