翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 drag on …拖累,…的障碍 drag on economy 经济发展的拖累 drag on miserable existence 艰难地过着困苦的生活 drag on pipe 大口地抽烟斗 drag on progress 进步的障碍 drag one's feet 拖步而行 drag one's heel 故意延迟行动 drag oneself along 拖着脚步走 drag out 拖出来 drag out of 把…从…中拉出 drag out one's feeble existence 苟延残喘 drag out one's lecture 把讲活拖长 drag out one's speech 把演讲拖长 drag queen 男扮女装的男子同性恋者 drag sb. away fire 把某人从火边拉走 drag sb. down from one's high position 把某人从高位拉下来 drag sb. down to one's own level of crime 拖某人下水 drag sb. from fire 把某人从火边拉走 drag sb. into mire 拖人下水 drag sb. off to evening 硬把某人拖去参加晚会 drag sb. out of the room 把某人从房间里拖出来 drag sb. to the door 把某人拖至门口 drag tables into garden 把桌子拖进园子里 drag through 拖着…穿过 drag to 把…拖至 drag up 重提旧事,旧话,胡乱把孩子拉扯大 drain away 生命枯竭,怒气平息,紧张的心情消失,废水排尽 drain away manpower 消耗人力 drain from 从…中流掉 drain into river 流入河里 drain into sea 流入大海 drain into the Danube 向多瑙河排水 drain of 把某物中的…抽走,抽空,弄光,耗光某人的某物 drain of gold 黄金的外流 drain of uranium 铀的外流 drain off 排去液体 drain off liquids 排去液体 drain off rain 排掉雨水 drain on one's purse 经济上的大负担 drain on one's savings 储蓄的消耗 drain on one's strength 精力的消耗 drain on one's wealth 财力的消耗 drain resources 耗尽资源 drain sb. of his energy 耗尽某人的精力 drain slowly 慢慢排去 drain the field 排去田中的水 drain the tank of all water 排去储水箱中所有的水 drain water 排水 drain water away 排水 drain water from field 把田里的水排掉 drain well 排水很畅 drainage ditch 排水沟 drama club 话剧团 drama unfold 戏的剧情逐渐展开 dramatic art 戏剧艺术 dramatic changes 日新月异的变化 dramatic criticism 戏剧评论 dramatic event 给人印象深刻的事件,富有戏剧性的场面 dramatic performance 戏剧表演 dramatic society 剧团 draw after one's mother 很像母亲 draw against 从…支取 draw ahead 向前移动,领先 draw along the street 沿街拖着走 draw around at the table 围在桌子四周 draw at doors 在家门口停下来 draw at sight 见票即付 draw attention to 引起对…的注意 draw away from other boats 超越其他的船 draw back 拉开,招致,惹起,往回走,退却,缩回 draw badly 烟囱通风不好 draw between 分清…,划清… draw between ourselves and the enemy 分清敌我 draw blood 抽血 draw boat 拖小船 draw by a rope 用绳拖 draw check/cheque against an account 开一张与账户有往来的支票 draw down 把…向下移,扯下 draw down blinds 拉下百叶窗 draw draft 开汇票 draw easily 容易拔出 draw fire 吸引火力,成为…靶子,招来批评,引起非议 draw for a prize 抽奖 draw from 从…中抽出拔出,取出,吸取 draw from all ranks of society 从社会各阶层吸收 draw in 天变短,收网,引诱,紧缩开支,进站 draw in at 9:30 火车九点半进站 draw in one's breath 吸一口气 draw in one's horns 收敛自己的傲气,打退堂鼓 draw in water-color 用水彩绘 draw into 把…吸收入,把…抽成丝 draw lesson from 从…中吸取教训 draw level with sb. 和某人打成平局 draw map 绘制地图 draw money from an account 提取存款 draw money out 取出钱 draw near 日期、时刻等快到 draw near to 走拢 draw off 排出,脱去,撤退,转移注意力,车向…开过来 draw off troops 撤退军队 draw on 利用,穿上,戴上,吸收,引用,动用 draw on 从…支取 draw on account 从存款户头中取出一些钱 draw on experience 吸取经验 draw on knowledge 吸取知识 draw on one's socks 穿上袜子 draw on savings 动用积蓄 draw on sb. for 300 yuan 向…支取三百元 draw out 拔出,抽出,劝说,套出,使停下来 draw out battle 拖延战事 draw out important information 套出重要的情报 draw out one's watch 取出挂表 draw picture 画画 draw salary from 向…领薪水 draw sb. into a quarrel 使某人卷入一场争吵中 draw sb. out of the mire 使人摆脱困境 draw strength from 从…中吸取力量 draw tears from sb. 