翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 在他的举止中表现出一种明显的冷淡。 His daughter ministered to him in his last days. 在他最后的日子里,他女儿在旁照料。 The engines were overhauled completely before our departure. 在我们出发之前马达都彻底检修过。 We can't do much until we get the official okay. 在我们得到正式批准之前没有多少事可做。 We met up again in Singapore. 在新加坡我们又碰上了。 In many countries tobacco is a government monopoly. 在许多国家,烟草是政府的专卖商品。 There is a minus before the number to be subtracted. 在要减去的数字前有一个减号。 Upon a little occasional table was a tray with breakfast things. 在一张临时用的小桌子上放着一个盛着早餐及餐具的盘子。 He is out and about now after two weeks in hospital. 在医院住了两个礼拜后,现在他能外出走动了。 Some people observe Christmas here. 在这儿有些人过耶诞节。 Of all the students in this class, Tom is the best. 在这个班级中,汤姆是最优秀的。 In this camp, private soldiers do not mess with officers. 在这个兵营里,士兵不和军官一起用餐。 He has no friends in this city. 在这个城市里他没有朋友。 They have opposite views on the question. 在这个问题上他们持相反的观点。 They were all of one mind on this subject. 在这个问题上他们的意见完全一致。 You can never find him in such a large crowd of people. You're looking for a needle in a haystack. 在这么大群人里你不可能找到他,你简直是在大海捞针。 In the meanwhile I'll visit an old friend of mine. 在这期间我将去拜访我的一位老朋友。 New buildings have mushroomed all over the area. 在整个地区,新的建筑物像雨后春笋般出现。 Let's go to the movies. 咱们去看电影吧。 Stop arguing for the moment. 暂停争论。 The pay raise will be offset by inflation. 增加的工资会被通货膨胀所抵销。 War necessarily causes misery and waste. 战争必然造成痛苦和破坏。 The war dragged on. In the meantime, an economic crisis took place in that country. 战争持续着。在这期间那个国家发生了经济晰。 It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。 Just follow your nose until you reach the first crossroad, and then turn right. 照直走,走到第一个交叉路口右转。 What is the message of the book? 这本书的中心思想是什么? There is a page missing from this book. 这本书缺掉一页。 This book is open to misunderstanding. 这本书容易引起误解。 Is this book mine? 这本书是我的吗? This is nothing to write home about. 这并非什么了不起的事。 This is nothing to write home about. 这并非什么了不起的事。 By all odds it is the best film of the year. 这部电影无疑是今年最好的一部。 This film is making a lot of money in America. 这部电影在美国正赚大钱。 The novel describes the way of life of the ordinary people there. 这部小说描写那里的普通人的生活方式。 This movie is worth seeing. 这部影片值得一看。 The revolution overthrew the monarch. 这场革命推翻了君主。 The show won a standing ovation. 这场演出赢得全场起立鼓掌。 What was the origin of the quarrel? 这场争吵的起因是什么? This presented a nasty problem to the new governor. 这成了新州长的一个棘手的问题。 The new play received poor notices. 这出新戏反应很差。 Without a rudder the ship was not navigable. 这船没有舵无法驾驶。 It was a mercy that the whole family survived the earthquake. 这次地震中一家人都幸免于难,真是不幸中之大幸。 The party was really neat -- we had good fun. 这次聚会真是美妙极了--我们玩得非常开心。 There used to be a military base in the region. 这地区过去有个军事基地。 The meaning of the passage is obscure. 这段文字意义晦涩。 It is hard to tell the twin brothers one from the other. 这对孪生兄弟很难辨认。 The young couple made their home in a mean dwelling. 这对年轻夫妇在一个简陋的住处安了家。 The nice distinction in appearance between the twins did not escape him. 这对双胞胎外貌上的细微差异没有逃过他的注意。 This is all new to me. 这对我来说完全是新的经验。 There's nobody here other than me. 这儿除了我没有别人。 It's like an oven here. 这儿热得像个烤箱。 