催人泪下 draw the curtain aside 拉开窗帘 draw through the water to the shore 从水中拖上岸 draw to a close 结束,终结 draw to an end 结束 draw together 使靠拢 draw towards the town 向那个城镇进发 draw up 提出,起草,制定,出题,吸收,使停住,整队 draw up a document 起草文件 draw up a list of 提出…的名单 draw up a plan 草拟计划 draw up a report 起草报告 draw up a report 草拟报告 draw up with sb. 追上某人 draw upon one's experience 根据自己的经验 draw water 抽水 draw well dry 把井水抽干 draw with a person 同某人不分胜负 draw with a team 同某队不分胜负 drawing board 画图板 drawing by a young artist 年轻画家的画 drawing on the block 木板画 drawing pen 绘画笔 drawing pin 图钉 drawing room 客厅 drawing table 制图桌 dream a dream 做梦 dream a dream 做梦 dream about 梦见,梦想 dream about mother 有关母亲的梦 dream away 虚度 dream away one's life 虚度一生 dream away one's time 虚度光阴 dream come true 梦想实现 dream forms 梦景,梦乡 dream house 梦寐以求的房子 dream of 梦见,梦想 dream of being a pilot 梦想当飞行员 dream of heart 心中的梦想 dream of meeting sb. 做梦遇见… dream of past 往日的梦 dream of succeeding 做梦想到成功 dream of trip 完美的旅行 dream out 虚度 dream through 虚度 dream to become a teacher 当教师的梦想 dream up 设想出,虚构,梦到,梦想 dream up an name 虚构一个名字 dream world 梦景,梦乡 dress after the English fashion 按英国式样打扮 dress as 穿…的服装,使穿得像 dress as a sailor 穿着海员的服装 dress as a woman 穿得像女人一样 dress become sb. 衣服对…合身 dress down 严加训斥 dress finely 穿得漂亮 dress fit 衣服合身 dress for 为某场合穿上礼服 dress for dinner 穿礼服赴宴 dress heavily 穿着厚实 dress in 使穿…的服装 dress in a uniform 穿着制服 dress in black 穿着黑色的服装 dress in blue 穿蓝色的衣服 dress in dark glasses 戴着墨镜 dress in Sunday best 穿上最漂亮的衣服 dress lightly 穿得轻便 dress out 穿上盛装 dress poorly 衣着寒酸 dress suit sb. 衣服对…合身 dress the salad 拌色拉生菜 dress the shop windows 布置商店橱窗 dress up 给…穿上盛装,把…打扮得漂亮,化妆,乔装 dress up as a soldier 打扮成军人 dress up as a workman 打扮成工人 dress up to the nines 衣着极为讲究 dress usually 常穿 dress warmly 穿得暖暖地 dress well 穿得好 dress with flags 悬挂着旗帜 drift about in sea 在海中四处漂泊 drift aimlessly 无目的地漂流 drift along 漫无目的地游荡,迷迷糊糊地过日子 drift apart 分开,疏远下去,放任自流 drift before wind 船随风漂流 drift down river 沿河而下 drift down stream 顺流而下 drift from chimney 烟从烟囱里飘出来 drift from one country to another 从一国流浪到另一国 drift from one subject to another 从一个主题转到另一个主题 drift ice 流冰 drift into habit 逐渐染上习惯 drift into high banks 积成高高的堆 drift into life of crime 陷入犯罪生涯 drift of affairs 事情的趋势 drift of clouds 浮云 drift of conversation 谈话的大意 drift of discourse 讲话的意图 drift of national minority 少数民族的迁移 drift of population from country to city 人口从乡村向城市迁移 drift of sb's thoughts 某人的思想倾向 drift of talk 谈话的意图 drift out to sea 漂往大海 drift purposelessly 无目的地漂流 drift sand 流沙 drift slowly 慢慢地漂流 drift through life 随波逐流,虚度年华 drift to some subject 转向某个问题 