Here are two pens; one is for you and the other is for your sister. 这儿有两支钢笔;这支给你,另一支给你妹妹。 This room has a very nasty smell. 这房间有一股很难闻的气味。 The house looked much as I expected it to. 这房子看上去几乎与我所料想的一模一样。 The house is of stone. 这房子是石建的。 This magazine is the official organ of the trade union. 这份杂志是工会的机关刊物。 The original of this picture was nowhere to be found. 这幅画的原作已无处寻觅。 The singer was mobbed by his fans. 这歌手被歌迷们团团围住。 The city was a nest of crime. 这个城市是罪恶的温床。 The town is notorious for its casinos. 这个城市因其众多的赌场而远近皆知。 There are five million permanent residents in the city. 这个城市有五百万常住居民。 The program will output it into a file. 这个程序将把它输出到一个文件里。 The mistake was the result of an oversight. 这个错误是因疏忽而产生的。 We use the hall for multiple purposes. 这个大厅我们派多种用途。 The call came at an opportune moment for me. 这个电话对我来说来得正是时候。 The measurements of the room are 10 by 15 feet. 这个房间的面积为10×15英尺。 The room's sole occupants were the boy and a big hound. 这个房间里只住着一个男孩和一条大猎狗。 This room is ours. 这个房间是我们的。 This room was ordinarily used by the doctor. 这个房间通常是医生用的。 The room has a pleasant outlook. 这个房间外的景色宜人。 What is the moral of this story? 这个故事的寓意是什么? The story is very well organized. 这个故事结构严谨。 The story is not interesting nor instructive. 这个故事没有味道,也没有教育意义。 The operation of this machine is simple. 这个机器的操作很简单。 The plan requires some modifications. 这个计划需作些修改。 The soldier is mortally wounded. 这个士兵受了致命伤。 Children in this nursery are taken good care of. 这个托儿所的孩子受到很好的照顾。 This game will keep the children occupied. 这个游戏让孩子有得忙了。 The squadron was protected by a highly mobile anti-tank and air defense. 这个中队由高度机动的反坦克和防空部队保卫。 "Negro songs make me sick," said the racist. 这个种族歧视者说: "黑人歌曲使我恶心。" The organization had many enemies, most notably among feminists. 这个组织有许多敌人,特别是在男女平等主义者中。 This monumental pillar was built in memory of a great navy victory. 这根纪念柱是为纪念一场海战的大胜而建的。 The job is too much for you. 这工作你胜任不了。 The child is mending nicely. 这孩子的病情在很快好转。 He is a child of only moderate ability. 这孩子能力平平。 The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers. 这湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里。 This family is in great necessity. 这户人家穷困到极点。 The vase seems to have an orient origin. 这花瓶好像来自东方。 The vase seems to have an orient origin. 这花瓶好像来自东方。 The small banks were merged into one large organization. 这几家小银行合并成一个大机构。 When does the plan come into operation? 这计划什么时候实施? The plan seems to meet with their ideas. 这计划似乎符合他们的主张。 We offered him the calculator for US$50. 这计算机我们向他开价五十美元。 The newspaper was only a mouthpiece of certain rich people. 这家报纸不过是某些富人的喉舌。 The official opening of the store will take place next week. 这家店下周正式开张。 The hotel is moderate in its charges. 这家饭店收费适中。 Most employees of the firm are from the north. 这家公司的多数雇员是北方人。 The company received a large order for computers. 这家公司接到一份数量很大的电脑订单。 The hospital cares for some fifty mental patients. 这家医院照料五十名左右精神病患者。 The house hasn't been painted for years and years -- it's a sad case of neglect. 这间屋子已经多年没有粉刷了--这是个可悲的疏忽的例子。 The coat has a mend on the elbow. 这件外套的肘部补过。 The colony has now attained nationality. 这块殖民地现已获得独立。 In this area the weather is usually nasty in winter. 这里冬天的天气通常非常恶劣。 