drift towards 朝…的倾向 drift towards bankruptcy 逐渐走向破产 drift towards collapse 渐趋崩溃 drift towards nationalism 国家主义倾向 drift towards war 发生战争的倾向 drift with 随…漂流 drift with current 随波逐流 drill discipline into 向…反复讲解纪律 drill for 钻探… drill for oil 钻探石油 drill in 在…方面操练 drill in grammar 语法练习 drill in translation 翻译训练 drill in/on pronunciation 发音操练 drill into 反复向…灌输 drill students 对学生进行训练 drill through chest 穿过胸膛 drill to bore a hole 钻孔的钻孔机 drink at one draft 一饮而尽 drink away one's reason 喝酒以致失去理智 drink deep 痛饮 drink down 喝光,植物吸收水分 drink earnings 把薪金花在酒上 drink from 用…喝 drink from a fountain 泉水 drink from a glass 用玻璃杯喝… drink hard 酗酒 drink heavily 酗酒 drink hours away 将时间在喝酒中浪费 drink in 汲取,陶醉于 drink in beauty of the scene 欣赏美景 drink in teacher's explanation 很注意地听教师解释 drink like a fish 牛饮 drink of 喝一口,分享一部分 drink of the cup 喝一杯 drink Of warm tea 热茶 drink off 喝光,植物吸收水分 drink oneself to death 纵饮致死 drink oneself to/into illness 喝酒致病 drink sb. under the table 把某人灌得酩酊大醉 drink spring 喝泉水 drink success to sb. 祝某人成功 drink tea 喝茶 drink the cup dry 饮尽杯中酒 drink the cup empty 饮尽杯中酒 drink the cup of joy 尝尽欢乐 drink to sb's health 为某人的健康成功干杯 drink to sb's success 为某人的健康成功干杯 drink up 喝光,植物吸收水分 drink up a glass of wine 把一杯酒一饮而尽 drink wine 喝酒 drip ceaselessly 不停地滴下 drip down from eaves 从屋檐上滴下 drip from 从…滴下 drip from face 从脸上滴下 drip from tap 从水龙头滴下 drip from tree 从树上滴下 drip sweat 大汗淋漓 drip through leaves 透过树叶撒下 drip with 充满 drip with perspiration 淌汗 drip with sarcasm 极尽挖苦 drip with tears 泪流满面 drips from leaky tap 从渗水的龙头滴下的水滴 drips from tree 树上滴下的水 drips Of rain 雨滴 drive a car 开车 drive a nail home 把钉子整个钉进去 drive a nail through a wall 把钉子钉进墙壁 drive a ship 轮船 drive a stone at a dog 以石投狗 drive a tractor 开拖拉机 drive a train 开火车 drive about on bicycle 骑自行车到处逛 drive across the field 驱车越过田野 drive across the sky 云在天空疾驰 drive against the window 击窗 drive along the beach 沿海滩行驶 drive at 意指…,用意在于,指望,想,打算… drive away 乘车走,开着车走掉 drive away an enemy 赶走敌人 drive away at drive 心做 drive away at one's work drive 心做自己的工作 drive back 驾车返回,迫使…后退 drive before the wind 船顺风行驶 drive children to 驾车送孩子到… drive donkey 赶驴 drive down 驾车沿驶去 drive foreign goods out of the market 将洋货逐出市场 drive in 驾车驶进 drive into 用车把…送进,赶进,敲进 drive into a corner 逼入困境 drive off 把车开走,驱散,清除,打败退 drive off a crowd 赶跑一群人 drive on 继续往前开 drive out 用车把…送出,驾车外出,逐出,排斥,排出 drive out into the country 驾车到郊外去玩 drive out of country 赶出国土 drive out the enemy 把敌人赶出去 drive sb. out of his mind 把某人逼疯,使某人神经错乱 drive sb. to drink 使某人嗜酒 drive the point home 彻底阐明这一点 drive through 乘车开过 drive through a place 驾车经过某地 drive to 驱车前往 drive to hotel 驾车送…到旅馆 drive to school 驾车送…上学 drive to station 送…到车站 drive up 车开了过来,抬高,使上 drop across 偶然遇到某人,某物,训斥,惩罚 drop away 一滴一滴地漏掉,陆陆续续离开,散去 drop back 后退,后撤,恢复 drop back into the old habit 恢复旧习惯 drop behind 后退,后撤,恢复 drop