Here are a few stories which indicate the originality, not to say eccentricity, of his character. 这里有几个故事,表明了他奇特而并非怪僻的性格。 The two rivers meet near the capital. 这两条河在首都附近会合。 The original price of the car was a bit too high. 这辆汽车的原价太高了一点。 It is no different. 这没有什么不同。 The boy is very healthy -- not but that he will catch colds sometimes. 这男孩很健康,虽然有时候也感冒。 The boy is a regular mischief in school. 这男孩在学校里是一个十足的淘气鬼。 The man is of medium height. 这男人中等个儿。 The milk has gone off. 这牛奶已变质。 There is nothing particularly noteworthy in this paper. 这篇论文里没有什么特别令人值得注意的地方。 The chief objection to the essay is its inappropriate use of special jargons. 这篇文章的主要缺点是专门术语用得不当。 The bottle was nowhere near full. 这瓶子只装了一点点。 The bottle was nowhere near full. 这瓶子只装了一点点。 The smell offends me. 这气味令我作呕。 This was indeed the most memorable day of my life. 这确是我一生中最难忘的日子。 This is still an open question. 这仍然是一个尚未解决的问题。 This cheese is off. 这乳酪已变质。 This ointment is good for soothing skin rashes. 这软膏对减轻皮肤红疹有用。 It was not all that urgent. 这事并不那么紧急。 It made the headlines in the national newspapers. 这事成了全国性报纸的头版新闻。 This is a merchant bank. 这是个商业银行。 This is an interesting occupation, but I'm afraid you'll lose money at it. 这是个有趣的行业,但恐怕你会赔本的。 Is this the one I gave you? 这是我给你的那一个吗? This is the only watch that I have. 这是我唯一的表。 This is an original painting by Picasso. 这是一幅毕卡索的原作。 It is a non-profit organization. 这是一个非营利性的组织。 It was a cold mid winter night. 这是一个寒冷的、仲冬的夜晚。 This is a question of great moment. 这是一个极为重要的问题。 This is a matter of great moment. 这是一件非常重要的事。 It is a matter of importance. 这是一件重要的事。 It is written by an obscure young poet. 这是一位不知名的年轻诗人写的。 It is a neutral salt. 这是一种中性盐。 This is the biggest department store in the city -- you name it, and they've got it. 这是这座城市里最大的百货公司;你要什么就有什么。 The water was of a pale, neutral color. 这水是一片淡灰色。 The ship mounts eight guns. 这艘军舰装有八门大炮。 No one is yet in occupation of the house. 这所房子还没有人住进去。 The rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 这所房子租金贵了点,但在其他方面倒是令人满意的。 This sewing machine is driven by an electric motor. 这台缝纫机是靠电动机启动的。 The suggestion was negatived by the school board. 这提议被教育委员会否决了。 The river froze over. 这条河全结冰了。 The river has narrowed down over the past 20 years. 这条河在过去的二十年变窄了许多。 The street is too narrow for a truck. 这条街太窄,卡车无法行驶。 This mountain road leads to the copper mine. 这条山路通向那个铜矿。 The old woman muttered to herself. 这位老妇人喃喃自语。 The old man's days are numbered. 这位老人的日子屈指可数了。 The old woman has lost her memory. 这位老太太已失去了记忆能力。 The sick woman isn't mobile yet; she still has to stay in bed. 这位女病人还不能走动;她仍然需要卧床休养。 The scholar narrowed his interest to Tang poetry. 这位学者的兴趣局限于唐诗。 The play was performed nightly. 这戏每晚演出。 I see now why you decided not to go. 这下我明白你为什么决定不去了。 This product does not measure up. 这项产品不合格。 This law must be strictly observed. 这项法律必须严格遵守。 The work will cost in the neighborhood of two million dollars. 这项工程耗资在两百万美元左右。 This task does not allow any omissions. 这项工作不容许有任何疏忽。 Is the news official? 这消息是官方发布的吗? These reports give an outline rather than the details. 这些报告只给了一个大纲,而没有提供细节。 These weeds are really very obstinate. 这些草实在难以除尽。 The measures will enable us to double our output of bicycles. 这些措施能使我们的自行车产量加倍。 These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace. 这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁。 The advertisements were highly offensive to woman. 这些广告令女士们大为反感。 These children were in a state of virtual neglect. 这些孩子实际上处于无人照管的状态。 The cows milk well. 这些母牛出奶率高。 These tickets are not numbered. 这些票上没有编号。 These submarines were armed with nuclear missiles. 这些潜艇装备有核导弹。 The trees were left naked of leaves. 这些树光秃秃的,没有一片叶子。 These councils would form the nucleus of a future regime. 这些委员会将成为一个未来政权的核心。 These systems are capable of performing multitudes of different tasks. 这些系统能执行许多不同的工作。 These obstructions could take some weeks to clear from these canals. 这些障碍物可能要花几周时间才能从运河中清除掉。 The dress is made of neat silk. 这洋装是用光滑的丝绸做成的。 Such a lie is an outrage to anyone who loves the truth. 这样的谎言对任何一个热爱真理的人都是一种冒犯。 Such a chance comes once in a blue moon. 这样的机会极其难得。 Such examples could be multiplied indefinitely. 这样的例子不胜枚举。 The medicine operated quickly. 这药很快起作用。 The drug made him behave quite oddly. 这药使他行为非常古怪。 If this product is properly merchandised, it should sell very well. 这一产品如果促销得当,该是很畅销的。 The ruins of the castle are an ancient monument, which the government pays money to preserve. 这一城堡废墟是古代的遗迹,政府出钱加以保存。 The scandal obliged the minister to resign. 这一丑闻迫使部长辞职。 Earthquakes occur frequently in this area. 这一地区经常发生地震。 This must be your room. 这一定是你的房间了。 This French word has become naturalized in English. 这一法文字已被英文采纳。 The job calls for nicety of judgment. 这一工作要求判断精确。 The advantages of the plan outweigh its disadvantages. 这一计划的好处超过了它的不利方面。 Several members of the family got involved in the crime. 这一家族中有好几个人参与作案。 The experience completely changed his outlook on life. 这一经历彻底改变了他对生活的看法。 The omission of "for" in this sentence is incorrect. 这一句中省略"for"是不正确的。 The contention is without merit. 这一论点没有法律依据。 The attempt is morally bound to fail. 这一企图肯定会失败。 The incident was noticed in a magazine. 这一事件在一份杂志里述及。 This action is greatly at odds with his previous attitude. 这一行动与他以往的态度大相径庭。 The bill was negatived. 这议案遭到了否决。 The baby is still at nurse. 这幼儿仍由褓姆照料。 The photograph brings back many pleasant memories. 这张照片使人回想起许多愉快的往事。 It is really most unfortunate. 这真是太不幸了。 The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 这支军队打败了强得多的敌人,赢得奇迹般的胜利。 The army recovered its morale and fighting power. 这支军队恢复了士气和战斗力。 The army was officered by brave men. 这支军队是由勇敢的人指挥的。 It is all a means to an end. 这只是达到目的的一种手段。 Normally, the disease lasts about five days. 这种病通常持续大约五天。 The new fashion overran Europe. 这种服装新款式在欧洲风行。 Such conduct outrages our rules of morality. 这种行为违背我们的道德准则。 That brave deed merited a better reward. 这种勇敢的行为应该得到更好的奖赏。 This argument will get us nowhere! 这种争论将不会给我们带来任何结果! This argument will get us nowhere! 这种争论将不会给我们带来任何结果! The melody is next taken up by the flutes. 这主调接着由横笛合奏。 The idea originated with her. 这主意是她最先想出来的。 The clay figure is a work of great originality. 这尊泥人是颇具独创性的作品。 This monument was erected in memory of F.D. Roosevelt. 这座碑是为纪念F.D.·罗斯福而建立的。 The orient shone on her face. 珍珠的光泽映在她的脸上。 The orient shone on her face. 珍珠的光泽映在她的脸上。 The dispute was settled by mediation. 争端已被调解了。 Competition for the nomination was very keen. 争取提名的竞争非常激烈。 