behind others 落在别人后面 drop behind the other runner 落在其他跑步者的后面 drop by 顺便走访,偶然拜访 drop by drop 一滴一滴地,一点一点地 drop coin 投硬币 drop down 扔下,卧倒 drop from heaven 从天上掉下来 drop from tree 从树上掉下来 drop idea 打消想法 drop in 顺便走访,偶然拜访 drop in any time 随时串门 drop in weight 重量减少 drop into 使落入,投入,偶然进去,顺便进入,不知不觉地养成某习惯,训斥 drop into sleep 不知不觉地睡着 drop into the water 落入水中 drop line 写信 drop name from the list 从名单上除去名字 drop off 一滴一滴地漏掉,陆陆续续离开,散去,衰落,减少,下降,掉下,脱落,睡着 drop off the train 下火车 drop on the floor 掉在地上 drop on the ground 撂/抛在地上 drop on/to one's knees 跪下 drop out 弃权,放弃,取消,不参加,从…中掉出,脱离 drop out from school 中途停学 drop out of 从…退出,从…消失 drop out of hand 从手里落下 drop out of school 退学 drop out of sight 从视线内消失 drop over 顺便走访,偶然拜访 drop plan 放弃计划 drop round 顺便走访,偶然拜访 drop through 崩馈,失败 drop to 落到,减少到,降低到 drop to the floor 落在地板上 drop to the ground 卧倒在地上 drop to the lowest point 降到最低点 drops of sweat 汗珠 drought dry up 长期干旱使…干涸 drown one's troubles in drink 借酒浇愁 drown voice 淹没声音 drug in the market 市场上的滞销品 drug on the market 市场上的滞销品 drum at door 咚咚地敲门 drum into 把…灌输给 drum on 敲打… drum on piano 连续弹奏钢琴 drum on table 连续敲桌子 drum out 赶出去 drum sth. into sb's ears 反复叙述使某人记住某事 drum sth. into sb's head 反复叙述使某人记住某事 drum stick 鼓槌 drum tower 鼓楼 drum up trade 招徕生意 drums roll 鼓声隆隆 drunk driver 喝醉酒的司机 drunk with 陶醉于…的 drunk with joy 陶醉于欢乐之中 drunk with power 手握大权而得意忘形 drunk with success 陶醉于胜利之中 dry by heat 用热烘干 dry clothes at the fire 在火旁烤干衣服 dry clothes in the sun 晒干衣服 dry down 弄干 dry for food 烘干以便食用 dry in the sun 晒干 dry off 弄干 dry oneself down after a shower 淋浴后把身子擦干 dry out 把…弄干 dry up 河流干涸,想象力枯竭,消失,住口 dry up in the wind 被风吹干 dry up the well 使井干涸 during a dream 在做梦时 earn a dollar 挣一元 ease distress 减轻苦恼 economic distress 经济困难 effective dose 有效剂量 electric drill 电钻 employ driver 雇用司机 enact drama 演戏 enforce a division 实施分裂 engine driver 火车司机 enormous drain 很大开支 epic drama 史诗剧 equal division 平分 escape draft 逃避征兵 evade draft 逃避兵役 evening draw on 黄昏快到 evening dress 晚礼服 everyone draw back 每个人都后退 excessive distress 无限悲伤 exchange dollars 兑换美元 express one's doubt 表示怀疑,有顾虑 Extramural division 校外教学部 extreme distress 极其悲痛 eye doctor 眼科医生 eye drops 眼药水,滴眼剂 face drowned in tears 泪流满面 factional division 派别的划分 fair distribution 公平的分配 fair division 公平的分配/分派 faithful dog 忠实的狗 falling dollar 行情正在下跌的美元 family doctor 家庭医生 farming district 农业区 fasten a door 关严门 fatal dose 药剂等的致死量 fearful dream 可怕的梦 feed a dog 喂狗 feel distress 感到悲伤/苦恼 feel doubts 感到怀疑,觉得疑惑,感觉有顾虑 fetch the doctor 去请医生宋 fierce dog 凶恶的狗 file documents 把文件归档 file for divorce 申请离婚 film draw well 电影很卖座 final draft 最后的修改稿 financial distress 财政困难 financial district 经济区 finish draft 完成草稿 finished drawing 已完成的绘画 fire drill 消防演习 fire driver 解雇司机 first draft 第一稿 five dollars 五元 fix a drink 调制一杯饮料 flat district 平原地区 follow sb's drift 听得懂某人的意思 fond dream 黄粱美梦,迷梦 