The whole neighborhood talks about it. 整个街坊都在议论这件事。 The overall situation is worsening. 整体形势在日益恶化。 A whole year's hard work has all gone for nothing. 整整一年的辛苦全部化为乌有。 A whole year's hard work has all gone for nothing. 整整一年的辛苦全部化为乌有。 The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候机器偏偏坏了。 The orient sun is so radiant. 正在升起的太阳如此光辉灿烂。 The orient sun is so radiant. 正在升起的太阳如此光辉灿烂。 The government will not negotiate with the terrorists. 政府决不与恐怖分子谈判。 The politician geared his platform to the mob. 政客使自己的政治纲领迎合平民大众的口味。 She did not miss her necklace until she arrived home. 直到回到家里她才发现丢失了项链。 Plants get nourishment from the soil. 植物从土壤中吸取养料。 Only a millionaire could afford these prices. 只有百万富翁才能出得起这个价钱。 An oral agreement is not enough; we must have a written promise. 只有口头协议是不够的;我们必须有一个书面承诺。 Nothing but a miracle can save her life. 只有奇迹才能挽救她的生命。 Nothing but a miracle can save her life. 只有奇迹才能挽救她的生命。 Only one person can answer the question namely you. 只有一个人能回答这个问题,那就是你。 The needle of the compass shows that we're facing south. 指南针上的磁针显示我们处在朝南的位置。 I'm a newcomer to teaching. 至于教书,我还是个新手。 The snow melted away at noon. 中午雪融化了。 The bells rang out. 钟声响起。 He is known as a gifted orator. 众所周知,他是一位天才演说家。 The important thing is that she is eating normally. 重要的是她饮食正常。 The chairman's veto was overridden by the committee. 主席的否决被委员会推翻了。 Take note of what I say and don't forget it. 注意听我的话,不要忘记。 The garrison musters eighty men. 驻军共有八十名。 Merry Christmas to you! 祝你耶诞快乐! The slave catcher shouted: "Stop, you Negro." 抓逃跑奴隶的人大声喊道: "站住,你这黑鬼。" There is nothing on the table. 桌上什么都没有。 There is nothing on the table. 桌上什么都没有。 One of the legs of the table is broken. 桌子的一条腿坏了。 Aim carefully or you'll miss. 仔细瞄准,否则会击不中的。 To do something oneself is often easier than getting someone else to do it. 自己去办理一件事常常比请人去做来得容易。 Water is metered and charged for. 自来水是用水表计量收费的。 Water is metered and charged for. 自来水是用水表计量收费的。 The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法则的作用是永恒的。 The President was overruled by the Congress. 总统的意见被国会否决。 The President's official duties include being Commander in Chief. 总统的职责包括担任总司令。 The President nominated him Ambassador to Russia. 总统提名他担任驻俄国大使。 The President's message to Congress has to do with taxes. 总统向国会提出的咨文与税有关。 The President's speech was broadcast on a national television network. 总统演说由全国电视网联播。 It is a crime for the President to obstruct justice. 总统阻挠司法是犯罪。 He thought nothing of walking 40 miles. 走四十英里他并不当一回事。 He thought nothing of walking 40 miles. 走四十英里他并不当一回事。 The minimum wage is 4.25 dollars an hour. 最低工价为每小时四点二五美元。 It will take two hours at most to get there. 最多两小时便可到达那里。 We finally nailed the thief. 最后我们把小偷抓住了。 The last line is not clear, let's give it a miss. 最后一行不清楚,咱们跳过不看吧。 The criminal was finally caught in the net of justice. 罪犯终于落入法网。 The traffic accident was in the news yesterday. 昨天的新闻报导了这件交通事故。 He played a mean game of chess yesterday. 昨天他下了一盘十分出色的棋。 All yesterday he was out. 昨天他整天在外。 Jimmy mooned around all day yesterday. 昨天一整天吉米都在闲荡。 Yesterday we had a misty morning. 昨天早晨多雾。 A north wind was blowing hard last night. 昨晚北风刮得很紧。 The mercury dropped last night. 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司