food distribution 食物分配 for private distribution 用于个人的分配 force open the door 强行开门 forge document 伪造文件 forged document 伪造的文件 form drops 形成小滴 form the division 形成分界 formal division 正式分裂/分割,正式划分 formal dress 礼服 forward documents by air mail 空邮文件 friend drop in 朋友顺便来访 friend in distress 难友 from door to door 挨家挨门地 from novel into drama 把小说改编成戏剧 front door 前门,大门 full dress 大礼服 funny dream 有趣的梦 general drift 大意,总的倾向,一般趋势 geographical division 地理划分 get a divorce 获准离婚 get a dollar 得到一元 get a dozen 得到一打 get draft 得到汇票 get drift 了解意图 get drunk 喝醉 get drunk on brandy 喝白兰地喝醉了 get over distress 克服忧伤 give dose 给…服药 give sb. drip 给某人输液 glass door 玻璃门 go down drain 排走,化为乌有,浪费 go for a doctor 去请医生来 go on drug 吸毒 go to dream 进入梦乡,入睡 go to the doctor 去看医生 go to the dogs 堕落,灭亡 gradual drift 逐渐的趋势 grant a divorce 准许离婚 gratuitous distribution 免费配给 great distress 非常悲痛/苦恼 great doubt 非吵疑 great drop 大滴 guard a door 守卫门 guide dog 导盲狗 gun dog 猎鸟犬 half a dollar 半美元 half a dozen 半打 hand drill 手钻 hand pile driver 手工打桩机 hang a door 把门装上 happy dream 幸福的梦 harbour drift 港湾里漂浮的杂物 hard drug 烈性药,烈性麻醉剂 have a dollar 有一元 have a dozen 有一打 have a dream 做梦 have a drink 喝一杯 have a drop too much 喝得太多 have doubt about sth. 对某物有疑虑/疑问 have down on sb. 对某人无好感 have drill 操练 have in a doctor 请大夫宋 health district 卫生区 hear drip of water 听到水滴声 heavy door 沉重的门 heavy drain 很大开支 heavy weight division 重量级 high drama 正剧,令人提心吊胆的戏剧性情景 hire driver 雇用司机 historical document 历史文献 hit-and-run driver 肇事后逃离的汽车驾驶员 hold a drawing 进行抽签 holiday dress 节日的服装 home district 家乡地区 honest dollar 正当的钱 honour draft 兑付汇票 hot dog 红肠面包,小红肠 hot drink 热饮 house dog 看家狗 human document 人性记录 hungry dog 饿狗 iced drink 冰镇饮料 imaginary dream 南柯一梦 in a drip 一滴一滴地 in an extreme state of distress 处于极度苦恼之中 in distress 不幸的,遇难的,为难的 in doubt 感到怀疑 in drag 男子穿着女子服装 in drawing 画得准确 in dream 在梦中 in dress 穿衣服 in drink 喝醉 in drops 一滴一滴地 increase doubt 增加怀疑/疑虑/顾虑 industrial district 工业区 infantry division 步兵师 informal dress 便服 injurious doses 有害剂量 ink drawing 水墨画 insupportable distress 难以忍受的痛苦 introduce draft 采用兵役制 iron a dress 烫衣服 issue document to sb. 发给某人证件 jail driver 关押司机 judicious division of labor 明智的劳力分配 keep a door open 使大门敞开着,欢迎入内 keep dog 饲养狗 kick a door 把门踢开 knock at a door 敲门 knock on the door 敲门 lady doctor 女医生 land of dream 梦境 large district 大的地区 large doses 大剂量 last ditch 绝境 lay one's doubt 消除顾虑 lead a division 率领一个师 lead a dog 牵狗 lead the division into battle 带领全师投入战斗 learn division 学习除法 learned doctor 学问渊博的博士 learner driver 英见习汽车驾驶员 least doubt 最小的疑虑/顾虑 leave a door open 使大门敞开着,欢迎入内 legal documents 法律文件 let out dress 放大衣服 lethal dose 药剂等的致死量 license driver 发给司机驾驶证 lie at sb's door 归罪某人 lifeboat drill 救生艇训练 lifetime dream 终生的梦想 light dress 轻便的外衣,浅色的上衣 like a dog 像牛马一样地 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